Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape
Howto 11 years ago 456,121 views
This is our first time ordering fish online, we purchesed from Liveaquaria . They are a little expensive but have a great track record as well as a huge guarentee. I was all kinds of nervous not being able to pick out the fish but all seems well sense they arrived, i ordered 8 Celestial Pearl Danios, it was 2 more then i originally wanted but due to my nervousness i figured a few would die in transit or during acclimation. really happy with the service and will consider buying from them again. remember to like and subscribe for more if you have not :) extra tags fish fishtank aquarium tropical fish how to tips how to water change beginner cichlid discus acrylic glass fish tank freshwater fresh salt water saltwater tank gold fish ram tetra pleco l 046 how to start tank to buy fish beginner fish hardy fish plants dirted tank planted tank reef wood drift wood driftwood l 102 snowball pleco lda33 l 201 l 046 zebra pleco angle fish discus dwarf ram LFS Local fish store live aquaria liveaquaria aquascape galaxy rasbora celestial pearl danio
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50. comment for Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape
Yes it would be good to avoid that, any suggestions?
what u did meant 'up yours'.
But they are all beautiful and healthy specimens.
100. comment for Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape
But when I checked it said Wisconsin.
Except that "celestial pearls" are not technically danios at all. They're part of the rasbora family. There are true pearl danios, though, so it's easy to get them mixed up. "Celestial" is the key word.
for future reference, if they have to, small fish can go up to seven days without eating, comfortably, the larger fish can go longer, so if they don't nip for four or five days they'll be alright. the only fish i've really had starve to death are tetra youngsters. Danios are usually really, really hard to kill on accident.