Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape

This is our first time ordering fish online, we purchesed from Liveaquaria . They are a little expensive but have a great track record as well as a huge guarentee. I was all kinds of nervous not being able to pick out the fish but all seems well sense they arrived, i ordered 8 Celestial Pearl Danios, it was 2 more then i originally wanted but due to my nervousness i figured a few would die in transit or during acclimation. really happy with the service and will consider buying from them again. remember to like and subscribe for more if you have not :) extra tags fish fishtank aquarium tropical fish how to tips how to water change beginner cichlid discus acrylic glass fish tank freshwater fresh salt water saltwater tank gold fish ram tetra pleco l 046 how to start tank to buy fish beginner fish hardy fish plants dirted tank planted tank reef wood drift wood driftwood l 102 snowball pleco lda33 l 201 l 046 zebra pleco angle fish discus dwarf ram LFS Local fish store live aquaria liveaquaria aquascape galaxy rasbora celestial pearl danio

Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape sentiment_very_dissatisfied 425

Howto 11 years ago 456,121 views

This is our first time ordering fish online, we purchesed from Liveaquaria . They are a little expensive but have a great track record as well as a huge guarentee. I was all kinds of nervous not being able to pick out the fish but all seems well sense they arrived, i ordered 8 Celestial Pearl Danios, it was 2 more then i originally wanted but due to my nervousness i figured a few would die in transit or during acclimation. really happy with the service and will consider buying from them again. remember to like and subscribe for more if you have not :) extra tags fish fishtank aquarium tropical fish how to tips how to water change beginner cichlid discus acrylic glass fish tank freshwater fresh salt water saltwater tank gold fish ram tetra pleco l 046 how to start tank to buy fish beginner fish hardy fish plants dirted tank planted tank reef wood drift wood driftwood l 102 snowball pleco lda33 l 201 l 046 zebra pleco angle fish discus dwarf ram LFS Local fish store live aquaria liveaquaria aquascape galaxy rasbora celestial pearl danio

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Most popular comments
for Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape

Isaac Wayne
Isaac Wayne - 7 years ago
Did the color compare to what they showed?
Shakeel Zeeshan
Shakeel Zeeshan - 7 years ago
I want to purchase fish online . . .can i get the link from where shall i buy the fish online
The Superior Serperior
The Superior Serperior - 7 years ago
If y'all say the girls are annoying then get outta here, it's like saying you hate the song someone is playing but you still stay in the room
Havoc Vip
Havoc Vip - 7 years ago
Havoc Vip
Havoc Vip - 7 years ago
pure slytherin
pure slytherin - 7 years ago
4:31 he did not use peace
Clash with me
Clash with me - 7 years ago
Nice tank
Jose Leon
Jose Leon - 8 years ago
stupit little girl and dad
Angel Mendozaa
Angel Mendozaa - 8 years ago
i love your fish

10. comment for Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape

TheCreepyWorld - 8 years ago
So from your point of view how is pet solutions? I wanna order from them but not sure how it would go.
Virija Rani
Virija Rani - 8 years ago
Robert Luebke
Robert Luebke - 8 years ago
cute fam
Efficientlion !
Efficientlion ! - 8 years ago
Nice aquascape
Alex S
Alex S - 8 years ago
Beekon - 8 years ago
Nice shirt
Sandra Arguello
Sandra Arguello - 8 years ago
, 3483792$
Mat .Den
Mat .Den - 8 years ago
what fish are they
Stinger the Fox
Stinger the Fox - 8 years ago
It was 2014 when you ordered something online for the first time??
tasleem fatima
tasleem fatima - 8 years ago
stupid girl

20. comment for Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape

Alexander J.
Alexander J. - 8 years ago
I go to live aquaria
So nix
So nix - 8 years ago
execute the camera holder
13V - 8 years ago
This was a very nice video, thoroughly enjoyed it. Awesome dad? Nailed it!
Lab Lag
Lab Lag - 8 years ago
You First use you annoying kids for views witch is disgusting and second you do a video for some little fucking rasboras????
Mya Miller-Ahsan
Mya Miller-Ahsan - 8 years ago
Lab Lag your soooo rude! you are the one the chose to watch the video and his kids a beautifu! stfu!! jeez people
jason koontz
jason koontz - 8 years ago
Bruce Wilson
Bruce Wilson - 8 years ago
cool kids
James - 8 years ago
Wtf is wrong with youtube i searched octopus review and this is first
STOLEN MAZDAS - 8 years ago
dude nice sweatshirt
TheFreeSpontaneity - 8 years ago
this is so cute
Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo - 8 years ago
Your little girl can hold a camera better than most adults I know

30. comment for Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape

Elizabeth Marquez Sanchez
Elizabeth Marquez Sanchez - 8 years ago
quien grada qué mal
Joshua Whitaker
Joshua Whitaker - 8 years ago
side me fish
Apple Cow
Apple Cow - 8 years ago
Unboxing is good but the kids are annoying AF you should have told them to not interfere while You where recording
Pam Wilson
Pam Wilson - 8 years ago
Apple Cow how can you subscribe to super Mario login
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
i was nervous when i first ordered angelfish from angelsplus but they delivered the fish with no issues. tjey have amazing aneglfish
Bradley Wolf
Bradley Wolf - 8 years ago
I looked up octopus unboxing how is this on the top
boba fett
boba fett - 7 years ago
Bradley Wolf same
Caleb - 7 years ago
So did I...
Shivanan Pillay
Shivanan Pillay - 8 years ago
cool kids
Karen Harris-Compton
Karen Harris-Compton - 8 years ago
Great that you are including the whole family.
Bby Girl
Bby Girl - 8 years ago
Maybe try using a tripod I couldn't really see what was going on....
DracoRigel - 9 years ago
yet more know-it-all kids that spoil an otherwise informative video = fail.
Rizki Apriliana
Rizki Apriliana - 9 years ago
iku kan iwak cendol
Christina Brown
Christina Brown - 9 years ago
Don't let your kids work the camera. This shit is unwatchable.
TrypTrader - 9 years ago
Obviously a girl holding the camera isnt ideal but i think its cute and fun. Keep it up!
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
"I caynt see thum!" then get some frickin glasses! damn I hate little kids, even though I'm a kid myself.
The White Man
The White Man - 9 years ago
I feed about a half hour after the lights go on. Gives them time to get active before they eat. I don't know if it makes a difference but, I do it
Asif Ifas
Asif Ifas - 9 years ago
I don't know how I feel about the company. it could end up that everyone tries to do it. if successful local fish shops will dry up. if unsuccessful 1000s of fish suffering.
Oscar Sánchez TG
Oscar Sánchez TG - 9 years ago
>Click on interesting video
>Kids are talking
>Close the tab
Ayoub Igmir
Ayoub Igmir - 9 years ago
>Click on interesting video
>Kids are talking
>Complain on the comment section*
>Close the tab
Thomas Longo
Thomas Longo - 9 years ago
was that a butterfly knife?
Tristina Case
Tristina Case - 9 years ago
the kids are soooooooo anoying
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
I agree. ugh
Johnny Reza
Johnny Reza - 9 years ago
We have blood parrots and a long sucker fish

50. comment for Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape

Johnny Reza
Johnny Reza - 9 years ago
You should get oscars and blood parrots
reebok kfc devotee
reebok kfc devotee - 9 years ago
who ever is holding the video camer shud get executed
Abraham Alburez
Abraham Alburez - 8 years ago
+reebok kfc devotee lmao
MasterOfAllGaming - 9 years ago
Hey bud this was filmed with a potato
MasterOfAllGaming - 9 years ago
+Tommy Gun ikr hes crazy asf
Tommy Gun
Tommy Gun - 9 years ago
+sugafly you want a little child to be executed? Your parents raised you wrong you mentally ill weirdo
CityReefer - 9 years ago
Nice video.
0welshboy2 - 9 years ago
Hi I was wondering how many l is ur tank thanks
Paul Miller
Paul Miller - 9 years ago
How do they survive in the process of being shipped?!
Daniel Billotti
Daniel Billotti - 8 years ago
Plus fish have small stomachs so they don't need to be fed CONSTANTLY
Thomas Longo
Thomas Longo - 9 years ago
oxygen is packed Inti the bags of fish and each box is padded and insulated.
Demir Ozada
Demir Ozada - 9 years ago
Great vid man! keep going!
Jessica Rodriguez
Jessica Rodriguez - 9 years ago
octopus is mine best sea animal ever
Marisol Oviedo
Marisol Oviedo - 9 years ago
you have a bump on your hand
Marisol Oviedo
Marisol Oviedo - 9 years ago
your kids are cute
Ya boy Harambe
Ya boy Harambe - 9 years ago
how much for starter pet seahorse?
Kyle Scott
Kyle Scott - 9 years ago
Get a tripod the little girl cant hold the camera on the subject
Lilian Ventura
Lilian Ventura - 8 years ago
POW 1 - 9 years ago
wished my Girls would help me like ur Girls
mrbeast - 9 years ago
Just go to the pet store
Japhet Anciado
Japhet Anciado - 9 years ago
May Jesus bless your family :-)
And now you have a italian follower.:-)...if you want visit my aquarium channel you and your family are welcome :-)
Young Woodsman
Young Woodsman - 9 years ago
last time i ordered from liveaquaria the fish came alright... most were upside down but alive but most died and their warranty didnt do anything for me and they never sent me more fish
Odayaka - 9 years ago
+UpsideDown Aquatics They don't send you new fish, they refund you.
PumpkinPoem - 9 years ago
dannios right? thay are vegitarian fish :)
PumpkinPoem - 9 years ago
no worries :)
ctln fxx
ctln fxx - 9 years ago
+PumpkinPoem ok sorry
PumpkinPoem - 9 years ago
english is not my native language
ctln fxx
ctln fxx - 9 years ago
+PumpkinPoem they *
Allure Pyre
Allure Pyre - 9 years ago
I order my sharks through them and eels. They are the best online fish store I'll go to.
valentin yagami
valentin yagami - 9 years ago
buy you a cameraman
Loli Kephalē
Loli Kephalē - 9 years ago
Im sorry for all the mean comments. Your girls are wonderful. Thanks for your videos!
Loli Kephalē
Loli Kephalē - 8 years ago
+Apple Cow i sincerely pray to the Lord that what you say comes true. By your own admission may you never have children. Gods will come in Christ Jesus name Amen.
puppy love
puppy love - 8 years ago
+Apple Cow Bruce wilson is my Grandpa
Apple Cow
Apple Cow - 8 years ago
+Kaia Is A Potato It's unprofessional
Bruce Wilson
Bruce Wilson - 8 years ago
+Apple Cow you are mean
Kaia Is A Potato
Kaia Is A Potato - 8 years ago
+Garfild theodd1sout I'm sure you can click off the video. So what? They're his kids. It would be mean if he told them to get out while he recorded when they want to see the fish and help. Don't hate on little kids...
Apple Cow
Apple Cow - 8 years ago
STFU those kids are annoying only 6 year olds like u think kids are cute kids are immature little brats and this is the reason I don't and don't plan on getting those fucking scumbags
Tsukune Aono
Tsukune Aono - 9 years ago
please get a tripod instead of your daughter its annoying when it moves around
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
should have had the lights lower. too much stress to open box in light.
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
For heavens sake open the damn box a little faster than that. boring
stratoman YJM
stratoman YJM - 9 years ago
have the girls hold the dam box flaps LOL...
Lucas Lowther
Lucas Lowther - 9 years ago
I want that shirt!!!!!!!!
Scxrs- 6
Scxrs- 6 - 9 years ago
plz checkout my channle
Greatviddude - 9 years ago
You'd get a lot more likes if you didn't have annoying kids in your videos
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
lol. Ikr?
Chelsea Wiersma
Chelsea Wiersma - 9 years ago
You have such a beautiful family. :)
Cyn :3
Cyn :3 - 9 years ago
Your girls are soooo cute!!!
Erik Watson
Erik Watson - 9 years ago
I hate 6 yr old girls there so faking annoying
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
me too
Discocat 53
Discocat 53 - 9 years ago
2:04 that's my name!
scuss Katz
scuss Katz - 9 years ago
this isn't an aquascape XDXD
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
that is a very simple scape but it is scape non the really should research aqua scaping cause not all have to be super elaborate.some can be quite simple like this one where the main focus and plants are on one side of the tank.
LordTickle - 9 years ago
Aqua= water so aquascape means a scape under water.
scuss Katz
scuss Katz - 9 years ago
or not do your research dick face 
LordTickle - 9 years ago
Any tank is a aquascape stupid!
Luke Baldwin
Luke Baldwin - 9 years ago
Good luck
M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 9 years ago
This is all good, but Live Aquaria actually PROMOTES pulling from the reef, so I buy somewhere else.
Ice Sharq
Ice Sharq - 9 years ago
+M.R. Hawks Yeah, you do know that only a very small percent of Marines have actually been successfully bred in captivity. They actually carry alot of captive-bred fish compared to most onlines because captive breds are usually more expensive and won't sell as much. They also sell many captive-bred corals if you actually look at there page.
CrazyBirdyBird - 9 years ago
+M.R. Hawks
Yes it would be good to avoid that, any suggestions?
Mark Alfrey
Mark Alfrey - 9 years ago
So wear do you buy ur fish?
Electro Spot
Electro Spot - 9 years ago
You ordered pearl danios online?  They are like 60 cents at any local fish store.  Good video though, cute kids.
ShinyGoldBacon - 9 years ago
+SavantAudiosurf Not pearl danios, celestial pearl danios. I've never seen celestial pearls less than $4 each here, and come to think of it, only one store that I know of ever carries them. Regular pearl danios are cheap, and available at a lot of Petcos and Petsmarts, though.
ameen f
ameen f - 9 years ago
you did the peace sign wrong.
what u did meant 'up yours'.
jay dee
jay dee - 9 years ago
Your the biggest kid in that video.
Διαδικτυακός εθνικογαμιστής
Διαδικτυακός εθνικογαμιστής - 8 years ago
jay dee and I'm sponge bob
Anilese Peterson
Anilese Peterson - 9 years ago
+jay dee You're*
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
another video with the shakes that gave me a headache.  thumbs down
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+BESTROFLMAN that profile pic XD awesome
InterstellarGenisys - 9 years ago
+Dennis Younger What can you expect, it's a toddler recording.
Myrna Lopez
Myrna Lopez - 10 years ago
Rider Hawley
Rider Hawley - 10 years ago
Maggie the Border collie
Maggie the Border collie - 10 years ago
nice aquarium :))
Ethan Mcmullan
Ethan Mcmullan - 10 years ago
Were do they post from
BoxerGirl0901 - 10 years ago
Top Gear!!! My Favorite
Robert Hoang
Robert Hoang - 10 years ago
cute video :3
Plants and Fish
Plants and Fish - 10 years ago
aloooooooooooooooooooooooooot of coloring, would not have known they were pearldanios
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 10 years ago
Great video and channel my friend :)
shigrid joy Tela
shigrid joy Tela - 9 years ago

Sandra C
Sandra C - 10 years ago
Last order I placed was 1 angelfish and 6 botia striata. They sent me an extra angel and I'm guessing they're both male because they it wasn't long before one was harassing the other. I half expected that to happen when I saw the extra so I promptly got another 40 gallon breeder and started cycling shortly after the fish arrived. Thanks LiveAquaria.

But they are all beautiful and healthy specimens.
ItzaNikkiHere - 10 years ago
I recently subscribed
Jason Padilla
Jason Padilla - 10 years ago
Another Top Gear fanatic!
doggiesarus - 10 years ago

100. comment for Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape

User - 10 years ago
U put your fingers up
TheLapisMinecrafter - 10 years ago
your daughters should be mrs.obvious
Seedy Mcfly
Seedy Mcfly - 8 years ago
TheLapisMinecrafter what a burn.
dongbuka - 10 years ago
hey! say hey!
Micheal Shawn
Micheal Shawn - 10 years ago
any new videos? been a while since u guys last posted a video!
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Where is LiveAquaria? Like which state?
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+DutchTristan DT
But when I checked it said Wisconsin.
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
Live aquaria is alright. Their prices are a little too over priced and plus they gave me pearl danio when i ordered Turquoise blue rainbowfish. That is a rip off but i hope that you will try to breed your celestial pearl danio like me. :) i have 4 fry now as i can count.
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
No I didn't because it had been a few months before I realized.
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 10 years ago
They're usually pretty on the ball from what I hear. Did you contact their customer service about it?
Parker Barton
Parker Barton - 10 years ago
Nice I am getting 2 Zebra Danios 2 African Dwarf frogs 2 Lyretail Guppies and 2 Bloodfin Tetras
K00L VIDEOS - 10 years ago
nice unboxing mate . thanx 4 sharing
X SU - 10 years ago
can you tell me how much did the shipping cost?
Kinjue - 10 years ago
Ok thanks
Kinjue - 10 years ago
Was it a lot of money because I'm considering ordering some -thanks
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
 Buy off ebay. Its wayyyy cheaper. 
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 10 years ago
yeah it was a decent amount, i think it was around $7 per fish, and then 35ish for shipping
Morse Code
Morse Code - 10 years ago
Where are you from? I have considered ordering from LiveAquaria, but the fish ship from California and I live in Alabama. That's a long way for a fish to travel... What's the benefit of ordering online versus buying at the LFS? 
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 10 years ago
big chain stores for me are a no go unless i need filters or something like that and its the closest thing. as its your only choice i totally understand and the shipping charges are alot but thats why you can order from alabama and the fish arive alive from cali. i would not suggest every fish order be online, but if you have a showfish you really want or something specific its worth saving up the extra if you can (imo)
Morse Code
Morse Code - 10 years ago
Thanks for your response. I may give it a try. My only options are the big chain stores, and buying from them makes me uneasy for some reason... If the shipping charges weren't so high, it'd be a no brainer for me.
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 10 years ago
from NY, It is a long way but look at it as time not distance. you can order from a state over and it will still take a day to ship in most case's. There are a few benifits from ordering online. the variety is much greater then a lfs, alot of times there is better quality from reputable shops. plus you can find alot more reviews about a place such as live aquaria (which is one of the best imo) compared to very few of a lfs. it will be more expensive but there is the saying you get what you pay for. im sure you can find good deals at a lfs, we have one we go to time to time. but the fish i got for this tank are still going strong and have never had an issue with them.
Terri Gordon
Terri Gordon - 10 years ago
CPDs are awesome little fish. I have a species only tank with a bunch of these guys.
cowrunning - 10 years ago
great video and I love top gear UK!
cowrunning - 10 years ago
+Fish Tank Family  yes it sure it, heck I have it on behind me right now haha
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 10 years ago
thank you! yeah the show is very addicting haha
ealaibracket1 - 10 years ago
I really enjoyed this. Your family is amazing. Your lovely kids make the videos so enjoyable. What a great family you have!
Sniper Hacker
Sniper Hacker - 8 years ago
+Meng Lee nice ha ha
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee
Mgtow Monk Templar Meng John Lee - 9 years ago
+Fish Tank Family I got myself an african pike for only 50$, they are like 28 inches. pretty good deal for a beast of a fish. now he is in a 100 gallon rubbermaid stock tank with a regular hang over heater.
Ed DaVinci
Ed DaVinci - 9 years ago
+ealaibracket1 Thought 100% the same!! :))
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 10 years ago
Jurassiccraft101 - 10 years ago
Yeah. Little hands REALLY help
Kamdon Day
Kamdon Day - 11 years ago
Nothing like having little helpers!
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
yeah they are great! its awesome how they are just as excited about the hobby as me :)
Dan Barlow
Dan Barlow - 11 years ago
I love how excited your daughter is, you're a lucky man. I've been feeding my CPD's the nano krill from Southern Delight and they go nuts for it. Looking forward to your next update bud.
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
Thanks man! i got them eating on brine shrimp and .5mm new life spectrum with garlic. they seem to like both :)
Jwhiser1302 - 11 years ago
Nice! Live Aquaria is were it's at, great people with great fish and service! Lookin great, beautiful fish!
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
thanks! yeah it costs a little more then if you buy from a lfs but i can't complain about the service or the quality of fish!
Kimberly H.
Kimberly H. - 11 years ago
This is adorable !
swimming lessons
swimming lessons - 11 years ago
i like your videos. very cute!
Foxy the fox
Foxy the fox - 7 years ago
wach my videos plz
Farah Izzati
Farah Izzati - 10 years ago
I love your vid man oops i mean family
Farah Izzati
Farah Izzati - 10 years ago
Ya me to!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
Thanks glad you have enjoyed!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 11 years ago
Sick additions!! That is the only place i have seen the danios. Cant wait to see how they do in your tank.
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
lol thanks, thats what hours of reading and even longer watching youtube will get you :)
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 11 years ago
Bro! you are like a encyclopedia of fish! Looking them up
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
well once you get your edge back you can put them there ;) another good small fish is the emerald dwarf rasbora
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 11 years ago
nice. I really want to get a tank with these! Since the day you told me about them... I am just waiting to have a place for them
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
i have found them before, but i wanted to go with them for there guarentee and track record to start out with. finally got them to eat last night and there color started coming back almost instantly haha
Cam'sJungleAquaria - 11 years ago
Nice, I like how the whole family's into it. I hate it when new fish won't eat. It took mine a least 4 days before they even nibbled at anything.
dragonrage122 - 10 years ago
+Lisa Foster I didn't know that, I seem to learn something new every day :3
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 10 years ago
 Except that "celestial pearls" are not technically danios at all. They're part of the rasbora family. There are true pearl danios, though, so it's easy to get them mixed up. "Celestial" is the key word.
dragonrage122 - 10 years ago
+Fish Tank Family
for future reference, if they have to, small fish can go up to seven days without eating, comfortably, the larger fish can go longer, so if they don't nip for four or five days they'll be alright. the only fish i've really had starve to death are tetra youngsters. Danios are usually really, really hard to kill on accident.
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
thanks man, glad you enjoyed. i finally got them to eat on some baby brine shrimp today. at least i know they got something :)
Freshwaterfishvids - 11 years ago
love that aquascape man
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
really glad you like it! the longer i look at it the more mistakes i see haha, and now im starting to get an algea problem. smalll but its there
jeremiemcd - 11 years ago
Great pick up, love those fish, they have awesome colors=)
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
every pic i seen i love them, hoping mine color up nice!, only seen them in person once a while ago at a lfs and they were pretty bad off. But just 24 hours in they are looking much better already!
Everything Fish
Everything Fish - 11 years ago
Nice bro, how big is that tank again? 10?
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 11 years ago
no its a 5 gal, prob only gonna keep half of them in tank as they get bigger (which they stay less then an inch long so not a big deal :) )

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About Live Aquaria Unboxing and first fish in aquascape

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