Step by step aquascape time lapse: Aqueous Reflection 90cm Aquavas

Welcome back guys! After a couple months of hoarding plants, wood, stones, and gathering all the components I needed for this aquascape, I was finally ready to put it all together and I recorded the whole process for you all to enjoy and learn from. This 90cm Aquavas System is truely the tank of my dreams and the closest you can get to an ADA system without spending a ridiculous amount of money. I will be posting up a full plant/fish stocklist next week when I do a one week update video, by then all the fish should be in the tank and the water will be crystal clear for y'all. I want to give a special thanks to ADG (Aquarium Design Group) where I bought all of the hardscape materials and the majority of the plants, I'm truely lucky to have a nature aquarium retail store like ADG here in Houston. Also a special thank you to Aquavas for creating such a nice tank and platform for aquascapers like me to work with. lastly, I would love some feedback from you guys, what kind of videos would you like to see? do you see any improvements I can make from my current videos for my future videos? I have some tutorials coming and plan to do little profile videos for any new fish or plants I buy. I would love to hear your feedback, let me know in the comments! song credit: Peace of Mind - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Step by step aquascape time lapse: Aqueous Reflection 90cm Aquavas sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Howto 9 years ago 163,794 views

Welcome back guys! After a couple months of hoarding plants, wood, stones, and gathering all the components I needed for this aquascape, I was finally ready to put it all together and I recorded the whole process for you all to enjoy and learn from. This 90cm Aquavas System is truely the tank of my dreams and the closest you can get to an ADA system without spending a ridiculous amount of money. I will be posting up a full plant/fish stocklist next week when I do a one week update video, by then all the fish should be in the tank and the water will be crystal clear for y'all. I want to give a special thanks to ADG (Aquarium Design Group) where I bought all of the hardscape materials and the majority of the plants, I'm truely lucky to have a nature aquarium retail store like ADG here in Houston. Also a special thank you to Aquavas for creating such a nice tank and platform for aquascapers like me to work with. lastly, I would love some feedback from you guys, what kind of videos would you like to see? do you see any improvements I can make from my current videos for my future videos? I have some tutorials coming and plan to do little profile videos for any new fish or plants I buy. I would love to hear your feedback, let me know in the comments! song credit: Peace of Mind - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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Most popular comments
for Step by step aquascape time lapse: Aqueous Reflection 90cm Aquavas

Mango_Army - 7 years ago
What was that background you added at the beginning? Looks amazing!
Mango_Army - 7 years ago
thanks man!!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
frosted window film, found at home depot in the windows section
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 7 years ago
What was the purpose of putting the small stones on the base of the tank before you added the substrate ?
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 7 years ago
Glass Canvas Aquascape thank you .. i absolutely live this scape ! I want to try something similar but the hardscape materials are so expensive here in the uk !
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
it serves two main purposes here. The porous lava rocks provide more surface area for beneficial bacteria to colonize as well as fills up more volume in the substrate base so that it would require less aquasoil to get the height desired.
muffemod - 7 years ago
Too bad cost more than ADA :(
Flash Light
Flash Light - 7 years ago
What is that powder thing which is uses before pouring the soil ??
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
those are ADA substrate additives, clear super, bacter100, and tourmaline bc. a quick google search will help you find out what they each do. In short, they are carbon, bacteria, and tourmaline
Brle ivan
Brle ivan - 7 years ago
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Are these aquariums fused or siliconed?
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Glass Canvas Aquascape thx. I was hoping they were fused because I hate the idea of doing the silicone work again. Just the terrible thought of tearing down a planted aquarium.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
They are held together with silicon, but they are done very well so the silicon is almost invisible
Vi Vi
Vi Vi - 7 years ago
Love the way this video was made, what do you use for the aquarium background? I love the look of it
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
Thanks! Its frosted glass window film you can find it at Home Depot
bobin1973 - 7 years ago
Great scape!
Which kind of wood is this?
bobin1973 - 7 years ago
Thank you!✌
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
thanks! I believe this is hornwood
Nigel Aquascaping
Nigel Aquascaping - 7 years ago

10. comment for Step by step aquascape time lapse: Aqueous Reflection 90cm Aquavas

Alessandro Damario
Alessandro Damario - 7 years ago
Incredible aquarium. Very nice overall aesthetic. Wish i could have seen the fish in there!!
ShlomiD Aquarium
ShlomiD Aquarium - 7 years ago
naldjb - 7 years ago
i wish you had more instructions of what materials you are using and what plant you are planting throughout the video..
Pavol Prok
Pavol Prok - 8 years ago
Love it. Which rocks did you please use?
Dean White
Dean White - 8 years ago
hello again, is that a specific branded product you've used as a base layer or just a lava rock etc?
Steve Murphy
Steve Murphy - 8 years ago
Fantastic !
Senthil Kumar
Senthil Kumar - 8 years ago
Vear veary nice
ronitovi - 8 years ago
Pushing the driftwood directly into the sand (especially into Ada Amazoina) is not a good idea. You must be very careful. My advise would be never to do that. It crashes the sand and turns it into the dust so easily if you push that hard. And that will lead to 2 things if there are too much of the dust:
1. Your water gets blurry each time you plant-unplant something in those areas and even after every water change
2. Each time those blury water comes, there's a risk for habitants because depending on the amount it may trigger amonium exploit in your tank. It may also trigger algea problems too.

The hardscaping process is in the wrong order for this style. After you decide your whole scape,, you need to put some "fixer stones" to help you fix your driftwood. In your specific work, they need to be in the size as your stones that you used at the end.

You can either put those fixer stones on to the substrate gravel OR (if you want to have your driftwood at higher levels, like an island or so) just add a thin layer of Ada Amazonia sand before doing that. But do NOT push them into the sand. Just leave them onto the sand. For your situation, I would use the final stones as the fixer stones. While they are looking good, they can also work to stabilize the driftwood.

Then you can start putting your woods where you want them to be. Those stones will help you to fix your driftwood, just make sure they are right positioned for your driftwood edges. Can you see the difference now? This way you don't need to push anything inside the sand, instead, just leave them on top. When you want to change the position, you will by the way to get your final scape, just lift the stone and leave it elsewhere. No pushing = no problem at all. Just move them until you get what you want. Lift and drop...

After you stabilized your driftwood with the stones, now you can add more Ada Amazonia to stabilize even more and finalize your setup.
sparaaaa - 8 years ago
What type of driftwood is this ?
Serkan Yunlu
Serkan Yunlu - 8 years ago
There is a difference in driftwood setup at the end,,

20. comment for Step by step aquascape time lapse: Aqueous Reflection 90cm Aquavas

Osama RZ
Osama RZ - 8 years ago
Great work.
Richard Walley
Richard Walley - 8 years ago
What holds the frosted film on? Is it like a sticker?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
yep, its like a giant sticker
Richard Walley
Richard Walley - 8 years ago
I have a aquavas 120p setup if anyone is interested
Richard Walley
Richard Walley - 8 years ago
Where did you get that frosted film?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
at home depot
Денис Галкин
Денис Галкин - 8 years ago
which film is used for the background?
Gary Murphy
Gary Murphy - 8 years ago
amazing aquascape! What is that sheeting your putting on the back of the tank?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thank you! It is frosted glass window privacy film from Home Depot
chuck talyor
chuck talyor - 8 years ago
instructions unclear; got my dick stuck in a filter.
Rattle larry
Rattle larry - 7 years ago
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
LOL! It took me 5 times before I learned my lesson. You'll get the hang of it buddy ;)
Edgar Rojo
Edgar Rojo - 8 years ago
hello bud... what is the poder you use un the soil? im a novice and want to do my first planted aquarium
Enrique Calixtro
Enrique Calixtro - 8 years ago
gracias por darnos buenos Conejos una pregunta siempre es necesario tener co2 para Las plantas so de Peru
Chanel I-NET
Chanel I-NET - 8 years ago
plastic for aquarium ? name ? can u tell me ?
Chanel I-NET
Chanel I-NET - 8 years ago
sure, ty for information..
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
do you mean the background? it is frosted glass window privacy film

30. comment for Step by step aquascape time lapse: Aqueous Reflection 90cm Aquavas

SG studios
SG studios - 8 years ago
David Garcia Jr.
David Garcia Jr. - 8 years ago
BourbonBandit - 8 years ago
I'm not sure how I got here, but this is beautiful.
Osiris ZH
Osiris ZH - 8 years ago
What is the size of the aquarium?
Gustapo Gomez
Gustapo Gomez - 8 years ago
what is the wood called?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
ADA hornwood
ej santos
ej santos - 8 years ago
Terry Bell
Terry Bell - 8 years ago
I've been an aquarist since the mid-50's and must say, this video was mesmerizing! My largest ever tank was 40 gallons and what with moving and life changes I didn't have it very long. Since retiring I have given up keeping my own tanks but as long as you put out videos like this one, I'll be able to keep my hand in, albeit vicariously. Thanks for sharing.
Sylvie Orioli
Sylvie Orioli - 8 years ago
Fantastico... lo fa sembrare facile... Davvero complimenti.
wasntmeization - 8 years ago
So mesmerizing! Thank you so much for sharing this! Made me feel really calm and harmonious :)
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
good to hear!
Michael Rinsailova
Michael Rinsailova - 8 years ago
Hi been watching this vedio and its updates a couple of times and loving it more and more . I wud like to scape a similar style and wud really appreciate it if you could tell me about the fern in the background the long leaf one and also the other plants use . Thanks
Marcus Andersén
Marcus Andersén - 8 years ago
It looks better at 11:09 then the final result :D
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
Agreed, but then the REAL final result about 3 months later was the best, check out the 1hr video i posted of it
Quoc Diep
Quoc Diep - 8 years ago
Where did you get those rocks?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I collected them from railroad tracks
Zoe Kim
Zoe Kim - 8 years ago
This is so beautiful and relaxing. Do you use these as aquariums or solely for plants?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
Casey Anderson
Casey Anderson - 8 years ago
Awesome tank and great video. what is the material you used on the back of your aquarium?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
frosted glass window privacy film. you can find it at home depot
Muhd Hamizan
Muhd Hamizan - 8 years ago
Wow nice!! You're my new Favourite subscriber in YouTube right now. Great Production quality and Scaping right there. Oh yeah btw are those Spiderwoods? And do you soak/boil them first before you start with your Scaping?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thanks for the compliment! It is not spiderwood, I believe this is hornwood. The wood is heavy and dense so it sinks without having to boil it first, it did not release any tannins either because they were used in a tank before mine.
Em H
Em H - 8 years ago
do you do this for a living or a hobby or both?
Em H
Em H - 8 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape that would be neat!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
right now, as a hobby. hopefully one day I can do this for a living
John Mitchell
John Mitchell - 8 years ago
Inspiring. Thanks.
almond1915 - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but that truly is a work of art.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+almond1915 why would you be sorry?
Rommel R
Rommel R - 8 years ago
What is that carbon bottle anyway?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Rommel R a carbon bottle has some sort of carbon in it that dechlorinates the water as it passes through the bottle, I bought mine from Aquarium Design Group here in Houston,TX
Rommel R
Rommel R - 8 years ago
You've given me confidence to use my tap water instead of buying RO. Thanks and keep up the good work
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Rommel R it really depends on the parameters of your tap water, even houses located only 30 mins apart can have drastically different tap water parameters

50. comment for Step by step aquascape time lapse: Aqueous Reflection 90cm Aquavas

Rommel R
Rommel R - 8 years ago
Man..this is a super clean aquascape job! Do you fill your tank with tap water and use prime?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Rommel R thanks, and yes i fill with tap water, but its run through a carbon bottle so there is no need for prime
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
Awesome tank, What is the plant list?
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape Thanks...will do
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Neill Jansen van Vuuren please check the description in the 1 week update video for the plant list
medoo aldbag
medoo aldbag - 9 years ago
I wish I could be me like this
Dean White
Dean White - 9 years ago
Hey friend, can you please point me in the right direction; what is the film backdrop that you use and how/where can I purchase it?
Dean White
Dean White - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape brilliant, thanks heaps!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Dean White I got the film at Home Depot in the section where they sell stuff for windows, this is a frosted glass film for window privacy, should be around 20$ for like 6ft of it
coolwater411 - 9 years ago
Where you brought those driftwood at?
Rahul Rajendran
Rahul Rajendran - 9 years ago
Dude you are one of the finest aquarist i have ever seen in youtube
Matt B
Matt B - 9 years ago
What kind of rock is that you were adding at 8:52?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+ItsNotButterOMG you're probably thinking of ADA yamaya stone, they look similar but have slightly different color and shapes/texture
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+ItsNotButterOMG even better, you can get it for free! lol
Matt B
Matt B - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape Thanks, I see it in a lot of aquascapes and thought you could buy it somewhere.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+ItsNotButterOMG its actually just some stones i found on the railroad tracks, i think they call it "rip rap"
Sean Hartley
Sean Hartley - 9 years ago
Beautiful aquascape
Clayton Jessup
Clayton Jessup - 9 years ago
Beautiful set up, from start to finish. I love the nice clean look of the stainless steel filter pipes as well. Props very well done .
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Clayton Jessup thank you! be sure to check out the 80 day update, it really looks great after the plants grew in
Prawnchowmein - 9 years ago
Perfect music for this video, beyond awesome, It's so relaxing to watch
Adam Colley
Adam Colley - 9 years ago
Forgive my ignorance as I'm very new to this hobby, and Australian, But what are those three products you dusted on the bottom and then on the base rocks? And what function does it serve?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Adam Colley those are ADA substrate additives, clear super, bacter100, and tourmaline bc. a quick google search will help you find out what they each do.
Trafalgar Law
Trafalgar Law - 9 years ago
Kids in Africa could have eaten those plants!
muffemod - 7 years ago
dast racists!
SilverPower - 9 years ago
what is the dimensions of the tank ??
Dean White
Dean White - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape great, looks amazing. thanks for your quick response.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Dean White  yes, 50cm tall
Dean White
Dean White - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape Hi there, 50cm tall? Ta
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+SilverPower 90cmx45cmx50cm
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
Looks amazing. Is that lava rock you put under the ADA aqua soil?
Dtt4 - 9 years ago
Rich! that tank and lighting and tools etc except the plants and soils cost a fortune.
Dtt4 - 9 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape Anyways can't deny that quality though. It's top notch stuff.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Dtt4 plants and soil costs a fortune too lol
Padilla Acuarios
Padilla Acuarios - 9 years ago
muy bonito el decoramiento y como decimos en mèxico chido chido
Aquatasy - 9 years ago

And just like that I have a new favorite channel. Your videos are marvelous. Your aquascaping skills are superb. Everybody in this hobby needs to subscribe to your channel. Brilliant.
Aquatasy - 9 years ago
I understand the struggle to get out frequent content all too well. I feel your pain. Don't sweat it. When you are producing quality content like this the wait will always be worth it.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Aquatasy thank you so much for such kind words, I'm trying to get content out more frequently and more consistently for you guys, new video soon, maybe by sunday
FexxaGaming - 9 years ago
Awesome! :)
Stefano Bonalume
Stefano Bonalume - 9 years ago
I liked it better Those nice woods with Bolbitis, Microsorum and Anubias, a little layer of amber sand and some rocks. Nice btw.
Rodrigo Guimarães
Rodrigo Guimarães - 9 years ago
What a video!
The stand to hold the aquarium has a metal structure? Or just wood?

Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+SonarIsDead just wood
meeiu - 9 years ago
Very well done!!
Everything is on point! Thank you for the frosted glass look film idea! :D
Alexander Montserin
Alexander Montserin - 9 years ago
great setup and video cant wait to see some new setups.
robykevin valentini
robykevin valentini - 9 years ago
thank you so much i love your videos...good job!
robykevin valentini
robykevin valentini - 9 years ago
what kind of plants did you use?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+robykevin valentini check out my 1 week update video's description there is a full list of plants and fish, there were over 20 species of plants
siu fu Wong
siu fu Wong - 9 years ago
Very nice
Kristina Lavoie
Kristina Lavoie - 9 years ago
I'm planting my 90p tomorrow, will be shooting it too. Your tank is gorgeous, an inspiration. :)
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Kristina Lavoie thanks! I subscribed and looking forward to seeing the planting, good luck! I will be making a 2 month update video soon, I made lots of changes and this tank looks 10X better now!
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 9 years ago
Great scape. Could you let me know about your Lights, CO2 and filter?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Martin Welters I'm still dialing in my CO2 but its a pressurized CO2 dual stage regulator at around 1.5 bubbles per second (2 bubbles for every 3 seconds). The lights are LEDs that came with the Aquavas system. The filter is a stainless steel canister filter also made by Aquavas. Check out the site, they just dropped their prices and you can get an additional 5% off with my coupon code "AQUAVAS5"
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Thanks for watching my channel. Nice setup. Man, those are some pretty fancy systems. Scape looks very nice, and relaxing. Can't wait for the maturation. Subbed!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping been watching your channel for quite some time, always enjoy your videos, I'm going to be doing a filming a 1 month update on this tank next weekend
Aqua'Nico - 9 years ago
Very nice. I like your job... great tank.
Chantz Cramer
Chantz Cramer - 9 years ago
Very beautiful. I am about to start a 45 gallon cube with the same premise. ADA look, without the ADA dollar amount.
MT84MT - 9 years ago
Very nice! Maybe one day...
Sshooter444 - 9 years ago
Very nice!
jeremiemcd - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank and aquscape, , looking forward to seeing it transform :)
Jason Yeung
Jason Yeung - 9 years ago
What's the plant tie on the drift wood?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Jason Yeung I have on the wood trident java fern, anubias nana, willow moss, fissidens, and riccardia
Juan Valdivieso Vicuña
Juan Valdivieso Vicuña - 9 years ago
great aquascaping!!!
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 9 years ago
Very nice. You have a good eye and great taste my friend. Everything is spot on. What is the background you are using? I have been looking for something like that. The only thing I would do different, is glass lily Pipes.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+BM's Aquatics thanks man, you can buy this background at home depot in the windows section, its a film to cover your windows for the frosted glass look. I got 6ft of it for about 20$
Mike Wang
Mike Wang - 9 years ago
Hey - very beautiful aquascape. Btw - the wood you used, when you bought it, was it yellow? I'm trying to see if we're using the same type of wood...
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Mike Wang I dont think the wood was yellow originally when I bought the peices they had already been used in an aquascape so I don't know the original color. This is ADA hornwood
Wise Films
Wise Films - 9 years ago
watching now, production quality looks great! I am a filmmaker and soon I am getting back into my love for aquascaping and fish keeping so this film is just awesome!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Wise Films If a filmmaker gives me a compliment on my production quality, then I must be doing something right! Feels great to hear something like that and I'm glad I can inspire someone to get back into aquascaping, what an amazing hobby it is!

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