Step-By-Step Aquascape Time Lapse : Salient Sanctuary
Howto 9 years ago 115,173 views
Hey guys, I'm back again with a new Aquascape for you to enjoy! Salient Sanctuary is a hardscape only aquascape. The goal was to create a beautiful low-maintenance aquascape without plants. Fishes in this tank are Rummynose Tetras and Gymnogeophagus balzanii This is a complete 65cm system (tank/stand/light/filter) by AQUAVAS please check them out at , they make great high quality aquarium systems you can use coupon code " AQUAVAS5 " for an additional 5% off your purchases
Mm.. I hope to buy that wood..
Is it possible?
I'm waiting for your answer..
Temperature: Prefers water a little cooler than most other South American cichlids. Somewhere in the range 70-77°F (21-25°C) is best. Most experts agree that the species does best with an 'overwintering' period of 3-4 months, during which the temperature is maintained around 60-64°F (16-18°C). This simulates the changing seasons in its natural, subtropical waters. It's thought that the lifespan of the fish may be reduced substantially without this artificial 'winter'. It may be worth investing in a programmable chiller for a tank containing this species in order to maintain these very specific conditions. Unfortunatel,y this adds significant cost to the setup, making it an expensive proposition.
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Put shrimps and snails inside, let fish live.
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