Step-By-Step Aquascape Time Lapse : Salient Sanctuary

Hey guys, I'm back again with a new Aquascape for you to enjoy! Salient Sanctuary is a hardscape only aquascape. The goal was to create a beautiful low-maintenance aquascape without plants. Fishes in this tank are Rummynose Tetras and Gymnogeophagus balzanii This is a complete 65cm system (tank/stand/light/filter) by AQUAVAS please check them out at , they make great high quality aquarium systems you can use coupon code " AQUAVAS5 " for an additional 5% off your purchases

Step-By-Step Aquascape Time Lapse : Salient Sanctuary sentiment_very_dissatisfied 40

Howto 9 years ago 115,173 views

Hey guys, I'm back again with a new Aquascape for you to enjoy! Salient Sanctuary is a hardscape only aquascape. The goal was to create a beautiful low-maintenance aquascape without plants. Fishes in this tank are Rummynose Tetras and Gymnogeophagus balzanii This is a complete 65cm system (tank/stand/light/filter) by AQUAVAS please check them out at , they make great high quality aquarium systems you can use coupon code " AQUAVAS5 " for an additional 5% off your purchases

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Most popular comments
for Step-By-Step Aquascape Time Lapse : Salient Sanctuary

Shdwstep - 7 years ago
What was that tint u add in the back of the tank?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
thanks! I'll have more videos up soon, I've been on a long break youtube-wise
Shdwstep - 7 years ago
Btw...keep up the good work..very nice aquascape...I read some of the comments here...always there is someone gonna h8.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
frosted window film from home depot
오정석 - 7 years ago
Mm.. I hope to buy that wood..
Is it possible?
I'm waiting for your answer..
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
I can't sell you this wood, sorry
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 7 years ago
These cichlids like or do better with

Temperature: Prefers water a little cooler than most other South American cichlids. Somewhere in the range 70-77°F (21-25°C) is best. Most experts agree that the species does best with an 'overwintering' period of 3-4 months, during which the temperature is maintained around 60-64°F (16-18°C). This simulates the changing seasons in its natural, subtropical waters. It's thought that the lifespan of the fish may be reduced substantially without this artificial 'winter'. It may be worth investing in a programmable chiller for a tank containing this species in order to maintain these very specific conditions. Unfortunatel,y this adds significant cost to the setup, making it an expensive proposition.
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 7 years ago
The cichlid type of fish don't eat or brother with the runny nose tetra, meant rummynose tetras?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
no they dont
GuyWithDiscus - 7 years ago
Nice aquascape! How do you keep this tank algae free? I also have a tank without plants and i'm having algae issues...
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
This is a Aquavas SUN LED, they are included with the Aquavas system and not sold separately. they are 8000k, but I dont know the wattage.
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 7 years ago
Glass Canvas Aquascape what type of lights are on this tank, 5000,6500,10000k? How many watts? Thanks
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
Thanks! You just gotta keep up with the water changes and glass cleaning even when the algae isnt visible. Lastly, make sure the lights aren't on for too long or too intense
Shdwstep - 7 years ago
Hey what type of fish are those with red tip on the front?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
Those are called Rummynose Tetras
geedoy - 7 years ago
Wow. Simplistic and beautiful. How do you maintain this tank and how do you keep the algae from growing?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
once a week 75% water change, clean the glass during the water change regardless of whether or not it is dirty. Every month or so I suck up the top layer of sand and replace with a fresh layer of new sand to keep it looking clean
Random Outdoors
Random Outdoors - 7 years ago
How does this guy not have more subs?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
haha thanks, probably because I haven't posted in over a year. Hoping to change that soon :)
D MO - 7 years ago
I like your style, its beautiful and calming :-D
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
thank you =)

10. comment for Step-By-Step Aquascape Time Lapse : Salient Sanctuary

margherita caltabellotta
margherita caltabellotta - 7 years ago
it is very very beatiful
kay - 7 years ago
Gorgeous, seirously.. just wow.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 7 years ago
thanks :)
Yokichi kaneko
Yokichi kaneko - 7 years ago
I love it so much! Thank you so much for sharing your great work.
Acuarios J.K.B. J.K.B.
Acuarios J.K.B. J.K.B. - 8 years ago
Awesome work. Congratulation!!!
Gabensy - 8 years ago
Well done
iken pakantan
iken pakantan - 8 years ago
i like this..
Richard Walley
Richard Walley - 8 years ago
What sand are you using?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
pool filter sand in this one
Emyr Rezende
Emyr Rezende - 8 years ago
Beautiful !
Michelangelo Panni
Michelangelo Panni - 8 years ago
che pesci sono
Lubię Ryby
Lubię Ryby - 8 years ago
ehhh... looks nice, but it's too small for these fish m8!
Put shrimps and snails inside, let fish live.
Dennis Binkhorst
Dennis Binkhorst - 7 years ago
Well the Hemigrammus seem fine for this tank, but the cichlids on the other hand.. Better go with one couple of dwarfs.

20. comment for Step-By-Step Aquascape Time Lapse : Salient Sanctuary

Adam Whitson
Adam Whitson - 8 years ago
What king of wood did you use and where did you get it from? Beautiful job
Kevin Garrett
Kevin Garrett - 8 years ago
hi what wood are you using?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I dont know the name, found it a local shop
István Mező
István Mező - 8 years ago
hi, very nice video and tank too :) may I ask what is that powder that you put on the bottom of the tank in the beginning of the video? I have seen that ppl put 2-3 different colors of powder. what are those? thanks a lot :)
Michael Fenner
Michael Fenner - 8 years ago
István Mező xan you see it?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
they are products from ADA called bacter100 (beneficial bacteria), clear super (carbon), and tourmaline BC (tourmaline powder)
RR26 - 8 years ago
Ugly considering what tank you are using. Looking your other tanks, you seemed not doing well, or knowing how to deal with plants and driftwood.
Yokichi kaneko
Yokichi kaneko - 7 years ago
RR26 I don't care if you read or not. I don't even know this gentleman who created this great tank so I am completely unbiased in my opinion. I just had to say this to you( RR26) " Go fuck yourself. You piece of a little shit"
Bryan Tabares
Bryan Tabares - 8 years ago
It's funny how RR26 decides to bless this video with his astute insight and criticize not only this tank but the other as well. I'm sure he knew the "other" tank ranked 116 at IAPLC 2016. Second highest ranking by an American that year and came from someone who has never competed at that level. I'm mean surellyy he knows this being such a bastion of insight and all.
RR26 - 8 years ago
Otherwise, try something unique.
RR26 - 8 years ago
Your style has been repeated thousands of times by Amano and ADA contest aquascapers. Search youtube and find a good examples and copy them.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thanks for your opinion, what do you think I could do to improve or do better next time?
vladimir2233 - 8 years ago
how is the wood not floating to the surface but stay in place? is it special wood or do you manipulate it with some method?
vladimir2233 - 8 years ago
i see... thats too bad. thx alot anway
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I dont know the name, It is locally collected here in texas
vladimir2233 - 8 years ago
is there a name or product label for this kind of wood? the wood i can buy needs to be attached to stones to stay in place. maybe if i know the details i could get it in some way. thank you very much for the response
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
This wood is naturally very dense and heavy, it does not float (even when it is completely dry)
Gerardo Gutierrez
Gerardo Gutierrez - 8 years ago
wooo genial
Shashank Naik
Shashank Naik - 8 years ago
what is the orange powder like thing u used on the base of the tank before dropping sand???
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+John Mart Blanco I bought it from a local shop (Aquarium Design Group) its called ADA Bacter100, you can find it online
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
I bought it from a local shop (Aquarium Design Group) its called ADA Bacter100, you can find it online
John Mart Blanco
John Mart Blanco - 8 years ago
Hello there, would like to ask, where did you bought that bacteria you used as a jump start?
Shashank Naik
Shashank Naik - 8 years ago
K... Thanx a lot for the information...
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
it is bacteria used to help jump start the cycling process
vanderley3 - 8 years ago
What type of sand did you use, anything special?
lgull1 - 8 years ago
it probably is driftwood. i live in Florida and it looks exactly like that. i use it as well but for animal landscapes
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
nothing special, just pool filter sand
Kaylie Russ
Kaylie Russ - 8 years ago
Watching this video was such an amazing pressure. The soundtrack was amazingly chosen for how peaceful the end product turned out. Really calming. I love to addition of the fish!! Really breathtaking piece! What is this track called?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
thank you kaylie! song title and artist is posted at the end of the video
Peter Penglis
Peter Penglis - 8 years ago
How do you clean the bottom of the tank without having to redo it all? or do you just have to do that?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
i lightly siphon the top layer of the sand to keep the surface of the sand looking clean.

30. comment for Step-By-Step Aquascape Time Lapse : Salient Sanctuary

jeremiemcd - 8 years ago
I would like to see the tank now, how's the tank running, any new video for this scape coming soon?
Fowerhorn Fish
Fowerhorn Fish - 8 years ago
Really easy
Luis Fernández Ortiz
Luis Fernández Ortiz - 8 years ago
Amazing!!! What is the first product brown color you put in the tank?
Carol McDonough
Carol McDonough - 8 years ago
I love it.
roland - 8 years ago
I absolutely love those stainless steel intake/outakes.
Von - 8 years ago
Beautiful setup!! I'm curious what filter pipes you are using there?
hiImJoshyu - 8 years ago
Glass Canvas Aquascape just looked it up... holy cow that's $$$ but it really is gorgeous
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+J ackal The stainless steel filter pipes are made by Aquavas, comes as a complete set with the tank,stand,lights, and filter
anthony pope
anthony pope - 8 years ago
very nice i have done an aquascape but I put moss on mine looks quite nice with some anubius what have flowers on and some java fern what kind of rocks would you use as I am using tetra substrate bottom is grey and top is like orange to brown so I just need some ideas cheers happy fish keeping
SquatchPrince - 8 years ago
what type of wood did you use?
SquatchPrince - 8 years ago
+Glass Canvas Aquascape looks really good and wanted to try and locate some. Always look forward to seeing your videos. Your tanks are awesome!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+SquatchPrince I honestly dont know what kind of wood it is, I just picked it out at my local shop
Rommel R
Rommel R - 8 years ago
Thanks..that should help me save time.
Rommel R
Rommel R - 8 years ago
I noticed you didn't rinse the sand..will the water clear in a few days?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Rommel R with pool filter sand, it doesnt really cloud the water, mine was crystal clear by morning
d ziii
d ziii - 8 years ago
Marcin Golik
Marcin Golik - 8 years ago
vanderley3 - 8 years ago
This is absolutely stunning.. Can you recommend where to buy the materials (wood, rocks, etc)?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+vanderley3 I buy all of my plants, wood, and rocks locally from from Aquarium Design Group(ADG) in Houston,TX. I prefer to buy locally so I can see the items in person at every angle and have a good gauge in size of the item. It is really difficult to find good pieces you'll be happy with online. My reccomendation is to buy locally or go out in nature and collect pieces for youself.
c0mrade5 - 8 years ago
good thank,i like the sand,what sand is that?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+c0mrade5 its pool filter sand
Tracy Lee
Tracy Lee - 8 years ago
Encore!! Encore!!
Photok Wedding
Photok Wedding - 8 years ago
what is the substrate?
Acuarios Plantados TV
Acuarios Plantados TV - 8 years ago
Beautiful hardscape !!!
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+fabio adragna thank you!
Dannii Gsexp
Dannii Gsexp - 8 years ago
TOP TOP , wonderful
good samaritan
good samaritan - 8 years ago
amazing effort...just my 2 cents though...i think it would look even better with floating plants over the surface...the fishes would really love the shade too : )
Aqua'Nico - 8 years ago
Very very nice ^^ Good job ;-)

50. comment for Step-By-Step Aquascape Time Lapse : Salient Sanctuary

Mark Matthew Padilla
Mark Matthew Padilla - 8 years ago
What did you add in 0:33 ?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Mark Matthew Padilla ADA bacter100, seeding the tank with beneficial bacteria
Rommel R
Rommel R - 8 years ago
Beautiful scape! What was the sand you used?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 8 years ago
+Rommel R thank you! its pool filter sand
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
Very Beautiful aquascape, the fish is perfect for thar tank
Steven Chong
Steven Chong - 9 years ago
Almost as if Jeff did it himself. While this is really simple and just classic--I'd call it ADG style--I'd say this layout's even more impressive than your 90cm. You've got a lot of impact from the bigger driftwood peaces coming towards the glass and making shadows, and you've got some scale going on thanks to the smaller pieces pushed backwards (and therefore bright). I'd say achieving those two things alone are things to be proud of, and if you learned them from Jeff, I'd say he should be proud too.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Steven Chong thank you! That's a huge compliment =)
jeremiemcd - 9 years ago
Beautiful aquascape, awesome layout, do you plam on only Hardscape no plants like ferns, or jus rock and wood? I like the selection of fish you decided to go with goes great with the scape. thanks for sharing, keep up the great wrk :)
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+jeremiemcd i plan to keep this tank hardscape only, no plants whatsoever
Clayton Jessup
Clayton Jessup - 9 years ago
Amazing job , beautiful hard scape , it's giving me lots of ideas for my 60p . once again amazing job .. Props
nathan e
nathan e - 9 years ago
What do you recommend for a beginner?
nathan e
nathan e - 9 years ago
Please make a tutorial video for beginers on what materials, and how.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Pooh Pears I'm not sure what kind of reccomendation you're asking for
nathan e
nathan e - 9 years ago
I don't understand where to find good rocks...
coolwater411 - 9 years ago
What is the the stuff you put on the bottom of the tank?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+coolwater411 It is a product by ADA called bacter100, it has over 100 types of beneficial bacteria in a dormant state
coolwater411 - 9 years ago
What kind of bug fish call?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+coolwater411 gymnogeophagus balzanii
Allen Ho
Allen Ho - 9 years ago
HIEP DO YOU REMEMBER ME. this was very relaxing to watch
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Allen Ho of course i remember you!
David Matei
David Matei - 9 years ago
Great Job!
Adam Gamberutti
Adam Gamberutti - 9 years ago
Good job Hiep. is that wood from Tom Barr? looks like his manzanita.
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Adam Gamberutti no, its some wood i got at ADG, its actually not mazanita at all. I have a couple twigs of manzanita in there and those are from tom barr, but the main peices are not manzy
Alex Cox
Alex Cox - 9 years ago
Amazing scape. I appreciate your sharing of this build!
Damo Ward
Damo Ward - 9 years ago
what was the Base powder added at the start?
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Damo Ward that is ADA bacter100 , 100 types of beneficial bacteria in a dormant state, to help the tank cycle
Mike Wang
Mike Wang - 9 years ago
Dude that is fawking sick
Gurr - 9 years ago
Beautiful!! Do you just go by feel, or do you have an idea in mind ahead of time? Thanks for the videos
Glass Canvas Aquascape
Glass Canvas Aquascape - 9 years ago
+Obesegiraffes I mostly go by feel, usually there is one peice of wood or stone that inspires the entire scape so when I see it, I build the scape around that one peice. In this case, it was the largest piece of wood that i placed first.
Miz A
Miz A - 9 years ago
Wow! You truly have an amazing talent! Well done!
81JhunJhun - 9 years ago
Impressive job!
skalar altum
skalar altum - 9 years ago
good job . very nice :)
FexxaGaming - 9 years ago
amazing! great job!
SilesiaAquarium - 9 years ago
Ryan Tran
Ryan Tran - 9 years ago
absolutely beautiful hard scape! I need to get on your level of aquascaping placement man.

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