Takashi Amano Tribute Aquascape by James Findley - Pebbles

http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/takashi-amano-tribute-aquascape-by-james-findley-pebbles-in-the-footsteps-of-a-giant/ In this video you will see professional aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine; James Findley, creating a stunning planted tank in a huge 300x60x60cm aquarium. Whilst creating this video, we were all deeply saddened to hear of the loss of the photographer, designer and aquascaper ; Mr Takashi Amano, who was the pioneer that first started injecting aquariums with carbon dioxide which enabled the nature aquarium to be possible. He also founded and directed the company Aqua Design Amano, known as ADA, who are the worlds leading manufacturer of nature aquarium goods. Mr Amano has been an inspiration to the aquascaping community worldwide, as well as to all of us here at The Green Machine. Without Mr Amano The Green Machine would not exist as it does today. His legacy will live on the hearts minds and creations of all aquascapers. It is for these reasons that James Findley has renamed this aquascape Pebbles- "In the Footsteps of a Giant", in honour of Mr Amano. http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/takashi-amano-tribute-aquascape-by-james-findley-pebbles-in-the-footsteps-of-a-giant/ Shop for items and plants used int his video here: http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com

Takashi Amano Tribute Aquascape by James Findley - Pebbles sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Howto 9 years ago 131,275 views

http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/takashi-amano-tribute-aquascape-by-james-findley-pebbles-in-the-footsteps-of-a-giant/ In this video you will see professional aquascaper and founder of The Green Machine; James Findley, creating a stunning planted tank in a huge 300x60x60cm aquarium. Whilst creating this video, we were all deeply saddened to hear of the loss of the photographer, designer and aquascaper ; Mr Takashi Amano, who was the pioneer that first started injecting aquariums with carbon dioxide which enabled the nature aquarium to be possible. He also founded and directed the company Aqua Design Amano, known as ADA, who are the worlds leading manufacturer of nature aquarium goods. Mr Amano has been an inspiration to the aquascaping community worldwide, as well as to all of us here at The Green Machine. Without Mr Amano The Green Machine would not exist as it does today. His legacy will live on the hearts minds and creations of all aquascapers. It is for these reasons that James Findley has renamed this aquascape Pebbles- "In the Footsteps of a Giant", in honour of Mr Amano. http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/takashi-amano-tribute-aquascape-by-james-findley-pebbles-in-the-footsteps-of-a-giant/ Shop for items and plants used int his video here: http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com

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Most popular comments
for Takashi Amano Tribute Aquascape by James Findley - Pebbles

ben mc
ben mc - 7 years ago
How much does this kind of setup cost?
Leslie Heine
Leslie Heine - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear of Takashi Amano's passing. Findley is also a master and a man of artistic vision and immense patience. Beautiful layout!
Ricky Lee
Ricky Lee - 7 years ago
1,000th liker! Yay! I'm proud. Thanks for continuously providing such amazing content, it always makes me feel relaxed and at the same time teaches and inspires me and countless others. I hope you guys continue to produce such high quality content.
Fajar Prasetya
Fajar Prasetya - 7 years ago
Its very amazing job, what a great piece of art, well the water clarity little bit anoy me, the filter not work really well, But again this is a great piece of art, a lot of patience for this i really apreciate it. Good job, i wait another big tank video again.
Morten Harrysson
Morten Harrysson - 7 years ago
Very nice. I am seriously thinking of taking up my childhood hobby again because of your videos :)
Bisaya Lyrics
Bisaya Lyrics - 7 years ago
youre my idol!
Mathijs Tijhof
Mathijs Tijhof - 7 years ago
Learning so much of this showcases.
Building my own scape and this is helping me a lot!!

Best channel on YouTube.
samuel kurian
samuel kurian - 7 years ago
Hats off to the  greatest  person who tough  how to get rid of stress in our life thank you Sensai "master"  Takashi.  I feel what can be a great tribute to a person who brought this art to the world, to see how people follow the art he mastered and helped others to master. Mr James  please  continue this blessing  of this art that you have got and keep on enlightening  us
ftft uyg
ftft uyg - 8 years ago

10. comment for Takashi Amano Tribute Aquascape by James Findley - Pebbles

juliespore - 8 years ago
It's good but it's no Takashi amano
Sid Gallup
Sid Gallup - 8 years ago
whats the name of the song?
Willem Van Oranje
Willem Van Oranje - 8 years ago
If you ever give a workshop in The Netherlands i am definitly coming to watch and listen .
littleredsubmarine - 8 years ago
Demonion - 8 years ago
Not sure if this channel is active anymore but these videos are 100% perfect. Never have I seen such quality and commentary on YouTube. It rivals that of Animal Planet if not better
TheGreenMachineLtd - 8 years ago
Hi, thanks for your positive feedback. We are active and will be publishing a new super tank video in the next few weeks... stay subscribed for an instant update :)
niklasjuchem - 8 years ago
I think this is by far the best tank you have ever done dear sir . . .
Ronan Farrell
Ronan Farrell - 8 years ago
what is the brown material he uses to attach plants to wood?
Jackson Wuepper
Jackson Wuepper - 7 years ago
Ronan Farrell Wood Tight by ADA. They also use Moss Cotton to attach the moss.
nederlands100 - 8 years ago
this cost a loooooot of money, nee job
David Perrin
David Perrin - 8 years ago
Whate are the best fish to use.as I keep cold water fish .
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
David Perrin White clouds and shiners
Long Hoàng
Long Hoàng - 8 years ago
That's very wonderful

20. comment for Takashi Amano Tribute Aquascape by James Findley - Pebbles

Mike Bircher
Mike Bircher - 8 years ago
Snails at 39:42.
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
Navy Dave
Navy Dave - 8 years ago
I can see at 9:41 how James has placed the stones "pointing" all in the same direction to simulate how the natural current of the river would eventually move them with time.
hereps - 8 years ago
hi I don't see any filter/pump tubes. Is there any ????
littleredsubmarine - 8 years ago
hereps yes, they remove them for aesthetic purposes for photography and for aqualandscaping shows etc.
David Perrin
David Perrin - 8 years ago
All I can say is brilliant.
Tolga Akyay
Tolga Akyay - 8 years ago
Looks beautiful. I think Microsorum would also fit this tank. RIP Takashi Amano.
Matt B
Matt B - 8 years ago
I can't believe it's been 9 months since he passed away.
Victor Morales
Victor Morales - 8 years ago
Gorgeous, but this must cost a fortune to make......
GeoAlfredo! - 8 years ago
and the fish, and the various types of plants? also as im trying to start, did you er cleaned in any way your rocks? :D im curious!
Hans Thegerman
Hans Thegerman - 8 years ago
i did a bit of research and started a small 10 gallon aquascape, with the rocks that i took from the nearby river, the entire thing: tank, cover, light, C02 diffuser and tank,bubble counter, filter and substrate cost me only about 250$. granted it's my first time
RazorbladeDog - 8 years ago
Great video as usual, the audio seemed a little fuzzy to me though.
Shaden0040 - 9 years ago
Has James ever used fresh water mussels and clams to aid in water clarity and to keep algal blooms in check in any of his amazing tanks?
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
I don't believe so. I'd love to though
Jordan Post
Jordan Post - 9 years ago
Y'all gonna do any more aquascapes?

30. comment for Takashi Amano Tribute Aquascape by James Findley - Pebbles

9385dee7 - 9 years ago
what's the cost of putting one of these tanks together? 6-10k?
TP of SAM - 9 years ago
I really wish I could come by your shops and see your work. I really wish I had the money to set up tanks like you guys! They're so amazing. Whenever I have a stressful day at work, I come home and watch some of your aquascapes and relax.
Richard Lai
Richard Lai - 7 years ago
I agree with you completely.
gnovincejr2 - 9 years ago
+TP of SAM I've done this countless times! Talk about relaxing!
Aldo Lim
Aldo Lim - 9 years ago
love the aquascape work... hate the camera work... especially towards the end... making me dizzy
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette - 9 years ago
This question might have been answered, so pardon me asking. And if it did, I'd appreciate it if someone point me the way :)
In several other vid, James was pouring Penac P and Penac W before the Power Sand, while here it seems to be together, along with the Tourmaline BC and Bacter 100. Is there any particular reason for this?
Thank you for whomever might enlighten me, cheers!
I HYEON SHUL - 9 years ago
RIP Takashi Amano
ArmouredUnicorn - 9 years ago
17:30 I understand why the separation exists however surely if the idea is to mimic nature you would add a thin / sparce chaotic layer of the lager gravel, encroaching onto the black soil? As there wouldn't be a specific line in nature that would separate two types of substrate in a flowing location.
Richard Lai
Richard Lai - 7 years ago
When the plants are added in, the divide is softened and mimics nature.
Bbg jb
Bbg jb - 9 years ago
Bagus..... Saya mau....
Dannys Fishtanks
Dannys Fishtanks - 9 years ago
I never understood the use of black substrate and light in an aquascape.. I guess it's just me lol awesome planting setup though
mef1975 - 9 years ago
Air diffusers under the gravel? 37:09 and 40:00 Are these plants all from a certain area, like biotope?
mef1975 - 9 years ago
26:24 Why does he say that fish can't be added until 5 or 6 weeks after planting? Isn't the tank fully cycled by the 4th week, planting being done in the 3rd week, the ADA ammonia spike only lasting 2 or 3 weeks? He's making it sound like fish aren't added until the 8th or 9th week, is this so? 25:30
Cristian-Gabriel Stan
Cristian-Gabriel Stan - 9 years ago
Excellent video from The Green Machine - as always. Congrats to Mr. Findley for his exquisite work and for this amazing homage towards Mr. Amano.

Out of curiosity, is the filtration being done by two Eheim canisters? I saw the intakes during the planting stage, however I am not sure that they are all it takes to filter such a huge aquarium. You did remove them for the purpose of filming. :)

Thank you, looking forward for many more videos!
Para Plays
Para Plays - 9 years ago
What sort costs are talking for a 5ft x3 ft tank with full set up? and secondly the tank looks dirty and cloudy how do you clean it?
Wilson Chu
Wilson Chu - 9 years ago
+Para Plays The costs for starting are about a thousand U.S. dollars or more because of the large tank size and the plants. You can't vacuum the gravel, but you can do water changes. The plants have to be cut often and the dirty gravel has to be replaced once a year or so. The fish, shrimp and other creatures in the aquarium should take care of the basic cleaning. Water changes should be 50%80% for the first week, then less until it's about 15%-20% water changes once a week. The cost for monthly maintenance should be about a hundred to two hundred U.S. dollars. This includes fertilizers($80), water cost($16$20), fish food($15-$30) depending on what fish you have, and the electric bills.
Para Plays
Para Plays - 9 years ago
Looks like those rocks would crack the glass on the bottom due to weight??
Wilson Chu
Wilson Chu - 9 years ago
+Para Plays The rocks won't crack the glass if you put it on top of gravel or pieces of lighting diffusers at the beginning of the set up.
David tropical aquariums
David tropical aquariums - 9 years ago
just aquascaped my 5g everyone please subscribe to me David captain cool i am a fish keeper!
Beyond Aquatic Design
Beyond Aquatic Design - 9 years ago
Such a brilliant design!, (Able to capture pleasently GREAT footage from every angle) James has always upstooded with outstanding vision for designing a four sided view Aquascape. GREAT footage GREAT narrator GREAT display GREAT tribute OUTSTANDING AQUASCAPER! * * * * *
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Beyond Aquatic Design Very kind words which spur us on to do more and improve!! :)
Aqua'Nico - 9 years ago
Great job ... Thanks
Amin Al-Salek
Amin Al-Salek - 9 years ago
what does front ground plant name?
does it easy - medium or hard care?
Amin Al-Salek
Amin Al-Salek - 9 years ago
what does front ground plant name?
does it easy - medium or hard care?
Daniel Tebor
Daniel Tebor - 9 years ago
The foreground plant is Monte Carlo and is somewhat hardy. It doesn't need Co2 but it will do much better with it. It also needs a good amount of light
Derp scoot
Derp scoot - 9 years ago
On my way to become a aquascaper still 14 doe ;( but sad to hear the lost of Takashi Amano
Jaap Lubberts
Jaap Lubberts - 9 years ago
Hi TGM, do you guys add any fertilizers to the water, or do those substrate additives work that long?
If i were a fish i would love to swim in one of your tanks! The plants and fish look so healthy!
Thank you for this amazing video once again. Greetings from Holland!
Jaap Lubberts
Jaap Lubberts - 9 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd pump flasks, interesting, i'm gonna try it thanks!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Dangermind88 We dose with liquid fertilizers. ADA Green Brighty Series is our favourite (and it's great value too!) Check them out here; http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/shop/category/aquatics/liquid-fertilisers/ada-liquid-fertilizers/

50. comment for Takashi Amano Tribute Aquascape by James Findley - Pebbles

Max Twigg
Max Twigg - 9 years ago
20:03 Perfect placement :DDDD
Jaap Lubberts
Jaap Lubberts - 9 years ago
+Max Twigg I noticed that as well! Like a jigsaw puzzle :)
Max Twigg
Max Twigg - 9 years ago
How can i work for greenmachine?!?!
Jaehyun Lim
Jaehyun Lim - 9 years ago
Fascinating... I would love to get into aquascaping someday. Too bad its extremely expensive. Even if I had the money, my country doesn't sell these huge rocks or pieces of hornwood.
Cristian-Gabriel Stan
Cristian-Gabriel Stan - 9 years ago
+Jaehyun Lim
It gets kind of expensive as you go, because one can never be completely satisfied I guess... Then again nature aquariums are living and breathing pieces of art that tend to keep evolving, so it's nothing but a long process of transformation.
What I mean is that you can start with what you have and build upon that. And the greatest thing you get to build is experience. As for materials, you may find rocks and wood outside. Don't know about SK, but don't think I ever go along a river bank without at least seeing something interesting that may find a place in some layout. Then it's just a matter of washing, boiling or sterilizing the materials. Just make sure that the rock is inert and the wood is not rotten or contaminated. You don't always have to spend tons of money if your're really into the hobby.
Jaehyun Lim
Jaehyun Lim - 9 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd South Korea.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Jaehyun Lim Where do you live?
Brendon O'Farrell
Brendon O'Farrell - 9 years ago
I had no idea Takashi Amano had died. Hearing this news was like discovering something special had been stolen from me and I hadn't noticed until later. Very sad news.

This is one of your best tanks James. Your tribute is fitting.
NC-66-1 - 9 years ago
MrZachieChan - 9 years ago
What was the fish at 41:17? the black looking one with it looks like three thin white stripes
Hatredy11 - 9 years ago
+MrZachieChan Chocolate Gourami
BiteMyShinyMetal4ss - 9 years ago
Thank you for not charging anything for this video
ToastedWalnut - 9 years ago
Man, I had no idea Amano passed. Sad day for me. :( Well done James.
Wali Gotah
Wali Gotah - 9 years ago
just came back from class to see that the Green Machine had posted a new video a week ago!!!!
Leonel Almeida
Leonel Almeida - 9 years ago
Wonderful video, I really love the aquascaping and the music that you used. Can you put on youtube a new video with only the last 10mn of this one? Thanks.
Edvinas Kolakauskas
Edvinas Kolakauskas - 9 years ago
So much effort to the hardscape that can't be seen. Sad.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Edvinas Kolakauskas The hardscape always looks great before planting, when the plants grow it softens and often hides parts of it which is a shame, but the overall aquascape comes to life with plants.
frigyu - 9 years ago
the music its no good!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+frigyu Music is highly subjective, sorry you don't like it. Many other people do like it. We can't please everyone, unfortunately! :)
JJ - 9 years ago
What song is this?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Jahan (hijinga) We make all our backing music ourselves. Currently it's only available on our videos.
neil brady
neil brady - 9 years ago
thanks james for this tribute to Takashi Amano . the launch in lisbon is amazing
olizardokingo - 9 years ago
The fish behave very naturally, and the aquascape is very dynamic. It looks like a slice of stream bed. Excellent tribute.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+olizardokingo Thanks you, glad you enjoyed it :)
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 9 years ago
You could show some maintenance
Jared S.
Jared S. - 9 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd It would be great to learn the maintenance techniques as well. Things such as filter selection, CO2, and feeding would be awesome.
Harris Kramer
Harris Kramer - 9 years ago
I would like to see this too, maintenance, feeding fish that sort of thing
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 9 years ago
it is very helpful and it would be interesting to watch professionals do maintenance. :)
Kind regards from Brighton,
Esox Lucius
Esox Lucius - 9 years ago
Let me second this request. I would like to know more about other important parts of creating such a beautiful tank. How did you select the fish? How do you feed them? Maintenance?

This tank is really worthy tribute to master Amano.
Thank You.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Kamil Olczak We also filmed the maintenance we did the day before the final shots... maybe we will release this soon.
lee guankiat
lee guankiat - 9 years ago
My ADA aqua powder soil always floats. Really irritating.
lee guankiat
lee guankiat - 9 years ago
I bought it at one of the local fish shop in Singapore. The powder soil seems to have some surface tension that resist wetting. So while planting, some will form a bubble and the whole block of about 1 cm size floats. I have to spray them with water to sink them. I sprayed water on them before planting to make them wet.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+lee guankiat We've never experienced this, who did you buy it from?
VoiceRoland - 9 years ago
Stunning scape and again a very interesting and well produced video. Thank you Green Machine! I do have to agree with another commenter about the fish; it seems there are a bit too many for this tank and/or they are too large maybe? Keep up the good work and a final thought for Mr. Amano... RIP :(
Thinh Le
Thinh Le - 9 years ago
ad apistogramma this fish is good for this tank
Sophia Viguier
Sophia Viguier - 9 years ago
I am curious as to why aquascaping doesn't take place with salt water aquariums as much? Anyone know?
pik nik
pik nik - 9 years ago
Great job James!
Opa_Hildegard - 9 years ago
how much will something like this cost, everything included?
Opa_Hildegard - 9 years ago
Only 5000 ? I dont have any idea of prices for something like this but it sounds so "cheap". I thought about 20,000 :x
Jack Lesch
Jack Lesch - 9 years ago
how do they keep the wood from floating back up to the top?
Jack Lesch
Jack Lesch - 9 years ago
+Boško Vrbica Oh... I skipped over a bunch of the parts in the video
Boško Vrbica
Boško Vrbica - 9 years ago
+Jack Lesch This particular type of wood does not float. Listen to the video.
Your Best Friend
Your Best Friend - 9 years ago
How did you call the type of wood used in this aquascape?
LeadFaun - 9 years ago
+Shaden0040 "Leadwood"
How fitting. Thanks.
Shaden0040 - 9 years ago
+LeadFaun Have you ever heard of the African Leadwood tree? it is very dense wood takes up to 2 thousand years to grow as well as the same time to decay and it sinks in water because it is so dense. Seems to also be termite resistance. I know it can be found in South Africa and Botswana. It might be an alternative to the Hornwood to try.
LeadFaun - 9 years ago
+Arnold Samsen hornywood.
Arnold - 9 years ago
+Your Best Friend ADA Hornwood
Pastor Velcro
Pastor Velcro - 9 years ago
Really enjoy the commentary - watching & hearing together - obviously these videos are not easy to produce, but you do a great job at teaching about techniques and approaches and WHY - thank you
TheGreenMachineLtd - 9 years ago
+Pastor Velcro Thank you for your kind words :)
Vijay Sivasankaren
Vijay Sivasankaren - 9 years ago
of course the smaller angels... and reduce the number of daniels... there's a lot of em there!!!!
Vijay Sivasankaren
Vijay Sivasankaren - 9 years ago
I enjoyed watching the video vvv much... A few angel fish would have added beauty....
ubernuub94 - 9 years ago
How do you manage circulation of water in such a long tank ? Do you have power heads or wavemakers you add when not being photographed ?
QuickQuips - 9 years ago
Gorgeous tank. The driftwood placement was a highlight. Have you done tanks with cichlids or discus? I know you like small fish for large tanks but wonder if their colors would compliment.
ubernuub94 - 9 years ago
Great to see more free content from TGM , hope it is a sign of things to come ...
pik nik
pik nik - 9 years ago
+Kaspar's Movie Reviews how do you know
Skaolloaks - 9 years ago
It makes me doubly sad when I only find out about awesome people after they're gone.
Kevin b
Kevin b - 9 years ago
good choise of fish
Arnold - 9 years ago
Excellent video & layout, great tribute to master Takashi.
Christian Cruz
Christian Cruz - 9 years ago
Is wonderful to be able to see nature in aquascapes, keep the videos coming.
AquaScapeGoat TV
AquaScapeGoat TV - 9 years ago
I find it very interesting that this tank was cycled without plants. It makes a lot of sense and i think im going to try this method from now on.

great work everyone at TGM
Sam Arthur
Sam Arthur - 9 years ago
+AquaScapeGoat TV Ayyy Art
Beat Down
Beat Down - 9 years ago
RIP Giant.
Jose Luis Mejia
Jose Luis Mejia - 9 years ago
RIP Takashi Amano
0skarful - 9 years ago
RIP Master Takashi !!!
Wadud Khan
Wadud Khan - 9 years ago
RIP Takashi Amano
cokersatm - 9 years ago
RIP Takashi Amano

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