The Secret To Making Plants Bushy And Compact-Aquascaping

After some time of trimming your plant will look bushier and thicker, but of course be taller. It is more beneficial, for a few reasons, to take out the main stem rather than just cut the stem in half and replant. When replanting the new growth it will allow the plant to become more compact, essentially the new growth is now the stem. After time the main stem becomes tattered and unhealthy, lack of light and exhaustion from trimming. And you do this for aesthetic reasons as well. Really you will have to do this process multiple times to achieve desired results. Doing this to the plant makes the new growth more compact so it won't get as tall overall or as fast. So if you do this process and then use the new growth to do the process again you will get an overall healthier, bushier more compact plant. The new growth has been manipulated to your parameters and is more acceptive and responsive to the trimming. If you start lower down on the stem you will divide the main stem then divide the new growth and so on... This is the basic method, but I don't find it to be as efficient so I have modified it to fit my needs. Remember most stem plants can be cut anywhere along the main stem and produce new growth, but not all prefer this method like the hygrophila for example. Just try it out and you will come to your own conclusions of what works and what doesn't and create your own method. To see more Aquarium videos SUBSCRIBE to my channel! Like us on Facebook! Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by the+secret+to+making+plants+bushy+and+compact Aquascape,ADA+Aquasoil,aquascaping,freshwater+aquariums,Takashi+Amano+nature+Aquarium,Dustinsfishtanks+Dirted+dirt,Finnex+LED+lighting,Fertilizers+EI+method,Seachem+Excel,Aquavitro+Seachem,Fluval+filters,Eheim+filters,Tropica,HC+baby+tears,Co2+pressurized,aquarium+Cichlids+African,hardscape+Iwagumi+Amano,Driftwood+hardscape,substrate+Eco+complete,DIY+Aquarium,aquascape,aquascaping,Marineland+filter,water+changes+aquarium,fish+tanks,tropical+freshwater+fish,plants+planted+tanks,killing+algae,How+to+grow+plants,drop+checker+water+chemistry,cycling+a+fish+tank,Tropica+plants,pumps+filters,dosing+fertilizers,T5HO+lighting,Halide+lighting,Baby+tears,Java+moss,stem+plants,Dutch+planted+aquarium,root+tabs,substrate+sand,soil+substrate,glass+aquarium,acrylic+aquarium,hardscape+dragonstone,ADU+Aquascaping,Aquarium+design+of+utah,Utah+dragonstone,cichlids+tanganyika,cichlids+malawi,cichlids+south+american,new+world+cichlids,hard+water,soft+water,Tropheus+cichlids,calvus+cichlids,mbuna+cichlids,peacock+cichlids,cockatoo+cichlids,geophagus+tapajos+cichlid,amazon+sword,ludwigia+cuba,hygrophila+corymbosa,hygrophila+compact,hair+grass,pogostemon+helferi,dwarf+sag,glosso+carpet,photoperiod+aquarium,Co2+tubing,hydrogen+peroxide+H2O2+kills+algae,bacopa+plant,limnophila+aromatica,fissidens+moss,IAPLC+aquqscaping,AGA+aquascaping,bushy+plant+growth,compact+plant+growth,+the+secret+to+bushy+plants, Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by

The Secret To Making Plants Bushy And Compact-Aquascaping sentiment_very_dissatisfied 61

Howto 11 years ago 225,706 views

After some time of trimming your plant will look bushier and thicker, but of course be taller. It is more beneficial, for a few reasons, to take out the main stem rather than just cut the stem in half and replant. When replanting the new growth it will allow the plant to become more compact, essentially the new growth is now the stem. After time the main stem becomes tattered and unhealthy, lack of light and exhaustion from trimming. And you do this for aesthetic reasons as well. Really you will have to do this process multiple times to achieve desired results. Doing this to the plant makes the new growth more compact so it won't get as tall overall or as fast. So if you do this process and then use the new growth to do the process again you will get an overall healthier, bushier more compact plant. The new growth has been manipulated to your parameters and is more acceptive and responsive to the trimming. If you start lower down on the stem you will divide the main stem then divide the new growth and so on... This is the basic method, but I don't find it to be as efficient so I have modified it to fit my needs. Remember most stem plants can be cut anywhere along the main stem and produce new growth, but not all prefer this method like the hygrophila for example. Just try it out and you will come to your own conclusions of what works and what doesn't and create your own method. To see more Aquarium videos SUBSCRIBE to my channel! Like us on Facebook! Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by the+secret+to+making+plants+bushy+and+compact Aquascape,ADA+Aquasoil,aquascaping,freshwater+aquariums,Takashi+Amano+nature+Aquarium,Dustinsfishtanks+Dirted+dirt,Finnex+LED+lighting,Fertilizers+EI+method,Seachem+Excel,Aquavitro+Seachem,Fluval+filters,Eheim+filters,Tropica,HC+baby+tears,Co2+pressurized,aquarium+Cichlids+African,hardscape+Iwagumi+Amano,Driftwood+hardscape,substrate+Eco+complete,DIY+Aquarium,aquascape,aquascaping,Marineland+filter,water+changes+aquarium,fish+tanks,tropical+freshwater+fish,plants+planted+tanks,killing+algae,How+to+grow+plants,drop+checker+water+chemistry,cycling+a+fish+tank,Tropica+plants,pumps+filters,dosing+fertilizers,T5HO+lighting,Halide+lighting,Baby+tears,Java+moss,stem+plants,Dutch+planted+aquarium,root+tabs,substrate+sand,soil+substrate,glass+aquarium,acrylic+aquarium,hardscape+dragonstone,ADU+Aquascaping,Aquarium+design+of+utah,Utah+dragonstone,cichlids+tanganyika,cichlids+malawi,cichlids+south+american,new+world+cichlids,hard+water,soft+water,Tropheus+cichlids,calvus+cichlids,mbuna+cichlids,peacock+cichlids,cockatoo+cichlids,geophagus+tapajos+cichlid,amazon+sword,ludwigia+cuba,hygrophila+corymbosa,hygrophila+compact,hair+grass,pogostemon+helferi,dwarf+sag,glosso+carpet,photoperiod+aquarium,Co2+tubing,hydrogen+peroxide+H2O2+kills+algae,bacopa+plant,limnophila+aromatica,fissidens+moss,IAPLC+aquqscaping,AGA+aquascaping,bushy+plant+growth,compact+plant+growth,+the+secret+to+bushy+plants, Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by

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for The Secret To Making Plants Bushy And Compact-Aquascaping

ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping is excited to announce their partnership with BucePlant!
When ordering type "ADU15" into the code section and you will get 15% off of your first order, so make it count!
To get to their website click on the BucePlant link that I have provided below!
Gino Vanaria
Gino Vanaria - 7 years ago
How about Pennywort - your Pennywort in the first tank in this video looks awesome! The Lilly pads look so close to each other and they're small looking. I just purchased some and they're big pads and big empty spaces inbetween each one - how would I make this smaller pads AND closer to each other - just like yours! Would you be willing to sell me some of yours? Thanks! Awesome videos! is my email
Mark Patrick
Mark Patrick - 7 years ago
I stay naked as much as possible
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Mark Patrick hahaha, excellent!!
Nigel Aquascaping
Nigel Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Love the vids!
John Frankenhauser
John Frankenhauser - 7 years ago
Thanks for this. Your advice on making plants bushy really helped fill in my tank and now my plants are taking off like crazy. Thanks again!
Marvin TheMusicMan
Marvin TheMusicMan - 7 years ago
Thank you from the UK for this video.It has made such a difference to my tank and i now appreciate the surroundings as much as the fish.
Keeping my sleeves wet...Marvin
abhijit seth
abhijit seth - 7 years ago
Stilah - 7 years ago
thicc growth :D im new to aquascaping and im struggling with keeping everything stables about 2 week i've been having 4 algaes now and i dont want to burn money.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Stilah haha, damn straight! Ha. That is pretty new, so don't worry too much. Most new setups will get a lot of different kinds of algae when first set up. Just stay consistent with maintenance and fertilizers. Also, trimming the plants. Manually remove leaves that have a lot of algae. They will grow back healthier. And if the algae persists for several months it is usually because the lighting is too high.
Remco Freij
Remco Freij - 7 years ago
Wow thanks a lot i just started my aquarium. This helps me ALOT! Keep the tips coming

10. comment for The Secret To Making Plants Bushy And Compact-Aquascaping

Showflats - 7 years ago
I learnt alot here. Amazing video Sir
gharlito - 7 years ago
What about anubias nana?
GARRETT HEDSPETH - 7 years ago
What are the plants in the front of the tank?
nike12000 - 7 years ago
thanks for helping a plant retard deff helped me out :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
alright man! Thanks for watching just make to go slow because it can kill fish. So don't do the entire tank at once, but instead break the treatments up into a few different times over the course of a few weeks.
flameson14 - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
haha, you know it! thanks again for watching.
Mr. FishPlants
Mr. FishPlants - 8 years ago
Adu can you tell me how to aquascape my 10 gallon to look like your tanks? Email me at
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
If you want to start off I would recommend watching my success with low tech tanks playlist, and go from there for now.
Umar Mujeeb
Umar Mujeeb - 8 years ago
Would API CO2 Booster be a good replacement for actual CO2?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
IT wouldn't be. it only adds a small amount of carbon to the tank. nothing can really replace pressurized CO2. Now if you use a liquid carbon combined with a soil substrate and a bicarbonate buffer these three things can all add to the total amount of carbon, and will definitely help out with photosynthesis, but pressurized CO2 can't be beat if you are going high-tech.
Joseph Valdez
Joseph Valdez - 8 years ago
How often should you trim monte carlos? My monte carlo has runners but it doesn't seem to get bushy.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Joseph Valdez it usually grows low and laterally not upwards. It creeps along the substrate. Just trim when it gets so dense it starts growing on top of itself.
Sergio Pera
Sergio Pera - 8 years ago
what about UG???
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Sergio Pera 30 minutes may be too long. I have never tried it with a water mix, besides just spraying into the aquarium itself. Maybe try a few mix concentrations in a bowl with a sample of UG from the aquarium. That way you can run a few experiments first on some samples.
Sergio Pera
Sergio Pera - 8 years ago
have you ever dip UG with algae in UG+water solution?? i was thinking on doing with a 0.3% solution for 30 minutes.. What do you think? or you think i have to do even lighter 0.15% 1/20 3% h2o2 dip for 30 min to kill algae and let UG alive without stress. If not UG another plant would be a good parameter to compare. Thank you bosssss
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Sergio Pera try a 0.5% concentration on a small area and wait to see if it kills it. I used to spray the 3% concentration and it wouldn't kill the UG necessarily, but try it out on a small section first. And I was spraying under water too, which makes a difference.
hnrq brst
hnrq brst - 8 years ago
There are a few bonsai concepts you are teaching. The worst problem about the planted aquarism is the lack of knowledge from people practicing it. Because the tips and methods are always the same people just don't realize they can search for more info around other sources of technique. At the end this creates a knowledge bubble. Some huge insights can be grasped when you start learning about major problems and solutions in regular ornamental gardening, bonsai, aquaponics and cultive of vegetable. In general, these things saves lots of money.
hnrq brst
hnrq brst - 8 years ago
I'm very glad to come across your channel. Your techniques are similair to what I've been looking for around the hobby. I like to keep it to an extent of experimental ideas that make sense and alternative solutions for the most common problems, which is something you practice.
Keep doing the good job, I wish you success.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Henrique Brust that's right, and same for those hobbyists. They can learn from aquascapers. Aquatic plants are the focus of the video and will have their own slight variations, but I agree. I have found many aquaponics hobbyists could learn a lot from aquascapers. Especially filter design, water chemistry, and general aquatic husbandry.

20. comment for The Secret To Making Plants Bushy And Compact-Aquascaping

rex1030 - 8 years ago
Hey man next time you make a video could you get right into the subject matter? I got so fed up with your rambling in the beginning I almost closed the video only to find out that the rest of the video was full of great information and was super useful. You might get more of a following if you dive right in.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
rex1030 make sure to read the video description too..That helps explain the video a bit better.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
rex1030 well I think at the beginning I was trying to explain how CO2 can help and just prefacing it. Yeah I get what you're saying. Thanks for watching.
Keenie - 8 years ago
wow I learned so much more by this 12 minute video, than 1 year of trial and frustration by doing stuff the store told me! Thank you for showing me this! :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
just the ones that will still keep an attractive shape for the plant, but yes if they get too big it can be better to remove them so most of the leaves can grow at the same rate, so the plant will appear more bushy.
Keenie - 8 years ago
I will :) just trimmed some of my crypts now that had really long leafs. Just did trimming on my Hygrophilia Siamensis last week or so and noticed how bushy they have become, but top leafs are huge and blocking all the lights for the smaller ones beneath, should I remove all the big leafs on top or just some?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Keenie yeah no problem. Also read the video description for clarification of the methods mentioned.
anthony Pope
anthony Pope - 8 years ago
hi mate can you just put the moss in to the substrate without putting it on mesh cheers happy fish keeping
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
you could, but it will grow out better on some kind of platform: rocks, mesh pad, sponge, etc.. a really good method to use is glue the moss to a flat piece of sponge and put that into the substrate. You can buy a block of filter sponge and cut it however you'd like and then make a moss carpet.
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 8 years ago
I'm not a fish freak, I am more of plant freak
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 8 years ago
Hehe now that you said that, I came to realize I am a freak to both fish and plant actually. A planted tank without cool fish seems incomplete :'D
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
haha, in some videos I say fish freaks and plant freaks! Me too. Nowadays I am more of a plant freak now that I think about it.
Daniel Layman
Daniel Layman - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
oh alright. I will have to check out the channel. thanks for watching
Daniel Layman
Daniel Layman - 8 years ago
ADU Aquascaping h2o plants on YouTube / Instagram sent us to see this
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Daniel Layman what is this?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
you only remove the mother stem if it is unhealthy, old, and tattered. After a year or more, and if emersed growth is unhealthy after transitioning to submersed growth. I hope this clears up any confusion. Also, read the explanation in the video description
Timothy Cline
Timothy Cline - 8 years ago
Love your videos! Question for you. I have Ludwigia 'Red' Pantanal. It definitely does better with the cut the top and replant approach. The old stem will produce 3-4 new shoots which I cut and replant when 3-4 inches and get rid of the stem. My problem is the plant grows really quickly and never really produces roots before the top needs to cut again so when I fluff it to get rid of detritus and what not, its constantly coming dislodged. Any thoughts?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Timothy Cline you only need to replant if the main stem is very important old. Once a year at the most. I confused some people with this video. Replanting the tops and side shoots is a good idea. Just keep trimming and wait for it to take root. If you have a lot of extra growth you can sell it or give it away.
ss ss
ss ss - 8 years ago
Could something like this be achieved with just high lighting, CO2, and say EI?
ss ss
ss ss - 8 years ago
cheers, I'll get some on order.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
ss ss just Seachem or Osmocote plus.
ss ss
ss ss - 8 years ago
What type of root tabs would you recommend? Nothing I have is particularly heavy root feeding. Just want something there as a fail safe if I'm running a bit lean somewhere.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
ss ss yes it can be achieved with a sand substrate and also you can add Laterite clay to help and root tabs.
ss ss
ss ss - 8 years ago
Nah sorry, I meant the health and overall look of the tank. Could it be achieved with everything you mentioned, minus the substrate (something inert instead).
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
ss ss you mean being compact? not necessarily. you have to trim and shape plants.
Sarah James
Sarah James - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tips! You have great knowledge :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching and for the support!
solar clapson
solar clapson - 8 years ago
Ya! Naked aquascaping.

30. comment for The Secret To Making Plants Bushy And Compact-Aquascaping

J.Cliff Toomey
J.Cliff Toomey - 8 years ago
Thank you!
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 8 years ago
I wish u did it to the actual plans
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
haha, I know I should have. I am weird sometimes... haha. Thanks for watching.
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 8 years ago
FishWhisperer - 8 years ago
hey i just started on my 90 gallon planted community tank its been about a month now take a look and tell me what you guys think!
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 8 years ago
why talk to us like you know us? you don't
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Dennis Younger I am you. haha
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 8 years ago
makes no sense.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
I know myself, so I know you. All humans are from the same source of reality.
anthony pope
anthony pope - 8 years ago
hi how would you do it for sage
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
dwarf sag? I mention it in the video.
rohitb3 - 8 years ago
While my Amazon Swords and Cabomba are doing great and Water Wisteria doing okay, all the leaves of my Bacopa have fallen off, leaving the bare stem with small new leaf growths at the top which are barely growing
Also my Java fern are getting all black and tattered.
Anyone has any solution to this?
Savannah Libassi
Savannah Libassi - 8 years ago
This was insanely helpful and informational! Thank you!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Thanks, glad it could help you out. Now get trimming!
Adrian Kwek
Adrian Kwek - 8 years ago
Thanks for the information!
Leslie Graves
Leslie Graves - 9 years ago
can't believe I am now stumbbling across this video
karelyou2 - 9 years ago
Thank you for your explanations on the this overlooked subject of aquascaping. Subscribed!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+karelyou2 THanks for watching and subbing!
Keith Yohai
Keith Yohai - 9 years ago
This is a great video. I subscribed.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Keith Yohai thanks for watching.
Mae Trohak-Rekve
Mae Trohak-Rekve - 9 years ago
This was very helpful! Thanks for explaining the differences between trimming stem plants and rosettes!
Gegeg - 9 years ago
when are you posting the 'aquascaping in the nude' video then?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Gegeg hahaha, maybe next New Years. haha
Roy Salaysay
Roy Salaysay - 9 years ago
Hello sir, greetings, i have a question regarding on stem plants for example green cabomba, where is the right spot to cut the stem? do have to cut it exactly in the middle or near the leaf part? because i have cut some for cabomba and suddenly they stop growing, as for bacopa carolinian and monnierie i do the same but the stem on the cut become rot, what is that?

thank you. please email me.
Roy Salaysay
Roy Salaysay - 8 years ago
thank you so much for my inquiry, now after a month after reading and watch many times of this video I finally got my answer, my verticulata is so bushy now every node probably has their own stems, hygrophila sunset also do the same. again thank you so much ADU, I never know you're gonna reply for my question ^_^ not expecting. lol
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Roy Salaysay You can actually cut anywhere along the stem. Top, middle, or bottom. There are different techniques and none are better than the others. You can trim lower down and let it multiply and it will get thicker. And sometimes you can replant the tops. This is happening to you probably because the plants are grown emersed and transitioning to submersed. This is why in the video I say to replant the cut tops because they are usually now either acclimated to submersed conditions, or are submersed growth themselves. Most of us buy emersed growth, so the main mother stem can become unhealthy. You don't necessarily have to always uproot the mother stem, but after time you may have to once it looks ugly. Read the video description of this video to get a better idea of what I am talking about. I wrote an entire explanation in the video description. thanks for watching.
Rubber Duck
Rubber Duck - 9 years ago
The amount of time I've forgotten to take my jumper off before sorting things out in my tank is just too many to count.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Villager Sparky haha indeed. We have had a really intense winter this year. I am grateful because we really need the water.
Rubber Duck
Rubber Duck - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping Because over here its dammed cold. XD
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Villager Sparky The real question is why are you wearing a jumper. Is this a daily thing? hahaha

Thanks for watching.
jamieoliver1976 - 9 years ago
my anubias are starting to look sparse for leaves but have an enormous amount of roots coming out of the rhyzome. is it ok to trim off all the roots and leave the rhyzome to grow again or can i chop the rhyzome in two maybe ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+jamieoliver1976 yeah you can cut the roots and can cut the rhizome. It may slow the growth, but will bounce back.
Phil Tron
Phil Tron - 9 years ago
we've all aquascaped in the nude huh? lol.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+GglePlus Sux I haven't, but I didn't want to leave anyone out!
Adastra Recordings
Adastra Recordings - 9 years ago
I've been pinching my crypts not cutting them, they appear to be okay, is this acceptable or should I really be cutting them? I have awful depth perception so find it much easier with my fingers. Great videos btw, I have subscribed, you're a goldmine of information.
Adastra Recordings
Adastra Recordings - 9 years ago
Thank's for that info, you confirmed what I thought about my stems, I'm going to offload most of the mother stems over the weekend.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Adastra Recordings That is fine. I pinch mine too, just sometimes if you pinch Anubias it can rip the rhizome is all.

And please read the description of this video because it has confused some people throughout the community, on forums, Facebook etc... I only say to rip up the mother stem because after time it can become tattered and exhausted, so you may only do this once a year. And Another reason why I say it is because most of us buy emersed grown plants from the fish shop and once the submersed growth appears it can sometimes be healthier to replant the new submersed growth and get rid of the mother stem, but if the mother stem is looking healthy than you don't necessarily have to uproot it. Also, the method I mentioned when it comes to trimming Hygrophila corymbosa should be followed. They don't like their tops being cut, and other stem plants don't mind.

Thanks for watching.
Emilio Maldonado
Emilio Maldonado - 9 years ago
thank you for the informative video.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Emilio Maldonado no problem man.
Michael Gumm
Michael Gumm - 9 years ago
Somehow I missed this one Dave. Really like the video and super informative. The aquarium looked great here, love that hydo and fissidens on the right. They 2 plants accent eachother nice.

50. comment for The Secret To Making Plants Bushy And Compact-Aquascaping

Tropical Tank UK
Tropical Tank UK - 9 years ago
Nice Tank!! I currently have a small 28l tank, that I have planted! I would love to know what you think of my aquarium, please take a look if you get a chance!

Alen AxP
Alen AxP - 9 years ago
That is very very beautiful aquarium!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Alen AxP Thanks for watching. I have a new scape, and should have the video up tomorrow, so stay tuned...
phoenixkool - 9 years ago
Aquascape in the nude, no we haven't ALL done that.. that's weird, I hope I'm not the only one that thinks that...
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+phoenixkool hahaha, you must be a PC authority. It's called a joke! Thanks for watching. :)
ShelbyRae Lane
ShelbyRae Lane - 9 years ago
Awesome I FINALLY know how to actually trim my plants for their best benefit and to make my tank look AWESOME...thanks for taking the time to make these videos.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+ShelbyRae Lane No problem, thanks for watching and am glad you liked the video. Read the description of this video as well. These are not the only way to trim plants. This is just a method that works for a lot of people. When I say get rid of the mother stem and uproot the mother stem this may be after several months of trimming. Once it becomes exhausted and tattered from abuse. The mother stem may last the entire life of the scape. But I also mentioned this because a lot of us buy emersed grown plants, so once the submersed growth appears it is better to turn the new submersed growth into the next generation of mother stems if that makes sense, and get rid of the emersed growth.
James Duran
James Duran - 9 years ago
Hello, i've recently subscribed to your channel and am currently almost finished with your videos in just a day, may I suggest starting a walstad method series just like your low tech series, that would be very interesting
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+James Duran That would be a good idea. I could start one up and even use the sunlight, but right now the sun is becoming more and more indirect because of Winter. I like the idea, but may hold off until Spring. Thanks for watching the videos. You are a real FISH FREAK!
Vin Roxas
Vin Roxas - 9 years ago
oh my sleeves are always wet, so wet that my hands looks like crumpled paper
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Vin Roxas (alastrez) hahaha! Now we know you are a real FISH FREAK!
Rachel Hopewell
Rachel Hopewell - 9 years ago
so nice =)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Rachel Hopewell Thanks for watching, now get to work trimming those plants!!
Lewis Pounder
Lewis Pounder - 9 years ago
amazing looking tanks
what are the two big fish in the 2:00 min mark in the video
Lewis Pounder
Lewis Pounder - 9 years ago
ow ok cool thank 
yea i currently have a breeding pair of blue rams and discuss i might move to goephagus one day 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Lewis Pounder Thanks, they are Goephagus Tapajos red cap. Pretty cool earth eater cichlids. Usually people don't put them with plants, but robust plants can be used.
Aloy Arvo
Aloy Arvo - 9 years ago
it did helped me.. well explained, thanks..
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+ingrid maglay Glad you liked it!
SequoiaElisabeth - 9 years ago
One of your more useful videos, Thanks for the plant wisdom :-)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+SequoiaElisabeth Thanks for watching.
Sahir Mohamed
Sahir Mohamed - 9 years ago
Aquarium Hobbyist
Aquarium Hobbyist - 9 years ago
great vid - thanks
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Aquarium Hobbyist No problem.
kehw - 9 years ago
Woah i have been doing everything wrong. I can wait for a couple months my tanks are going look so much better
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Kurt-Eric Wurzbacher Thanks for watching.
Frankie Rivers
Frankie Rivers - 9 years ago
Where do you buy your plants? local or the web? It's hard to find a wide variety or good looking ones where I live.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Frankie Rivers I get mine locally, but you can go on the planted tank forum and buy from other hobbyists or go to Or
Katie Medvecka
Katie Medvecka - 9 years ago
can i replant the tops of rotala that i chopping off?
Beyond Aquatic Design
Beyond Aquatic Design - 9 years ago
awesome work
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Beyond Aquatic Design Thanks man!
H I G H E R W ØR L D S PR OD C TI ON - 9 years ago
that is a beautiful aquarium bio-me
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+LimitlessFilm Pro Thanks for the kind words, this tank was pretty fun to watch with all the open space. Thanks for watching.
Bailey Miles
Bailey Miles - 9 years ago
Straight after watching this i went to my tank and got rid of a long bit on my jungle val
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Bailey Miles If you keep it up your plants will produce smaller leaves and eventually become more compact, the more you bug them and rip off leaves the bushier they become. Thanks for watching, I hope this video helped, peace!
Stringybark Aquarium
Stringybark Aquarium - 9 years ago
Very nice aquascaping. Impressive
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Stringybark Aquarium Thanks for the kind words, and am glad you like the tank.
Alpha smurf
Alpha smurf - 9 years ago
your tank is amazing its like you cut out a chunk of the best clear stream in the world and put it in your home
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Alpha smurf haha! thanks for such a nice compliment, I am glad you liked the tank.
Cedrus King
Cedrus King - 10 years ago
what would dwarf hairgrass fall under? 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Cedrus King Not totally sure, but a lot of grasses are blades grown from the base so possibly rosette.
david hughie
david hughie - 10 years ago
should I trimm it after the root stick to the substrte or just before planting?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+david hughie I only say this because most people have emersed growth so after a month or so you will want to replant the new submersed growth. So I would wait until the plant roots and transforms to submersed growth. Thanks for watching man.
kory anderson
kory anderson - 10 years ago
Great video Bro. Been giving my plants flat tops since I set up my first aquarium. Made me laugh out loud a couple of times too. Crayfish wisdom?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+kory anderson Haha, that is good to hear. I was pissed in this video for some reason. LOL
I don't know the wisdom, is that something I said? LOL
Samuel StP
Samuel StP - 10 years ago
Thanks it helped me a lot
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+P St-Pierre Glad you liked the video. I hope it helps you out with trimming. There are many different ways and methods to trimming plants. One way is not more correct than any others, just some better for specific plants. Thanks for watching.
Aleos Oricos
Aleos Oricos - 10 years ago
Love this vid. Thank you so much.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Aleos Oricos Thanks for the support. And glad you liked it. There are many different ways and methods to trimming plants, but I hope this gets you started, peace.
Shrubbs - 10 years ago
Mike M
Mike M - 10 years ago
lol "aquascape in the nude. we've all done it" Great video and advice.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Mike M haha, I have done it! LOL Thanks for watching! 
Praise Kek
Praise Kek - 10 years ago
Where is a good place to fill CO2 tanks in Salt Lake?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Zumbi Dos Palmares If you have a paintball cylinder go to any sports shop. If you have a 5lb or 10lb or whatever aluminium or steel cylinder go to a welding supply shop. They are usually cheaper than going to a Beer shop or soda shop. I hear you can fill them at the Beer Nut in SLC, but that is probably more expensive than a welding shop. Who knows, I would call around... Thanks for watching.
Chaos2611 - 10 years ago
I want to float my dwarf baby tears on the top of the tank. Any tips on cutting them? Or how to make them stay floating? The large ones sink but the cut up ones float.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Chaos2611 It's fine, it won't cause any issues, but may be too messy. If you decide to try something else you can always get duck weed.
Chaos2611 - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping I just cut the baby tears into parts so it floats. Is that okay?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Chaos2611 You could just use duck weed or red root floaters, HC would be way too messy in my opinion. It may stay alive, but wouldn't float forever and would probably sink or just make your water column messy.
Brandyn Therwanger
Brandyn Therwanger - 10 years ago
This was extremely helpful. Thanks you. Nothing else like it on youtube, or anywhere for that matter that u could find. I'm a first time planter, and going to be planting a Small Bacopa into a 55 gallon 2 year old tropical freshwater tank. Housing 10 tigerbarbs, 2 upside down catfish and 1 pleco. Here's to hoping my substrate and lighting will be sufficient.
DinaraX - 10 years ago
Great guide! Full of useful information on trimming each plant type in a tank. I wish I found it earlier... My Hygros always looked like palm trees (thin high "trunk" & 5-7 nice rich leaves at the top). Any tips for brown spots on a Java fern? I have a small bunch in a betta tank (heated,lighted, filtered) Brown spots appears on 1 leaf and then it goes yellow without melting or weakening.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+DinaraX Glad you liked the video. I was kind of mad when I made the video, some people can probably tell, but oh well, LOL. Brown spots are normal on ferns, those are spore sites where new ferns will form. If it is dying than it could be from toxicity or temp changes. Are you dosing Excel? That will burn ferns pretty well. thanks for watching.
Ceil Russell
Ceil Russell - 10 years ago
Thank you for this excellent and valuable information...This is a bookmark as I will come back to this several times to make sure I have it right. 
311sheena - 10 years ago
This video was great! I have most of the plants you named (bought them from a local pet shop) and I have been having a terrible time getting them to grow thick and bushy . there were several things you covered that I wasn't doing and some of the trimming I was doing incorrectly . thank you so much for the advice :D
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+311sheena No problem, my friend Dennis Wong just uploaded an awesome trimming video as well. Just type Dennis Wong into the YT search and you will find him. Thanks for watching.
Aqua Folium
Aqua Folium - 10 years ago
Sweet tank, any advice growing Ludwigia Repens? 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Aqua Folium Well it will benefit from nutrients in the water column as well as in the substrate. I has a tendency to drop leaves near the base. Try replanting the nice trimmings and eventually getting rid of the old stems or mother stem.
Austin Bradley
Austin Bradley - 10 years ago
Great video very helpful
Michael Strangelove
Michael Strangelove - 10 years ago
Thanks -- very helpful!
samuricexful - 10 years ago
Thanks for the vid.  I'm new to plants but I'm going to some of this out on my extras.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+samuricexful Sounds good. Go ahead and practice these techniques and before you know it you'll have it down. Thanks for watching.
LocoWar - 10 years ago
EpiK1ReM5611 - 10 years ago
Yea I figured you probably had a detailed video about substrate but kinda got lazy n didn't try looking. Kool man I'll check out your vids thanks.
EpiK1ReM5611 - 10 years ago
How about talking about good substrates and where to buy it at example like a store or website. I only know of eco complete but doesnt it just come in black? different color options would be cool too. I'm sure there better ones out there but I was never able to find some. Forums are pretty incomplete I think. If possible talk about good light fixtures nothing to crazy expensive but something that can do the job. Thanks man.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
In my secrets of great aquarium substrates video I talk all about the best substrates and why. I go into scientific detail. Eco is actually getting more red because the area where they mine it from is running out of black rock. It is just lava rubble. Great for plant roots and can be used under soil substrates to keep them from compacting, but it really doesn't offer that many nutrients to the substrate like soil or Aquasoil.
Austin McKeehan
Austin McKeehan - 10 years ago
you named a bunch of plants of which i know none, nor do I know how to spell. Would be such a great video if I could look them up in google to have an idea of what you were talking about. Title the plants above the drawing, or make a list in the description please.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Austin McKeehan Will do, that is a good point. Thanks for watching. 
K B - 10 years ago
great info!
BiteMyShinyMetal4ss - 10 years ago
Very good vid, thanks! I've been using this method for years in gardening and its all the same and just as effective. This is also a very important and fundamental technique used in grooming Bonsai trees.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+BiteMyShinyMetal4ss That is good to know. My sister just moved away and left me with a bonsai tree. 
Ziabis Oh
Ziabis Oh - 10 years ago
Love the Tutorial. Excellent and easy to understand. Question: I have diatom covered leaves, should I cut them off? Or should I use Nerite snails to clean the leaves or something else?
Ziabis Oh
Ziabis Oh - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping
Awesome thanks. I guess I just have to wait.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
+Ziabis Oh If it is diatoms usually you can just rub it off with your finger. Diatoms will disappear as the tank matures.
Ike D
Ike D - 10 years ago
This is the best most informative vid for anyone keeping planted tanks, i so wish i could have seen this before i started or even 1-2 months after i started this would have made my tank look so much better. I have all "Natural Look" growing tanks no order whats so ever if i need more of something i trim an plant cutoffs thats it. Tanks! For this vid

Oh i was saying i would love to see a time lapsed vid of this great idea maybe name it "Wet Sleeves" or something similar lol i know it would be some work but u have the followers to do it. I would but i know i wouldnt reach enough people. Anyway workin with acrylic i can make a new tank for vid idea but i dont have enough followers.
Tanks! again.

311sheena - 10 years ago
Agreed! I wish I would of watched this video a lot sooner
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
That would be a great video idea. I always want to do true interval shooting and make a time lapse. My camera has the capability to do so. The only issue is right now I don't have any predominate stem plant tanks. This would really work well with a Dutch scape or a hybrid Dutchagumi scape. The evidence is all around you. Look at my old hybrid tank. Look at pro aquascapers tanks like Takashi Amano. I am basically using his advice, but molding it to my needs. All of us should come up with our own trimming techniques. The reason I cut higher up and then replant is because most of us get emersed plants. So the tops are now acclimated to  our water and will produce and overall healthier plant once it is established as the main stem and over time you do  need to uproot the plants and trim the bottom half of the stem. The plant will become exhausted from continued trimming and will not look as good until you trim and replant. Thanks for watching.
Ike D
Ike D - 10 years ago
I would love to see a vid suporting this
JERRYR708 - 10 years ago
This tutorial will be very useful when I get started. Added to favorites.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Sounds good, thanks for watching and glad you like the vid.
whitecloudsschools - 10 years ago
very nice tank video... Between two mountains - Aquascape part 1 check out my video , i need some feedbacks and suggestions  thanks :::)))) 
Top Gamer
Top Gamer - 10 years ago
What are the big fish called in the 2nd tank
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Geophagus tapajos "Red Caps" Awesome earth-eater Cichlid. Don't get very big and are very docile.
acey alain
acey alain - 10 years ago
tnx, much help. :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
no problem. Thanks for watching.

100. comment for The Secret To Making Plants Bushy And Compact-Aquascaping

Jonathan Kane
Jonathan Kane - 10 years ago
I have wet sleeves on the weekend. My rotalla grows like the weed it is, the amazon swords are like a pheonix every week. However the micro swords I hsve are always in the shade of the rotalla. The get small growth and no runners. Should I just buzz down the rotalla and scare it to the back of the tank to the driftwood? Or just leave the micro swords to stay dwarfed?

Rotalla I think would make a better backround plant, and the micro swords a foreground plant. The flame swords would still shadow it with the massive ever growing fan leaves. My question is what advice can you give a rookie like me? I have a crappy video of my 3 tanks. Will try to get another tomorrow of just my dirty 55.
Jonathan Kane
Jonathan Kane - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping I have a quad t5 24 inch I believe. I have a mixture of florite and gravel with some larger sized chunks of rock mixed in. I use the seachem line every other week. No root tabs, but have seen how easy it is to make your own. I use diy co2 after a trimming, once the co2 runs out I dose with the seachem dosing chart. I will try to get a more in depth video of both planted tanks today.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
For sure trim the rotala and move it back. If the flame sword starts shading the micro too much then cut off the leaf. You always want to look for shaded leaves or plants and try and help them get some light. I saw your tanks and really like the tank with the rainbows. What kind of light do you have? What kind of root tabs or liquid dosing? What kind of water changes? And how old are the tanks?
Julio Mingui
Julio Mingui - 10 years ago
Subbed mate, thanks for pointing this out. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks. Glad you liked it. keep your sleeves wet! Well except when doing water changes of course.
Super Bass
Super Bass - 10 years ago
your the man i got my first planted aquarium and your helping me so much
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Right on, glad I could help. Once it gets rolling let me know. Thanks for watching. And if you have any questions just PM me.
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
Hey Dave! Is there another way, in your opinion, getting rid of the mother stem without uprooting it and making a mess? I usually cut about 1cm under the substrate, am I doing it wrong? Or is it OK?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Yeah Osmocote Plus
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
Thanks again Dave! Note to self: must get root tabs! :-D Do you use DIY?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
It seems like most stem plants produce them, but produce more if there are less nutrients in the substrate. I usually rip all of them off. Helps promote new growth. If I start getting a lot. Say my entire bunch of pogostemon stellatus, for example, start getting aerial roots I know it is time for a root tab or two.
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
What do you do about the crazy aerial roots? They get on my nerves :-|
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Whatever works for you, that it totally fine. The video is explaining the eventual, unavoidable procedures.  I skipped over other more basic methods. The most common way to trim is start near the bottom and work your way up as you trim all new growth as it duplicates. Maybe that is how you already do it. I just modified the method I learned from Amano's books.
865_Rostislav - 10 years ago
sweet looking tank!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching. Should have an update of my new scape coming soon. Things are starting to fill in. The needle leaf java fern is coming along very slowly.
jon alberts
jon alberts - 10 years ago
what is this cichlid in the second tank?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
It is a Geophagus Tapajos red cap. Really awesome SA cichlid and very beautiful.
Lofen lofot
Lofen lofot - 10 years ago
Hi. what kind of fish is the 2 big ones in the second tank just befor you switsh to the white board? some kind of ciklid. ?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Yeah it is a Geophagus Tapajos red cap. Very beautiful fish.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 10 years ago
Great video extremely educational. Thanks for sharing.
Nathan Grady
Nathan Grady - 10 years ago
Thank you sir. This is a great video!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Right on, you are welcome.
Trey L
Trey L - 10 years ago
so then if we want the java fern shorter then what do we do since were not supposed to cut any of the tops of? Just wondering since i wil be making my aqua scape soon 
Trey L
Trey L - 10 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Just cut the stem right above the rhizome. For any unhealthy or abnormally large leaves.
Joe Acey
Joe Acey - 10 years ago
Fantastic video it was needed on YouTube.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 10 years ago
This is probably the most useful plant care video I've seen on youtube.
Most people including me show those awesome videos and tanks but do not show how to make it like that.
Only that you need light, co2 and nutrients.
Well guess what,you nailed it.The technical side lets you grow plants yes, but can only take you this far. To make it look good they need proper care and a steady scissor hand.
Something most people ignore.
Give your plants some love if you want them to look their best.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Thanks for the kind words. It is something a lot of people overlook that is for sure. They think I either spend a ton of money and plant heavily or the plants just grow like that. LOL
Susie98052 - 10 years ago
How do clean wild plants? I'm concerned about parasites/pollution/etc.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
You can use a diluted solution of bleach 1:20 and let the plants soak for 10 minutes or so. Then you could install a UV sterilizer if you wanted.
Thinker101 - 10 years ago
draws better than me
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
I never learned how to draw right.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Check out my latest videos and please subscribe. I have a new series called, Fish Facts, and another one on the way! Thank you for supporting my channel.
jem Ogn
jem Ogn - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping just started watching your videos , they are the best on youtube, thank you very much
Rated M
Rated M - 10 years ago
What substrate do you recommend?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
I prefer Eco-complete with DIY root tabs-Osmocote Plus in gelatin capsules. Or I use ADA Aquasoil. 
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
This video is the most informational video that I've seen about plant trimming. Makes me feel like a pro after watching this. Now I gotta get my arms wet to do some trimming.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
Haha, thanks for the kind words. Glad it helped you out in your quest for plant mastery.
TheAngry Fishman
TheAngry Fishman - 11 years ago
That is awesome! Subbed liked. Check my channel out if you have any time and subscribe to FISHMAN KINGDOM!
Gallima - 11 years ago
Visuals + narrative is great help. Thank you!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 11 years ago
I don't think I've ever had dry sleeves. great educational video
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
I know I never do even with a T-shirt on! Tanks are deep and I don't mind, I always grab a towel.
Tom's Fish Tanks
Tom's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Great info Dave. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks man.
IAmDatYoungBull - 11 years ago
hella good video. you covered some material I have NEVER been able to find on youtube. Dude, i am a new sub... I cannot wait to see what else this channel has in store
basil thomas
basil thomas - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping ohh and this was a great vid by the way i added it to my playlist for when ever i need help thanks man
basil thomas
basil thomas - 10 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping hey man im a new subscriber aswell i was thinking about probably lighting like how much watts per gallon plants need and stuff, also on how to propagate ths 5 main types of plants like you said in this video because im a beginner :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Good to hear, that's what I was thinking when I made the video. I wanted to talk about something most people overlook, which is key to successful aquascaping. Do you have an ideas or things you would like to see. Something we all overlook, but is important to the hobby?
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 11 years ago
Great information Dave.  I especially liked your explanation on stem plants.  I have seen a lot of aquariums that would have looked a 100% better if they had been properly pruned.  Lately I have tried to get away from plants that require constant pruning.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
I agree, it can be a pain. It is just the way you have to do things and a lot of beginners don't really know about it. They assume the plants just grow that way. Thanks for watching.
Brian Blair
Brian Blair - 11 years ago
I've got pressurized co2 for one of my nanos. The plant growth has been great, but still a bit slow. I'm still using the stock LEDs that came with the tank. What would you recommend for a mid-high light tank? I looked at the Finnex Fugeray Ultra Slim R and a few Fluval lights, but I'm not sure they'd be a decent replacement.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Fugeray is great for medium lighting, the Ray II is great for high light tanks. Both give off good amounts of PAR. The Finnex Fugeray Planted+ may be a good option as well considering it gives off a specific wavelength of red light which plants are most sensitive to which encourages photosynthesis. It is a medium light fixture same as the Fugeray, but overall better performance. What they need to do is make a high light Ray II with high output red light.
Han Lu
Han Lu - 11 years ago
what kind of foreground plant thats beside hc cuba in ur first tank? it looks like some kind of moss
Han Lu
Han Lu - 11 years ago
oh nice! i didnt realize its ug. it looks more
furry than other ug i've seen
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Utricularia graminifolia bladderwort AKA "UG". Lovely foreground plant. It's like thick blade grass.
ucantkillme89 - 11 years ago
This tank looks impossible. You must be hella skilled man!!
Only way I can have this is by paying someone to do it for me.
Must take time, patience.
ucantkillme89 - 11 years ago
How long did it take to get this tank up and running??
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
haha, thanks! Yeah it takes a lot of patience and hours messing around in the tank. It is my release and meditation.
NickMach007 - 11 years ago
I'm a little behind on watching the youtube videos. Thanks for doing this. I have been struggling a little with my hygro, I think I'm going to uproot it (only time I hate dirt) and trim it down and replant. 
NickMach007 - 11 years ago
it is shedding a lot of leaves. and the growth is so dense in the center of the plant, I'm finding it hard to trim away the damaged leaves (that then get chewed up by snails and look even worse). I think a hard pruning and starting over with a smaller healthy section -- like you mentioned in your video is the way to go. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Yeah give it a try, what's its issue?
MrHoney2U - 11 years ago
Thanks for the tips. I think drawing it out really helped
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
No problem man, thanks for checking in, I need an update of the tank!
Guppy Breeder
Guppy Breeder - 11 years ago
Have A Look At My Channel Please ! :)
Rice Scapes
Rice Scapes - 11 years ago
Awesome vid! It took me a while to figure out the trick. But you did clear up some questions i had of how to trim some plants i never thought about trimming. Thanks!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
You're welcome, there are many different ways to trim, these are the methods I prefer from my own personal experience, they are all similar to one another, but the results differ.
Tylers Tanked
Tylers Tanked - 11 years ago
Hey your tank looks great!!
I bought all that limestone from you in august haha. I finally put a video up. You should check it out because I found a lot of inspiration and knowledge from your tanks.
paducahFishFan - 11 years ago
Bacopa is a cool plant.  I call it 'doubling down' from black jack.
Where you snip and plant what you cut to help spread it.

Bacopa has a VERY good fragrant smell if you snip it.  I had about a 1 foot square of it in the back of my 120 and finally took it all out to give the fish room to swim.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
I know! And no one ever talks about how it smells like eucalyptus (menthol). It is a great plant.
paducahFishFan - 11 years ago
I've managed to have really good carpet of hair grass and baby tears (NOT HC) in my 120.  It has 4x54W T5HO bulbs and organic dirt in the substrate though.

CO2 is a much easier way.  :-)  Love your videos and tanks.  Thanks for sharing.

To the two clowns that gave this video a dislike you're on the wrong freaking channel.  This is NOT the goldfish or beta fish channel.  Just saying...
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
It's true, funny you should mention that, I was actually going to use you and your tanks as an example of carpeting plants without Co2. But trying to carpet say UG bladderwort without Co2 would be almost impossible. It is doable, but harder for most people. You are just he master of the low-tech natural tank.
njw1383 - 11 years ago
Ha ha aquascaping in the nude! Love it
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Haha, it is a must.
Akvarie Planten
Akvarie Planten - 11 years ago
Very Nice tank :) please check my Channel and tank too. I have "like" yours
Jared T
Jared T - 11 years ago
this actually helped me alot, i would always just trim stem plants down super low, then trim the trimmings into a bunch of different pieces and replant those, but im gonna try it like you said to in the video! thanks! :D
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
You're welcome. You can do all kinds of methods, Try it out and see what works and what doesn't for you and come up with your own methods. Thanks for watching
coleworld777 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the help. I have to say man there is so many different methods to do things in the planted tank hobby. One method could work perfectly for someone while else the method won't work at all. Once my stem plants come in ill be watching this video many times
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname - 11 years ago
I didn't even know I was looking for this. Thanks man!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Haha, right on! Thanks for watching and I hope it helps you with your aquascaping.
coleworld777 - 11 years ago
Thank you for helping. What you said makes a lot of sense. I have one more question if you don't mind me asking. How many times can I trim the main stem before pulling it out?
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
That really all depends on how tall the plant is getting and how healthy the main stem looks. You could trim the main stem and new growth that comes off of the stem as many times as you like. You could do it three or four time and never replant the main stem. If you take this approach just start lower down on the main stem instead of near the top. If you start lower down you will divide the main stem then divide the new growth and so on... This is the basic method, but I don't find it to be as efficient so I have modified it to fit my needs. Remember most stem plants can be cut anywhere along the main stem and produce new growth, but not all prefer this method like the hygrophila for example. Just try it out and you will come to your own conclusions of what works and what doesn't and create your own method.
coleworld777 - 11 years ago
Great vid. What is the purpose of taking out the main stem plant after a couple of trimmings on it?
coleworld777 - 11 years ago
Just saw this, thank you
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Best question of the decade! Peace
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks, that is a good question, after some time of trimming your plant will look bushier and thicker, but of course be taller. It is more beneficial, for a few reasons, to take out the main stem rather than just cut the stem in half and replant. When replanting the new growth it will allow the plant to become more compact, essentially the new growth is now the stem. After time the main stem becomes tattered and unhealthy, lack of light and exhaustion from trimming. And you do this for aesthetic reasons as well. Really you will have to do this process multiple times to achieve desired results. Doing this to the plant makes the new growth more compact so it won't get as tall overall or as fast. So if you do this process and then use the new growth to do the process again you will get an overall healthier, bushier more compact plant. The new growth has been manipulated to your parameters and is more acceptive and responsive to the trimming, if that makes sense.
JonaCichlid - 11 years ago
Awsome really like watching your videos. This really help me out alot.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks, I am glad you enjoy them. I hope it helps you in your quest.
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 11 years ago
Best video I've seen in a long time. Thanks
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 11 years ago
It really did . It helped to confirm what I expected. Got the scissors now I need a good pair of tongs or tweezers to re plant much smoother and accurately.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks man, I hope you find it useful, time to get out your scissors.
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 11 years ago
Aqua Scapeing in the Nude FTW!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
haha, that's right
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 11 years ago
Very detailed info, good video. Learned some new tricks, Fired Up!!!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks Slim! Get your scissors out! Fired Up!!! Brother!!! haha
frrok1- aquascaping
frrok1- aquascaping - 11 years ago
This is some great info. I've learned all my techniques through trial and error, videos, forums and AMANO(aqua journal). lol. But your right, not many vids on trimming. There is another option for stems like, rotala, ludwigia, etc though... I will post a vid on what I do when I get a chance expunged what I mean.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
I am just sad that they stopped the English Digital AquaJournal. It is really too bad. I know they have a website you can go to and check out all the new seminars, but its not the same and the journals have so much more information.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Yeah it's close to the same, I just modified it to fit my needs, which is fine. He even says the same thing where you can trim the top of blyxa, but sooner or later you are going to have to cut the blyxa from the stem and re-plant. That's why I just skip that step and go right to replanting. Cutting the tops of blyxa, chain sword, dwarf sag, Vals and even cyprus helferi just leads to unhealthy plants and algae issues and sometimes can even ruin your carpet if the plant gets too unhealthy and algae takes over. I figured this out before I read that Amano says the same thing. Either way share your experiences!
frrok1- aquascaping
frrok1- aquascaping - 11 years ago
actually. thats exactly what I was talking about. it works! but yes eventually you'll have to pull the stems and start over.. but hopefully by that time you'll want to rescape anyway! ill try yo do some videos of the set up of my next scape...
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Yeah you'll have to show us. I actually learned this through trial and error and using and using Amanos techniques as well, LOL. I know he trims lower down and lets the plant split from there and keeps the main stem, which you can do,  later on the lower main stem will usually get tattered and needs to be replaced, at least in my experience. Go ahead and make a video about it. We need more on YT.
almcloud - 11 years ago
Great info. Thanks for sharing!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks man, now keep your sleeves wet!
andy cabrera
andy cabrera - 11 years ago
Excellent advice
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching. I hope it helps you out and you have a better and more fun time with your tank. 
danturbo316 - 11 years ago
Properly explained. Even i,non plant connoisseur, get this!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks! I am glad it makes sense. It is easier to explain things with a whiteboard. Peace
carbus2 - 11 years ago
Loving the White Board! Thanks for all the information.Your video's help me out a lot..Thank you for all your Time and effort
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
You're welcome. I am glad as long as I can help someone out. I just want to make sure people don't waste as much time as I had to. This will make aquascaping more enjoyable for you. Thanks for watching.
KALZONE850 - 11 years ago
lookin good bro
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks man.
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Awesome lesson from the master of the planted tank!  Great video Dave!  Keep 'em coming!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Haha, thanks man, maybe in 50 years I will be the master. lol Thanks for watching man. Yeah I will keep the secrets to aquascaping vids coming! Got some ideas cooking, just trying to help people out.
StaiiFly2nV - 11 years ago
Nice video
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching.
NeMo - 11 years ago
Love the video, about the glosso do you cut the leaves themselves or the actual stem I'm trying to carpet
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching, yeah just cut right underneath the leaves and it will produce 2 or 3 more in its place and help it produce runners. Use your best judgement and don't go to heavy and try to cut the most mature leaves.
Zet Aquarium
Zet Aquarium - 11 years ago
Very well explanation. I actually have been looking for one that shares experiences like this. Directly straight to the points. This vid and the h202 are my favorite so far!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Yeah that is fine. It can be yellow, if your fish are fine no worries. That is a good idea for a video. I will right it down.
Zet Aquarium
Zet Aquarium - 11 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping
Right now i'm actually very confusing about the correct way of dialing co2 in my tank. I used to think that to get the maximize co2 in a tank, simply turn the bubble all the way up until when your fish is start gasping then turn it down till the fish look fine. But then now, when i added some more surface movement to prevent the build up, i find that i can even turn my co2 up more and my co2 indicator turn yellow bright while my fish are still ok. In my understanding, the more co2 plants get, the faster and the more nutritions they need. I dose EI method so i believe they can suck it all they want lol :P. Correct me and if you can make a video explaining all of it, that'd be great.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Glad you liked it. I am trying to think of some more ideas for good tip that people often overlook such as how to properly trim plants. I could do how to get lush, dense plant growth, how to carpet plants etc... Do you have anything you want to see. or what do you often search for?
Helo Stoma
Helo Stoma - 11 years ago
Good stuff. Thanks for posting, Dave! I'll try to reign in some of my crypts and vals now ;)...
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
You're welcome, yeah get those big leaves out of your life! lol Thanks for watching, I hope it helps you out.
bloodhound122 - 11 years ago
Awesome info ty!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Right on, it's good to get as much in as you can before you start. Don't do it the hard way like me. lol
bloodhound122 - 11 years ago
bloodhound122 - 11 years ago
Not a scraper just yet but I'm packing in the info while I save my pennies for the equipment you mentioned at the start of this video.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks, glad you liked it and hope it helps you out with your scaping.
Patrick Seidl
Patrick Seidl - 11 years ago
Very good explained!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching I hoped it helped you out.
Dan Barlow
Dan Barlow - 11 years ago
Awesome. Definitely helpful.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Good to hear, glad it helped someone.
Ruben - 11 years ago
This is very interesting thanks for sharing man. 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and have a great week ahead.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 11 years ago
Thanks for the lesson! Learned a lot
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
You're welcome man, thanks for checkin' in.
Luis Q.
Luis Q. - 11 years ago
Very good video Dave learn something new every day thank you for sharing this information with everyone
Luis Q.
Luis Q. - 11 years ago
Lol i couldn't tell witch plant was witch Dave nice drawing skills lol
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
You're welcome man, thanks for watching, glad you enjoyed the plant massacre. lol
Polo1126 - 11 years ago
I've been looking for more information about plant trimming, thank you!
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
You're welcome and thank you for watching. Glad it helped someone.
shizdank - 11 years ago
wow this is well explained! im doing this to a few plants not commonly used in small tanks like p. stellata in my 12g. i even have a red lotus iv kept dwarfed in my 8g. cant get my sleeves wet cause my tank is only 9 1/2 inches tall do i get a pass??? 
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
That's good you have it figured out. Sometimes it can take awhile to figure out one of the main secrets to aquascaping. HAHA, yes you get a pass now keep you wrists wet!!! LOL Thanks for watching man.
raydecielo - 11 years ago
That was very informative. Explained very well. Thank you.
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
You're welcome and thanks for watching. I hope you have fun trimming!
Amber Courtney
Amber Courtney - 11 years ago
Very helpful info Dave. Thank you for sharing! :)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
You're welcome. Glad you liked the plant massacre. lol
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 11 years ago
..... I do not ACCEPT ! - HIGH lighting - HIGH CO2 - HIGH - Ferts. - BUT a super rich substrate is attainable once your Aquarium has established.... Don't get me wrong - harder to grow plants (may) need these, BUT  I can't accept it as totally necessary or "NOTHING I can do about it"..... High-Tech tanks look FANTASTIC and yours are no different..... But it's completely possible to have a lush Planted Aquarium or even "carpets"  without........... Regardless of High-Tech or Low-Tech... a balance is created between the biological elements existence in the tank and whatever your "adding" - IE -  : light, food, ferts., and the waste created by ALL the organisms living's the most important component for healthy plant growth ..I do appreciate the vid and LOVE your tanks Bro.... Thank You Sir.
Ally Bell
Ally Bell - 7 years ago
Well said mah man, love your channel btw (also I miss the updates)
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Haha, great response, this is true to some extent, but will also take a lot longer to attain the desired results. And if you compare apples to apples, the most dense, lush El Natural low-tech tank is never as dense and lush as a High-Tech tank. People like to make this argument, but to this day I haven't ever seen a tank, in my opinion, I could be blind, that really matches high light and high Co2. It's really just a matter allowing the plants to grow exceptionally well, nothing in a high-tech is bad for the plants. Show me the best natural dirted tank in the World and compare it to the best High-Tech. It's the same as hydroponics or aquaponic greenhouses. A tomato grown outside vs inside a greenhouse on steroids.
Mark Abeja
Mark Abeja - 11 years ago
Thx i was wondering tht question
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
No problem, glad it helped you out.

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