The Making of 'Five Stones' Aquascape and Guide to Iwagumi Layout by James Findley
Howto 12 years ago 361,270 views James wanted to create an original, modern Andy Warhol, pop-art style of Nature Aquarium. To do this, he used the ADA Sado-Akadama Stone which has a lovely red colour, and the ADA Aqua Screen in Clear Green because red and green are at opposite ends of the colour spectrum and therefore create a very dramatic contrast, like blue and orange or purple and yellow do. At first, James was not sure about the Aqua Screen but as this aquascape has grown in he has been very pleased with it and is excited about the opportunities it provides for originality. This aquascape reflects the artistic nature of aquascaping, and the way in which there are an endless range of styles and influences for the aquascaper to draw upon. Setup Specifications - Aquarium - ADA Cube Garden 60-P 60 x30 x 36cm ADA Aqua Screen Clear Green - Stand - ADA Wood Cabinet White - Filtration & Heating - ADA Super Jet Filter ES 600 for 36cm high tank with Lily Pipes - CO2 - ADA CO2 Tower - Lighting - ADA Solar I White 150W Metal Halide - Substrate - ADA Aqua Soil Africana, ADA Aqua Soil Africana Powder, ADA Power Sand Special M, ADA Bacter 100, ADA Tourmaline BC, ADA Clear Super - Decor / hardscape - ADA Sado-Akadama Stone (five stones- hence the title) - Plants - Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba', Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink' (roseafolia), Hygrophila corymbosa 'Compact', Vallisneria nana, Vesicularia ferriei Weeping Moss, Eleocharis acicularis - Fish - Oryzias minutillus, common name; Dwarf Rice Fish, 7 Ottocinculus affinis, 20 Bee Shrimp and 10 Amano Shrimp
10. comment for The Making of 'Five Stones' Aquascape and Guide to Iwagumi Layout by James Findley
20. comment for The Making of 'Five Stones' Aquascape and Guide to Iwagumi Layout by James Findley
I have an empty 200 gallon tank sitting here waiting for a purpose. I've never set up a planted tank before, but i'd be willing to challenge this man to a bet. I could create a more inspirational and jaw dropping scene. Just need a CO2 set up.....
With that said, i liked his tank, just not the limitations the narrator mentioned.
with a Co2 diffuser. My fish are happy and healthy which is all that
You're right, the plastic idea makes sense.. I should have only made fun of the news paper..
Step 8... Kill your fish with the ink and chemicals you just squeezed out of the newspaper
a bowl could press to hard on the carpet plants and damage it. plastic bags are lighter. also the plastic bag let's the water flow more smoothly.
30. comment for The Making of 'Five Stones' Aquascape and Guide to Iwagumi Layout by James Findley
Search for corrugated plastic.
It's beautiful but don't try to make it sound like more than it is.
use your brain
50. comment for The Making of 'Five Stones' Aquascape and Guide to Iwagumi Layout by James Findley
100. comment for The Making of 'Five Stones' Aquascape and Guide to Iwagumi Layout by James Findley