Wabi-Kusa Tutorial: Cube by James Findley

Read our full journal of this Wabi Kusa on our website here: http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/wabi-kusa-cube-james-findley Wabi Kusa is the new aquascaping craze- ideal for beginners and experienced aquascapers alike. They can fit in any room, require little maintenance once set up and look stunning. Browse our videos and website articles to learn more... http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/tips-techniques/wabi-kusa http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/summer-time-wabi-kusa-timeget-your-wabi

Wabi-Kusa Tutorial: Cube by James Findley sentiment_very_dissatisfied 116

Howto 11 years ago 300,116 views

Read our full journal of this Wabi Kusa on our website here: http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/wabi-kusa-cube-james-findley Wabi Kusa is the new aquascaping craze- ideal for beginners and experienced aquascapers alike. They can fit in any room, require little maintenance once set up and look stunning. Browse our videos and website articles to learn more... http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/tips-techniques/wabi-kusa http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/summer-time-wabi-kusa-timeget-your-wabi

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Most popular comments
for Wabi-Kusa Tutorial: Cube by James Findley

The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
I'm going to try wabi kusa
John Puetz
John Puetz - 7 years ago
Mr. Findley has quite the watch collection.
NarcissiqueDawnn - 7 years ago
Is James mute ?? Pls tell me

I'm dying to know :(
Sagittarius91 - 7 years ago
No it's not him narrating... some people are not the talking on show type.. is that good enough for you?
Irritable Jon Syndrome
Irritable Jon Syndrome - 7 years ago
NarcissiqueDawnn hahaha no, he is not. that is actually him narrarating thr video. ive visited his store
ss ss
ss ss - 7 years ago
I'd like to meet James - I'm sure beneath that frosty, yet serious exterior he's a properly nice guy.

As for the narrator, I can't help but picture Finchy from "The Office UK"
Babar Hussain
Babar Hussain - 7 years ago
well-done work i like marine fish aquarium and aqua plant design, such you make. but in Pakistan there is no experts like you who design such kind of aquarium, and there is nothing available which were used in aquarium.
Dassd Schsdu
Dassd Schsdu - 7 years ago
İbrahim Yıldırım
İbrahim Yıldırım - 7 years ago
guys, your links on video are dead...
TheGreenMachineLtd - 7 years ago
+İbrahim Yıldırım thanks/sorry
Mar tin
Mar tin - 7 years ago
Do you seriously have to moisten it every single day? Best 3-4 times? This wouldn't be easy to look after for people who go to work/on business trips or vacation.
DeeEl - 8 years ago
So much farts coming out of his mouth.

10. comment for Wabi-Kusa Tutorial: Cube by James Findley

Josh Guthrie
Josh Guthrie - 8 years ago
music?, please!
Arjen I
Arjen I - 8 years ago
Josh Guthrie according to what I read elsewhere, all music is created by james' son.
jklw10 - 8 years ago
if it comes out rly bad name it: "wabisuke" (the wretched one)
RodRWarlick - 8 years ago
Hydrocotyle tripartita = COOL PLANT! How much is that lamp?
Martin Thomsen
Martin Thomsen - 8 years ago
what the fuck is rikkya line? oh wait its just fishing string whit a higher price tag....
RIPPER334 - 7 years ago
lam son le pham thread does the same thing... for less than a buck a spool.

People will spend money on anything inside a hobby, if someone puts it in a Shiney package.
KampKarl - 8 years ago
You must be joking?
lam son le pham
lam son le pham - 8 years ago
Martin Thomsen riccia line made by riccia moss, it will be disappeared by itself after 2 months, you will not see it anymore. but the fishing line made by nylon and stay there forever. some urly moss will grow on it. so thats why they use it.
Sunil George
Sunil George - 8 years ago
Do you guys ship to the US? You sell some neat products there!
Phyllis Brannagan
Phyllis Brannagan - 8 years ago
Please, what is the substrate, is is dried, baked? Does it fall apart?
Grag Eiliel
Grag Eiliel - 8 years ago
Its a fairly well packed ball of substrate mud dried out basically, it could fall apart if you mess with it while its over soaked and has not moss or root plants established enough to hold it together
Brle ivan
Brle ivan - 8 years ago
petite lili
petite lili - 8 years ago
where do I find substrate balls
tanmay sharma
tanmay sharma - 9 years ago
what was the substrate ball made up of?
The Deamon
The Deamon - 8 years ago
tanmay sharma I think its volcanic ash that is bound with small rocks and peat moss for structure.
tanmay sharma
tanmay sharma - 8 years ago
what was the substrate? can you please elaborate more?
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
Yasmine J
Yasmine J - 9 years ago
This is awesome

20. comment for Wabi-Kusa Tutorial: Cube by James Findley

Antoine Varache
Antoine Varache - 9 years ago
What sort of plante is it
Mrxin Dix
Mrxin Dix - 10 years ago
how does they clean the tanks after having put the fish and the plants? Does it not disturb the gravel? 
Mrxin Dix
Mrxin Dix - 10 years ago
thank you
BigNastyreborn - 10 years ago
other than plant maintenance you shouldn't have to clean the display.
JohnnyPlaysGames - 10 years ago
hmm. im gonna do something like this also. but then ill just fill  it.
marvin schmidt
marvin schmidt - 10 years ago
What is the Material of this wabi kusa?its really cool
SilverPower - 10 years ago
what is the composition of the ball ? Clay 100% ?
BiteMyShinyMetal4ss - 10 years ago
Ah this reminds me of the days where I would do this with carnivorous plants... its quite similar, but even more beautiful and intriguing than a simple Wabi-Kusa.
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
Can you put fish in there?
phoenixkool - 10 years ago
Is that narrator and this guy the same person? If so he talks about himself in the third person so slick lol
phoenixkool - 8 years ago
Jock Monco
Jock Monco - 8 years ago
the bald dude is a ventriloquist and talks in the ethird person to mislead the viewers
phoenixkool - 8 years ago
have you ever heard of being funny? clearly you out of that subset
Fatih Güler
Fatih Güler - 8 years ago
have you ever heard of dubbing?
2019freddie - 10 years ago
and you can't even see his lips move.....
Bravado R
Bravado R - 10 years ago
lol its a different person 
TheArcticWonder - 10 years ago
+TheGreenMachineLtd You should set up an instagram account that features all of James Findley's masterpieces. Love your work and videos!
Sarah McCarthy
Sarah McCarthy - 7 years ago
awesome idea! I know i would subscribe
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Hell yes.
David Carr
David Carr - 10 years ago
I wish I was you, my idle xxx
TheArcticWonder - 10 years ago

30. comment for Wabi-Kusa Tutorial: Cube by James Findley

Abdulaziz Alharbi
Abdulaziz Alharbi - 10 years ago
aint nobody got time for that 
Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas - 7 years ago
Abdulaziz, it requires class and intelligence to do this and appreciate it, something you seem to lack.
LeadFaun - 8 years ago
+Abdulaziz Alharbi someone liked my comment so I saw this in my notifications.
Abdulaziz Alharbi
Abdulaziz Alharbi - 8 years ago
Damn dude, what made you comment again after two years ??
LeadFaun - 8 years ago
After all, it is his job.
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Some people do, like him.
Green - 11 years ago
I'm afraid your plants won't live long James! You made me laugh at 9:32 where you added the fertilizer. Did you ever notice the fertilizer "popped" out the water? Thanks for the post. Great info!
daget34 - 10 years ago
Why would the plant die if fertilizer falls into the water? interested on more info.
Bart Boom
Bart Boom - 11 years ago
Where is that ball made of? Clay?
dannybizal - 11 years ago
Thank you for your reply :)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Yes this is possible.
Jojo D
Jojo D - 11 years ago
does the Wabi-Kusa TGM comes with that extra arm that pops out of no where when needed?
Jane M. Couto
Jane M. Couto - 11 years ago
nicolas galasyka
nicolas galasyka - 11 years ago
BTW, i normally prefer wabi-kusa alone in the tank (without sand) but yours is wonderful
nicolas galasyka
nicolas galasyka - 11 years ago
Thanks a lot for that very nice video Thegreenmachine! Wabi-kusa is such a complexe and precise yet beautiful art and you explain it very well! Keep up the good work!
alf0rrana - 11 years ago
What kind of light is required for keeping the plants alive..? I guess any kind of light won't do it.. any help?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Do!aqua Plant Glass Cube 1520... follow the links in the description for full info.
daniel osborne
daniel osborne - 11 years ago
What cube is that???
Prince Kehy
Prince Kehy - 11 years ago
I've done a wabi-kusa that gradually ended up submerged. I would keep it emersed long enough for roots to establish so it'll be less messy once submerged. Alternatively, you could start with it emersed and slowly raise the water level over a few weeks.
apanhaesta - 11 years ago
nice!! Commo'n,wtf,ADA riccia line!?Just use fishing line...
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 11 years ago
Really nice concept
jeremiemcd - 11 years ago
I have the same tank as hes using but shorter with a betta no filter for over a year check it out, asome vid, great info:)
dannybizal - 11 years ago
@My replies. I wouldn't use the tank shown in this video. Would certainly get a bigger tank, but wanted to use the same idea (maybe same plants also) and was wondering if putting more water in the tank would kill the plants? Also would the plants be able to keep the Betta alive without a Filter system in the tank? I want it to look as 'clean/natural' as possible, so no unnecessary equipment.
II Knucklez II
II Knucklez II - 11 years ago
what i'm going to do is do it with 50% water and place the substrate ball on top of some stones or drift wood
II Knucklez II
II Knucklez II - 11 years ago
Awesome!! I'm going to do one of these with a Betta well but using a 12g long Mr. aqua tank and do the theme like reciprocity. Wis you guys would post a lot more videos of setup tanks!!!!
Voll Blau
Voll Blau - 11 years ago
bettas can take anything XD

50. comment for Wabi-Kusa Tutorial: Cube by James Findley

@quaHolic - 11 years ago
thanks for sharing ;-)
dannybizal - 11 years ago
Would it be possible to do this with 80-90% of the plants submerged in water? I am thinking about doing this but keeping a single Betta in the tank also.
Crawrla - 11 years ago
Amazing that you take the time to show the full process of these things. Looks great.

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