$1 Bushcraft Kayak

In this video I am showing how to build a simple bushcraft kayak. The idea is simple: you can build a fully functional survival kayak in the wilderness if you have a knife, plastic wrap and scotch tape. Kayak's detailed PLANS: https://www.instagram.com/p/BvAS1Thjded/ Tarp Kayak VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l-e8dB7TWg

$1 Bushcraft Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Kayak 5 years ago 6,200 views

In this video I am showing how to build a simple bushcraft kayak. The idea is simple: you can build a fully functional survival kayak in the wilderness if you have a knife, plastic wrap and scotch tape. Kayak's detailed PLANS: https://www.instagram.com/p/BvAS1Thjded/ Tarp Kayak VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l-e8dB7TWg

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Most popular comments
for $1 Bushcraft Kayak

Усваинен / Usvainen
Усваинен / Usvainen - 5 years ago
Counsel Egorov, tell me please: how long can you stay in KAYAK from YPAKOVA4NAYA PLENKA without a leak? 1 hour or 1 day? I think sooner or later the film will leak, but I myself plan to try it on the Volga River.
john dowe
john dowe - 5 years ago
now make a video of getting out of the lake when you puncture it
kd III
kd III - 5 years ago
Please show the composite kayak please
WolfKenneth - 5 years ago
Please do vid about composite yak
cas S
cas S - 5 years ago
This is amazing
Shawn Raymond
Shawn Raymond - 5 years ago
animal skin too
Юрий Курск
Юрий Курск - 5 years ago
Sambo Gaddis
Sambo Gaddis - 5 years ago
Awesome video loved it
Azri'el Collier
Azri'el Collier - 5 years ago
I was not so interested in the plastic wrap version. But once you mentioned the use of composite materials, you got my full attention. Please share your experience with that?
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
)) Thanks for the vote.

10. comment for $1 Bushcraft Kayak

ONE Virgo Sun Capricorn Moon
ONE Virgo Sun Capricorn Moon - 5 years ago
Amazing craftsmanship!
mpls old guy
mpls old guy - 5 years ago
Thank you for posting
Lois Degeneffe
Lois Degeneffe - 5 years ago
Amazing! Nice to know there are still such creative people in the world.
David Lange
David Lange - 5 years ago
Hello again i am in the process of building your kayak and cannot find a wind splintered tree so i am taking a 6 in diameter green fir tree (about 10 ft long) and splitting it into pie shaped wedges and using a fro and draw knife to remove the inter core. i am trying using the wood both flat grained (like yours) and also with the grain vertical in the slat. both seem to work fine. the weather is still cold here so i cannot finish the kayak for awhile. I made a jig for your grommets and it works great. cut out some plywood patterns to bend the ribs around . i will try the tree method you use also.
I have watched you cook trout over a fire many times. I found a way that also works great and is fun to do with children. i gut the fish with heads left on. i take a pencil sized sharpened green stick about 2 inches longer then the trout and push it into the trouts mouth and up into the meat in the tail area. that leaves 2 0r 3 inches of stick sticking out of the mouth. i spread the coals of an outside fire so there is a trench down to the dirt about a foot wide. I then poke some small holes into the dirt so i can then stand the trout nose down with the stick into the hole in the ground. the ridge of coals on each side of the fish provides lots of heat. As the fish cooks the body cavity spreads open. when it stops opening and just starts to close a little the fish is done. kids and adults delight in catching a trout by our cabin and run up to cook it. while its cooking they go back and fish more. they butter them slightly and add a little bit of salt and pepper. Hope spring has arrived in your area so you can make some new you tubes.
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Hi David! Glad to hear the grommet jig worked for you. Thanks for the story))
Dave T.
Dave T. - 5 years ago
Very creative! I love seeing anything you have! What beautiful countryside!! Also it does not look like it is overrun with tourists! :-)
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
)) No you wouldn't see a person in weeks!
Игорь - 5 years ago
It's fucking nice, man!
DanoLXF - 5 years ago
I am enjoying your videos, your ingenuity is great.
Alpine Alpine
Alpine Alpine - 5 years ago
I read your comment about a Viking boat. That would be awesome.
john hightower
john hightower - 5 years ago
You are awesome !
Manuhiri - 5 years ago
Thank you for your efforts and willingness to share such great ideas and experience. I am very impressed with all your bushcraft knowledge and skills, большое спасибо.
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago

20. comment for $1 Bushcraft Kayak

Richard Levy
Richard Levy - 5 years ago
Çatal Hüyük
Çatal Hüyük - 5 years ago
This is incredible. Yes I am interested in learning more.
Thanks so much.
philip michaels
philip michaels - 5 years ago
You are a cool dude. Great videos
Gerald Roth
Gerald Roth - 5 years ago
mc s
mc s - 5 years ago
Just a middle-age dude from Maine, USA here. I enjoy all of your videos, you are living a great life when you take to the woods to employ your bush craft skills. Viewers can really get a sense of where you are and what you do. Very happy to subscribe.
Joel Albinowski
Joel Albinowski - 5 years ago
Great video, fine bushcraft vessel!
taatelitiimi produktions
taatelitiimi produktions - 5 years ago
love your videos! greetings from Finland :P
Rod Shiles
Rod Shiles - 5 years ago
Great looking kayak yes would like more videos on this subject. Thanks well put together videos
Felix Immler
Felix Immler - 5 years ago
Brilliant work my friend!!
Hannahcode1 - 5 years ago

30. comment for $1 Bushcraft Kayak

J Feldhacker
J Feldhacker - 5 years ago
You could use recycled seran wrap as well.
Sheila M
Sheila M - 5 years ago
Thanks for adding this video to your english channel. I would enjoy any of these plastic wrap creations of yours. I think they are genius and inexpensive. They would make a good school project that would encourage creativity in students and actually give the something they could really go out and use; furthering their education and development.
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Thank you for your kind words, Shelia!
Belkenator - 5 years ago
Love your videos!
ToolsConsumables - 5 years ago
Dear Sir,
Your English is impeccable & well narrated. I really enjoyed your adventures. Kind regards.
Dr. Saltanat Sadykova
Dr. Saltanat Sadykova - 5 years ago
It is not his voice, but of hired translator!
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Appreciate your kind words! )))
Goldenbell001 - 5 years ago
Praxedis Lindsey
Praxedis Lindsey - 5 years ago
Wonderfully ingenious...!!!
Дима Николаев
Дима Николаев - 5 years ago
Братан хочу новые видосы!Всё пересмотрел!Пришлось перейти на английзкий канал
olenick 7734
olenick 7734 - 5 years ago
You Sir are a True Craftsman and Outdoorsman,  from Michigan USA..
Sonnenschein 2018
Sonnenschein 2018 - 5 years ago
Thank you for uploading! Your kayak and the catamaran are ingenious!!!
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
tubedallday - 5 years ago
I think the youngsters of today would be better off doing something interesting like this than staying glued to their smart technology. Brilliant work.
advforops - 5 years ago
Your video's are very good and your subject matter is interesting. I would like to see more on your kayak making put on YouTube. Keep it up your I really like your videos. Dave
Kaleb Sheridan
Kaleb Sheridan - 5 years ago
bgurtek - 5 years ago
You are THE BEST at making things in a primitive situation!
Bitte... - 5 years ago
Perfect Video - thank you...!
Harshman Hills
Harshman Hills - 5 years ago
Amazing my friend. Love the English voice over
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Thank you!
The Technicals
The Technicals - 5 years ago
Do you worry about bears?
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
There are very few of them here...
Blackduck NS
Blackduck NS - 5 years ago
Keep the videos coming your a good teacher. I tell all my buddy’s here in Canada about your channel and your amazing projects. Thanks!!
crash58 - 5 years ago
Max. Everything you make is interesting and or fascinating. Just go with the flow of your thoughts and we will look on in wonder.
Thomas Klink
Thomas Klink - 5 years ago
Fantastic, love all your videos, even the ones I can't understand.
Munden - 5 years ago
Love your stuff, Advoko!

50. comment for $1 Bushcraft Kayak

Antirediska - 5 years ago
Hello from St. Petersburg, Russia! :)
Adirondack American
Adirondack American - 5 years ago
Awesome boat. I love it
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Thank you for the vote! )))
Adirondack American
Adirondack American - 5 years ago
Would be very interested in seeing the composite skin build. Your videos are great to watch
Nick Pantazis
Nick Pantazis - 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing all this information. It's always a pleasure seeing your videos. Greetings from Athens, Greece.
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Nik Burton
Nik Burton - 5 years ago
Great video Max. Did you tie those joints with bottle tape? I made your bottle cutter and would think the tape made from recycled plastic bottles would make great tying line for the kayak.
Nik Burton
Nik Burton - 5 years ago
Thanks Max
Sheila M
Sheila M - 5 years ago
+Advoko MAKES - thanks for the reply it clarifies why you use the scotch tape instead.
Sheila M
Sheila M - 5 years ago
@Nik Burton - good question.
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Hi Nik. It can be done and I did use the PET tape on my tarp kayak for holding tarp skin tightly wrapped over the kayak's frame. As far as assembling the frame,I think scotch tape is easier to use and more secure to hold the frame's members together.
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Appreciate it! )))
No worries Mate
No worries Mate - 5 years ago
Great video and awesome ideas. I don’t need to carry a tent when I go hiking just a roll of wrap!!!! Thanks!
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
TurkishKB - 5 years ago
Great spot you have out there in the wilderness. I'd like to go there, it looks desolate.
shebutnoi !
shebutnoi ! - 5 years ago
Смотрю,нихера не понимаю но какая гордость за нас. Пусть пиндосы смотрят и думают что в России даже адвокат один в лесу построил каяк
klemens d
klemens d - 5 years ago
in former sowjet russia, you carry kajak, then kajak carries you!
Janet Cindy
Janet Cindy - 5 years ago
I love it.
Donna Saunders
Donna Saunders - 5 years ago
This is an interesting video. I loved your first one as well. Thanks
David Teitelbaum
David Teitelbaum - 5 years ago
Please: do share your extensive experiences with your water vessel building. The information is so useful as it is inspiring.
Teemu Hakala
Teemu Hakala - 5 years ago
Have you tried the composite skin without plastic wrap? Also: how heavy the strong composite kayak ended up being? When you carry it, it still looks reasonably lightweight so I'm suspecting maybe under 10kg.
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
I haven't. I think it is just easier to have the plastic wrap as a foundation for epoxy bold. I think doing it this way is less messy and doesn't really add weight to your kayak.
Yes, the kayak is still light but noticeably heavier than the plastic wrap featherlight model.
edward leroy
edward leroy - 5 years ago
From USA. Thumbs up. Keep up the good videos.
Matt Finch
Matt Finch - 5 years ago
Have you had a go making a birch bark canoe? Beautiful Forrest.
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
No, haven’t tried it yet. I am planing to build a viking-style boat though...
Roberts Markovs
Roberts Markovs - 5 years ago
"these planks are almost as strong as carbon fiber "
Well technicly they are carbon :)
Thanks for a great video , npw i have spmething to do in this weekend :)
An Unentitled Motivated Millennial
An Unentitled Motivated Millennial - 5 years ago
​+Advoko MAKESIndeed.
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Well, not quite. Wood is a polymer made of approximately 50% carbon, 42% oxygen, 6% hydrogen, 1% nitrogen, and 1% other elements (mainly calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and manganese) by weight.
So, in a way it is more of a polysaccharide (Cellulose) plus lignin (a complex organic polymer deposited in the cell walls).
Hope I didn't confuse you)))
Oleg Shelk
Oleg Shelk - 5 years ago
Thank you sooo much :)
Адвокат Егоров
Адвокат Егоров - 5 years ago
Друзья, по просьбам Трудящихся всего Мира публикую видео про мой каяк на английском языке. Приятного просмотра!
Terry Ambrose
Terry Ambrose - 5 years ago
Love your simple approach to doing stuff . I wonder if alder would work as well . ?
Terry Ambrose
Terry Ambrose - 5 years ago
I only asked because alder bushes grow like weeds in my part of the world , East Coast Canada . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XyfWHMUY-A
Advoko MAKES
Advoko MAKES - 5 years ago
Haven't tried it. As long as you have long and skinny branches I guess... I also used bird cherry tree branches with good results.
Bus Huxley
Bus Huxley - 5 years ago
Yes! Thank you so much, again for putting out these VO to english videos. It is really nice of you to do.
Greg Sullivan
Greg Sullivan - 5 years ago
Catamaran using a kite for propulsion .
Guy Emmott
Guy Emmott - 5 years ago
Utterly brilliant!! I'm in the UK and thoroughly enjoying all your content..
couchcamper - 5 years ago
I second that! a very good channel.
Серый - 5 years ago
Не понимаю я по вашему нихера ! (с) ))))))
Серый - 5 years ago
+Адвокат Егоров
Адвокат Егоров
Адвокат Егоров - 5 years ago
Шилов, не прибедняйтесь! ))

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