$1 Bushcraft Kayak
Kayak 5 years ago 6,200 views
In this video I am showing how to build a simple bushcraft kayak. The idea is simple: you can build a fully functional survival kayak in the wilderness if you have a knife, plastic wrap and scotch tape. Kayak's detailed PLANS: https://www.instagram.com/p/BvAS1Thjded/ Tarp Kayak VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l-e8dB7TWg
10. comment for $1 Bushcraft Kayak
I have watched you cook trout over a fire many times. I found a way that also works great and is fun to do with children. i gut the fish with heads left on. i take a pencil sized sharpened green stick about 2 inches longer then the trout and push it into the trouts mouth and up into the meat in the tail area. that leaves 2 0r 3 inches of stick sticking out of the mouth. i spread the coals of an outside fire so there is a trench down to the dirt about a foot wide. I then poke some small holes into the dirt so i can then stand the trout nose down with the stick into the hole in the ground. the ridge of coals on each side of the fish provides lots of heat. As the fish cooks the body cavity spreads open. when it stops opening and just starts to close a little the fish is done. kids and adults delight in catching a trout by our cabin and run up to cook it. while its cooking they go back and fish more. they butter them slightly and add a little bit of salt and pepper. Hope spring has arrived in your area so you can make some new you tubes.
20. comment for $1 Bushcraft Kayak
Thanks so much.
30. comment for $1 Bushcraft Kayak
Your English is impeccable & well narrated. I really enjoyed your adventures. Kind regards.
50. comment for $1 Bushcraft Kayak
Yes, the kayak is still light but noticeably heavier than the plastic wrap featherlight model.
Well technicly they are carbon :)
Thanks for a great video , npw i have spmething to do in this weekend :)
So, in a way it is more of a polysaccharide (Cellulose) plus lignin (a complex organic polymer deposited in the cell walls).
Hope I didn't confuse you)))