2016 Kayak Session Short Film of the year Awards - Winners Reel

This video gathers the TOP3 videos - the Winners Reel - of the 2016 Kayak Session Short Film of the year Awards OVER 1.6 Million Views! 2016 will be a year to remember for the Kayak Session Short Film of the year Awards. Thanks to our partner Sweet Protection, we manage for the third time in a row to go over the million view mark! 2017 is looking even brighter… With film makers from the four corners of the world the Short Film of the Year Awards have now reached the international status, and is seen as the reference for film producers around the world, and TV broadcasters alike. With an incredible level of quality, it was really hard for the judges and voters alike to decide on who will win. 46 entries, 19 nations represented, 10 finalists, the best of whitewater kayaking on film every year. A huge congrats to all entrants, Legends all! NB: 50% is based on a panel of whitewater and filmmaking professionals, 50% based on online votes & views. More info go to http://www.kayaksession.com

2016 Kayak Session Short Film of the year Awards - Winners Reel sentiment_very_dissatisfied 44

Kayak 8 years ago 120,594 views

This video gathers the TOP3 videos - the Winners Reel - of the 2016 Kayak Session Short Film of the year Awards OVER 1.6 Million Views! 2016 will be a year to remember for the Kayak Session Short Film of the year Awards. Thanks to our partner Sweet Protection, we manage for the third time in a row to go over the million view mark! 2017 is looking even brighter… With film makers from the four corners of the world the Short Film of the Year Awards have now reached the international status, and is seen as the reference for film producers around the world, and TV broadcasters alike. With an incredible level of quality, it was really hard for the judges and voters alike to decide on who will win. 46 entries, 19 nations represented, 10 finalists, the best of whitewater kayaking on film every year. A huge congrats to all entrants, Legends all! NB: 50% is based on a panel of whitewater and filmmaking professionals, 50% based on online votes & views. More info go to http://www.kayaksession.com

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Most popular comments
for 2016 Kayak Session Short Film of the year Awards - Winners Reel

Jonathan Richard
Jonathan Richard - 7 years ago
i dont remember any of those mystic hotties lurking on any of my trips down the green...
Terminal Frost
Terminal Frost - 7 years ago
Wow, slim pickings this year.
Adrian Chiu
Adrian Chiu - 7 years ago
The second one has a story and I love it.
Daniel le kayakiste
Daniel le kayakiste - 7 years ago
xo nice this work
RUSH B - 7 years ago
Stop crying about the music, kendrick lamar is the goat
Symphony Farm
Symphony Farm - 7 years ago
Glad to know that paddlers are still feeling it as deeply as I did when I was on the River. Glad the awards show the spectrum of the culture that has developed and grown around the sport.
Symphony Farm
Symphony Farm - 7 years ago
the river runs deep, long after you have hung up the paddle and drank your last booty. The guys from NURPU will always carry a special place in my heart as long as I live, and I am so grateful for the experiences of that time, more precious than any material item! The films reflect that the river is still giving gift out for free to those who seek it.
KayakSessionTV - 7 years ago
@symphonyfarm wow thanks for the sweet words. That i exactly the purpose of those awards: celebrate the whitewater culture in all its forms.
bp968 - 7 years ago
I didn't think the "music" could get worse after the first video. Yet somehow the second video almost topped it in terribleness. Color me impressed. The video is pretty cool when muted though. 3rd video and audio far and away the best.
SkyeSkye - 7 years ago
Bobby D.
Bobby D. - 7 years ago
WTH! So, to have a winning video you need filthy rap music & slo-motion jump cuts of white water Kayaking? Nobody is over 40 & paddles quiet waters and gets an award?
Bobby D.
Bobby D. - 7 years ago
Rauski good point! I didn't know this was whitewater centric. DUH!
Rauski - 7 years ago
I can't speak for the music choice because I'm not a huge fan of it either. However, you have to understand that it is a whitewater kayaking short film contest. Thus the reason for all the "Slo-motion jump cuts of whitewater kayaking". Your complaint is like going to a pizzeria and saying, "This resturant sucks... I hate pizza!"

10. comment for 2016 Kayak Session Short Film of the year Awards - Winners Reel

mystic yt
mystic yt - 7 years ago
whats the first song
bp968 - 7 years ago
Terrible. Its Terrible...
originalganjata - 7 years ago
saucex - 7 years ago
The music and the voice ughh
Banks !
Banks ! - 7 years ago
What is the music
Bernard ASSANTE - 7 years ago
Bravo, du très très haut niveau, des belles prises de vues et des kayakistes sympathiques (de la part d'un ancien de 69 ans)
Dayton Pedrick
Dayton Pedrick - 7 years ago
what song is that it is beast
Taint Tamer
Taint Tamer - 8 years ago
Anyone else real thirsty now?
andreua knight
andreua knight - 8 years ago
Love the White River Falls runs - Crazy!
Danni - 8 years ago
STUPID! Vulgar music as well!
Dis Kid
Dis Kid - 8 years ago
Danni well it's better than ridding horses.
Joseph Stokes
Joseph Stokes - 8 years ago
xlr8r17 - 8 years ago
That's a great vid and I'm gonna let you finish, but Steve Fisher/Pat Keller had the best video of 2016.

20. comment for 2016 Kayak Session Short Film of the year Awards - Winners Reel

Adam Finch
Adam Finch - 8 years ago
Damn that thumbnail is sweet
Estebanzo Rufius
Estebanzo Rufius - 8 years ago
That shot of Yosemite at 9:12. I've never been, didn't realize how insanely gorgeous it is.
brensagimp - 8 years ago
music is shit as
gravityking - 7 years ago
Wasn't so bad after I hit MUTE.
Louie Chi
Louie Chi - 8 years ago
brensagimp true
Marc Kreisel
Marc Kreisel - 8 years ago
i should may be move to the US because of those great spots
Marc Kreisel
Marc Kreisel - 8 years ago
I like it so much!
Kuk Vids
Kuk Vids - 8 years ago
Mannnn, 1st had nothing on 2nd place. How did they get that win? Aren't short films supposed to have story lines? (Like 2nd and 3rd place did)
KayakSessionTV - 8 years ago
Results: 50% Judges call (panel made of whitewater professionals and film directors) 50% based on online votes.
Zach Thomas
Zach Thomas - 8 years ago
Kuk Vids I thought it said they were tied for 1st.
Garrett Rotzien
Garrett Rotzien - 8 years ago
hey are you guys kayaking in Oregon in the first video maybe white river falls. and think it looked like you guys went off horse tail falls just wondering cause it looked like ive been to about every fall in the first video
KayakSessionTV - 8 years ago
you would have to ask the producers of this segment Garrett (Torryd media)
mickmorrell - 8 years ago
beautiful, thanks again guys!!!
Ascanio Pillotti
Ascanio Pillotti - 8 years ago
Never we can see the end of the jumps, why?
idahonative22 - 8 years ago
Good point. These ARE boring. You should put out a better video and include all of your recoveries and escapes. I'll wait.
Anne Sherry
Anne Sherry - 8 years ago
Seriously, 2 seconds of a drop is boring. I want to see the finish and recovery. I want the eddy turn at the end and escaping holes!
KayakSessionTV - 8 years ago
no real reason. but a lot of the time you can though...
Ascanio Pillotti
Ascanio Pillotti - 8 years ago
In general in all kayaking movies!
KayakSessionTV - 8 years ago
in general in kayaking movies?
or in this video specifically?

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