5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson
Kayak 9 years ago 111,593 views
Dane Jackson has earned a worldwide reputation as one of the best freestyle kayakers in the sport — but what is freestyle kayaking? It's not a leisurely paddle down a lazy river, nor is it a thrilling descent through ripping whitewater. It's about doing tricks on a rolling wave, using skills accumulated over years of kayaking to flip and spin maneuvers like nose blunts, McNastys and air screws at will. Now what does THAT mean? Let the man himself break it down for you in this video. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter
10. comment for 5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson
- Freestyle kayaking developed naturally from getting out of sticky situations, that may occur while whitewater kayaking. It's a great way to (safely) practice manoeuvring and remaining in control in such a situation.
- Heading out for a freestyle session may only take an hour or two, as it can be practiced almost anywhere (flat water works fine).
- No one breaks bones from freestyle kayaking. Do any bit of research and you'll also see that basically no one drowns from freestyle kayaking (I have never heard of it). Reward without risk!
- It doesn't look cool? I think it does, shut up! :P Look up big wave freestyle, or something similar, if this seems a bit underwhelming.
20. comment for 5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson
It's about doing tricks on a rolling wave...
#kayak with @danejackson by @redbull
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but does this guy even have legs?
Cause mine wouldnt fit into that boat.
30. comment for 5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson
Ha, nono....Woo Tricky* It was spelt right. Your thinking alone is stopping you from admitting this
Go out for a day of whitewater kayaking and get back to me with how that works out for you.
50. comment for 5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson