5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson

Dane Jackson has earned a worldwide reputation as one of the best freestyle kayakers in the sport — but what is freestyle kayaking? It's not a leisurely paddle down a lazy river, nor is it a thrilling descent through ripping whitewater. It's about doing tricks on a rolling wave, using skills accumulated over years of kayaking to flip and spin maneuvers like nose blunts, McNastys and air screws at will. Now what does THAT mean? Let the man himself break it down for you in this video. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter

5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson sentiment_very_dissatisfied 50

Kayak 9 years ago 111,593 views

Dane Jackson has earned a worldwide reputation as one of the best freestyle kayakers in the sport — but what is freestyle kayaking? It's not a leisurely paddle down a lazy river, nor is it a thrilling descent through ripping whitewater. It's about doing tricks on a rolling wave, using skills accumulated over years of kayaking to flip and spin maneuvers like nose blunts, McNastys and air screws at will. Now what does THAT mean? Let the man himself break it down for you in this video. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter

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Most popular comments
for 5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson

Cees Faber
Cees Faber - 6 years ago
tremendous skills and lessos for all
Elliot W
Elliot W - 7 years ago
Dane Jackson sucks
Z - 7 years ago
Clive Ellis
Clive Ellis - 7 years ago
Looks like a one trick pony
Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio - 7 years ago
Hi Innovation students
Dexs59 - 7 years ago
This video is much better: "Dane Jackson 2016 Highlight Reel"
mr9246m - 7 years ago
the camera flattens out its size and speed. the roar of the water will make most big boys shrink. this takes real talent!
TheSubieFan - 7 years ago
anyone saying this is stupid etc. just understands how impossibly hard it is to do and knows they would never have the skill and strength required.
Tomas Juanto
Tomas Juanto - 8 years ago
mi ídolo quiero ser como tu

10. comment for 5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson

victor lagleyze
victor lagleyze - 8 years ago
what is the music?
Matilda Money-Kyrle
Matilda Money-Kyrle - 8 years ago
Yo guys this video was awesome!!! If you like it can you check out my most recent FREESTYE KAYAKING Video!!!! Thanks dudes
Jayden Butorac
Jayden Butorac - 8 years ago
WolFire WollFire
WolFire WollFire - 8 years ago
music ????
Jayden Butorac
Jayden Butorac - 8 years ago
This is impressive
Jay blade
Jay blade - 8 years ago
I'm already a pretty good kayaker and some day I will be as good as him
Jayden Butorac
Jayden Butorac - 8 years ago
I only flipped once on my first 4 rivers so I'm good
kayakair1 - 9 years ago
Anyone who would dislike this video is OBVIOUSLY completely ignorant when it comes to freestyle kayaking and the skill it takes to do what Dane is doing. Thanks Red Bull for sponsoring him and the sport!
Luke Whelan
Luke Whelan - 9 years ago
Hmm, it seems a lot of people find this uninteresting and stupid. Perhaps I can show how this sport's existence makes more sense than it seems:
- Freestyle kayaking developed naturally from getting out of sticky situations, that may occur while whitewater kayaking. It's a great way to (safely) practice manoeuvring and remaining in control in such a situation.
- Heading out for a freestyle session may only take an hour or two, as it can be practiced almost anywhere (flat water works fine).
- No one breaks bones from freestyle kayaking. Do any bit of research and you'll also see that basically no one drowns from freestyle kayaking (I have never heard of it). Reward without risk!
- It doesn't look cool? I think it does, shut up! :P Look up big wave freestyle, or something similar, if this seems a bit underwhelming.
crackPHI - 9 years ago
Song name please ?
David Bolinger
David Bolinger - 9 years ago
His canno looks like a small dog penis
Jayden Butorac
Jayden Butorac - 8 years ago
David Bolinger it's a kayak get it right

20. comment for 5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson

Pereira Thibault
Pereira Thibault - 9 years ago
it's very nice
hoohbe - 9 years ago
Your video has been selected by our staff, great work!

It's about doing tricks on a rolling wave...
#kayak with @danejackson by @redbull

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Visit us at www.hooh.be and explore the best extreme sports videos!

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Pierre Bonnafé
Pierre Bonnafé - 9 years ago
Pierre Bonnafé
Pierre Bonnafé - 9 years ago
I didn't know this sport exited this is so cool!
Pasha Defragzor
Pasha Defragzor - 9 years ago
Crazy midnight kayaking
Blake Tweed
Blake Tweed - 9 years ago
sickskater113 - 9 years ago
He just tre flipped a kayak
James baker
James baker - 9 years ago
This guy omg
Peter Griffin
Peter Griffin - 9 years ago
Looks cool,
but does this guy even have legs?
Cause mine wouldnt fit into that boat.
Luke Whelan
Luke Whelan - 9 years ago
No prob!
Peter Griffin
Peter Griffin - 9 years ago
Okay, thank you!
Luke Whelan
Luke Whelan - 9 years ago
+Peter Griffin He does indeed have legs. I fit into the same size boat as this, and am 188 cm (6 ft 2 in). Pause the video at 0:26, and you'll notice the shape of the front and middle section allow for your knees to bend upwards and spread wide, giving you better stability and control of the kayak.
Nugenrules - 9 years ago
Looks so difficult

30. comment for 5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson

Wilson - 9 years ago
To everyone dissing this video: go out and take one lesson in kayaking, where they try to teach you how to flip back up when you're upside down in the water. You'll immediately understand why this video features ridiculously challenging feats of kayaking.
Kya Rider
Kya Rider - 9 years ago
So I see tons of underrated sports like this but still no scooter rider ? Why won't you give a chance to that sport ?
BariumCobaltNitrog3n - 9 years ago
Dani Aguayo
Dani Aguayo - 9 years ago
like 400
Jared Hogie
Jared Hogie - 9 years ago
Probably gets so much water in his nose
Jay blade
Jay blade - 8 years ago
He probably has a noes clip
The Official HUSYX
The Official HUSYX - 9 years ago
Hell Yeah
Marley K
Marley K - 9 years ago
so much hate coming from people who probably couldn't even flip the kayak in still water if they tried
cat intensifies
cat intensifies - 9 years ago
This sport is cool as hell, he is awesome
Jayden Butorac
Jayden Butorac - 8 years ago
cat intensifies I have a friend how does this and he is 14
Tony McSpadden
Tony McSpadden - 9 years ago
Such a shame freestyle kayaking has reached the ceiling.
Bradley Skidmore
Bradley Skidmore - 9 years ago
+Tony McSpadden
 Ha, nono....Woo Tricky* It was spelt right. Your thinking alone is stopping you from admitting this
Tony McSpadden
Tony McSpadden - 9 years ago
+JBkayaking he did 3 one after the other. That's not a triple also it looks like he washed so what's the point.
Johannes - 9 years ago
+Tony McSpadden A few years ago the pros could hardly throw an airscrew. in 2013 dane did a triple airscrew...
Tony McSpadden
Tony McSpadden - 9 years ago
+Bradley Skidmore Tricky Woo* has been around for years, phonics monkey around for years. Lunar loop? not sure as I can't find any examples. Jedi flip is just an accident of stopping a loop too early and back looping. It really is quite stagnant IMO.
Bradley Skidmore
Bradley Skidmore - 9 years ago
+Tony McSpadden back phonics monkey, woo-tricky, lunar loop, jedi flip...
Tony McSpadden
Tony McSpadden - 9 years ago
I have not seen anything new in the last few years. Can you direct me to some evidence? 
Bradley Skidmore
Bradley Skidmore - 9 years ago
A ceiling?? Are you aware of the amount of new tricks being thrown in the last 3 years, 5 years, 10 years? The sport is 100% still evolving. If you think their is a ceiling, you have an imagination barrier.
Johannes - 9 years ago
+Tony McSpadden the ceiling are the olympic games! ;)
Shane Kenney
Shane Kenney - 9 years ago
They come up wit freestyle anything..don like the way this looks iam sure the guy is talented I personally just don't like
Thiago Rafael
Thiago Rafael - 9 years ago
saltlife316 - 9 years ago
its ok
Jayden Butorac
Jayden Butorac - 8 years ago
saltlife316 it's hard as fuck to do
LOS MEJORES TEMAS - 9 years ago
Que Tipos mas Crack
Luke Sheridan
Luke Sheridan - 9 years ago
That just looks stupid
Caleb Godwin
Caleb Godwin - 9 years ago
It probaly takes tons of skill, but I don't see the point. It doesn't even look that cool. Just my opinion
Caleb Godwin
Caleb Godwin - 8 years ago
+Jayblade Gamer I believe you!
Jay blade
Jay blade - 8 years ago
It might not look cool(even though it does) but it sure as shit feels epic
Caleb Godwin
Caleb Godwin - 9 years ago
Pointless??? HAHAHAHA!!! Because spinning around in the middle of a wave is SUPER useful. Im not hating on the sport whatsoever. I just don't enjoy watching it.
Zak Shantz
Zak Shantz - 9 years ago
If I'm guessing right, you have a flat water kayak. That shit is boring as fuck. Talk about pointless...
Caleb Godwin
Caleb Godwin - 9 years ago
I own a kayak and use it often, I just don't enjoy spinning around and drowning myself in it.
Lokis - 9 years ago
+Caleb Godwin because you've never tried to kayak :)
Filip Jurkic
Filip Jurkic - 9 years ago
James Moakes
James Moakes - 9 years ago
If I find out I'll tell you im searching
jjackjack72 - 9 years ago
Kinda looks like a dying fish
Retarded Cock
Retarded Cock - 9 years ago
Looks like he's wiping out every time to someone like me that doesn't know the sport but he's obviously respectable and an athlete
Buckkets of Toast
Buckkets of Toast - 9 years ago
+Troglodytarum I don't know much about the sport but I think wiping out would involve flipping over or something, he lands rightside up every time.
Zak Shantz
Zak Shantz - 9 years ago
Wiping out when you're surfing a wave means that you lose your spot on the wave and get flushed out
hawaiiannorcal - 9 years ago
Now that was hella boring to watch ha
Andrew Gray
Andrew Gray - 9 years ago
not impressive at all lol he just looks like he's drowning himself
Livvy Inglis
Livvy Inglis - 7 years ago
drown yourself then we can compare
Frank Johnson
Frank Johnson - 9 years ago
+Andrew Gray the camera cannot catch the feeling of it in person let me know when you get into the sport then we can talk
Andrew Gray
Andrew Gray - 9 years ago
+freakyflow33 Let me rephrase my original comment: The tricks that Dick Johnson are doing might take a lot of skill, but they look fucking retarded.
freakyflow33 - 9 years ago
+Andrew Gray Considering he is pretty much the #1 in the sport, your opinion speaks to how little you understand it, so maybe keep it to yourself?

Go out for a day of whitewater kayaking and get back to me with how that works out for you.
James Moakes
James Moakes - 9 years ago
Really dude the skill to do that in a rapid style surf is amazing you have clearly never surfed or kayaked

50. comment for 5 Freestyle Kayaking Tricks with Dane Jackson

wolli wobbel
wolli wobbel - 9 years ago
is this a sport? it looks so silly haha
Jayden Butorac
Jayden Butorac - 8 years ago
It's kayaking white water Rapids
Ox - 9 years ago
Stupidest shit I've seen in a while on this channel.
Jayden Butorac
Jayden Butorac - 8 years ago
How? This is badass
jjackjack72 - 9 years ago
hawaiiannorcal - 9 years ago
I agree w ox
Nicklas O. Kristoffersen
Nicklas O. Kristoffersen - 9 years ago
+Ox yeah, how is this stupid?
Stephen Hamill
Stephen Hamill - 9 years ago
How is it stupid?
Ardent Racing
Ardent Racing - 9 years ago
Alex Pallares
Alex Pallares - 9 years ago
Rj Abbott
Rj Abbott - 9 years ago
I like his little hat/helmet
Jayden Butorac
Jayden Butorac - 8 years ago
Rj Abbott I have the same one, but it's not red bull it's red. It's a Sweet Strudder
π is exactly 3
π is exactly 3 - 9 years ago
DB KB - 9 years ago
Your emoji is ksi

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