5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!

This video is about what NOT to do in a Kayak. I talk about some of my worst Ideas when in a kayak. I hope someone can learn from my kayaking mistakes and kayak fishing mistakes. Here are my TOP 5 Things not to do. Everything from Passes, Bridges, Sharks and storms. Follow me of Facebook and Instagram @yakmotley.

5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 93

Kayak 7 years ago 121,807 views

This video is about what NOT to do in a Kayak. I talk about some of my worst Ideas when in a kayak. I hope someone can learn from my kayaking mistakes and kayak fishing mistakes. Here are my TOP 5 Things not to do. Everything from Passes, Bridges, Sharks and storms. Follow me of Facebook and Instagram @yakmotley.

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Most popular comments
for 5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!

Specialized 29er
Specialized 29er - 6 years ago
Number 6 never have a 69er in a kayak.
vbvini - 6 years ago
whats a good lifevest for kayak fishing
Neal Kleinman
Neal Kleinman - 6 years ago
Good food for thought, thanks. I am thinking of updating my flotation device.
James Boles
James Boles - 6 years ago
1) Fishing Hagan's Cove, near Keaton Beach, Florida (Nature Coast/Big Bend). I cleverly discovered a pvc pipe through a scupper hole works as a great anchor to keep the tide from pushing me back into the cove. Works great until the water raises your 'yak to the top of the pipe. It would be a bit wordy to describe all the physics at play, but ultimately it left my kayak half rolled with me and gear in water, me unable to get the pipe out of the sand, unable to get yak off of pipe. I kept calm, and had to swim down under the yak to get a good pull on the pipe.

2) I came up on bass fishing, in a Jon boat. You catch a fish, you string it and throw it in the water and tie the stringer to the boat and continue. Doing this is a kayak in the G.O.M. results in a school of black tips circling under your 'yak and 1/3 of a spotted trout missing from said stringer.
Phillip Porter
Phillip Porter - 6 years ago
I have been going out thru Destin channel with a trolling motor on my frontier 12 .I have caught some nice kings . I must admit going back is a scary deal. I am ex navy and sixty, I am brave and stupid. After seeing this video I may be staying in the bay.Thanks for your advice. Henderson park has a short drag to the beach,what do you think?
maverickdallas100 - 6 years ago
Never try to land a fish bigger than your kayak!
jean billy
jean billy - 6 years ago
how can you pee or poo when it comes to your need? sounds silly, sorry
maverickdallas100 - 6 years ago
Paddle to shore and find a tree!
Eric Francis
Eric Francis - 6 years ago
I've only been out fishing in my kayak three times, but I've already done my dumbest thing. Last weekend I rolled for the first time, in a tidal estuary. I knew the tide was going out but I let the current take me by surprise and wasn't ready when it broadsided me and I flipped. Now, I had my PFD on (always!), I had a buddy there to help if I needed it, and I had most of my gear strapped down. I almost lost my crate but I had a little cooler in there that made it float, and I used the cooler to assist in kayak re-entry by sticking my foot through the handle like a step (thanks, Salt Strong!). Lost a Plano box with a few lures and jigs, that's all.

Why was it my dumbest thing? Because, despite all the good advice I'd seen on this and other channels, I had NOT practiced rolling and re-entry in a controlled environment. I feel quite the idiot for that, even though things turned out okay, but I'm planning for me and my fishing buddy to get some practice in before we have to do it in the wild again.

Thanks for the great safety tips!
SSHitMan - 6 years ago
I just stick to the bay in saltwater. Worst that happened to me there was a bull redfish almost towed me into the crowded boat channel but I got it turned around just in time. I don't have the nerve to head out into the ocean!

10. comment for 5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!

CrazyDuck99 - 6 years ago
My dumbest thing is that I’ve never owned a boat
R Smith
R Smith - 6 years ago
All of these things make me not want to buy a kayak now lol
Christian Branson
Christian Branson - 6 years ago
Great video! I never go out on my yak without an air horn. I've had to use one several times this summer. Very useful tool.
SweetandSour - 6 years ago
I bring my glock 9mm for close encounters
cazador1022 - 6 years ago
No knife on you while fishing?
Cam Mcleod-Gartner
Cam Mcleod-Gartner - 6 years ago
Shark fishing in a kayak..... how do your balls fit in said kayak? Lol being from Canada that sounds pretty nuts
Quico Reed
Quico Reed - 6 years ago
A shark removed them. problem solved
Tom rizzo
Tom rizzo - 6 years ago
Good safety information food for thought
Richard Jimenez
Richard Jimenez - 6 years ago
At least here in TX, the boating course specifically teaches not to wear a self deploying vest for the exact reason described. If you're by yourself, and it doesn't open, you're screwed.
nerdanderthal IDontLikeGooglePlus
nerdanderthal IDontLikeGooglePlus - 6 years ago
I bought my first kayak this morning in Navarre, weather went to heck as soon as I got home. Wont get another chance to check it out for at least a week.
i Bee Amazin
i Bee Amazin - 6 years ago
You should practice getting back into your kayak after tipping a few times a year.

20. comment for 5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!

John Duffy
John Duffy - 6 years ago
Trying to outrace a freighter after getting caught in the middle of the shipping lane of the Throgs Neck Bridge NY ...I will never forget it..my heart almost exploded in my chest trying to reach the next pylon to escape the wake....
Stingray Steve
Stingray Steve - 6 years ago
OK you got me a little worried now lol. I was thinking about doing some fishing with a kayak I bought maybe I will use it as a big flower pot instead ha ha and be happy with my little boat instead.
Quico Reed
Quico Reed - 6 years ago
No, just be sure to go with a friend (preferably one with experience and common sense). And if the conditions ever look rough enough to make you nervous...listen to your gut instincts. MAYBE you'll be OK. But then , MAYBE everything will go wrong. The ocean is very unforgiving.
Stanley Orchard
Stanley Orchard - 6 years ago
Not in a kayak... but was offshore a few years ago and hooked into a good selfish. Had a storm bearing down on us and a waterspout dropped down about a quarter mile away. Needless to say we landed the selfish (sadly it was before we had a YouTube channel!).

Keep up the great work, loving the videos!
dudley tye
dudley tye - 6 years ago
What kind of kayak are you using?
Rather B Fishing
Rather B Fishing - 6 years ago
I think it's a Hobie Outback
James  Arnold
James Arnold - 6 years ago
I'm gonna be buying my first kayak ever within the next couple of weeks. How important is it for me to buy outriggers??
Rather B Fishing
Rather B Fishing - 6 years ago
I have outriggers for my sail. I've used them also when there are large wakes from boats.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 6 years ago
Don’t worry about outriggers
Issac Durant
Issac Durant - 6 years ago
Tight Lines In Texas
Tight Lines In Texas - 6 years ago
1 thing to NEVER do in a kayak. Never leave shore without tethering everything in your boat!! Everything! You won't lose it if it's tethered. Also, make yourself a loop out of rope for use as a step to re enter your boat.
Billyjackman - 6 years ago
Lol nailed that one it's a christening to turle coming back in great advice too
The Outer Rim - COSMIC CIRCUITRY TJP - 6 years ago
Bruh always carry a knife with you rule #1! For newbies, if your going out ocean fishing never go out in strong current with a bass fishing seat on your kayak, your bound to flip! Rescued a lot of people while sharking!
Thomas Ondriezek
Thomas Ondriezek - 6 years ago
Dude I love your videos!

30. comment for 5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!

avideo4u - 6 years ago
Ya Yak...good video and info. I would add DO NOT use cat food to chum for blue crab then throw out lines of kite string with chicken in brackish water. I attracted blue crab... but also a 13 foot gator!
kingfisher878 - 6 years ago
My buddy caught a nice red that swallowed the hook so he went to cut the line with a knife when he somehow managed to cut his hand badly. He passed out when he saw all the blood. Luckily we were halfway on a sandbar so he didn’t flip. From that day on I’m always paranoid when I’m out there by myself cause you never know what can happen
Dennis P
Dennis P - 6 years ago
Catfish?? Seriously, I grew up catching catfish. I'm very comfortable handling them. Normal weekend, catching whatever and I get finned by a catfish. That was Saturday. Monday I head to the doctors office with a hand that looks like sausages. After a week of antibiotics and daily checkups, I'm sent to orthopedic. Surgery the next day and more antibiotics. After 3 weeks, off to infectious disease doctor and I get a 40cm pic line in my right bicep, pic line goes to just outside of my heart. 6 weeks, 2 bags a day of antibiotics thru my pic line....I almost lost my hand thru this. Lesson learned, when your hand is infected, go straight to the ER. Your buddy Greg can ask his dad....he was my Manager at the time...d
Robert Hyman
Robert Hyman - 6 years ago
Haha. Just watched this video. I've got the same looking rtic cup
AJ Hill
AJ Hill - 6 years ago
Thanks for the vids and tips! I'm new to the keys and am looking to get a kayak, not sure if I'll be fishing off it yet, but I'm learning!
david beckenbaugh
david beckenbaugh - 6 years ago
Not sure whether it counts for stupid on my part. I was in the midst of a group of five people in Shilshoal bay near Seattle. I had a crab pot over one side, and it was acting like an anchor. I had a crab ring I was pulling every twenty minutes off the other side. The nearest other kayak (a hardship, I was in an inflatable) was about 30 yards away. All of us were in a line about 50 yards off the marina breakwater, having a great day, a few legals in the buckets, and everyone catching some sun. A 42 foot sail came up close to the breakwater and turned about 30 yards from me.... heading straight towards me. I got out my safety whistle and started blowing to beat the band. One of my friends had a gas powered horn and was blowing it. The guy on the sail NEVER EVEN LOOKED UP. I was paddling hard but with the current pushing me agains the crab pot (anchor) and the pulling on the large crab ring, I did not have much maneuvering room. The sail struck my stern and pushed it underwater and potted the boat. I got thrown into the water.
Only THEN did they look around and see me in the water as they passed by. They came about but a 24 ft cutter was already there hauling me out of the water. They cussed ME out for getting in their way saying they were a sail and had right of way. The cutter guy was just incredulous. He said something about right of way over everything NOT at anchor. They ended up paying for my lost gear (two fishing rods and reels and the crab ring, as well as my cell phone and a shorted out depth sounder).

My mistake was not having the pots tied onto the boat with a quick release system. I do that now. But my bigger question is "Just how do you not see a 10 foot yellow banana when you turn parallel to it from 90 feet away?".
peepmyfinesse - 6 years ago
im new to kayaking and only fish bays atm so nothing really dumb yet. except for going out during a storm and got stuck and pushed into a bridge jedi and couldnt leave till the storm ended
Rory Robles
Rory Robles - 6 years ago
Those catfish are no joke when you get poked by one. I took one straight through the thumb shore fishing in Port Aransas.
TCoop29016 - 6 years ago
Great video. I'm a complete noob and have been considering kayak fishing. It looks like a lot of fun. Your vids point out a lot of things I never thought about. I've been watching kayak fishing vids for a year or so and Your vids should be mandatory viewing for people considering . Good job
David Malott
David Malott - 6 years ago
Before you start fishing out of a kayak , the best thing you can do is find an ACA certified instructor. Learn basic paddling techniques , rescues , how to land your kayak in surf , and navigation . The more you learn the more you understand your own limitations .
PmC - 6 years ago
The most stupid thing I've ever done....is not owning a kayak. After watching many videos from the LT here and a few others, it wont be long till I rectify this situation. Living in central Alabama I'll have rivers and lakes to contend with so I've got my eye on the 2017 Pelican Catch 120. I'm excited knowing I'll be in the water soon after I build a rack for my short bed truck. I did subscribe to Y.M. but I'd appreciate any suggestions and tips for anything yak related from his followers. Y'all be safe and thanks in advance for any advice given.
john lockett
john lockett - 6 years ago
Also take a clean pair of undies with you, Think about it. LOL
Nicholas Ferraiolo
Nicholas Ferraiolo - 6 years ago
Was fishing Spawning Crappie in shallow water lilly pads and right up on a Gator Nest Mom and Hatchlings. I still don't understand how I did not die that day. She just Opened her mouth and started singing despacito.
David Hewett
David Hewett - 6 years ago
I have a bay boat (not a kayak guy but love the videos). The wife and I were caught in a storm in in Corpus Christi bay near Pink Shack Cove with an umbrella and had to ride it out hoping to God above that we would get hit by lighting. To make things worse we had to anchor near an oil well tank battery and had no where to run. Really sweated that trip. We learned our lesson that day.
Bartholomew Alexis
Bartholomew Alexis - 6 years ago
thats crazy pfd didnt deploy
Rodney Daugherty
Rodney Daugherty - 6 years ago
Always remember!! You don't have to swim faster then the shark, just faster then the guy your with !!! Lol hay sharks got a eat too. Lol
FatBack Fishing
FatBack Fishing - 6 years ago
Great advice!!!
Ando - 7 years ago
Very cool. Thanks for the tips.
John McGowan
John McGowan - 7 years ago
You bring up some great points.
Brian Richard
Brian Richard - 7 years ago
Sound advice.

50. comment for 5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!

riff724 riff724
riff724 riff724 - 7 years ago
ahhh now i get it do as i say not as i do  lol , but those are great tips and life savers
CS-WildCAM - 7 years ago
Epic stuff! Ive just started kayak fishing in the Easter cape south africa and appreciate the tips and advice! Almost got nocked off by a massive school of mullets in one of the open rivers at night my second time out! Cheers from SA!
Van Lier Dreyer
Van Lier Dreyer - 6 years ago
CS-WildCAM where in EC are you
Nellie Rutten
Nellie Rutten - 7 years ago
Not being able to get in a kayak due to being soaked in your clothes probably has more to do with being out of shape, next time he better wear a wetsuit and no shoes, you can't swim with shoes on.
Colton Houston
Colton Houston - 7 years ago
I lost it at the frogger comment
Dominic Mastrogiacomo
Dominic Mastrogiacomo - 7 years ago
I have been on that pier it’s awesome!
Dominic Mastrogiacomo
Dominic Mastrogiacomo - 7 years ago
I live in gulf breeze it’s a island off pensicola and I go fishing every week if it’s nice out
themashinist65 - 7 years ago
so number 1 thing never to do in a kayak is don't take it out in the ocean get a real boat I use my kayak a lot but I would never take it out in any of the area shown in the video I would take my boat
Damian Orslene
Damian Orslene - 7 years ago
Im in Pensacola, about to buy my first Hobie. Would love to learn from you, how do I contact you? Thanks d
Andrew Luong
Andrew Luong - 7 years ago
Love fishing 3MB from the kayak! You should fly fish for bull reds there!
shon smith
shon smith - 7 years ago
Folks just buy a dang boat it's that simple.
Dixon Fishing&outdoors
Dixon Fishing&outdoors - 7 years ago
Duck hunting from a kayak tried getting out on a steep clay bank in the river. Long story short had to sit there for an hour with one arm on a tree and the other on the bow of my kayak in the river with water filled waders till someone from the group came looking for me
Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor - 7 years ago
Thanks for this video ! Unfortunately I have to fish alone around Pensacola / Navarre area ALONE cause i never know when I have a change to run down from Alabama to saltwater fish ! I've been swamped one pretty bad in the surf but was lucky to eventually retrieve all my tackle ( that I didn't think at the time I would ever need to secure) . The scariest and most stupid think was to try and get a lure off a rope around a bridge column with my bare hand (in a current) ...... After jerking the lure twice hooks spun around and stuck in a finger ! Luckily finally got the hook out having to leave the boat still stuck to the column
Michaelo Rocha
Michaelo Rocha - 7 years ago
Bare feet and hooks inside a kayak?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
good one!
Jeff Knowles
Jeff Knowles - 7 years ago
I tried fishing fort pierce inlet on a outgoing tide and almost got sucked out into the open ocean. Waves were like 10,12'.The current was 5.5 and I could only peddle 4. Was slowly going backward. I started yelling for help and blowing a fog horn. I good boat guy came and towed me out of there. Thank God. I was hellah scared.
Texas Moto
Texas Moto - 6 years ago
All you had to do was instead of paddle straight against the current is go sideways to it and get out of its pull
Quico Reed
Quico Reed - 6 years ago
Ocean + small boat - experience = deathAlways go with someone who has experience and common sense.
Quico Reed
Quico Reed - 6 years ago
Yep, that's a recipe for disaster. You can't even exit and go down the shore for a beach landing in 10' surf. So, don't do that.
Cam Mcleod-Gartner
Cam Mcleod-Gartner - 6 years ago
Ocean + dinky boat = death lol
McScott76 - 7 years ago
You forgot one.... And this is my top tip. Never get so excited about capturing your epic battle that you lose the best fish of the day while fumbling around with your GoPro.
monk b
monk b - 7 years ago
So I flipped my it in 10ft yak in salt water river t about 4am trying to pull up next to a pylon under a bridge trying to get out of the current that kept surging on an off it would b strong for 10 minute at a time it WS raining on an off down here an as i tried to grab ahold of a rope off the pylon I leaned a lil to far lol an the water rushed in an that was all she wrote it was lucky that my friends had an actual boat with a motor to grab me an the kayak and tow me to shore lol all I could think of was to pray no sharks please no sharks.
Fishing The South East
Fishing The South East - 7 years ago
30 degrees outside and my cousin says “you can’t stand up in that” I say “wanna bet?” Yeah I almost got hypothermia and we will leave it at that
Hayes Harrison
Hayes Harrison - 7 years ago
Just A Nobody Just A Nobody
Just A Nobody Just A Nobody - 7 years ago
That's why you said " Keep the teeth facing away from your crotch" haha
Mike Diaczyk
Mike Diaczyk - 7 years ago
forgetting to put the plug in my tarpon 140 another time I forgot bait.
Mike Diaczyk
Mike Diaczyk - 7 years ago
bring only one rod.
Mike Diaczyk
Mike Diaczyk - 7 years ago
Fishing in general high stick the rod on a fish and break it. Bottom fishing and when a fish runs deep is when it happens most.
filipe - 7 years ago
did the fish finder survive?
Stan Banes
Stan Banes - 7 years ago
DUMB DUMB DUMB. Was fairly new to kayak fishing and fishing the area around the Destin bridge. Current started moving me out, but "smart" me thought I was really paddling fast. Next thing I realize is that the jetties are coming to an end and the waves are big. Just turning around was a scary issue, then paddling in sure was not as fast as going out. Never want to do that again.!!!
patrick holcomb
patrick holcomb - 7 years ago
My wife and I wanted to yak that day. We live in Navarre 2 blocks from HWY 87 S. Milton looked like Milton does during the summer (guaranteed to see an afternoon thunderstorm on Cold-water Creek, locals know)
We saw blue sky over the gulf and the cloud lines were heading NE. We couldn't pass up gorgeous water and blue, cloudless skies to the South, so we loaded up made our way towards Navarre Bch. Dropped yaks in at 4th public beach access and headed out. Enjoying the day, taking pics, (dolphins, Bonita/bait, turtles, of each other) and then...
Wind changed and we started seeing lines of clouds getting darker/more distinct from the west rolling over GB/Midway.
"Hey babe, we need to head in before we get caught out here" -- No arguments. So we 90 deg our paddles & turned our bows North-bound. We were heading towards the beach at a decent pace.
10 minutes later, the line was heading SSW. Cold air down-draft hit, you know the feeling.
2 min later the line over the beach North of us,
We saw lightening grounding out behind us (South of us)...
Lightening passing through blue skies overhead with sulfur clouds sounding like a Colt .45 snaps off our stearn.
(if you have never seen/experienced this, well, it unwillingly will increase the tension in your butt-hole, there-by increasing your paddle/stroke rate!)
With head-wind, rapid 10" chop, & all the while me yelling "GET LOWER!"
I was speed dip paddling, in an extreme supine position, which is certainly more than I was hoping for that day!!!!! Yeah, I know, doesn't matter, your in saltwater and even if lightening strikes miles away, still have scuppers in an ocean kayak, still touching saltwater.... at the time, I was in "Flight Mode".
Made it to the beach, beached the yaks, ran to the nearest over-dune walk way, hunkered down, waited until we saw gray sky instead of midnight blue cloud-line, then started back to the truck which was (X)-distance away. it took 25 minutes, rapid walking pace, no shoes, beach road, blah, blah, blah.
I am just reiterating the gentleman's point. You never know, just be careful. Conditions can "Turn South" so-to-speak, very rapidly!
Jen Madrid
Jen Madrid - 7 years ago
Good video, man. I've sea kayaked alone, but there are certainly life threatening things that can happen, like pinning a big rapala through a finger on back of PFD,! Don't go big game fishing alone! Good stuff.
Smokeydabee Charles Coleman
Smokeydabee Charles Coleman - 7 years ago
Great advice, Thank you for sharing. Just a question. Would it be smart to keep a bungee cord ready to toss over a large fish. Maybe pre set it, so after your fish hits the deck, you pop a release, and the bungee (pre attached to both sides ) releases from the bow and (at center), and covers the fish. Maybe even a bungee cargo net. I love creating my own gear.
MA SCOOTS - 7 years ago
Does anyone have anymore tips becuse im only just getting into it now and thanks for the help
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Welcome to the sport ! My channel has 100s of videos on just about everything! Thanks for watching!
Bruce Chatlos
Bruce Chatlos - 7 years ago
M O ZURRA yeah youll end up wit hooks in da sack @ not da lunch sack !!!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Chenoa Bryan
Chenoa Bryan - 7 years ago
ive paddled the panama city pass on a surfboard a few times to surf over there on the island during hurricane swell. Im a woman too.
G and A Outdoors
G and A Outdoors - 7 years ago
Thanks for this video trying to learn more and more about kayaks
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Glad I could help! Thanks for watching!
Joseph Limbrick
Joseph Limbrick - 7 years ago
Mate , I'm new to kayaking and you've opened my eyes to a few things I've never even thought about .
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Glad I could help! It s a great sport but just have to be aware of a few things .
Joe Galvan
Joe Galvan - 7 years ago
If I listened to all these rules Id never kayak fish. Go out by myself all the time....common sense applies however while out. I do put my poles down when coming in. Been under bridges, passes etc. Just gotta paddle hard while doing so.
Vue Lee
Vue Lee - 7 years ago
it would help if you have a square ice chest tied to the kayak. its so that you can flip the lid and flip it upsidown and use it for a leverage or ladder for your foot to step on. i seen this work on another video. it makes climbing back into the kayak eaiser.
BNT Fishing
BNT Fishing - 7 years ago
Well I go out all the time by my self In strong current and I have not had any problems with boat
BNT Fishing
BNT Fishing - 7 years ago
Or anything
KennyP's Country Catfishing
KennyP's Country Catfishing - 6 years ago
+2WheelsAndAFishingRod , ticks are arachnids and I hate them more than any spider. I got Lyme disease from a tick that bout took me out. 3 1/2 years in a recliner before I finally turned it around somewhat with herbal treatment.
2WheelsAndAFishingRod - 6 years ago
+KennyP's Country Catfishing god....spiders are evil!
SSHitMan - 6 years ago
That's funny! It sucks losing gear but I think everyone fishing in a kayak has lost gear at some point. There's a marsh in southeast Louisiana that swallowed up a brand new $250 rod/real combo of mine. Now everything I'm not holding in my hand is tethered.
KennyP's Country Catfishing
KennyP's Country Catfishing - 6 years ago
Glad you manned up to the fact we tough guys do occasionally scream like girls. Aracnids are my poison too. Funny stuff!
Herps and inverts Videos
Herps and inverts Videos - 6 years ago
Hillbilly Holler lmao
darryl ross
darryl ross - 7 years ago
extra rely something claim ride celebrity reverse form fashion hot grip room.
Justin Terry
Justin Terry - 7 years ago
Glad I found your channel man I'm from North Okaloosa I mainly do lake/river bass fishing from my pelican catch 120 looking to make the jump to saltwater but it's pretty daunting
Lucas’s fishing world In Australia
Lucas’s fishing world In Australia - 7 years ago
Follow u on fishbrain
Big eye Tuna
Big eye Tuna - 7 years ago
I’m buying god Dam boat... this guy is spot on...
jesso777 - 6 years ago
me too!!!!!
TroyboyQUE - 7 years ago
You wanna test out a cheap rod and reel combo to see what it can do? If so I need your POB address to send.
I'd like to see what it will do with your style of fishing in saltwater. Holla back Army Strong!!!.
Paul Fadden
Paul Fadden - 7 years ago
Seal launching from a concrete deck 4ft above the water without a spray deck, ended up with 3/4 of my boat full of water, but it was fun!
BigBoykayak Outdoors
BigBoykayak Outdoors - 7 years ago
I forgot to put my plug in before a saltwater tournament in the Pacific Ocean
dashiznit0212 - 6 years ago
BigBoykayak Outdoors butt plug?
oak mitchell
oak mitchell - 7 years ago
sorry these stories make me want to stay on shore.i j s
Tyler Pitts
Tyler Pitts - 7 years ago
Hurricane pass in Dunedin fl insane rip current I thought I was a goner also have to take in consideration current changes with tide

100. comment for 5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!

Terence Hinton
Terence Hinton - 7 years ago
Hey. How far are you out for those black fin tuna usually?
The Garlic Farm
The Garlic Farm - 7 years ago
It sounds like you need to learn whitewater kayaking. Then currents, waves and rough water won't seem so treacherous.
Brandon ONeill
Brandon ONeill - 7 years ago
Had like the same thing with a catfish when I️ was 8 years old never went to the hospital but was in pain for like a month
Norwood BayBridge
Norwood BayBridge - 7 years ago
The dumbest thing ever done in a kayak was done by a casual acquaintance; who, mentioned that in preparation for kayak fishing in the afternoon he had filled his thermos with "instant coffee"!

"Instant coffee" (!) Can you imagine? In a thermos?

It's like, "hey, dude" . . . this is the 3rd-millennium . . . you grind your own and brew it; especially if you are going to pack it in a thermos when kayak fishing for an after-battle refresher.

Instant coffee . . . not cool . . .
Mark Hansen
Mark Hansen - 6 years ago
horrible stuff.... would prefer water... lol
edstimator1 - 7 years ago
Nice Tarpon!! West coast dude so I have yet to catch one but it's on my list. I would love to live in Florida but you know...it's Florida sooooo.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Its the most awesome thing from a kayak!
Fredz Hegz
Fredz Hegz - 7 years ago
Was out Kayak fishing by myself at a brook pulled up on 1 side to do some cast netting forgot to put the anchor further up the bank on the incoming tide looked back 10 minutes later and the Kayak had blown 50 meters to the other side of the of the river had to swim over there and get it );
Twin Troller
Twin Troller - 7 years ago
Maybe you need to ask the question... Are you a kayak fisherman or a Twin Troller fisherman? Watch this video and find out:

Steve Russell
Steve Russell - 7 years ago
Twin Troller
TX Aquatics
TX Aquatics - 7 years ago
I fished a shipping channel with a group of kayakers. A barge wake came in too high and I panicked, didn't turn around quickly, wake hit me from behind and rolled me in 4ft of water. Lucky I was able to stand afterwards. Also experience will make you a safe kayaker.
b - 7 years ago
Ive seen that wall b4... you work withb brant?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Scott Reash
Scott Reash - 7 years ago
You are talking the channel/pass would that be at the skyway bridge
WAEofFishing - 7 years ago
Dumbest thing: Took a 10' SIT IN kayak out on the Chesapeake Bay...Storm came...I almost died. The footage is on my channel. DON"T BUY SIT INS!!!!!!! NO SIT INS....NO SIT INS!!!!!!!
Mitch McMitch
Mitch McMitch - 6 years ago
Yeahhh nah..

The reason there are different yaks is because different people want different things for different uses. There’s a healthy market for all types of yaks for a reason. Depends on its use, depends on the user & depends on ways to beat the “cons” of each to bring out their “pros.”
Austin Elkins
Austin Elkins - 6 years ago
I just got a Future Beach sit. The Boys get angler. I plan on just using it for lakes. I'm pretty sure that's a bit different than the ocean.
The Garlic Farm
The Garlic Farm - 6 years ago
The first dumb thing he did was buy a 10' kayak. A longer boat is more stable and easier to paddle.
The seat in a sit in kayak is below the waterline. On a sit on top kayak the seat is much higher. Higher center of gravity means less stability.
Warwick Carter
Warwick Carter - 6 years ago
I have sit in and sit on. Rough conditions - sit in with a spray skirt eats it. Sit on kayaks have too much windage, poor secondary stability and no way to brace. Just fair weather boats.
The Garlic Farm
The Garlic Farm - 7 years ago
A sit in kayak is safer than a sit on top kayak in rough water. All you need is a spray skirt to keep the water out.
WAEofFishing - 7 years ago
yeah....I just talked about not going into big water alone. And I wear a non CO2 vest! Even the Mustang Survival have a failure rate higher than I want.
GhostHook - 7 years ago
I was bleeding a good size grunt (around 3 inch, good for soup) when I cut off one of my toes at the same time I had to take a shit. End up filling my kayak with shit and blood 4 miles offshore and passing out. Got lucky and got rescue by a guy on a boat. Got to love those grunts!
J M - 7 years ago
Kayaking for Dummies 101
88sinz - 7 years ago
bro, you have to realize you're launching in FL gulf. Dudes on the Mid-east call 3' dirty chop good to launch and land. We pack to flip, not to fish. 12 to 14' yaks, we're bustin' the breaks and taking some water. Be grateful for what you have.

Unmentioned was rips and currents, dangerous stuff that will test your meddle off shore.

sincerely, from the ice blast of 2018
ZADRIAN - 7 years ago
Here in texas i stepped out to walk a small island in Galveston bay ... I took 3 steps on solid ground and the 4 step i sunk in mud up to my hip it was like quicksand. If my girlfriend wasnt with me id probably still be out there dead. Ill never go kayaking alone. The one time i flipped it was dead calm water but there was current ... I hung up on an oyster reef and circled around to jerk my line out ... One pull and i was swimming. It happened in the blink of an eye. Always wear your life jacket. We have outbacks.
Patrick Bridges
Patrick Bridges - 7 years ago
Jack to touch on your #4 and #5 tips. Last year my buddy and I went out on a nasty day in the gulf against our better judgement and got completely wrecked when coming back in to the beach. Trying to get back to the beach in nasty surf is no joke and in my opinion you should never try to ride the waves in back in. We jumped off and held on the back of out kayaks and rode them in that way but I still ended up getting swamped. Kayak flipped, snapped two rods, lost 75% of my tackle, and I broke my finger. Hooks went everywhere even though they were in decent plano boxes. Had to chase the rest of my gear down the beach. Wasn't a fun day.
Matt's Fishing Adventures
Matt's Fishing Adventures - 7 years ago
Patrick Bridges lesson learned next time tie everything down and then tie the tie down stuff down again and if it doesnt float or fit somewhere safe it cant go on the trip
LJ Adventures
LJ Adventures - 7 years ago
dumbest thing... going out fishing dressed as a shark to sneak up on fish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyuF_G_X0hk
Kayak Musky Central
Kayak Musky Central - 7 years ago
good video
fishzmfgo1 - 7 years ago
The stupidest thing I did in my kayak was when I was skirting the side of a river decided it would be a fun IDear to reach up and grab a low lying branch nosed it into the river almost flipped it
Johnny Que
Johnny Que - 7 years ago
Good info!
Wesley Hackney
Wesley Hackney - 7 years ago
Very well said and excellent advice. I can personally with some of these points.
J Hayes
J Hayes - 7 years ago
Destin pass! I got caught in the current. To my left was rocks....To my right was boats coming and going. I could not believe how powerful that current was. I was able to paddle against it (but I am in great shape). By the time I got back to the bend heading towards crab island, I had blisters on my hands from the paddle. NEVER AGAIN! lesson learned!
king troll
king troll - 7 years ago
Thank you.I am from Colorado and only fish small lakes.I really don't have a clue about kayaking in the salt water.
Ryan Mcgaffick
Ryan Mcgaffick - 7 years ago
Came in with rods up, and bluefin in the killbag..it was rough launch so I knew it would be rough landing...Pro angler got a little sideways.. rolled.. in 5 feet of water with two 8 foot poles sticking straight up which quickly became 5 foot poles after both snapped.. full on yard sale in surf with beach loaded full of people ..but once I was on land..pulled bluefin out of bag and held it high for the world to see... that I wasn't a noob lol every dog has it's day and that was mine...lesson learned
Santiago Rivera
Santiago Rivera - 7 years ago
Good info thanks.
handyhippie65 - 7 years ago
outriggers, man! they worked for the polynesians. never get out of the boat!
Quico Reed
Quico Reed - 6 years ago
Never get off the boat.--Apocalypse Now
Ruslan Fursov
Ruslan Fursov - 7 years ago
Fishing in a kayak with waiters on not sure what I was thinking never doing that again
Old Guy
Old Guy - 7 years ago
Dropped a hardhead cat upside down onto my leg,,,The top fin went into my leg,,,He was flopping side to side,,, Finally got him Off my leg,,but My leg was hurting so bad I could not straighten it out for about 30 mins,,,Glad I had someone else there to help me out,,,Yes ER was the first stop when I got back to shore,,, Everything you said Can happen,,,The number one thing is Always go with a friend,,, Great video,,,
Larry A
Larry A - 7 years ago
Nice video Jack, good to see you again
SlikRik - 7 years ago
My Stupid move was buying a Sit In kayak My 1st. and took off into open water, only thing that came back was me and my PFD.
Your Tarpon video is my #1
Yak'n Kraken
Yak'n Kraken - 7 years ago
Took an ascend fs10 sit in kayak 3 mile out on the Chesapeake bay bridge tunnel to the first island alone.
Jimmy Celtic
Jimmy Celtic - 7 years ago
When are you going to get back out on the yak
Dustin Ranne
Dustin Ranne - 7 years ago
Well he just changed my mind I operate a two person kayak by myself and I’m not sure now I live around st pete
tokay999 - 7 years ago
Very helpful, even tho I don't have a kayak yet I'm learning tho, are tarpon good eating ?
Gary Westbrook
Gary Westbrook - 7 years ago
Since the number of bones doesn't affect flavor, just the effort needed to get at it could anyone tell whether it's a good tasting fish or not.
Matt - 7 years ago
No, they're really bony
Andy Arnold
Andy Arnold - 7 years ago
Can't say much about saltwater BUT when in fresh water be mindful of alligators and their nesting times and habits. Had a momma gator nudge my buddy's yak and then slap the water with her jaw telling us to leave her area. Scared the crap outta us. Didn't know a kayak could get on a plain. Lol. Thanks for sharing.
AllAlaskan907 - 6 years ago
We dont have gators up here but when floating rivers we have to watch out for Bears and Moose. It's pretty impressive how fast a 800 lb brown bear can swim!
Dave Floyd
Dave Floyd - 7 years ago
Liking your focus on staying alive.
redfishhunter 7
redfishhunter 7 - 7 years ago
craziest thing on a Kayack would be fighting a crab island current and being dragged into 3 ft seas
Felix Vargas
Felix Vargas - 7 years ago
I need a good mono filament line.. Any brand recommendations? I lost a huge yellowtail last season after he snapped my line (but a good 15 minute fight). I was using 20lb "Red Cajun" line at the time..
david beckenbaugh
david beckenbaugh - 6 years ago
This is a good subject for discussion. And the brand or type of line will change with circumstances. I used Ande for a while, but found it got brittle when it got extremely cold (not going to happen with your fishing). I tried a spool of Big Game for summer run salmon fishing. 12 lb but I hung an 8 lb weight join it and it snapped. This after breaking it three time just on hook sets. I like the Maxima Ultragreen when there are obstructions that will abrade the line and it seems to do well for that. But it has some memory to it, and can be difficult to cast with light weights. The Izorline Premium copolymer has good overall performance (I find) but is average in everything. Sometimes you want a very limp line, and abrasion resistance is not an issue. Sometimes abrasion is the issue and who cares how limp? Sometimes you need a low visibility line because of exceptionally clear water (fluorocarbon).
So I have an old Mitchell spinning reel with 6 spools. One with the Ande (12 lb), one with Maxima ultra green (12 lb), one with a lighter Izorline premium (8 lb), Maxima (8 lb), One with a 20 lb braid, and one with very heavy 15. I can change out in moments or carry an extra rod with braid on it for bobber fishing. And all this for salmon and steelhead in fresh water. Salt water and tarpon require a different approach. So..... maybe two or three different spools to change to to cover different situations if you do not want to carry a few extra rods.....
More discussion, people? This is fun to think about for me. And everyone has a different opinion so the discussion can be really good.
Foxy rollins
Foxy rollins - 7 years ago
They prob sell more so can drop price.
Felix Vargas
Felix Vargas - 7 years ago
I just bought some yesterday, it was Berkely Trilene "Big Game". They had a flourescent green, dark sea green, and clear. I went with the dark sea green color... I also bought some Ande Premium.. Funny thing is, they were both priced better than the Red Cajun "Red Lightning"..
Foxy rollins
Foxy rollins - 7 years ago
im not sure if they still make the same trilene i bought ages ago.. it was a golden colour
Felix Vargas
Felix Vargas - 7 years ago
Foxy rollins yep, it was a reefy area..
Foxy rollins
Foxy rollins - 7 years ago
I fish tailor (blue fish) around reef, 17lb.. because of the reef and sharp teeth. Jinkai leader 40lb
Foxy rollins
Foxy rollins - 7 years ago
trilene is good for reefy areas
Felix Vargas
Felix Vargas - 7 years ago
I think It was the rocks that cut my line.. the fish eventually tried to run to the other side of the rock jetti I was fishing from.. and once he got onto the other side of the rocks, it was over.. Baja Mexico
Felix Vargas
Felix Vargas - 7 years ago
Foxy rollins I better grab some Trilene also. I'll try both! Thanks for the recommendation
Foxy rollins
Foxy rollins - 7 years ago
I like Berkely Trilene
Felix Vargas
Felix Vargas - 7 years ago
Will Myschlongro thanks a lot! I will go grab some Andes...
Will Myschlongro
Will Myschlongro - 7 years ago
Ande premium is the best mono out there. 90% of serious fisherman will agree. Berkely Big Game is a close second. Hope that helps.
Michael O'Leske
Michael O'Leske - 7 years ago
Well, I guess your comment about not allowing the fish to face you is correct! Lol
You make great videos! I would really like to go fishing with you and your buds, if I ever get a chance to make it to Florida.
I just got into fishing from a kayak and really like your vids! Not much water here in Tucson, Arizona! Lol
Maddog Fishing
Maddog Fishing - 7 years ago
I haven't done anything stupid yet but I'm also fairly new to saltwater kayaking. I'm sure it's just a matter of time but I'm pretty cautious and I try to learn from other people's mistakes.
Foxy rollins
Foxy rollins - 7 years ago
I need a knife on my vest, and use a rod... even braid can be a nightmare on land
Foxy rollins
Foxy rollins - 7 years ago
I was hand-lining for squid, with line in the boat.. i felt uncomfortable
Yaking Patton
Yaking Patton - 7 years ago
Go get em!!!!! Whoooooooohooooo!
Fishing Like A Boss
Fishing Like A Boss - 7 years ago
I have a kayak and I was going through a creek to get to a river and the next day my friend said that’s were all the big bullsharks were
Curtis F
Curtis F - 7 years ago
Hooked my sleeve with a treble hook that was on a pole while I was launching once. Not a good way to start a trip.

Also wont be trolling with two poles out ever again. Got hooked up with two monster Jack Crevalle at the same time. Luckily they both went opposite directions or I could have had a real mess on my hands.
frank deluca
frank deluca - 7 years ago
Drunk in the middle of the night riding 4ft rollers on the long island sound
Ken Anderson
Ken Anderson - 7 years ago
frank deluca lol same here out of mount Sina
David Wolter
David Wolter - 7 years ago
I thought this was a family friendly chanel. How the heck can I tell you the craziest thing I've done in a kayak?
david beckenbaugh
david beckenbaugh - 6 years ago
No, Beamer, it was a mermaid. But, geez, looking at Ariel in the Disney movie, I keep trying to figure out the sex organ layout. Maybe D Wolter can give some more info on that. Oh, wait, this is a family friendly channel. Never mind.
BMW Enthusiast
BMW Enthusiast - 7 years ago
Yak Motley I think he might have fucked a fish in his kayak. Not 100% certain but...
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
I’m not sure what you mean by that ?
trevor sinclair
trevor sinclair - 7 years ago
whats up man i love your squirell hunting vids, they are very informational. do more!
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 7 years ago
Kayak Magic
Kayak Magic - 6 years ago
Master Baiter a
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 7 years ago

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