5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!
Kayak 7 years ago 121,807 views
This video is about what NOT to do in a Kayak. I talk about some of my worst Ideas when in a kayak. I hope someone can learn from my kayaking mistakes and kayak fishing mistakes. Here are my TOP 5 Things not to do. Everything from Passes, Bridges, Sharks and storms. Follow me of Facebook and Instagram @yakmotley.
2) I came up on bass fishing, in a Jon boat. You catch a fish, you string it and throw it in the water and tie the stringer to the boat and continue. Doing this is a kayak in the G.O.M. results in a school of black tips circling under your 'yak and 1/3 of a spotted trout missing from said stringer.
Why was it my dumbest thing? Because, despite all the good advice I'd seen on this and other channels, I had NOT practiced rolling and re-entry in a controlled environment. I feel quite the idiot for that, even though things turned out okay, but I'm planning for me and my fishing buddy to get some practice in before we have to do it in the wild again.
Thanks for the great safety tips!
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Keep up the great work, loving the videos!
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Only THEN did they look around and see me in the water as they passed by. They came about but a 24 ft cutter was already there hauling me out of the water. They cussed ME out for getting in their way saying they were a sail and had right of way. The cutter guy was just incredulous. He said something about right of way over everything NOT at anchor. They ended up paying for my lost gear (two fishing rods and reels and the crab ring, as well as my cell phone and a shorted out depth sounder).
My mistake was not having the pots tied onto the boat with a quick release system. I do that now. But my bigger question is "Just how do you not see a 10 foot yellow banana when you turn parallel to it from 90 feet away?".
50. comment for 5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!
We saw blue sky over the gulf and the cloud lines were heading NE. We couldn't pass up gorgeous water and blue, cloudless skies to the South, so we loaded up made our way towards Navarre Bch. Dropped yaks in at 4th public beach access and headed out. Enjoying the day, taking pics, (dolphins, Bonita/bait, turtles, of each other) and then...
Wind changed and we started seeing lines of clouds getting darker/more distinct from the west rolling over GB/Midway.
"Hey babe, we need to head in before we get caught out here" -- No arguments. So we 90 deg our paddles & turned our bows North-bound. We were heading towards the beach at a decent pace.
10 minutes later, the line was heading SSW. Cold air down-draft hit, you know the feeling.
2 min later the line over the beach North of us,
We saw lightening grounding out behind us (South of us)...
Lightening passing through blue skies overhead with sulfur clouds sounding like a Colt .45 snaps off our stearn.
(if you have never seen/experienced this, well, it unwillingly will increase the tension in your butt-hole, there-by increasing your paddle/stroke rate!)
With head-wind, rapid 10" chop, & all the while me yelling "GET LOWER!"
I was speed dip paddling, in an extreme supine position, which is certainly more than I was hoping for that day!!!!! Yeah, I know, doesn't matter, your in saltwater and even if lightening strikes miles away, still have scuppers in an ocean kayak, still touching saltwater.... at the time, I was in "Flight Mode".
Made it to the beach, beached the yaks, ran to the nearest over-dune walk way, hunkered down, waited until we saw gray sky instead of midnight blue cloud-line, then started back to the truck which was (X)-distance away. it took 25 minutes, rapid walking pace, no shoes, beach road, blah, blah, blah.
I am just reiterating the gentleman's point. You never know, just be careful. Conditions can "Turn South" so-to-speak, very rapidly!
You wanna test out a cheap rod and reel combo to see what it can do? If so I need your POB address to send.
I'd like to see what it will do with your style of fishing in saltwater. Holla back Army Strong!!!.
100. comment for 5 things to NEVER do in a KAYAK!
"Instant coffee" (!) Can you imagine? In a thermos?
It's like, "hey, dude" . . . this is the 3rd-millennium . . . you grind your own and brew it; especially if you are going to pack it in a thermos when kayak fishing for an after-battle refresher.
Instant coffee . . . not cool . . .
The reason there are different yaks is because different people want different things for different uses. There’s a healthy market for all types of yaks for a reason. Depends on its use, depends on the user & depends on ways to beat the “cons” of each to bring out their “pros.”
The seat in a sit in kayak is below the waterline. On a sit on top kayak the seat is much higher. Higher center of gravity means less stability.
Unmentioned was rips and currents, dangerous stuff that will test your meddle off shore.
sincerely, from the ice blast of 2018
Your Tarpon video is my #1
So I have an old Mitchell spinning reel with 6 spools. One with the Ande (12 lb), one with Maxima ultra green (12 lb), one with a lighter Izorline premium (8 lb), Maxima (8 lb), One with a 20 lb braid, and one with very heavy 15. I can change out in moments or carry an extra rod with braid on it for bobber fishing. And all this for salmon and steelhead in fresh water. Salt water and tarpon require a different approach. So..... maybe two or three different spools to change to to cover different situations if you do not want to carry a few extra rods.....
More discussion, people? This is fun to think about for me. And everyone has a different opinion so the discussion can be really good.
You make great videos! I would really like to go fishing with you and your buds, if I ever get a chance to make it to Florida.
I just got into fishing from a kayak and really like your vids! Not much water here in Tucson, Arizona! Lol
Also wont be trolling with two poles out ever again. Got hooked up with two monster Jack Crevalle at the same time. Luckily they both went opposite directions or I could have had a real mess on my hands.