A Poor Man's Fishing Kayak! Lifetime Tamarack Angler Kayak!

this is a video about me sharing my new kayak i just purchased. it is the life time tamarack angler kayak. this one was purchased from big 5 sport goods on sale for $240. it did not come with a paddle. when this video was filmed i still haven't tested the kayak out. part 2 update video will definitely have more then what this video has to offer. THANKS FOR WATCHING!

A Poor Man's Fishing Kayak! Lifetime Tamarack Angler Kayak! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 45

Kayak 9 years ago 106,488 views

this is a video about me sharing my new kayak i just purchased. it is the life time tamarack angler kayak. this one was purchased from big 5 sport goods on sale for $240. it did not come with a paddle. when this video was filmed i still haven't tested the kayak out. part 2 update video will definitely have more then what this video has to offer. THANKS FOR WATCHING!

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Most popular comments
for A Poor Man's Fishing Kayak! Lifetime Tamarack Angler Kayak!

nintendo on top
nintendo on top - 7 years ago
Paddle holder
Mank_Legend - 7 years ago
It's only $254 at Wal-Mart, getting one next month!!!
PhillipAndWorld - 7 years ago
Mank_Legend thats a good deal!
Alabama Woodsman
Alabama Woodsman - 7 years ago
Bungee cord is to hold the paddle down.
miamiwax - 7 years ago
Finding milkcrates at the grocery story for free aka STEALING. Hahaha
miamiwax - 7 years ago
Why would u want to cover scupper holes? How is the water gonna get out?
miamiwax - 7 years ago
Hobie has brainwashed everyone into thinking kayaks should cost 2500$
skubadoobie - 7 years ago
Do you know the difference between the tamarack and the Muskie?
Explore New York
Explore New York - 7 years ago
Not joking. But It works great!
g57462 - 7 years ago
good video u really tricked it out with simple things good job

10. comment for A Poor Man's Fishing Kayak! Lifetime Tamarack Angler Kayak!

Ralph Wynne
Ralph Wynne - 7 years ago
I want a kyak I am 11 and I've been saving up and looking for a kyak stuff expensive but I still get to fish we have a 37 Viking billfish
Detroit home inspectors
Detroit home inspectors - 7 years ago
can you stand up and fish in that yak?  how wide is it?
PhillipAndWorld - 7 years ago
Detroit home inspectors i have not personally standed on this yak but i have seen others talk about being able too.
Tomas Klidonas
Tomas Klidonas - 7 years ago
nice job.. economical and functional...
hoxoboxo - 7 years ago
hey man, just found your site. im really interested on kayak fishing. any news on your kayak. do you lik it? any recomendations?
PhillipAndWorld - 7 years ago
hoxoboxo unfortunately i sold it to get something else. the kayak itself was excellent! highly recommend it.
Frank Stein
Frank Stein - 7 years ago
I bought one of these for my son for his birthday...

He's dead now.
Caden Carson
Caden Carson - 7 years ago
Joshua Wheeler ok
Joshua Wheeler
Joshua Wheeler - 7 years ago
+Caden Carson no
Caden Carson
Caden Carson - 7 years ago
Joshua Wheeler ru talking to me
Joshua Wheeler
Joshua Wheeler - 7 years ago
Frank Stein I saw u comment the same thing in that redneck's video
Joseph Parrish
Joseph Parrish - 7 years ago
Frank Stein Oh man I hope it was a troll cause I burst out laughing assuming it was.
Frank Stein
Frank Stein - 7 years ago
My son was no liar. He was a good son..and I miss him more than anyone can imagine.
Caden Carson
Caden Carson - 7 years ago
Thomas Lenhart
Thomas Lenhart - 7 years ago
Wat are the balls? for I may be young but I love fishing I have a summer job and I am looking at the make and model I want a kayak to fish in
Shred Crew
Shred Crew - 7 years ago
same dud
tim12345678901111111 - 7 years ago
Thomas Lenhart 8
Rhys Tal Cernunnos
Rhys Tal Cernunnos - 7 years ago
Must be nice.... being able to afford that. That is not a "poor man's kayak"..... a real poor man's kayak is a home made one.
Joseph Parrish
Joseph Parrish - 7 years ago
Rhys Tal Cernunnos If you can't afford a $240 kayak then you need to work harder....
PhillipAndWorld - 7 years ago
i called it a poor mans yak, because this is one of the least expensive yaks on the market.
Derek Davis
Derek Davis - 8 years ago
i seen a dude hanging 10 and catching fish on one of these.
Derek Davis
Derek Davis - 8 years ago
this one or the heritage redfish, the perception pescador is nice to but cost more.
Evan Dickson
Evan Dickson - 8 years ago
I'll be over here with my pelican sit in. It's ok to get me out on the water. Nice video btw :).
Robert Payne edcated mt wife about potato guns
Robert Payne edcated mt wife about potato guns - 7 years ago
PhillipAndWorld l
PhillipAndWorld - 8 years ago
Evan Dickson pelican makes some quality yaks! thanks for watching! tight lines!

20. comment for A Poor Man's Fishing Kayak! Lifetime Tamarack Angler Kayak!

Mike Davis
Mike Davis - 8 years ago
That strap on the side by the carrying handle It's Made To Hold Your paddle when you stop and want to fish
trapangler - 8 years ago
How thick is the plastic on this thing? I'm thinking about getting one for my son but I'm tired of the flimsy stuff that big box stores sell.
PhillipAndWorld - 8 years ago
this kayak didn't feel cheap to me at all. the plastic is pretty thick and the build quality is excellent. for $300 or less for this kayak it doesn't get better. that being said i haven't actually felt or been on one of those more expensive brands like hobie or pelican but i can tell you that this is a good kayak. perfect for beginners like myself.
Gravy - 8 years ago
Getting the same kayak, thanks for giving me some tips
Kyle - 8 years ago
ahhh ahhhh ahhh duuuuhhh. take a speech class bro. I've seen a little kid on youtube give better reviews.
Karl Shanabarger
Karl Shanabarger - 8 years ago
I bought an old town next and took it out this summer just starting to get used to it and like it a lot gets you into those special fishy hideouts!
c fedyszyn
c fedyszyn - 8 years ago
Nice, complete video. Thank you.
jkostial313 - 8 years ago
You said "uh" 5,000 times in this vid
CGXD123 - 8 years ago
I really want a kayak man its killing me
RPTV - 8 years ago
I have this kayak and use it for river fishing and it works great. I am 6' and 160 lbs. Very stable. I also have a bass boat and when I am going to go fishing on a lake I use it but for ponds and moving water river fishing this works good. I would say that I have found two negatives. #1 It is slower than some other 10' kayaks. The Heritage and the Prescador 10 footers seem to go through the water better. #2 I also like to do some Level 1, 2 and 3 whitewater kayaking. This kayak does good for the Level 1 and 2 but with level 3 you end up getting a lot of water inside your kayak and the two aforementioned kayaks drain out MUCH quicker and don't seem to take in as much water to begin with. When I would hit a nice sized wave of water going down the river it would fill the boat immediately and then it would stay that way until well after exiting the set of rapids making it very difficult to maneuver and giving you the feeling that you were not going to make it through. I got to the point where I was using my paddle to scoop water out before the next set of rapids. It was always stable and I have never turned over in this kayak in my many different kinds of trips but the other kayaks seem to be faster and took on much less water in white water conditions.
reelhooked - 8 years ago
Its a good yak!! I own one and i love it!! Check my video out fishing outside a breakwall! It holds up just fine!

30. comment for A Poor Man's Fishing Kayak! Lifetime Tamarack Angler Kayak!

Al Gomez
Al Gomez - 8 years ago
I just bought the same kayak 7/3/16
Bill Strack
Bill Strack - 8 years ago
Nice boat, btw and nice video.
Bill Strack
Bill Strack - 8 years ago
Funny thing. A lot of people bash Lifetime Kayaks. Some say Emotion kayaks are better. Guess what. Lifetime makes both of them. Lifetime bought Emotion a few years ago. The 8 foot Emotion is almost identical to my 8 foot Lifetime. Scupper hole placement and rear deck design are the biggest differences, I believe. Both are good starter and small lake fishing boats. Especially if you are a small to medium size adult.
Ak Fly fisher guy
Ak Fly fisher guy - 8 years ago
Why would you add rod holders if your gonna plug up the flush mount rod holders
PhillipAndWorld - 8 years ago
i dont like how they were angled. the rod holders i added made things less of a hassle and easy to reach.
Bite Mee
Bite Mee - 8 years ago
Buy used or buy American! Stop buying China junk.
Bryan Claunch
Bryan Claunch - 8 years ago
at 3:14 the little bungee thing with the strap was a paddle holder
PhillipAndWorld - 8 years ago
+Bryan Claunch yeah i kind of realized that later on but problem with it is it sucks at holding the paddle haha.
Bjørnar Iversen
Bjørnar Iversen - 8 years ago
is there a part 2? :)
Dylan McDermott
Dylan McDermott - 8 years ago
I'd be really happy with that! I'm about to get my first kayak and this is one of the better cheap kayaks I've seen
Nicole Pulm
Nicole Pulm - 8 years ago
Yes It is was awesome kayak!
Dylan McDermott
Dylan McDermott - 8 years ago
+Nicole Pulm I went to farm and fleet the other day and saw that kayak on sale! I've heard great things about them!
Nicole Pulm
Nicole Pulm - 8 years ago
You can get the Sundolophin Journey 10ss for $300 with a lot more space and storage. Very stable too! I got it for my first kayak and it's great!
Stubbs Kayak Fishing
Stubbs Kayak Fishing - 9 years ago
Great deal on that kayak. Mine didn't come with all that.
Stubbs Kayak Fishing
Stubbs Kayak Fishing - 9 years ago
Nice yak.
Ken Durham
Ken Durham - 9 years ago
I got the same kayak, at the same store, for the same price, at around the same time.I haven't outfitted mine much yet, for now, just getting used to it, and having fun.My paddle choice from Cabela's was the Carlisle Magic Plus fiberglass for $99.99.They were on sale for $79.99, and I had a gift card plus used my Cabela's Club points, and left with the paddle for $37 out the door.
Preston Manikham
Preston Manikham - 9 years ago
Hey, I'm from Seattle as well. I just got back into fishing not to long ago. Where are so great places to fish from in King County? Usually I fish Eastern Washington for cat fish
PhillipAndWorld - 9 years ago
+Preston Manikham waverly beach on lake washington of the dock. beaver or cottage lake for some blue gill or crappie. also i think salmon just entered our river systems so you can try those guys out as well.
Abraham Hernandez
Abraham Hernandez - 9 years ago
Nice review and how does it do in the ocean
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
+PhillipAndWorld even with huge waves your fine, I fish in the ocean and bays where big boats and water skiiers ans jet skiiers think its funny to plow me with their big waves :) yes of course I get wet BUT water flows right out of bottom and def don't feel like its gonna flip at all, she rocks but stays strong :) love it
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
+Michael Palmer they are cheap because its coming to end of season, and sports has to move around their inventory, if you go in begining of season they are $400 plus they get cheaper towards end of summer, they are still $411.00 here at our sports
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
+Abraham Hernandez it's awesome in the ocean :)
PhillipAndWorld - 9 years ago
from the looks of it, looks like two pieces molded together. 
Abraham Hernandez
Abraham Hernandez - 9 years ago
Sweet and is it one peice or is it two peices molded together?
PhillipAndWorld - 9 years ago
+Abraham Hernandez i have currently only used it in freshwater lakes and rivers and it handles awesome! if there is no huge waves you should be fine!
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
and you don't want the pegs for feet that move and adjust because they suck, they get rusty and stuck and sometimes actually slide on you and allow for water to get into haul after while, these r the best foot pegs for yakkers :)
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
this is actually a really well made yak and should not be called the poor mans cause it outshines alot of the others on the market outside of the bugger names like hobie and jackson, though my friend has a hobie and this handles as well if not better on stability :) this yak has been great to me and I bought my fiance one because of the dependability and stability for fishing :) lifetime is the company that makes this yak and they are a big time plastic business and this yak is made of the best plastic out there for yaks and if you go into the stores and feel most of the yaks r softer and thinner, this yak is a beast and makes for a great fishing yak :)
RK Crypto-Mining
RK Crypto-Mining - 7 years ago
Yea someone should tell this kid that LIfeTime is a great great Kayak. It is as stable as any of the 1000 dollar kayaks, tracks as well as any of the 1000 dollar kayaks. It is a bit more bare bones.... Someone should clue this kid in. You can stand on that Kayak....
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
+PhillipAndWorld oh :) I paid $500 I am getting a trolling motor :) the dependability and comfort and stability ROCKS, love fishing from mine :) yes a little on the slow side but I have no prob swapping speed for stability :) I am no looking to race anywhere lol
JaimeAstin - 9 years ago
+Tracey Scherer
100% agree!  This is a solid kayak.  That is a great price and that outshines a lot of other kayaks that cost double.  Solid fishing platform for sure.  Very stable.  Not the fastest, but it tracks very well.  I just don't think on can flip it.  It is perfect for a new person to kayaking or for one who wants a super stable fishing kayak.
PhillipAndWorld - 9 years ago
+Tracey Scherer I agree with what you are saying but im just calling it a poormans fishing kayak because i got it for $240.
BenJamison7740 - 9 years ago
The bungie cords on the side are to hold your ores
Yakin'SC - 9 years ago
+benny102030 called a kayak paddle *
Yakin'SC - 9 years ago
It is kale do kayak paddle and there is only one
BenJamison7740 - 9 years ago
Yakin'SC - 9 years ago
+benny102030 paddles
BenJamison7740 - 9 years ago
ores are the propper name
Jim McCarthy
Jim McCarthy - 9 years ago
+benny102030 Oars?...lol...paddles
PhillipAndWorld - 9 years ago
+benny102030 yes that was what i assumed but they are extremely loose. i learned if you wrap them around the grips once they will be tight enough.

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