A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee River, AL

🔴🚧🔴MY KIT, FAVORITE GEAR🔴🚧🔴 🔴🚧🔴 https://kit.com/tripsmith 🔴🚧🔴 Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/SailingandSuch?ty=h S&S Shirts and Stickers - http://sailingandsuch.com/shop/ S&S Website! - http://sailingandsuch.com/ Gear Used PFD Stolquist Trekker - http://amzn.to/2cHSGFR Dry Bags - http://amzn.to/2cHuOnp Camera (Olympus TG 860) - http://amzn.to/2cRQGv7 Adventure Medical Kit - http://amzn.to/2czIB1u Dry Compression Sack - http://amzn.to/2cHTLx1 Rav Battery Pack - http://amzn.to/2czJDe4 Stanley Cook Set - http://amzn.to/2d8jApO Dry Bags - http://amzn.to/2cHuOnp New Gear Camp Chair (Treo Chair) - http://amzn.to/2cyA1No Camera Tripod - http://amzn.to/2cxwQJ5 Swiftwater Crocs - http://amzn.to/2bdnE5P Bilge Pump - http://amzn.to/2cyzUBc Map Case - http://amzn.to/2cK5GZI Grill - http://amzn.to/2cK63U3 Paddle Leash - http://amzn.to/2cHQvQH Kayak Camping Trip down the Alabama section of the Choctawhatchee river. Cold, rain, sun, camping, bloopers and adventure make up an exciting adventure all caught on camera! Experience what is was like on this three day kayak camping trip. Learn about my gear in my upcoming kayak camping gear video! Check out my Adventure Videos Playlist http://goo.gl/DwyLh1 Visit my channel here- https://www.youtube.com/user/SailingandSuch/featured -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch my Latest Adventure: "Lost Hiker - Day Hike To Overnighter - Unprepared Survival" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdOCuGb4108 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee River, AL sentiment_very_dissatisfied 47

Kayak 10 years ago 158,588 views

🔴🚧🔴MY KIT, FAVORITE GEAR🔴🚧🔴 🔴🚧🔴 https://kit.com/tripsmith 🔴🚧🔴 Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/SailingandSuch?ty=h S&S Shirts and Stickers - http://sailingandsuch.com/shop/ S&S Website! - http://sailingandsuch.com/ Gear Used PFD Stolquist Trekker - http://amzn.to/2cHSGFR Dry Bags - http://amzn.to/2cHuOnp Camera (Olympus TG 860) - http://amzn.to/2cRQGv7 Adventure Medical Kit - http://amzn.to/2czIB1u Dry Compression Sack - http://amzn.to/2cHTLx1 Rav Battery Pack - http://amzn.to/2czJDe4 Stanley Cook Set - http://amzn.to/2d8jApO Dry Bags - http://amzn.to/2cHuOnp New Gear Camp Chair (Treo Chair) - http://amzn.to/2cyA1No Camera Tripod - http://amzn.to/2cxwQJ5 Swiftwater Crocs - http://amzn.to/2bdnE5P Bilge Pump - http://amzn.to/2cyzUBc Map Case - http://amzn.to/2cK5GZI Grill - http://amzn.to/2cK63U3 Paddle Leash - http://amzn.to/2cHQvQH Kayak Camping Trip down the Alabama section of the Choctawhatchee river. Cold, rain, sun, camping, bloopers and adventure make up an exciting adventure all caught on camera! Experience what is was like on this three day kayak camping trip. Learn about my gear in my upcoming kayak camping gear video! Check out my Adventure Videos Playlist http://goo.gl/DwyLh1 Visit my channel here- https://www.youtube.com/user/SailingandSuch/featured -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch my Latest Adventure: "Lost Hiker - Day Hike To Overnighter - Unprepared Survival" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdOCuGb4108 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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Most popular comments
for A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee River, AL

C4RSON S - 7 years ago
You are very cringeworthy..... very hard to watch
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Hmmmm, is that good thing or a bad thing? Not sure how to take this one....
Lloyd McGriff
Lloyd McGriff - 7 years ago
Trip Is Still The Coolest !!! I`m watching `em All again,,, Better Every time !!! Thanks again Sir !!! ***cheers*** =)
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Ha! just having a good time. Glad you are enjoying them!
departmentofnatural awesomeness
departmentofnatural awesomeness - 7 years ago
You probably mention in the video. But right now my volume isn't working, What kayak is that?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
That is a Wilderness Systems Sealution II Oldy buf a goody!
cathlyn205 - 7 years ago
You can get a portable shower, a bladder and tubing and fill it with river water, and put it by the fire to warm up a bit and clean up there. Since the "shower" is stored dry, it doesn't weigh your yak down and you can save brain freezes. Good video, will definitely watch more.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
That's a pretty darn good idea! Thanks for the suggestion! Hope you enjoy the other adventures, there are many to catch up on!
Spot Manduex
Spot Manduex - 7 years ago
Fun video - thanks.  Gotta ask - at 29:48 did you edit it because your stool sunk into the sand and you almost fell over?  I've done that twice on sandbars, once totally landing on my ass HA!  Also, do you paddle with your paddle upside-down or am I just not seeing it right?  Regardless, it seems to work for ya.  Keep making the videos man, I enjoy them.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Ha! You know, I honestly can't remember but I bet that probably did happen. For that reason though I got rid of that type of seat and now I use something like this - http://amzn.to/2DuB0xH My paddle upside down? I don't think so... But for all I know I could have been lol
I'll keep the camera rolling, thanks for watching!
Monica Hall
Monica Hall - 7 years ago
Idk how many times I’ve watched this video. I found it when searching for what type of kayaks my husband and I wanted to get. Funny thing is I’m not too far from here. Lol
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Oh awesome! I've seen quite a bit of pretty awesome photos and video from the Buffalo..... It's on my list! Hope yall get some new waters under your belt soon!
Monica Hall
Monica Hall - 7 years ago
Trip Smith we did! We got a couple of Vibes. We go to the Buffalo River up in TN a few times a year and kayak, but we’ve been wanting to expand and go other places.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Glad it was worth watching more than once! Hope you both found the right yaks! It's in my area as well ;) Great spot!
blackoracle69 - 7 years ago
my old stomping grounds
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Cool! Beautiful area for sure!
paul davies
paul davies - 7 years ago
i enjoyed that mate --- nice one .
paul from wales.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Thanks Paul! I appreciate that. I've got lots of new adventures you should check out as well ;-)
Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith - 7 years ago
Oh Yeah! Haha! Great video, you are a fun guy and loved watching your adventure! Cheers from London! Chris
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Thanks Chris! Glad you are watching my man. Take care!

10. comment for A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee River, AL

uibsen - 7 years ago
That is an awesome video !!!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Haha! Thanks! That was my fist kayak camping video. Lots more of them to enjoy ;)
BMW S1000
BMW S1000 - 7 years ago
I notice you had a cell phone carrier around your neck. where do ya get one of those?, I am always trying to find a convenient place to put cell. and what you had is awesome!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
I think that one came off Amazon. I don't use one anymore. I either put it in a dry bag or a dry box. If I were you, I'd go with something exactly like this - http://amzn.to/2xJliv5 I've seen two of them and they are really cool...
Don shrimper
Don shrimper - 7 years ago
hey trip ,when andy finishes a sentence its like somebody squesses his boys
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
OH, gotcha. Haven't noticed that. Maybe it's the down under flair
Don shrimper
Don shrimper - 7 years ago
andys fishin,ya know mate
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+Don shrimper Andy? Who is Andy lol
Jakeys Builds
Jakeys Builds - 7 years ago
Nice video very entertaining!! New sub
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Thanks Jakeys! I appreciate the sub!
goofythumb - 7 years ago
Do you carry a backup paddle?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
No, but I should!
Brock Wells
Brock Wells - 7 years ago
GREAT videos, I am loving these. Inspired me to plan my first trip here next month. Keep up the awesome work!!!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Thanks Brock! Hope your trip goes well my man! I'll keep the videos coming ;-)
Brian Wehrstedt
Brian Wehrstedt - 7 years ago
I'm about to take the plunge into kayaking and ran across your fascinating adventure. Thanks for sharing!!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Oh cool Brian! Have fun taking the plunge and I hope you check out the rest of my crazy adventures as well ;-)
Carolus Rex
Carolus Rex - 7 years ago
This is a really weird porno.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Good Karma
Good Karma - 7 years ago
today i bought my first kayak, a sit on, used on cl. thanks Trip for all your inspiration. I'm 65, chubby and live in Az, it was 128 today and i love the colorado river and the lakes near by and I'm jazzed about all that I've seen on SailingandSuch.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Nice Karma! Hope you are able to Get Out There and enjoy that yak!
Plooplack - 7 years ago
What camera are you using
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
This video was filmed completely with an Olympus TG870. Good camera I still use a lot today.

20. comment for A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee River, AL

Sco Tan
Sco Tan - 7 years ago
a video ( cant find ) you harvested a root or a portion of tree about 5-6 inches, no bark. you used this wood to light a fire in a later video, the sap and such makes it a nice match type starter.... what is it? ;) thank you. also the stuff used for soaking clothes that helps with skeeters.

Thank you for all you share
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
I think you are talking about the Dead Lakes video. It was called fat lightered which is old pine wood that has cured so to speak with all the resin in it. If you know where some pine trees are go walking around in the woods and look for old pine stumps. Knock a hunk in one and smell it, if it smells like pinesaw and is hard that's the good stuff.
Glad you enjoy all the info! Thanks for watching and commenting!
Bruce Klein
Bruce Klein - 7 years ago
What city/town do you live in or near?I'm guessing not too far from where you ended this trip.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
I'm in Dothan, Alabama. Yep,not far this river is in my local area.
Diego Galindez Matienzo
Diego Galindez Matienzo - 7 years ago
It's great that young people like u make things like this and share them with others. Good job! I'm watching all your videos and I can apreciatte how you grow, one by one, and how many things I can learn. Thanks a lot! And sorry for my uggly english! Kind regards, I'll keep looking forward for more videos
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoy it Diego! Thanks for watching the videos. You're good lol Hope you enjoy the future videos ;)
Steven Doran
Steven Doran - 7 years ago
Cool video bro keep em coming
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Thanks Steven! Will do!
Bite Mee
Bite Mee - 7 years ago
Invest in a "Seals" spray skirt.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
I'd like to, they are pricey though lol One day....
Cristina Gar
Cristina Gar - 7 years ago
Lol I was watching a like yours I couldn't go to sleep I did as soon as I clicked that video boring as hell I love your videos
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Thanks Cristina! Glad you enjoy them.
Diego Galindez Matienzo
Diego Galindez Matienzo - 7 years ago
And I see you have no paddle for raplace...
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Hehe, you are correct!
Diego Galindez Matienzo
Diego Galindez Matienzo - 7 years ago
From Argentina: Entertaining video. Some observations to improve your kayak practice ... You paddle too much with your arms, when you should do it with the rotation of your body ... Sometimes, you carry the shovel inside out, that is, the right spoon should go left... Kind regards!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Thanks Diego! Didn't know there was a left and right.... lol INteresting! I need to take some lessons and really learn how to do it right....
John William
John William - 7 years ago
Man oh man that really did look like a lot of fun! :)
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
Man oh man it was!!!
Don - 7 years ago
wow,u sure where flyin down that river,awsome vid
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+Don I know it, Im more laid back on my pace these days.

30. comment for A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee River, AL

Camille Rogers
Camille Rogers - 7 years ago
ok hold up... The first thing you worry about washing is your hair.. ha ha love it.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+Camille Rogers lol Maybe I'm a little silly....
MEEP - 7 years ago
I wish I had a friend that would do this with me :/ awesome video!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+MEEP They are out there!
Pam Daniel
Pam Daniel - 7 years ago
Very entertaining video and you gave lots of good information on that river. Looks like you were well prepared for this trip and I see you wore your pfd which some kayakers don't.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+Pam Daniel Thanks Pam! Sometimes I wear it sometimes I don't. Mostly every time I'm in cold water I wear it. In warm water, I'm usually swiming to much and enjoy a dip
Brittany Hynes
Brittany Hynes - 7 years ago
I was watching PaddlingTV and came across your channel. I loved this video, and you! New subscriber! Cheers and thanks for the videos!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+Brittany Hynes Cool Brittany! Glad you found the channel and like what you see. Lots of adventures for you catch up on. Hope you join in on a live video and try to win some free gear!
Chris McDuffie
Chris McDuffie - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed this...I am a novice yakker and live up near Auburn. I would love to coordinate a trip like this (possibly only a one night one) with another buddy (also a novice). Looks like fun!
Chris McDuffie
Chris McDuffie - 7 years ago
Building my kayak trailer today so I don't have to lift up on top of my SUV...gonna be great! Thanks for the encouragement!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+Chris McDuffie Thanks Chris! It's pretty simple really. You could start with a easy overnighter on Lake Martin? Would be easy with no shuttling. Ive heard the river North of Lafayette is pretty nice.
TLC puma
TLC puma - 7 years ago
awesome adventure it got me out kayak camping with my 10 year old boy thanks .. I'm hooked on all your adventures now lol can't wait for the ice to melt off the lake
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+TLC puma Oh how cool! Hope it warms up for the both of you soon!
TheSchledewitzg - 7 years ago
Ever see any of those Alabama Boogers out in those woods? Great video! New sub here.
TheSchledewitzg - 7 years ago
SailingandSuch always heard that's what southerns call a Bigfoot. I've probably been misinformed.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+TheSchledewitzg Hmmmm, don't think I have? What are they lol Thanks for being a subscriber!
BMW S1000
BMW S1000 - 7 years ago
This guy is damn cool. most vids I watch are people that are nice, but id rather not be around. nothing wrong with them , but Im just a loner kind of person. But this guy would make me laugh alot. he is just genuine.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+BMW S1000 Thanks BMW! You would LOVE LOVE LOVE the intro to my Dead Lakes trip video. Trust me ;)
BMW S1000
BMW S1000 - 7 years ago
oh shit, what if he runs into those back country deliverance people!? hope he has a gun. ,, oh wait, or maybe a bow and arrow?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+BMW S1000 hehe, the bow and arrow worked in the movie!
chuck thomas
chuck thomas - 7 years ago
I've been wanting to take a river adventure in my yak. I have to look up the rules for camping where I'm going but this video is inspiring. Comment 555
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+chuck thomas Get Out There Chuck! Make it happen, it's wellllll worth it. Enjoy and thanks for the comment!
Gage Leggett
Gage Leggett - 7 years ago
I live in Dothan Alabama. if you live close we should link up and go on another one of these 3 day kayak adventures
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+Gage Leggett Gage, I live in Dothan also man. I'm a firefighter for the city. Linking up can be tougher for me as I don't always have a set schedule and it's tougher for me to film when I'm with a group it seems. For some reason I get my best footage when I can devote my time to filming and not worrying about inconveniencing some else's experience.
Derek Paterson
Derek Paterson - 7 years ago
just bought a kayak and I love camping too ! great video. learned a few tricks as well. I'll definitely be planing a trip like this !! thanks for taking us along on your river trip !
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 7 years ago
+Derek Paterson Congrats on the new yak Derek! Hope you enjoy my other adventures and the future ones as well! Thanks for watching and commenting!
Things-n-Stuff - 8 years ago
LOVE it!! Doin' it the way we like!!
isegrim1978 - 8 years ago
Thank you for the video and especially for the gear list.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
You're welcome! New gear list coming soon ;)
Scott S
Scott S - 8 years ago
Great video. Well done. Enjoyed watching. Keepin it real and uncomplicated. We do this in Southern Missouri but haven't made the jump from still pic to video. Inspired by this. thank you for sharing. God bless.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Glad to hear that Scott. That's what I try to do ;) Hope you decided to bring the camera along, imagine showing it to your grandkids.... Or your family watching 100 years from now...
Jordan Mortenson
Jordan Mortenson - 8 years ago
Thank you man :) wonderful video
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
You're welcome Jordan! Hope you enjoy the rest of the adventures as well! Lots more to watch and lots more to come ;)
thechosendude - 8 years ago
Great video. Just found your channel. Have you kayaked Blackwater River or Coldwater Creek in Munson, FL?
johnnyb395 - 7 years ago
Walker, I have no idea what rivers you paddle if any...Trip's vids show that flat water kayaking is not rocket science and anyone in decent shape can do it. And if you ever paddled a kayak less than a 14' touring kayak which are designed for rivers, than you would know that you need to upgrade to a touring kayak. I started w/a 9' then a 12' and quickly realized that I needed a min 14' touring boat. Im just pasing along my costly knowledge to any novice paddlers in hopes that won't have to spend the needless $$ on short tubby kayaks that are not designed for rivers and creeks. Let's end the needless pi*#ing contest...it does no good debating w/someone who has no basic knowledge of kayaking rivers and creeks. Best of luck to you whenever you decide to paddle a river or creek.
Walker Patterson
Walker Patterson - 7 years ago
johnnyb395 yes with experience you may be able to navigate a river but what if you get turned around in a rapid and get stuck sideways between two rocks and that sounds like something that a beginner kayaker would do such as the maker of this video if he's only kayaked in a pool he would be at a very beginner level
johnnyb395 - 7 years ago
Walker your opinion is wrong, a 14' touring kayak is "designed" for rivers & creeks, the 14' length has proven to be the minimum length for easist paddling for the average paddler. Scientifically proven the longer & narrower yak a person can handle is the most effeicent yak to own. Just stating this in comment section for the purpose of passing along facts to help people looking to get into the sport of paddling. I use a 16.5' sea kayak in narrow creeks and rivers for it;s efficiency and storage, any in shape person that enjoys kayaking can navigate it in any body of water. Anyone with paddling experience will tell you the same.
Walker Patterson
Walker Patterson - 7 years ago
johnnyb395 my opinion on them is that they are wasting there money on a car that they aren't using to a full extent and touring kayaks can be extremely difficult to navigate through rivers because of the size and the have several other cons when used in creeks and rivers
johnnyb395 - 7 years ago
Walker, ok but what's your opinion of all the thousands of SUV's & pickups out there driven by yuppies and ladies who never drive their suv/p.u. off road....as far as kayaking, my sea yak gives me a nice tracking, high effecient kayak that allows me to explore many creeks and rivers while working less than a touring yak & plenty of storage for river camping. Its all about getting on the water and enjoying nature in whatever kayak one chooses to use regardless of what type of yak and what is is "designed" for.
Walker Patterson
Walker Patterson - 7 years ago
johnnyb395 ok but that is a touring kayak and is designed for oceans it's like deep sea fishing with a rod that you got at a Walmart for 10 bucks it just not designed for it
johnnyb395 - 7 years ago
A paddlers kayak is meant for where ever they chose to paddle it. My Tempest 165 has never been in a sea but it has seen thousands of miles of rivers and creeks.
Walker Patterson
Walker Patterson - 7 years ago
SailingandSuch hey you know that your kayak is meant for ocean kayaking right?
johnnyb395 - 7 years ago
I'm in Daytona Bch area of FL and drive up to do Blackwater & Coldwater couple times a year. 2 of the best scenic rivers in FL along w/Chipola.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks! This one was my first paddling adventure. I haven't but it's definitely on my list!
mrborrowedtime - 8 years ago
Sailing&Such: This was a real fun & excellent video, your reactions to situations made for light-hearted & interesting viewing. I really think you should do more videos of you doing different outdoors activities as well as more kayaking trips, hell, i'd watch 'em!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it Time! You know, I've thought about adding in some different stuff and I imagine I will in the future. Good to know you are on-board with it! Thanks!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
The Cousins Thanks! That was my first attempt at a paddling trip and video. Very fun trip. Headed out in the morning for another ;)
Gracie Autumn
Gracie Autumn - 8 years ago
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
I know.... I should work out more...

50. comment for A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee River, AL

David H
David H - 8 years ago
Man we've got to get you a few Fishing yoyo's.

You could set out 3 of them near your camp and check them periodically for catfish. It's not very sportsman's like but sometimes you don't want the sport of it, you want the damn calories!

Love your videos man. They make me want to go play outside.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Gotcha. That's a good tip lol I always be having fun! Thanks!
David H
David H - 8 years ago
Exactly. Most states are ok with them as long as you write your name and address on them. They just don't want people setting and forgetting.

Have fun out there and stay safe
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoy the videos David! Making people want to Get Out There is my main objective!

Man, I just checked those out on Amazon and read probably 50 reviews or more. I think they would be perfect! I imagine other's would think the same thing as well. I'll have to try to get a hold of some of them. They would just be perfect for my style and like you said, just set some of them out near camp... Then just check them periodically....
Braden Grimes
Braden Grimes - 8 years ago
Put me in the mood to go kayaking! Great video man!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Awesome Braden! That's the whole point! Thanks for watching and commenting bud.
David Richardson
David Richardson - 8 years ago
keep em coming man! I love these videos they're getting me hyped up for spring and summertime!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Will do David! So glad you enjoy the videos. Hope you are able to Get Out There when it warms back up!
searey29 - 8 years ago
Followed you on google maps on your adventure. It was interesting. I am looking to get a angler kayak for me ad my son, a sit on top model. I wouldn't mind doing a trip similar to this I just wonder how a Sit on to would work on small rapids like you went through. Thanks for all your editing and posting of links, I know the trip is fun then sharing everything is a lot of work so thanks for that.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Google maps is always fun to check out for sure. Hope you two get out there soon, way to go dad! It would work just fine, have you seen the latest video I posted down the Coosa River? I was in a SOT and it did well in some pretty decent rapids.
You're very welcome! Lots of folks don't realize all the time it takes, but it's well worth it because of folks like you who are getting out there.
Doug Roberts
Doug Roberts - 8 years ago
"Just a flour tortilla, some string cheese, and something like salami. Not sure what it was...". Awesome.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Lol! Glad you enjoy it Doug, just me being me!
David Kappes
David Kappes - 8 years ago
Just like a Star Trek Starship Going boldly where no man has gone before.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thats right big daddy!!!!
scott0551 - 8 years ago
You should get a military style E Tool it folds up pretty small.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
I actually have one of those Scott. I just don't want to sacrifice the weight and storage for something I may or may not need. This trip so far is the only on where it would have been worth it....
Diana Hammond
Diana Hammond - 8 years ago
You may have learned this by now, but that chap stick makes a good fire starter, just smear a bunch on a few small twigs and they will light right up.
You might want to subscribe to reallybigmonkey and bushcraftbartons videos. Lots of great camping tips and tricks. I've been camping for years and still learn something new from them every time I watch! LOL
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Yea, sometimes I like to challenge myself. I always carry various fire starters with me if all else fails ;) Thanks for the suggestions! I'm fairly aware of many tips and tricks and I carry them "behind the scenes" and in my head but I enjoy a challenge as well.
SealClubbinFun - 8 years ago
Great to see a video on YouTube video where I'm from.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Glad you found it! Great area we are from huh?
Urban Taint
Urban Taint - 8 years ago
It might be a good idea to keep a couple flares in the kayak for those rainy days. It would help start that fire easier. Awesome video!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks man! Yea I have a few things with me to start a fire quick and easy in an emergency should I need to. But I will do things the hard way sometimes as well just for practice I guess or for "fun" lol
Max Wright
Max Wright - 8 years ago
That was awesome well done
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Much appreciated Max!
Lucas J
Lucas J - 8 years ago
im sorry but thats not a waterfall you went over at the beginning, its a grade 1 rapid at best. also it amazes me that you dont have a decent spray deck to keep the water out. Even that small drop led to you getting water in your kayak but it looks like you dont tuck your spraydeck high enough under you boyancy aid, which would create a better seal. Not good or safe equiptment
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Your right lol Myself, I've never been on anything greater than class 1 at best.... This was my very first trip on a kayak and very first time wearing a spray skirt. I've learned a good bit since then but still have the same crappy spray skirt lol I do need to upgrade that though for sure. Thanks for watching and commenting. My newer adventures are a little better than this one.... lol
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
explore - 8 years ago
Which kayak are you using?
johnnyb395 - 7 years ago
I have a Tempest 165. Great yak w/day hatch but Im not a fan of the rear skeg, it takes up a lot of storage in rear hatch area. I do rivers and creeks & have used the skeg once in 6 years.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
That would be a Wilderness Systems Sealution II, a late 80's early 90's model i believe. Love it. Looking to step up to a newer WIlderness Systems Tempest 170 eventually.
Sky 3353
Sky 3353 - 8 years ago
Enjoyed all your videos. Sailing and Kyaking. You could have used that Chapstick to help start your fire. Get you some cotton balls and saturate them with Vaseline and keep them in an old prescription bottle. They'll burn for about five minutes. Thanks for the vids and have fun.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoy them Sky! Yea, sometimes I do things the hard way. If I would have been wet and cold I would have grabbed the vaseline soaked cotton balls from my PFD ;) When paddling in cold water I keep a emergency fire kit in my PFD in case I get wet and separated from my yak.
jayce davis
jayce davis - 8 years ago
hes so stupid and dumb
Jeremy Newcombe
Jeremy Newcombe - 8 years ago
kada0601 - 8 years ago
Hey I know this video is old now but I just stumbled across your channel with this video. You inspired me to do this on the Itasca headwaters of the Mississippi. Right now I don't even own a kayak but I could easily see this becoming a weekend hobby. Thanks, keep up the great videos. - from Minnesota
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
No problem! That's awesome! Hope you find yourself out there very soon! You will not regret it, you will only regret not making it happen!
Just Cause
Just Cause - 8 years ago
A folding shovel for your gear
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
You know it would have been nice to have one, but that is the only time I've ever needed one. Probably not worth adding one to my gear since I don't need it all that often.
Just Cause
Just Cause - 8 years ago
Did you ever eat that 2nd tortilla with salami?....lol
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
I think I at about half of it then gave it the fishes..... I was full!
Just Cause
Just Cause - 8 years ago
Man awesome video and it was great to see your relationship with your Dad.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks! Yea, we have a pretty good relationship!
das hasguns
das hasguns - 8 years ago
Seeing you go through without any fishing gear hurts a little bit. You haven't fished till you have skied pulling in a monster pike from a kayak.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Yea..... I guess I need to step up my fishing game.
Mandy Shutters
Mandy Shutters - 8 years ago
Great video!! God Bless you too!! I enjoyed living the adventure through you and thank you for your clean language and amazing attitude!!!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks Mandy!!!! Glad you enjoyed it. You've got to have a good attitude or it's not worth doing. Thanks for watching and commenting!
Dr. Dave
Dr. Dave - 8 years ago
I have covered the Choctahatchee from Echo and Blackwood's to Geneva. I want to make it from Geneva to the Bay. Can you tell me approximately how long that would take? I'm a pretty lazy yakker who lets the current do most of the work...
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
It really depends... Depends on your yak, your fitness level and the speed of the river. I'd say 5 days or so though paddling. THe river gets pretty slow down that way but also something else to think about is the camping sandbars are few and far between. The river bank gets pretty swampy down there with few camping options. If you want the current to push you, probably several weeks lol
Brian Moore
Brian Moore - 8 years ago
Great Video....I'm planning an overnight flint River (AL) trip soon. I really like your river camping trips, do more!! :)
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks Brian! Flint River in AL? Haven't heard of it yet, just the Flint in GA. Hope your trip goes well! I just finished a trip down to the Gulf yesterday. Unfortunately I had a mishap on the second day and I ruined my camera.... Fortunately the footage I managed to get before that is saved so I will have somewhat of an adventure video soon!
Patrick Gniech
Patrick Gniech - 8 years ago
next time bring a fishing pole and a few plastic worms, also a little bottle of butane or some fire starters to help with the fire, both do not take a lot of space.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks Patrick. I need to rethink my fishing, I just don't have a major interest in it....
Dancing Wolf
Dancing Wolf - 8 years ago
loved your 3 days on the River. I always wonted a Kayak for years and I just got me one I bought a Sundolphin excursion 10 love it it is 10 foot long cost $ 227.00  at Walmart Saturday
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it Sherman. SWEET! Hope you get to use the yak often!
David Waite
David Waite - 8 years ago
Amazing trip - thanks for posting it - I followed you on google maps as you called out land marks and highway crossings - Sorry you had a full day of rain to deal with, but you powered through it and made the best of it. Nice camp setup too. Compact, but cozy. Best of luck on your next adventure - take care!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
You're very welcome David, thanks for watching and commenting. The rain made it more of an adventure, tested me and made me stronger. Thanks!!!!!
Offensive Memelord
Offensive Memelord - 8 years ago
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks Zane!
Sarah J. Powers
Sarah J. Powers - 8 years ago
As a fellow Alabamian, I really enjoyed this!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Awesome Sarah! Glad you enjoyed it.
Payal Garg
Payal Garg - 8 years ago
Great video ! I have shared your video on DiziVizi by tagging it to Choctawhatchee River,
Help people to find your videos and channel. Tag your videos to their locations at DiziVizi.com for free and get more views.

Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks for the share!!!! I truly appreciate that. It is very powerful when people do that. THat is very cool, I'll have to do that! Thanks a ton Garg!
Xander Arango Lopez
Xander Arango Lopez - 8 years ago
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Awesome!!!!! Thanks!
trent wiser
trent wiser - 8 years ago
I'm looking at a touring kayak would a 17 foot be a good size if I've never had a touring yak before
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
I think it would be just fine. Mine is 16'6" or so and it was my first touring yak. I think the longer yaks are superior for camping no doubt. Go for it! What yak are you looking at?
Bricelon Brinkley
Bricelon Brinkley - 8 years ago
your show is awesome....im buying gear to start canoe camping now!!!! Keep Posting my friend.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Glad you think so Bricelon! Have fun getting into the game my man. I'll keep the camera rolling.
indianscout63 - 8 years ago
My family live on the Choctawhatchee in Fla. Dairy farming there when i was a kid,used to go to Geneva for feed for the cattle.
Just thinking about a kyak and stumbled on your channel. Subbed, good stuff neighbor!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
That's awesome scout! Sounds like a fun childhood. Go get yourself one, you will only regret not doing so..... Thanks for the comment and the sub!
Feiz Glencross
Feiz Glencross - 8 years ago
great stuff mate :) thanks for sharing :) from England
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Glad you think so Feiz! Thanks for watching and commenting from afar!
Connor Schork
Connor Schork - 8 years ago
ope. brain freeze ahh a h
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
The real deal here my man. No acting lol
Connor Schork
Connor Schork - 8 years ago
when I go out on the water, granted I go on a lake but if you just keep a towel in the bottom of your kayak you can take your shoes off and be much more comfy! keep it up, I was entertainined the whole video!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
I generally take my shoes off when it's not cold out. When it's cold I have to keep my feet dry. Glad you enjoyed it!
S Johnson
S Johnson - 8 years ago
Well I have watched many of your videos and you are a real "doer", not all big talk.  Thanks for posting these.  I might suggest you look into using soap (any kind )in a water source.  I am not trying to be critical.  I really like what you are doing.  Keep up the awesome work.    You are inspiring me to consider moving from a canoe to a kayak.
S Johnson
S Johnson - 8 years ago
Just saying that from what I understand , don't use any soap in the water. It kills microorganisms in the water's eco system . Use the soap and water on land so the soil can filter the soap away. Even bio degradable soap kills the microorganisms that need to live in the water's ecosystem. I am not a greenie weenie, but soap in water sources is a real problem. I don't mean to go off on a tirade. I really like your videos. 
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks Johnson! Yea, this isn't "reality tv", it's real life fun! Are you saying look into "not" using soap? I understand, I appreciate constructive criticism. Glad you enjoy it! Canoe to kayak? They are different animals for different needs although I believe the kayak to be a bit more versatile. You can do everything with a kayak you can with a canoe you just don't have as much space for gear (although still plenty of space) but you wouldn't want to take a canoe to a large body of water like the coast....
Kenny Wistuk
Kenny Wistuk - 8 years ago
Hey Mr. '' great video '' Im observing you paddle stroke , Not to pick on you but ' you are apt to arm or sholder injury with this paddle method , You are relying to much on arms and not using you torso rotation enough . also '' try, as you are pulling with the lower hand thats close to the water while at the same time pushing away from you with the upper hand . same same left , same same right . safe paddling cheers '
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks Kenny! I appreciate the constructive criticism. That reminds me that I need to start taking some kayaking lessons and learn the right way to do things... I've read/watched about the torso rotation and tried it some but it's hard to make it a habit. I need to work on that. Thanks for the tips!!!!!!
Chevy Castillo
Chevy Castillo - 8 years ago
nice little adventure
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Thanks Chevy!!!
Casey Hardman
Casey Hardman - 8 years ago
I came across this when searching for kayaking videos since I'm about to get into it, and I have to say that this was great! Didn't know what to expect, but I was entertained the whole video and learned a lot as well. Definitely inspired me even more to get into a kayak. Thanks!
Walker Patterson
Walker Patterson - 7 years ago
Casey Hardman uh I wouldn't advise getting a kayak like his because that's a touring kayak and is meant for ocean kayaking
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
That's awesome Casey! GLad you landed on my videos man. Get started bud, you won't regret it. Hope enjoy the other videos and future ones as well. Thanks!
ozbroker1 - 8 years ago
Watching your trip from Australia. Awesome, and just as I would do it. Thanks for great entertainment..
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoy it Oz. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Jeffry Ice
Jeffry Ice - 8 years ago
funny, you could have used some of the chapstick smeared on the bark to light your fire. also to help with the tinder issue, instead of throwing away empty toilet paper tubes, cut them in half, stuff them with dryer lint and use 1 or 2 halves to start the fires. light to carry, compresses down flat.
Jeffry Ice
Jeffry Ice - 8 years ago
You are welcome. Just a few things l learned.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
+Jeffry Ice Great tips Jeffry! Muchhhhh appreciated lol
cw hunt and fish
cw hunt and fish - 8 years ago
I just bought one yesterday it's a sundolphin I'll be doing a lot of videos with it love it great video what do u record woth
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
+Outdoorsman YouTube Awesome!!! I'm filming with a Olympus TG860. Decent camera, best one out there for the intended purposes....
VF6 - 8 years ago
when i go kayaking i wear my wet suit, and it suprisingly works really well and keeps me dry, so i recommend getting one
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
+valuelessfawn6 I have one actually. I haven't tried it though, maybe I will. Thanks for the suggestion!
VF6 - 8 years ago
lol, dad....dad.....dad....dad....what, camera.......i dont care
Arduous Ant
Arduous Ant - 8 years ago
This is an awesome video :D Im definatly subbing, i will try to visit your channel regularly from now on :D if you can do visit my channel! That would be awesome!! :D Until next time and keep up the great videos! Peace
Arduous Ant
Arduous Ant - 8 years ago
Awesome, glad to hear, hope yo like my new video :D
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
+Arduous Ant Glad you think so Ant! I appreciate the sub. I'll check your channel out. I'll keep the camera rolling, don't worry!
DogdeCoronet 500
DogdeCoronet 500 - 8 years ago
I would never have gone alone!But more power to you. Great video.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
+Randall Lindsay Ah, nothing to it. Glad you enjoyed it.
LowStandardz - 8 years ago
28:18 inserts gasoline
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
+LowStandardz Yes please!
Pete Norwood
Pete Norwood - 8 years ago
hey man. me and my family kayak a lot in western Massachusetts. got a place you can crash, if you want to adventure up here. Deerfield River up here. Zoar gal is supposed to be pretty famous. I never been there myself! kayak is too long I think.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Hope you get down here to the coast! It's beautiful! I won't forget! Thanks bud!
Pete Norwood
Pete Norwood - 8 years ago
+SailingandSuch Yeah man, you're right. I want to check out some of the waterways down south too sometime. I was stationed in Louisiana and in Georgia but never owned a kayak at the time. Least we don't have Gators up here! Alright man, just remember that one guy, if you ever decide to check out some northern waters!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
+Pete Norwood Wow, I really appreciate the offer! Not sure if I'll be coming up your way anytime soon, but maybe one day. I'd love to be able to travel to more distant places for adventures. One day..... To long? Aw, you can make it fit......

100. comment for A River, A Kayak, 3 Days - Choctawhatchee River, AL

Mike 1969
Mike 1969 - 8 years ago
Great video, really enjoyed watching it!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Good deal! Hope you enjoy it! Anything to get you out there is what matters...
Mike 1969
Mike 1969 - 8 years ago
its a Pelican Odyssey 100x (10foot) everything included (skirt,oar,roof rack) $367CDN total, from Costco. Nice starter kayak (only rented one, once before and loved it)
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Fantastic Mike! Congrats on the new yak! What did you end up with?
Mike 1969
Mike 1969 - 8 years ago
i'll be watching for sure, just purchased a kayak yesterday so i need some info and tips, lol.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
+Mike 1969 Thanks Mike! Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you get a chance to check out the rest of my adventures as well. I've got my next trip planned for the end of this month. Should be a good one!
Punkerdo2 - 9 years ago
have you tried the sepulga river just west of dothan in covington county suppose to be one of the most senic rivers in the south east i plan on going there as soon as the weather clears up some maby in a couple weeks good videos fun and informative keep them coming i love it
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Punkerdo2 I haven't Punkerdo. I would like to though. A good friend of mine, as well as a few other people, have suggested it to me. I think it will be on the list for this years cold weather trips. Hope you enjoy it, let me know how it goes.
I'll keep the camera rolling my man! Thanks for watching and commenting.
Magnus Persson
Magnus Persson - 9 years ago
Really enjoying watching your camping videos! Just feel like going out kayaking/camping soon. Keep it up!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Magnus Persson Glad you like them Magnus, thanks for the great comment man. Hope you get a chance to get out there for an adventure soon. Make it happen! I'll keep filming as long as people keep watching, sharing and engaging.
Muffin Man
Muffin Man - 9 years ago
This is awesome man. I'm from geneva and we make day trips down the river on kayaks all the time. Usually fish some, might see some sturgeon jump. Last trip we saw 4 jump. Great video!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+seth commander Glad you liked it Seth! Great place man, loved my time there. I haven't seen any sturgeon yet, just heard them at night (I think). Thanks for watching and commenting!
334 Outdoors
334 Outdoors - 9 years ago
Sooo your that guy with the kayak I saw that day in Geneva the first big sandbar is a popular hang out in the summer ad your the only person in history to be that excited about seeing Geneva and if your taking out in Geneva it's easy eat about 20 yards up the pea there is a little run off thing out of the park right there at the junction also not a bad spot to catch a catfish for dinner but that's where we put in to go up the pea and take out in the same day
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+dixie carp catchers Must have been me! It was nice to get to Geneva lol I'm aware of the sturgeon but I've never really seen them...
334 Outdoors
334 Outdoors - 9 years ago
You said you want to do that again if you plan on doing it in the summer bring a friend sturgeon can be dangerous
FogDog68 - 9 years ago
Great Job on the video. If you can have fun in that weather you'll never have a bad time!! Booyaa
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+FogDog68 Thanks! You've got to be able to make the best out of a bad situation. If you're not having fun, you're probably doing it wrong.... BOOYAA!
Codee Tubb
Codee Tubb - 9 years ago
Awesome video. Great edits! Fun adventure.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Codee Tubb Glad you enjoyed it Codee! Thanks for watching and commenting, hope you check out the rest of them as well!
kyakker73 - 9 years ago
I enjoyed every second of this video. "Good Gracious" you and I would be good buddies if I lived there, or you here. Great post I'm going to keep watching
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+kyakker73 Hurray! Glad you did! You never know, we very well could be. I get along with pretty much everyone. Hope you enjoy the rest of them and the fun ones to come!
Robert31352 - 9 years ago
When you are finished with one page of the map, discard it it so that your map case does not stay so tight. Burn the old page in your campfire or put it in your trash to pack out. Unless you decide to go back up the river, you no longer need the pages behind you. I enjoyed the ride. Many who would click the thumbs down have never touched a kayak before, much less been alone on a river for three days, and probably have never been alone in their life.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Robert31352 Good tip. Although i like to keep my maps so if I want to look back I can and I could use them for the next trip in the area. Glad you enjoyed it. Crazy about that thumbs down huh? lol
Visaliaipa - 9 years ago
Great video and trip......subscribed.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Visaliaipa Visaliapa, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you enjoyed my latest video and the ones to come in the future!
Chris Holloway
Chris Holloway - 9 years ago
If you want to make that trip again this April. My girlfriend and I will go with you. I live 15 minutes from co rd 36 and I also have a place on black creek to get out at.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Chris Holloway That's close! I'm about 20 minutes away probably (near the Dothan airport). I probably will make it again sometime but not sure when. I like going to new destinations and exploring if you know what I mean. I plan on setting up a group trip though sometime and inviting everyone. It might be that same trip, just with less mileage. Thanks for watching man, I appreciate the comment Chris. Take care!
Starchronicles33 - 9 years ago
10:04 "What's around the riverbend... waiting just around the riverbend..." :)
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Ah, gotcha! Glad you enjoy them, should another adventure up tonight or in the morning!
Starchronicles33 - 9 years ago
Hah, it's from "Pocahontas", there's a song. Btw, I love your videos, they're so relaxing. Keep up the great work!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Starcronicles33 Thanks for the comment! Not really sure if I understand it though lol
MaryAnn B
MaryAnn B - 9 years ago
oh i forgot to tell you my sail i have attaches to the tie downs on the kayak so no drilling requried. its called a WindPaddle Sail. its better to get one when they have boat conventions bc they r usualy cheaper. i was lucky to find mine for such a good deel. i wanted to make a V sail but i would of had to drill holes and thats something i didnt want to do.

I like the idea of fishing then cooking the fish on a stick on open fire it cooks well and falls apart when you peal the fish apart and you dont have to cut it bc the fire cooks it and you just peal it back and eat it.
MaryAnn B
MaryAnn B - 9 years ago
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+maryann bolzenius I've always been hesitant to drill holes in a nice kayak to! Maybe I'll run across a deal like you did.

I haven't cooked fish over a fire yet so I'm not sure how I'd like to try it. The stick method sounds simple. I always bring some tin foil so I could just wrap something up and toss it on some coals and be done. Plus my grill I carry would be useful as well.
MaryAnn B
MaryAnn B - 9 years ago
looks like a lot of fun. my plans are to kayak on the naches river here on Texas on the border of lousiana.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+maryann bolzenius WindPaddle? I'll check them out. I should probably look into some DIY mounts as well... Good idea.
MaryAnn B
MaryAnn B - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch the sail i got was a WindPaddle Yellow sail its a youth sail but im not that heavy so its a good size it will go around 5 nots. yes i will look into that go pro my plans are to build my own mounts for my kayak to mount or unsing my exsistiing forweeler helment lol im a bit crafty when it comes to stuff like that. youtube has helped me a lot instread of buying the expensive mounts.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Wow, killer deal! What kind did you get? He is certainly something special lol. 
Yea, S&S has a Facebook page, just search "SailingandSuch" and it should pop right up or there is a link to it at my channel page and also at sailingandsuch.com.
Hope you get the GoPro soon! BUt before you do, just in case you haven't seen my video yea check this one out real quick - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9Gkjl8Pn7Q
MaryAnn B
MaryAnn B - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch i got my sail for around $105 with tax i got at the Houston boat show this year. it was on sale orig price would of been $150 if. you orderd it online. ur dad in begining cracks me up he reminds me of my boyfriends dad. Do you have a facebook? i post regulary on their my plans are next to get a GoPro since i use my phone i dont want it to get wet and it only takes short videos for uploads online. I have only a few youtube videos my plans are to do more with my future GoPRo.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Nice! I'l sure you'll enjoy it and the ample wildlife will make it all the better. I'm hoping to get a sail for my next kayak.... All in due time....
MaryAnn B
MaryAnn B - 9 years ago
Should be ok i am getting everything together. My inlaws have a cabin right off the river so was going to paddle down streem and go threw the lagoons their are a lot of them wish i could share a map with you but youtube doesnt allow photo sharring. The lagoons are very hard to get a john boat. But recently we had flooding and the lagoons may be under water bc the trees are blocking where you go in. Tons of alligators and gar as well snakes. But il be all right i have a few guns we will bring along. We are also getting a 2nd kayak. I may get a cheap sit in one since the rapids are not that bad. My kayak was around 450 with all the excessiorys included the paddle and life vest. I bought a kayak sail for it for the river and beach..
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+maryann bolzenius Gotcha Gotcha! Don't delay yourself, make plans, set a date and go!
MaryAnn B
MaryAnn B - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch oops i ment Neches river which flows into the Trinity river i spelled it wrong. its close to livingston near Jasper county Texas.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+maryann bolzenius It certainly was! Naches river? Sounds interesting. Hope you have a blast!
Eric Warntjes
Eric Warntjes - 9 years ago
What kind of food did you pack for the trip?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Eric Warntjes Glad you think so Eric!
Eric Warntjes
Eric Warntjes - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch thanks you. Your videos are very helpful!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Eric Warntjes Let see, I typically pack some canned soups, peanuts, peanut butter, avocados and whatever really. I plan on doing a video in the near future on that exact topic. Stay tuned!
Elena A
Elena A - 9 years ago
If you want to do some whitewater kayaking send me a message. I have a boat and all the dry gear.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Elena A Just checked out some of your videos! Very cool! I truly appreciate the invite! I will save your contact and I would love to do that one day. Never been on and real rapids so that would be quite the treat. Thanks so much, means a lot!
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
I think if you catch more fish you'd get a heap more interest/views in videos.
I do love your adventures, just like mine!
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
Yes, exactly.  And people wear them proudly.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Good point. I'm thinking of trying some long sleeve dry fit shirts next. It's something they can use and will buy anyway.... Why not have it branded to the channel?
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
I am heading in the sticker direction.  The people that want to help you will want the stickers, no need to push them, or they won't get used.  People watch our stuff because they like it, it's a win/win situation, I don't think of it as taking advantage at all.  Lots of people love stickers.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Yea, mine was good when I first rolled it out. Then it dropped a few dollars and has stayed there with probably zero growth except for the first month. 
I rolled out the bumper stickers because for one, someone mentioned it so it gave me a foot in the door to bring them out. They are inexpensive and I think they are a good way to judge how my audience will react to merch. I originally thought it was something that I shouldn't do. I don't like "taking advantage" of my audience although I know I'm not. 
But I'm really about to start focusing hard and putting much more time into the channel so I feel it's not a obnoxious move or it won't be taken negatively. 
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
Even my Patreon has dropped abut 1/2 in the last 6 months, I guess times are tough.  I will do merch when I am a bit bigger.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Oh I see. Yea I have noticed my Adsense earnings slowly dropping despite channel growth. That's why I've turn to other things like Patreon and selling merch... You should give it a try man.
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
I guess everyone and every channel is different, but that's what I'm finding with adsense.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Hmmmm, why do you say that? 
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
It will take 5 years before I see a return on my efforts and investment... 3 down, 2 to go!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Yea I know what you mean. Takes a lot to build a channel and most people don't take it seriously enough or don't strive and work hard enough for a long enough time to make it happen.... I guess that's good and bad for us...
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
I fish with people, but none of them have much of a channel, if any.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Yea man really. I haven't found anyone to colab with yet. Still waiting for the opportunity. It will come for us both eventually.
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
Shame we are so far apart for a colab...
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
I'm sure you're right. I have people mentioning fishing quite often. I've got to improve my game.... I'll set that as a goal.
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
I know my fishing videos benefit from the adventure side, and I'm sure it works both ways.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Andy's Fishing I bet you are right.... I've got to get better at that..... Awesome!
Charlie - 9 years ago
So awesome. I like your sense of humor too lol. Makes it more fun. I live in South Texas and run lines on the Nueces River. I use a boat but would love to do what you did here. I'm not sure about public access to the riverbanks here though. Keep the videos coming please, and happy adventures.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Charles Talley Glad you enjoy them Charles. If you can't do it with a sense of humor why do it? Fun and experiences is what it is all about. I don't have access to the riverbanks, I just pull over and respect the land. Will keep them coming for sure! Thanks for the comment!
Josiah Johnson Vlogs
Josiah Johnson Vlogs - 9 years ago
God bless you too! Thanks for sharing!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Josiah Johnson Thanks for watching and commenting Josiah!
Ayla - 9 years ago
weather looked miserable, hope you enjoyed it but like 70% of vid is grey :p
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+red50004 Lol it was pretty rotten weather buy still was a fun trip. Check out my other trips, much better weather. Can't be a fair weather yakker. Thanks for the comment!
Don Wilson
Don Wilson - 9 years ago
I subbed you a while ago when I ran across one of your Florida adventures. Love your trip videos and gear helpful ideas. You are funny and entertaining to watch. I am planning a canoe trip in Florida this year around April. Any clothing recommendations for the tropics? Thanks, and keep those adventures coming!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Don Wilson (diggin Time USA) Sweet man, glad to hear you're "getting out there"! I checked it out on Google, looks like paddling paradise... Metal detecting? Never know what you might find.
Nothing wrong with shallow flats. My last coastal trip I spent some time in an area like that and I have to say it was probably my favorite spot to hang out, very beautiful.
Whenever you start uploading drop back by and let me know.
Have fun!
Don Wilson
Don Wilson - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch I am from the New Smyrna Beach area. (Lots of spoil islands there) I am gearing up to do a sort of modern day Robinson Caruso thing. (Kind of a childhood dream of mine...Haaaa!) Take a look on Google Earth. Hundreds of little islands along the rivers. One of my passions is metal detecting, so I will also get to do a lot of that as well. My canoe is a Grumman 15 ft wide body, flat stern. (She will carry a lot of gear.) I am older now so I think the shallow flats and protected waters are a safer bet for me, and I won't be too far away from help if I run into trouble. I will be posting some video soon outlining my gear and plans on my channel (DigginTimeUSA) fairly soon. stop by for a visit and sub. me if you want. Thanks for the quick reply. Take care.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Don Wilson (diggin Time USA) Awesome man, thanks for being a subscriber! Lets see, I wouldn't want to be without a pair of synthetic polyester/elastane paints (I'm not a major fan of the zip offs personally and the elastane makes then stretchy and super comfortable), long sleeve button up shirt and/or non button up (synthetic/polyester), sun hat, and maybe a neck gaiter (the thing you see advertised on the outdoor channels that you wear like a scar kind of and it protects your face and neck from the sun, a lightweight pair of water shoes (I like the vibram 5 fingers but they aren't for everyone). Maybe a head mosquito net as well.... Plenty of sun block to!
Glad you enjoy what I'm doing! I try to be fun, I like to have fun out there so why not include that in my videos right?
What part of Florida? I'm sure it will be a great trip!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Tristan Thigpen Yea, I've been intrigued by the folks who do the Mississippi. I donno though, it seems to big for some reason..... I'm sure I'll get in it eventually but for now I think I'd rather go for the Florida Keys. The Keys are my next goal to do a trip in..... 
Glad you enjoy my videos Tristan, I should be making more and more in the near future. Stick around, it's going to get better from here.
Tristan Thigpen
Tristan Thigpen - 9 years ago
Hey I just got a new kayak mainly for fishing and it is really wide so I don't know how particularly well it would do going long distances at higher speed I'm pretty sure it is aimed more forwards stability
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Tristan Thigpen Awesome man! Well, it's not all about speed and distance, it's about getting out there...... I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
Jim Denney
Jim Denney - 9 years ago
I love your videos, I've watched almost all of them. I stumbled on this one because I am planning a kayak trip on the Choctawhatchee myself. I am going to start further downstream below Interstate 10. From the looks of it there are no falls or rapids that far down. I am hoping so since most of my kayaking experience is on flat water on Lake Martin.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
I hope so to. Don't discount starting higher up river. 
Yea, that can be tough. Fortunately I'm able to get someone to drop me off so I haven't had to deal with that issue yet although I know it is coming since I'm getting done with most of my local rivers.
I'm using the Sit-Inside kayaks now. I go into reasons why in this video Sit-Inside vs On-Top kayaks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exFz5YsKaBM
I sold the big sailing hobie.... Good boat, just not as well suited for my uses as a sit-inside touring kayak.
Oh yea! I know of those things, they are pretty ultimate. Maybe I'll get to see one in person one day or something. I think it would suit you well.
Jim Denney
Jim Denney - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch This will be our first trip on the Choctawhatchee. I am planning to spend 3 or 4 days and to camp so I hope I will be able to find some dry places. One of the main things I am having trouble with is where to park/leave our vehicles without something happening to them. I am wondering which kayak you are using now, the Sit inside you have in this video or the Hobie SOT that you have in your other video. I have a "hybrid" Native Watercraft Ultimate 12 that I really like, it's somewhere between a SOT and a canoe so it handles like a kayak but you stay dry like a canoe so it's good year round.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Jim Denney Thanks Jim! Oh that's awesome man, great river.
I've only been as far down the Choc as I went on this trip. I'd like to finish it some day. One thing I have learned about the lower portion is that it can be difficult to find a spot to camp. The banks get swampy..... I read somewhere where someone ended up camping on a dock or floating fish camp. Should be an adventure!
I'd say there are no falls or rapids below Newton which is a pretty good ways up (I passed it on my first day). Also, the current can be pretty slow on the lower parts of the river so consider that when estimating your mileage.
Any questions I'd be happy to help you with them. Definitely let me know how it goes!
Guiding Mike
Guiding Mike - 9 years ago
"You only been in a swimmin' pool with that thaaang? " "YUP!" Hahaha. I love it!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Guiding Mike LOL! Yea man, I love it to! Now I've got several more trips under my belt so I've gotten much more comfortable compared to that day in the pool..... Glad you enjoying the video! Hope you check out my other ones as well. (I'm working on editing my latest trip today. Hope you subscribe or check back for more!
matthew blanchard
matthew blanchard - 9 years ago
I bet it sucked going upstream
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+matthew blanchard Going upstream? Did I do that on this trip? I know I did it a week and half ago on my latest trip (video should be up this Friday or so) and it was tough no doubt. All part of the adventure!
Caleb Schindler
Caleb Schindler - 9 years ago
Hello, We are currently seniors at Worthington Kilbourne High School and a part of the PLTW (Project Lead the Way) Engineering program. As our final year as engineering students we are required to develop a marketable product that we will present before a panel of teachers and engineers. For our project,our group have decided to develop a system that would allow for more storage on a kayak or canoe.

Please take the following survey:

Thank you,
Flying Fish Storage
Richard Wells
Richard Wells - 9 years ago
Great video thanks.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Richard Wells Thank you Richard! Glad you found it and enjoy it. Hope you check out the rest of my adventures as well.
tanner fillier
tanner fillier - 9 years ago
ss i was wondering if yoh could recomend one for me i need two good storage haches and has to be atlease 12 feet long and handel saltwater bays and i dont want to spend more than 500
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
You betcha! Glad you enjoy them. Good luck finding a kayak, they are out there.
tanner fillier
tanner fillier - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch thanks man love the vids
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+tanner fillier Well, I'd suggest a used one (mine are used). I'd just on craigslist and find one locally that fit your needs. Shouldn't be to tough to find a sit inside kayak for a good deal. Any sit inside with watertight storage front and back should do you just fine. Then once you get it if you don't like it, sell it for what you paid for it and your not out any money. Good luck with your pursuit and have fun yakking my man!
Noonie57 - 9 years ago
Just found this. Thanks for sharing. I kayak lakes all the time, and next summer plan on doing a section of the Kentucky River. I like that you don't take yourself too seriously, and can laugh at little things that come up. Who hasn't run into tree branches? Good job.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+TheNoonie50 You betcha Noonie! Glad you ran across me! Ah, no need to take it to seriously then you risk taking the fun out of it. Yea really right? Thanks bud, I appreciate your comment. Thanks for watching and I hope you check out some more of my videos.
PharmGeek Outdoor Fun
PharmGeek Outdoor Fun - 9 years ago
just browsing and found your channel...going on my frist kayak camping trip this weekend up in elkmont AL, simple 2 day 1 night trip and calm water (the elk river)...it'll be cold this weekend though...enjoyed your video, I am just getting into backpacking and now a bit of this, so this was helpful...I am a hammocker too btw :)
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Sounds good man. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! 
PharmGeek Outdoor Fun
PharmGeek Outdoor Fun - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch thanks, yeah, I think the flow is up pretty good on the stretch we are doing, but it is a very wide open section of river, and by tomorrow it should be ok we are told (by the outfitter)...Ill be checking out your other videos for sure...although I will not very soon be on the market for a kayak cause I just blew my load on buying my hammock, quilts, and various other gear (I am brand new to camping more generally so yeah).

Hope you get to feeling better, take care.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Bhamlunker Awesome, glad you ran across me! Should be a good weekend. I was planning on going this weekend but all the rain we had has flooded the rivers and also I'm a bit under the weather. The cold will be fun! Glad you enjoyed the video, be sure to check out the others as well. Hope yall have a blast!
Deep South Experience
Deep South Experience - 9 years ago
Just found your channel today, tube surfing. I am in PCB, near the FL section in Ebro.  I can't wait to get my new kayak out on it soon.  Loved this.   ATB2U - Stan
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Deep South Experience Awesome Stan! Glad you ran across my videos! I'm up in Dothan, not to far. You should check out my other videos when I spent a weekend at PCB, Destin, Orange Beach and more. Thanks for watching!
phartattack - 9 years ago
6:00 You're supposed to keep the top of the spray skirt up high under your life jacket so the water doesn't puddle or "Run down your backside"
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+phartattack Yep, I think I realized that after this occurrence. It was my first time wearing the skirt so there was definitely a learning curve. Thanks for the tip!
Michael Vanroekel
Michael Vanroekel - 9 years ago
Love the videos! Here's a tip you should never you Chapstick in the sun because it frys your lips. You should use like sunblock Chapstick. I wanna see you fish more!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Michael Vanroekel Thanks Michael, I appreciate that. Really? Never really thought of that. I'm pretty sure the chapstick I'm using is 25SPF. I can have a cold sore come up if I let my lips get burned so I try to keep them protected. On my last trip I actually rubbed sun block on them. Tasted a little funny but I didn't get burnt!
jon michaels
jon michaels - 9 years ago
Cool Stuff. My buddy and I do a lot of this- Mainly in The Carolinas. We have been doing this for a while so we have gotten pretty good. We are older so we want a little more comfort. Tent, cot, tarps and believe it or not, we even pack in a duraflame log to get the fire started.

We also only paddle on good weather days. if the weather is calling for better than 50% rain, we cancel. We have bagged a few trips due to rain. We've become fair weather paddlers.

Check out my site and you can see some of the videos I have posted. Yours are more involved but you are younger and i'm too old to spend that much time talking to the camera. I can see you are having a blast. Keep it up and who knows, you may get your own show some day. All the best, Jon Michaels.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+jon michaels Thank Jon. Checked out your videos, fun stuff! Nothing wrong with a little comfort or a duraflame. Those hobies are great little crafts. Wouldn't that be crazy to get on to the big time? lol I might do it just for the fun of it.
David Fodor
David Fodor - 9 years ago
What make and model kayak is the one used in your video?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+David Fodor That one is a Wilderness Systems Sealution II. Love it...
Tim Lipinski
Tim Lipinski - 9 years ago
Hope you have a helmet and safety glasses for the low branches or dragged along the bottom !  Drove up to the North entrance of the Trinity Site and the Rio Grande was dry and sandy on Saturday 03 October 2015 !  Thank you for the video !  tjl
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Tim Lipinski I'm getting better at wearing sun glasses to protect my eyes. I don't have a helmet but it's probably something I should think about...... Glad you enjoyed the video! THanks for watching ad commenting.
trays awesome gaming awesome 100
trays awesome gaming awesome 100 - 9 years ago
you need a beeter sprayskirt
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+trays awesome gaming awesome 100 I agree! I'm waiting to build up some hobby funds and get myself one. You are exactly right though..... Thanks for the comment Tray.
Jixton - 9 years ago
Could you tell me what brand and model of kayak you used? And what is your gear list? Thx nice video btw :)
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Your welcome! Keep it simple!
Jixton - 9 years ago
Thx, I've check it out. simple gear. I like it.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Jixton That is a Wilderness Systems, Sealution II. Here is a link to my gear list video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqyBDioqIcA

I have changed a few things from this video and you can check out my more recent videos and see what has changed. Glad you enjoy them!
Notorious Jinxz
Notorious Jinxz - 9 years ago
Great vid
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+JTV Gaming Thanks man, I appreciate you taking the time to drop a comment.
Ger Rincon
Ger Rincon - 9 years ago
awesome video! 50, degrees don't you use any kind of wet/dry suit?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Ger Rin Thanks Ger! Nah lol. My plan was and still would be if I fell in I would get to the bank ASAP and change clothes to something dry. Also, when the water is cold I'll wear my PFD which has an emergency fire starting kit in it. My thinking is if the worst that could happen occurred (falling in and getting separated from my yak), then I'd get to the bank and start a fire to stay warm. Thanks for asking! Hope I'm not crazy lol
Kayak Chris
Kayak Chris - 9 years ago
I thoroughly enjoyed your video, thanks for sharing! subbed.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Kayak Chris Alright!!! Thanks for subscribing Chris! I hope you enjoy my future videos as well. Working on one from last weekend and should have it up Friday. Thanks for letting my know and for subbing!
Joe McCranie
Joe McCranie - 9 years ago
Enjoyed the trip. Just subbed. I'm new to kayaking and looking to start doing some trips myself. I'm in SC.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Joe McCranie Thanks Joe! Thanks a lot! If you have any questions feel free to ask my man. Should have some good rivers up your way. Thanks for watching and commenting!
PsychoFactor - 9 years ago
what paddle is that?
DANKIEONPCIN1080P - 9 years ago
+DANKIEONPCIN1080P *wallmart
DANKIEONPCIN1080P - 9 years ago
+PsychoFactor a 35 dollar ebay paddle
Fl Yak Fisher
Fl Yak Fisher - 9 years ago
Hey man,  1st off...What an awesome experience.  I am a kayak fisherman (Hobie Pro Angler 14'), and sooo love being on the water.  I also have another kayak that's technically a sit on top with no scupper holes.  (Meaning no drainage).  Do you think that would work on this river?  2nd,  I don't think someone should give ANY negative comment unless they have done it AND take video while doing it etc.  Just ignore as there is always a group of negative people in life.  3rd,  I for one appreciate your doing all this and sharing.  Like many others who posted....I am now going to yak camp :)   PS:  It says you went 62+ miles?  Is 20 miles a day pretty easy?  How long to do it?  Thanks, J
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+John Ambrosius John, thanks for the great comment man! Really, any kayak would work really but with no scupper holes I'd be sure I had some way of staying dry and getting the water out of the cockpit (large sponge). 20 miles a day depends on a lot of factors if it's easy or not. 1) physical condition 2) water speed 3) kayak design/speed 4) time spent paddling. I spent all day the first day paddling a fairly good pace. Me, I just gave it a shot and did what I could...
I agree about the negative comments. They are always going to be out there so I don't let them bother me to much. Glad you appreciate the video man and one of my goals is to inspire others to do the same thing so that was a success! If you're inspired share it and try to inspire others!
Thanks for watching and commenting! If you haven't be sure to check out my most recent adventures (2 more kayak camping trips since this one and another one in 2-3 weeks!)
cwkunkle - 9 years ago
Thanks a bunch for the vid. My wife especially liked the muti use shovel-paddle and your other ingenious camping techniques. When you mentioned a hammock initially, I expected to see a larger tent-hammock with all the bells and whistles...I'd like to get one of them for motorcyle camping as well as kayak camping.
Thanks again...you handled the everpresent negitive comments with grace and humility...way to go dude.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+cwkunkle I am out Wright appreciative of your comment! Glad you both enjoyed the video. No special hammock gear, just some home made stuff to save a bit of $ and get the satisfaction of making it myself. A homemade hammock or a cheap $30 hammock will do just fine I have found.
The nature of the beast here on Youtube and in public is that you will eventually get criticized for something you are doing. I'm waiting for the comment on my my recent kayaking adventure about how horrible I am for cooking the poor crabs over the fire without freezing them first. When that comes, or any other negative comment for that matter, I really try to handle things as politely and non confrontational as possible.
Thanks for your command and for watching! Be sure to check out my other more recent videos as well as there is a few more pieces of cool gear both bought and homemade on there you may find interest.
George Rickard
George Rickard - 9 years ago
27:02 Size ordered kindling, next level.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Awsome, thanks for the Sub! Headed back down for another trip this Friday to the gulf. Expect another video in a week or so. Thanks again!
George Rickard
George Rickard - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch No problem man, awesome video and channel, makes me want to get back into kayaking. subbed.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Kikkoman Supra That's right! The real deal right there lol Thanks for the comment and watching!
Shadowblade912 - 9 years ago
This is the first video I have seen of your Chanel and it was quite entertaining but for paddles on rivers, not even on rapid I would recommend the Werner paddles either the bent or strait paddle, and I found that they give much more control on the river
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Shadowblade912 Thanks Shadow! Glad you enjoyed it. Yea, I'm in the market for a new paddle for this coming weekend actually as I have 2 yaks and 1 paddle and I have a buddy/cameraman coming along. I'm headed up to Academy and picking up one of their paddles I think a Mystic or something.... I don't know enough about paddles right yet to make a expensive decision lol. Thanks for watching and commenting!
Guiding Mike
Guiding Mike - 9 years ago
Excellent video.  I like all the different angle shots and perspectives.  Pretty knarly travels with all the brush and log jams in the river.  it would have been interesting to see more of your camp and meals and cooking.

Did you rely completely on campfires, or did you also have a gas stove for backup?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Guiding Mike Thanks Mike! I try to make my videos interesting. Having another adventure this weekend down on the Gulf coast where I'm going to be focusing on catching some meals and cooking them over the campfire. I did have a very small backup alcohol stove. Thanks for the comment and question. Hope you check out my other videos and check back for my next adventure next weekend (probably will not be posted until late next week as it takes quite a bit of time to edit the footage)
JP Vision
JP Vision - 9 years ago
I just got a new kayak got any tips it would help
Kirt Ottosen
Kirt Ottosen - 9 years ago
great video man!
I enjoyed the attitude you kept through your up and downs on your trip. I think it's a good thing to keep a good attitude about you when you are having an adventure like this.
Watching your video makes me want to get back on my bicycle and start touring again. thank you.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Kirt Ottosen Hey, thanks a lot Kirt! Attitude is key, no doubt. That's wonderful! I hope you get out there sometime again soon. I appreciate you taking the time to watch my video, be sure to check out my other ones as well. I'm taking another adventure down to the gulf coast next weekend for another exciting (I hope) video. Be sure to check back in a couple weeks for the new video!
Bonstergirl - 9 years ago
I enjoyed your video.  I have to admit that I was worried that I'd get bored with a 36-minute kayaking video.  But it was well-edited, and I never got bored.  Gotta go check out your other vids now.
Bonstergirl - 9 years ago
I look forward to your next video!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Bonstergirl Thanks Bonster! Yea, I was worried with putting out a 36-minute kayaking video myself. I had a lot of footage that I really tried to slim down on. While editing I would watch the video several times and shortening or deleting clips here and there trying to make it an enjoyable and non-boring video. Thanks for commenting and for checking out my other videos! Next weekend I'm heading back down to the coast to do another 3-day trip and focus on catching some sort of food to cook over the fire. I'm thinking blue crab and fish. I'm bringing a buddy to act as my camera man so I think my next video will be even better. You can expect in in about 2 weeks or so depending on how long it takes me to edit it. Thanks again and I hope you come back to watch more of my videos!
James Reeves
James Reeves - 9 years ago
Would very much like to follow your lead. Would like to know where you put in and out.  Thanks James
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+James Reeves Thanks James! I started at County Road 36 on the West Fork of the Choctawhatchee and went down to HW 2 in Florida. Any other questions just let me know! Thanks for watching and I hope you get to enjoy the trip sometime soon!
Bird Spy Australia
Bird Spy Australia - 9 years ago
This is one of the funniest things I've seen lately. I enjoyed the whole video and I'm surprised that you survived. I'm going to watch your other Kayak video now.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+BirdSpy Aus Thank you so much BirdSpy! I like making them entertaining, it entertains me while I'm out there. Thanks for commenting and watching!
THE FAT FILO-OFICER - 9 years ago
why wash your hair ?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+THE FAT FILO-OFICER Well, it tends to get a little greasy after a few days I guess. I'm a little weird about staying clean I guess...... Thanks for asking and watching!
Dread - 9 years ago
Awesome video man. My favorite thing to do is go Kayak Camping.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+digitalskill Yea, rivers are great to, no doubt.
Dread - 9 years ago
Haha. Alabama beaches are beautiful. I live in Mississippi myself but our coast is not that great! Thankfully there's a lot of rivers like the Okatoma to Kayak in
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+digitalskill Thanks a lot! I love it to..... If you like this video then you'll also like the one I just posted a couple days ago. Kayak Camping down on the gulf coast and riding out a thunderstorm! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dycuNyH_10A
Emma Santiago
Emma Santiago - 9 years ago
What kind of kayak is this?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Ken Weiner Great find!
Ken Weiner
Ken Weiner - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch so it looks like I found a perception captiva for $250. I'm either picking it up Sunday night, or waiting until next Wednesday.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Aw man! That's unfortunate my man. More will come up.... Be ready to jump lol
Ken Weiner
Ken Weiner - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch both sold already! Back to square one, but I think I'll stick with going with longer one. I've read a lot of reviews saying the same thing about them being maneuverable.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Got your email. Looks like a great one! Go for it I'd say. Unless your rivers are really small I'd go for the 16.5'er. I was surprised at how tight I could turn mine if I need to. Once you learn to lean it and turn you're good to go. You can see in the beginning of my Choctawhatchee trip video that I was in a pretty tight river and no issues. If you don't like it, sell it and get another..... But I think you will like it.
Ken Weiner
Ken Weiner - 9 years ago
It wasn't to bad. Helps that I've got a birthday coming up. I've found a few on Craigslist myself, but am trying to decide if I want to get a perception conduit 13.0 or go bigger with something like a Carolina model. Both have bow and stern holds, but my question is weather or not something over 13 feet may be to long for rivers around here. I live right on a large lake (88mile shoreline) so I know a larger kayak would be great, but there are so many small lakes and rivers to go on as well that I don't want to get something that'll be difficult to maneuver. In the end I've found a price difference of anywhere from $100-$200 price difference between what I'm looking at.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Fabulous! Convincing her can be the hardest part.
Well, I wouldn't be to stuck on a certain brand or anything personally. I bought this kayak of craigslist without having ever seen a touring kayak in person that I can recall.... lol I basically knew that I wanted a long (16' or better) sit in kayak with dry storage front and back so that it would be fast to paddle and could hold a good amount of gear.
Then I set my sights out looking for one that fit the $ which was pretty darn low and fit what I wanted. I jumped on the first one that took my low offer and it was a great one.
Bottom line, get whatever you can for a good deal. If you don't like it, sell it for what you paid for it easy..... 
Ken Weiner
Ken Weiner - 9 years ago
I like it. Yeah, I convinced her. Just searching around to find the right one now. Can't find anyone selling one like yours, but there's a few other ones out there I like that are similar. Seems to be the season around here that people are selling them. How'd your latest adventure go? I'm hoping to get one in myself before it gets to cold up here.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
I sure do Ken! What's it to ya? (Did you get the wife convinced?)
Ken Weiner
Ken Weiner - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch Trip, do you still have this kayak?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Emma Santiago You bet!
Emma Santiago
Emma Santiago - 9 years ago
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Emma Santiago Emma, it's an older Wilderness Systems Sealution II. I think it was made in the late 80's or early 90's. Still looks and performs well and I got it for a good deal on Craigslist. Maybe one day I'll have a fancy newer one.
Derrick Duncan
Derrick Duncan - 9 years ago
Great video!!!! I'm planning on doing a trip like this very soon. One thing I really liked about your video is that you have a great attitude. You got one life, make it a good one!!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Will do bud! lol
Derrick Duncan
Derrick Duncan - 9 years ago
Thanks for the tip, and keep the video's coming. And amen about waiting on cold weather!!! LOL
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
I use an Olympus TG 850, full waterproof. No complaints about it really other than some slight noise that gets picked up in video of the camera's internals working. No one else may really notice it though. I chose a camera like that over the go pro so that I could get some sound while the camera was waterproof. When a go pro is in the housing, the audio isn't that great.   The swamps would be crazy! I need to give that a try sometime, but when it's cold.
Derrick Duncan
Derrick Duncan - 9 years ago
Can't wait to see your new video. I just may get a go pro camera and video some of my trips in the swamps of Louisiana. What kind of camera do you use?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Derrick Duncan Thanks Derrick! You've got to have a good attitude man, no other way. I just this moment finished editing my latest 3-day kayaking adventure and will be uploading the video tonight and tomorrow. It has some sketchy moments (bad lightning storm) in it where a good attitude was a must. Be sure to check back. Thanks for watching and I hope your trip goes well and you have time to do it soon!
Eder Maury Dominado
Eder Maury Dominado - 9 years ago
Great vídeo please do another trip.. you are great
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Silvio López Thanks Silvio! I am just now calling it a night. I'm working on editing the video footage from my latest kayak camping adventure down on the Gulf coast. Should have it uploaded late tomorrow night I hope. Be sure to come check back soon! Thanks for the great comment.
RedUK - 9 years ago
there is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats

looked like a fun trip, cheers for uploading
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Red19UK You too!
RedUK - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch Ill look forward to those mate.
all the best.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Red19UK Your right on the money Red! Your welcome, working on editing another one from weekend before last. I took another 3 day trip down on the Gulf coast. Be sure to check back in a few days for it. Thanks for the comment!
Camach - 9 years ago
I am still watching your video but it is quite entertaining so far and it looks like fun. What kayak were you using?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Camach Thanks for hanging in there Camach! I really appreciate you taking the time to watch my video! I was using a Wilderness Systems Sealution II ---- Dont forget to checkout my gear video for this trip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqyBDioqIcA
Ajaton - 9 years ago
I have to say, this video is pure entertainment. It's just full of enjoyment and having fun. Kinda hilarious too, every once in a while. Thanks for this, this saved my day. :)
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Ajaton Hey there, I truly truly appreciate your comment! I'm glad you ran across my video and were able to sit through the whole thing. I'm working my latest adventure video now. I spent another 3 days on my kayak down on the Gulf coast filming some good times and scary times. Hope you come back and check it out in the next few days when I get all of the footage edited (1 hour and 27 minutes worth to sort though) Thanks again for the comment!
Mountain Donna
Mountain Donna - 9 years ago
Great video, funny as hell!  Reminds me of my own paddling (mis)adventures here in NE AL. the Choctawhatchee looks very much like our rivers here, full of log jams, ha ha ha. Nothing like being on the water, though. Really enjoyed it, thanks for sharing! Peace.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Mountain Donna Thanks Donna! Misadventures is a very good way to put it, I like it. Glad you enjoyed it! I'm currently working on editing my recent trip this past weekend down in Orange Beach. It has a slight misadventure feel to it also lol Hope you come back and check it out soon.
Bama Biker BBQ
Bama Biker BBQ - 9 years ago
awesome video,plan on doing this soon myself
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+rleary360 Thanks man! I just got home today from a 3 day trip down in Orange Beach, Fl. Should have another video up by the end of the week after several hours of editing. Thanks for the comment and I hope you get to enjoy a trip sooner than later.
RAY C - 9 years ago
Dont be an idiot and camp where it floods. Flash flood and your dead.
Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un - 9 years ago
After watching this a few months ago i started planning a big trip! i have only ever taken my kayak in small rivers for an hour at a time. but after watching this i just have to get out there and have a big adventure!

2 weeks time i will be doing a 30mile paddle, camping out and hopefully staying dry!

Thanks for the inspiration, and great video. i can't wait!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Ben Awsome Ben! I'm sure you can handle a little more adventure, just take your time. I also have a trip coming up, mine is next weekend down around the gulf. Be sure to check back for a new video!
Glad you're getting out there and thanks for the great comment. Have fun!
benjamin070601 - 9 years ago
Such an awesome video! Im at Fort Rucker right now and your video really makes me want to drop in at that Hwy 84 bridge and stop at the Hwy 2 bridge like you did. You did this trip at a great part of the year, cool temps and best of all, very few bugs!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+benjamin070601 Thanks Ben! Well, its right there by you and Hwy 2 isn't very far either to get someone to pick you up. Yea, I agree, it was a great part of the year. Doing it now I'd be weary of snakes. Next weekend I'm headed down to the gulf to film another video during my 3-day trip. Be sure to check back. Thanks for your comment and your service.
ittoolsandtips - 9 years ago
That looks awesome! trying to get my dad to take me out on my kayak......don't you get tired from paddling for so long?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+ittoolsandtips Thanks! Hopefully you will get to go soon. In a way, but not like just my arms being tired, my whole body. I workout pretty hard several days a week doing crossfit so that keeps me in good shape.
mick sexton
mick sexton - 9 years ago
my sons and i kayak quite alot ... our local river tends to jam off cause its so twisty .. good video and kayak camping is a hellofatime!!!!!!!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+mick sexton Yea, jams can be tricky but they also add to the fun! Thanks for the compliment! I plan on taking another trip starting the 7/17 in a couple weeks. Check back for the video, should be a helluva time!
GoneHiking - 9 years ago
Awesome Video! Thanks for sharing that experience, very inspiring!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+SmoothOpX You betcha Smooth! Thanks for watching!
computedtomo - 9 years ago
Great video!  Thanks!    I plan on making just an overnight river trip in the next few weeks.    I appreciate your experience and your passion!    God Bless!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+computedtomo Your very welcome and thank you! That's awsome, I have another trip planned in 2 weeks as well. Hope you have a great time!
Jack Liszewski
Jack Liszewski - 9 years ago
Love the video. Planning on making any more?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Jack Liszewski Thanks Jack for the great comment! Yes indeed. I have one planned for two weeks from now if nothing comes up. I'm hoping to do another 2 nighter but this time down on the coast and hopefully do some camping on some spoil islands (might have to be sneaky and stealth camp). Should be good!
Paul Robinette
Paul Robinette - 9 years ago
I love it, you inspire me to take a kayaking trip myself!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Paul Robinette Awsome Paul! That is exactly what I like to hear. When I watch the video it inspires me to go again. Unfortunately I haven't had much time lately but I plan on making another trip hopefully in a couple weeks down to the coast! Be sure and check back for more videos! I really appreciate your comment Paul and thanks for watching.
Nicole Hughes
Nicole Hughes - 9 years ago
me and some friends are thinking about doing this route. where did you start and end at? Did you find any arrowheads or anything neat on your trip?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Nicole Hughes Cool! I started at County Road 36 due east of Ozark Alabama on the West Fork of the Choc. I didn't find much but I wasn't really looking very hard I guess I would say. I hear of people finding all kinds of things though. It's a great trip and I'd be happy to answer any questions. Thanks for the comment!
Arthur  Froehly
Arthur Froehly - 9 years ago
C nul
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Arthur Froehly ....thanks?
368engbn - 9 years ago
Stumbled upon this video and watched it.I laughed.You are a funny guy.I'm just getting into kayaking myself and took an 8 hour day trip down the Merrimack up here in New Hampshire.I fell in love and never thought I'd see such beauty in a State I have lived in most of my life.Thanks for the effort on putting this on you tube.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+368engbn Glad you took the time to watch it and that it was entertaining to you! Hope you get to spend a lot more time out on the water this summer. Enjoy!
guloguloguy - 9 years ago
I looks like your boat is a bit big for smaller streams.  Nice river! [IMHO: In future videos, please turn the camera forward, most of the time)  :D So SAD to see all of the DAMNED Litter along this beautiful stream!!!!!! Humans are AWFUL in their care/stewardship of the Land, and Waterways!!!!
Suggestion: In future: to avoid running aground on sand/gravel bars, try to avoid cutting toward the inside edges of the turns along the rivers/creeks. By staying more toward the "outside" of the bends, and toward the center of the stream, you can avoid many of those hang-ups.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+guloguloguy Thanks for another comment gulo! Yea, you may be right but I knew I was not going to be in the smaller stream for very long and the larger/longer kayak would help my speed and gear capacity a good bit so that is why I opted for it.
I despise littering....
I realized your suggestion after running aground a few times. I guess I wanted to chance it and cut the corners a little shorter.....
itz Webby
itz Webby - 9 years ago
What Camera did you use?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+itz Webby It was an Oplympus TG 850. Great camera!
GreatLakesBushcraft - 9 years ago
If not mentioned yet...take you paddle apart and use them like ski pulls to get off shore.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+GreatLakesBushcraft Interesting, haven't heard that one! I may give it a try. Thanks for the comment and suggestion!
keith elliott
keith elliott - 9 years ago
Anymore kayak trips planned, that looks like great fun
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Just found out I have a decent chance of getting a trip in 3 weeks from now! Hope I can get out there and have another video soon!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+keith elliott Yes Keith, I do have some more planned. I spent the day yesterday at the beach kayaking/sailing/snorkeling. I hope to get a weekend trip in sometime soon though. I'm dying to get another trip in and another video............................. It's killing me! lol thanks for asking though!
Ace Eaton
Ace Eaton - 9 years ago
Hey, man I live in Muscle Shoals, AL up in North Alabama. I'm thinking about doing this. I'm trying to go & do all the adventures things we have in our great state. Do you have a link to the map or anything like that? If you know of more places to go kayaking in Alabama please let me know. Roll Tide!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Ace Eaton Muscle Shoals! Where the greatest of music was ever recorded.... A map, no, sadly I don't You can however look up the CHoctawhathee River and on the West Fork find where it intersects County Road 36. Then just follow downstream to HW 2 in Florida and there ya go.
I hope you get to enjoy what our great state has to offer! Thanks for the comment!
Mason  Evans
Mason Evans - 9 years ago
As your nieghbor, definitely would have waited for summer
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Mason Evans Mason, you have a point. I think crossing that log jamb would have been pretty risky in the summer time though. I'm sure I'll get in a few summer trips though, I'll just have to watch out for those snakes. Thanks for the comment neighbor!
Reid Timko
Reid Timko - 9 years ago
Please tell me you're making more of these videos!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Reid Timko I sure am Reid! As soon as I have the chance I'll be making more of them. I'm dying to get back out there trust me..... Thanks for the great comment though man!
Greg King
Greg King - 9 years ago
What a fantastic video you've made.  Two friends and myself just got back from our own 3 day kayaking trip on the White River here in Indiana.  Thank you for sharing your experience, this video and a few of your others have given me ideas for better preparing for our next trip.

Thank you!
Tommy Minor
Tommy Minor - 9 years ago
an inspiring video, awesome shots and great editing. keep shooting.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Thank you Tommy. Inspiring others is kind of goal of kind. I wish everyone could get out and enjoy things like this. Thanks for your great comment and for watching!
Cliff Haynes
Cliff Haynes - 9 years ago
It was awesome finding your video.  My buddies and I live right off of County Rd 36 and are planning on making that trip soon.  We are planning on putting in on 36 and going all the way to the bay.  Those little rapids just north of Hwy 27 have terrorized me a time or two also so don't feel bad.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Cliff Haynes Glad you found it Cliff! That's awsome! I live right near the Dothan airport so just a few miles away. Initially I had planned on doing the entire trip to the gulf and hoping to do it in 5 or so days. Now looking at it I realize that it will probably take at least 6 days to get to the bay. The first couple of days I did a lot of paddling and made decent progress but as I got farther south the flow of the river seemed to get slower in places and my pace slowed a good bit. Also once you get below I10 I've been told that camping spots are few and far in between. It's certainly doable but I just thought I'd give you my thoughts on it. Be sure you and your crew are in good shape and have some speedy kayaks. Be sure to let me know how it goes!
kevin ward
kevin ward - 9 years ago
Awesome trip....really enjoyed the video.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
You betcha Kevin. That sounds like a great trip! I've been down the Chipola a few times with Bear Paw but never over night (almost by accident once though). Hope you enjoy your trip.
kevin ward
kevin ward - 9 years ago
Thxs for the response....I'm a avid yak'r and try and get on the water every chance I get. Planning a trip down the Chipola from Marianna FL to Scotts Ferry the second week of July if the rain subside long enough for the river to drop. About 60 miles or so over a 3 day period.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+kevin ward Thanks Kevin, I am really glad you enjoyed it. I hope you get to experience it in real life sometime as well. Thanks for taking a moment to leave some feedback.
Susan Burke
Susan Burke - 9 years ago
OMG. I just started kayaking and I totally loved your video. So fun.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Susan Burke Wonderful Susan! I hope you enjoy your time out on the water! Thanks for watching!
Aidan LJ
Aidan LJ - 9 years ago
What accent is that? (Texas?) 
Had a good laugh at your misfortunes but relatable misfortunes.... damn honey.
Great Video!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
Oh yea, good stuff lol
alymctally - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch I knew you were from AL because when you left your friend, you said "luv ya". Also copious use of the word"gracious". Both very traditional Ala-speak.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+ALlewellynJones Accent? What accent? lol Nah, that is a south Alabama accent. Glad you enjoyed it, the honey can be a pain. Thanks for the comment!
stylz1 - 9 years ago
Brave not using eye protection.  Could get a branch in the eye.  Also surprised to see you breaking the sticks down by hand instead of with a knife.  Cool vid though.  Can tell you put in work.
DANKIEONPCIN1080P - 9 years ago
+stylz1 u dont need all that shit it just gets in the way, and the knife just makes easy work harder and makes u look like a retard if u can break a stick by hand do it otherwise use a saw or go find smalled wood
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+stylz1 Thanks stylz! Sometimes I'm not as smart as I should be I guess.... Thanks for watching and for the comment.
Adam Farrer
Adam Farrer - 9 years ago
Awesome video, awesome trip,awesome dude!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+xAdzyy Wow cool! I really appreciate your comment! Thanks for watching.
Emanuel B
Emanuel B - 9 years ago
Well done, I like the video! Practice the fire lighting!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Emanuel EmanuelB Thank you, thank you! I will..... lol
Chava Gonzalez
Chava Gonzalez - 9 years ago
What an amazing trip! I gotta look into making a trip like this!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Chava Gonzalez Oh yea man, if you have the opportunity don't pass it up. Thanks for the comment and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
hash glass
hash glass - 9 years ago
we have class 5 here in east tennessee wish to go soon dam that looks like fun thanks
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+hash glass Class 5 would be intense! I hope you get to get out there soon. Thanks for the comment!
kjzimm - 9 years ago
Great video man!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+kjzimm Thanks zimm! Hope to have another kayak trip videos sometime soon!
bajabilly2004 - 9 years ago
actually yesterday just bought 2 new ones, a wilderness systems ride 115 and a pungo 120.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+bajabilly2004 Awsome! Hope you get to put them to good use!
bajabilly2004 - 9 years ago
great video, enjoyed it, subbed ......
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+bajabilly2004 Thanks Billy! I'm in "Fire College" for the next two weeks then I hope to get another trip in sometime soon. Hope you enjoy my future videos as well!
Clint Grantham
Clint Grantham - 9 years ago
Are you from the area?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Clint Grantham I am Clint. I live just outside of Dothan near the airport. You from the area as well?
Adventure Outdoors
Adventure Outdoors - 9 years ago
Your entire trip and the rain was worth the effort just to wake up on that beautiful sandbar.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Adventure Outdoors You are exactly right! Talk about a good way to end things. Thanks for watching!
DONJ0HN - 9 years ago
Tnx for a great video! Keep up the good work. Greetings from Sweden.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+DONJ0HN Thank you! Thank you! My life is a little wrapped up for the next month but I hope to get another kayak camping trip in soon! THanks for the great comment!
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson - 9 years ago
nicely done!!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Daniel Wilson Appreciate it Daniel, thanks for watching!
VentureTube - 9 years ago
Awesome video! I'm going kayak camping now. Like right now
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
lol Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you get out there soon!
Alaska Drifter
Alaska Drifter - 9 years ago
Enjoyed your video. I grew up in Alaska and camping has always been a way of life for me. A pointer on building fires in the rain. don't be in such a hurry! To much fuel to fast will snuff out your fledgling flames. Patience will get the fire going quicker and without so much frustration.
     Your gear is simple yet very practical. This is a good way to be. While camping most of the time less is truly more. Remember this and always learn from your mistakes and you will go far. Although a good set of paddling gloves is recommended for cold wet conditions. Warm hands will make the day more enjoyable.
     Have fun and paddle on.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Will Chaffin Glad you enjoyed it Will. I appreciate the wet fire tip, I'll keep that in the back of my head when my next wet fire comes around. thanks! Absolutely, simple is better. I've thought about some paddling gloves and I may have to give some a try.
Thanks for the comment!
kookyuke - 9 years ago
Great video! I do this in Australia .... The "bush" (forest??) In the US is very different. I have vids in the KOOKY KAMPING playlist ...check em out!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+kookyuke Thanks kooky! Yea, bush/forest does seem to be quite different. I'll head over and check out some of your stuff. Thanks for watching and commenting!
johnnyohness - 10 years ago
Great video...My best friend is from Alabama Fort Payne area...LOL could not wait to get out of there lol. He would always talks about the nasty thicket everywhere, and now I know what he was talking about. You have more adventure in your little finger than I will ever have in my whole body rotf. All that wet and cold and rain? OMG....I have to admit you have guts. I still enjoyed the video though. I really enjoyed your sail boat in the Keys video. I guess I'm just to soft for all of that.....I would have been miserable every inch of that trip rothfmao....Good thing I wasn't on that video...I would have been cussing the whole time. LOL...Next time take a small can of propane to light your fires. Anyway I'm sitting here laughing at myself thinking what that video would have looked like has I been in it.....you would have laughed too. Congratulations on your adventure...you did an awesome job. Thanks for sharing.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Amusing comment Johnny. Yea, there are quite a few thick places around these parts for sure. I'm glad you called it guts instead of insanity...... The Keys were awsome! I hope to go back this summer on my kayak for a few days, should make for another great video I hope.
Glad I could make you laugh (even if it is at yourself) and I'm glad you enjoyed my videos! Love hearing that. Comment appreciated!
Steve James
Steve James - 10 years ago
Great stuff!! Only in the pool.............. LOL 
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks Steve! Yep, just in the pool! 
bearsneak37 - 10 years ago
Not bad for your first time out of the pool. I use to swim in that dirty ol' river. Grew up outside of Dothan.  lol i yak the colorado in the smithville texas area now a days. Good times and great lifestyle choice. Keep yaking and keep your lines tight.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks! Yea, it was my first time in a touring/sea kayak but certainly not my first kayak or canoe trip. I'm outside of Dothan as well and have grown up in that river to, great place. Hope you're enjoying Texas! Thanks for the comment!
H2Ozark - 10 years ago
Awesome job!  Nothing like being on a river!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
You've got that right! Thanks for the comment.
mrodg88 - 10 years ago
Catching this vid coming from your gear video link you just posted on Paddling.net.  I've never commented on youtube before.  Just wanted to say really enjoyed watching your adventure.

Picking up a kayak maybe next month myself here in PA very local to the Allegheny.  I ride the Allegheny River Trail daily and watch all the kayaks and canoes float down the river.  Guy at work wants me to ride the GAP from Pittsburgh to DC but I don't think that would be my thing going multi-nights and 80 mile days riding a bike.  I like the idea of the overnight part, just not the 350 miles of cycling (I'm a daily 10-15 mile rider for exercise.)  I definitely think I could get into a few overnight campings and drop in the Allegheny at Kinzua and paddle down to Emlenton/Parker where I would pull out at.  It would be a blast.

Hope to see more like this, vids like this are really enjoyable to watch.  Almost like doing it yourself.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks for dropping by and watching my videos! 
I hope you do get the chance to snag yourself a kayak soon. It really is a great way to get away from things and be a man (or woman). I have some friends who bike like you mentioned and I have to tell you, I have not interest in giving it a try although they really want to go kayaking with me sometime on an overnight.
I plan on making more videos like this one, since it is the type I enjoy making the most. I'm really glad you enjoy it so much and I truly appreciate your reply and you taking the time to give my videos a shot! 
Nathan Freebery
Nathan Freebery - 10 years ago
What kind of kayak?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
It is a Wilderness Solution, Sealution II. Bought it off of Craigslist for a great deal. Just picked up a second one yesterday as well! Thanks for asking and for watching.
Tatersalad19 Cars
Tatersalad19 Cars - 10 years ago
you didn't take a fishing pole along ?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
It was certainly a cool trip lol. HOpefully it will warm up for you soon.
Tatersalad19 Cars
Tatersalad19 Cars - 10 years ago
looked like a fun trip. i kayak down the whitewater river in indiana usually 10 mile trips, i'd like to do a 3 day trip like you did, think i'll wait till summer though it looked pretty cool out when you went
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
I sure didn't Don. Looking back I wish I would have. I had planned on the trip being pretty distance focused and I wasn't planning on spending much time doing anything more than paddling. For future trips however I will be bringing a pole and taking my time more to enjoy the experience more and get some great video footage. 
Thanks for the comment and for watching!
michael bass
michael bass - 10 years ago
Great video. Watch the whole thing to see what you would run in to next. Looked like the beginning of the river was narrow with lots of debris - but it finally opened up. Looked like some good sandbars to camp on also. I love kayak/camping. Live up in Huntsville, AL. Hope to see more of your kayak overnighters. You would be a dude that would be fun to take a kayak weekend trip with - laid back and enjoying it, rain or shine. Thanks for the video - great editing too.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Michael, my trip total was around 80 miles I believe. I enjoy looking at Google maps too, I'm a bit of an addict. No, I sure don't know what the CFS was but I think the water level was about 1' high someone told me....
michael bass
michael bass - 10 years ago
+SailingandSuch It must have been close to 40 miles! I tried to follow the route on Google Maps. Trying to identify all the roads you kept mentioning. Looks like a fun river. Do you know what the CFS was? Looked like it was flowing pretty good. Till next time!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Michael, thanks for the awesome comment! Yea, it did go from narrow to really wide over the course of my route with lots of great places to camp along the way. I hope you get to see more of them as well. My life has all of a sudden gotten really busy with work and I'm about to be away at Fire College for 9 weeks starting April 1.... Sooooo I may not get out for a while not only because I'll be busy and away from my family but when I do get settle down I will owe some time back to my family.    Thanks for thinking I would be fun to hang out with, I like to think the same thing. I always like to laug and smile when things are good or bad, it seems to help me enjoy things. I appreciate your editing comment as well. I tried to make the video as short as possible and I cut a lot of fat from it and tried to make it as action/interesting content packed as possible.
Florida Explorer
Florida Explorer - 10 years ago
I have always wanted to do the exact same thing you did but on the Suwannee river near me ( florida ) , so yesterday I found a 10' sit in on sale and I bought it , brought it home , gathered all my fishing gear and put it in at a shallow lake to go fishing . I was thinkin I could just get in and paddle away , well , it is not that easy . I almost rolled it several times , I had to paddle back to shore to unload my gear just so I could practice my paddling and balance . I did not realize that I would have to practice . It was funny . I really enjoyed your video , and I hope to do the same . Again , great video !
Florida Explorer
Florida Explorer - 9 years ago
I already had to cut a huge hole in the rear hatch ( sounds awful ) I made a video that explains why , also put some deck rigging and you can price match it at Walmart for 5 bucks . I am ready to hit the water now , the lake I`ve been going to has some alligators in it so that is what I will try to video . I made a video where I caught a lizard and a hawk was watching me so I threw it on the ground and hawk swooped down and ate it , all the while I zoomed in on it in his mouth. Good talking to you , later.
Alaska Drifter
Alaska Drifter - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch Phillips, Right idea. Using a short 10' kayak that is designed for day and recreation may be problematic. Such a small kayak is easy to over load. Check the max load recommendations for your kayak. If you are over loading it stability will become a major problem.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Phillips, Glad you liked my video man! I've read a watched a decent amount about the Suwanee, seems like a great place to make a trip. I think I have read a few blogs on some trips down it. 
Glad you found a kayak, a sit-in! I'm not sure why you might be having such a "tippy" time but I will make one suggestion. Sometimes we tend to store stuff on the decks of our kayaks which creates a higher center of gravity making the kayak feel a bit tippy. You may not have been doing that at all but I figure I would mention it. Basically I have learned to pack the heavy stuff low and in the center of the kayak to help with stability. 
Thanks for watching and commenting!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
+Matthew Meech It was a rain skirt from Walmart, nothing special. It worked I guess lol 
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 8 years ago
Exactly lol
VF6 - 8 years ago
+SailingandSuch i dont have a rainskirt my kayak fills with water when it rains so really its better then nothin
Matthew Meech
Matthew Meech - 10 years ago
Hey, just watched your video and was wondering what rain skirt you used?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Matthew Meech It was a cheap one from Walmart..... Nothing special lol
ocrider69 - 10 years ago
Awesome bro. Funny too.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Perfect! That's just what I wanted to hear. Thanks for watching and for the comment ocrider!
Devin D
Devin D - 10 years ago
For your food you should try having an MRE, they have lots of good food
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Devin, MRE's would be a good choice but they are kind of expensive. I think it would be a good idea though to bring one or two. I used to buy them by the case when I was younger and played army every weekend. Thanks for the suggestion and the comments!
Devin D
Devin D - 10 years ago
I bet you scratched up the bottom of your boat quite a bit!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Lol, not really. The poly that the kayak is made out of is really tough. Plus I bought the kayak used for a good deal so I don't feel to bad about it bumping rocks or the ground.
bo daniels
bo daniels - 10 years ago
no offense what so ever, but some of us hasn't seen it yet.. thanks for sharing though..
bo daniels
bo daniels - 10 years ago
that would be cool. you can still narrate what you see and a little history too.. thanks again
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
I understand. Maybe I'll try to get some more scenery footage next time.
bo daniels
bo daniels - 10 years ago
you need to point the camera the other direction...
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Lol, thanks for the tip! Personally, I find myself getting bored when the camera isn't on the subject/narrator and just some mundane scenery that isn't always exciting and interesting. Different preferences for different folks I guess.
Randall Lackey
Randall Lackey - 10 years ago
Nice video of the new adventures of his first weekender kayaking the Choctawatchcee river down to the bay near Destin,Fl.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks for the comment Randall!
Eagleclaw72 - 10 years ago
Nice video. Very real. I enjoyed watching. Thanks for posting it.   Anytime you are a bit farther north make sure to stop in and take a trip down the Tallapoosa River (especially in the Horseshoe Bend area).
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Eagle, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'd like to give the Tallapoosa a try one day. I think I've seen a couple videos of the place and it looks like a blast. Thanks for the comment and for taking the time to watch my video.
Gar Ng
Gar Ng - 10 years ago
can you tell me on your TG850 how long a battery last?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
It varies... When shooting video it doesn't last very long, an hour or less I'd say. There are setting that you can turn off that help it though like the image stabilization (which was off for the entire video). I think it is just the nature of things, when filming with a small camera, hence small battery, you just can't expect a whole lot compared to a camera with a larger battery. I think the trade off is well worth it as I have been through many cameras and I think I will enjoy the TG850 for a while. I actually sold my GoPro like camera (Ion Air Pro 2) and my nice Cannon camcorder as well.
Gar Ng
Gar Ng - 10 years ago
Nice! you can go out on a Kayak Trip on mid Jan, I have to wait unit after May to get better weather,I am in Toronto Canada just too cold about 2 days ago we are on -40c with the wind, I can't wait, the winter just too long.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Aw man! That is freezing! I think our high today was 40F which was cold to me lol, I can't imagine the kind of cold you all are experiencing. Spring time will be here before you know it!
Gar Ng
Gar Ng - 10 years ago
Awesome video!! what camera did you use the video came out so nice?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks! I appreciate you watching it! I used the Olympus TG850 waterproof camera. It is a fairly inexpensive camera coming in at about $200 off Amazon. It was my first time using it and I really like it after switching from a GoPro like camera. 
A key thing is using a tripod whenever possible. I bought a total of 4 batteries so I would have enough juice for the 3 days. Just today though, a new portable recharging battery came in the mail that should end my battery worries. A few other pieces of gear came in the mail today as well that I'll be including on my kayaking gear video in the next few days.
Thanks for the comment and the Like!
Michael Mott
Michael Mott - 10 years ago
Just love this amazing adventure. You have inspired me to do a kayak camping tour of the tenn tom/tombigbee. Outstanding job!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Michael, wow, thanks for the awsome comment my friend! Glad you were inspired, truly I am. I hope you get to experience you adventure sooner than later, I'm sure you will love it! I really appreciate the time you have taken to watch my video and the encouraging comment.
Charles Ellis
Charles Ellis - 10 years ago
Great adventure!  I have been on the Okatoma many times in Southern MS and it looks identical.  I would love to try this in the Tensaw Delta north of Mobile.  Thanks for sharing! 
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it Charles! Never known about the Okatoma but I just researched it a bit and it looks like a good one for sure. I'd like to do some paddling in the Delta as well, I have a friend who is a game warden there and wants me to come over that way and see what it is all about. Maybe one day soon! Thanks for the comment and for taking the time to watch. Should have another trip coming up next month I hope and a gear video in the next couple weeks.
Tinker Labs
Tinker Labs - 10 years ago
This was awesome! Thanks.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Wonderful Viking! I'm really glad you liked it. Next up is a gear video and a little about what I learned on my first trip. I just made an order for some new gear and when it arrives I'll do some filming. I have another trip planned sometime before spring as well that should be exciting. Thanks for watching, hope you come back and catch up on my next videos.
Jacob Horn
Jacob Horn - 10 years ago
Great video! I really enjoyed it. What kind of kayak were you using?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Jacob Horn Glad you liked it! It was a WIlderness Systems Sealution II.
Paul Dunham
Paul Dunham - 10 years ago
sure would be nice to paddle on some rapids... where i'm at (Virginia Beach ) there 's lots of creeks which means no rapids... but hey ... a bad day on the yak is better than the best day at work...besides I have a SOT yak.. .
AGeekNamedRoss J
AGeekNamedRoss J - 10 years ago
+SailingandSuch Suggestion:  Before you hit something with more or bigger rapids, find a local group (like the Birmingham Canoe Club) and take a whitewater paddling class.  I know it sounds mundane and maybe even unnecessary, but you'll learn some useful things that you may not have thought of.  One real good thing is good contacts about the regional put-ins, take-outs, gear, etc.

Huntsville has an active club too. 

Great video.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Paul, rapids are fun. This river did have some rapids but not a whole lot really, it may seem like it but most of the rapids made it into the video and there was a lot of steady rapid-less water. I'd like to try a river with maybe a little more rapids one day. YES! A day on a the water is much much better than work. Thanks for the watching and I appreciate your comment.
Gaspar Cantu
Gaspar Cantu - 10 years ago
Good stuff brother, look's like a bunch of fun, I can't wait to get out there and do some kayaking.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks Gaspar, it was very fun indeed. I know what you mean! I have one more trip planned before it warms up. But I think I'd rather do my kayaking when it is warmer though. Soon enough I guess. Hope you can get out there soon. Thanks for the comment and I appreciate you subscribing!
Red Woods
Red Woods - 10 years ago
90% of the video was of YOU, not scenery.  Didn't see much. 
Randy Dodd
Randy Dodd - 10 years ago
Thanks for soaping up the river.
Easton - 7 years ago
Randy Dodd, that little bit of soap is going to hurt the environment?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Ole Snipe Thanks Snipe!
Ole Snipe
Ole Snipe - 9 years ago
+guloguloguy Now that's all he uses and he loves it!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+guloguloguy Thanks gulo! I'll have to get some then. I appreciate the comment.
guloguloguy - 9 years ago
+SailingandSuch "Dr. Bronners" liquid soaps, are perhaps a more "Natural" choice- I believe they are "Bio-degradable" and thus may be less damaging to any aquatic life. Try some at home, then try it in the field/on the water. Also; ....They are NON-GMO!!!!
Cassandra Roads
Cassandra Roads - 10 years ago
+SailingandSuch Best to use a biodegradable cleanser (such as Campsuds or Sea to Summit) made for use in natural environments, at least 200 feet from shore.  Collapsible bucket and sponge bathing.  
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
I guess maybe the soap I'm using could be harmful? Didn't they use Dawn on the animals after the BP oil spill? I figured if it was safe to use on animals by veterinarians and environmental folks then surely it was alright. Could I be wrong?
David Hunt
David Hunt - 10 years ago
You sound so much like me, same type of speech. Reminded me when I was 17 and I went down the Brazos here in Texas. That was over 40 years ago. Keep your passion!!!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
You must such a cool guy David! lol Thanks for the comment. I hope I can keep it up for quite some time and enjoy it with my son. 
Don Luke
Don Luke - 10 years ago
Really enjoyed the adventure! I enjoy all your vids and look forward to the upcoming one on the gear you used for this one. 
Don Luke
Don Luke - 10 years ago
sounds cool. I'll look forward to it!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
+Don Luke , just wanted to drop by and let you know I just made an order for a few new gear items to include in the gear video following this trip. Waiting for it to come in the mail but should have a new video up soon followed by another trip I have planned for a few days down another local river.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thank you Don, I appreciate you taking the time to watch my videos, really I do. Thanks for the comment and I hope you enjoy my future videos as well.
Kelly Louise
Kelly Louise - 10 years ago
I came here from your Amazon review, is this the video where you used the Olympus Stylus TG-850 IHS 16 MP Digital Camera? I appreciate that you shared your review and linked the video because I was looking for a good quality cheap vlogging camera with the turn around viewfinder. But was worried about the video quality. this looks great! thanks for sharing! 
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Glad you stopped by Kelly. Yes, this is the video where I used the TG-850. One thing I'd note that I'm not sure if I did in the review is that while recording video the camera uses a fair amount of battery. Also, if your planning on vlogging while walking/moving the camera a lot it might be smart to spend more money on a better camera. When the camera is used without a tripod while walking the "picture" can get a little wavy while the camera is trying to focus. Put it on a tripod though and it does great.
Looks like your building a good channel with some nicely edited videos. Best of luck!
Leslie Wiggins
Leslie Wiggins - 10 years ago
Excellent video! Watching your video made me even more excited about my upcoming sea kayaking trip. I subscribed, so keep your adventure videos coming!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Cool, thanks Leslie! I will keep them coming for sure, thanks for subscribing. I'd like to transition my channel away from woodworking focused as it is now to adventures. While still throwing in a woodworking video at times. The adventures are just so much more fun to film and share! I have my next trip mapped out and should be taking it in a month or two, maybe a 4-5 day trip that includes a portage around an old dam where I don't think there is much of a portage... Should be exciting!
MrFgd3 - 10 years ago
I really enjoyed your video. You did a great job editing. Can you describe the video equipment you used?
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks for the comment! I'm truly glad you enjoyed the video. I tried to create an entertaining video without a lot of boring parts in it. 
Sure, my camera was a Olympus TG 850 waterproof camera and I used a couple tripods from Walmart. Both were under $10 each, one being a telescopic type and the other had the flexible legs that I could wrap around things or wedge under the bungees on the kayak.
Allen Fowler
Allen Fowler - 10 years ago
Great video! Shared it with my group. I don't think that river gets a lot of love.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks Allen! I really appreciate the share. Yea, I don't hear much about it and it's just about in my back yard.... 
Miranda Dodgen
Miranda Dodgen - 10 years ago
Vicariously enjoyed your adventure with you.  Great video!  You've given me inspiration.  Just two questions:  Did you have to have permission to camp on the spot from a private landowner?  And why did you wash your hair?    
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Miranda, I'm so glad you enjoyed it and have been inspired lol. I did not have permission, no. But I am extremely careful about leaving no trash or major traces of my being there. On the sandbar camp, I even removed my firewood from the beach and stacked it neatly for the next camper. Hopefully my good practices would help if a landowner ever approached.
I washed my hair for a couple of reasons 1) it needed washing 2) it was something fun to do! I am a little weird about staying as clean as I can and washing my hair helps. It also made me feel very refreshed that morning.
Tommy Thompson
Tommy Thompson - 10 years ago
What fun!  Thanks for posting this!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Hey thanks Tommy! I've checked out your kayaking school and it seems pretty cool for sure! I appreciate the comment.
SoutheastBackpacker - 10 years ago
Great capture of your dad laughing at 1:18.  Enjoyed the video & the trip,
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Lol yea he is hoot. Glad you liked it Tall....  I appreciate the comment my man.
Jay Bates - Woodworking Videos
Jay Bates - Woodworking Videos - 10 years ago
Just watched the whole thing. Man I want to do that. I love being on the river. I did a 4 hour ride last year and had a blast. 
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Hey Jay! Thanks for watching man. Being on the river or water anywhere is certainly something special, something a man needs to get out and do from time to time. Maybe you will have a chance this year to get in an overnight or something. I appreciate the great comment!
Chris McDowell | CMR Woodworks
Chris McDowell | CMR Woodworks - 10 years ago
Looks like lots of fun! My wife grew up in Samson, which is close to Geneva. I watched the whole thing. I like the whole documentary-survivor-man feel of it.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
It was Chris. Yea I know where Samson is, been through there a time or two. I'm glad you were able to stay engaged with the video for the duration. I have gotten a few ideas from Les for sure, he is brilliant and a true survivor man unlike the other hooligan. Thanks for the comment and nice job on the quality videos you put out!
Dondi Dunaway
Dondi Dunaway - 10 years ago
You might like the Pea River branch of that watershed.  Pea River and the Choctawhatchee intersect at Geneva.  
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it Dondi! I've gotten up with the canoe/kayak livery place in Elba and asked them and they suggested starting at 167. Upon my close examination of Google Earth it appears that from 231 to 167 that it's deep enough. 
How is the dam portage? I know it is something I'd like to do and would probably be real fun.
Dondi Dunaway
Dondi Dunaway - 10 years ago
+SailingandSuch You could put in at US 231, or Al 167.   I've never done those two legs so I don't know how many log jams you would encounter there.  I've always started just West of New Brockton near the WKMX tower,  Its a short trip down to Elba and you'll have to port around the dam south of Elba.  should be smooth and easy unless the water levels are low.   Enjoyed your video !
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Dondi, I think the Pea River may be my next river trip actually. I don't know much of anything about the condition of the river though and how high I can put in. Do you know much about it? Thanks for the comment and suggestion.
Kayak Dave
Kayak Dave - 10 years ago
Thanks for posting this video, flashed back to the many trips on the upper Choctaw.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
You betcha Dave! It's a beautiful place to kayak. Thanks for the comment man.
realgman1 - 10 years ago
Hated to see the sailboat go, as the Keys vid was my favorite. Nice job on this one, too!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
I hated to see it go to realgman. But don't you worry I'll be back down in the Keys for more videos either on my Hobie TI sailing kayak or this one. The Keys are certainly my favorite place so far. There will certainly be more saltwater trips in the near future this summer. Thanks for the comment!
tonybuddy123 - 10 years ago
nice to see a video from you man.  awesome video!!  i bet it was fun! gives you something to talk about for years to come.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Hey Tony! Glad you liked it man and yes it was a blast! Yea, it will be a good way to remember things especially when I get older. Telling the story to my kids and grand kids will be nice to with a video.
Kenneth Sievers
Kenneth Sievers - 10 years ago
Great Trip and Thanks for taking us along for the ride!!!  Enjoyed it!!!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 9 years ago
+Kenneth Sievers Thanks Kenneth! I appreciate you watching!
Jerry Sateriale
Jerry Sateriale - 10 years ago
Good to see your back posting , looked like a great time . Did you do any vids on the gear you used for the trip ? 
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Jerry, a few days ago I purchased a few new gear items that I learned I needed on this past trip. When they come in I plan to make a gear video on what I used and what I learned. Hope you come back to check it out!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Ok, cool, thanks for the suggestion. That will be my at the top of my list. Should get it pretty soon.
Jerry Sateriale
Jerry Sateriale - 10 years ago
+SailingandSuch  That would be great to add and helpful for anyone like myself that wants to try something like this . Thanks I look forward to hear more . 
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Jerry, it was a great time indeed! I have not done a gear video for the trip. I guess that may be something people would be interested in? If so, I'd be happy to whip one up and include what I learned on my first kayaking trip and what gear I plan on replacing and/or adding to my next trip.
Kirk - 10 years ago
Nice trip. Like how you captured the adventure of the trip.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks Kirk! Glad you enjoy it, I tried my best to get some good shots that would go together well. I wanted to tell the story in a "short" video that was filled with good content and not so much boring stuff like most amateur videos. I appreciate your comment and you taking the time to watch it!
Andy Simmons
Andy Simmons - 10 years ago
great video.  I watched it all!  it'd be cool to put a map overlay on it at times if possible?  Also, if you use the old google maps (click on the question mark and click "return to classic google maps"), you can get a more accurate idea of your distance with the measuring feature if you just keep clicking on the river and it will measure your exact distance.  Hopefully, I will find the time and motivation to do something like this soon!  Thanks again!
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks Andy! I tried to do something like that with Google Earth. You can "record" map tours and I did that but the video file that it creates isn't compatible with my editing software.... I remember old Google maps and the measuring tool. If you ever use Google Earth, it now has the measuring feature that you are talking about and that is what I used. I just didn't take precious time and do it perfectly but I cut a few corners in the bends of the river.... I appreciate you taking the time to watch the entire thing, really.
1joetify - 10 years ago
+SailingandSuch do you still have the adventure island kayak or did you trade for that wilderness system kayak? Also a great video the longer the better.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks for the info Joe. Maybe we will do a trip someday. Glad you enjoyed it! And thanks for watching the vids!
1joetify - 10 years ago
ok sounds good i also have a river i live 10-15 minutes too called the wakulla river it has manatees in it and they are nice to see. i think they can get up to 13-15 feet long. always a cool sight seeing them. their is alligators in the water there too but they won't bother you. but, for sure get a hold of me if up want to make a trip together we can split the difference or meet there all up to you. oh also i like how you did the intro to the video.
   thanks for all the vids
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
+1joetify I gotcha. I'd like to do the Crystal River one day, I have never seen a manatee before. If I'm ever around that area I'll try to look you up!
1joetify - 10 years ago
+SailingandSuch  i do like joe diffie but i didn't know when i made a youtube account what i wanted my name to be and it gave me that as an option so i took it. keep up the good work on the videos and if you are ever wanting to kayak in florida let me know i would love to join up with you. i wanna make a trip to crystal river in florida. i live in florida just 20 minutes south of tallahassee. it's about 3-4 hour drive but crystal clear water and from what i seen on youtube it is beautiful down there great sights to see.
Trip Smith
Trip Smith - 10 years ago
I do still have the Hobie sailing kayak, yes. I found the WS kayak for a deal on Craigslist so now I have two. I will still be making videos of some trips on the Hobie kayak, but they will be at the beach rather than the river although I may take the WS kayak to the beach some times also. I enjoy both kayaks and enjoyed the WS one more than I expected.

Thanks! I was (and still am) a little worried about the length of the video but I just couldn't cut any more footage out of it. I probably filmed 3-4 hours worth total that I was working with. Thanks for your great comment 1joetify (Joe Diffie fan?)

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