A Fishing Kayak

A tour of a fishing kayak and it's rigging. I talk a little about my kayak's specs, weight capacity, anchor trolleys, homemade stake out poles, DIY PVC pipe rod holders, PVC pipe kayak carts, dry storage containers, kayak rigging. Paddlecraft have been part of human history going all the way back to prehistoric indian tribes. If your world ever gets thrust back into the stone age and you survive to deal with the aftermath, paddlecraft will be a fantastic survival tool.

A Fishing Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Kayak 13 years ago 122,017 views

A tour of a fishing kayak and it's rigging. I talk a little about my kayak's specs, weight capacity, anchor trolleys, homemade stake out poles, DIY PVC pipe rod holders, PVC pipe kayak carts, dry storage containers, kayak rigging. Paddlecraft have been part of human history going all the way back to prehistoric indian tribes. If your world ever gets thrust back into the stone age and you survive to deal with the aftermath, paddlecraft will be a fantastic survival tool.

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Most popular comments
for A Fishing Kayak

Richard Schaffling
Richard Schaffling - 7 years ago
Thanks for a great video
Robalo de praia
Robalo de praia - 9 years ago
I did a good looking !! very good! I made a video on my channel.
neilrich25 - 9 years ago
Awsome vid sir.. so peacful out there. I just purchased a sit on top style kayak, I may copy some of your designs. Im of the same feeling, kayaks can reach places larger boats can not.. and no gas to buy! Mine is a one seater so it makes getting away from the wife that much more easy. Stay safe!
CrypticCRICKET - 9 years ago
+neilrich25 I take my wife with me but she has her own yak so we spend much of our time out there apart because she likes to anchor up and read a book. Yesterday we went free diving in the Gulf of Mexico. It was an awesome day except for a huge Nurse Shark that stalked me and then tried to bite my yum-yum yellow fins. I punched the shark in the back and then it turned and swam away.
David Aguiar
David Aguiar - 10 years ago
Nice video. I like your idea with utilizing the scupper holes to hold the rod holders  and camera mount too. 
flysubcompact - 10 years ago
The main reason I fell in love with kayak fishing is the ability it gives you to access places you absolutely cannot access from land or a larger boat. 
CrypticCRICKET - 10 years ago
Me too. Down here in the salt water there's constant maintenance involved with motorized watercraft. Batteries to maintain. Keeping them covered and the rain out of em. Keeping the critters from chewing all the wiring and fuel lines. Corrosion. You let em sit for 3 months out in the weather and you have all kinds of work to do and money to spend to make the boat ready for one more day on the water. Hole in the water that you pour money into. Kayaks don't have much if any metal or electronics so being out in the weather doesn't do much more than fade the color.   I keep mine under a shade screen.
tglover1986 - 10 years ago
Do you have a fish finder setup as well?
CrypticCRICKET - 10 years ago
I do have a fish finder. It runs on a battery pack made up of AA batteries. I encased the battery pack in a PVC pipe with end caps to keep it dry. I use to have the transducer and battery pack mounted inside the hull but that had too many problems so now I just stow the battery pack on the front deck and the transducer gets secured under the deck via a plug that fits into a scupper hole by my feet. The fish finder gets attached to a bracket near my front rod holder. You can see the bracket in this video.
Gene Deas
Gene Deas - 10 years ago
nice. love the rod holder ideal.
CrypticCRICKET - 10 years ago
Thanks. I also use my rod holders as camera mount locations. I have a homemade monopod with a foam sleeve that fits into the rod holders. The monopod swivels in the rod holders to make changing camera view quick and easy. Some of this video was shot from those rod holder positions.
ssrc2013 - 10 years ago
Nice video enjoyed it a bunch !!
CrypticCRICKET - 10 years ago
Glad you liked it. Thanks for watching.
Somerset Roach
Somerset Roach - 10 years ago
Like your design of accessories that fit in with the scupper holes. I have the ocean caper angler edition and will be getting back into it this year. Before I used to take too much stuff and it became a chore, but after watching this I feel invigorated to start again and keep it simple and enjoy it again. Chris. 
CrypticCRICKET - 10 years ago
thanks for the feedback! I was out for a paddle yesterday with this rig. I've not found a reason to change anything so far. It's a fishing machine.

10. comment for A Fishing Kayak

Richard Thaxton
Richard Thaxton - 11 years ago
So what good is that PFD if its lashed down on the boat instead of worn on your body?
CrypticCRICKET - 10 years ago
I fully understand the risk and I still accept it. You're the fool if you think that I don't.  If I die because I'm not wearing my PFD then it's my time to go. I hope you don't find whatever's left of my corpse.
Richard Thaxton
Richard Thaxton - 10 years ago
Foolish, very foolish.  I hope you never need a PFD.
CrypticCRICKET - 10 years ago
I don't mind being eaten by critters. I give you permission to leave my body on the bottom of the ocean for the critters to eat.
Richard Thaxton
Richard Thaxton - 10 years ago
+CrypticCRICKET So you think you have control over the negligent actions of power boaters?  During my career I recovered many bodies of folks who thought wearing a PFD was a waste of time.  Bodies are difficult to locate when they lie on the bottom being eaten by the creepy-crawlies before they rise back to the surface after several days, bloated with decay.  Additionally, that "fascist government agent" will be paid with tax dollars to find the bodies of the stubborn fools who don't wear a PFD.    
CrypticCRICKET - 11 years ago
Most importantly, it stops the fascist govt. agent from writing you a ticket for not having one on the vessel. It's also good for it to be readily available for the rare occasions when you decide it's important to be wearing one.
Theuns Cordier
Theuns Cordier - 11 years ago
3:33 to 3:35 .... Is that a Fart??? ...lol
CrypticCRICKET - 11 years ago
LOL! At my age anything is possible. ;-)
Charsept - 11 years ago
I really wish I had this set up last time I was in pensacola. Those 30+ inch/lbs redfish were calling my name.
CrypticCRICKET - 11 years ago
Once you go yak.... you never go back. ;-)
HowardC - 11 years ago
seabee7071-this is a lame comment. Obviously the man is an adult. This whole PFD stuff is just another example of the government "trying to protect us from ourselves" . Responsible adults don't need other people getting into their business unles what they are doing could possibly endanger another person(s). I fish in water that is less than 3' deep at most and usually less than 2' deep. I can float and swim literally for hours if somehow my kayak gets abducted by aliens and the bottom falls out of the creek I fish in. I am still required to use a PFD by the local douche bag enforcement puds. Most of these guys are too short to fish safely in 3' of water or are too fat to be in a kayak. Their job it "to uphold the wildlife laws and protect wildlife" BS their job really is to break people balls and they get a chubby in their pants if they see an opportunity to bust someone. This takes a much higher level of importance for them over protecting wildlife. It is all government worker job security with no checks & balances and total immunity for poor, inadequate, improper or abusive job performance. I've not yet bought a PFD for my kayak and if I see one of these dudes (or you maybe) coming toward me i'll get in 3" of water and watch their engine jump off their transom. 
CrypticCRICKET - 11 years ago
Here in FL, as an adult, we're not required to actually wear our PFD. I'm a really good swimmer. I actually breath hold dive from my kayak and it's normal for me to deliberately jump into deep water in the open ocean with the intent to hold my breath and swim down as deep as I comfortably can. For me that's about 42 feet max depth on a breath hold dive. I need a weight belt to help make that depth on a breath hold dive. Life jacket not very useful for me but it's always within close reach on the front deck just in case.
CrypticCRICKET - 11 years ago
And when I end up in the water without my life jacket, I'll either sink or swim. So be it.
Midwest Fishing Show
Midwest Fishing Show - 11 years ago
If you like fishing especially freshwater come check out my channel. I'm new to youtube but not fishing. I have a few vids up and plenty more to come. Can't wait to reveal some of my strategies to those who are open to new ideas, THANKS AND PLEASE COMMENT AND SUB!
CrypticCRICKET - 11 years ago
LOL! Yup, you got that right! Serious! ;-)
GypsyKing7 - 11 years ago
Paddle Faster, I Hear Banjo's
CrypticCRICKET - 11 years ago
I sure am. SW Florida.
Weston Sharpe
Weston Sharpe - 11 years ago
R u in floarda

20. comment for A Fishing Kayak

CrypticCRICKET - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching! And thanks for the feedback! I've got a few other kayak videos on my channel. Some fishing. Some diving, Some just exploring.
ve6kk - 11 years ago
Saw your cart on your other video - best design on the web except PVC parts here $3x. Very nice restful saltchuk vid, especially for me, prairie all around :) Maybe see SC someday. P.
rusty keller
rusty keller - 12 years ago
Hi again. It works good, but would be best to connect about 2 feet of 1 inch link gavanized chain to the ring. Shrimpers in small boats often use a tube of pvc pipe, hammer it into the mud, then drop the anchor ring over it. Then make up a bait ball, toss it into the water next to the pipe, then wait awhile, maybe fish, then throw a cast net next to the anchor pipe to catch shrimp, maybe some crab, and probably some baitfish that was attracted to the baitball. Look up South Carolina shrimping.
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
Interesting. I can see how that could work. Does it work pretty well or does the ring slide back up the pole when the wind pushes the boat around?
rusty keller
rusty keller - 12 years ago
Hi, Nice video. A suggestion for your anchor pole. From where the line comes out of the top, measure down to a bit longer than the pole, and tie on a brass ring large enough to slide down over the pole. Tap the pole down into the bottom, drop the ring over the pole and let it slide down the pole to the bottom. That way, as the boat tugs on the line, it's pulling horizontally at the bottom where it is most secure, not from the top where it is trying to pull the pole out of the mud.
Daniel Timis
Daniel Timis - 12 years ago
This is a great "how to" video. Thanks for the tips and for taking the time to share.
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
Thanks and thanks for the feedback. The sit on top yak set up this way is a real fishing machine.
Sean4670 - 12 years ago
Great video mate. Lotsa good ideas on your yak. Just what i was looking for.
Nicolas Enepekides
Nicolas Enepekides - 12 years ago
i have the native ultimate
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
Hi Jonathon. My kayak brand new was about $600. That was many years ago though and they no longer make that kayak. The good news is that there are a lot more manufacturers now than there were back then and you now have much more economical choices these days. You can still spend a whole lot more than what I did, but you no longer have to spend that to get a very functional kayak.

30. comment for A Fishing Kayak

Jonathan Her
Jonathan Her - 12 years ago
How much is your kayak?
OlympusHeavyCavalry - 12 years ago
You seem to pack your canoe with a lot less stuff. The homemade things are a great money saving idea. I just recently looked into the commando 120.
Perigee Power
Perigee Power - 12 years ago
That does sound like a good idea ;)
Perigee Power
Perigee Power - 12 years ago
Great video!!!
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
Once you go yak you never go back. LOL! Look for a local kayak retailer in your area and ask if they have free, in water demo days. You can try out several different kayaks and get a feel for the different designs.
VTV SD - 12 years ago
I'm a novice in this area. In fact, I don't even own a kayak but I am becoming more interested in the prospect. Your video is inspiring. Thanks.
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
I needed a strong way mount a fish finder and a rod holder between my legs. I built something from PVC pipe to save money and also to eliminate installing lot's of permanent hardware in the cockpit.
VTV SD - 12 years ago
What is the function of the PVC pipe assembly in center front?
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
The CB would be awesome! Liquid linnear = DX
TheSunergizer - 12 years ago
Now all you need is a 12 volt trickle Solar charger and a small sealed Lead acid cell to power a CB radio and a DVD player.
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
I love mine. Any retailer that sells sit on top style kayaks. Also check the classifieds because you'll find them used once and a while. Have a great day.
gerardo alvarado
gerardo alvarado - 12 years ago
great set up!! Where can i get mine?
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
I bought my kayak at a Mom and Pop kayak dealer that no longer exists. Our boats cost about $500 new. Ocean kayak no longer makes the model that we have. Check Bass Pro and Sports Authority for new Kayaks. Watch the classifieds for used kayaks. Ask rental places and mom and pop shops about used and demo boats.
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
You're welcome! Thanks for watching and posting! The kayak being very simple, very efficient, and yet very seaworthy offers an amazing amount of freedom. It's a very high quality experience that you can afford to have more of in life.
Jonny Pearce
Jonny Pearce - 12 years ago
thanks for sharing- I can see why you love it love the rod holders - may copy/modify
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
Nice compliment thanks! Nope sorry. The set that I have is still solid as a rock and I have no use for a spare one. No sense in spending the money. It's also been my experience in the past that very few, almost no kayak fisherman have interest in building the plug in style rocket launcher rod holders. It's a real easy thing to do though. It's just a bunch of pipe T's, a couple of reducers, and some pipe glued together. The cart is actually much tougher to design and build to fit your yak.
poppafish428 - 12 years ago
Hi C.C., any chance you can show us how to make that rocket launcher rod holder?Your vids are great no matter the topic.I'm waiting for push cart wheels to finish my kayak cart.Thanks for everything and blessings to all.
CrypticCRICKET - 12 years ago
@MyDutyofcall Yes. The oysters even squirted some water out as they closed up. Most of the time here, oysters are attached to something and you can't just pick them up off the bottom. That was unusual for around here.
MyDutyofcall - 12 years ago
was that a clump of oysters at 6:03 ?

50. comment for A Fishing Kayak

CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@SuperLegodude61 That is a removable rod holder with a mount for a fish finder in front of the rod holder. The rod holder doubles as a holder for a camera mounting spike. Almost all the shots from the cockpit of the kayak are shot from a monospike that sits in that front rod holder.
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
I don't advise people one way or another about wearing or not wearing their PFD. I would advise that no one should depend on their PFD alone to save their life.
Glenn Nelson
Glenn Nelson - 13 years ago
I enjoyed your video. Quite peaceful which is why I too enjoy kayak fishin on my OK Scrambler. I am concerned that you imply not to wear a PFD. A PFD on the kayak maybe legal but not too useful. And yes, SOT kayak will take on water if there is a leak. I know because I turtled when my SOT fill with water from a scupper leak making it unstable. Even though it was summer in So.NV, I'm glad I wore the PFD and leashed all my gear.
Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson - 13 years ago
@CrypticCRICKET will do when i go fishing later this month
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@LessThan3able Hi LessThan3able. That's excellent! Let us know how they work for you!
Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson - 13 years ago
i made the rod holders today! cant wait to use it. mine are about 8 3/4 deep ( the rod holder part of it) and i have 3 holders.
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@falcon02012 Hi Falcon. Good thought. I do have some basic fishing videos on my channel. Making a general fishing 101 type video would be tough to do because different environments and species call for different tactics and equipment. One area of the country/world can be completely different from another.
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@MrPoppabear255 Thank you and you're welcome! Enjoy! Being out on the water is our favorite form of entertainment here. It's also cheap entertainment when done by kayak and the result is we can afford to do it a lot.
MrPoppabear255 - 13 years ago
Excellent video! Thanks for the Motivation! Due to work etc. I have not used my yak in over 2 years. I am going to make getting out on the water in my yak one of my new years resolutions. Thanks!
Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson - 13 years ago
@CrypticCRICKET wind drag isnt a big consern since i have a 22inch icechest in the back which is a mini sail, unfortunitaly. thanks the great comments. peace out
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@LessThan3able I understand now. I'd be lost without the rod holders behind my seat and gear box. My extra rods are so out of the way back there that I often forget that they're back there until I go under a dock or into the mangroves. I'm able to reach over my shoulder to either get a rod out or put one away. The rods sticking up does create a lot of wind drag in a high wind. If I need to travel a good distance into a high wind. I put the rods down on the deck.
Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson - 13 years ago
@CrypticCRICKET only think is on a hobie mirage you have no front scuppers so the front one is out of the queston. but the back seems awesome. this is also a great no drill design.
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@LessThan3able Hi LessThan3able. Thanks for the feedback! I love my rocket launcher style rod holders! The one between my legs does double duty these days as a holder for my video camera's mono pod. I have a DIY camera mount video on my channel that shows the rod holder being used that way.
Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson - 13 years ago
thanks for the great video. i have a hobie revo 13 but the flush mounts are to close the water like you said. hobie makes an extender for there holders but i will make a holder like you have to bring some more rods with me. keep the videos up!
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@1080tommy1 Thank you! I really like it! I catch a lot of fish from this kayak! Everything from sharks to minnows. It takes me to some very beautifaul places.
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@jlb763108 Thank You! Thanks for checking out my video!
jlb763108 - 13 years ago
Nice rig.
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@radik315 Hi radik315. Good idea to look at user reviews for any kayak that you want to buy. Paddling.net has lots of user reviews on kayaks. If possible it's always good to go for a test paddle on any kayak you might want to buy. Many kayak shops have free in water demo days where you get to try out different kayaks on the water. Great way to get a feel for what you like or don't like.
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@GTVAlfaMan Lee County Florida which is the Ft Myers area. That's maybe 45 minutes north of the Everglades on the west coast of Florida.
Buick Mackane
Buick Mackane - 13 years ago
Great video, very interesting. where was this filmed?
oodamnagain - 13 years ago
awsome video, I wat a kayak so bad, I use yo yo fishing reals and a kayak would be prefect for it. and room for my ( cough ) drinks, O yea.
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@TheBreamfisher I thought that was on purpose! LOL. That's ok I'm a creative speller too. We creative spellers function on a higher level than most. Have a good one. ;-)
curtis alison
curtis alison - 13 years ago
@CrypticCRICKET sorry my bad about the spelling
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@TheBreamfisher Thanks! Have a great day!
curtis alison
curtis alison - 13 years ago
thats really wasom i like how it all comes apart
CrypticCRICKET - 13 years ago
@JDFlegel When you do I think you'll love it. Some kayak shops have demo days where you get to test paddle several different kayaks for free. Get in on a demo day if you can. Been kayak fishing for 10+ years now. Paddle fishing for longer if you count the truck innertubes I lashed together and laid a board across to fish from when I was a kid. Oh wait I forgot about the two canoes I owned as a teenager and young adult. I even used to bowfish from those canoes. Maybe it's 20+ years.
JDFlegel - 13 years ago
Looks awesome. Hope to have a similar rig for myself someday.

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