A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman

Seven days, three rivers, one kayaker: Nouria Newman kayaks solo in India! Nouria Newman combines a surprising adeptness at playing on white waters with an endless thirst for discovering new horizons. Nouria decided to head North in India to achieve her goal of kayaking. She had already heard of Zanskar and the lower part of the Indus, both of which are world famous. She started in Zanskar, headed to Indus and transitioned through beautiful places of India while trying to survive very dangerous situations, both in rivers and on land. ►Read more about Nouria Newman's trip in India here: https://win.gs/KayakingInIndia _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBull Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: https://go.onelink.me/351027264/35a30660 Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Instagram: http://win.gs/RedBullInstagram Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter

A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman sentiment_very_dissatisfied 126

Kayak 6 years ago 201,358 views

Seven days, three rivers, one kayaker: Nouria Newman kayaks solo in India! Nouria Newman combines a surprising adeptness at playing on white waters with an endless thirst for discovering new horizons. Nouria decided to head North in India to achieve her goal of kayaking. She had already heard of Zanskar and the lower part of the Indus, both of which are world famous. She started in Zanskar, headed to Indus and transitioned through beautiful places of India while trying to survive very dangerous situations, both in rivers and on land. ►Read more about Nouria Newman's trip in India here: https://win.gs/KayakingInIndia _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBull Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: https://go.onelink.me/351027264/35a30660 Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Instagram: http://win.gs/RedBullInstagram Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter

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Most popular comments
for A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman

Julio Cesar Franco
Julio Cesar Franco - 5 years ago
I make kayaks so my dream is to put one of them in the sea! To be precise in Antarctica!! Lol
lpblewis - 5 years ago
I dare you to sponsor me to go to Mars ;)
gnarmarmilla - 5 years ago
Puruvian Andes and rain forest, because we can chew coca leaf the whole time which makes any trip better. Less altitude sickness, more energy and positivity.
If coca wasn’t legal there, Derawan Islands, Borneo Indonesia.
William Rose
William Rose - 5 years ago
Sputnik exit, "The crack" - Switzerland!
Alex Povolotski
Alex Povolotski - 5 years ago
Sivakumar B
Sivakumar B - 5 years ago
Rishikesh (river rafting), India.
Sonam Singh
Sonam Singh - 5 years ago
Maldive islands
Kd Rd
Kd Rd - 5 years ago
Recep Baykal
Recep Baykal - 5 years ago
All forests, rivers, mountains, canyons in the world because I am a 45-year camper.

10. comment for A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman

ilovenature - 5 years ago
@Lucky Ali sure buddy. Please share and subscribe my channel. Here is the link https://youtu.be/z2A1OkuHvUA
Lucky Ali
Lucky Ali - 5 years ago
@ilovenature make a video about it.
ilovenature - 5 years ago
Europe to India hitchhiking
Micha Lok
Micha Lok - 5 years ago
Sea kayaking in Norway
Delmario - 5 years ago
Canoagem Oceânica
Canoagem Oceânica - 5 years ago
I'm going to paddle all brazilian coast, islands and lots of rivers (not rapids), on a 30.000km expedition, full documented on my system (http://atlas.eco.br)... looking for some sponsors too...
Outdoorsman’s Creations
Outdoorsman’s Creations - 5 years ago
Red Bull i dont got the money but alaska
Uno dos
Uno dos - 5 years ago
Too many now to list.
Alex Newman
Alex Newman - 6 years ago
Cross country paraglide slovenia
St-Gelais François
St-Gelais François - 6 years ago
Chile! For there warm water!

20. comment for A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman

Caleb Banez
Caleb Banez - 6 years ago
Zambezi river
alydarsnote - 6 years ago
Outside of traveling for the sake of paddling though, I'm most intrigued by Mongolia, a nation three times the size of France with only 4.6% of France's population. Many of its inhabitants still live a nomadic lifestyle not too dissimilar to the days of the former Mongol Empire. It seems like a tranquil place of filled with natural beauty and culture untouched by Western Civilization (outside of its capital city, anyway), which automatically spikes my interest. And who knows, maybe there's some badass whitewater rivers there I don't know about.
alydarsnote - 6 years ago
@Mickael Loe-A-Fook One of my main life goals is to kayak (or canoe) through the Grand Canyon on a multi-day trip. Similar to what Nouria did in this video, but actually with other Class IV-V whitewater boaters. I'm not nuts enough or good enough to do a solo trip like Nouria though.
Regin Smiður
Regin Smiður - 6 years ago
high water riveeers!!!
Josh James Adventure VLOGS New Zealand
Josh James Adventure VLOGS New Zealand - 6 years ago
South Central America
CCTV Cayak Crime TV
CCTV Cayak Crime TV - 6 years ago
idea is to trace the old Viking trade route paddling and portaging from Gotland to Istanbul
victor ziebenhaus
victor ziebenhaus - 6 years ago
Lady evelyn river Temagami Canada !
Squatch88 - 6 years ago
I want to kayak down the pecos river from through Texas and New Mexico to Mexico. Just one of my dream trips.
sachin kumar Verma
sachin kumar Verma - 6 years ago
I want to go to Northern Europe for Northern lights
Mickael Loe-A-Fook
Mickael Loe-A-Fook - 6 years ago
@Edwin Dover , Oh coool !! .

30. comment for A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman

Edwin Dover
Edwin Dover - 6 years ago
@Mickael Loe-A-Fook Yep! Last year! I camped on the North Rim in a Dark Spot (no light pollution)
Mickael Loe-A-Fook
Mickael Loe-A-Fook - 6 years ago
@Edwin Dover you ever go to G . Canyon ?
rheyzarspti - 6 years ago
Shaggy - 6 years ago
africa so i can go on the longest train
RickyMillar - 6 years ago
Love to do a mission around south america
Edwin Dover
Edwin Dover - 6 years ago
@Mickael Loe-A-Fook Nice! Go during a no moon and camp over night for an amazing view of the milky-way!
Mickael Loe-A-Fook
Mickael Loe-A-Fook - 6 years ago
Grand Canyon
Edwin Dover
Edwin Dover - 6 years ago
I want to follow the Nile from Cairo to the source! A motorcycle trip to see the Blue and the White Nile that gave birth to an entire culture.
Altair - 6 years ago
Heaven lol
Dani Gorgon
Dani Gorgon - 5 years ago
7 days of amazing experience and a boatload of adventure.
あい - 5 years ago
Nicholas Hopper
Nicholas Hopper - 5 years ago
What a brave women.
Wicked_ Mistress
Wicked_ Mistress - 5 years ago
Mike Mattick
Mike Mattick - 5 years ago
Tahiti, to a outer reef break called Teahupoo that pumps one of the heaviest barrels known in the surfing community! I wish to fly my drone into through and out of one of its massive gaping barrels while flying FPV and filming it from a onboard cam! Trust me this will be a Epic undertaking and a costly one at that for many drones will be needed to pull off this cimematic marvel of amazing film making history! Now Red Bull my question to you will you help me on this epic journey? :-) Lets collaborate! Sincerly, Mike Mattick Thank you even if you only take the time to read this...
Ben Simons
Ben Simons - 5 years ago
jesus christ,
John Roddy
John Roddy - 5 years ago
Well done,but very dangerous alone,your life is worth more.
Ruru Asile
Ruru Asile - 5 years ago
India.....no just no
liquidskypa - 5 years ago
we continually teach how unsafe it is to paddle alone and meanwhile Red Bull just prompted this? seriously? that's not "amazing/legendary" that's just foolish
powskier - 5 years ago
stupid much? She is one of the best kayakers in the world.
Ronnie O
Ronnie O - 5 years ago
I am not fit enough to watch this. Good God almighty! What an amazing young woman! So brave!
七千转 - 5 years ago
# 1 rule: never enter whitewater solo
# 2 rule: never lose your paddle

she is very lucky that she didn't get pin in the water

50. comment for A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman

powskier - 5 years ago
This girl rules. My new favorite kayaker.
Andreas Loo
Andreas Loo - 5 years ago
This is completely wicked, you're a legend!
THE PUNISHER - 5 years ago
Mak0_0kaM - 5 years ago
you would think that a pro wouldn't winge that hard but ok
beberoli - 5 years ago
Wow , elle est folle celle là !
Chen Qian
Chen Qian - 5 years ago
Amazing girl
vikram solestealer
vikram solestealer - 5 years ago
y solo ???????
M K - 5 years ago
Damn you brave girl I wished I was brave like you!
Alisha M
Alisha M - 5 years ago
That was insane. Good on ya mate.
Hiho Wego
Hiho Wego - 5 years ago
Theres got to be a psychological reason why people have the need to do risky "adventures" like this. Does not seem logical. ...& she got lucky.
Bong Bong
Bong Bong - 5 years ago
You're luck will run out next time.
Martin Blaich
Martin Blaich - 5 years ago
89 Alpha
89 Alpha - 5 years ago
I counted 5 turds floating down the water
mg23 - 5 years ago
spoiler alert.. she has a crew.
Alan E
Alan E - 5 years ago
Wow, what an accomplishment!
Saifi Hindustani# vlogs
Saifi Hindustani# vlogs - 5 years ago
Nouria you are a superb,you done very tuff adventure,salute you...
NG linah
NG linah - 5 years ago
Please wear helmets..
TheDuckfrak - 5 years ago
gnarmarmilla - 5 years ago
This looks like it could have been one of those, “I shouldn’t be alive” movies where the person goes out on there own and almost dies.

Pretty risky going by yourself through a remote place like that, I hope she at least had a satellite phone or distress signal.

Thanks Red Bull and congrats Nouria, that place looks amazing.
Rocky Koast
Rocky Koast - 5 years ago
You should have worn a helmet, with banks made of rocks as well as underwater rocks!
Zac Dulmes
Zac Dulmes - 5 years ago
The GoPro is on her helmet, so when she films herself, she just takes the helmet off instead of taking it off the helmet.
Arnab Chatterjee
Arnab Chatterjee - 5 years ago
This is brave. This is really brave. Tackling the Indus alone. Hats off!
Dx Fire
Dx Fire - 5 years ago
White ladies will never get how dangerous it is to travel alone in the foreign countries...its never like Western countries...naive and stupid...
Boss Frog
Boss Frog - 5 years ago
What an amazing girl
Ayush Baba
Ayush Baba - 5 years ago
You are so great kayaker amazing you are great
g C
g C - 5 years ago
I just have no use for stupidity
g C
g C - 5 years ago
Looks like nasty gray water to me
dayglowfroggy1 - 5 years ago
I don't understand why she is not using a paddle leash ? I am no expert just got my first beginer kayak but that's just common sense .
Gotze 645i
Gotze 645i - 5 years ago
You're real crazy
Daniel Morrison
Daniel Morrison - 5 years ago
This is the best video Red Bull has ever made
50 cent's Financial Advisor
50 cent's Financial Advisor - 5 years ago
that road at 0:50 looked sketchy!
Ankit singh Jhinkwan
Ankit singh Jhinkwan - 5 years ago
TurdFurgeson571 - 5 years ago
Is there anything in that water that can eat you?
Prakash Pradhan
Prakash Pradhan - 5 years ago
Hat's off to you, the perfect display of strength, bravery and enthusiasm! Amazing!
Varun reddy
Varun reddy - 5 years ago
I think Indian Army should give a bravery medal for you.
& make those scary rafting some smoother.
Gardenflower - 5 years ago
7:42 U became very happy seeing people. God tests the brave & shows the beauty after it.
Priyadarshi Majumdar
Priyadarshi Majumdar - 5 years ago
Your journey was incredible!! Truly a braveheart...
mellimwah - 5 years ago
@Deepti Devulapally young monks go through intense training and it's possible that they are learning different languages as well.
Deepti Devulapally
Deepti Devulapally - 5 years ago
@mellimwah I'm so shocked because I'm from India and am wondering how these kids are able to speak French
mellimwah - 5 years ago
@Deepti Devulapally My friend understands French and he said they are!
Deepti Devulapally
Deepti Devulapally - 5 years ago
Hey can you tell of they were speaking French?
Shivang Dwivedi
Shivang Dwivedi - 5 years ago
She is a legit badass
Leontij Pavlov
Leontij Pavlov - 5 years ago
Смелости вам не занимать. удачи вам .и семь футов под килем.
goodtimesrkillinme1 - 5 years ago
I paused the video to comment and tell you that you’re an absolute stud.
Paul Bennett
Paul Bennett - 5 years ago
OK, that was very impressive but, as stated below, the cardinal rule was broken. Never go alone. However, deep respect to you. That looked wonderful
Paul Bennett
Paul Bennett - 5 years ago
@Peter Embleton OK I think I have a pompous prick alert
Peter Embleton
Peter Embleton - 5 years ago
What you think someone would have been able to paddle backwards or forwards in that torrent
Haley Dusenberry
Haley Dusenberry - 5 years ago
Spoken like a true adrenaline seeker, "I think I'm still having fun, I'm not sure though" hahaha She is hardcore!
Michael Crovatt
Michael Crovatt - 5 years ago
What a complete badass, she has my endless respect.
Abragini84 - 5 years ago
What a little OG...
john m
john m - 5 years ago
Red Bull is poison.
hoebylife - 5 years ago
what a legend.
Matteo Degregori
Matteo Degregori - 5 years ago
Never been kayaking on a river before but apart from calling for help what can another person do? I cant see someone being of much help with the speed of the water.

100. comment for A Kayakers Solo Adventure In India | with Nouria Newman

Jindy2 - 5 years ago
Wow - this is epic. She's a legend.
Alex Povolotski
Alex Povolotski - 5 years ago
No helmet == big boo-boo.
Benjamin dashnaw
Benjamin dashnaw - 5 years ago
I disliked it.. Not because the video was bad, but because she chose to go alone and not scout every technical part of the river she was on. I don't know if she felt pressured to do this and therefor felt like she had to do it solo, but I don't support soloing and not scouting like this.
Rafael Cuevas
Rafael Cuevas - 5 years ago
close call 2:40 almost died
daydreamerindian - 5 years ago
How many countries in world can claim to have some of hottest, wettest, coldest & driest places of world within it.
Glen - 5 years ago
OG Balls of steel.
K/ Ocmp
K/ Ocmp - 5 years ago
I'm a man, but she have a balls.
Lewis !
Lewis ! - 5 years ago
I admire you!
Ryan Matthews
Ryan Matthews - 5 years ago
Couldnt help but feel like I was watching a found footage movie at first, now I'm gonna watch "127 Hours"
OMGAdventures - 5 years ago
Im cold... I'm scared... I'm stupid
MrHmmz - 5 years ago
This woman is inspirational
Eric Thompson
Eric Thompson - 5 years ago
Where did all the Sleeping supplies come from in the jetboil and the food I call BS
Ray Goodwin
Ray Goodwin - 5 years ago
Hi, yes I do realise. And yes it is feasible. Done it myself on expedition in Nepal. it is normal practise on some rivers in Nepal and Northern India. All the gear has to be very lightweight and will fit in the back of a white water kayak along with some ahead of the footrest. It is not easy but very feasible. Hence she had no tent but small tarp and took advantage of a hut when it presented itself. No BS involved.
Eric Thompson
Eric Thompson - 5 years ago
@Ray Goodwin you do realise that is a Rapids not a pack kayak storing all those supplies is not feasible
Ray Goodwin
Ray Goodwin - 5 years ago
Like many of us that have expeditioned in a kayak. It is stored in the back of the kayak or even ahead of the footrest. Normal practise unless you have raft support. So no BS. I once did a eight day expedition on the Tamba and Sun Kosi In Nepal and the only problem was carrying enough food. We were very hungry by the end.
Its yo boy Skinny penis
Its yo boy Skinny penis - 5 years ago
Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee - 5 years ago
all sorts of stupid...
Gajendrasinh Jadeja
Gajendrasinh Jadeja - 5 years ago
Such a brave girl I had ever seen .yeah welcome to India ..Plan to next #Kali river .
willyvdb - 5 years ago
Incroyable de tomber au milieu de nulle part sur des bonzes qui parlent français ! l'hallu. En plus ça m'a permis de desserrer le cul 30 secondes car la taille des vagues, des rouleaux en travers et ces foutues marmites/contre/bordel m'ont vraiment fait flipper. T'es folle mais c'est grand.
Anaga Iyer
Anaga Iyer - 5 years ago
I think I would be scared just not seeing anyone for miles
retrodog63 - 5 years ago
It's really a shame when people develop such a low level of self esteem that they need to do something this stupid in an attempt to prove something to themselves. Well, fortunately she didn't have to cut her own arm off.
john Orlando
john Orlando - 5 years ago
i wonder why redbull doesn't have a red bull helmet on this chick.
john Orlando
john Orlando - 5 years ago
probably should have paddled a little harder at that one spot she got stuck in. Kinda could see the standing wave forming as she approached.
Sergiu Stanciu
Sergiu Stanciu - 5 years ago
This is so Cul
TigrisdeGallia - 5 years ago
Brave girl!
Scott L
Scott L - 5 years ago
You’ve inspired me
Stuart Elms
Stuart Elms - 5 years ago
great video. well done on this adventure.
Chris Maggio
Chris Maggio - 5 years ago
I was scared for her, and envious of her. Too close for comfort for me personally but damn I do admire her.
EMSVEN13 - 5 years ago
Perseverance! What an incredible athlete!
Recep Baykal
Recep Baykal - 5 years ago
Every second, as beautiful as this beautiful lady says.
Relikson - 5 years ago
Will her family sue Redbull when she dies doing these sorts of events solo?
Prateek Raisinghani
Prateek Raisinghani - 5 years ago
Too scary for my test. Good luck to you, Madame!
Daybelline Muñoz
Daybelline Muñoz - 5 years ago
Jesus Christ she is a legend.
JackAz - 5 years ago
Oh god the finger wrinkles :o
Truth Prevails
Truth Prevails - 5 years ago
Damn girl. I was holding my breathe.
ShellyBean1321 - 5 years ago
“I’m tired, I’m scared, it’s time to keep going” My motivational speaker!
t000000000MUCH - 5 years ago
So we gonna ignore the fact there’s s small village looking place in that mountain at 7:36
Karl Arsch
Karl Arsch - 5 years ago
she nearly drowned, this is no entertainment. big respect to her but shame on red bull to poat htis and drive the athlets to stuff like that
Frode Grunsvold
Frode Grunsvold - 5 years ago
Very committing...
Rodney Schiffbauer
Rodney Schiffbauer - 5 years ago
Girl Power, Nouria, nuf said! :)
Josh Lockie
Josh Lockie - 5 years ago
I’ve had a few of these moments in life. So rewarding in the end.
Nikki Diamond
Nikki Diamond - 5 years ago
Your balls are way bigger then mine will ever be.
Shubham Mittal
Shubham Mittal - 5 years ago
Well done Nouria
elfenvine - 5 years ago
Why just why solo? She is very fortunate to not have died. Not cool
rahul sikdar
rahul sikdar - 5 years ago
TheBuckStopsHere - 5 years ago
That was awesome, but ..
Please don't do that again!
kenny B R
kenny B R - 5 years ago
Very irresponsible! Solo without even knowing the river..
Julian Liebl
Julian Liebl - 5 years ago
To whom she needs to be responsible? She does not endanger others. She sets her own rules and did great. Why do you need to be negative about it?
She risked her life to accomplish an incredible goal without any help. The reward you get after completing such a thing is well worth the risk. It makes you feel alive.
samuel McDonagh
samuel McDonagh - 5 years ago
World champion...
Dion Britten
Dion Britten - 5 years ago
Amazing and impressive journey happy that you are ok keep pushing a limit stay safe and have fun
Emily McLaughlin
Emily McLaughlin - 5 years ago
Stopped watching. What a stupid thing to do going alone. The bro videos go with a team of four guys and a rescue helicopter - Congo Indus Project. Not only does she go alone but she doesn't take the time to scout. So reckless.
Tim Schäfer
Tim Schäfer - 5 years ago
Respekt, but not alone
Robin - 5 years ago
Ive always wanted to go on a kayak camping trip. Looks amazing.
Linguine Past
Linguine Past - 5 years ago
You are fierce. So brave. Amazing life!
venusway *
venusway * - 5 years ago
Green Hornet
Green Hornet - 5 years ago
well thats nuts
Lito. ral
Lito. ral - 5 years ago
это страшно даже просто смотреть
Roozbehjune - 5 years ago
There are OLD kayakers and BOLD kayakers, but no OLD BOLD kayakers.
R D - 5 years ago
Everything went well, but it is such a stupid action to do that alone.
metaspencer - 5 years ago
total badass
gkarjala - 5 years ago
Wow. Why on earth did you do that? One tough girl.
A Dee
A Dee - 5 years ago
I am still catching my breath. This was amazing footage and although I admire her tenacity and skill, I would never take on a solo challenge like this. The risk is too high. I'm glad all ended well.
Gretta Mulroy
Gretta Mulroy - 5 years ago
she drank 0 redbull on this trip
aditya thakur
aditya thakur - 5 years ago
Best comment here!
lifeofluke - 5 years ago
You know you've had a good day when you're excited to go to sleep
Eric Moisan-Bouchard
Eric Moisan-Bouchard - 5 years ago
Beautifull but very dangerous, all it takes is one keeper hydraulic… thankfully she survives
Stories of Ladakh
Stories of Ladakh - 5 years ago
It is quite thrilling for us to watch!
You are so brave girl that I haven't seen till date.
From where did you start it?
Bonjour... Hehee
Saran Rai
Saran Rai - 5 years ago
Big heart girl thumps up
Benjamin Tharp
Benjamin Tharp - 5 years ago
She's wearing her helmet when she gets out on the bridge at the end...hahaha
mario mejia
mario mejia - 5 years ago
You're very amazing young lady!!! that was a very brave thing to do in that nasty river.
Ice Evolution
Ice Evolution - 5 years ago
Ok now thats just stupid.
sund0se - 5 years ago
Love it how she puts the helmet back on when she finished her trip.
Radu Cirstoiu
Radu Cirstoiu - 5 years ago
It's a mirracle she can float with those massive balls.
Potz4pizza - 5 years ago
Red Bull seems to like promoting dumb people setting poor examples.
Laurent Schaer
Laurent Schaer - 5 years ago
never go kayaking alone... NEVER !
Joshua Munn
Joshua Munn - 5 years ago
@devops'y Doubt it was close to testing her skills? Did you miss the part where she got sieved out on a rock that she didn't even know about?
Hiho Wego
Hiho Wego - 5 years ago
It depends........just dont be stupid.
Paul Bennett
Paul Bennett - 5 years ago
@San Ansa you were probably best out of that club if they rejected you. I've not come across that before.
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay - 5 years ago
@San Ansa hahaha yeah you teach a woman something she just uses it to make anyone she meets feel worse hahaha
Tumshie Whacker
Tumshie Whacker - 5 years ago
Well said ! Am sick and tired of the health and safety / pc mob saying you cant do this or say that , we as humans thrive on risk ( well some of us do ) and am not letting those who don't ,,tell me I cant take risks just because they rate it as risky
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay - 5 years ago
@James Stewart why stop there? why not take your wife with you shitting in case you pass out?
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay - 5 years ago
@Tumshie Whacker I love you.
devops'y - 5 years ago
@Tumshie Whacker basically, why are you whitewater kayaking if you don't like risk.
Tumshie Whacker
Tumshie Whacker - 5 years ago
That what's wrong with people now days ,they have been brain washed by the NANNY STATE !!  don't do this don't do that !! OOOOHhhh!!! everything is scary!!! She weighed up the risks and went for it ,and good on her , its what makes you feel the most alive , I kayak and canoe on my own all the time ,I take risks but that's life , so if you want to kayak on your own and think you can, weigh up the risks and make your own choice dont let the NANNY STATE sanitise your life , if we all did not take risks we would all still be living in caves !
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay - 5 years ago
being stuck with a lame brain american is worse than dying. don't be so bossy
Chuck Fickens
Chuck Fickens - 5 years ago
Your advice is totally solid for 99.99% of people but she's a world class athlete in the field and took on the challenge totally knowing the risks so that's her choice and one she was well informed to make.
devops'y - 5 years ago
Such an odd rule that has become like emotional snap to any conversation now.

Many times when kayaking alone makes perfect sense and far less dangerous then driving my car to the river. Then other spots that are so popular your guaranteed at least 20+ people on shore with throw bags any day the river is high or damn release is scheduled.

Know your skill level and river, don't go alone when risk is too high. Basic common sense. If I am floating down my local quickriver with some barely class 1-2 spots, going alone after 20 years has been less then risky. (its basically like a lazy river and is about 4 feet deep)

Now never go alone on rapids like Lava Falls or Pillow in WV makes more sense; basically any rapid with a known running death toll.

People at her skill level; doubt this was even coming close to testing her skills, risk was tolerable.
San Ansa
San Ansa - 5 years ago
@BBATTLEG G this was years ago when the Internet was new, I tried for a long time to find a club and partners. It was a big waste of time and energy on my part, mostly because of where I live, there aren't as many white water rivers and kayakers. I don't even paddle on rivers anymore, as getting people to give me rides is a hassle.
I was just saying that when people give 'advice', they don't factor in that finding people isn't always easy.
BBATTLEG G - 5 years ago
@San Ansa maybe go online and ask around theres more out there like you
San Ansa
San Ansa - 5 years ago
In my case, when I was new to kayaking, I tried to join a local paddling club and the pompous group leader rejected me, because I didn't have experience. She didn't even offer me any options. I couldn't find anyone else in my area to go paddling with as well. So I kayaked solo on rivers for years. I had to have family members or friends give me a ride to the put in and I left my car at the take out. I don't recommend going solo, but I don't regret it, as I had no other choice, and I wasn't going to quit kayaking just because I couldn't find anyone else to paddle with.
Donald Waterman
Donald Waterman - 5 years ago
You can as long as you don't mind dying
Matschbirne - 5 years ago
But she can’t drown she wears a helmet
msra - 5 years ago
James Stewart
James Stewart - 5 years ago
It's a pretty general kayaking rule. So much can go wrong. Never paddle alone.
BBATTLEG G - 5 years ago
What about shallow calm 7 foot lakes pfd?
HIT RUN - 5 years ago
sid carey
sid carey - 5 years ago
this girl is hard as nails
Alan Kinsella
Alan Kinsella - 5 years ago
Now this is a woman
L Boggan
L Boggan - 5 years ago
You may be a decent boater, but your example of good boating is pitiful. How about we do it right and live to see many great days on many rivers? "Love" the magically disappearing and reappearing helmet. Senseless.
Zack MTB
Zack MTB - 5 years ago
This is one sport on my bucket list
reachus reachus
reachus reachus - 5 years ago
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Mountains and Marshes
Mountains and Marshes - 5 years ago
this chick is bad to the bone!
phil pilkington
phil pilkington - 5 years ago
Please don't kayak along so we can follow more great videos from you. Amazing trip!
Wictor Magnusson
Wictor Magnusson - 5 years ago
Thats one Tough human and India looks amazing!
Jtxu Sinkler
Jtxu Sinkler - 5 years ago
Vaya ovarios!
Una mujer de primera.
Buenas tomas en una expuesta expedición.
hill boy
hill boy - 5 years ago
This girl is an absolute Trooper!
Guybrush Threepwood
Guybrush Threepwood - 5 years ago
That's enough adventuring woman, back to the kitchen
Mirko San San
Mirko San San - 5 years ago
So what kind of support did she have, Red Bull? Just wondering.
golo5000 - 5 years ago
When you are eighty years old and look back on this trip, you will know the answer you seek.
golo5000 - 5 years ago
@g C You can have thrills and still be with Jesus. Moreover, Jesus never visited India...
g C
g C - 5 years ago
The answer is Jesus not thrills
Atasak Nantasomboon
Atasak Nantasomboon - 5 years ago
Bo Hunter
Bo Hunter - 5 years ago
Not smart. She’s going to end up headless.
Qi Qi
Qi Qi - 5 years ago
Very challenging, meaningful!
J M - 5 years ago
Александр Жуков
Александр Жуков - 5 years ago
не каждый человек, тем более в одиночку, отправится покорять такую бурную реку. Респект!
TJack Survival
TJack Survival - 5 years ago
Well that was epic
Jack Martin Berdos
Jack Martin Berdos - 5 years ago
What happened to "scouting before running a river"?
89 Alpha
89 Alpha - 5 years ago
Scouting is for wimps... is what I'll say when I'm falling down a 500ft waterfall into Valhalla! Lol
Scotch Tape
Scotch Tape - 5 years ago
“I think I’m still having fun” that’s the best thing anyone has ever said
Bajul Tamang
Bajul Tamang - 5 years ago
"That was savage, woo! Big rapid" No my lady, You are a SAVAGE! That rapid seemed like it was just a light breakfast
jhon wak
jhon wak - 5 years ago
Hero bania giya pata chala
jhon wak
jhon wak - 5 years ago
Whiteout ladaki guide very dangerous for health
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay - 5 years ago
girls are so cute. she just needed some friends
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay
israel is bad mkay tribal warfare is bad mkay - 5 years ago
daddy like.
John Mettler
John Mettler - 5 years ago
Cristina Valenta
Cristina Valenta - 5 years ago
Beautiful documentary
zero - 5 years ago
Canoagem Oceânica
Canoagem Oceânica - 5 years ago
Brave woman, but she took risks due to a certain inexperience on that rapid levels. Don't you think?
Vrindavan Chandra Das
Vrindavan Chandra Das - 5 years ago
nice one!!!!!!!!!!!
Keyos - 5 years ago
OK I'm in love!!
The Milk Run
The Milk Run - 5 years ago
How anyone could hit the dislike on this is beyond me! Such an awesome adventure!
Sebastien Auger
Sebastien Auger - 5 years ago
J'ai eu peur pour toi mais je comprend l'intérêt! Ca a l'air agréable quand même. Faut pas avoir peur de la solitude non-plus.
Uncharted - 5 years ago
Cristian Mihailescu
Cristian Mihailescu - 5 years ago
Brave women ! Uncroyable ! Paysage sauvage !
Євген - 5 years ago
Мені, б таку жінку)
KLVZ - 5 years ago
Just Wow !!! Awesome !
Marek Magyar
Marek Magyar - 5 years ago
chris davidson
chris davidson - 5 years ago
Great vid. I really enjoyed it I think you were so brave and honest. I loved the encounter with the kids. I hope there was someone to hug at the end.
stumpjumper rockhopper
stumpjumper rockhopper - 5 years ago
2:34 not the best kayaker on this planet.
stumpjumper rockhopper
stumpjumper rockhopper - 5 years ago
No excuses. That line is a big big mistake, even worst the attempt to stick to those rocks with the paddle by opening that spraydeck is something never seen before in 30 years of kayaking.
KLVZ - 5 years ago
you would have been better
David Tate
David Tate - 5 years ago
You got dry suit on very cold. River.you ok close call take a break on shore get a fire going ?
David Tate
David Tate - 5 years ago
Very skilled. At this what a ride very Beauiful.
エボシガイ - 5 years ago
JordyMpl - 5 years ago
She has bigger balls than me.
RyGuy - 5 years ago
How does she fit those massive balls into that dry suit?
decay - 5 years ago
Rayna Ramsay
Rayna Ramsay - 5 years ago
What makes this water Grey?
Alan Judge
Alan Judge - 5 years ago
Nouria is a warrior
MilesonFrames - 5 years ago
She's BADASS!!!!!!
Just a Question
Just a Question - 5 years ago
11:09 I think she was talking about me
Justin Baker
Justin Baker - 5 years ago
I don't understand why she would do this solo. A sponsored kayaker should have no problem finding other people to join them. I guess it's more badass to do it solo? A paddling partner could have helped rescue her kayak when she wet exited or thrown a rope if she got pinned on that rock.
devops'y - 5 years ago
@Jack Daniell no kidding; looked mostly like strong class III's.

Going alone is completely different experience; not for plebs or nubs. If you want to stay 100% safe; why are you kayaking whitewater in first place, stay at home.
Jack Daniell
Jack Daniell - 5 years ago
@shaftfloat didn´t see any class 5 in the video. Not even close
Anil Srinivas
Anil Srinivas - 5 years ago
Have you heard of what a vision quest is? I feel like this is her adrenaline packed version of vision quest. Even in the small excerpts we see of the 7 days, she has uncovered a part of who she truly is. To the modern people I understand it makes no sense, because we are all so mechanical in our lives. If you every go by yourself and be alone with your thoughts for an extended period of time, you will definitely understand what I am talking about.
msra - 5 years ago
@shaftfloat So is free soloing a mountain. They understand the risk they take and they don't do it for any other reason than to prove to themselves they can do it.
shaftfloat - 5 years ago
it was irresponsible to do this solo. You should never paddle alone, especially in uncharted class 5 remote rivers that is a plain deathwish. This was a foolish trip.
Mike G
Mike G - 5 years ago
very admirable
Michael Schaller
Michael Schaller - 5 years ago
Who are the 47 that gave it thumbs down ? Why ?
Eric Thompson
Eric Thompson - 5 years ago
shaftfloat - 5 years ago
might have to do with the fact that paddling alone is a huge taboo among whitewater kayakers and doing so it considered very foolish. Added to that it was class 5, unscouted, and remote and it really should be all thumbs down as this sort of reckless behavior should not be applauded.
Gavin Rieser
Gavin Rieser - 5 years ago
Nouria, you friggin rock! Don't let the haters get to you. Keep doing what you do (but also remember to be safe haha)! That was quite a bold trip in deed. And here I thought soloing Upper Cherry and Bald Rock (my first time down each) was intense! Well done!!!
Curtis May
Curtis May - 5 years ago
Did you get pulled under that sieve at 3:15 or just around? Jesus! You were stupid lucky to get your paddle back.
Keith - 6 years ago
Crazy Good... I love the fact that the guys that criticize her judgement and decisions, have absolutely no experience in whitewater kayaking or any other challenging sport, and have really no real clue about anything...
White Water Wannabes
White Water Wannabes - 6 years ago
Rule one never gone down a river on your own and always scout could of been a dead body floating down river.
Horatio Mud-Gudgeon
Horatio Mud-Gudgeon - 6 years ago
Nouria has shown remarkable kayaking skills and resilience under isolated solitary and very difficult conditions, but what was her strategy if things went more pear shaped, would it involve risking the lives of others? However we will never put a older head on younger shoulders. The normal advice in these types of situations by people that have done it more and by people that have been called in to help when things go wrong, is to scout big rapids first and to not do it alone. Part of the reason for this is to minimise the risks to those that volunteer to help do a rescue or body retrieval but did not volunteer to the initial adventure, It is not all about you but others too. ,
Kayasper - 6 years ago
You're amazing, Nouria! Really impressed by your adventure. I also LOVE to travel by kayak, but what you're doing in this video is another level.
Anandan Ravisankar
Anandan Ravisankar - 6 years ago
you are,AWESOME!!!
shay muir
shay muir - 6 years ago
Wow, I'm impressed you kept up with the boat, and got your paddle back?! You are lucky. Still super impressed, that was impressive.
Louis DiNatale
Louis DiNatale - 6 years ago
11:10 "Im a little bit stressed out but i think im still having fun." This could be my motto.
Arun Joy
Arun Joy - 5 years ago
Gotta get that on t shirt
william shafer
william shafer - 6 years ago
that f'n scary, no support for difficulties, real spectacular journey tho; on ya sis
DOINGWHATIDO f - 6 years ago
Very cool video but I dont think you had a right to be crying if you knew what the consequences where.
Maulana Asrofu
Maulana Asrofu - 6 years ago
Johan Van DijkH
Johan Van DijkH - 6 years ago
Wowww. Glad you made it. Not for the faint hearted.
Tyler Broome
Tyler Broome - 6 years ago
No helmet???
Pernet Mathieu
Pernet Mathieu - 6 years ago
Salut je sui un kayakiste français sa serai cool que tu puisse venir à des événements comme le big fun chalaux ou le raly de la cure
Salut t tros cool
Swpa 87
Swpa 87 - 6 years ago
Wow that looked terrifying
Smith Chris
Smith Chris - 6 years ago
Im glad you are ok. I commend for your bravery. I have swam by myself on rivers i know well, and that is pretty scary.
Kayaker너구리 Korea East Sea Kayak
Kayaker너구리 Korea East Sea Kayak - 6 years ago
nice video!
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 6 years ago
India Deliverance
Michalachalor pourrou
Michalachalor pourrou - 6 years ago
ptdrrr pretty cool mise en scene but we know ça c'est pas passé comme ça en vrai
Michalachalor pourrou
Michalachalor pourrou - 6 years ago
@Walti Bee have you seen ses émotion, I know she is a good actice mais là quand même
Walti Bee
Walti Bee - 6 years ago
Michalachalor pourrou bah a part la pagaie qui revient tte seule je pense pas que ce soit scénarisé.
Après il ya une équipe derrière cest sur elle est pas conne non plus
Midnight City
Midnight City - 6 years ago
This should have 10times the amount of views that it has
ellie,muffasa and others
ellie,muffasa and others - 6 years ago
Why so less views
Ashley Robjohns
Ashley Robjohns - 6 years ago
Epic respect to Nouria for accomplishing this. I've seen those rivers and they're certainly unforgiving.
Dáire Kelly
Dáire Kelly - 6 years ago
This is no small feat, as in my opinion, solo kayaking is a far riskier prospect than free solo climbing. At least when Honnold is free soloing, he's generally on popular routes that he can bail from with relative ease by tying into a passing party at a ledge or something.

Solo paddling doesn't have that option. It's you and the river till an access point opens up. There's so many more variables at work; the river level being the most obvious, like how it changed overnight in this trip. Nouria ran this river essentially blind, and nearly with her life for an error of judgement.
Props to her for succeeding, but in my ten years of paddling, I've always looked at solo whitewater kayakers with a mixture of awe and bewilderment. It was hammered into me from the beginning to never paddle alone, precisely because of the High risk, high consequence nature of the sport. It's far beyond what I'd ever be comfortable doing, but credit where credit is due, this was amazing.
shaftfloat - 5 years ago
I think climbing with no rope is more dangerous because one false MOVE and you are dead whereas one missed paddle stroke could mean a flip but does not mean death 999/1000. Whitewater is WAY more forgiving than climbing with no rope in my opinion.
Kinga Masztalerz
Kinga Masztalerz - 6 years ago
I'm excited to see a girl going for a solo adventure in the wilderness. I do the same in paragliding so I really root for others puhing it.
However, I need to ask... what was the story with the swim? She put the paddle on the rock, attached herself to the boat (!), pulled off the cockpit and then we see her swimming way behind the kayak, not attached, then reuniting with it and recovering the paddle magically appearing right there... What happened there? I it a little edit dramatizing? :-)
I believe it was a great adventure but I'm in doubts if it was really as dramatic as shown in this movie.
All the best anyways, always nice to see girls pushing their limits!
putdownyourphone - 5 years ago
No place in this video does it show her attaching herself to her boat, clipping in a sling to have something to hold onto is a long way from attaching herself to her boat. You can clearly see the other end is not attached to anything but the boat.
shaftfloat - 5 years ago
does seem SUPER sketchy now that you mention it. Probably was paddling with a group and this was a film they all made ROFL
Daniele Molmenti
Daniele Molmenti - 6 years ago
When the paddle arrives, here life goes ahead! Damn lucky! Nuria, you got balls!
Tom.Castello - 6 years ago
I don't think she tried to dramatize anything. Nouria Newman is recognized as one of the best kayaker in the world (not female or male just kayaker). She tried to keep the boat with her, but she wasn't attached to the boat. Her plane failed when the water submerged her and she was very lucky.....She could have easily drawn. Her tears (I assume she cried a lot) testify the dangerous situation she was able to overcome. She was shivering for the cold and for the fear I guess. In any case I think she took too many risks in this expedition. I am glad she's fine.
Nikoolaid - 6 years ago
lots of amateur decisions for a "pro kayaker"
Ben Lzicar
Ben Lzicar - 5 years ago
Lot's of "pro kayakers" would never have included those clips in a their video. Not sure if you've ever been on a river that gnarly, but she handled it amazing well, you have to at to the top of your game to accomplish a trip like that, especially solo.
Paul Whitelock
Paul Whitelock - 6 years ago
I think she is crazy to solo whitewater on an unfamiliar river, however that is her choice. Looks awesome and great to see somewhere different like India.
Jack Stewart
Jack Stewart - 6 years ago
5:00 " I'm cold, I'm scared, it's time to keep going" - heart of a lion.
danahun - 6 years ago
You rock!
Also, I always feel like having gloves on makes me safer, because when I hit my hand I won't automatically let go and are less likely to get injured. Any reason why pros don't do it?
Travel to Paddle
Travel to Paddle - 5 years ago
@shaftfloat are you suggesting I made up my reasons? I don't know a single kayaker that uses gloves and not a single kayaker that doesn't because they want to look cool. the kayakers I have met are all more sensible about kit than that. Every kayaker I've met (and heard the opinion of) on anything above grade 3 (where connection becomes more important) has said they like to feel the connection between the hands and paddle. you get great grip, and feel every twitch of the blade in your hand. sorry but the suggestion that people want to look cool despite freezing hands is rediculous
shaftfloat - 5 years ago
@Travel to Paddle I always paddle with gloves and suspect people just want to look cool so they won't wear them. I'd rather have warm hands, additional grip from the gloves as they are rubber and grippy, and added protection from abrasion etc. Also protects from crushing injuries.
Travel to Paddle
Travel to Paddle - 6 years ago
Less connection to the paddle. Weaker grip and less control over the blade. I hate using gloves when I paddle, really feels disconnected
Zack Alberts
Zack Alberts - 6 years ago
She is such a badass goddamn
baklfilm - 6 years ago
Great movie. Thank you! Nouria well done! What camera did Nouria use? And what microphone was used?
Travel to Paddle
Travel to Paddle - 6 years ago
Looks like all gopro to me
Akshay vaidya
Akshay vaidya - 6 years ago
well, this was bloody amazing!
dschmidt24 - 6 years ago
that was badass, what a trip and to do it solo! fav part: "I can't wait for bedtime"
BlowinSh!tUp - 6 years ago
She seemed tired allot, maybe she should drink a Red Bull....
Vegeek 1
Vegeek 1 - 6 years ago
She diabetic from drinking red bull
Simon Cale
Simon Cale - 6 years ago
Well done, that takes some focus and determination, scary ride!
Jim Demetriou
Jim Demetriou - 6 years ago
This is really really stupid and irresponsible. Breaking the Number 1 rule in kayaking for literally no reason other then to seem badass how badass would it have been if she actually drowned. Great way to support this sport NOT. Stupid
Travel to Paddle
Travel to Paddle - 6 years ago
Literally no reason? You think she did this to make people like her? She did it to push herself as far as she could. To take the most out of it. To experience something very few people will ever experience and I am sure for many reasons we can't understand. What's stupid is criticizing someone for using their intelligence, skill and experience to make a decision on their own life
Josh James Adventure VLOGS New Zealand
Josh James Adventure VLOGS New Zealand - 6 years ago
thats some pushy water in spots, looks bloody freezing. Awesome experience for the monks, Cheer
Josh James Adventure VLOGS New Zealand
Josh James Adventure VLOGS New Zealand - 6 years ago
Chris Hammer
Chris Hammer - 6 years ago
This is just kinda dumb.... it's not really like free solo climbing where if ya make a mistake it could spell instant death... solo kayaking on unescouted rivers is dumb and shouldn't be applauded.
Travel to Paddle
Travel to Paddle - 6 years ago
@Chris Hammer I think you've missed the point. Yes, there are other ways to test yourself. Memorizing a thousand digits of Pi! Walking across Africa! She chose THIS challenge, and to say that it's dumb is to discredit her skill and knowledge and judgment. I enjoy soloing rivers and rapids too, I understand the added element it gives and that cannot be replaced by freestyle or running the biggest waterfall. They are all separate challenges, let's just let this way better kayaker chose which ones she wants to go for
Chris Hammer
Chris Hammer - 6 years ago
@Travel to Paddle I'm not trying to take away from her skill or her intelligence but just the choice. simply paddling with another person is a huge safety plus and it's not like the other person is helping you get through the river. It's still a solo journey even with a team. In all sports people preach safety and with the evolution of kayak tricks and running waterfalls theres plenty in the sport to texst your skill... like play boating down this section with another person would be just as nerve racking and probably more enjoyable than running solo in a creeker.
Travel to Paddle
Travel to Paddle - 6 years ago
Whats "dumb" is critising someone for using their skill, intelligence and experience to make a decision on their own life choices
Josi Okoniewski
Josi Okoniewski - 6 years ago
She is an amazing highly skilled paddler. Her mental strength is powerful and is why she can accomplish such a challenging solo run. A women who can stand on her own without any support from a man. I look up to her and her beautiful spirit.
YALEX - 6 years ago
What do you mean 'can stand on her own without any support from a man'? Hahaha for real
L Faletto
L Faletto - 6 years ago
I love how the thumbnail is all beautiful blue water. and then the video is nothing but mudwater.
Sourav Kundu
Sourav Kundu - 6 years ago
Amazing.keep going
Richard Dabal
Richard Dabal - 6 years ago
This girl wants to win the Darwin award
Jose Ignacio Osorio Ponce
Jose Ignacio Osorio Ponce - 6 years ago
Joe Ryan
Joe Ryan - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing Nouria.
Marc M
Marc M - 6 years ago
Derek Kemp
Derek Kemp - 6 years ago
as cool as it is, i think its stupid to do that alone...its so easy to get caught up and capsize, smash yourself up. and then.....bye bye.
David Maribo
David Maribo - 6 years ago
I am glad you are still with us, Nouria.
Mark Vorel
Mark Vorel - 6 years ago
Thanks for posting - while dangerous, the solo aspect added a level of tension I appreciated.
CCTV Cayak Crime TV
CCTV Cayak Crime TV - 6 years ago
To get that paddle back - plain amazing. Crazy strong on adrenaline to pull that full kayak into an eddy.
Jack Brag
Jack Brag - 6 years ago
absolute badass
Martin Roland
Martin Roland - 6 years ago
Fantastic video. Very impressive solo adventure. I just kept thinking..."that's the kind of woman I should marry" Glad you survived the Pin/Sieve incident. Scary!!!
ParpsOHara - 6 years ago
Everything about that expedition scared the crap out me!
themountaintom - 6 years ago
That was intense ! you are one very brave girl ! Stay safe
ripstik_tvp - 6 years ago
Amazing girl and river
martin sinclair
martin sinclair - 6 years ago
How are you able to use that dirty water? What have you got t clean it?
Steven Quayle
Steven Quayle - 6 years ago
Whys the water so grey
MoabDaveRules - 6 years ago
All the rock powder from the glacier outwash.
robk - 6 years ago
Narly situation! She hooked herself onto her boat, pulled her sprayskirt and submerged. How did she unhook herself? Lucky to be alive, lucky you weren't still attached onto your boat, lucky the rapid ended soon after, lucky you still had al your gear and your paddle came even towards you. A lot of luck!

I got the feeling that, before she ended up in this situation, she felt a bit invincible. After, reality hit hard and gave back the feeling of being humble. Good lesson, stay humble, thats the right attitude to be on a river like this.

Glad you survived! I wouldn't dare.
Lewis Maker
Lewis Maker - 5 years ago
@Matthew Mounsey,, Yep, except one thing that she taught me is to never ever have an unleashed paddle.
Alex Bunn
Alex Bunn - 5 years ago
Also luck that the paddle floated towards her. Yes I agree that was lucky but if not I’m sure she would carry at least 1 set of splits with her planning for any paddle based mishaps.
robk - 5 years ago
@abe mathiau Yeah, she ended up in that situation for fun i understand now. Thanks for your enlightening comment namaste
robk - 5 years ago
@putdownyourphoneI didn't see it so help me out here. And what is the purpose of the loose end you referring to?
AllBecomesGood - 5 years ago
​@putdownyourphone So enlighten us why one would do it solo? I think it was careless, circumstances in rivers can change quickly and unexpected things do happen. You only have to get unlucky once to drown.
putdownyourphone - 5 years ago
There was nothing in this video that showed her attaching herself to her boat, having a sling and a caribiner handy to try and keep your boat close while you get out and something to help her actually get out is a long way from hooking herself to a boat. You can quite clearly see the other end is loose and not attached to her in any way.
Anyone who questions someone else's decision to do something solo obviously does not do anything solo.....
Props Nouria.
Linguine Past
Linguine Past - 5 years ago
She is taking some huge risks. I’m nervous watching
Matthew Mounsey
Matthew Mounsey - 5 years ago
The definition of luck: When preparation meets opportunity....
Gavin Rieser
Gavin Rieser - 5 years ago
@Ricky Horwath still lucky she didn't get stuffed in that sieve.
Ricky Horwath
Ricky Horwath - 6 years ago
That cowtail was attached to a quick release on her vest. Well trained, not lucky.
Christopher Okhravi
Christopher Okhravi - 6 years ago
Thanks for the details! Very interesting!
Tukang Ojek
Tukang Ojek - 6 years ago
Very cool girl... Best winner
Thierry Thierry
Thierry Thierry - 6 years ago
Good job and great courage, she made herself memories for a lifetime
SR 123
SR 123 - 6 years ago
That was intense
Micke Svensson
Micke Svensson - 6 years ago
#hero!!! Well done and happy the swim was just a swim. Big up!
I Robb
I Robb - 6 years ago
Was that blood on the rocks when she almost drowned
Collin Smith
Collin Smith - 6 years ago
Damn! How lucky was that?
Dover Gaming
Dover Gaming - 6 years ago
C trop cool quel soit française
REDES GYMA - 6 years ago
AWESOME, but it is not pretty there...
Ron Active
Ron Active - 6 years ago
Geniale Bilder !!!
Oleg Sizon, SpinTestBlog
Oleg Sizon, SpinTestBlog - 6 years ago
great trip ) respect to Noria. I recommend having a spare paddle in solo... ))
james mckelvey
james mckelvey - 6 years ago
Youre an absolute boss!
Mountain Maniac
Mountain Maniac - 6 years ago
Thank you for showing the correct map of India , you are better than all the other foreign companies which make content in India.
baikalrafting - 6 years ago
Дура дурой.. Complete fool
Murray Wais
Murray Wais - 6 years ago
So rad and fun to watch. What a brave person
Lord of Nothing
Lord of Nothing - 6 years ago
Holy F!!!!
so glad your alive Nouria ♥
Pedro Sanchez
Pedro Sanchez - 6 years ago
Wow, amazing. She’s incredibly brave
Nactive - 6 years ago
I will keep this adventure for my next life.
Franz Kolhas
Franz Kolhas - 6 years ago
Eux you Aloen ?
Rasaal ForTheWin
Rasaal ForTheWin - 6 years ago
Bird box 2.0
T- Bounce
T- Bounce - 6 years ago
Kayaks half of a dead dangerous river without helmet - stands on bridge needs apperently a helmet... :D :D Fearless girl!! Chapeau!
Pavel Semyonov
Pavel Semyonov - 6 years ago
You might notice she holded her helmet with camera mounted on.
Ade C
Ade C - 6 years ago
Edwin Parson
Edwin Parson - 6 years ago
...thank You!
Walkin'Cat - 6 years ago
Please suggest the name of the intro music.
hanselxy - 6 years ago
Darude Sandstorm
MakoXL - 6 years ago
Incroyable! Merci!
Thrill Seeker
Thrill Seeker - 6 years ago
Brave girl
Joshua Erasmus
Joshua Erasmus - 6 years ago
lol ez
rahul kumar
rahul kumar - 6 years ago
Strong Lady
Dave Gardner
Dave Gardner - 6 years ago
Oh man, that pin and swim through the sieve was terrifying! Glad she made it out!
PAPAYAMAN - 6 years ago
Awsome!!! I envy you...What a beautiful - soul fulfilling adventure...Yeww!!
Jacques Tejeda
Jacques Tejeda - 6 years ago
Fantastic Nouria! Une pagayeuse extraordinaire avec des couilles ENORMES!!!
David Pettigrew
David Pettigrew - 6 years ago
Monika D I think that was only when she needed to talk to the camera.
Artem - 6 years ago
Very cool! Crazy girl ;-)
Mouktik Saha
Mouktik Saha - 6 years ago
Marleen Bruwer
Marleen Bruwer - 6 years ago
You are such a badass womaaaan! Love it.
Altair - 6 years ago
OMG it's scary .You almost gave me heart attack . Glad you are safe and sound. Great scenery and enjoyed watching this video i was at the edge of my seat. you are super badass girl.
GO_OUUT / natuRALLY - 6 years ago
superbe !! Great woman in world of kayak. her adventure is so tough so outstanding j'adore !!!!
Akash Thakur
Akash Thakur - 6 years ago
kunal ambavale
kunal ambavale - 6 years ago
"I'm cold, I'm scared and its time to keep going", wow. Just wow! Wish i was half as fierce as you are.
Mauricio - 6 years ago
The water is not brown ... This ain't India
Bhavik Akshaj
Bhavik Akshaj - 6 years ago
I am from india and this is awesome. Even rushikesh river is very dangerous and adventurous for kayaking.
Ripple Gaming
Ripple Gaming - 6 years ago
Ok that was crazy. She legit got pinned. How does this only have 88 comments and 11k veiws. This deserve way more. Best YouTube video on a while :)
Atali Ganga
Atali Ganga - 6 years ago
Youre great, but pls take some one along who can rescue you on a swim over a rapid, that you could scout.
test channel 01
test channel 01 - 6 years ago
but why tho?
Mellow Waves
Mellow Waves - 6 years ago
pinned, all alone, in the middle of no where. Tight situation I would say.
Shyam Singh
Shyam Singh - 6 years ago
Just amazing!!! Salute!
Kenneth Reeves
Kenneth Reeves - 6 years ago
SLAYDY OF THE YEAR!!!! You are a beautiful beast on the river.
outdoor adventure 80
outdoor adventure 80 - 6 years ago
RavenCrow - 6 years ago
Be safe, those areas are prone to land slides.
Alexander Rowdabaugh
Alexander Rowdabaugh - 6 years ago
Gata stay clear of them rocks. I been kayaking/canoeing locally in northern Indiana all my life. It's not as intense as this you get stuck In some brush pile under and it's over for Shure.
DieNetaDie - 6 years ago
she did this alone without any support?
Fred Flinstone
Fred Flinstone - 6 years ago
It appears so. Smart thrill seekers minimize risk, and smart kayakers don’t paddle alone in these conditions, period.
Add me on pubg ash294
Add me on pubg ash294 - 6 years ago
Have to say it's kinda terrifying
Red Bull
Red Bull - 6 years ago
A thrill ride for sure!
very ugly water and scenery was blah
Dhruv Subramanain
Dhruv Subramanain - 6 years ago
Indian river are no joke. Many people lose their lives in along these places
Billion Followers
Billion Followers - 5 years ago
Most of the Indian Rivers are dangerous.. and their flow is killer
Esibnitsud - 6 years ago
what a beautiful and inspiring human
RickyMillar - 6 years ago
That syphon was pretty terrifying! props for getting back in and finishing it, big water must be kinda relentless when you're so tired.
Edwardlewis18 - 6 years ago
Wow, that was an epic film! I loved every second of it!
Rodrigo Pagés
Rodrigo Pagés - 6 years ago
is she stupid or what lol who kayaks alone on rivers like that??? lol
putdownyourphone - 5 years ago
Anyone who questions someone else's decision to do something solo obviously does not do anything solo.....
Props Nouria.
Moriarty Vivaldi
Moriarty Vivaldi - 5 years ago
@shaftfloat As long as it's a decision they've made themselves i don't see how anyone has the right to tell them what kind of risk to put themselves in.

You feel?

I'm not defending her , i'm defending her right to put herself in a dangerous situation as a challenge.
shaftfloat - 5 years ago
@Moriarty Vivaldi why are you defending her? You would be just as challenged paddling with a group but would have the added safety factor of people to rescue you if something goes wrong. You should NEVER paddle alone is the rule among kayakers so it's weird she is promoting the opposite message here. It could inspire people to make bad decisions.
Travel to Paddle
Travel to Paddle - 6 years ago
Rodrigo spoken like a true keyboard warrior!
MoabDaveRules - 6 years ago
Who kayaks alone on Rivers like that? Nouria!
Moriarty Vivaldi
Moriarty Vivaldi - 6 years ago
Rodrigo Pagés It’s a challenge dumbass, it’s a way of challenging yourself.
david baca
david baca - 6 years ago
charging!!! way to get it!!!
Siddhant Tripathi
Siddhant Tripathi - 6 years ago
One has to be mad in so many ways to be doing this;(in a good sense in my opinion)
I thought one might get deported doing this without permissions, then I realized that's a petty problem when one might die doing it.
Christopher Doubt
Christopher Doubt - 6 years ago
Nouria!!! You're crazy but so awesome. Glad to see you made it out of that nasty pin AND found your paddle fast!!!
Much love from an Ottawa paddler!! See you on the river this summer maybe!!?? Stay safe!!!
IOXAN PHENOMENON - 6 years ago
Ridiculously Hot
IOXAN PHENOMENON - 6 years ago
Scared the hell out of me!
Nathan Beardon
Nathan Beardon - 6 years ago
She kinda sucks at kayaking
Christopher Doubt
Christopher Doubt - 6 years ago
Just kidding??
Khu NoPie
Khu NoPie - 6 years ago
She is way tougher than Philly Da Franko
Christopher Doubt
Christopher Doubt - 6 years ago
I wanna teach Philly D to kayak
raindogred - 6 years ago
I didn't scout, I didn't see..think right now I'm lucky to be alive...you said it lady..nuts!!!!
ROP Aventura
ROP Aventura - 6 years ago
Showww de aventura!!! Mas como conseguia levar o material no caiaque para acampar e alimentação?
rocketsauce08 - 6 years ago
Wth did i watch, she is incredibe!
jwin200sx - 6 years ago
Congrats on your solo mission! O have been in that similar situation of flipping.. I felt every moment of that even the cold water. Ready for another one?
josiah ketterman
josiah ketterman - 6 years ago
Awesome. Takes a lot of guts, determination, and a little bit of luck. Tough lady.
Simialogue - 6 years ago
silly comment, but: gawd I love it when les françaises dit 'phoque'. Pour le reste - Énorme!
Mr Rob
Mr Rob - 6 years ago
Only an Idiot goes Alone
Well I could of enjoyed this run.....
putdownyourphone - 5 years ago
Anyone who questions someone else's decision to do something solo obviously does not do anything solo.....
Props Nouria.
Edwin Dover
Edwin Dover - 6 years ago
@5:00 I lost it. So glad you made it. Huge props!
Red Bull
Red Bull - 6 years ago
We feel you!
GT44 - 6 years ago
Putain elle est courageuse (ou tarée), en tt cas respect. Elle représente bien la France
Hunter Geren
Hunter Geren - 6 years ago
Amazing to watch, but for a pro kayaker I would presume you would know to eddy out before a bigger rapid like that and examine a better line. Props to her though I wouldn’t do it!
Rj Bertram
Rj Bertram - 6 years ago
What an absolute legend she is. Glad she made it out alright. She's a pro and she may have made some mistakes, but we weren't on that river with her so it's impossible to make a call on what she saw or did not see when she scouted. Glad she made it. Pretty awesome!
Red Bull
Red Bull - 6 years ago
You said it!
Agam Chhabra
Agam Chhabra - 6 years ago
Les gens parlent en française partout!
Mihai Topan
Mihai Topan - 6 years ago
Matt Mahoney
Matt Mahoney - 6 years ago
What a badass
badzo54321 - 6 years ago
some live for this no mather the risks
sachin kumar Verma
sachin kumar Verma - 6 years ago
Well you are a brave and optimistic girl... one should learn from you on how to overcome fear and always proceed with determination... Hats off to you
Kaz - 6 years ago
Holy hell! Even driving up there looks scary and then going on a river you dont know about. What do they do if theirs a huge waterfall?
Kaz - 6 years ago
@talentedbus5 1 thanks i thought it was blind the whole way.
talentedbus5 1
talentedbus5 1 - 6 years ago
When you do this it's usually charted and they give you a basic map
Andie deRoux
Andie deRoux - 6 years ago
Nouria, you are incredible and so brave. Congratulations! -Andie
jim bergeron
jim bergeron - 6 years ago
j'ai rarement eu peur comme en regardant se video content que Nournia ait survecue
Sam Galvin
Sam Galvin - 6 years ago
That crystal water omg
Nayan aka Sweepy
Nayan aka Sweepy - 5 years ago
And leave the arguement XD its absurd to debate about water hygiene on comment section xD
Nayan aka Sweepy
Nayan aka Sweepy - 5 years ago
@CCTV Cayak Crime TV you cant judge like that brother... i ve met people from foreign land who have much more knowledge than me which water is drinkable which is not
CCTV Cayak Crime TV
CCTV Cayak Crime TV - 5 years ago
@Nayan aka Sweepy sorry this slippes through. Maybe indeed I do. Many westeners aren't aware of this. For them all water that's not from a tab or bottle is "dirty". Kind of bacteriaphobia
Nayan aka Sweepy
Nayan aka Sweepy - 5 years ago
@CCTV Cayak Crime TV do you read comments before answering?
Nayan aka Sweepy
Nayan aka Sweepy - 5 years ago
@CCTV Cayak Crime TV why telling me i am from mountains... i am from arunachal pradesh xD
CCTV Cayak Crime TV
CCTV Cayak Crime TV - 6 years ago
@Nayan aka Sweepy easy enough, no herding of animals upriver means it's clean. If there is mining or anything, there is herding too.
Simon T
Simon T - 6 years ago
@hanselxy... After she filtered and boiled all the Aids out of it!
Nayan aka Sweepy
Nayan aka Sweepy - 6 years ago
@ani ramani where are you from buddy .. u say m indian yet you dont know which water is clean which is not xD
hanselxy - 6 years ago
@ani ramani its clean up in the mountains...she even made tea with that water..
ani ramani
ani ramani - 6 years ago
@hanselxy I'm indian and I can assure you that not..
hanselxy - 6 years ago
@ani ramani its incredibly clean
ani ramani
ani ramani - 6 years ago
That's not clean water tbh
Ruben - 6 years ago
Oh wow
Sam Galvin
Sam Galvin - 6 years ago
That crystal water omg :O
Byron Anderson
Byron Anderson - 6 years ago
Awesome! Congratulations on an epic adventure!
Maycon Barreto
Maycon Barreto - 6 years ago
Vou descer um rio com você, você vai entender !
Jonas Hartmann
Jonas Hartmann - 6 years ago
holy shit!
Jake Thomas
Jake Thomas - 6 years ago
If someone get hurt with no one around you’re totally screwed
Hamish Duncan
Hamish Duncan - 6 years ago
No way you really think that?
tino_0351 - 6 years ago
Wtf she nearly drowned man this is insane. Props to her, I could never do this
powskier - 5 years ago
you don't have the skills anyway.
mohit chavan
mohit chavan - 6 years ago
Brave girl
1963 Nova SS
1963 Nova SS - 6 years ago
Am I the only one who likes her voice?
Bil Cozbi
Bil Cozbi - 6 years ago
her voice made it a tough watch for me
Christopher Doubt
Christopher Doubt - 6 years ago
She's really such a beautiful person all round. All kayakers who know her love her. I've met her on the river twice and she absolutely radiates positive energy.
focus oO
focus oO - 6 years ago
She is fearless! Its inspiring!
Simon T
Simon T - 6 years ago
Seems pretty foolish going down a river you don't know, on your own... Wasn't really surprised when she nearly drown tbh. Otherwise was pretty cool I guess.
Clifton Fameree
Clifton Fameree - 5 years ago
@devops'y True
devops'y - 5 years ago
@Clifton Fameree As planned as the trip was; doubt it wasn't scouted in some form. Not every kayak'er needs to walk the river; pends the skill level.
Axel Hovorka -
Axel Hovorka - - 6 years ago
As a class 5 paddler, I can tell you that it is not foolish. Most rivers like this are done by people who don’t know them. Nourishments used safe boating skills and entirely knew the risk and was willing to accept it.
Simon T
Simon T - 6 years ago
Sorry for being so harsh anyway, massive respect to Nouria, easy for me to criticise but no way I'd have the guts to do something like this.
Clifton Fameree
Clifton Fameree - 6 years ago
Gotta scout.
Soundtracked - 6 years ago
The point of the challenge was exactly that it is a river with remote areas, and she was solo. Also, when water levels are changing that quick, any scouting in terms of rock placements you've done doesn't really matter because it's a different river.
Katana - 6 years ago
@Simon T I mean where would you have someone nearby? like there are no roads and if someone was with her on the ride it wouldn't be a solo mission
serenke - 6 years ago
@Sam Galvin how did it break you, may i ask?
Sam Galvin
Sam Galvin - 6 years ago
its that attitude which makes her the best in the world. Look at all extreme sports, the best in the world take their lives in their hands every day. it makes you or breaks you. broke me.
teredix - 6 years ago
Emil - 6 years ago
Wow, you are really brave! Maybe a little bit too brave... You said despite the struggle, it was worth it, but why? I almost lost my life in the wildernes hiking in Tanzania when I was 17. And I didn't know what I got myself into, the reason it got dangerous was to a large part my guide's fault (he forgot the headlamps, which were absolutely crucial). I'm just saying it's never worth to risk your life just for a few days of adventure. I respect your bravery and kayaking skills, but doing something like this is very reckless and irresponsible in ny opinion. Be careful guys! You can die faster than you think, I was REALLY close to death before I could understand it.
Akshay Kallesh
Akshay Kallesh - 6 years ago
Damn that was scary
Vegan Vendetta
Vegan Vendetta - 6 years ago
I love her pursuit of adventure.
teredix - 6 years ago
Fateh Sandhu
Fateh Sandhu - 6 years ago
This lady has some balls!! #RedBull
Ricardo Milos
Ricardo Milos - 6 years ago
I sure hope she doesn't
K S - 6 years ago
smrdol lodmrs
smrdol lodmrs - 6 years ago
DRIFTINNN9 - 6 years ago
So insane, I have no clue how they do it

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