Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak

Sun Dolphin Journey 10 SS. 10 foot 44 lbs. I'm 6 foot 1 and it's pretty comfortable. Besides not having a seat cushion. The center holding area is NOT waterproof. Thanks Deb Brown for the heads up.

Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 282

Kayak 10 years ago 571,718 views

Sun Dolphin Journey 10 SS. 10 foot 44 lbs. I'm 6 foot 1 and it's pretty comfortable. Besides not having a seat cushion. The center holding area is NOT waterproof. Thanks Deb Brown for the heads up.

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Most popular comments
for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak

nick Kuhl
nick Kuhl - 7 years ago
That is not dry store
Domo Pang
Domo Pang - 7 years ago
Think the tamarack lifetime kayak is better at the same price.
AlecChrz - 7 years ago
As the owner of one of these kayaks I can say that this kayak is not as good as people say they are. The kayak is light and is small , but be prepared to not be able to control this kayak at all. If you weigh anything over 150lbs be prepared to get wet (I would say to get supper plugs but, the scupper holes weren't drilled out all the way so when water does come through the holes it gets squirted onto your ass) also the "DRY STORAGE" isn't very dry when the paddle drippings fall into the kayak. I'd say don't waste your money and purchase an ASCEND 10T it will be worth the extra $249
Rodney Burke
Rodney Burke - 7 years ago
It's a piece of crap.
The FPV Life
The FPV Life - 7 years ago
Man thus yak is straight up JUNK unless you wanna spend 25% of your effort keeping her straight.
Mike West
Mike West - 7 years ago
Lol, thats what i paid for my vapor angler.
jun rolndo
jun rolndo - 7 years ago
what did you use to plug your scupper holes?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 7 years ago
jun rolndo I used foam ear plugs. They work great.
Jeremy R Woolson
Jeremy R Woolson - 7 years ago
Sundolphin, Potomac and Pelican brand kayaks are all inherently unsafe for use under any but the calmest conditions. It's exciting to get your first kayak, but be mindful of the significant safety limitations of these craft. They are not designed to handle stream current with any speed nor waves of any size. Always wear a life jacket while on the water.
Eagle View HD
Eagle View HD - 7 years ago
Great first kayak. I have one. One thing I highly recommend is adding a fixed rudder. Bought one of these on eBay for $22.
Can be made retractable. Makes paddling this kayak 100 percent better.
FoxCraze - 7 years ago
Eagle View HD I

10. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak

Kyler - 7 years ago
Clean your carpet.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 7 years ago
Kyler I'm not gonna. It's not my house.
Eagle View HD
Eagle View HD - 7 years ago
I have one of these. I installed a fixed rudder on the back of it and now paddling it is so much better. It tracks really straight. Long journeys across the lake even in waves and wind are so much easier now. Don't have to spend half my time trying to steer, just need to make minor adjustments while paddling to stay on course.
Jordon Leal
Jordon Leal - 7 years ago
that thing in the water is a piece of shit
MrCctvtech - 7 years ago
My wife and I have these kayaks. My kids have the smaller kayaks also from Walmart. They are good beginner kayaks and a good way to get out on the water without a crazy initial investment. I am 6'1" about 240 lbs and the kayak is a little small and doesn't tack well, but again I'm able to get.on the water and have a lot of fun.
Sooner Sasquatch
Sooner Sasquatch - 7 years ago
DO NOT put your phone in the center "sealed" compartment with screw on lid. I have this kayak and it leaks badly in that compartment. Other than that, this is a really nice kayak I have 2 of them. I would recommend it for sure. Screw paying 1000$ for a kayak, that's retarded.
kylan smith
kylan smith - 7 years ago
i have to same kayak it does leak a ton of water so go around and silicon all of the screws
Pakkratt - 7 years ago
Thus the reason for this sit-on-top to have a drain plug. Wow!
MsDannyrevs - 7 years ago
Nothing wrong with that boat other than people need to pay attention to the weight capacity of 275lbs if you are at least 50lbs lighter than max you are good. As a big boy this boat would not ride me very well as I am at max capacity. I bought a 12ft Kayak that holds 350lbs and that is just a fact of life. If you are a fat ass stay away from 10 footers and look at 12 foot boats.
Herbert Canto
Herbert Canto - 7 years ago
i think that the Lifetime 10' Tandem Fishing Kayak is the best....sooo i ll buy this last one . nice video aaron rankin...
Thomas Catracchia
Thomas Catracchia - 7 years ago
i have this kayak and love it to death other than the fact its so unstable i can hardly move in it. made quick outriggers for it and seemed to suffice but if your over 5'10" just forget it. im 6'0 183lbs and its a nightmare, my gf however does fine in hers so maybe my center of gravity is just too high. I would suggest to steer clear unless your on the smaller side
BurningtunaDC - 7 years ago
The billionaire Walton family, their 1000s of minimum wage employees, and the army of the People's Republic of China thank you for the free plug.

20. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak

Bite Mee
Bite Mee - 7 years ago
Amazing it floats!
ROBERT Thompson
ROBERT Thompson - 7 years ago
they should call these kayaks the dead going to be bloated and stink after you drown
PCL Outdoors & Bushcraft
PCL Outdoors & Bushcraft - 7 years ago
The real question is have you tried it on the water yet?
Fornwith - 7 years ago
I wish I could use it, but sadly I'm a fat fuck. I'd just be tipping over all the time.
Derek K
Derek K - 7 years ago
I want to get this kayak. For that center compartment I can see just throwing lures or hooks that i decide to take off my line until i pack it all in.
Russell Clogston
Russell Clogston - 8 years ago
bought the same one at kmart for 200
Russell Clogston
Russell Clogston - 8 years ago
also little round dry storage area does not stay dry
Lewis Maker
Lewis Maker - 8 years ago
Man, I just missed a deal on close out at wally for 178.00.Shit dam it anyway.
chaz Courtney
chaz Courtney - 8 years ago
join my facebook group---> Yakaholics
Jacob Bonvillain
Jacob Bonvillain - 8 years ago
I have that Kayka
Heaps Curley
Heaps Curley - 8 years ago
Great vid, cool kayak!

30. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak

Nicholas Lytle
Nicholas Lytle - 8 years ago
Perfect kayak for small ponds and creeks. Subscribe to my channel for kayak fishing tips.
Alex Perez
Alex Perez - 8 years ago
im 13 and use this kayak and it works great i use it out in the flats although i got a new paddle for it
Ronnoc Edward
Ronnoc Edward - 8 years ago
I am 6'2 and I bought this kayak at Walmart for $290 I went out twice with it and nearly flipped with any quick movements. I could not reach anywhere to grab anything because I would fall in. I returned it a week later and went to dicks and got a pelican... Do NOT buy this unstable kayak!! It is very hard to use
markus movies
markus movies - 8 years ago
Make it good, where can i get it and how much gratitude
Roger Morrison
Roger Morrison - 8 years ago
I bought this one and the SunDolphin Bali for my wife, since she's not as intent on fishing, and the one thing I want to do is either buy or build a skeg for each. They also feel a little tippy, so I might be thinking about some outriggers.
Jack Vanderhyde
Jack Vanderhyde - 8 years ago
Yea, you'll have a wet butt most of the time. And it looks really tippy. Let us know how it goes and don't for get your life vest. You get what you pay for, I'll guarantee you that.
Rick Rabies
Rick Rabies - 8 years ago
those scupper holes under the seat you can put pvc fittings and a higher seat. water still comes in and drains but doesn't touch your butt.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
I used foam ear plugs for the scupper holes. Works like a charm. It's probably not the best kayak out there, but pretty darn fun for the price.
3456 - 8 years ago
How is the tracking with this one?
3456 - 8 years ago
That sounds like fun.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
+RIVERKINGERIC yes I knew what tracking meant. I enjoy fishing out of mine in the intracoastal waterway.
3456 - 8 years ago
Good tracking just means you're not having to compensate too much for each stroke.
Thanks for the reply; I'm glad you like this kayak. I'll keep it in mind.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
People in the comments section say it doesn't track well. It's my first kayak so I don't know any different. I have a blast in mine though.
Tyler Deth
Tyler Deth - 8 years ago
Now it cost 88$
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
I have yet to see it at that price. Whoever said that must be full of it.
AthlonRob - 8 years ago
Where are you buying this for $88 from?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
WOW that's awesome.
D Feldhaus
D Feldhaus - 8 years ago
I want to like this so much for the price and is exactly what I want but just doesn't track well at all for me... spend more time adjusting direction than going forward. Very exhausting & frustrating! I've been in the 10ft Sit In version of this and is perfect, runs straight and true with no issues...just sits too low in the water for my weight and takes on water constantly. I might see if I can trade it in for a 12ft sit on and pay the difference. Hope the 12ft doesn't have the same tracking issues.
Nude Jawn
Nude Jawn - 8 years ago
lol, kids yak.
Chris VanCleave
Chris VanCleave - 8 years ago
this kayak was way too small for me and very uncomfortable to sit in @ 6'3. it also didn't track well in flat water. may be ok for others, but was terrible for me.
Yacel Delgado
Yacel Delgado - 8 years ago
Hi everyone, man don't worry about haters they are just lovers in denial. Hey buddy I got one of this kayaks 3 weeks ago they are amazing I weight 230 pnds and cant complaint. One advice the compartment in the middle its not a dry one, I stored my phone in there and drown, its not a dry compartment, but it works for other stuffs. Thank for the video, I love my Kayak.
Cody Carr
Cody Carr - 8 years ago
Nice dolphin, bro! ... Thanks for the review. Looks like a lot of bang for your buck.
Neo Newman
Neo Newman - 8 years ago
Sorry but this Kayak really sucks we bought two and took both back you sit in 4-5 inches of water the whole time and they are very unstable.
MrAmptech - 8 years ago
Also available at Big5 sporting goods.
ByteOfTerror - 8 years ago
my wife's is just like that, we got hers for 165 bucks on sale. mine was 400 bucks, it's a field & stream eagle run 12
Sasha & Shane's Adventures
Sasha & Shane's Adventures - 8 years ago
You got screwed on the pole;)
martin rodriguez
martin rodriguez - 8 years ago
how does it handle? i have an inflatable one i like mine had to get a milk crate put together just want to know if its worth it or get better
Traci Fix
Traci Fix - 8 years ago
My hubby and I just bought new kayaks and his is this exact one. He loves it. We looked at Bass Pro Shop and these, for us, will only be used on weekends in summer months. I actually really love this kayak. Great features. We have a lot of huge lakes in our area and this kayak is perfect for him. TY for the video
jr. Rodriguez
jr. Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Is it easy to handle in the water?

50. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak

Jacob Maas
Jacob Maas - 8 years ago
Anyone who buys this kayak in the video if you haven't already returned it please do so. Great idea with the designs but they need to rethink the stability portion and weight distribution. Back end sits too high in the water, tracking is terrible and is very unstable for anyone 190lbs or more. I don't mean to disrespect anyone who owns this especially the guy who posted this video. Just want to warn people before they decide.
wdg1021 - 8 years ago
I bought this Kayak recently and love it ! I got a steal... $278 from Walmart in Tax Free New Hampshire, but I also got a %10 discount from using a Walmart Associate's discount ! So it ended up being $250.20 out the door ! Quality and fun rig!
Johnny Mnemonic
Johnny Mnemonic - 8 years ago
I had that boat. I'm 5' 6" and weigh 155lbs. It's rated for 250 lb capacity but the self-bilging stops after about 140 lbs of weight. I ended up splitting some pool noodles and using Shoe Goo to stick them in the seat area and cut grooves so the water would flow under. Water pools in the seat area and the bilge holes are high. It's fairly stable. It doesn't track well. I used it to pilot for a swimmer in a 10-mile swim. Every time I stopped paddling to give her food and water, the boat turned sideways instantly. I never fished out of it, but I think it would work well for that.
Brian Michael
Brian Michael - 8 years ago
and its not made for big ppl lol
sadly I do need to spend some cash to buy a decent one.. Im probably gonna drop $800 on an Old Town Tandem Kayak. or a lil more on a Wilderness Tandem.
Glorywhole - 8 years ago
Pelican "The Catch" 120 is the way to go. Two thumbs way up.
grandpa75672 - 8 years ago
Why in the hell is there no listing for the weight capacity of this kayak. Even the detailed ad listing specifications only lists it as a one person kayak. If a person weight 200+ gets in that little 10 kayak it is bound to be unstable do to overloading. it ought to be against the law to not list the Coast Guard approved capacity of any vessel.
spudrubble - 8 years ago
I'm a kayak newb but know boats pretty well. My question is why dont people fill the empty space between the two hulls with two part expansion foam like the do boats? At least on a boat it adds more ability to float and I would guess stop it from filling with water.
spudrubble - 8 years ago
Not sure on the floating level since again I am kayak dumb, weight should not be much since I dont think there is a huge gap between hulls, at best I'd guess under 10 pounds
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
I like that idea a lot. My only concern would be would it float level afterwards? And how heavy would it make it?
Neil Tipton
Neil Tipton - 8 years ago
Bought this one last week and took it back. Im 215, 6'. foot pegs didnt extend to 6', And the bail holes, held alot of water. Was sitting in water the whole time. Tried many cheaper yak. And the FS 10 Ascend is the best. I will keep this for many years before i upgrade to the Higher priced ones.
Gage Eubanks
Gage Eubanks - 8 years ago
I had 2 of those kayak they suck they don't track good they don't go fast they are pure junk they should be melted down to make wilderness systems kayaks
TheRoadfarmer - 7 years ago
maybe you just suck at paddling
MrJdiffend - 8 years ago
It looks like the same construction as my Pelecan but with cheaper hardware and without the comfortable seat.
The carrying capacity appears to be 250 lbs so heavier people might want to opt for an 11 or 12 foot model.
If you put too much weight in it you'll have water coming up through the scupper holes and keep things wet.
If your kayak has the proper carrying capacity you should see water part way up in the scupper holes but not staying in the passenger area. Scupper plugs will keep the water from coming up in the kayak due to waves or rough water.
There are some scupper plugs that let water drain out but block it from coming in, but they don't work on models like this.
MrJdiffend - 8 years ago
I meant to say Elie, not Pelecan. Different divisions of the same company.
Jonathan Ard
Jonathan Ard - 8 years ago
Worthless video. Thanks for showing me your kayak sitting in your garage. Could have got that info just walking into Walmart. How about you get your rear in the boat, on the water and THEN turn on your camera.
Jonathan Ard
Jonathan Ard - 8 years ago
Actually, I did. That's why this video sucks so much. No new info, no demo on the water, no ideas on how to customize it, just a dumb, "look what I got" video. Just because you CAN post a video, doesn't mean you SHOULD.
IAMJAYZON - 8 years ago
then why won't you get your lazy ass to walmart and look at the yak and lookin at it yourself? asshole
George Palmer
George Palmer - 8 years ago
i owned this yak for about a year for frog giggin and fishing. worked great. wouldnt trust the plastic through rapids or moving water though.
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
It is definitely a calm water boat, that's for sure. I have the 10ss as well.
Robert Cgraggen- NW SELF RELIANCE & OUTDOORS - 8 years ago
Nice review. ...thank you
Genome Paranoia
Genome Paranoia - 8 years ago
I've been searching for a perfect kayak and I think I've found it, thank for a great review. I basically just want a nice inexpensive Kayak for surf fishing to go out and drop bait for sharks & other big fish.
stevenjlawson - 8 years ago
you obviously didn't watch shark don't fish for sharks....they fish for you.
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
Tell me about it. I took everything off my boat that were held on by screws, then glued them back on with a strong adhesive/sealant.
Genome Paranoia
Genome Paranoia - 8 years ago
I will definitely check out your other video, I need all the info I can get on setting up a Kayak. Just watched Zoffinger putting those pontoons & that is freaking awesome, I will definitely try to make some for my Kayak.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
+Martin Castillo If you do go surf fishing i recommend watching my other video about sealing the hull. And if you have time build some pontoons like this. Zoffinger is the man in the kayak world.
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
Did you add a bottom seat cushion for comfort.
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
+Aaron Rankin I did buy a vest so thanks for the advice.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
+Thinking Impaired I think I saw the same video. I don't think sitting on my pfd would be comfortable for any length of time, but I don't know I haven't tried it. Anyways I don't mind wearing a pfd and think it's a great idea to wear it.
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
+Aaron Rankin I just saw a video one person just used a personal flotation device seat cushion. I was considering buying a cushion at rei. I was wondering how comfortable it was sitting in the kayak for any length of time.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
I have an old yoga mat I'm gonna cut to the size I need. But I haven't done it yet.
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
oh yes I haven't bought the scupper plugs but I was wondering why they are there in the first place. because I talked to so many people who just plug them anyway.
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
+Rodney Hamilton great idea, thanks
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
The problem with the scupper holes on the 10ss is that water comes up through them when you first get in it and move away from the shore. You can put plugs in them at first then remove them if you need to drain any water. Then put'em back in again. That works for me.
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
Yes I did find that out. Because the journey 10ss is not recommended for open water I probably will plug the scupper holes. If I had a 12 foot that I could take out into open water I would then leave the holes open because of splashing.
MrJdiffend - 8 years ago
A lot of things you do will get water in a kayak, and you will want it to drain out.
For example, if you have a wave or boat wake break over your boat, or if you tip over.
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
Are you still happy with your kayak? did you consider the sit in kayak vs. the sit on? I bought the same kayak at tsc in December but I have yet to even open the wrapping?
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
+Rodney Hamilton that's a great deal on a paddle.
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
Same here. I got lucky with the paddle. It didn't arrive with the boat, so I was able to get a $45 credit which I used to go to Dick's and get a good paddle.
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
+Rodney Hamilton thanks I'll stick with sitting. I bought mine for so little money, I don't mind staying seated.
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
For enough money, you can get a fishing kayak with a standing platform. If you try to stand up on the 10ss, prepare to get wet. There is no way I could. Some people have built cheap outriggers for the 10ss to make them more stable.
Thinking Impaired
Thinking Impaired - 8 years ago
Thanks Rodney at the time I didn't realize that sit on kayaks were stable enough to stand in. Because I fish cold water I was thinking that a sit in would be more comfortable. As for journey 10ss sit on, I'm going to try standing on it at least once. I don't know how stable it is.
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
The sit on's seem to be more popular with fishermen, but the sit in's are more stable.
Wayne Hamilton
Wayne Hamilton - 8 years ago
Here is my 1st video test with the Crack of Dawn Universal Rudder kit, installed on my Sun Dolphin Journey 10SS.
Wayne Hamilton
Wayne Hamilton - 8 years ago
I have this same Kayak. I am 5'7". 157 lbs. I have had nothing but fun with it so far. I have since added a "Crack Of Dawn". rudder it tracks fine, has never taken on water and is pretty stable. I will post some videos of it in action while fishing. Soon to put on a sail to see how it does too. I got mine from Tractor Supply for $250. When my sail comes in and its installed, I'll post videos of it as well.
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
+Wayne Hamilton I want see that.
Arduous Ant
Arduous Ant - 8 years ago
This is an awesome video, :D Im definatly subbing, i will try to visit your channel regularly from now on :D if you can do visit my channel! That would be awesome!! :D Until next time and keep up the great videos! Peace
edmoe122 - 8 years ago
either way they both work well , fish on my friend :-)
D Rod
D Rod - 8 years ago
Excellent purchase.  Get out there and have fun.
Chris Gill
Chris Gill - 8 years ago
is this in Canada?
Kyle Kishbaugh
Kyle Kishbaugh - 8 years ago
im sorry its crap....if your gonna get something this cheap go rent one you pay for what you get
Kyle Kishbaugh
Kyle Kishbaugh - 8 years ago
+Kyle Kishbaugh ps for a child ya ok
edmoe122 - 8 years ago
Nathan Manzella
Nathan Manzella - 8 years ago
+Aaron Rankin It doesn't have the pole holder, but It does have the adjustable foot braces read the description xD
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
+edmoe122 Almost the same. It doesn't have the adjustable foot rest and it doesn't have the fishing pole holder. Nice find.
sincalzoncin - 8 years ago
Stacey where u got yours I'm wanted to get my kids into kayakin something I wasn't privilege enough to enjoy when I was young
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
Pelican makes nice yaks for kids for around $200. Sun Dolphin makes an Excursion model for a good price. Anything cheaper than that should be carefully considered, assuming you want to keep your children safe. Ha.
Little bit of everything
Little bit of everything - 8 years ago
next time record in pinch dark
Hallking78 - 7 years ago
Little bit of everything it's "pitch dark" fuck brains!
Theodore - 8 years ago
paid 299.00 to much.
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
Next time, do your homework and that will not happen again.
Sunny Scott
Sunny Scott - 8 years ago
everyone has a $300 kayak nowadays.
this is not exactly a news bulletin.
even Tractor Supply has one for $299
dakotarcher09 - 8 years ago
I'm just going to leave this here. This was my experience with the boat in this video.
dakotarcher09 - 8 years ago
+Has Your Actually, I was breathing hard because I just took a dive into water that was about 35-40 degrees and then had to haul that boat up about a 4ft embankment while it had about 4 gallons weighing an extra 36 pounds in the hull. Its called doing work , young man. If you ever try it, you might get a little winded to. Just for the record, I run between 2-4 miles 4 times a week, making a mile about every 10 minutes. So definitely not an Olympic runner, but by no means a fat ass.
Has Your
Has Your - 8 years ago
+dakotarcher09 You sound like a big fat guy and the way you were breathing and all panic like you may need to lose some weight before getting on a small boat
Jim - 8 years ago
sorry dude, cheaper does not mean better. how about you put it in the water before you boast about it.
bryan mannoia
bryan mannoia - 8 years ago
i've been kayaking for 20 years, kayak fishing for 12 years and i've bought many kayaks at this point. i started out borrowing one, then bought a cheap one and eventually ended up spending $2000 on one. don't let anyone mock you on an inexpensive kayak, most people start that way. if you like kayak fishing enough you will eventually upgrade. upgrades will improve tracking, storage, and seat comfort. those are great qualities but not necessary to go out and catch some fish. good luck to you and everyone starting this hobby, it's a great time every time.
Antrigen - 7 years ago
You said it perfectly. I have a Native Watercraft Propel now and the fishing thrill is the same as it was with a $278 SOT from Walmart.
Richie Rich
Richie Rich - 7 years ago
you are a good dude my man
Onzaras - 8 years ago
i just bought one of these for 279 from wally world. i love the tow behind idea! Liked the video for that alone! Thanks!
The1MrE1980 - 8 years ago
Wow, there's a lot of haters.
Look here's the deal, are you tired of shore fishing? Watching all them fish jump just out of reach?
This is a great 'introductory' kayak.
It's 300-375$ you get everything you need to get out on the water. Once you get the hang of it, then yea, invest in something on the higher end side. But if it turns out a kayak is not your thing, well, you didn't waste 1,000$
300$ is a good price to tell you if kayak fishing is something you may be into.
I mean seriously, who started fishing with a 500$ rod and reel setup?
No, you start small then invest more as your passion grows.
Stop being ignorant.
bryan mannoia
bryan mannoia - 8 years ago
+The1MrE1980 well said.
Anthony Daskus
Anthony Daskus - 9 years ago
hate this kayak extremely tipsy plan on making or buying outriggers if you buy this kayak
The1MrE1980 - 8 years ago
That's odd. I've only felt 'tipsy' after a few beers or when I first get in. Maybe your balance is off due to your big head.
ZombieDeathRace - 8 years ago
I was trying to pay attention to you, but all i heard you say was "I'm pretentious, I'm pretentious, I'm pretentious" over and over again.
jeep nb
jeep nb - 9 years ago
thanks Walmart for sending all the jobs to china so I have time to fish....oh can any one give me a drive to the lake
meridian f
meridian f - 9 years ago
The center compartment is likely for live bait. Your "tow behind" is your dry compartment.
John The Aleman
John The Aleman - 8 years ago
Sold my Sundolphin and buying an Ascend 12T, just wanted more room. Also, my butt kills me when I sit too long. Like the seat in the Ascend.
John The Aleman
John The Aleman - 8 years ago
I sealed around this compartment and never had water in it. I sealed the scupper holes by my butt and have been dry whenever I used in river and lakes. Not tippy and when you get used to a sit on top it feels stable.
MrJdiffend - 8 years ago
I think the compartment is for show and you do what you can with it
Yoh Vang
Yoh Vang - 9 years ago
how did you plug up the holes and does water really come up from it
Yoh Vang
Yoh Vang - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin ok might use something to block it from coming
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Yoh Vang I plugged the holes with foam ear plugs. Water will come up into your seat once you sit in it. Maybe not for lighter people, but i weigh almost 200lbs.
Eric Holmburg
Eric Holmburg - 9 years ago
I had the ss 12 Journey. I wanted something smaller for easier transport so I bought this version. It was smaller and a little light to tote around but.. it tracked awful. The slightest breeze spun me around.. I bought a SUP and sold this kayak. I am going to pick up another ss 12 Journey. This is just my 2 cents. Look at the bright side, it gets you from A to B. You can still fish from it.
Christopher Mac
Christopher Mac - 9 years ago
I have the same one but red and it pissed me off with the ""dry compartments" got soak bothe front and back
zofoblues - 9 years ago
can I get a shout out
Charlie Wilson
Charlie Wilson - 9 years ago
To all the haters out there, I want to know what's wrong with this kayak? I read tons of comments on videos about this boat and people say it's a POS, but why? People who actually own the boat seem pleased with it. I'm highly interested in one to fish the variety of small lakes around here. For fishing locally in and around my home town the numerous small lakes seems like my best bet.
gator hator
gator hator - 7 years ago
Charlie Wilson
mojo jojo
mojo jojo - 8 years ago
+Charlie Wilson : If it floats, gets you where you need to go, doesn't leak and you are comfortable in it then its not a piece of crap. There are gear snobs everywhere and will rag on anyone who buys something less expensive from Walmart. Just like the guy selling you to throw away your $10 zebco rod reel combo. I grew up on these and fished them for decades. Yes they are cheap and don't last long but if you catch fish with it, then who cares. Thats what its all about right?
trapangler - 8 years ago
+bryan mannoia for serious anglers it's important to take advice from those who are seasoned. Not only for advice but for safety. Wouldn't call this kayak amazing like the title says, but yes it will get you started.
bryan mannoia
bryan mannoia - 8 years ago
+Charlie Wilson nothing is wrong with it for a starter kayak. people with better kayaks feel the need to mock and tend to forget they started with stater kayaks. i borrowed my first one. my advice is to check craigs list, a lot of people buy expensive yaks and don't use them and ultimately sell them for cheap. i bought a $1300 tandem for $400 a few years ago.
trapangler - 8 years ago
+Charlie Wilson I have no input on this boat, however I do have to say that any roto-molded kayak will be better. You can pick up a pelican boost angler at dicks for the same price and its all one piece, and thicker. Will stand up better to rocks and drain water much better.
Fishing ConElLoko
Fishing ConElLoko - 9 years ago
maybe for fresh water in a lake but not where I fish hehe
Ivette Cortez
Ivette Cortez - 9 years ago
Alexx Ramirez
Alexx Ramirez - 9 years ago
i bought a cheap $500 tandem kayak and go fishing with my wife.great buy. this looks really good for going solo, nice and light. good video. i like the dark color.. muy macho.
ShockDoctrin - 9 years ago
I bought a kayak like that and water kept coming up through what this guy called "scarfed plugs", I was pretty much constantly wet and cold.
bryan mannoia
bryan mannoia - 8 years ago
+Aaron Rankin you are right. if you are in calm water they sell plugs for those scupper holes.
ShockDoctrin - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin Ok so the holes are probably more appropriate for a ocean going kayak as oppose to a canoe type kayak that may be better for a river or bay?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+ShockDoctrin I believe it's to allow excessive amounts of water out. Like if you're paddling and a wave enters the boat. It will slowly drain out the scupper holes.
ShockDoctrin - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin Good idea, what exactly are those holes there for?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
plug the holes with foam ear plugs or silicone
living the outdoor dream
living the outdoor dream - 9 years ago
can you stand in it
living the outdoor dream
living the outdoor dream - 9 years ago
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+living the outdoor dream Some people in this comment section say you can. but i'm 6'2 and i find it almost impossible. Possibly with some side floats.
saltwaterking79 - 9 years ago
$300 will get you a decent used fishing yak on any yak fishing forums or Craigslist.
BBBYpsi - 9 years ago
If anyway possible I would fill it with foam to keep it from sinking if a hole happens.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
but then it becomes too heavy. but it wouldn't sink you're correct.
original oldpop
original oldpop - 9 years ago
Inexpensive is OK to see if are going to enjoy yak fishing, if you do enjoy it upgrade to the best equipment you can comfortably afford and you’ll enjoy it even more
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
Exactly. I have the 10ss as well, but have not fished in forever. Wanting to get back into it slowly and cheaply.
Gabe Domenech
Gabe Domenech - 9 years ago
good video @Aaron Rankin,
screw everybody's negative comments, you posted a $300 Walmart kayak review and got like 250 THOUSAND REVIEWS and people talking,
people with their exaggerations I tell you..
I love my low end kayak, 10 feet long, can stick in back of MY CAR, light weight, easy to transport, easy to put in water after work on the way home.
yes I have an over $1000.00 dollar kayak too, your not going to take low end kayak to beach offshore to catch grouper, but this little kayak catches fish very practical.
guess what? side by side little kayak been out in the water more then big kayak.
guess what?
little kayak has caught MORE fish then big kayak..
guess what?
more fun because you can get out and fish more on little kayak then big kayak.
FISH ON!!!!!
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
thank you. I agree. I have so much fun on it. catching a 10 lbs catfish in this kayak is more fun than I can describe. tight lines my friend.

100. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak

RimfireRat - 9 years ago
YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR  Wilderness Systems Tarpon 100 is 15# heavier and 10X the yak , I see many problems in the future with that model . keep it on lakes not rocky rivers , and what is a TOW BEHIND?? been yaking for 15 yrs and have 3 and never heard of a tow behind?  the back well don't look like a crate will fit it's tapered to much much with the bucket , crate fit great in my Tarpon  100
SilentDiablo - 9 years ago
Douchebags of YouTube come out of the woodwork don't they...
Rodney Burke
Rodney Burke - 7 years ago
Rick Rabies
Rick Rabies - 8 years ago
obvisously not for large people though.
GO FISH! - 8 years ago
I used this kayak for bass fishing and it works great. people hate bc the rest of us can't afford a 900$ kayak. with a rudder and a good seat it can't be beat for the price.
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
Tell me about. Although, I have noticed that some are not actually haters, they are just horribly misguided fueled by ignorance.
Rowan Pratt
Rowan Pratt - 9 years ago
My journey 10 as sundolphin angler's center storage is waterproof
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
I was able to make the PAC water tight by removing the screws from the lid and applying silicone in the obvious places. I tested it thoroughly, and it worked. I can put my camera in there with no worries.
Everett Gaskins
Everett Gaskins - 9 years ago
think of it this way are you happy with what you got for the money you spent if you are have a good day
VerdugoAdventures - 9 years ago
cool review video
Tom C
Tom C - 9 years ago
Just wondering how you get into a kayak without having a wet ass all day. I am serious. Its the reason I went with a Pelican Bass Raider instead.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
The downside to silicone is that when you want water to drain through those holes it won't. An example of this is when I am in the ocean breaking through the waves the yak fills up and will eventually drain out of the scupper holes. But it's a great idea if you need a permanent solution.
Devon Stone
Devon Stone - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin Silicone it. It does the trick long term!
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Naker Phelge I used disposable foam earplugs and it plugs it right up.
Laby 70
Laby 70 - 9 years ago
You know what bro. I see a shit load of haters on here. However, get what you can afford. Expecially if your not sure you will like kayak fishing. If you find out you like doing it. You can always save up and get a higher end model kayak while your having fun in the lower end models. Its not being cheap. Its being smart.
By the way I have 2 friends who use the walmart kayaks. 1 is about to upgrade to a higher end kayak after 5 years of wearing his out.
By the way I roll with a hobie pa12.
Rick James
Rick James - 9 years ago
you could have bought a much better imported chinese kayak from ebay for this price
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
these heavy tupperware boats are fine . they are what they are. they fit nice in a pickup truck. they wont allow you a 15 mile round trip as they are not made for that. i think they are fine to fish out of and thats the market. you dont need 35k fishing boat these catch fish as well. when i kayak i seldom bait up as i tour water ways not fish. so i have a lightweight cedar strip kayak made for speed and distance.
Emil Utberg
Emil Utberg - 9 years ago
that reel...xD
jonathan johnson
jonathan johnson - 9 years ago
Which Walmart did you buy it at? I also live in myrtle beach
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
I purchased it at Wal-Mart's online site and had it delivered for free to the store closest to me.
hong liak
hong liak - 9 years ago
300 bucks is dirt cheap let's be honest for once.
Fishing with Eric Smithson
Fishing with Eric Smithson - 9 years ago
ur to boring have fun with what ur doing don't be so serious
ricky reid
ricky reid - 9 years ago
we had one in our back room at walmart maybe it was yours MERRY CRISTMAS
ricky reid
ricky reid - 9 years ago
im thinking of getting one been looking at them on line butt i will be fishing in the cooler months i think i need the sit in would anyone have any thaughts as to which would be better sit on or sit in
Shmo Jo
Shmo Jo - 9 years ago
Ricky I f your going to fish in cold water and want to do it from such a small boat get a canoe or john boat or something you can stay dry in. even in a sit in kayak you will get wet and have a good chance of flipping anytime your out.
Florida-bassin05 - 9 years ago
that little cubby that u said fils up with water is a livewell or u can put ice in there with a drink
Keith Lapere
Keith Lapere - 9 years ago
Hey Aaron never mind the punk asses out here with the negative attitude. If you like what you have and it gets ya to where your going thats all that matters!!!
I too started out with a cheap one at a grand after taxes,when I got into kayak fishing. Did a lot of research on a few and what would suit my needs. Since we had no demo's of anything that I could try, in my area. Besides I didn't want to blow big money on a yak if I didn't like it in general.Figuring I wouldn't lose too much on a return or if I decided to sell it.. I have to say I got lucky because it turned out to be a good yak for being mass produced.
I still have her to this day and still take it out. After two upgrades it still does fine!
If anything you can gradually work your way up to something better. So paddle on and enjoy! what you have. Be safe and tight lines.
Keith Lapere
Keith Lapere - 9 years ago
Lets see, cheaper than a Native,Wilderness,Jackson,Hobie etc.
Keep in mind I said cheap not cheaper.
WisGuy4 - 9 years ago
+Keith Lapere  How exactly is a $1,000 kayak a "cheap one?"  Yes, you can spend around $4,000 on a Hobie but still, most kayaks are less than $1,000, not more.
Eli King
Eli King - 9 years ago
I bought that same reverb pole for 6$ at a liquidation store and it was new!
YAKMAN ONT - 9 years ago
Wow sweet ride
Dick's Fishing Adventures
Dick's Fishing Adventures - 9 years ago
I like my FeelFree Moken 14, it's more expensive sure, but I plan to have it awhile and I needed a better seat.
Ninja Cat
Ninja Cat - 9 years ago
alan30189 - 9 years ago
Journey 10 ss? What does the "SS" stand for? Sink or swim? And no cushion to sit on? WTF? You have to be a real hardass to sit in that for long. LOL
bryan mannoia
bryan mannoia - 8 years ago
+alan30189 my first borrowed kayak was molded with no cushion. i used the cushions gardeners kneel on and they were comfortable.
John Gschwend
John Gschwend - 9 years ago
Are still happy with this kayak? I sure wish someone would make a video of someone paddling this around and fishing from it.
The1MrE1980 - 8 years ago
I am. Been using it on rivers lakes and large ponds for over a year now. Should got the 12' though. I'm kinda tall
really good
really good - 9 years ago
Congrats man! Looks good
Wayne Zhou
Wayne Zhou - 9 years ago
I use mine for crabbing. I made a stabilizer by using foam and 2*2 lumber ($5 totally). Last week, I pull up a crab pot with 16 Dungeness inside (about 40 lbs) in Puget Sound.
StJohns River66
StJohns River66 - 9 years ago
Ok heres my report on these... on a class1 river in foothills of mountain ..Going with the flow and the ass really likes to get around you but I just went with it lol. It floats more shallow than the sit in kayaks to my surprise..I was out in lake with it and ended up falling off and caught up  in an undertow that dam near drowned me! I was REAL DAM thankful this kayak took in no water because I was having to hang onto her for dear life..dam serious undertow! couldn't get my legs up so could re-enter the kayak..I was dam near dragging the kayak down with me ! My granddaughter brought her kayak out to me and drug me to bank!! It could definitely use a rudder especially if you like to go fast but I have still decided to keep it .OH! and I beat the hell out o this thing across rocks and has been tough as nails ...By the way folks NEVER TAKE YOUR LIFE JACKET OFF!
Danny Baker
Danny Baker - 9 years ago
My sister and I have the 12ft and we are both quite pleased.
Dudeman Roman
Dudeman Roman - 9 years ago
Nice not bad been waiting a fishing yak for awile, one at Basspro is $700+ but this might be a good starter! Thanks for the vid!
MrZuluAirsoft - 9 years ago
i got super lucky getting my Lifetime payette angler fishing kayak for $150 brand new in store.....they retail around $450
danny cole
danny cole - 9 years ago
I picked this up today from pilot shipping,it was wrapped in plastic and when I got home and unwrapped it,it was missing the lid to the removable storage and also no swivel rod holder,was curious how urs was packaged ?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
Good I'm glad you got your parts.  Have fun kayaking.
danny cole
danny cole - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin I notified the manufacturer and they rushed me replacement parts free of charge,i have added some more hooks and such and love this thing
Wayne Zhou
Wayne Zhou - 9 years ago
+danny cole  I even didn't see the one I bought from Walmart. I pay it online and wait for 3 weeks for shipping to store. Finally the guy told me they lost it in their storage. Maybe they just throw it away for it had been crashed into pieces. Who knows?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+danny cole Yes all of that should have been in there.
Jim McCarthy
Jim McCarthy - 9 years ago
The only thing amazing about this kayak is that they charge $300. for this cheap and low quality junk kayak. They are MANY alternatives to this Yugo. Fark man, life is too short for one of these. Go look and paddle a Tarpon, Prowler, Malibu X-13 or Stealth and see and feel a big difference in build quality and performance.
Jim McCarthy
Jim McCarthy - 9 years ago
Aaron, you can find excellent quality used ones I mentioned that will last many years due to their much better build quality.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Jim McCarthy Would you happen to be blessed financially enough to buy me any one of those kayaks? :)
Wayne Zhou
Wayne Zhou - 9 years ago
I bought this kayak a month ago. When I tried to roll over and re-enter, I found there is leak every place. There are 10+ gallon water inside the kayak after I tried 3 times to re-enter. That makes it very easy to loose balance. I took whole day to re-seal all the gaps.
Wayne Zhou
Wayne Zhou - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin Sure. That should be the first thing when you get it.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Wayne Zhou i sealed my kayak as well.
c fedyszyn
c fedyszyn - 9 years ago
Thanks for the review. This was the kayak I planned to buy, but I've have read so many reviews about it not tracking well and being pretty unstable and just plain cheap that I've decided to pass on it. You mentioned that the dry well doesn't stay dry; that a bad sign. All the little things add up and takes away the joy from using it. I'll pass.
1eleveneleven1 - 9 years ago
I only eat Salisbury steak on Wednesday at 12:17pm. This gives my schedule more time to glue yak hair to my belongings. I've been "yaking" for ten plus years now. It's a lifestyle. Nice video. Keep yaking!
kicktotheliver - 9 years ago
How is it on the water?
kicktotheliver - 9 years ago
Hey it's what you like not what the commenters like.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+kicktotheliver To me it works great. But what do I know. Its my first kayak.
nightster gl
nightster gl - 9 years ago
don't listen to alex vazquez. he's just an illegal alien who breaks into ppl house and steal what he wants, sell it,then buy himself a $900 kayak. I have used kayak that works just fine.
Chillio - 9 years ago
Honestly, this kayak doesn't look bad at all for its feature hull design with a deep cargo back as well a deep seat for better control. By looking at the hull from below, I notice it's a twin-arched multi-chine hull, if I am not wrong, which has good stability and tracks decent, I bet. Speed probably isn't the best, along with decent maneuverability and I'm also worried about the material used to make this kayak.
Pleating - 9 years ago
im looking at an ocean kayak trident 11 rn, nice vid either way, decent deal for $300.
Pleating - 8 years ago
+The1MrE1980 I said I'm looking at one, obviously this isn't an ocean kayak
The1MrE1980 - 8 years ago
Not an ocean kayak.
Joel Borden
Joel Borden - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Have fun!
T Dips
T Dips - 9 years ago
That is the biggest pos kayak iv ever seen save your money and get a much better beginner kayak for around 400 more dollars
janet curtis
janet curtis - 9 years ago
Tips was told too contact company they will send free plugs drain holes
janet curtis
janet curtis - 9 years ago
janet curtis
janet curtis - 9 years ago
Well watched a dozen times went an bought one, i love it thank u for the. Ideas
Kylan Hovis
Kylan Hovis - 9 years ago
What kind of plugs did you use to plug the scupper holes?
Kylan Hovis
Kylan Hovis - 9 years ago
Cool thanks
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Kylan Hovis I had some rubber plugs that fit. But a friend of mine uses expanding foam earplugs.
deewekoms - 9 years ago
I saw where you said you use it on the intercostal.. Are you in Jacksonville? After hearing that you use it on the intercostal it makes me want it even more for I live next to the Atlantic boulevard bridge. And if you are in Jacksonville where do you put in at? Thanks
Rory Richter
Rory Richter - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin i got the sun dolphin bali 10 ss at Walmart for the same price
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Ben Bayers I'm in Myrtle Beach S.C. Watch the tide chart and you can rock and roll with the current.
PaddleDogC5 - 9 years ago
get a mortar tub for 40 bucks it's the same thing.
bajabilly2004 - 9 years ago
dydy dydy
dydy dydy - 9 years ago
have u took it out to the sea yet ? n how is it
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Seng David I don't recommend using this in the ocean. It's more for lakes and ponds.
Elvisr29 - 9 years ago
Ralph H
Ralph H - 9 years ago
This is a nice kayak, and they are on sale at W. Mart right now (at least in TX, as of 7/17/15) for $229.00 and the 12 footer is $449.00 (Dicks S.G. would not price match).  I've heard good things about this one and it's larger twin.  Thank you for this video.  Well done.
Steve M
Steve M - 9 years ago
Cool thanks
Dennis Bickel
Dennis Bickel - 9 years ago
Could you give me the measurement of the cockpit (end of the leg rest to the back of the seat) also how stable is it?
Dennis Bickel
Dennis Bickel - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin Thanks for the info, after going back n forth over it I decided to go with the ss 12. The main selling point was I was able to get the display model for $400, looked to be more stable and the 30 day return policy :)
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Dennis Bickel From the footrest which is extended to it's longest position to the back seat pad is 42 inches. It's decently stable. I saw a friend of mine stand in his. But he had to try pretty hard to accomplish that.
Brent Murray
Brent Murray - 9 years ago
I'm looking a purchasing my first kayak as well. I found a very similar model at K-Mart (of all places). It's the Sun Dolphin Bali 10 ss for $249!!! I'm really excited about it however, I'm reading reviews and hearing that the tracking is awful with that model. I think if it's that bad I'll just buy an aftermarket fin for it. Thanks for the review video!
Elvisr29 - 9 years ago
The bail s10 is an excellent KYAK I had it for a while. Took it out to see even. The one on this video sucks, I also had it and all it did was spun in circles... Sorry to the guy that made this video but the s10 is my fave so far. And I do plenty fishing with it. In fact all I do on it is fish...
Kevin Winstead
Kevin Winstead - 9 years ago
Did you get it online
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Kevin Winstead I had it shipped from the online site to my local Walmart.
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
One of the fun things about owning a yak is how creative you can get pimping it out.
Laby 70
Laby 70 - 9 years ago
Thats the only issue with yaks and sitting on the scupper holes. Colder months are a no go as well bro. However, the bright side is.. your out on the water!
Tim O'Brien
Tim O'Brien - 9 years ago
l doubt l would buy a 10' boat.. This boat probably needs some mods like rudder, raised seat w/ back support and maybe outriggers... Its tempting for the price but would rather make my own SOF Wavewalker design for comfort and stability.. If your not comfortable chances are you won't use it...
Zahra Mohammad
Zahra Mohammad - 9 years ago
J0Gu7 - 9 years ago
BTW the "tow behind compartment" is a gimmick. This kayak is not the fastest, nor the best tracking kayak. The last thing you want is something creating drag.
ibi nyth
ibi nyth - 9 years ago
I would sooner encourage someone to buy a used kayak off Craigslist.. I see tons of Wilderness System kayaks on there for around $300 and you'd be much happier with one of those
playdrums - 9 years ago
Great review!  Thanks for keeping me from buying this kayak!
lyn perk
lyn perk - 9 years ago
Elvisr29 - 9 years ago
I just got this KYAK and it sucks really bad. Worst yak I ever owned. Super unstable and it goes in circles when you do power strokes, I was so disappointed because it looks good but horrible in performance.
Andrew Infinger
Andrew Infinger - 9 years ago
I wish you would have gotten an eagle run from dicks for 50 to 100 dollars more. Hope you enjoy kayaking anyway.
J0Gu7 - 9 years ago
i have the same kayak. check my videos for some mod ideas. They are good kayaks for fishing
ultramegabob2 - 9 years ago
what is the weight capacity?
Wolfyone - 9 years ago
I have the same kayak, my niece flipped it in 2 feet of calm water. It'll get the job done, but a comparable pelican is much more stable and costs pretty much the same. I got my pelican second hand for $50. Nothing about the storage on that thing is water proof so don't trust your personal items in it at all. Good luck and be extra careful with the sun dolphin on the water.
RIYakFishing - 9 years ago
Better off going on Craigslist and getting a used ocean kayak or tarpon. Much better kayaks and if used are around the same price. Honestly these are not very good kayaks.
Alex Vazquez
Alex Vazquez - 9 years ago
Everyone talking about oh this is a piece of shit buy something better for $900 more well I'm sorry to tell you not everyone is a fucking professional kayak fisherman nor uses it regularly. Leave the guy alone it gets the job done...great! As a cyclist yeah I have my $3000+ carbon race bike but I don't go to people who use a mountain bike to commute or get a bike at Walmart and tell them oh that's a piece of shit get a real bike! Fuck off haters this kayak isn't that bad, my friend has one it's decent.....??!
Richie Rich
Richie Rich - 7 years ago
quit taking norco pills
Jarvis Rinklebaker
Jarvis Rinklebaker - 7 years ago
Kayge Wun you make the most sense here. I agree 100% this is the kind of thing where if you can only afford a Walmart boat, get a used nicer boat or save up more to buy a bit nicer designed and SAFE boat. You won't see that Walmart boat on the mighty Ohio river around here.

Frankly, it's irresponsible for anyone to recommend the Walmart boat.
andrew v
andrew v - 7 years ago
Alex Vazquez .not everyone has 500 dollars to spend on a kayak i got a heritage 10 ft it works fine .cost me 399 .
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 8 years ago
You can plug the scupper holes with foam ear plugs.
Mizael Borjon
Mizael Borjon - 8 years ago
i know a lot of people talk crap about this kayak but i have 2 (got them both for 200$ each) i live in south texas and use them to fish in south padre island ocean side and laguna madre, ive havent done a lot of tweaking other than closing the scupper holes with duct tape whenever i go out evey other week (never got around to buying scupper plugs), trolley anchor system, and my homemade outrigers. i've had boats and jet ski's cause wake around me and have never had issues or flipped. with my personal expirience id recomend them every day. down here 24"+ trouts and reds are common as well as 16"+ sheapshead and I've never had any issues bringing those in with this kayak. once again this is my peraonal experience. tight lines guys!
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
In your opinion. I only go out once in awhile on my 10ss, and for the money, it serves its purpose well. I can fish my ass of in this thing. I fish on small to smallish reservoirs in calm water. Why dish out $1000 bucks (after sales tax and paddle) for that. It is not junk, it simply does not meet YOUR needs. Others needs are not the same. And that goes for your bicycle analogy as well. I bought my daughter a bicycle at Walmart way the hell back when, and it worked nicely for the, once in awhile, short distance riding she did, when she had time to ride at all". It is the same with cars as well. My POS edition Suzuki Aerio gets me where I want to go all the time, every time.
Alex Vazquez
Alex Vazquez - 9 years ago
+WisGuy4 I bought one in the summer and I'm not a kayak expert by any means but it tracks well ( not as well as my other friends that is a higher end kayak) but you get what you pay for I got mine for $250 at sports authority in special. I use it mainly for spearfishing when I don't want to take the boat out and the transfer from getting in the water to on the kayak is pretty easy and the kayak will not flip. You can't stand on it, it's very difficult and unstable if you try and you will fall. It serves it's purpose and you get what you pay for. If you're planning on using it every weekend and go out with your friends that have higher end kayaks then no do not buy this... But if you want a decent all around kayak just to start off or see if you like it then this is it. The MAIN con I have about it is that it doesn't fit a milk crate on the back which I was highly disappointed but whatever I managed to install a small cooler in the back to throw in drinks, and whatever fish we catch.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
+WisGuy4 I have used the the Sundolphin 10' sit-in for years and I love it.  Sure, I had to make some adjustments, but that was part of the fun.  Check my channel for proof, you can do what you want in this kayak if you're willing to learn.  I haven't tried the sit-on, but the sit-in is a great value.
WisGuy4 - 9 years ago
+Alex Vazquez   Alex, I have no idea whether or not your comments have any credibility because of several factors:1)   First, as someone else commented below, you use extremely juvenile language that suggests that you are not a knowledgeable person with valuable and insightful opinions, but an angry teenager.2) You fail to support your opinions in any way - just saying "it's decent" doesn't provide us with enough details.  Does it track well or are you always paddling and correcting to avoid going in circles?  Is the seat comfortable?  Is it stable enough to stand in to fish?  That sort of basic information is what someone looking for an entry-level kayak wants to know, not "Dewd, ur a &&&@! )(U*)# if you don't agree with me!!!"You may be entirely correct in saying that higher end kayaks are a really poor value for the extra amount they cost.  I went in to my local high-end kayak and canoe store and asked how their bottom-end kayak, at about $800, was worth more than two and a half times the cost of $300 discount or sporting good store kayak.  I got a dirty look, some hemming-and-hawing, and some vague comments about better ... stability and tracking, along with a comment about how "you would understand if you could try them out side-by-side."A $600 mountain bike (the price point used to be $350-$400 until about 4 years ago when the manufacturers tremendously cheapened up their entry level bikes) is a vastly better bike than a $200 discount store Huffy - it will weigh about 7-10 pounds less than the cheapo bike, have more gears, shift smoother, have a better seat, better tires, lighter wheels, be more rugged and reliable, etc.... it will just be all around better and the improvements one gets with the higher priced bike are very obvious.  That's not obviously the case with a $300 vs. $600 or $900 kayak.  Unlike with cheap vs. expensive canoes, more expensive kayaks aren't dozens of pounds lighter.  The more expensive kayak will have a bit better seats, a bit better storage compartments (probably about an extra $100 in cost at most), but that's really about it and it doesn't explain the extra $200 to $500 or more in additional cost.  I've thought about buying this kayak at my local Farm and Fleet store for $280, but the negative reviews really make me hesitate, with complaints about leg room, water leaking in, and bad tracking - see for yourself:
James Holder
James Holder - 9 years ago
+c fedyszyn Stop being such a pussy.
dean6824 - 9 years ago
c fedyszyn
c fedyszyn - 9 years ago
+Alex Vazquez If you didn't use such foul, crude language I'd be more likely to want to hear what you want to say. I tuned out.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
I have no trouble with tracking and stability whatsoever.  If you do, that proves my point.  
Kayge Wun
Kayge Wun - 9 years ago
+Broke Yakin They dont require more "skill". They require more physical labor because they are poorly designed kayaks and they work against you. Tracking and stability is important. Two things which you wont find in any wal mart kayak. but hey man. . . keep recommending them to people and help them waste their money. . . im sure they will love you for it once they put it in the water and realize what a piece of crap it is
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
+Kayge Wun I recommend a Walmart kayak every chance I get. I've used one for years in every situation possible and it works fine. It does require more skill sometimes, but if you want a kayak that acts like a boat, why not get a boat?
thomascampr - 9 years ago
+Alex Vazquez Really don't need a better kayak. Works for me and no I don't plan on turning into a pro kayak guy:)
Alex Vazquez
Alex Vazquez - 9 years ago
+bon vivant thanks!
bon vivant
bon vivant - 9 years ago
Wish u luck Alex.
Alex Vazquez
Alex Vazquez - 9 years ago
+bon vivant Well I'm 16, so it's kind of a lot for me. When I'm older I'll get a higher end bike but for now it'll do, I only recently started racing cat 5.
bon vivant
bon vivant - 9 years ago
3k ain't shit for a carbon race bike.
motolife516 - 9 years ago
+Alex Vazquez totally agree with you ......and i have this kayak, its an excellent kayak especially for the price
Kayge Wun
Kayge Wun - 9 years ago
+Alex Vazquez Thats the thing dude, its really just not even a decent Kayak. Lets take your bike analogy for example. . Would you EVER recommend anyone to go to a big box store and buy a wal-mart mountain bike? Even for a beginner bike, i doubt you can justify anything from wal-mart or k-mart etc. . Any reasonable person with knowledge would (or at least should) tell them to buy nothing less then an entry level Giant or something along those lines. . . .

Its true for kayaks too. . . 300.00 is not going to get you a new fishing kayak worth putting in the water. 5 - 700.00 for a Perception Pescador/Striker . . . Ascend D10/128t. . . Field and Stream 120 etc. . is where anyone in the market should start if they are not buying used.

There really is nothing good about this walmart kayak. its complete junk
Dillon Vermillion
Dillon Vermillion - 9 years ago
ya i found out the center IS NOT WATTTTER PROOF DROWNED MY IPHONE!!!!
Juanita Fields
Juanita Fields - 9 years ago
I just bought that same one. Going camping this weekend with it.
Noel Versten
Noel Versten - 9 years ago
R U gonna bring it to Parker Lake?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
Have fun.
serge paradis
serge paradis - 9 years ago
i been kayaking for 3 years'i have a tarpon 120,i tried other kayaks,i', now looking at a hobbey kayaks are not worth dollar per can.t do tournememts in that,after 2to3 hours in it your wet n sour,do your self a favor get a decent kayak not a poor excuse for a kayak
Corey Miller
Corey Miller - 9 years ago
This is the definition of POS
Nate Siwiec
Nate Siwiec - 9 years ago
Cool!! Thanks
Z71Ranger - 9 years ago
That thing is sweet man... I'm 6 ft 260 LBS will this be a good kayak for me to get?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
Wal-Mart has a great return policy. Try it and return it if you don't like it. But of course ask first if they take returns on this item.
MegaHowtoMan - 9 years ago
Bought this. It tracks like Crap but is stable. Needs a rudder.
nicksmith1123 - 9 years ago
Just so you know those pads are for your paddle not your knees. They are there so when you put your paddle down it dosnt make a loud noise. :) good luck fishing
Tony Greif
Tony Greif - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin

Those are thigh pads, lol.
Ethan Price
Ethan Price - 9 years ago
Actually they are thigh pads look it up on Walmart
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+nicksmith1123 Thanks. Makes sense.
bajabilly2004 - 9 years ago
what a piece of crap
Chris B.
Chris B. - 9 years ago
2:55 put rubber plugs in ur butt?
picas pigeons
picas pigeons - 9 years ago
A $10 pole? Well maybe we fish for two very different kinds of fish. Or at least for my bait fish poles you can add a 0 to that.
MrHollywoodCoe - 9 years ago
Would a Gator attack one of these ? IF so what will happen ???
golfclub nut
golfclub nut - 9 years ago
So my first kayak was a cheaper $300 yak from Dick's Sporting Goods. I thought it was a good kayak b/c I didn't know any better and hadn't paddle any kayaks at all. I mean how much different can a $300 plastic boat be from a $900 plastic boat? Well,  a couple years later, I bought a WS tarpon 120. The difference is like night and day as far as comfort and tracking etc. So in hindsight, I feel that I 100% wasted my money on the cheap kayak. I would suggest for anyone buying a kayak demo different kayaks of different price ranges and you will find a big difference. I don't mean paddle them for 10 minutes either to see the difference. I mean paddle for the whole day etc.
Ermin Zupcevic
Ermin Zupcevic - 7 years ago
golfclub nut i
Tim O'Brien
Tim O'Brien - 9 years ago
+golfclub nut You compare a 10' kayak with a 12' tarpon... The extra 2' in length makes a big difference in any small boat.. But you can compare price.. You get what you pay for..
Tim O'Brien
Tim O'Brien - 9 years ago
+golfclub nut You compare a 10' kayak with a 12' tarpon... The extra 2' in length makes a big difference in any small boat.. But you can compare price.. You get what you pay for..
Sandra Newton
Sandra Newton - 9 years ago
Looks well worth the money
Alex Miller
Alex Miller - 9 years ago
If your looking at getting a kayak i say spend the extra money and go with a Jackson. Nothing can beat made in the USA
James - 9 years ago
Yeah, I have the jackson coosa. Love it
Alex Miller
Alex Miller - 9 years ago
I mean 100% in the usa jackson is the only company that all parts of the kayak including the seat and things like that are made in the us
jmblakeney1 - 9 years ago
+Alex Miller Sun Dolphins are made in the USA as well. (Muskegon, MI)
Chris B.
Chris B. - 9 years ago
you put rubber plugs in your butt?
bgfishing - 9 years ago
Nice yak but throw that pole away.
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler - 8 years ago
Ugly Stik 4 life!
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
All of the fish I mentioned are bigger and fight harder than the current world record largemouth.  Don't drink the Kool-Aid.
Florida-bassin05 - 9 years ago
picas pigeons lol true dat a big fish to me is like huge so that lttle push button aint gonna do it
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
I've caught 40" redfish on Walmart Shimanos and 10 lb test.  36" carp on Zebco 33 with stock 10lb test.  50lb stingray on 12 lb test and Walmart light spinning reel.  I have a feeling this guy isn't taking that rod out for goliath grouper.
picas pigeons
picas pigeons - 9 years ago
Idk maybe your idea of big fish and my idea of big fish are two very different ideas of big fish. That won't even hold enough line for the amount of line my idea of big fish will take not to mention you couldn't put heavy enough line on it.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
+picas pigeons I catch big fish on Zebco 33s all the time.
picas pigeons
picas pigeons - 9 years ago
Lol my thought exactly!!! Penn is all that I use in my boat.
shane mahler
shane mahler - 9 years ago
Weighing close to 250 myself, will the 10' sit very low in the water?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+shane mahler My guess is that it would sit low in the water. I"m 185 and it seems low in the water to me.
TrailChaser - 9 years ago
Get a $10 seat cushion from Academy.. It doubles as a throwable pfd in case you see someone go overboard w/out a pfd on. It will raise you a couple of inches and keep your butt dry.(my wife has this same yak)
The1MrE1980 - 8 years ago
Just go get one of those pads for kneeling on while gardening, it's like 4$ at Home Depot. Cut to fit, bam! Soft place for your cheeks lol
Tatersalad19 Cars
Tatersalad19 Cars - 9 years ago
sundolphin makes nice entry level yaks you can't beat them for the money, I've got an aruba 12ss sit-in yak it has held up well on many trips over rocky river bottoms with only minor scuffs to the hull  comparable yaks, though they may have thicker more rigid hulls are also at least twice the money, mine was $ 300 and worth every penny
iamaswissarmyknife - 9 years ago
well you get what you pay for ....if you take this on the ocean....make sure you a good pfd and your life insurance policy is
Len Dog
Len Dog - 7 years ago
iamaswissarmyknife had no problem in the ocean with this!
Phillip Broach
Phillip Broach - 7 years ago
iamaswissarmyknife took this offshore NC shark fishing and cobra. Doesn't paddle great, little tough to get over waves, once your past the breakers it's fine.. Just doesn't track great. Caught a few 3-7ft sharks on it. And it was my first time ever being on a kayak and on a yak offshore. But I will not buy one of these.. It was my friend's. I am looking at a used ocean prowler 13 lol
The1MrE1980 - 8 years ago
That is so not an ocean kayak. Nice try.
kicktotheliver - 9 years ago
My wife will get 2 mil but only if I die within 17 years after that she'll have to live with 500k. She's pushing me to buy the walmart model.
Tanner Christle
Tanner Christle - 9 years ago
Just picked one of these up recently and like it so far.  Any suggestions for rear storage?  Its a bit too small for a milk crate and I'm struggling to find an alternative.
Harold Guerrero
Harold Guerrero - 9 years ago
A plastic document holder box (similar to milk bottle carrying box) will have proper dimensions if you put it on top of the rear black plastic cargo holder and use the bungee cords.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Tony Olsen Yes. They will give away buckets too.
Tony Olsen
Tony Olsen - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin Fire house subs? :D
mushroomcloud1 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the tip...I may spring for one of these...I have the excursion 10' sit-in yak but it is unsuited to conditions where you might swamp it. 
I was looking to add a sit-on yak for that and with two kayaks my wife can go too. 
Thanks for the quick reply. 
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+mushroomcloud1 The scuppers drain the yak slowly. There are four. After i got through the white cap waves the yak was pretty full. It took close to 5 minutes for the water to drain back into the ocean.
mushroomcloud1 - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin Do the scuppers work well enough to drain the cockpit, or does water enter the yak through them when it is fully loaded?
Nice review...
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Tanner Christle Maybe a 5 gallon bucket with a lid. I get my five gallon buckets for free from a local restaurant. They're old pickle buckets with a lid that seals.
Hudson Kuczaj
Hudson Kuczaj - 9 years ago
Is it possible to stand on it or will it wobble a lot
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+James O'Brien I'm from Myrtle Beach S.C.. I wish the fishing here was full of the variety of fish that Stuart Florida has. Congratulations on your purchase. I've been catching red drum, catfish, and flounder inside and around the jetties around Cherry Grove S.C.
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin good luck and be safe out there on the Atlantic, remember its only 10'.
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin thanks for the update of standing on the kayak is possible. I did go ahead and order my 10' journey and its the sand colored one so I think white 3m will look fine on it. Im from florida too but live in ohio now so ill be using to catch muskie, steelhead trout, smallmouth and largemouth bass, walleye, and hybrid striped bass on big to small lakes and rivers. I'll see about filming some angling but only have my samsung siii to film with so not sure if ill take it on the water but I'd like to see you catch some dolphin (fish), Wahoo, snook, or whatever other kind of fish you hook on in my home waters. Im from Stuart fl.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin I was out yesterday and tried standing on it. It is possible. But fishing is nearly impossible.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
You're welcome.  The 3 oz tube was more than enough sealant. I used maybe a quarter of it.  Try and find the black sealant.  The white doesn't look so good against the olive color.  But it is sealed well and that stuff sets up really well and is very durable. 
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 9 years ago
Thanks for the advice, I'm thinking about getting this too. I just watched your 3m video too lol. I guess ill do the same thing to mine when I get it.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+James O'Brien I didn't try standing on it. And I do surf. Standing on a paddle board would be MUCH MUCH easier than standing in this kayak. IMO. You may be able to stand in it, but fishing or casting a net i think would be extremely difficult.
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin did you try to stand on it? Do you surf?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+Hudson Kuczaj I don't believe its possible to stand on it. Unless you make some pontoons to stabilize it.
Alexander Underwood
Alexander Underwood - 9 years ago
The kayak is only made to be placed on calm waters. It is a decent kayak for that need as well as catching fish out of it. 

The scuppers do suck on the kayak but at least you have some. The dry storage can be used with a water proof casing. Tank well (back of kayak) will hold a grocery "personal" shopping basket.

Luck to all.
Iamc Ex
Iamc Ex - 9 years ago
Would you highly recommend that? It will be my first kayak. Is it faster than a ocean kayak tandem 2xl?
Robert Collins
Robert Collins - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin I have no experience with this boat, but, a $20 trip to the hardware store for a tube of silicone caulk to seal openings you're not getting into, some cuttable gasket or door molding for compartments you do get into, and a can of spray in expansion foam, especially in the bow might be something to consider. (apologies if any of this came up elsewhere) Another resource to look at is West Marine.

Right on for posting this.
J0Gu7 - 9 years ago
+Iamc Ex This kayak was the first I bought. Great beginners kayak. I have modded mine out with some custom made camera mount and sonar mount(no cutting - using the Deeper Smart) And I have to say, I am not in no hurry to "upgrade". This so called "cheap POS kayak??? is serving me well. Check out my videos, and see for yourself. I do a lot of fishing in it.
MrHollywoodCoe - 9 years ago
+Florida Rains Thanks
Florida Rains fishing
Florida Rains fishing - 9 years ago
+MrHollywoodCoe they should leave you alone they have never bothered me but I would always bring a gun or a knife just in case... A. 22 should kill a gator easily
MrHollywoodCoe - 9 years ago
+Broke Yakin Wow that's scary , i'll just stay on land HAHA
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
+MrHollywoodCoe Not usually, but they can and do from time to time. Usually they jump on top of them though.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
+The Easy Way Out Campers I take mine in the ocean ;)
MrHollywoodCoe - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin about 12 feet, I live in Florida they get huge 
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
How big is the gator? A foot long or TEN feet long? 
MrHollywoodCoe - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin Would a Gator attack one of these ? IF so what will happen ???
iamaswissarmyknife - 9 years ago
+Iamc Ex no it not faster than and ocean kayak
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
+The Easy Way Out Campers I understand its not meant for the ocean. But the website that I bought it from doesn't say anything about not for ocean use. With some pontoons I think it will do well.
The Easy Way Out Campers
The Easy Way Out Campers - 9 years ago
+Aaron Rankin LOL you took a dolphin on the Ocean.... did you not read where it says dont take in the ocean?
Kathy Corvo
Kathy Corvo - 9 years ago
+Iamc Ex I have the same yak. Great for what I use it for - fishing in the creek or small lakes. Not meant for ocean though. I have had zero problems with it. I plugged the rear scuppers with rubber stoppers and it stays nice and dry. I also bought a waterproof hunting seat because the plastic gets hard on your tailbone after a while. It tracks really well for a 10 foot kayak, but if it's speed you're looking for, get a 12 or 13 foot one.
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 9 years ago
It's actually my first kayak so i don't know.  I've had it out three times so far.  It works fine on the inter-coastal waterway but when i took it into the Atlantic Ocean the hull filled with water to a point that it was hard to control and even a bit dangerous.  When i returned to the beach i tipped it on it's nose and almost 2 gallons of water came out of the hull.
Deb Brown
Deb Brown - 10 years ago
I have the same Kayak and the middle screw on cap between your legs is NOT a dry storage area.  In fact read the label under the cap and it even states that.  Mine always fills up with water. 
troutbum61 - 9 years ago
+Prince Gerald Ha, true. I'm the guy that never got to be a skater, skier or had roller blades because falling down is way over rated
troutbum61 - 9 years ago
+Prince Gerald You mean, that isn't what an immersion suit is for? Ha,ha. I haven't but have some friends that do on the Pacific/Oregon coast 
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
I stand in a kayak on volcanoes. 
troutbum61 - 9 years ago
+Prince Gerald Standing in a kayak, like any boat is desirable when sight fishing. A couple of examples which come to mind are Bass fishing when they're chasing schools of bait fish, and Western Style Fly fishing when there is a tendency to have a long back cast, as well as forward cast. While being seated is probably more comfortable for most anglers, casting a fly rod is more efficient when standing. As for you not stating "it's impossible to stand in a kayak", you did say, "I don't think standing is an option in any kayak" which rather implies a lack of possibility. Perhaps you meant for yourself, rather than the collective kayaking community.
troutbum61 - 9 years ago
+Prince Gerald "I don't think standing is an option in any kayak or small boat." Actually it is possible and very desirable to be able to stand in a kayak, although the smaller kayaks are not nearly as stable when doing so.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 9 years ago
+James O'Brien Homemade outriggers for $20 or so will help you stand in them.
Deb Brown
Deb Brown - 9 years ago
I love the 10', but I really do not think standing is an option
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 9 years ago
Do you like the 10' yak? Can you Stan in it?
Aaron Rankin
Aaron Rankin - 10 years ago
Thanks Deb Brown. I will make a note in the description.

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