59,521 likes 62,304,957 views 13 years ago
http://www.facebook.com/ZeeNorthwest http://www.hobiefishing.com/ http://www.kokatat.com/ http://nextadventure.net/...
179,369 likes 29,765,428 views 11 years ago
Basketball, Golf, Kayaks, Soccer... and Ryan Tannehill? Game on. ---------------------------------------- ► PLAY our...
45,318 likes 13,736,375 views 9 years ago
This is a SUPER FUN vlog from our 3rd Day on the Island of Maui, Hawaii! This is only PART 1 of DAY 3! The Kids go...
17,638 likes 7,381,549 views 10 years ago
una tarde increible, mucho sol, kayak y ballenas. Mientras mirabamos desde arriba del kayak, una de las ballenas si...
4,561 likes 6,310,680 views 9 years ago
On our 08:00 am Sanctuary Cruises whale tour, just outside the harbor in Moss Landing, two kayakers on a tandam kayak...
11,895 likes 5,464,676 views 11 years ago
This was my first shark from the kayak, and after spending 5 minutes trying to remove the hook with pliers and being...
59,521 likes 62,304,957 views 13 years ago
http://www.facebook.com/ZeeNorthwest http://www.hobiefishing.com/ http://www.kokatat.com/ http://nextadventure.net/...
179,369 likes 29,765,428 views 11 years ago
Basketball, Golf, Kayaks, Soccer... and Ryan Tannehill? Game on. ---------------------------------------- ► PLAY our...
17,638 likes 7,381,549 views 10 years ago
una tarde increible, mucho sol, kayak y ballenas. Mientras mirabamos desde arriba del kayak, una de las ballenas si...
4,561 likes 6,310,680 views 9 years ago
On our 08:00 am Sanctuary Cruises whale tour, just outside the harbor in Moss Landing, two kayakers on a tandam kayak...
11,895 likes 5,464,676 views 11 years ago
This was my first shark from the kayak, and after spending 5 minutes trying to remove the hook with pliers and being...
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@MerryChirps on Twitter and @MerryMaryMix on Instagram During a solo kayak trip, intended to go from from Ketchikan,...
The "Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Can be made retractable. Makes paddling this kayak 100 percent better.
10. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak
20. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak
--> Yakaholics30. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak
How is the tracking with this one?
Thanks for the reply; I'm glad you like this kayak. I'll keep it in mind.
50. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak
sadly I do need to spend some cash to buy a decent one.. Im probably gonna drop $800 on an Old Town Tandem Kayak. or a lil more on a Wilderness Tandem.
The carrying capacity appears to be 250 lbs so heavier people might want to opt for an 11 or 12 foot model.
If you put too much weight in it you'll have water coming up through the scupper holes and keep things wet.
If your kayak has the proper carrying capacity you should see water part way up in the scupper holes but not staying in the passenger area. Scupper plugs will keep the water from coming up in the kayak due to waves or rough water.
There are some scupper plugs that let water drain out but block it from coming in, but they don't work on models like this.
For example, if you have a wave or boat wake break over your boat, or if you tip over.
this is not exactly a news bulletin.
even Tractor Supply has one for $299
Look here's the deal, are you tired of shore fishing? Watching all them fish jump just out of reach?
This is a great 'introductory' kayak.
It's 300-375$ you get everything you need to get out on the water. Once you get the hang of it, then yea, invest in something on the higher end side. But if it turns out a kayak is not your thing, well, you didn't waste 1,000$
300$ is a good price to tell you if kayak fishing is something you may be into.
I mean seriously, who started fishing with a 500$ rod and reel setup?
No, you start small then invest more as your passion grows.
Stop being ignorant.
screw everybody's negative comments, you posted a $300 Walmart kayak review and got like 250 THOUSAND REVIEWS and people talking,
people with their exaggerations I tell you..
I love my low end kayak, 10 feet long, can stick in back of MY CAR, light weight, easy to transport, easy to put in water after work on the way home.
yes I have an over $1000.00 dollar kayak too, your not going to take low end kayak to beach offshore to catch grouper, but this little kayak catches fish very practical.
guess what? side by side little kayak been out in the water more then big kayak.
guess what?
little kayak has caught MORE fish then big kayak..
guess what?
more fun because you can get out and fish more on little kayak then big kayak.
FISH ON!!!!!
100. comment for Amazing $300 Walmart Kayak
By the way I have 2 friends who use the walmart kayaks. 1 is about to upgrade to a higher end kayak after 5 years of wearing his out.
By the way I roll with a hobie pa12.
I too started out with a cheap one at a grand after taxes,when I got into kayak fishing. Did a lot of research on a few and what would suit my needs. Since we had no demo's of anything that I could try, in my area. Besides I didn't want to blow big money on a yak if I didn't like it in general.Figuring I wouldn't lose too much on a return or if I decided to sell it.. I have to say I got lucky because it turned out to be a good yak for being mass produced.
I still have her to this day and still take it out. After two upgrades it still does fine!
If anything you can gradually work your way up to something better. So paddle on and enjoy! what you have. Be safe and tight lines.
Keep in mind I said cheap not cheaper.
Frankly, it's irresponsible for anyone to recommend the Walmart boat.
Its true for kayaks too. . . 300.00 is not going to get you a new fishing kayak worth putting in the water. 5 - 700.00 for a Perception Pescador/Striker . . . Ascend D10/128t. . . Field and Stream 120 etc. . is where anyone in the market should start if they are not buying used.
There really is nothing good about this walmart kayak. its complete junk
Those are thigh pads, lol.
I was looking to add a sit-on yak for that and with two kayaks my wife can go too.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Nice review...
The scuppers do suck on the kayak but at least you have some. The dry storage can be used with a water proof casing. Tank well (back of kayak) will hold a grocery "personal" shopping basket.
Luck to all.
Right on for posting this.