Best Fishing Kayak UNDER $1,000?!

I have been wanting to make this video for a long time. Like I said, there is no such thing as the "perfect kayak" for everyone but I feel that this is a must watch for people looking for a great kayak for under $1K. Make sure to ask questions in the comments below if you need help picking out a kayak! SEE KAYAK HERE - Newest Version of My Kayak - My Paddle - My Favorite Fishing Camera - ***Disclaimer - The above are Amazon Associate Links Other Kayak Videos: Instagram: Facebook:

Best Fishing Kayak UNDER $1,000?! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Kayak 7 years ago 27,163 views

I have been wanting to make this video for a long time. Like I said, there is no such thing as the "perfect kayak" for everyone but I feel that this is a must watch for people looking for a great kayak for under $1K. Make sure to ask questions in the comments below if you need help picking out a kayak! SEE KAYAK HERE - Newest Version of My Kayak - My Paddle - My Favorite Fishing Camera - ***Disclaimer - The above are Amazon Associate Links Other Kayak Videos: Instagram: Facebook:

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Most popular comments
for Best Fishing Kayak UNDER $1,000?!

Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
I actually bought a new kayak for less than $1K that might even be better than this one! See that video here:
thu Nguyen
thu Nguyen - 6 years ago
Minh ung ho ban good Vàng Hổ lại mình nhé
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Not sure what this means - is this Vietnamese?
thu Nguyen
thu Nguyen - 6 years ago
Goodman ủng hộ bạn bảo hộ mình nhé
Luke August
Luke August - 6 years ago
Ok so ive been asking around i have a ascend 10t im getting more into fishing saltwater dont feel necessqrily comfy in rough waters with it want something bigger not really worried about weight my main concerns are stability storage the Maneuverability possibly be able to stand on and also have been looking into pedal drive kayaks ... ive been intrested in the 3 waters big game 120 the feel free moken 12.5 and the perception pescador pilot i live off the coast of jersey so id be doing inshore maybe going a mile off the beach at the most maybe even the bay but im just so torn between them because i want large space .. proper rod holders and i think thats what bothers me most about the pescador pilot is that the pole holders are kind of wack i need help and an opinion please and thank you
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Well the mirage outback would be a stellar kayak for what you want to do! Yes, unfortunately with that comes price... I would get on Craigslist/Facebook marketplace and see if there are any used Native or Hobie kayaks in your area! Buying used is always a great option to save a few dollars and test the boat first!
Luke August
Luke August - 6 years ago
Ive been leaning towards the hobie mirage outback but im not sure only bc they are super expensive another reason why i was leaning towards the pescador pilot
Luke August
Luke August - 6 years ago
I do not actually the only place i know of is dicks sporting goods or maybe west marine thats about it
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Definitely think you are looking in the right area with those kayaks! If budget allowed, I believe stepping up to a Hobie or a Native pedal drive kayak might not be a bad idea, but I can understand if your budget wouldn't be in that area as they are expensive! I would look at the FeelFree Lure as it is very large, stable, and comfortable. Plus you could always add overdrive later if you wanted it. Do you have any dealers which would let you test paddle these kayaks?
Luke August
Luke August - 6 years ago
Oh ive also been looking at the ascend 128t
jason shafer
jason shafer - 6 years ago
What's the best kayak to use for River fishing
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Good question! I definitely think this tarpon would be a kickass river kayak but honestly, I’m super stoked about my new kayak, the Native Manta Ray! It is a perfect mix of stability and lightweight. See it here:
Justin McKey
Justin McKey - 6 years ago
I live near 2 small man made lakes (Helendale ca silver lakes ) and I was wondering what kayak would be perfect for these lakes I weigh 180lbs and the water is usually calm highest waves would be around 14 inches
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
These look pretty small from what I can tell so you should be fine in pretty much any fishing kayak. What would you say your budget is? Do you want the ability to stand? How much gear will you bring? After you answer those questions, I should be able to help out more! Thanks for watching.
Gideon1948 - 6 years ago
Any thoughts or comments on the Vibe kayaks? Seem to be great boats for under a grand.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Absolutely - they are great kayaks for the price and they come with a paddle. Honestly, the only reason I did the Tarpon over the Vibe is due to the fact that it has withstood the test of time. I would for sure buy a Vibe if I was entering the market now. That said, Jackson just released a kayak in the same $799 price range. Also check out the Old Town Topwater series for $999! Let me know your thoughts, these are all great yaks.
Don Won
Don Won - 6 years ago
Big fish 105 vs lure 10.....
Big is $799 so $200 less
But lure has “better seat”
Wheel in rear
I can’t decide.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Great question... personally I’d get on Facebook/craigslist and look for used FF Lure 10’s to see if you can save a bit of coin. I think the seat will be well worth it from a comfort standpoint. Otherwise, the Big Fish would be great too and you could buy/build a wheel cart for it. I hope this helps! If you have follow up questions just let me know :)
Z71 Dirtymaxx
Z71 Dirtymaxx - 6 years ago
A.D.D. much? Lol anyways great vid man!
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Haha yeahhhh well that is just who I am :) thanks for watching!

10. comment for Best Fishing Kayak UNDER $1,000?!

Weekend RVers
Weekend RVers - 6 years ago
Im looking for my first kayak. Im 6’1” at 225lb. I have no idea what to look for. I saw some good reviews about tarpon 120 as well as perception pescadore pro 120 and emotion stealth pro. My budget is about $800. Any recommendations?
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
First off, i'm excited for you, you will love it! Secondly, I think that all of those are great options and I would certainly recommend looking at them in person and potentially taking them out for a test ride if possible. Aside from that, I would also look at the Vibe Sea Ghost as it is in that price range and comes with a paddle. From what I hear, they are excellent kayaks!

Lastly, don't be afraid to look at used kayaks. A FeelFree Lure (what I fish with) might be a good option due to your size. I am 6'5 and it is very comfortable for larger guys.

Let me know if this helps or if there is any further questions :) best of luck!
Headwaters Kayak
Headwaters Kayak - 6 years ago
Talon is solid boat. Good all around yak.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Yessir - time tested and proven. Tons of great kayaks have entered the market over the past 2 years though!
stuntznfx - 6 years ago
Thanks for the info! I'm looking for a 2 person fishing kayak that is very sturdy and won't tip. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Thank you! Best of luck :)
stuntznfx - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for your advice and the quick reply! Great videos!
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Hmmm, two person could be tough. I see the Ocean Kayak Malibu has a 2-person option and it appears to be a relatively stable kayak (probably not as much for the front angler). Aside from that, I see an Elkton option which looks pretty similar... I must admit, I have never experienced a 2-person kayak so I may not be the best person to ask, but I would definitely recommend trying to test ride before buying if you can make that an option at a local dealer. Hope this helps a bit - thank you for watching!
Shane Butler
Shane Butler - 6 years ago
With all that being said
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
haha yeahhh that was annoying to see once I went to edit
Debbie Wilson
Debbie Wilson - 6 years ago
hi,one of the main features you mention is storage,but can you easily access the storage?wouldnt it be hard to get stable for putting out a flounder net.thanks dave
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Great question! I think that the storage is pretty manageable to get to on the water. This kayak is not as stable as some of the wider options on the market, but you should be able to shift your body around and forward in the kayak to reach any space on the yak... As far as flounder nets go, I really have no experience with that sort of thing but based on the fact that you are looking into that style of fishing, I would recommend getting a more stable kayak. For a similar price point, you should look into the Vibe Sea Ghost, Wilderness Ride, FeelFree Lure, or Native Slayer for a bit more. Don't be afraid to look at used kayaks as you can get really good deals that way too. Let me know how else I can help!
marh415 - 6 years ago
Hey, just came across your channel looking for reviews on that very kayak. Great video!
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Yeah they are pricey! Rack systems can be a bit of a pain in the behind... I wish that all cars came stock with them.
marh415 - 6 years ago
Thank you for the reply, I had sticker shock when I priced out systems from Thule and Yakima.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Personally, I just use the running racks which fit my chevy equinox and strap my kayak down using ratchet straps. That works just fine. Otherwise, I am sure you will be fine with any after-market rack system. Just make sure the kayak is fastened securely but not too tight as to damage the exterior. Regarding storage, I would really recommend finding a way to get it in a garage or shed as just like anything, weather can create damage. If you have to store it outside, I would definitely purchase a nice tarp and stand it straight up in the shade somewhere.
marh415 - 6 years ago
Actually I do, I just put a deposit on this boat. Now, I have to transport it and store it, so what are the best rack systems in your opinion for a small SUV? Also, what is the best way to store it in the cold New England months? Unfortunately, it will have to stay outdoors. Thank you!
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Happy to hear you enjoyed it! Let me know if there is ever any further questions or suggestions :)
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Thanks for chiming in Bradley! That is certainly a good kayak as well. There is a reason it has held up to the test of time in this industry. Hope you are out catching some piggies in it :)
Bradley Hunt
Bradley Hunt - 6 years ago
I'm 6'5 370lbs just bought the wilderness system ride due to the high weight capacity and 33in width. Was just under 1000 and is definitely a good start.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Absolutely! Minnesota eh? I have cousins there - good news is there are plenty of fish to be caught! For your size, I would lean towards larger kayaks as they will provide more comfort on the water. I fish out of a FeelFree Lure 11.5 and would consider that a great option. If you can find a used Lure, you should be able to get close to your price range. Aside from that, I would look into other used rigs as well (Old Town, Jackson, Vibe, Perception Pescador, Wilderness Ride, etc.).... If you get to the point where you aren't finding any good used rigs, then you may want to look into the Ascend 12t and wait until BPS has a good coupon offer. I generally would prefer a major kayak brand over the Ascend due to the heavy weight of that rig, but overall it is a good kayak for the price! Let me know how else I can help!
Chris Lewis
Chris Lewis - 6 years ago
I just picked up the ascend 128t fishing yak. It has a raised seat that goes in three positions and 33 inches wide.i Can stand on the deck while fishing and it is very comfortable sitting for long periods of time. The new ones come with yak power to where you have plenty of plug in adapters for you fish finder, batteries or whatever you need them for. Down side is its bulky and heavy. But great for fishing with arguably more storage space than any other kayak on the market
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Hey, absolutely great comment! I actually have a video on my friends same kayak! Definitely a really good option for the price :)

20. comment for Best Fishing Kayak UNDER $1,000?!

Patrick Callahan
Patrick Callahan - 6 years ago
Great video thanks
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Thanks Patrick!
TYLER STODDARD - 6 years ago
I live on the east coast of Florida and want something that I can take offshore but also do inshore and bass fishing is there something that would be capable of doing all these things?
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
That would be a very good option! I will be jealous if you get that rig :) I wish I had more knowledge of ocean fishing but I have never done it in a yak. I have seen a lot of people do it though and I really think that kayak would suit you fine. Just make sure to take precautionary measures to start and ease into it. Also, if you go to a hobie dealer, they should let you test-ride it as well.
TYLER STODDARD - 6 years ago
I want something that isn't too long to put on the roof of my car. I was looking at the hobie outback since it seems to handle the ocean ok and it's not super long. Any other recommendations
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Absolutely there is! I would look into Ocean Kayak, Old Town, FeelFree, Hobie, and Jackson... There are a ton of kayaks that will work, but it will all depend on your budget and personal preference. If you will be in the ocean, I would recommend a longer kayak that has a good amount of stability. Let me know what follow up questions you have. I would definitely recommend going to a few kayak shops and browsing the selection.
LoneShark_TV - 6 years ago
Question? I am 6'3 and weigh 250lbs i am a bass Fisherman looking for a kayak that I would be able to stand on and balance myself this spawn season, any recommendations??
Chris Lewis
Chris Lewis - 6 years ago
Ascend fs128t from bass pro shops in my opinion is the most bang for you buck. It's a tank
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Great question! I would definitely recommend a larger kayak than what I showed in this video. The first thing to consider is your budget... On the lower side, the Ascend kayak at BPS would be an excellent option (but it also has a big con - SUPER HEAVY).. If you have a few more dollars, I would look into the FeelFree Lure which is a very comfortable ride which is easy to stand in. If you have even more money than that, I would look into a Jackson Big Rig or some pedal drive kayaks (Native, Hobie, Old Town)....

Pretty clear that there are a TON of good options out there huh? Don't mean to overwhelm you, I just like to give as much info as I can. Let me know what follow up questions you have and I will be happy to help. Last thing to note, bed fishing in a kayak is super tough if there is wind. I will be looking into shallow water anchor options; might be something you want as well.
Eddie Booker
Eddie Booker - 6 years ago
Forgot about the yaks, where are those flip flops from??!! Good stuff
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
haha those are some cheap Quiksilver flops I picked up years ago. Can't remember where! Thanks for watching :)
No Escape Outdoors
No Escape Outdoors - 7 years ago
Def can't go wrong with the Tarpon. They rig easy, fish great and are comfortable. Should check out the Pelican catch 120, sub $1k and its super fishy.
No Escape Outdoors
No Escape Outdoors - 7 years ago
Online Outdoorsman yessir! Like you said, we all fit different styles and methods
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Absolutely! Another great option - thanks for commenting that; now others might see it and check it out!
Andy Grow
Andy Grow - 7 years ago
Anything specific I should look for in a fly fishing kayak?
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Great question - I would look for something that can cut through water well so you have a steady ride which will keep you positioned properly. On top of that, you will definitely want stability as you will be standing a lot. I would personally look at the FeelFree Lure and other similar wide kayaks (32" or greater in width). I have never tried that before but I will one of these days! Let me know if you have any further questions. Price range, your size, and what types of water are always my main consideration points.
Greenpea - 7 years ago
I am looking for a kayak I can stand on and feel stable. It would be for lake use only and need to have water tight storage. I would like to be able to add a rudder and a way to add a transducer. The seat is very important as I have a bad back. 5'11 210lb.....What are your thoughts......thank you in advance. Oh yeah, I want to paddle not peddle.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Great question - I personally would look very in depth at the Vibe Sea Ghost (such a crazy good value) as well as the Bonafide SS127 (that thing looks amazing, glad you reminded me). I would steer clear of Ascend or Cabelas brand for now as the higher end brands you are considering will likely be a better long-term value. Honestly, I think you will be happy with any of the kayaks you are considering. They are all very similar! Let me know if I can help in any other way :)
Greenpea - 7 years ago
Thank you for the quick reply and willingness to help. I live in Ohio. I checked out the Jackson Liska at the Columbus Ohio fishing expo last weekend. Nice kayak. This will be my first and I just want to get it right. So far I am impressed with the Bonafide SS127, FeelFree Lure 11.5, Ascend 128T and the Jackson Liska. There are so many out there and ones I haven't mentioned. There are dealers all around me like Jackson, Cabelas and so on. Let me ask you this. If you decided 1,500.00 was your budget prior to add ons and you wanted something to fish lakes from, what would you buy. Dealer or not.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Sounds like the kayak I fish in would be a really good fit! FeelFree Lure 11.5 - take a look. Otherwise, I have heard very good things about the Vibe Sea Ghost and Jackson Coosa. What part of the country are you in - do you have dealers close by which you could test a few at?
PlayHard PlaySafe
PlayHard PlaySafe - 7 years ago
Just found this looking for a kayak. now i got an idea and a direction. Going to check out your other Videos and ill be sure to share this chan. Thank you Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Very nice of you - thanks for sharing! Let me know if you ever have any questions :)
ddgg yak pak & bushcraft
ddgg yak pak & bushcraft - 7 years ago
The ascend 128t is way better than that kayak...$850...12'8...multi use seat...lots of storage...flat casting deck...yak power system...ram should look at it
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
I did a video on that kayak as well! The reason I chose the Tarpon is due to the long track-record of success and it is a bit more versatile. Some people can't handle a kayak that heavy - however it is still a great option for the price!
Eli McFarland
Eli McFarland - 7 years ago
Are you in Arkansas around Bentonville
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
I sure was.... Now I am moving to Michigan (on the road now). Good eye :)

30. comment for Best Fishing Kayak UNDER $1,000?!

Zhijia Zhang
Zhijia Zhang - 7 years ago
Is the Tarpon kayak stable and safe enough to bring out to the Chesapeake Bay?
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Good question - I am not a saltwater guy so I don't know for sure but here is what I would do. I imagine a Tarpon 120 would be just fine but you should go to a local kayak shop and discuss it with one of the employees to see what most kayak anglers use in the Bay. That should provide some guidance. A lot of people likely are using bigger kayaks with more stability due to the waves.
Reds Kayak Fishing
Reds Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
With all of that said......
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Yeah yeah yeah! haha thanks for watching :)
Danatrid - 7 years ago
native slayer? someone didn't think about that when he proposed the name idea lol.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Haha I never even realized that! Wow...
David Cortez
David Cortez - 7 years ago
I noticed a Frontier in the background. I was recently told that the Pursuit would be more stable because the gunnels weren't as tall/high. I have been leaning towards the Frontier 12 because the load capacity, open deck, and seat option. My question is was the gunnel statement correct or true?
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Darn, well best of luck. I really don't think you can go wrong with either of those kayaks. If any more questions come to mind, feel free to let me know!
David Cortez
David Cortez - 7 years ago
Online Outdoorsman thank you for the response and insight. Unfortunately I'm going to make highly researched but uneducated choice, nearest dealer in my area is 200 miles away and all demo days are some for the year. Thanks again.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
David - this is an excellent question. Honestly, I am not super familiar with NuCanoe kayaks but after looking at them, I believe this statement will hold true to an extent. They both look to be relatively stable as they are very wide kayaks - the Pursuit is a bit more traditional in the sense that it's width doesn't vary to the extent of the Frontier. Because of the deeper gunnels paired with the more pronounced v-nose, you are going to be sitting a bit lower in the water which will likely cause the kayak to be a bit more shaky on the water. Overall, I really think either option will be a good rig. Personally, I think the Pursuit looks like a rig I would enjoy more, however I highly recommend trying to test paddle each boat. Let me know if you have any further questions!
Charles Griffin
Charles Griffin - 7 years ago
any suggestions on a sub $1k kayak that is designed to stand in?
ddgg yak pak & bushcraft
ddgg yak pak & bushcraft - 7 years ago
What do you mean by the same quality. ..I'm very interested to understand the quality difference. I'm fixing to buy a new kayak and I wish I could afford a hobie or Jackson but I cant.
KAYAK KOWBOY - 7 years ago
the feelfree lure
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Depending on your size, you could likely stand in a Wilderness Systems Ride 115 (basic package should be less than a grand) or the Perception Pescador... Other than that, the Ascend Kayaks that BPS has are going to be very affordable and stable. They are just not built with the same quality as branded kayaks. Let me know how else I can help!
R Villarreal
R Villarreal - 7 years ago
Trying to decide whether to go with the Tarpon 120 or the Pescador Perception Pro 12. Would you say there are big differences between to the two? Thanks
R Villarreal
R Villarreal - 7 years ago
Thank you for your info. Greatly appreciated. Hope your channel gets plenty of subscriptions.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Two great yaks that are both top selling... They are relatively similar in build but the Pescador is going to be lightly wider and have a bigger seat which could be a bit more comfortable on the water. I would say that the Tarpon will likely track a bit better and paddle slightly faster though. Ultimately, I would suggest testing them both out and determining which one feels better for you, but you really can't go wrong with either of these kayaks. If you have any more questions, just let me know! Thanks for watching :)
Larry Moffatt
Larry Moffatt - 7 years ago
Hey OO: Thanks for introducing your viewers and soon-to-be-buyers to the Tarpon. I've been thrilled with my Tarpon 100 (my 8th year paddling it) and fishing from it has been more fun than I can describe. As long as you don't A) feel the need to stand or B) have money burning a hole in your pocket, it's a clear winner. If you're over 200 lbs (I'm not), then go with the Tarpon 120.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
That is a beautiful rig!
Larry Moffatt
Larry Moffatt - 7 years ago
I really like making good use of my Tarpon 100 built-in tracks, hatches and large tank well:
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Thanks for bringing some more clarity to this kayak! I 100% agree - it is just a solid kayak that will provide a lifetime of fun on the water. While there are other great kayaks out there for a similar price, the Tarpon continues to hold up and sell very well for a reason.
Max Farmer
Max Farmer - 7 years ago
What is the best kayak for under 700 bucks
Max Farmer
Max Farmer - 7 years ago
Online Outdoorsman thanks for your feedback which one is probably the most stable
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
I would look into the Emotion Stealth and Pelican Catch series kayaks. Otherwise, you can always get into a Perception Pescador for around that price as well. Let me know your thoughts after you look into these rigs.
Jesus Zamudio
Jesus Zamudio - 7 years ago
Would a feel free lure 10 be good for saltwater??
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
I can't say for sure as I do not fish saltwater, however I know the FeelFree Lure's are very commonly used for saltwater anglers. It might make more sense to upgrade from a 10 to an 11.5 or 13.5 for added stability in the ocean. Hope this helps!
Haydog _322
Haydog _322 - 7 years ago
What is the name of the tan yak at :40
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Thanks Paul! I checked you out and subbed. I appreciate you answering the question for Haydog :)
Paul Busse Fishing
Paul Busse Fishing - 7 years ago
Online Outdoorsman that is a nucanoe . Cool vid! If u are interested and have the time could you check out my channel and sub back?
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching - honestly I can't remember what kayak that is! I see that model a lot but I can't put my finger on what it is. I will be sure to reply back if I happen to remember. Sorry about that :/
Yankee Tanker
Yankee Tanker - 7 years ago
Just found your channel.. subbed.. take a look at mine and if you are interested sub back.. now that being said.... That pescador pro that was on the wall behind you .. I think is less than 1000 and the seat is pretty darn good... I am in a Feel Free Lure 11.5.. nonetheless great vid!
Yankee Tanker
Yankee Tanker - 7 years ago
Online Outdoorsman still a great vid.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching and I appreciate the support. I checked out your channel and went ahead and subbed. I look forward to looking through all your current & future vids! I also fish out of a Lure 11.5 and I love the thing. Couldn't agree more that the Pescador Pro is a great ride. Probably should have said something but wanted to keep the video relatively short and mostly wanted to point out the Tarpon.

Thanks again :)
WanderingFromKansas - 7 years ago
I'm so glad to see this video! I'm in the market for my first, and my budget is just about $1,000. Number one on my list currently is the Vibe Sea Ghost, either 110 or 130. The SeaGhost comes with a toe rudder system, that no other has under $1,000.Next, I've considered the Pelican Catch NXT. FeelFree Lure 11.5 looks great, but seems to be a big jump in price compared to the others. I'd really like a full seat with adjustable positions. There aren't good options for test riding up this way. Do you have a suggestion for a place to ride some of these?
KAYAK KOWBOY - 7 years ago
sit in a feelfree and youll know why
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Come on down, lets fish!
WanderingFromKansas - 7 years ago
What you're saying is, I need to come spend a weekend kayak fishing with you?
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Hmm it appears the closest place for you to view a Vibe in person is actually here in Northwest Arkansas (let me know if you want me to go check it out). I have heard so many good things about those kayaks so I don't think you can go wrong. Haven't heard much about the Pelican but it looks like a great ride as well. From what it looks like to me, the Pelican may be easier to stand in based on the overall shape of the kayak. The Vibe appears to track in the water better and have a few more features for fishermen. If you were to step up to the FeelFree, I don't think you can go wrong but it will be quite a bit heavier than the Vibe. That will add stability on the water, but cut on your top speed.

Overall, I think you have the right idea of viewing them in person. You should probably call Dick's Sporting Goods and see if they have any Pelicans in stock. Let me know if you have any further questions!
ANDREW - 7 years ago
Looking for my 1st kayak. Most important to me is stability while standing due to the way I like to fish. I'm a big guy so trying to find a decent kayak that is wide hasn't been the easiest from what I have researched. I am either having to spend a crap ton of money and for my 1st kayak, that doesn't sit well with me. Any advice would be welcome. Good luck on your channel also.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching! The one thing I will say if you want to stand and fish comfortably out of a kayak, you are generally going to have to spend a bit more money. A Hobie would be ideal but those cost an arm and a leg... I fish out of a FeelFree Lure 11.5 and it is very comfortable and easy to stand in - a lot of larger people choose this kayak. Other than that, I would look into the Native Slayer, Jackson Coosa, and you could even consider the Cabelas Fishing Kayak or the Ascend series from BPS if you are looking for a lower price.

Another thing to consider is buying used. You may be able to find a Jackson Big Rig, Old Town Predator, or other generally expensive kayaks for a deal. These things will last so as long as it appears to be in pretty good shape and doesn't have holes in it, there is nothing wrong with this route.

Let me know your thoughts, thanks again!
R H - 7 years ago
Welcome back from Australia. Been looking into getting a kayak. Kind of leaning toward the Feel Free Lure. Nice height adjustable, extra wide padded seat and 13.5' long. It is heavier though and more than $1k.
KAYAK KOWBOY - 7 years ago
feelfree rocks!! i got the 13.5 .i had an avalon that was just like the sells like hot cakes cause its almost half price of any stand up. and everyone starting in kayaks goes for the cheapest "in case i dont like it"after the gravity chair there is no other fishing kayak and on the tarpon the seat sucks and you cant stand ... plus if weight cap is a factor the lure is less than a grand. the lure beats the tarpon hands down.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
I fish out of a FeelFree Lure 11.5 and love it so I would certainly say you can't go wrong! Thanks for watching and good luck in your kayak purchase - let me know if you have any questions :)
iDirtyDan - 7 years ago
WOW ;)
Bradley Miller
Bradley Miller - 7 years ago
I have the Wilderness Systems Ride 115x, such a great kayak. Hope you don't mind but I shared this video with a couple kayak fishing groups on Facebook.
Online Outdoorsman
Online Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
I don't mind at all! Thanks for sharing :) Yes that is a phenomenal rig - I have always wanted to fish out of one!

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