Big Musky Caught From A Kayak

A 41" musky caught from a kayak while fishing for smallmouth bass. It took a swipe at my friend's spook and chased mine back a couple times before biting on my bitsy bug jig. Caught with a medium action spinning rod and 10lb line.

Big Musky Caught From A Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Kayak 9 years ago 94,279 views

A 41" musky caught from a kayak while fishing for smallmouth bass. It took a swipe at my friend's spook and chased mine back a couple times before biting on my bitsy bug jig. Caught with a medium action spinning rod and 10lb line.

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Most popular comments
for Big Musky Caught From A Kayak

rouleduke123 - 6 years ago
tiger muskie nice
camp&fish - 7 years ago
You Americans are so lucky , you have some amazing fishing
Kyle Snavely
Kyle Snavely - 7 years ago
This is awesome.
Sask Yak Fishing
Sask Yak Fishing - 7 years ago
Great judgement call on changing lures, game changer.
Nice video
Frank Scoblick
Frank Scoblick - 7 years ago
This is awesome. Thanks for sharing. Good job!
Jamie Hart
Jamie Hart - 7 years ago
Nice! Whenever a muskie chases your bait to the boat but doesn't take it just stick your rod tip down in the water and make a big figure eight motion until he strikes or swims away.
Andreas K.
Andreas K. - 7 years ago
Nice. Which River is thats?
Freshwater Finatic
Freshwater Finatic - 7 years ago
Bradd Lemke
Bradd Lemke - 7 years ago
The other guy wasn't happy for you at all lol

10. comment for Big Musky Caught From A Kayak

Vladof - 7 years ago
How can you be so calm ! If I hooked a musky like that I'd be totally nuts
Mike Wazowski
Mike Wazowski - 7 years ago
Just let it pull you across the lake. You're already a mile and a half away from your friend.
Gumby Kidz
Gumby Kidz - 7 years ago
Nice fish - 7 years ago
Jacobl Hammonds
Jacobl Hammonds - 7 years ago
Great video man
richard westera
richard westera - 7 years ago
trow the gripper in to the trash
StellarChi - 7 years ago
DTE - 7 years ago
1:29 the feeling after busting a nut
Josh Lahlum
Josh Lahlum - 7 years ago
Where was this at?
Derek Bushnell
Derek Bushnell - 7 years ago
Wow. Great fish.

20. comment for Big Musky Caught From A Kayak

TSquad Music
TSquad Music - 7 years ago
What do you use for a pole and reel
TSquad Music
TSquad Music - 7 years ago
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
I caught this musky on one of my river smallie rods, a 5'10" M XF St Croix Legend Tournament with a Pflueger Patriarch (switched to a Revo MGX since then) and 10lb Trilene Sensation.
PikeSlayer - 7 years ago
What paddle do you have?
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
It's a great paddle! The light weight is worth the cost if you plan on spending a decent amount of time on the water.
PikeSlayer - 7 years ago
Thanks, do you like it? I'm picking out everything I need before I get my kayak.
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
I have a Bending Branches Angler Pro.
Derek K
Derek K - 7 years ago
I would love to land a fish like that in my kayak. Must be such a thrill.
Dane D
Dane D - 7 years ago
Nothing like catching musky from a yak. Nice fish. Ive got a few and they always jump
LDC Outdoors
LDC Outdoors - 8 years ago
This is one awesome channel you have got man. I just have one question though, how is it that you manage to stay so calmWhen you catch these monsters? Keep up the good work
MasterBaiting - 8 years ago
ey nice fish!  on 4:41 ray?
Maine Angler
Maine Angler - 8 years ago
Awesome catch, and nice job playing it!
Paul Ottolino
Paul Ottolino - 8 years ago
Awesome video. You got the strike and all of the action. Great looking barred musky. Give her a few years and she'll be a 50". The best part is you know where she lives now. Keep those rods bent!
Cy Bacto
Cy Bacto - 8 years ago
That's an awesome and beautiful fish. Catching it must have been quite a thrill. Best of luck grabbing one of those bigger ones you mention below someday.
River Rat Matt
River Rat Matt - 8 years ago
thats the worst when you go to grab them and they run lol

30. comment for Big Musky Caught From A Kayak

Nicholas Goranson
Nicholas Goranson - 8 years ago
where is this
Hooked On Fishing
Hooked On Fishing - 8 years ago
What is the best musky and pike lures please tell me I'm trying to catch a pike with a dare devil please tell me what lures awesome video that is huge
Workin' it with Willie
Workin' it with Willie - 8 years ago
Hey buddy hope you read this I know you're asking for the youtubers advice. However, I thought I'd put in my 2 cents worth to help you out. Inline spinners always work for quantity, like the youtuber mentioned, mepps is fine, I prefer the bluefox vibrax in size 4 5 or 6, 4 if you're looking for multi species(bass,perch,trout). Or huge inline spinners like double cowgirls or dbl 8s etc. if you're looking for 40 inch+ fish. Jerk baits are also fantastic lures, for both pike and ski, try a shadowrap or size 10 xrap slash bait. Pike is my regularly targeted species and I catch 100's. If you're just looking to try stuff go with 1 natural and 1 non natural looking color for each type of bait. For instance a blue body silver blade and silver body orange/pink blade for the spinner. And to save money on the jerk bait just starting out I'd get an all white or majority white for the jerkbait. These should cost you about 15-25$ total depending on sales etc and will be all you need to land your first hugo largo.
Jake P
Jake P - 8 years ago
Jackson Schmitt Chatterbaits for pike
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I used to hammer pike trolling dare devils when I was a kid. Inline spinners like those made by Mepps are usually good for pike and a white jig and twisty tail always seems to catch them when the water is somewhat clear.
jesusoftheapes - 8 years ago
i was so afraid you were going to wake it with the paddle their for awhile !
God - 8 years ago
This is why catch and release is so important. So others can catch these magical fish
Kyle Collins
Kyle Collins - 8 years ago
That's a fish of a lifetime.
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I hope not, I've seen a few bigger ones swimming around in this river!
Ashley Hockenberry
Ashley Hockenberry - 8 years ago
Marcus Shiroda
Marcus Shiroda - 8 years ago
If you go to 1:18 you will see another fish near your paddle. Nice catch.
flashy5150 - 7 years ago
Good eye on that one, it looked even bigger than the one he caught.
yz125ryder - 8 years ago
Another musky checking things out!
John Lee
John Lee - 8 years ago
Ski35 - 8 years ago
Are those St. Croix rods you're using?
Garrett Hutton
Garrett Hutton - 8 years ago
I caught my musky from a kayak too!
Preston6313 - 8 years ago
Buy a will make things easier
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I have a small one I use for bass which is what I was targeting here. If I bring gear to be prepared for anything I might catch I'd need a bigger boat.
Larry Moffatt
Larry Moffatt - 8 years ago
Amazing. All your videos are good. You are very talented AND very fortunate.
Larry Moffatt
Larry Moffatt - 8 years ago
You got that right: low branches can be evil so leashes while on the move. As you get anywhere near overhanging branches and culverts etc, you poke the rod handles horizontally into those inverted T rear fittings (the rods will nicely contour to the curvature of the kayak by positioning/flexing the tips alongside more of the same fittings on front rails). You can also troll using extensions/variations on the front ones:
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I haven't but that's a good idea. Careful for low branches, I've had them pull my rods a few inches out of my rod tubes before so they could definitely pop out of those short tubes but it looks like you have a leash on them.
Larry Moffatt
Larry Moffatt - 8 years ago
Have you ever tried 1-¼"dia ABS plumbing parts on your WS Tarpon rails? Here's a screenshot of some on mine:
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks Larry! I'm lucky to have some great fishing around here!
StandsWithABeer - 8 years ago
>>>>>> envy! <<<<<<< Wow, nice!
Isaac Schultz
Isaac Schultz - 8 years ago
Where r u fishing?
Jackson Bates
Jackson Bates - 8 years ago
+NDYakAngler cool I don't blame ya for not giving up the spot, just wondering cause I live in MN near Minneapolis and got a spot up north near Leech Lake 
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I'd say more in the central part of the state. I don't get too specific on locations in the comments, if I name the river the highway noise pretty much gives up my spot.
Jackson Bates
Jackson Bates - 8 years ago
what river? you up north somewhere or in the cities?
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
This was on a small river in Minnesota.
Off The Bank Fishing
Off The Bank Fishing - 8 years ago
great fish man! even better release!!! how do you add photos to gopro videos? what program do you use?
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks! Hopefully I can hook into a few more this summer! I'd think almost any video editing software will let you add a still shot. I use an older Roxio program that has a half decent video editor. It's pretty basic but it does what I need it to.
Brenny627 - 8 years ago
Where is this at
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I don't post anything too specific about locations in the comments but this was on a small river in central Minnesota.
Meinsnailen - 8 years ago
The next best thing to me catching that musky was watching you catch that musky.
Andy Mck
Andy Mck - 8 years ago
great stuff, and fantastic to see it been carefully nursed back before release. nice one
Andomosity - 8 years ago
nice catch! one of my friends caught a tiger muskee in northern Illinois a few weeks ago and it was 40 inches!
Living Vivid
Living Vivid - 8 years ago
Great catch and release on that musky!

50. comment for Big Musky Caught From A Kayak

robert trump
robert trump - 8 years ago
Awesome fish! Great video quality and handling of the fish. I'm surprised you didn't go for one hell of a ride lol Iv been pulled by big bluegills and bass I figured a musky would have you moving like a jetski!
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks! I figured it would have put up more of a fight too but I think it used a lot of its energy with the jumps. Later in the fall one of my friends got pulled about a half mile by a 50"+ but it thrashed and snapped the line as he was trying to land it.
Jay Bay
Jay Bay - 9 years ago
brilliant footage but in five years will look oldschool lol but nice
Kara Johnston
Kara Johnston - 9 years ago
great job man love the rods you use their the best !!
Ryan Wolf
Ryan Wolf - 9 years ago
Awesome video! Congrats on the Muskie!
Ben Vasquez
Ben Vasquez - 9 years ago
Beautiful muskie! Suprised you got him on the jig over the spook.
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
It took a good swipe at my friends spook right away and chased mine back a couple times so I think it caught on that it was a lure. First cast with the change up got him though!
Brady Schlapkohl
Brady Schlapkohl - 9 years ago
Where are you fishing?
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I can't wait to hit this stretch of river again this summer! I caught a few muskie there last year and the smallmouth fishing was incredible!
sakimano - 9 years ago
that was awesome. It was great how you could see him swiping at it!
I have to say, being a Hobie guy, watching you deal with the paddle amidst all of that annoyed me for you lol. Great channel. Sub'd.
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks man!  Having to take a few corrective strokes while fighting fish doesn't really bother me, I kind of enjoy the extra challenge it adds.
Joshua Bullock
Joshua Bullock - 9 years ago
This is an awesome video man. Going to throw a kayak on top of the jeep in the new month and try not to drown!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I thought for sure I'd end up flipping my kayak the first time out, never happened though and it only took about five minutes to really start feeling comfortable in it. Be careful if the water is still cold though, it's always a good idea to have a dry bag with enough spare clothes to stay warm in case something happens.
DeOnna Williams
DeOnna Williams - 9 years ago
Just amazing...Up early in the morning getting my dose of great kayak fishing before work...Just amazing two thumbs up
bandaidbrandd - 9 years ago
absolutely awesome, nice pics and great fish! keep up the good work!
23v0lv32 - 9 years ago
nice!! what camera are you using?
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I use a Gopro hero 4 silver on a home made hat cam rig. I also use a Zoom H1 with an ATR-3350 lapel mic to pick up audio.
Scott Miller
Scott Miller - 9 years ago
That was unbelieveable, a fish of a lifetime , 3 time jumper , good for you , phots and video ,every ones dream , thanks for the great fight, hopefully me someday , thanks again.
braveswin1 - 9 years ago
As Roland Martin would say, "SON!!!!"
JdPerchhunter - 9 years ago
With which fishing rod do you fish? Thanks
JdPerchhunter - 9 years ago
Thank you very much. I love Topwater-Fishing....and your Chanel is very nice. :)
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
I was using a 5'10" M XF St Croix Legend Tournament rod. I use them mostly for river fishing smallmouth which is what I was targeting on this trip. The musky was a nice bonus fish!
West_Nebraska_Dude - 9 years ago
Amazing catch!!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! This is definitely one of my favorite catches from this past summer! I can't wait to try this stretch of river for some pre spawn smallies in the spring.
Midwestfishingbros - 9 years ago
Wow! That was amazing
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! One of my favorite catches from this past season!
John Ballard
John Ballard - 9 years ago
Beautiful backdrop there. Paradise. The fun part is catching fish like that the not so fun part is having to grab them. In my neck of the woods it's mostly pike and usually much smaller but those gill plates will mess you up! I finally got a pair of gloves just tired of trying to cradle the fish while grabbing the lure and hoping he doesn't slice me. Nice video!!
John Ballard
John Ballard - 9 years ago
Glue the wounds shut. Dude that's hard core lol.
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks John! This was the fourth year I've been fishing this river, never caught a musky until this summer and I ended up catching three of them! There aren't many pike either but when I find one they're usually a pretty good size. I mostly target smallmouth so when I hook into a bonus fish like this I'm a little unprepared to land it. A pair of gloves would be a great idea! This one thrashed a little while my buddy was getting his phone out and looking back I think one of it's teeth poked my finger but I've been sliced up by their gills before too. That's just one more reason I always have a tube of super glue in my tackle box, glue the wounds shut and it's back to fishing!
MNoutdoors99 - 9 years ago
Hey! Nice video man, One quick question though.. Was this a creek or a river because it seems a bit small for a river
MNoutdoors99 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply :)
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! This was on a river.
Mokan Angler
Mokan Angler - 9 years ago
Why spinning gear?
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
I was actually fishing for smallmouth here, the musky was a nice bonus fish! I like those short spinning rods for kayak fishing a small river like this. They're great for short accurate casts and fishing in a lot of tight spots.
Pamela Girlfish
Pamela Girlfish - 9 years ago
Beautiful fish
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! They're always a nice surprise when I hook into one with my bass fishing gear!
Arturo Castillo
Arturo Castillo - 9 years ago
nice jumping action. great vid. had no fishing time this season in ND maybe next year.
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I hope you get some fishing in next year! A couple more weeks and I think the kayak will be going in storage for the winter.
StellarChi - 9 years ago
YAKMAN ONT - 9 years ago
nice catch
YAKMAN ONT - 9 years ago
nice catch
Tobias Wiesinger
Tobias Wiesinger - 9 years ago
what rod?
great video
Tobias Wiesinger
Tobias Wiesinger - 9 years ago
Thank you man
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Yeah both the spinning rods I was using here are the same other than the handle so I fish the spook and poppers with pretty much the same rod. I've always preferred shorter rods so I really like the 5'10" especially for kayak fishing rivers. If I was standing and fishing a spook i might go slightly longer with the rod to keep the tip close to the water surface but the short rod is great for fishing while sitting in my kayak. The tips on these rods are perfect for twitching topwater lures.
Tobias Wiesinger
Tobias Wiesinger - 9 years ago
Ok because i need a rod to fish on bass in the ebro..

Can i twitch with this rod?
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Yes, I catch a ton of largemouth and smallmouth on rivers with topwater lures.
Tobias Wiesinger
Tobias Wiesinger - 9 years ago
Can i fish topwater on riverbass or not?
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I was using a St Croix Legend Tournament 5'10" M XF rod. I wasn't expecting to hook into a musky though, that rod is mostly used for fishing smallmouth.
Daniel Wolfle
Daniel Wolfle - 9 years ago
You're like the Bob Ross of fishing, haha.
Paramount Fishing
Paramount Fishing - 9 years ago
Awesome. Muskie fishing is definitely on my bucket list. Really love your channel and all your videos are top notch. I was wondering if you could add my channel to the "featured channels" section on your channel? All you have to do is reply after you've added mine and I'll add yours to my channel. I predict that my channel is about to receive a large jump in views and it would be a great opportunity for you to join-in on the action.
Tom Landberg
Tom Landberg - 9 years ago
What river?
Kayak Musky Central
Kayak Musky Central - 9 years ago
great catch!  smart move to switch to the jig
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I'm surprised it bit that little jig!
Richard K.
Richard K. - 9 years ago
What model bait casting rod and reel do you choose to use?
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
I use a couple Quantum Smoke SL100HPT's that I swapped handles/grips for the carbon fiber ones made for Pflueger Patriarch casting reels. I have all 3 of the 6'8" models of the St Croix Legend Tournament Bass rods so the reels get switched around depending on where I'm fishing. The M XF gets the most use when I'm fishing smallmouth on the river. The M F and MH F get used more when I'm fishing for largemouth.
sgtryan98 - 9 years ago
Wow that was awesome!!! Big fish! Good job!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks man! That was the highlight of my year so far!
Fisk Outdoors
Fisk Outdoors - 9 years ago
Wow that was awesome! Hopefully this will happen to me one time I go musky fishing
ohhbaby44 - 9 years ago
Best kayak fishing videos online for sure. Add me on Facebook and we can get on the water sometime.

Denver Tergesen
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks man, will do!
Shawn Kariniemi
Shawn Kariniemi - 9 years ago
Nice man, I just got my first musky from a kayak. Caught him on the spook too.
Ron Strauss
Ron Strauss - 9 years ago
Fun to watch Matt!
Bob Riiskey
Bob Riiskey - 9 years ago
well done! very nice fish! congrats on the catch and well done with the release!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I've always wanted to catch one, glad I had the hat cam going!
MG-70 - 9 years ago
Awesome fish! Explosive on the take but you'd think they'd fight longer, no? If it were a bluegill that big, you'd be fighting for hours! ;) As always, thanks for the vids!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Yeah bluegill are hard fighting fish for their size. I was expecting this fight to last a little longer too but I think the musky used up a lot of its energy with the jumps.
GeluNumber1 - 9 years ago
Sweet fish. That hookset was sick
Colm2243 - 9 years ago
I can't get over how big that Musky was in such a small river! Nice job!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! There's a lot of big fish on this river. Minnows and small baitfish are everywhere you look along the banks so there's plenty of food for them.
YakAnglerNJ - 9 years ago
beautiful musky! loved the acrobatics!! nice catch.
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I cant believe I got it in on 10lb line!
DTroFishOn - 9 years ago
Bad Ass!!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Probably my coolest catch so far this year! Now that I can finally cross musky off my fish to catch list I think its time for a sturgeon!
SGallowayFishing - 9 years ago
awesome fish!
Richard K.
Richard K. - 9 years ago
Hey I'm really wanting to try to hold a pike or a Muskie from inside of its gill plate. I've seen everyone do it I just don't know if I want to due to the risk of my hand being cut. Any advice on what parts would cut me and where and how to hold it? Thanks! Awesome video!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
I'm a bass guy so I'm not the greatest at grabbing pike. Smaller ones I just grab behind their head but bigger ones like this I slide my hand under their gill plate to the front and put a little pressure on the outside with my thumb. This one thrashed once while I was letting my friend get in photo position and I think my finger got poked by one of its teeth. If you get your fingers too far inside its gill plate its gill rakers can slice you up too if they thrash while your holding them. I always have a tube of super glue in my tackle box just in case I get cut, it works great in a pinch to seal up battle wounds.
Giulio d'Alfonso
Giulio d'Alfonso - 9 years ago
Woooooooooooooooooow incredible !!! Splendid Muskie !!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! This was the catch of the year so far for me! The water is cooling off now so the big fish are biting, maybe I can top this one in the next few weeks!
Brian Theriault
Brian Theriault - 9 years ago
Gorgeous fish and nice release! I'll be targeting these beasts next year from my kayak on Lake of the Woods. Can't wait!!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! Lake of the Woods would be a fun trip! I need to get up to LOTW or Rainy Lake next year.
Brandon Jahn
Brandon Jahn - 9 years ago
WOW that was fun top watch nice catch!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! This fish definitely got the adrenaline going!
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll - 9 years ago
Where do u fish but great video
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
This was in Minnesota. I keep the exact locations of my videos quiet, too many keep everything they catch fishermen out there.
BeyondTheBounds - 9 years ago
Whoa what a jump!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
All three I've seen caught this year jumped just like this one. They're a blast to catch!
PCM24 97
PCM24 97 - 9 years ago
He was jumping like a smallie lol

100. comment for Big Musky Caught From A Kayak

TXYakAngler - 9 years ago
NICE dude!! I think he had a lil tarpon in him. :-) Amazing footage!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
That's exactly what I was thinking, it jumped a lot like a tarpon!
Drew Olmsted
Drew Olmsted - 9 years ago
Awesome video and fish! Man you guys have some great spots out there!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+Drew Olmsted  Thanks Drew! This is an awesome river system, lots of big smallies and some nice bonus fish lately too!
Carson McCallum
Carson McCallum - 9 years ago
Aw son fish man. Beautiful to.
Lynk Lee
Lynk Lee - 9 years ago
Awesome footage
Jakob Casagrande
Jakob Casagrande - 9 years ago
Hey man I love your videos FYI that's not how you spell Muskie
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+Jakob Casagrande Thanks! Either way of spelling it is correct, it varies depending on what part of the country you're in. Around here musky seems to be more common.
Fishing With Bryan Prokuski
Fishing With Bryan Prokuski - 9 years ago
Awesome Footage Matt! Nice work on landing him! Only had one on once but never got it in the yak.
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+Bryan Prokuski Thanks Bryan! This one was only my second musky, the first was a few weeks ago on this same stretch of river. I'm glad I had the hat cam that day, I don't think my other camera rigs would have picked up as much of the action.
BayouBassKing - 9 years ago
Wow that was so cool man nice work!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+BayouBassKing Thanks! That was the biggest fish I've caught in the kayak so far and one of the coolest fights too!
IronWolfHead - 9 years ago
North Dakota!
Jose Florida Pure Fishing
Jose Florida Pure Fishing - 9 years ago
That is such a nice
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+Jose Florida Pure Fishing Thanks Jose! This was my biggest fish caught from the kayak so far!
JJ's outdoors
JJ's outdoors - 9 years ago
Awesome vid what state are you in
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+Outdoorsmen101 This was in Minnesota.
P Laurella
P Laurella - 9 years ago
You are having one hell of a late summer! love the videos!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+P Laurella Thanks! I can't wait to see what happens over the next few weeks when the water starts cooling off!
IronTexas Fishing
IronTexas Fishing - 9 years ago
That was an awesome catch!! Beautiful fish!! Glad you were able to share it with us! Keep Fishing and Tight Lines
IronTexas Fishing
IronTexas Fishing - 9 years ago
Mine was a 25lbs jack crevell! arm as dead after the fight! Congrats on the PB from the kayak!!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+IronTexas24 Thanks! This was probably the biggest fish I've ever caught from my kayak!
gmanlipripper - 9 years ago
bro that was sweet.  I"m hoping that happens to me one day.  to cool   be safe
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+gmanlipripper Thanks man! I've been fishing this river for four years now and never caught one until a few weeks ago. This one was only my second musky and my friend caught a 36" on the same trip. All three of them jumped like this one did and put up an awesome fight!
chris reumont
chris reumont - 9 years ago
Was that caught on the same river the pike was caught on? Congrats
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+chris reumont Yes it was! I thought I'd hooked the same fish again until I realized it was a musky.
David Wilson
David Wilson - 9 years ago
Sitting at a hospital in Lansing, Mi with my mom. Been a long night but hThis made my day! Thanks for sharing
David Wilson
David Wilson - 9 years ago
+NDYakAngler Thank you, she's had a rough hall. Been following your feeds for some time. Really enjoy them and thinking about getting a kayak. Just trying to wear my wife down to let me. Even talked her into going to Canoecopia with me last year! Keep the videos coming.
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+David Wilson Thanks David, I'm glad you liked it! Best wishes to your mom!
David Wilson
David Wilson - 9 years ago
+KaySeVeN (Kobicus007) thank you
KaySeVeN - 9 years ago
+David Wilson Wow, small world. Lansing is only an hour from where i live! Hope your mom is okay!
DestinationFishing - 9 years ago
Nice fish
Alexander Bronsky
Alexander Bronsky - 9 years ago
Dude that was a nice fish! Love it when they jump too! I caught a tiger musky 2 years ago about 25" on a flipping bait. Another awesome video!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+Alexander Bronsky  Thanks! I caught a 32" for my first musky a few weeks ago so this was only the second one I've caught. My friend caught a 36" about a half hour before this one too! We'll be hitting this stretch of river a couple more times this year so I can't wait to see what happens once the water starts cooling off!

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