Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska

@MerryChirps on Twitter and @MerryMaryMix on Instagram During a solo kayak trip, intended to go from from Ketchikan, Alaska to Petersburg, Alask, a bear attacked my kayak. This incident occurred outside of a US Forest Service cabin in Berg Bay, Wrangell District, Alaska. I had just carried my tent, food, and all my gear into the cabin to dry while I went on a 4 mile hike that begins just behind the cabin. I heard something outside as I ate my lunch, and well, I never got to go on that hike. This video is taken 5 minutes after the attack began, he continued to gnaw on it for another 5 or 10 after the video ends. Shortly after the bear left and I drug the kayak back to the cabin door step. Then I swam to the S/V anchored in the bay. They did not have their radio on and I feared I would be stranded! The German flagged S/V Caledonia took me and my things to Wrangell but headed home to Ketchikan on the ferry Monday! Thanks for all the support friends!

Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17484

Kayak 9 years ago 5,416,864 views

@MerryChirps on Twitter and @MerryMaryMix on Instagram During a solo kayak trip, intended to go from from Ketchikan, Alaska to Petersburg, Alask, a bear attacked my kayak. This incident occurred outside of a US Forest Service cabin in Berg Bay, Wrangell District, Alaska. I had just carried my tent, food, and all my gear into the cabin to dry while I went on a 4 mile hike that begins just behind the cabin. I heard something outside as I ate my lunch, and well, I never got to go on that hike. This video is taken 5 minutes after the attack began, he continued to gnaw on it for another 5 or 10 after the video ends. Shortly after the bear left and I drug the kayak back to the cabin door step. Then I swam to the S/V anchored in the bay. They did not have their radio on and I feared I would be stranded! The German flagged S/V Caledonia took me and my things to Wrangell but headed home to Ketchikan on the ferry Monday! Thanks for all the support friends!

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Most popular comments
for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska

Supernova Network
Supernova Network - 6 years ago
She really thought yelling and crying at the bear would make it go away? It’s not a dog. Man up and use your pepper spray more than once.
Roo chan
Roo chan - 6 years ago
I have never seen anyone try so hard to be a Disney princess and talk to animals
Vivicon 217
Vivicon 217 - 6 years ago
I don't like this women she is really selfish considering humans took everything away from these awesome animals
Mr.Thicc Thot
Mr.Thicc Thot - 6 years ago
BeAr PlEaSe StOp
Leya Chivers
Leya Chivers - 6 years ago
EXCUSE ME but all the comments are like what a wonderful creature. I understand bears are great and don't want to hurt humans. Are we all going to ignore the fact that the dude is 1/8 his size and 2 feet away?!
Swagimation - 6 years ago
Ryan Yap
Ryan Yap - 6 years ago
I guess she couldn’t bear it any longer.. In some way, it was em-bear-asssing for the kayak owner~
Did she have her bear-ings right on where she was heading?
Or perhaps the bear was hoping for some bear-ries hidden in the kayak..
just a thought~

kill me now plis
ultra dragon ball fan al 12226
ultra dragon ball fan al 12226 - 6 years ago
Why so many dislikes
TheViceAngel - 6 years ago

10. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska

Ollin XD
Ollin XD - 6 years ago
Animal abuse
GD Justin
GD Justin - 6 years ago
Stop being rude to the bear stop yelling piece of shit
cutetootsie 06
cutetootsie 06 - 6 years ago
b E A R
Xcronics105 - 6 years ago
1:07 Sounds Like Eden Sher
lcd0626 - 6 years ago
black bears can start hiberenating in september OR october
RyCon2112 - 6 years ago
Bear: "Spray bear mace at me as I'm passing through, fine I'll mess up your kayak!"
Andrius - 6 years ago
0:40 Well, if this bitch didn't pepper spray the fuck out of that bear, the poor Kayak would've been alright #TeamBear
Video Gamer
Video Gamer - 6 years ago
Bear: God, this girl is annoying. I’m going to break her kayak.
the holy DONUT
the holy DONUT - 6 years ago
QQ Hu - 6 years ago

20. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska

Lydia McFarlane
Lydia McFarlane - 6 years ago
Loosing OXYGEN
Lydia McFarlane
Lydia McFarlane - 6 years ago
“Your supposed to be asleep” ME
Lydia McFarlane
Lydia McFarlane - 6 years ago
This makes me loose for the world
Aryn_the_ zombie
Aryn_the_ zombie - 6 years ago
U power spray it and tell it to go away the u say come here that's y I broke it u deserve it
LTD911. - 6 years ago
THIS stupid bitch can't even spray the bear while it's gnawing on the seakayak
Ray Lee
Ray Lee - 6 years ago
It's just a black bear, fuck, punch it in the nose, it's tiny.
Chemical Clarissa
Chemical Clarissa - 6 years ago
Lmao payback bitch!
Halo mannen
Halo mannen - 6 years ago
Who is this grl? Just asking so i can tuch The kayahk
Halo mannen
Halo mannen - 6 years ago
If you Come to me i Will spray u. If you go away i Will scream like The Disney Princess that i am.

How many btaincells does it take to understand that you cant talk to animals! And your kayahk isnt just made out of plastic. I am loosing Brain cells from watcjing thicjnd
Spectron Pascua Draker the Demon
Spectron Pascua Draker the Demon - 6 years ago
How deranged must one be to believe bears speak English...

I still love bears.

30. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska

SaucePump - 6 years ago
I am glad he ate your kyak. You're obnoxious.
Chomper Plant
Chomper Plant - 6 years ago
You shouldn't have pepper spray it. Deserved.
DrKlRd - 6 years ago
The transition between frustration and begging for mercy is seamless
Christian Lawson
Christian Lawson - 6 years ago
I just want to say.........Instant Karma, Instant Justice
Thomas Brandner
Thomas Brandner - 6 years ago
Jennyfisch - 6 years ago
Of course he's not gonna listen: She keeps calling him Bear when his name is actually Steve.
ShadowCircus - 6 years ago
G O S H D A R N I T ! ! !
CrossSCV - 6 years ago
Woman: sprays at Bear

Katie Grande
Katie Grande - 6 years ago
This just makes me mad. The bear did nothing wrong, yet you still pepper sprayed it, of course it’ll start breaking your kayak. I really hope you’re unable to have kids.
Jon Wyatt
Jon Wyatt - 6 years ago
This dumb liberal. It’s sept? You got 3 months to go
beciakowaa - 6 years ago
she said 'bear' 31 times, 'stop' 27 times and 'kayak' 8 times. Sweet Jesus
Gage Dannelley TV
Gage Dannelley TV - 6 years ago
Fuck you you pepper sprayed a bear ass hole
Video Gamer
Video Gamer - 6 years ago
Gage Dannelley TV I don’t even think he did anything.
Gage Dannelley TV
Gage Dannelley TV - 6 years ago
Warlord joker of gaming
Warlord joker of gaming - 6 years ago
She deserves it the bear should have called animal control for her but he probably felt this is a white lady im black I will get shot
Habibi Ben
Habibi Ben - 6 years ago
My ears hurt
Raj Bohra
Raj Bohra - 6 years ago
Animal abuse
rothbj1 - 6 years ago
"That bear decided that he had just had enough of Timothy Treadwell..."
MagmaCubeBoom - 6 years ago
StOp ThAt BeAr x100000
MagmaCubeBoom - 6 years ago
wHy ArE yOu BrEaKiNg My KaYak
Bored panda show
Bored panda show - 6 years ago
But funny pay back

50. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska

Bored panda show
Bored panda show - 6 years ago
She stupid animal abuser
Gc Gcc
Gc Gcc - 6 years ago
I am for bear! The name of the bear is bear! Now, I see.
Abbey E
Abbey E - 6 years ago
Phil trying to get dan to leave his cereal alone
F R E E D O M W I L L - 6 years ago
She's sound like a Disney princess (think about it)
The britishone
The britishone - 6 years ago
challenge: for every-time this women says "kayak" or "bear" take one shot of alcohol
ZED 117
ZED 117 - 6 years ago
and thats why you dont fuck with nature
Miriam Repo
Miriam Repo - 6 years ago
I feel bad for her
menagerie organization
menagerie organization - 6 years ago
menagerie organization
menagerie organization - 6 years ago
" why are you braking my kayak"

Because you pepper sprayed me you dumb cunt
Joe Gleason
Joe Gleason - 6 years ago
Something tells me Bear doesn't speak English.
Allykins17 - 6 years ago
This has to be one of the most irritating things I've ever watched.
H.F Gaming
H.F Gaming - 6 years ago
DiD yOu JuSt AsSuMe ThE bEaRs GeNdEr
Prof. Quasar
Prof. Quasar - 6 years ago
Bronson Ferrigno
Bronson Ferrigno - 6 years ago
"I've never seen or heard anyone try so desperately to become a Disney Princess and be able to communicate with animals as that one moment! I've never seen it!" - Markiplier
Ken McPherson
Ken McPherson - 6 years ago
Team bear
Tiramisu Blue
Tiramisu Blue - 6 years ago
"*ITS JUST PLASTIC*" your one to talk
ZottaFX - 6 years ago
Thanks for leaving my kayak alone

im gOinG To PePPeR SpRaY YouR FacE NoW
brad Callahan
brad Callahan - 6 years ago
The bear didn't do shit to her to get sprayed. She deserved to have her kayak wrecked.
Bp Cross
Bp Cross - 6 years ago
Human, please shut the fuck up, human.
rahat - 6 years ago
calipachanguero - 6 years ago
gosh darnit bear
Travalon - 6 years ago
He protecc
he attacc
but most importantly
he break your kayak
Michelle Miller
Michelle Miller - 6 years ago
Another "snowflake" in America!!! Geez!!! I'm Team Bear!!
Sans Skeleton
Sans Skeleton - 6 years ago
this bear was confused cause you peppper sprayed it
guess karma is a butt woper:P
King Majesticxxv
King Majesticxxv - 6 years ago
When leaving a relationship goes wrong.......
Sherri Egan
Sherri Egan - 6 years ago
ok I understand you people are getting triggerd but the kayak was the only way the lady could get home and all she had was a tent.. sooo
Daniel moore
Daniel moore - 6 years ago
Well she shouldn't have sprayed the pepper spray
Cheese Wizzer
Cheese Wizzer - 6 years ago
Legend says that she's still trying to stop the bear until now
Kay Chan
Kay Chan - 6 years ago
im so confused. Leave the kayak. Go away. Get away from that kayak. Come here. Well which one is it????
orbit 69
orbit 69 - 6 years ago
This is what happens when you pepper spray bears...
Nicole K
Nicole K - 6 years ago
You are the dumbest person alive. Holy fu*k, someone needs to pepper spray you!!!
Cloudsinger Studiox
Cloudsinger Studiox - 6 years ago
Well played dude.
The Ruby
The Ruby - 6 years ago
I wish that bear would eat her
The Ruby
The Ruby - 6 years ago
Why is this not a meme
ladynikkie - 6 years ago
Dalonzo Guerra
Dalonzo Guerra - 6 years ago
It's like the near can understand her lol he's going towards the kayak and then terrorise her by completely messing up the kayak lmfao
Leonid62 - 6 years ago
How much times did she shout "bear"?
Keilev Sös
Keilev Sös - 6 years ago
She's so cute! That "it's september and you should be asleep" part is the best.
I love her :3
Corey Mason
Corey Mason - 6 years ago
Lmfaoooooo why does she live there?
Serenity Fisher
Serenity Fisher - 6 years ago
This dumass Bitch
You peppers praied him
Alenny Cadag
Alenny Cadag - 6 years ago
Of i was there she would be like: OMG! YOU HAVE GUN!! SHOOT THE BEAR!!
Me: shoots her
Me: Got the annoying bear!
codylightful - 6 years ago
You know that somewhere there's an ex of hers who saw this and immediately had a flashback to that time she nagged him for 45 minutes straight about wanting to go see something other than the new Star Wars. At that moment, the ex wiped a tear of joy from his cheek and relished the idea of her being stranded on a dreary, wet, bear infested island somewhere in the Pacific Northwest with nothing but a less-than-full can of pepper spray and low battery on her phone.
Sigitas Andriuska
Sigitas Andriuska - 6 years ago
I have pepper spray, i sprayed my dad in the face and he was like: you got t me this time my son.
Caleb Lynch
Caleb Lynch - 6 years ago
so sad.
Caleb Lynch
Caleb Lynch - 6 years ago
BUT HALLAREIS... sorry for your loss.
Grace-Elizabeth Lawson
Grace-Elizabeth Lawson - 6 years ago
Lady LAdy oh please stop yelling My naMes not BEAr IT Carl!
Oh my home is this your kayak yeah well screw it!
Crimson Cringemaster
Crimson Cringemaster - 6 years ago
I bet that she's a city girl
Shadow Wolf Gaming
Shadow Wolf Gaming - 6 years ago
XxKitty GamesxX
XxKitty GamesxX - 6 years ago
#Team bear, the amount of times she said bear i wish i could get a hammer and just hit her she had me shook O.o
they love Mani
they love Mani - 6 years ago
that bear is paying no mind to her
Simone Frears
Simone Frears - 6 years ago
You do realize the bear cant understand you right

100. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska

Zander Harris
Zander Harris - 6 years ago
Yeah when you say please stop to a wild bear after you pepper sprayed him he's totally gonna listen
Edgar Bucio
Edgar Bucio - 6 years ago
Maybe if you didn't threat the bear with Bear mace it wouldn't have destoryed you're kayak. Didn't think of that did you?
Metalhead1997 - 6 years ago
Edgar Bucio "Destoryed".
_liquid_ smoke_
_liquid_ smoke_ - 6 years ago
I can’t stop laughing XD
Wizzem - 6 years ago
Brave: director's cut
Maddi Willis
Maddi Willis - 6 years ago
how does this comment only have 6 likes

This is gold
Peter Jahn
Peter Jahn - 6 years ago
Drink every time she says bear
Joel Rosalez
Joel Rosalez - 6 years ago
You really tried to reason with a bear lmfao what did you honestly expect to happen ?
Wander von der Seele
Wander von der Seele - 6 years ago
This isn't really funny at all, as someone who lives in Alaska, this easily could have been a deadly situation. Not funny.
kevisboss14 ayye
kevisboss14 ayye - 6 years ago
Which one are you rooting for I'm rooting for the bear and also what were you expecting you power spray to fucking bear
sabrinaphobic - 6 years ago
A classic
RandomHotHead12260 1
RandomHotHead12260 1 - 6 years ago
And why are you crying-ish?
RandomHotHead12260 1
RandomHotHead12260 1 - 6 years ago
RandomHotHead12260 1
RandomHotHead12260 1 - 6 years ago
Girl you are Fu***ng stupid
Peachfan231 - 6 years ago
She’s acting like a Disney princess by telling a wild animal to stop but at the same time she was also trying to act like a strong independent woman who don’t need no man with the pepper spray

You can only be one or the other
Laura Brindley
Laura Brindley - 6 years ago
r.i.p kayak
raptormage - 6 years ago
the girl was so annoying jesus
Doug Judy
Doug Judy - 6 years ago
gosh darn it why are you doing that bear?
Eidor M.
Eidor M. - 6 years ago
Makaio Durley
Makaio Durley - 6 years ago
Here's a challenge: everytime she says bear, take a shot of vodka
Makaio Durley
Makaio Durley - 6 years ago
1:00 Tho!!!
David Whelan
David Whelan - 6 years ago
God she's retarded.
Rock - 6 years ago
Beginning: Thank you for leaving my kayak alone
Ending: BEAR!!!!! STOP THAT!!!!
Kikapup - 6 years ago
brother bear irl
viri ashika
viri ashika - 6 years ago
Is this for real?
Noodle Cat
Noodle Cat - 6 years ago
I am honestly so surprised that "bear" didn't turn back and kill you, Mrs. Dumb Lady.
Amy Inthavongky
Amy Inthavongky - 6 years ago
bears like ,bitch your swing home
Armando Hernandez
Armando Hernandez - 6 years ago
Karma is alive and well. You got what you deserve.
MachineryMan71 - 6 years ago
Why so many dislikes? This is comedic GOLD
Andrew Makogonov
Andrew Makogonov - 6 years ago
I wish he ate her.
deverstator16 - 6 years ago
this video reminds me of a Disney princess trying to talk to animals.
DEPStrider Gaming
DEPStrider Gaming - 6 years ago
SadOnionGaming 817
SadOnionGaming 817 - 6 years ago
Night Knight
Night Knight - 6 years ago
This is the best bear I've ever seen.
Next time, don't pepper spray him :3
Mikayla Kohs
Mikayla Kohs - 6 years ago
it's September u should be sleeeping

they sleep in late October to early November.

learn bear science
Seth_Raven - 6 years ago
Jesus Christ woman, how many times are you going to say that until you realise that maybe saying bear stop that won't work?
Noobish OBOs
Noobish OBOs - 6 years ago
come on stop it bear STOP IT... bear Bear BEAR WHAAAEYYY stop that bear.. WUT AM I GONNA DOOOOO GOSH DARNIT ITS THE END OF SEPTEMBER......
J M8con
J M8con - 6 years ago
I dont think the bear would have messed with your kayak if you didnt pepperspray himorher.
Valla0517 ML
Valla0517 ML - 6 years ago
If I was that bear the woman would be lunch
epic pinapple animations
epic pinapple animations - 6 years ago
She definitely watched to much disney movies
MAKRON666 - 6 years ago
That bear is a ripper legend.
herosub12 - 6 years ago
why does this sound like a blonde?
Shady76 - 6 years ago
Panagiotis El Sisi
Panagiotis El Sisi - 6 years ago
Poor girl she sounds so desperate. Poor insomnia bear too...

Next time get some treats to lure them away or something
to make a sound like a gun or a firecracker.
But first, ask for some advice from the local authorities.
newstateonline - 6 years ago
Imagine her in bed
FWMalice - 6 years ago
No habla el englas
tony kamps
tony kamps - 6 years ago
Hasu Artist
Hasu Artist - 6 years ago
Grace Dayal
Grace Dayal - 6 years ago
I've never seen anybody trying to act so drespritly likeDisney Princess communicate with animals
Gaming Gandalf
Gaming Gandalf - 6 years ago
maybe dont pepper spray the bear it was being calm if it was gonna kill you it would be running
creepy boy
creepy boy - 6 years ago
Youl float too
Hateful Bird
Hateful Bird - 6 years ago
Why don't you fucking pepper spray it again bitch.
KnocksX - 6 years ago
I first saw this video two years ago and have had nightmares with this woman's voice ever since. Today I mistakenly watched the video again. Poor mental health until the old age guaranteed.
t mac
t mac - 6 years ago
All bears need to be armed!!!!
There seems to be an error
There seems to be an error - 6 years ago
If i was the bear in that situation, i would have broke her kayak too
Sans Nom
Sans Nom - 6 years ago
Well, to be fair, she was at risk of not being able to return home.
That said, the "IT'S SEPTEMBER!" line is hilarious, along her frustrated grunts.
Omar D.
Omar D. - 6 years ago
F&R Adventures
F&R Adventures - 6 years ago
He broke your cheap kyak because you pepper sprayed him he was nice but since your mean he wanted revenge you deserved it
triggerhare - 6 years ago
After watching this, I wanna break her kayak
Pamela Manuel
Pamela Manuel - 6 years ago
Is this a girl with an extremely annoying voice, or some Fortnite 11 yr old boy that screams in the mic?
Midnight Star
Midnight Star - 6 years ago
Bear plz stop
deadspeedv - 6 years ago
1:26 You could easily turn that noise into porn
sayonara mocha
sayonara mocha - 6 years ago
Stupid bitch lol it was going away but when she pepper sprayed the bear's like "thats gonna hurt" and stayed away from ehr
she didnt run ath er kayak or anything.
Jedidr - 6 years ago
“go away bear”
Orbit Sekah
Orbit Sekah - 6 years ago
Is she crying?!?
Finrien Of Devan
Finrien Of Devan - 6 years ago
this bear is the symbol of rebellion!!!
Danika Andrews
Danika Andrews - 6 years ago
Talk about Disney princess on crack.
Abdulkariem Al-Bertaali
Abdulkariem Al-Bertaali - 6 years ago
I was waiting for the bear to go, "WHAT BITCH?!!!!!"
Daniel Mitchell
Daniel Mitchell - 6 years ago
The bear is destroying your kayak because you voice scares the salmon.
Leilani Vaughan-Williams
Leilani Vaughan-Williams - 6 years ago
You posted this and thought people wouldn't laugh at how you commanded a shy black bear to go away from your kayak in a really weird voice? Run at them with your arms open and see if they bolt like a dog XD My sister did that to a big dog and they ran with their tail between their legs. They try and avoid confrontation so if they did run at you, it was probably a fake charge. Also, pepper spray is wrong, just throw something to spook them
scarec kbud0
scarec kbud0 - 6 years ago
i've never seen someone try so hard to be a Disney princess and just talk to a animal XDDD
Adrien Rassat
Adrien Rassat - 6 years ago
I go back to this video every once in a while to remind myself why abortion clinics exist.
Storm Squad
Storm Squad - 6 years ago
My dad said he would rather the bear ate the lady because she was annoying XD
Ever Green
Ever Green - 6 years ago
I love how she tells him to go away and pepper sprays him. Then tells him to come here when he starts going towards her kayak.

And you can also tell that she knows nothing about bears because, bears don't sleep an entire five months without getting up to eat or get a drink of water. She also expects the besr to listen to her??? XD The bear doesnt even understand, all he hears is annoying gibberish. The bear wasn't messing with her kayak because it thought that there was food in there either, it was probably just curious.
SeleneTheWerewolf - 6 years ago
If she was so worried about the kayak she should've sprayed it again to get away from the boat
Killian Hackenschmidt
Killian Hackenschmidt - 6 years ago
Didn't she learn from that video of the one guy from BC? You gotta be tranquilo around these bears
DJRAINBOW KITTY - 6 years ago
it's the end of september , why are you here? You're supposed to be asleep
Walton Gaming
Walton Gaming - 6 years ago
Bear, Bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear. SHE SAID BEAR 32 TIMES!!!!
Sloth - 6 years ago
Bear licks kayak* ahhhhhhh pepper spray omg ur breaking my kayak ahhhhhh!!!
juan declark
juan declark - 6 years ago
This bitch is annoying as fuck and dumb
Zachery Bing
Zachery Bing - 6 years ago
She is so fucking stupid! (Laghing)
LOGANWHALE14765 - 6 years ago
why does this video has more dislikes instead of likes?
Adhms rc8
Adhms rc8 - 6 years ago
Is it weird of i love that girl's voice ?? So cute
Keith Gatchalian
Keith Gatchalian - 6 years ago
I'm in love with this girl!
Damn Son
Damn Son - 6 years ago
His names Poo bitch
Hoyt Emery
Hoyt Emery - 6 years ago
Bitch u annoying its a bear...
K Derby
K Derby - 6 years ago
That voice isn't helping. Go pepper spray him again.
Wild Wilderness North
Wild Wilderness North - 6 years ago
To good!!!
D Knight
D Knight - 6 years ago
I know I shouldn't laugh but she said, "What are you doing here? you're supposed to be sleep." Hahahahahahaha
Milly Lessin
Milly Lessin - 6 years ago
thats what ya get when you p e p p e r s p r a y a wild bear
Roanoke Sunset
Roanoke Sunset - 6 years ago
Is the new to Alaska?
? ?
? ? - 6 years ago
Bear got revenge, shouldn't have pepper sprayed it and maybe he would have left huh
PackRat - 6 years ago
God wonder why the bear destroys the kayak becuase she had to be a biiiiiiacccctch
Dave Strider
Dave Strider - 6 years ago
Who cares about the kayak lady just LEAVE oh my god this is a headache.
Lainie Kleeger
Lainie Kleeger - 6 years ago
I was hoping the bear would eat her or take a dump in the kayak
Lainie Kleeger
Lainie Kleeger - 6 years ago
dishonored trash
dishonored trash - 6 years ago
Payback bitch
Jesus Alberto De Anda Venegas
Jesus Alberto De Anda Venegas - 6 years ago
am i the only one that thinks the girl is really cute?
Sorin Nicu
Sorin Nicu - 6 years ago
Sorry, you got what you deserve for talking in that annoying voice to a wild animal. Legally, he doesn't have to take that abuse.
Mahir Cave
Mahir Cave - 6 years ago
When a bear wants your kayak, you better give it away immediately and consider it a good deal
wingzofsteel - 6 years ago
I was waiting for "Golly Hemlock, Bear", but it didn't happen.
Roemi Salden
Roemi Salden - 6 years ago
Spyro2706 - 6 years ago
It'S nOt EvEn FoOd, It DoEsN't EvEn TaStE gOoD, iT's PlAsTiC
Rain - 6 years ago
Why does this video have so many dislikes? I mean sure, this woman is crazy as fuck, but I kind of feel bad for her. Maybe she's the type that gets emotionally attached to material things.
Yuri - 6 years ago
Does she think she is a disney princess or somthin'?
Shiny._. Decidueye
Shiny._. Decidueye - 6 years ago
Sprays with pepper spray WHY ARE YOU DESTROYING MY STUFF??
Empire Othertale Sans
Empire Othertale Sans - 6 years ago
Pretty sure thats Karma for pepper spraying it in the face when it did nothing
that bitch
that bitch - 6 years ago
It's the end of September, you're supposed to be sleeping.
Josh Woodring
Josh Woodring - 6 years ago
Somewhere there is some guy who used to date this woman and is having flashbacks to her annoying ass voice arguing with some barista at Starbucks. And this guy's is laughing his ass off and rooting for this bear right now watching this video
Addison Burgess
Addison Burgess - 6 years ago
when u try to talk to animals
Addison Burgess
Addison Burgess - 6 years ago
me im here from mark
Rock4070 - 6 years ago
The bear looked like it was investigating the kayak
Buzzy Trombone
Buzzy Trombone - 6 years ago

Clearly this bitch doesn't even know what season and month bears are supposed to be asleep.
Jake the Snake
Jake the Snake - 6 years ago
Jake the Snake
Jake the Snake - 6 years ago
Jake the Snake
Jake the Snake - 6 years ago
Jake the Snake
Jake the Snake - 6 years ago
Robin Anderson
Robin Anderson - 6 years ago
Go Bear!
TheUrszulat - 6 years ago
What a ghastly voice! The poor bear having to listen to that.
TREVORVADER - 6 years ago
This women makes me want to punch her in the face so much.
Duck Foots
Duck Foots - 6 years ago
Big Smoke And Number 45
Big Smoke And Number 45 - 6 years ago
She thinks she has superpowers to talk to a bear and say stop to a bear girl shouldn't you have like pepper sprayed the moment he/she started eating th e "thing" haha
le turtle
le turtle - 6 years ago
I don't think bears work that way
elena ;
elena ; - 6 years ago
Is this the same girl from the video where she's getting arrested and then yells at a cop and screams "RAPE!!!11!!!!!1!1!1!!"
TheBritKronicles - 6 years ago
i don't think it understands english
Dana B
Dana B - 6 years ago
All I can say is WTF did I just watch???!!!
Fenrisúlfr - 6 years ago
christina1986ify - 6 years ago
That bear is awake at the end of needs food. It needs food NOW. She was in danger. When stalking to kill her wasn't an option, it went to check the kayak for food because some idiot had inadequately stored food in their kayak/canoe before. or even FED the damn thing, and it was checking for that food source. As annoying has her voice is, she did exactly as she was supposed to - be loud as hell (possibly unintentional) and mace it.
Duck Ninja
Duck Ninja - 6 years ago
Honey I know you were telling it leave your kayak alone but it’s a bear, it doesn’t understand human
AFlamingoNamed: Jake
AFlamingoNamed: Jake - 6 years ago
She must think that bears sleep at the end of September....but they dont
It’s Raining Tinfoil
It’s Raining Tinfoil - 6 years ago
“Go away” bear walks away “StOp iT bEaR”
Caleb Lim
Caleb Lim - 6 years ago
bear walks away from kayak- gets peppered in face.
bear walks towards kayak- hears screams and decides to 'play' with the kayak

lady- pepper sprays bear towards kayak
lady- questions why the bear headed towards the kayak and why it would eat her kayak.

lady, the bear was minding its own business, being curious of the new thing in its home when you peppered its face. You were within your rights at first, then when you started screaming like a 5 year old the bear got spooked and smashed the kayak, you didn't even try to do anything, you just screamed at the bear, which probably made it think that it was doing the right thing by smashing the kayak(plus it would've been fun to play with and smash), then you didn't pepper spray it again like you threatened to and kept whining. lady, at this point everyone in the comments hates your ass after the first minute, and I sure as hell don't blame them
Wautzer - 6 years ago
Caleb Lim She actually did the right thing, pepper spraying is a good solution and you have to make loud noises to "scare" the bear off. The woman did just that, and why not make a conversation with the bear while you make the noise anyway. What else was she supposed to do? Scream 'RAWR' or something?
This is now my name For 90 days
This is now my name For 90 days - 6 years ago
That was a delicious starter
janredd batac
janredd batac - 6 years ago
wHY ArE yOU BrEaKInG mY kaYAk
Michael Abercrombie
Michael Abercrombie - 6 years ago
Shut the fuck up
Dakoda Barton
Dakoda Barton - 6 years ago
0:05 is hilarious
Dakoda Barton
Dakoda Barton - 6 years ago
Dakoda Barton
Dakoda Barton - 6 years ago
Who here loves when she says I'm ganna pepper spray u in the face now
Zahir Raihan
Zahir Raihan - 6 years ago
She actually thought that she was having a conversation with the bear...
Stubz702 - 6 years ago
If I were the bear I would sit there and just gnaw on it innocently and mockingly
chriswashere1001 - 6 years ago
I T ' S T H E E N D O F S E P T E M B E R
Bdhej Nfj
Bdhej Nfj - 6 years ago
Bear: ok lady I jus want to apologize I didn’t know.... 0:08

Bear: oh bitch no you know what try to break my eyes I’m going to break your shit 0:28
Matthew Stanford
Matthew Stanford - 6 years ago
Why are you breaking my kayak she says because you pepper spray him in the face
M3D!CAND3NG!3 - 6 years ago
Karma is real
Scarlet Rose
Scarlet Rose - 6 years ago
this is 110% me and my dog
rvarnum - 6 years ago
Making this my ringtone
Past Gaming
Past Gaming - 6 years ago
yOu ArE sUpPOst bE A sLeEp

Angelique Adorno
Angelique Adorno - 6 years ago
This still makes me laugh
Pherumosa - 6 years ago
"It's the end of September, why are you here?"
Past Gaming
Past Gaming - 6 years ago
Dylan Sousa
Dylan Sousa - 6 years ago
Lol so funny
Edward O'Shea
Edward O'Shea - 6 years ago
Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear!
AquaSeaLPSTV - 6 years ago
Maybe if you didn't spray the bear with pepper spray it wouldn't have gotten angry at you :)
MinecraftMichael :D
MinecraftMichael :D - 6 years ago
This girl is so stupid.
Balloon Boy
Balloon Boy - 6 years ago
The thing is.......
It wasnt destroying it. It was messing with it
Vanessa Parker
Vanessa Parker - 6 years ago
It's the end of September you're sapost to be asleep
DanyY M
DanyY M - 6 years ago
Desperate woman vs. kayak eating bear
Judi Farrag
Judi Farrag - 6 years ago
Storm Squad
Storm Squad - 6 years ago
Best two minutes and thirty seconds of my life
Booja Mcgooja
Booja Mcgooja - 6 years ago
She said bare ligit 30 times I counted
samerstone cooper
samerstone cooper - 6 years ago
Gosh darnet that bear
Joshua Dowey
Joshua Dowey - 6 years ago
Why so many dislikes though?
JohnBlox TheGamer
JohnBlox TheGamer - 6 years ago
wHaY aRe YuO bREaKiNg mY kAYaK bEaR
HellenicBoy - 6 years ago
my kayak
rob I
rob I - 6 years ago
did it just rip out the seat or actually crack it? it doesnt really show.
Patrick Johnson
Patrick Johnson - 6 years ago
What a Bitch.
Lo2ay Trabelsi
Lo2ay Trabelsi - 6 years ago
i wish that the bear attackd u & jerk his penis in ur tang u fucked my ears with ur screaming
gameandjustrandomvideos - 6 years ago
close your eyes. what do you see.
Mr Twist From Sudomemo
Mr Twist From Sudomemo - 6 years ago
SlothBerry Rainbows
SlothBerry Rainbows - 6 years ago
She's such an idiot
Mel Silva
Mel Silva - 6 years ago
This girl is a idiot its Just a caiaque dude
Dope Rift
Dope Rift - 6 years ago
1:26, close your eyes fam
GB Charlie
GB Charlie - 6 years ago
The bear can't understand you
Kars van Schaik
Kars van Schaik - 6 years ago
Great work Baloo
RJ Lenards
RJ Lenards - 6 years ago
She reminds me of Miranda Sings a bit
Loki Laufeyson
Loki Laufeyson - 6 years ago
"why are you breaking my kayak?!"

maybe because you sprayed him in the face?? an eye for an eye, white chick (i'm white too) that bear wasn't going to attack you, i support this bear %100
RedPandaKillz ʕᴖᴥᴖʔ
RedPandaKillz ʕᴖᴥᴖʔ - 6 years ago
You just got karma he left your kayak alone then you pepper sprayed him in the face he then ate it ha you got karma
Rs Pro
Rs Pro - 6 years ago
He does not understand English. Throw something.
Mikaylah the Narwhal
Mikaylah the Narwhal - 6 years ago
Jenn Blitzer
Jenn Blitzer - 6 years ago
Aside from the fact that shes a dipshit, that bear is a cub. It wouldn't have eaten her but I would have given it a lifetime of steaks if it had.
Fuzioncuber 123
Fuzioncuber 123 - 6 years ago
She's dumb af
Owljr1 Draws
Owljr1 Draws - 6 years ago
Aware Gaming
Aware Gaming - 6 years ago
...I question why she's crying over a fricken kayak.
Derek Smith
Derek Smith - 6 years ago
This lady is a fucking idiot yelling at the bear in english like it's gonna stop eating your kayak. Fucking idiots! Your in his home saying get away from me. I could go on all day about this stupid bitch!
Michael Morrison
Michael Morrison - 6 years ago
Whiny bitch is lucky to be alive 0_0
Marsh Mellow
Marsh Mellow - 6 years ago
She's retarded I'm happy the thing is broken ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
bubbles - 6 years ago
Pappy_ Roach
Pappy_ Roach - 6 years ago
Bear Stop that!
Addi -.-
Addi -.- - 6 years ago
masturdOfTheUniverse - 6 years ago
That would suck. She probably is not spraying him again in fear of wasting pepper spray. At this point she should probably figure that spraying him away from the boat would be the best course of action. Save your Kayak and immediately evacuate the area. Looks funny on the surface but surely a terrifying situation to be in if she is in the middle of nowhere.
Slayer Gaming
Slayer Gaming - 6 years ago
pepper sprays bear
Bear: Bet!!!
Dee Lab
Dee Lab - 6 years ago
Beginning of the video:

Passive bear and crazy lady pepper spraying him

Towards the beginning:

Bear destroys her kayak

Near the middle of the vid:

“ Bear why are u destroying my kayak?”

Towards the end:

Bear! Bear!! BEAR!!! BEAR!!!!!

Dumbass lady.
Velvet Violets
Velvet Violets - 6 years ago
She sounds like a whiny anime girl omfg
Excobar Cortez
Excobar Cortez - 6 years ago
Because you mased my face..... that's why!
Excobar Cortez
Excobar Cortez - 6 years ago
Why bear!?
Dylan Nelson
Dylan Nelson - 6 years ago
Karma’s a bitch
NinjaOclock Cc1
NinjaOclock Cc1 - 6 years ago
You heard her yogi
Kait The Learner
Kait The Learner - 6 years ago
That bear doesnt look like it’s doing much harm but I guess some people are really scared
ArtificialStars - 6 years ago
This woman can’t keep the fucking camera strait.. goddammit it’s not gonna stop because you tell it to go get a weapon and some shit maybe a gun to scare it
Mighty Mouse
Mighty Mouse - 6 years ago
Crazy girl: WHAT DID I DI TOO YOU!?!

Bear: bit*h this is my turf.
Old Cheese
Old Cheese - 6 years ago
The bear won’t answer
Bradley Mitchell
Bradley Mitchell - 6 years ago
icant fucking breath its great
XamylaurenX - 6 years ago
0:05 me when someone I hate comes up to me
Marko Grepl-Malmgren
Marko Grepl-Malmgren - 6 years ago
You were supposed to be asleep
Ironperry - 6 years ago
Bear stops breaking kayak
Woman: IMmA PeppER SpRAY yOU NoW!!

bear walks back to kayak and starts breaking it
woman: WhY ArE yoU BREakING mY KaYACK!!
Tijn van den Broek
Tijn van den Broek - 6 years ago
Should have just muted yourself.
ClashCraft - Clash Royale / Minecraft PE
ClashCraft - Clash Royale / Minecraft PE - 6 years ago
"I've never seen or heard anyone try so desperately to become a Disney Princess and be able to communicate with animals at that one moment!" -Mark
MixtBro - 6 years ago
“thank you for leaving my kayak alone”

Bear: “ye no prob bob, I ain’t that hungr-“

“I’m going to pepper spray you in the face..
That’s what I’m going to do” spayz

Bear: “never mind I’m starving, give meh dat kayak”
Weeping Panda
Weeping Panda - 6 years ago
This woman's voice makes me want to slaughter the entire human race.
Maranot - 6 years ago
Kinda shitty this got so many dislikes, thoroughly enjoyed the video
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Ya, it seems too many people don't quite understand that a bear is actually quite dangerous. All they see is a person pepper spraying a bear so they think she deserves it, but when in reality ... it's just self-defense. I think she should have pepper sprayed the bear in a different direction, but who am I to judge. It's got to be fucking scary to confront an animal that could easily rip out your throat.

People are just down right mean, and hoenstly, they look far more foolish in my eyes than she ever will.
Indio 12
Indio 12 - 6 years ago
This bear is a fucking god for being able to ignore her
Lynne Graile
Lynne Graile - 6 years ago
Bo Knows
Bo Knows - 6 years ago
Someone is trying a little too hard to be a Disney Princess.....
L'étange étranger inconnu peu étranger
L'étange étranger inconnu peu étranger - 6 years ago
She's probably blond
MisterFatOne - 6 years ago
Jesus christ, do you actually think the bear knows what the fuck you are saying? DAMN BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP. You deserved all of that lul
Mr. Grim
Mr. Grim - 6 years ago
you had a canister of pepper spray
hvz - 6 years ago
why does this ahve so many dislikes wtf? xD
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Cause people are stupid. That's my best guess.
RonniePotater - 6 years ago
Brandonlon !
Brandonlon ! - 6 years ago
That moan....
BearTheGamer - 6 years ago
Bear revanges becus the lady wants to peperspray the bear
A piece of Wood with feelings
A piece of Wood with feelings - 6 years ago
Next time when a liberal pepper sprays me in the face, I’m gonna break their kayak.
1stToBeHuman - 6 years ago
Supersayianscooby - 6 years ago
come here??? That woman had some balls.
Declan OConnell
Declan OConnell - 6 years ago
1v1 bear V kayak who will win, victory royale bear!
Chickenking17 - 6 years ago
Everybody getting angry at her for pepper spraying the bear but no one seems to realize bears aren't out looking for humans to cuddle, all these people angry about the pepper spray are same people who'd end up getting mauled by a bear if they ever came across one.
Sprenzy - 6 years ago
Just go to the kayak and spray do drive him away
Chickenking17 - 6 years ago
That bear had a vendetta also someone needs to edit her voice into a video of bear grylls
blekcet0 - 6 years ago
madisinner - 6 years ago
i honestly kinda dont feel bad for her just because she pepper sprayed it in the face
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Question for you. If you are confronted by a bear that could rip out your throat fairly easily ... what would you do?
Daruny Beoulve
Daruny Beoulve - 6 years ago
17k bears are using internet.
Vicky's area club
Vicky's area club - 6 years ago
team bear
Stephen Charge
Stephen Charge - 6 years ago
It's called carma and it's beautiful
pixelgalaxie - 6 years ago
annoying as fuck
comedyquicks - 6 years ago
Jeez , take a chill pill.
Booper Dooper Chase Brody
Booper Dooper Chase Brody - 6 years ago
You deserve it for being a little bitch to the bear. No wonder it ate your fucking kayak. I'm on this damn animal's side here.
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
What would you do if confronted by a bear that could rip out your throat? Wrestle it?
Nate Panther
Nate Panther - 6 years ago
Am I the only one thinks she is alittle stupid but feels bad becauss she cried?
ImRaging _
ImRaging _ - 6 years ago
I love how she first off pepper sprays him towards the kayak but then wants him to come over to her again LOL what a fucking dingus
Giirbot Gamingz
Giirbot Gamingz - 6 years ago
I just cant
Roemi Salden
Roemi Salden - 6 years ago
It's too bad the bear wasn't hungry am I right?!
Jacob Bole
Jacob Bole - 6 years ago
That's why u have guns
Image Kid
Image Kid - 6 years ago
Only came to read comment section lol.
god emperor of mankind
god emperor of mankind - 6 years ago
same but the kayak is my heart
Rebekka Schuyer
Rebekka Schuyer - 6 years ago
But she never really found out why the bear was breaking her kayake.
Charisma Onwuegbusi
Charisma Onwuegbusi - 6 years ago
Who came from Marks video?
Plyroar - 6 years ago
Boog, a 900-pound grizzly bear, is content on breaking kayaks and living in park ranger Beth's (Debra Messing) barn. His life takes a drastic turn when he breaks her kayak, and is subsequently pepper sprayed and returned to the wild. Boog recruits the other animals, notably a Scottish squirrel (Billy Connolly) and a beaver foreman, to help turn the tables on the Beth, and break her kayak collection.

_Spøøky _Jen_
_Spøøky _Jen_ - 6 years ago
This is every mom at the supermarket who has no control over their child
MuffinTails - 6 years ago
This is knida sad
Flashy Nerd
Flashy Nerd - 6 years ago
Gabriele Tanksley
Gabriele Tanksley - 6 years ago
The comment about her being a Disney princess
molly mojave
molly mojave - 6 years ago
Serious question. Is she high?
Alex •n00b
Alex •n00b - 6 years ago
Best meme ever! Please stop Mr. Bear, why are you awake?
The Loobis
The Loobis - 6 years ago
0:45 probably because you sprayed it in the face with mace.
Nick - 6 years ago
Is it bad I was rooting for the Bear... ? Also yes... Markiplier sadly. lol...
Leah Fox
Leah Fox - 6 years ago
She is so annoying! "Bear, bear, blah, bear, bear! BEAR!" OMG >:(
Aaron Hernandez
Aaron Hernandez - 6 years ago
That bear savage who agrees
Ellen Grace Olesco
Ellen Grace Olesco - 6 years ago
"It's the end of September! Why are you here!? You're suppose to be asleep!"

If anyone can answer... How long (months) do bears like black bears sleep?
Death Lord
Death Lord - 6 years ago
Why is she trying to talk to it. It won’t listen it doesn’t understand us
minecraft memelord XD
minecraft memelord XD - 6 years ago
She sounds like a Disney princess trying to talk to animals haha.
CL_2005 - 6 years ago
Why does this Woman think Bears can speak and know english. She doesn't even make sense cause she pepper sprayed it and it forced it to go towards the kayak and thats what made it break the kayak because it was curious.
skrinesis - 6 years ago
It's the end of September why are you kayaking?????
Mikayla Kennedy
Mikayla Kennedy - 6 years ago
‘WhY aRe yoU bReAkIng My kAyaK??’

Maybe because you fucking pepper sprayed him you whore.
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
What would you have done? Just curious.
Elias Johnson
Elias Johnson - 6 years ago
God I love this. Although I think this confirms that I am a sadist...<.<
Abernå Aeiya
Abernå Aeiya - 6 years ago
What if the bear doesn't speak English? She's now yelling at a bear that speaks German and the bear's just like " Ich habe Keine Ahnung, was du zu mir sagst, Schlampe. Kannst du die Klappe halten?"
Esteban Morris
Esteban Morris - 6 years ago
Who is this lady?! Sound so cute!
HK Frith
HK Frith - 6 years ago
This has got to be the funniest shit I've seen all year.
AlliDidWasPressA - 6 years ago
Shouldn't have used that pepper spray.
Baki Öztepe
Baki Öztepe - 6 years ago
I guess I am the only one who feels sorry for her :p
QueenEon - 6 years ago
The bear should had went a roared right in her face for pepper spraying him
Philip Michaud
Philip Michaud - 6 years ago
Bear don't care.
Marcos Herrera
Marcos Herrera - 6 years ago
I don't know why, I kinda feel bad for the woman. Other than that I don't know why she was trying to communicate with the bear.
Leo Wiles
Leo Wiles - 6 years ago
W H Y R U B R E A K I N G M Y K Y A K E ???
Found Sound - Impressionist
Found Sound - Impressionist - 6 years ago
The Bear is deaf and hears: "Bear, don't eat Selma Hayak" - bear thinks: "No way I would eat a talented actress - better I eat this boat".
Wallace Cook
Wallace Cook - 6 years ago
XD wha?
Ludicrous Maximus
Ludicrous Maximus - 6 years ago
Why does she sound like a Disney princess?
Cawley Is
Cawley Is - 6 years ago
Kitsune -
Kitsune - - 6 years ago
Why so many dislikes?
Ookami xander
Ookami xander - 6 years ago
I was laughing when the bear went to the kayak like "bitch i wanted to say hi then you put that shit in my face. FUCK LEAVING YO SHIT ALONE!"
David Konstenius
David Konstenius - 6 years ago
1:26 Wolf howling
anonymous - 6 years ago
You go, bear.
The Memer
The Memer - 6 years ago
This Annihilation movie looks dank
K3nshi - 6 years ago
That bear has the patients of a saint
Andrew Boldt
Andrew Boldt - 6 years ago
Shiba Fett
Shiba Fett - 6 years ago
Talk about weak ass wimps I was wishing the bear would injure her enough to where she would suffer but not die do that she understood what the bear had to listen to
Jake B
Jake B - 6 years ago
She probably deserved it
Lexi Cast
Lexi Cast - 6 years ago
Quick - 6 years ago
She said "bear" 31 times. That's gotta be a record.
CMZ neu
CMZ neu - 6 years ago
somebody's got time on their hands.
Veloxization - 6 years ago
So about every five seconds... :D
Quick - 6 years ago
MGamez Yup lol
MGamez - 6 years ago
Did you really count how much she said "bear"?
Sunny D
Sunny D - 6 years ago
Someone should animate this I think it would be 10x funnier.
KRWCookie - 6 years ago
My name isn't Bear. It's Frank. Get it right next time, Human.
GreenJasmine2 - 6 years ago
Why did she spray him in the face with pepper spray
who carries pepper spray in a kayak
GreenJasmine2 - 6 years ago
she just became a vine and didn't even know
GreenJasmine2 - 6 years ago
also im not offended
GreenJasmine2 - 6 years ago
i guess
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
You could have found the answer quite easily if you just looked up measures in case of a bear encounter and it mentions carrying pepper spray.

This is probably going to come off as quite offensive, and I am sorry for that. But when people like you make comments on the internet without first looking into it yourself, when you have the capability to, it just comes off as incredibly stupid. Why be left wondering about a question when you literally have google at your finger tips to find out the exact answer?
GreenJasmine2 - 6 years ago
That doesn't explain why she brought pepper spray on a KAYAK TRIP
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Do you have any idea how dangerous a bear is? I am not even kidding when I say this, they can easily rip out your throat. Pepper spraying it was an attempt to scare off the bear without harming it and without being harmed. Sadly, it didn't exactly work very well in the sense the bear decided to break her kayak.

A lot of people in this comment section is hating on her, but that is just because they are not understanding the situation very well. Likely people who never actually been out camping before and are always in the city never having to worry about a bear.
Roni The Great
Roni The Great - 6 years ago

Bear: bitch you sprayed me dramatic hair whip I don't need you

Woman: BEAR!! sobs
B3AST MOD322 - 6 years ago
i wish this was longer
JaNuub - 6 years ago
Someone make this ear rape pls....
Nintendo Xbox
Nintendo Xbox - 6 years ago
Anyone else here from Markiplier's Try not to Laugh? XD
Tiger H. Lore
Tiger H. Lore - 6 years ago
This is what watching too many Disney films does to a girl’s brain.
Yessenia Styles
Yessenia Styles - 6 years ago
“WHY ARE YOU BREAKING MY KAYAK? WHAT AM I GONNA DO?” were gonna pepper spray it ...
Stefan Gangoso
Stefan Gangoso - 6 years ago
At points, it sounds like the bear is raping her and she's telling it to stop.
ColoSon - 6 years ago
If she got a man he better run. What an annoying woman.
Evontial - 6 years ago
I'm Dyeing of Laughter
Ti Da Tyeger
Ti Da Tyeger - 6 years ago
i've lost all hope in humanity
Christian Brown
Christian Brown - 6 years ago
Baloo is tired of man village.
BuckskinFrag88 Frag888 ReachFan
BuckskinFrag88 Frag888 ReachFan - 6 years ago
She sounds like Grif's sister from Red Vs Blue
MAJIKKOMBAT - 6 years ago
“Go away” bear goes to kayak “Get away from the kayak come here”
Gianna Vettese
Gianna Vettese - 6 years ago
I honestly wanted the bear to turn around and attack her lmao
Antonio Fernández Carriedo
Antonio Fernández Carriedo - 6 years ago
The stress of an entire lifetime captured in a video that lasts two and a half minutes
Will Jackson
Will Jackson - 6 years ago
This woman is so dumb I lost my shit
75flash - 6 years ago
Oh my god this is too funny!
The Ted Man
The Ted Man - 6 years ago
i love you bear
Purge Time
Purge Time - 6 years ago
You Just pepered sprayed a bear in the Face No wonder he is pissed off
The Boundless
The Boundless - 6 years ago
She deserves it COMPLETELY
Blade Zakabi
Blade Zakabi - 6 years ago
I don’t think the voice helped lol. Like if I accidentally scratched a car door and that voice started yelling at me, I’d probably have to smash in all the windows, steal the tires, and light the engine on fire
ManicEX EX
ManicEX EX - 6 years ago
Or maybe you should've yelled it off considering it was a black bear
VitalityWolf -
VitalityWolf - - 6 years ago
I'm actually crying, you can progressively hear her getting more and more upset with every "Bear".
THESWAGKAT - 6 years ago
He's upset because she pepper sprayed him, when he just wanted to say hello! And then got annoyed by her cringey ass screams!
Chris Meisner
Chris Meisner - 6 years ago
When will you learn... When will you learn... that your actions have consequences!!!!
raptormage - 6 years ago
the beast way to deal with a black bear is to walk away slowly also if you don't have paper spray fight , don't run sounds crazy but it works
Chris Meisner
Chris Meisner - 6 years ago
"It's the end of September? Why are you here?" Lol.

No, I don't fault her for using the pepper spray. I'd probably have done the same thing.
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Oh ya, no doubt. The video is absolutely hilarious. XD The situation is unfortunate but her reaction to it is gold.

I just feel like a lot of people in the comment section are giving her a ton of crap for pepper spraying the bear, but that is actually one of the things you are told to do in such cases when a bear is approaching you and is that close.
Chris Meisner
Chris Meisner - 6 years ago
ThatMarchingBunny her voice reminded me of SammyClassicSonicFan. That’s what I was quoting. And I have no idea what I would do in that situation. I would probably die if I met a bear in the wild. However, you have to admit the dichotomy of her trying to reason with a creature that doesn’t understand her is pretty humorous.
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Right, possibly be mauled by a bear, or pepper spray it in an attempt to scare it off. Hmmm ... choices. What would you do Chris?
Lifector •  
Lifector •   - 6 years ago
pepper sprays bear

bear goes toward kayak

"Bear! Come back bear!!!"
Hollow Eyes
Hollow Eyes - 6 years ago
Why the hell did she yell "come here!" I would be like,bitch I ain't falling for that again.
Stephanie Falcão
Stephanie Falcão - 6 years ago
I'm Team Bear but I'm laughing so hard at this girl XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Candleknight - 6 years ago
OMFG. Sweet merciful beard of Thor, just spray the dang bear away from your kayak with your GIANT CAN OF MACE! Whoof, all that mewling, I think I was on the bear's side by the end of it!
King SlurpJuice
King SlurpJuice - 6 years ago
Imagine someone doing an animation with this video and Bear Gryllz and his wife that’s apparently a rock and twigs?
King SlurpJuice
King SlurpJuice - 6 years ago
Karma has never been sweeter.
서진 - 6 years ago
I'm sorry but it was not funny.
You shot'em in the right to face. That's why bear go back to kayak. Seriously.
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
What would you do if approached by a bear that could kill you?
Jack Myhre
Jack Myhre - 6 years ago
You stupid bitch. Why did you just stand there? You have pepper spray so use it to get it off the kayak!
DAGames4 life87
DAGames4 life87 - 6 years ago
Im here from Markipliers try not laugh
gatorrulers - 6 years ago
You should've just left the bear alone and grab your boat.
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Ya, maybe. Not sure where the cabin was exactly. Maybe too far away.
gatorrulers - 6 years ago
I think it's rather unfortunate though how she couldn't just back away slowly and get in the cabin until the bear left.
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
I will say, at least you are not mean like a lot of people in this comment section. Some people here are just ... I don't know how to describe it. There is something seriously wrong with them. XD
gatorrulers - 6 years ago
I suppose but  I just thought it was common sense to not try provoking a wild animal.
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
The bear was approaching her though. I don't think many people realize just how scary that is when a wild animal that can easily kill you is approaching you.
Nina Dees
Nina Dees - 6 years ago
snow white is having a bad day
Ayesha Chase
Ayesha Chase - 6 years ago
1 Like = 1 kayak for this poor, poor women.
Ash The Fox
Ash The Fox - 6 years ago
That is sadly what I would do if a bear were doing that to my stuff
Annabeth 1052
Annabeth 1052 - 6 years ago
Dora irl
bobobo - 6 years ago
she sounds like that free inhabitant girl
Remmedy - 6 years ago
The description of this video is a lot more chill than how this lady actually reacted.
Wolfy - 6 years ago
"Get away from that kayak, come here"

......But you just pepper sprayed that bear away from you....
Infinity - 6 years ago
Your dumb as hell
SquishyLoki - 6 years ago
When SJWs want a safe space in nature too.
NinjaMaster909 - 6 years ago
Why would you attack my kayak? It’s not like I pepper sprayed after you literally did nothing!
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Would you pepper spray it after it did something? Got news for you ... you can't your dead. Good job surviving nature lmao.
Reâpers Curē
Reâpers Curē - 6 years ago
Bear: Ders a house

Lady aims spray

Bear: Wut...oh no.

Gets sprayed at

Bear: Wooah, I am trigger.....Hark! Tis this a green floatation device!

Woman begins pleading

Bear: Imma break it.
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 6 years ago
Reâpers Curē XD
hi - 6 years ago
Even my grandma said she's stupid
Raphael - 6 years ago
"Thanks for leaving my kayak alone"

Bitch u thot
Cranjis McBasketball
Cranjis McBasketball - 6 years ago
0:30 at this point I started cheering for the bear
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Because you are stupid.
Ravenclaw Scamander
Ravenclaw Scamander - 6 years ago
Why does she have pepper spray?!
roast toasty19
roast toasty19 - 6 years ago
Ives seen this way Longer than mark.
Kawaii HoneyLemon
Kawaii HoneyLemon - 6 years ago
Take a shot every time she says "bear"
Mr. GamerFitztel
Mr. GamerFitztel - 6 years ago
with that cute voice she wont scare anyone
Kung Fu Kenny
Kung Fu Kenny - 6 years ago
God, if i ever see such an annoying and disrespectful animal like that in the wild, I will not hesitate to shoot it.

No bear should have to put up with such insolence.
dank noodles
dank noodles - 6 years ago
Its a fucking bear it can't even understand you
silkythefairy - 6 years ago
I knew it was coming but I still love you
The Ruby
The Ruby - 6 years ago
Kung Fu Kenny Kung Fu Kenny his ears are probably bleeding tho from the annoying sound coming out of her mouth
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - 6 years ago
+Ferre press see more
Ferre - 6 years ago
why? they don't know what's happening or what you're saying. seems ignorant to say that
Princesslycake RBLX
Princesslycake RBLX - 6 years ago
bruh the reason why it's attacking the kayak is that she bearsprayed him/her lol
The Ruby
The Ruby - 6 years ago
Kung Fu Kenny yes i Completely agree
EdgarEXP Gaming
EdgarEXP Gaming - 6 years ago
That vocabulary tho so sophisticated
강남훈 - 6 years ago
Kung Fu Kenny oooooooh
Felix Brown
Felix Brown - 6 years ago
Kait The Learner
Kait The Learner - 6 years ago
This woman probably should’ve been with someone else anyway and maybe not have gotten so mad at the bear
Speak Out
Speak Out - 6 years ago
She is going crazy if it were me I would be like you can have it. I’m not risking my life for a piece of plastic
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
Indeed, bears are dangerous as heck XD.
Kaleigh - 6 years ago
"its not even food its just plastic it doesnt even taste good"
arekg manash
arekg manash - 6 years ago
Here from. Markiplier.
Texmon Ace
Texmon Ace - 6 years ago
I want the bear to eat that histerec girl
Hailey Duggar
Hailey Duggar - 6 years ago
This bitch is so dumb
ThatMarchingBunny - 6 years ago
GamerFox - 6 years ago
You see... You sprayed it in the face, You pissed it off
will Acheson
will Acheson - 6 years ago
Harry Mota Amorim
Harry Mota Amorim - 6 years ago
My favourite part is when she said bear over and over again
Emperor's Champion
Emperor's Champion - 6 years ago
her distress is so unbearable
Dairy Dregone
Dairy Dregone - 6 years ago
She sounds like Barbie
Monsieur L'Ours
Monsieur L'Ours - 6 years ago
I'll drink her tears.
Lampcap - 6 years ago
That bear was like "this is what you get for pepper spraying me bitch!!!"
NovaBro - 6 years ago
She couldn't bear the situation any longer.

Why am I like this
gatorrulers - 6 years ago
The situation got too unbearable for her.
Hobojoedogbro 64
Hobojoedogbro 64 - 6 years ago
in marks try not to laugh, I almost broke at this one
wereduhgames bruh
wereduhgames bruh - 6 years ago
u are dumb
souptroophat Esplin
souptroophat Esplin - 6 years ago
I'm going to pepper spray you in the face :) ... The way she says it like a feminist XD
Shah Alam
Shah Alam - 6 years ago
Is this from Brave?
Nettle - 6 years ago had a better, more secure place for the kayak, but you left it in an easily accessible spot for wildlife (because why would there be wildlife around in such a habitat?? Who would have guessed????) and now you're shocked that a bear is tampering with it? Your loss.
majora247 99744
majora247 99744 - 6 years ago
She’s lucky that that bear didn’t attack
Grizz Daddy
Grizz Daddy - 6 years ago
thats a grizzly not a black bear
Mas Haq Kresno
Mas Haq Kresno - 6 years ago
children, this is what free speech looks like
ya boi Nalis 2374/ Takeshi Ooyama
ya boi Nalis 2374/ Takeshi Ooyama - 6 years ago
I only came because of Markiplier
cake-a-nut gamer
cake-a-nut gamer - 6 years ago
why not chase thebear away from the kayak? with the spray...
Katto boi
Katto boi - 6 years ago
Man.. if i was that bear...
Galligator094 fun times
Galligator094 fun times - 6 years ago
Maybe u should act a little braver and he won't chew your things
Dusan Meseldzija
Dusan Meseldzija - 6 years ago
She is a complete and utter moron...her idiotic behaviour just stops being funny really quickly.
k-poop trash Mostly bts trash
k-poop trash Mostly bts trash - 6 years ago
She deserved to get her kayak broken into pieces by the bear
Mr. Waffles
Mr. Waffles - 6 years ago
{In Therapy Room}

Therapist: Why are you crying?

Woman: This bear broke my kayak when I told it to please. stop. ahhhhh
Anime Fanatic
Anime Fanatic - 6 years ago
You don’t stand still when you see a bear destroying your kayak. This woman had good intentions but the way she acted is the reason she went viral. Because who in the world would ask loudly for a bear to stop breaking your kayak and stand still, THE WHOLE TIME.
Elaina - 6 years ago
I feel kinda bad for the chick, you could tell she was really upset but damn her trying to reason with it with such desperation in her voice is honestly hilarious
Elaina - 6 years ago
Also the pepper-spray part was kinda hilarious though it’s kinda surprising it didn’t go after her
Paisley the brown kitty Likes bendy
Paisley the brown kitty Likes bendy - 6 years ago
How about you stop that, the bear is probably pissed off that you pepper sprayed him. Also you screaming B E A R P L E A S E S T O P won’t make it any better
McFly - 6 years ago
Sure no prob, I don't care about your kayak why would I OH YOU FUCKING BITCH THAT STINGS OWOWOW so kayak you say?
Jennis Gurung
Jennis Gurung - 6 years ago
Is this the original video?
Pepperoni Pizza
Pepperoni Pizza - 6 years ago
Sorry that happened to you but I have to admit your pleading and the bear's sense of instant karma had me dying
rainyroyale - 6 years ago
Well maybe if you didn't spray the bear, this wouldn't have happened. It was not in attack mode. You were fine.
The Caydenator
The Caydenator - 6 years ago
Steven universe boy COOKIE CAT
Steven universe boy COOKIE CAT - 6 years ago
The bear had so much patience until she pepper sprayed him
Geardog/cat slashonlyname
Geardog/cat slashonlyname - 6 years ago
Me:I'm soooo confused
My Nintendogs:whine?
Gabriel [REDACTED]
Gabriel [REDACTED] - 6 years ago
mega prank'd
El Ensayadero Tumbaco
El Ensayadero Tumbaco - 6 years ago
This is the funniest thing i´ve seen in a while
Julia Caro
Julia Caro - 6 years ago
Maybe you shouldn't piss off a being that could easily kill you. Also, I love how she talks to the bear like it's a dog or a child, not to mention telling it to 'come here' just after pepper-spraying it.
savageboy 9000
savageboy 9000 - 6 years ago
Ur enemy is immune to pepper spray know grizzly use bite on kayak kayak Deafeted Rip kayak
Spectron Pascua Draker the Demon
Spectron Pascua Draker the Demon - 6 years ago
savageboy 9000 Thought it was a black bear
Tracer Overwatch
Tracer Overwatch - 6 years ago
Snappin' Tortoise
Snappin' Tortoise - 6 years ago
i feel bad.
Lilian - 6 years ago
Thank you for leaving my kayak alone
Kaliyah Brown
Kaliyah Brown - 6 years ago
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 6 years ago
Top 10 most merciless anime characters
R Credence Hannibal
R Credence Hannibal - 6 years ago
This is my favorite video in existence.
Angelic Tear
Angelic Tear - 6 years ago
Maybe next time don't spray the innocent wildlife creature who didn't mess with you, bitch.
Galaxy Note
Galaxy Note - 6 years ago
Girl wtf
Jay Berry
Jay Berry - 6 years ago
This is the most annoying lady ever.
Aiden Wallace
Aiden Wallace - 6 years ago
“Thank you for leaving my kayak alone, I’m going to pepper spray you in the face”
Noah Stednitz
Noah Stednitz - 6 years ago
Are you a legit retard a bear a wild animal does not understand human language and they only hibernate in the end of winter or in the beginning of fall also if you didn't pepper spray the bear and stayed still you could've just avoided this all
Jelly Cake
Jelly Cake - 6 years ago
Human: "it's not even food, its plastic, bear please stop"

Bear: "your emotional distress is my nourishment"
Lord Krythic
Lord Krythic - 6 years ago
"We told you he doesn't need an ID because he's an Article 4 Free Inhabitant! You need to call your superior!"
Habibi Ben
Habibi Ben - 6 years ago
Firewire780 - 6 years ago
I also completely lost it when she talked with the bear xD Been a long time since I laughed this hard
LegoAlex400 - 6 years ago
is this girl an idiot or something "get out of here... come back"
Firewire780 - 6 years ago
I was rooting for the bear right from the start as she reminded me of that crazy "free inhabitant" bitch
Ewan Murphy
Ewan Murphy - 6 years ago
This is one of the all time greats, thank you internet.
No has more dislikes
t mac
t mac - 6 years ago
Ewan Murphy yes,,,, this video is epic!!!! One of the top 25 of all time!!!!
Rachel Geeson
Rachel Geeson - 6 years ago
You pepper sprayed the poor bear, you deserve to have your kayak broken into 50000 little pieces...
astupidgenius creates
astupidgenius creates - 6 years ago
To be honest I was waiting on the mother bear the whole time just to see this girl get attacked.
Cup of Tea
Cup of Tea - 6 years ago
Daniel Sandi
Daniel Sandi - 6 years ago
Markimoo? Anyone?

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