Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska
Kayak 9 years ago 5,416,864 views
@MerryChirps on Twitter and @MerryMaryMix on Instagram During a solo kayak trip, intended to go from from Ketchikan, Alaska to Petersburg, Alask, a bear attacked my kayak. This incident occurred outside of a US Forest Service cabin in Berg Bay, Wrangell District, Alaska. I had just carried my tent, food, and all my gear into the cabin to dry while I went on a 4 mile hike that begins just behind the cabin. I heard something outside as I ate my lunch, and well, I never got to go on that hike. This video is taken 5 minutes after the attack began, he continued to gnaw on it for another 5 or 10 after the video ends. Shortly after the bear left and I drug the kayak back to the cabin door step. Then I swam to the S/V anchored in the bay. They did not have their radio on and I feared I would be stranded! The German flagged S/V Caledonia took me and my things to Wrangell but headed home to Ketchikan on the ferry Monday! Thanks for all the support friends!
Did she have her bear-ings right on where she was heading?
Or perhaps the bear was hoping for some bear-ries hidden in the kayak..
just a thought~
kill me now plis
10. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska
20. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska
How many btaincells does it take to understand that you cant talk to animals! And your kayahk isnt just made out of plastic. I am loosing Brain cells from watcjing thicjnd
I still love bears.
30. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska
50. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska
Because you pepper sprayed me you dumb cunt
im gOinG To PePPeR SpRaY YouR FacE NoW
he attacc
but most importantly
he break your kayak
guess karma is a butt woper:P
I love her :3
You peppers praied him
Me: shoots her
Me: Got the annoying bear!
Oh my home is this your kayak yeah well screw it!
100. comment for Black Bear Gnaws on Delta 15s Seakayak in Berg Bay, Alaska
This is gold
You can only be one or the other
Ending: BEAR!!!!! STOP THAT!!!!
Next time, don't pepper spray him :3
they sleep in late October to early November.
learn bear science
Jesus Christ woman, how many times are you going to say that until you realise that maybe saying bear stop that won't work?
Next time get some treats to lure them away or something
to make a sound like a gun or a firecracker.
But first, ask for some advice from the local authorities.
That said, the "IT'S SEPTEMBER!" line is hilarious, along her frustrated grunts.
she didnt run ath er kayak or anything.
And you can also tell that she knows nothing about bears because, bears don't sleep an entire five months without getting up to eat or get a drink of water. She also expects the besr to listen to her??? XD The bear doesnt even understand, all he hears is annoying gibberish. The bear wasn't messing with her kayak because it thought that there was food in there either, it was probably just curious.
Sprays with pepper sprayWHY ARE YOU DESTROYING MY STUFF??Clearly this bitch doesn't even know what season and month bears are supposed to be asleep.
bear walks towards kayak- hears screams and decides to 'play' with the kayak
lady- pepper sprays bear towards kayak
lady- questions why the bear headed towards the kayak and why it would eat her kayak.
lady, the bear was minding its own business, being curious of the new thing in its home when you peppered its face. You were within your rights at first, then when you started screaming like a 5 year old the bear got spooked and smashed the kayak, you didn't even try to do anything, you just screamed at the bear, which probably made it think that it was doing the right thing by smashing the kayak(plus it would've been fun to play with and smash), then you didn't pepper spray it again like you threatened to and kept whining. lady, at this point everyone in the comments hates your ass after the first minute, and I sure as hell don't blame them
Bear: oh bitch no you know what try to break my eyes I’m going to break your shit 0:28
It wasnt destroying it. It was messing with it
maybe because you sprayed him in the face?? an eye for an eye, white chick (i'm white too) that bear wasn't going to attack you, i support this bear %100
Bear: Bet!!!
Passive bear and crazy lady pepper spraying him
Towards the beginning:
Bear destroys her kayak
Near the middle of the vid:
“ Bear why are u destroying my kayak?”
Towards the end:
Bear! Bear!! BEAR!!! BEAR!!!!!
Dumbass lady.
Bear: bit*h this is my turf.
Woman: IMmA PeppER SpRAY yOU NoW!!
bear walks back to kayak and starts breaking it
woman: WhY ArE yoU BREakING mY KaYACK!!
Bear: “ye no prob bob, I ain’t that hungr-“
“I’m going to pepper spray you in the face..
That’s what I’m going to do” spayz
Bear: “never mind I’m starving, give meh dat kayak”
People are just down right mean, and hoenstly, they look far more foolish in my eyes than she ever will.
That moan....
If anyone can answer... How long (months) do bears like black bears sleep?
Maybe because you fucking pepper sprayed him you whore.
who carries pepper spray in a kayak
This is probably going to come off as quite offensive, and I am sorry for that. But when people like you make comments on the internet without first looking into it yourself, when you have the capability to, it just comes off as incredibly stupid. Why be left wondering about a question when you literally have google at your finger tips to find out the exact answer?
A lot of people in this comment section is hating on her, but that is just because they are not understanding the situation very well. Likely people who never actually been out camping before and are always in the city never having to worry about a bear.
Bear: bitch you sprayed me dramatic hair whip I don't need you
Woman: BEAR!! sobs
No, I don't fault her for using the pepper spray. I'd probably have done the same thing.
I just feel like a lot of people in the comment section are giving her a ton of crap for pepper spraying the bear, but that is actually one of the things you are told to do in such cases when a bear is approaching you and is that close.
bear goes toward kayak
"Bear! Come back bear!!!"
You shot'em in the right to face. That's why bear go back to kayak. Seriously.
......But you just pepper sprayed that bear away from you....
Lady aims spray
Bear: Wut...oh no.
Gets sprayed at
Bear: Wooah, I am trigger.....Hark! Tis this a green floatation device!
Woman begins pleading
Bear: Imma break it.
Bitch u thot
No bear should have to put up with such insolence.
Why am I like this
Therapist: Why are you crying?
Woman: This bear broke my kayak when I told it to please. stop. ahhhhh
My Nintendogs:whine?
Bear: "your emotional distress is my nourishment"