Buying FIRST KAYAK on a WALMART budget!!!! on the WATER REVIEW

Boats are expensive so we decided to visit Walmart and pickup our first Kayak, we had two brands and models in mind the Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 & Sundolphin Bali 10 SS. We ended buying the Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 Kayak and took it to Biscayne National Park for an on the water review. Hope you all enjoyed this Vlog remember to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe! Catch you all later... CLICK THIS LINK FOR $5 DOLLARS OFF YOUR LUCKY TACKLE BOX ** ** ***TallFishermanJ

Buying FIRST KAYAK on a WALMART budget!!!! on the WATER REVIEW sentiment_very_dissatisfied 127

Kayak 7 years ago 175,054 views

Boats are expensive so we decided to visit Walmart and pickup our first Kayak, we had two brands and models in mind the Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 & Sundolphin Bali 10 SS. We ended buying the Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 Kayak and took it to Biscayne National Park for an on the water review. Hope you all enjoyed this Vlog remember to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe! Catch you all later... CLICK THIS LINK FOR $5 DOLLARS OFF YOUR LUCKY TACKLE BOX ** ** ***TallFishermanJ

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Most popular comments
for Buying FIRST KAYAK on a WALMART budget!!!! on the WATER REVIEW

Android Hacks
Android Hacks - 7 years ago
This video inspired me to purchase the same exact kayak as you. Got in on sale on for $225. I'm currently waiting for it to be shipped to the Walmart Location.. Will be there on 3/29 which is my day off.... :)
Tom Bettendorf
Tom Bettendorf - 7 years ago
Thanks ..I'm a newbie and this helped!
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
U talk too much about non sense. Try staying on topic next time and I promise to stay awake.
Rick Howland
Rick Howland - 7 years ago
My son can stand on his tamarack
Alfred Robles
Alfred Robles - 7 years ago
I’m a pretty heavy guy. Would this kayak be good for someone like me 300pounds
wavygr - 7 years ago
How much do the weigh?
wavygr - 7 years ago
How are they in choppy water? Say a big motor boat doesn't see you or they are jerks.
Beau LaForge
Beau LaForge - 7 years ago
So running aground makes a boat catch flame. Noted.
Beau LaForge
Beau LaForge - 7 years ago
I drive a Tahoe but I'm on a budget.

10. comment for Buying FIRST KAYAK on a WALMART budget!!!! on the WATER REVIEW

omartineo 1992navajo
omartineo 1992navajo - 7 years ago
Nice find
Derek Davis
Derek Davis - 7 years ago
I heard those foam practice golf balls work good for plugs.
Ethan Daugherty
Ethan Daugherty - 7 years ago
welp, i'm gettin one
RIPtide2323 - 7 years ago
Is the Kayak self bailing? i am looking for my first fishing kayak and i found many people saying that this is very important if you flip it will drain quicky
Monkey N Around
Monkey N Around - 7 years ago
My very first yak was a SunDolphin SS 10
J McCracken
J McCracken - 7 years ago
Like this Kayak really well will be getting one like this in a month.
I have seen them at WalMart and they are well made.
Count me as a subscriber from West Virginia. By the way older Brother lives in St Cloud FL.
David Gonzalez
David Gonzalez - 7 years ago
To many alligators in that bay .
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
That’s what I hear!
Craig Domko
Craig Domko - 7 years ago
Are there any videos of you using this kayak since this one? Have you put it through any real tests?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Hey thanks for watching! And yes I have four other videos showing this Kayak in action while fishing.
41magfan - 7 years ago
Get a sit on top and don't forget a gallon of sun block cause you will burn
41magfan - 7 years ago
2 colmen canoes, a old town yak and a Ted Williams Jon boat. Ya I like spending time on the water. I'm always the captain. Lol
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Lol yeah kayak sun burns are the worst
Dan Barnes
Dan Barnes - 7 years ago
nice video, it looked like that kayak moved nicely through the water which surprised me for the price you paid, I hope you get some sponsorship out of this video! Now i am going looking to see if you have some where you were actually fishing. :)

20. comment for Buying FIRST KAYAK on a WALMART budget!!!! on the WATER REVIEW

Gil Alvarado
Gil Alvarado - 7 years ago
I'm a big dude, what's the mac weight?
slacker4596 - 7 years ago
Walmart bumping in the background
JamieSVB - 7 years ago
Did you try standing on it? If so, how stable is it?
Willie G
Willie G - 7 years ago
SS Minnow? maybe?
swimmer8585 - 7 years ago
Nice. I may do this. I've got a canoe, but its a big 90 lbs 15 foot beast, so a kayak might be a bit easier to just get out in the water
Chuwe Vue
Chuwe Vue - 7 years ago
That brz tho
redmccain - 7 years ago
I have the same kayak, it is my first, and I really like it. I use it on lakes and channels and it does great.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
That’s awesome man I pretty much use it in a very similar way lakes and canals all flat water type stuff. I really like it for the money it’s been great to me.
The Rc Master6042
The Rc Master6042 - 7 years ago
Ignores the best looking kayak in the store thats all the way to the right, bruh I would have strongly recomentded that one since its a bit longer, had better hatches by the looks of it and would be easier to paddle since its a little slimmer but not so slim that you couldnt stand on it.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Lol I didn’t ignore it dude, it was just out of the Budget If I remember it’s was 2-3 hundred more then the one I bought. But I hear ya on all the extra features and benefits maybe my next kayak will be a little more hooked up.
Giancarlo Varela
Giancarlo Varela - 7 years ago
Let me just begging by saying your Walmart has incredible stock
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Lol thanks dude I think since we are so close to the keys they sell a lot of kayaks and fishing gear
Jack Clarke
Jack Clarke - 7 years ago
How many times do you need to at the end of the day

30. comment for Buying FIRST KAYAK on a WALMART budget!!!! on the WATER REVIEW

j fishslayer
j fishslayer - 7 years ago
Dope! Makes me want to go get one!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks dude, and you should go check them out if your by a Walmart
Michael Edmund
Michael Edmund - 7 years ago
Great video bro enjoy.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching!
McScott76 - 7 years ago
I have the Emotion Stealth Angler 11 (also made by Lifetime), and I absolutely love it. It's similar to the Tamarack but 11-foot rather than 10-foot. It cost me about $350 at Cabela's. I wanted something I could use in both fresh and saltwater (inshore) and possibly even offshore on a calm day. I'm not sure if I'd trust it offshore, but I've had it in choppy intracoastal shipping channels and had no problems whatsoever. For the price, you can customize the heck out of it, set it up the way you like it and still pay a fraction of what a Jackson, Hobie or other high-end fishing kayak would cost you. I put an anchor system on mine, added a mounting system for additional rod holders, GoPros, etc, put in an additional access hatch to enable more hull storage, and added a nice Garmin GPS fish finder with thru-hull transducer. Even with all that, I've spent less than $700 total for a very tricked-out kayak loaded with everything I need ($200 of that was the fishfinder). Honestly, the only reason I'd ever consider upgrading is if I want to be able to stand and fish, or to switch to a pedal-system kayak.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Yeah you don't always have to go out and spend a load of cash on a fancy kayak sometimes you can get away with the Walmart special and have left over change of upgrades! thanks again for watching tight lines...
Corbin Matasovsky
Corbin Matasovsky - 7 years ago
If only I could trade in my $250 pelican kayak I bought from fleet farm.... Wal-Mart saves lives >
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Yeah maybe one day Walmart will take trade ins lol!
Willie Chavez
Willie Chavez - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video, very informative. I'm will be getting that same Kayak at Walmart because of this video.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching I am glad it was helpful! I got to say it has been great so far.
Corbin Matasovsky
Corbin Matasovsky - 7 years ago
Thats so cheap !
ivan alejandre
ivan alejandre - 7 years ago
Great vid! Just the info that I was looking for.. Thanks
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching man!
Wishiwazfishin - 7 years ago
Solid video! Paddle Family!!! You have a new subscriber. Stoked if you could return the favor! Tight lines!!!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks man! I got cha, tight lines...
PlayHard PlaySafe
PlayHard PlaySafe - 7 years ago
Thank you for this Video very very helpful for me
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching! Glad it was able to help you out.
Redneck _07
Redneck _07 - 7 years ago
Nice kayak
RIPtide2323 - 7 years ago
Sounds like i need to go to Walmart with some whiteout!
Joe Guerrier
Joe Guerrier - 7 years ago
Got the same one. Works great. Fishing from this one as opposed to my sit in model is much easier. Easier to handle fish, getting in and out, not getting swamped. This one is the best for the $ imho...
Hayden McQ
Hayden McQ - 7 years ago
The drone was really annoying
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 7 years ago
Hey, thanks for taking the time to actually show the entire process. It was great to see someone going into the store and making the purchase, including all the little things you don't think about (like scupper plugs!). Wish you had done some fishing on it though to give an idea of what it's like casting and catching.
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 7 years ago
Will check it out! Thanks again!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching and leaving a comment! Hope the video helped out in some way, iv actually posted a few videos fishing off this Kayak you can see in my channel if you like. I tried fishing that day but didn’t get any bites so I just chose to keep the video shorter instead of dragging on. Thanks again and tight lines...
Dennis Gebo
Dennis Gebo - 7 years ago
If your not wearing a liftjacket and an emergency happens it does you no good
SVTsupercharged - 7 years ago
If you don’t own a truck then you shouldn’t buy a kayak. Good review on a cheaper priced kayak.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching dude!
Cameron Boose
Cameron Boose - 7 years ago
Cool video those life jackets are not the legal ones. They're like type b or something
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching! I’ll look into it again to confirm thanks for the input.
EP1C Rain Gaming
EP1C Rain Gaming - 7 years ago
What is the name on the far right kayak??? I might want to get it for my birthday :)
happygilmore06 - 7 years ago
Avalon 120.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
It’s been a while since I was at that Walmart location and honestly can’t remember The name of the one to the far right. Thanks for watching!
Mrbass 00
Mrbass 00 - 7 years ago
Last place id buy a kayak, Wal-Mart... you get what you pay for
The Bass Master
The Bass Master - 7 years ago
You got yourself a new subscriber!

50. comment for Buying FIRST KAYAK on a WALMART budget!!!! on the WATER REVIEW

Jason Ide
Jason Ide - 7 years ago
Should have bought foam practice golf balls for your scupper plugs. They are like a dollar for 6.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
I looked for those foam practice golf balls and couldn't find any.
Brian Watson
Brian Watson - 7 years ago
I have the same kayak
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
how do you like it?
Michele Ghrist
Michele Ghrist - 7 years ago
I bought that kayak the rod holder fell out I now have a field and stream eagle talon 12
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
I didn’t find a need for the rod holder I actually took it off and installed a railblaza camera mount, thanks for watching and tight lines man....
ne rn
ne rn - 7 years ago
That $8 float vest scares the poo outta me. stay in the shallow dude
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Yeah I wouldn’t head offshore in this little kayak either way.
Bryan McIntyre
Bryan McIntyre - 7 years ago
What kind of kayak is that at 0:50 on the Far right? I have that one but came with no paper work or anything and got it for the same price as the lifetime kayak.
Joshua Sullivan
Joshua Sullivan - 7 years ago
I bought the one you’re referring to as my first one as well. It was only like $420’ish too. Now it’s around $700+!! It’s is a Third Coast Avalon 120.
Useful links:
EP1C Rain Gaming
EP1C Rain Gaming - 7 years ago
Bryan McIntyre where did you purchase that far right kayak I am thinking about getting that one for my birthday?? :)
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
I can’t remember what the kayak to the far right was it’s been almost 6 months since I purchased mine.
Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez - 7 years ago
That homestead ?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Yes it is!
Juan jotabe
Juan jotabe - 7 years ago
10 ft (3meter) kayaks are a great starting point... everybody willing to start in kayak fishing should probably aim for a boat about that size and around 20 to 24kg weight.

BUT be aware that small diferences make a huge impact in kayaks since they have so little flexibility as a boat itself... in example a 3 meter (10 feet) kai will be able to hold about a 10% less weight than a 3.30meter (11 feet) kai...
Other thing to consider is how wide is it and how tall is (specially the bow)... more wide = more stable but slower.... taller = more wind carry but dryer boat
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Yeah this Kayak has worked out perfectly for what I intended. Happy I went with it.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching! Iv seen some hilarious videos of big guys flipping on the sun dolphin that help make my decision easy lol.
NickHanegraaf Vlogs
NickHanegraaf Vlogs - 7 years ago
WTH! The Tamarak Angler 10 on is almost $500
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Damn! That’s a hell of a mark up. Check it out on Walmart website or in store it’s a good yak for the money.
Dawson Armstrong
Dawson Armstrong - 7 years ago
You can actually use practice golf balls for your scupper holes. They work the best! I've had mine for a year now and no water comes through with practice golf balls.
RapidST 2rover
RapidST 2rover - 7 years ago
the water is calm
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Braap - tv
Braap - tv - 7 years ago
If you have the money you should get the higher end kayak because you have a diffrent first experience with a better quality kayak
Sakima - 7 years ago
What sunglasses are those ?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Pelagic: "Shark Bite"
Mikhail ALPHONSO - 7 years ago
At 9 :29 there is a drone flying
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Good Eye!!!
Wormhole Times
Wormhole Times - 7 years ago
where can I get those water shoes?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
The brand is Tucket Giller!
Shadow Rodz
Shadow Rodz - 7 years ago
Thank you for your information I'm going next week to buy me one
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
glad it was helpful! And thank you for watching, good luck with your kayak purchase.
pikestrikesweden - 7 years ago
Why spending so much time small talking about a wreck..? Talk less and focus on the subject...
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Get the tamarack Angler the Bali is really unstable
David Saelee
David Saelee - 7 years ago
The middle and back compartments are not for storage. It's a livewell
Joseph Arndt
Joseph Arndt - 7 years ago
I won't every buy a kayak from Walmart they are to thin I would prefer a Jackson big rig
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Been using this lifetime kayak that Walmart sells for several months now and have no complaints about the plastic quality.
hawkeye93ify - 7 years ago
Personally, I would never recommend a Sun Dolphin. Had the 12ft one for 2 years as my first fishing kayak. It had a slow continuous leak, unstable, no room to put a milk crate in the rear, and the plastic was low grade (beached it on a mud bank and dented the bow, made a small crack I had to repair), plus I got mine a year before they started adding scupper holes, so if I hot swamped I was screwed. Yes, after using it for a while it gave me a good idea of what I wanted in a kayak when I finally saved up enough money to buy a better quality one, but there are much better options out there for the same price and even cheaper. My advice, try to find a used kayak for around the same price, you'll be much happier.
Year6k - 7 years ago
The ascend 12t is one of the better kayaks for the Price lol
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
We had and ascend 12 from BPS wasn't a huge fan
rlmertz - 7 years ago
how stable is it to stand in?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Not very stable to stand in, I always sit .
fa talon
fa talon - 7 years ago
Ill subscribe, your a down to earth guy, from New Mexico, tight lines .....
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 7 years ago
Can you stand up while on the kayak?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
I have tried a few times and it just feels to wobbly
Wesley VanDeventer
Wesley VanDeventer - 7 years ago
Thanks now I’m going to be looking for one of these as my first kayak!
Wesley VanDeventer
Wesley VanDeventer - 7 years ago
I actually did some searching last night and found one at Cabela’s listed for $99.99. I’m going to look into that.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Nice glad the video helped you out!
Ron Tucci
Ron Tucci - 7 years ago
Just found your channel and subscribed. I've been thinking about buying a reasonably priced kayak to fish some of the smaller ponds and rivers in my area. May go down to Wal-Mart to see if they stock that model. Going to check their web price first see if it's a little cheaper, I think they'll sell it at the lower price. Thanks for the video.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
That’s awesome thanks for subscribing I hope they have it in stock and make sure to ask about the price match the same day you buy it if not they won’t do it. Good luck and tight lines
Ryan Nicholson
Ryan Nicholson - 7 years ago
You must be a really cool guy wearing your sunglasses in side
Ryan Ratliff
Ryan Ratliff - 7 years ago
Couldn't make it past him wearing sunglasses indoors.
Michael Scott
Michael Scott - 7 years ago
THREE ads? Unsubscribe
R T - 7 years ago
Save up and buy a hobie with a drive system.
You will wish you had.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Maybe Hobie will send me one to review that would be fun! especially if it comes with some sort of drive system.
Saif Shomali
Saif Shomali - 7 years ago
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Saif Shomali
Saif Shomali - 7 years ago
Which country are you in
R 3
R 3 - 7 years ago
What's the update on this kayak? Looking for inshore sw. Really on the fence about it.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
I really like it for the money, I’ve posted a few videos since this one fishing on the Kayak check them out.
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis - 7 years ago
Yep. Got mine for $215.00 in Oregon (no taxes). Previously had a Sundolphin purchased for $278.00. Wish I had bought this one first. Much more stable, better tracking, more storage. Great first kayak for river floating/fishing. My friend got a great deal on an Emotion Stealth Angler for $380.00 which paddles a little faster, but for the price, I'm very happy with my Lifetime Tamarak.
Urban Taint
Urban Taint - 7 years ago
newly subbed! nice video.looking up kayak videos and found this channel
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Nice to have you subscribe! I got a few Kayak videos up on the channel hope they help fishing both freshwater and saltwater.
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith - 7 years ago
Thanks for the review, just bought one last week.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thats awesome hope you like the kayak! its been great to me.
Mike D
Mike D - 7 years ago
that boat didnt run aground. it obviously caught fire. i had it happen to my boat last month. the battery exploded and gas tank went with it. insurance is refusing and saying its a home owners issue and home owners is saying its my boat policy. either way I see myself getting the big hard insurance shaft.
Getting Bent With Bo
Getting Bent With Bo - 7 years ago
Would have liked to see you throw some casts to see how it is while actually fishing.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
I still like this Kayak for the money it’s hard to beat only thing I would recommend is adding a seat.
Getting Bent With Bo
Getting Bent With Bo - 7 years ago
Found a few! Thanks for the reply, I notice your tall AF.. do you have any issues with the Kayak? I am 6' and was considering getting the same kayak for in the harbor. You still like it?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Plenty of videos since this showing the Kayak in action check them out!
Robert Gilmore
Robert Gilmore - 7 years ago
I smell Walmart Trump supporters.
Joseph Boboseph
Joseph Boboseph - 7 years ago
So u brought poles but didnt fish
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
We fished but not long enough to catch anything didn’t make sense to add that to this video. If you want to see this Kayak in fishing action take a look at some of my more recent trips.
Eric Minniear
Eric Minniear - 7 years ago
Have you added anything to your kayak sense you had it sir..
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
I removed the factory rod holder and installed a RailBlaza camera mount, alos picked up a Milk crate for the back and thats all.
South Beach Miami Art
South Beach Miami Art - 7 years ago
I had that green kayak at 00:50
Guy Young
Guy Young - 7 years ago
I know that crashed boat these teenagers in 4 of July were not supposed be on it and they burned it down. The teens got in trouble and now they are going to make it into an artificial reef.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks for the info I was wondering what happened to that boat.
jairus audwin
jairus audwin - 7 years ago
Where do you put the caught fish that you want to keep?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
we take a soft bag cooler keep it in back
Azizy Biz
Azizy Biz - 7 years ago
Cool video and the kayak is good too, now you will get all the accessories one at time as time goes by, just be careful when it is windy and out of the summer season never do kayak alone.
Shawn Springall
Shawn Springall - 7 years ago
So what you are saying this would be a good 1st Kayak for someone that wants to fish, portage and camp?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
I would say its a great first kayak for fishing idk about Portage and Camping!
WhiteLion - 7 years ago
Butting a boat plug in your scuppers will crack them that's a terrible idea
Robert Gilmore
Robert Gilmore - 7 years ago
I found it best to only plug the scupper holes under the seat and leave the rest unplugged.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Yeah we ended up not plugging the scupper holes
Kate Hard
Kate Hard - 7 years ago
Dip your paddle depar
Maxwell Visitacion
Maxwell Visitacion - 7 years ago
This would be a good kayak and you can get it online

100. comment for Buying FIRST KAYAK on a WALMART budget!!!! on the WATER REVIEW

Teegan Chapman
Teegan Chapman - 7 years ago
Sick vid
I_Baked_ A_Cake
I_Baked_ A_Cake - 7 years ago
I️ had that kayak. I️t was amazing I️ wish I️ still had it
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
You should get another one!
BlackOpsFishing - 7 years ago
Seems like a nice Kayak for the money! Good review
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching
Caroline Raimbeau
Caroline Raimbeau - 7 years ago
Thanks for the review. I just bought a Tamarack 100 Angler this morning, on sale at Walmart. Heading to the Bay in Bradenton FL right now.
Robert Gilmore
Robert Gilmore - 7 years ago
I found out going to twelve 12' makes a more comfortable ride.  Especially in windy conditions.
Jack Beast
Jack Beast - 7 years ago
As of November 23 of this year this kayak is only $200
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Nice! Thats a great deal.
Levi Deer
Levi Deer - 7 years ago
Curious to see what you can do with it and the world is not to say anything about the neighborhood in the world uti huh got
Levi Deer
Levi Deer - 7 years ago
77 yi 7th u47474748473774747474747474747474447
Levi Deer
Levi Deer - 7 years ago
Levi Deer
Levi Deer - 7 years ago
Levi Deer
Levi Deer - 7 years ago
Rodney duo p65ij j th g ughfujd bff jv I don't know y it it ufropf7 udycysbciejcnf bcc bcc bcb cbc cjcifftitjcjfi4ofjfjrifj thjffi th g
Levi Deer
Levi Deer - 7 years ago
Levi's fhfydghcssgfjxEFhffg@gfnvd bookdupl koo urgency and the 8 cu
fishing - 7 years ago
Michael Norman shop in holidays the price are dropped down I buy my on Memorial day and save me some money
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching,I am so glad to hear this video helped you in deciding what Kayak to buy first! iv now been fishing this kayak for 2 months and still love it. thanks for subscribing happy to have you hear with us.
Jeff Womack
Jeff Womack - 7 years ago
Glad the kayak worked out for you. I would have been more concerned with the kid I was going to run over or the truck that is going to run over me because the right side of the Tahoe is blinded by kayak than the one on top coming off. Enjoy it and fish on.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Yes that was definitely a concern but John would tell me if any cars or pedestrians were near the Tahoe, I have been enjoying this kayak now for 2 months its still great to me. tight lines
James Wright
James Wright - 7 years ago
Thanks for the report, I am thinking about one.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Your welcome! and thanks for watching check out the other videos on my channel if you want to see it in action.
Good Ol Boy #76
Good Ol Boy #76 - 7 years ago
Must be nice to get one. I live on a limited income so I will never be able to get one.
Ian - 7 years ago
I wish there were walmarts in Austrlia
Dan Bolton
Dan Bolton - 7 years ago
Ian no you don't. Nearly all products are Chinese products cheaply made for a disposable American market.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
One Day Soon I Bet!
Reel Yakkers
Reel Yakkers - 7 years ago
This was a really cool video
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching!
AddictedToMassBass - 7 years ago
I have the red one, very light weight!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+AddictedToMassBass Nice! Is it stable I saw a lot of bashing on that kayak from other YouTube videos
Fishing Frenzy
Fishing Frenzy - 7 years ago
What Walmart is that I need to look there the one closer to my house only have a couple options
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Fishing Frenzy This is the Florida City Walmart they are super stocked
Susan Fielding
Susan Fielding - 7 years ago
Kayak = Great White Crouton !!!
Justin Berry
Justin Berry - 7 years ago
I'm going to be getting that soon:)
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Congratulations its a great Kayak!
Susan Fielding
Susan Fielding - 7 years ago
Does it come with a heart attack monitor?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
LOL good one!
Zhijia Zhang
Zhijia Zhang - 7 years ago
Hey i have a question, how come any of the walmarts near me have kayaks that i can buy? I really dont want to buy a kayak off online.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thats a good question to ask your local store I really don't know, We get a lot of kayaks I imagine because we are so close to the water and high volume sales maybe. good luck
Pat Howell
Pat Howell - 7 years ago
You can't return kayaks to WalMart :(
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Yeah that sucks I saw the kayak was cheaper online and they wouldn't price match! Thats a terrible policy most big retailers will match there online pricing very disappointed in Walmart.
Ron McConnell
Ron McConnell - 7 years ago
I've been looking at a lot of different makes and models of kayak's for some time now what are the difference's other then the company's who make them and there name's isn't one kayak the same as another?
Couple of Adventures
Couple of Adventures - 7 years ago
This is the best way to start. So many people are trying to buy hobbies and top of the line equipment. When you can catch the same exact fish and do the same things on a $200 kayak. As long as you're on the water.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
I agree the big problem is people buying a top of the line kayak not even knowing if they will like the sport of kayaking! but hey those turn out to be Craigs list speacials lol.
Ripsaw17 Name
Ripsaw17 Name - 7 years ago
that's always a good idea cheapest flotation device you guys are f**** idiots
drey robbins
drey robbins - 7 years ago
thank you, im going to get one ! i can afford it
5argeTech /\
5argeTech /\ - 7 years ago
GPS is a must! Getting lost in a fog is no fun......... It can happen. Happened to me.
5argeTech /\
5argeTech /\ - 7 years ago
That's just what I meant.....
TrailChaser - 7 years ago
Don't forget that every phone has GPS these days. No need to buy a stand alone GPS. The one on your phone already does everything a you could need and it's always with you.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+5argeTech /\ Thanks for the tip I’ll keep that in mind just in case I want to start modding it up
cillaloves2fish - 7 years ago
I jus sub'd!
Thinking of getting a kayak... not too expensive... this was helpful!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+cillaloves2fish Thank you so much! Glad this video helped you out.
Ian Santos
Ian Santos - 7 years ago
Lucky you guys even have kayaks at your Walmart
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Ian's Vlogs all the Walmart’s Iv gone to down in Miami have kayaks you can also order them online.
SpagFishing - 7 years ago
Happy Halloween!!! ;)
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Yo Happy Halloween!!!
James Silverman
James Silverman - 7 years ago
Didn't say anything about fishing from it.
Rafael Echols
Rafael Echols - 7 years ago
My boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat my boat damn
Tracy M
Tracy M - 7 years ago
Why not put the life jacket on.... So you can PREVENT and emergency?
OregonFishing101 - 7 years ago
Hey i just got one of these kayaks and they are great.
OregonFishing101 - 7 years ago
Is that salt water or freshwater ?
OregonFishing101 - 7 years ago
You should try tolling with it i fish for freshwater fish.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+OregonFishing101 Nice man! Enjoy it I feel the same way about it.
JC - 7 years ago
With the money people spend on shitty yaks at walmart, you can get a great used one off Craigslist.
jblaze114 - 7 years ago
no anchor?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+jblaze114 I don’t think I’ll be buying a anchor for the Yak
Thomas Bessey
Thomas Bessey - 7 years ago
how much does the tall mofo weigh? there only rated for 250 lbs...
Thomas Bessey
Thomas Bessey - 7 years ago
I was going to buy one for fishing and to use while duck hunting. Im at least 250 and was worried about dumping in the freezing cold water in November here in Maine.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Thomas Bessey Idk how much TFJ weighs but am sure around 250 he’s 6’5 but the Kayak holds him in no problem!
James Wells
James Wells - 7 years ago
its a drone
Club de Pesca Costaifonera
Club de Pesca Costaifonera - 7 years ago
Where is this market?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Club de Pesca Costaifonera Florida City Walmart
Afro Bassin TV
Afro Bassin TV - 7 years ago
i put in on layaway a month ago picking it up today, thanks for this video, just subbed! keepm' comin'!
Headout - 7 years ago
That moment when the drone flew by
Scott Atwood
Scott Atwood - 7 years ago
Go Land Sea and Air
Go Land Sea and Air - 7 years ago
We have two of these and they have been great around the mangroves and bays on the Tampa side. The paddles that come with it really need to be replaced but do great if speed isn't a main concern. The built in rod holders are a plus and the best back rest for the price point.
Brye Bones
Brye Bones - 7 years ago
I bought the sundolphin bali 12 about 6 months ago, my first one as well. Im 6"4 and a shade under 300 lbs..(I live minutes away from Lake michigan and several surrounding lakes) I've put at least 100 hours on her this summer, I think I can help give you some tips based on my experiences... number 1, a definite must, I have a paddle kayak also, and never really considered a pedal drive because of the price and I didn't know how much I would loove it! But an anchor system is the smartest adjustment I made. Hence my size, on even a slightly breezy day I'm just a mini sailboat floating out there... drifting made it almost impossible to fish any banks without having to constantly adjust and potentially spook the fish I was targetting. Number 2, you mentioned your butt getting wet, Instead of a raised seat, which raises your center of gravity, which reduces stability... I found a 4 inch soft foam flat pfd that meets our states requirements... which keeps me dry, and I don't need to keep a vest! 3, my bali has 2 rod holsters angled out and back just behind the seat, I don't use them for rod holsters, I use them to mount my outriggers. With my size, I couldn't really access the back or front compartments without feeling like I could tip at any moment.... so, I watched some videos on YouTube, and connected some pvc pipe to some pool noodles, got the outriggers adjusted to how deep I sat in the water, and now I can literally access all storage, and I can even stand, and sight fish the banks with no fear of tipping! I can lay down and take a nap on 4 foot rollers out on the big lake, no concern at all. Plus it cost me about 20 bucks, and I can remove or add it in about 60 seconds. Lastly, enjoy man! They're soo awesome! They're therapeutic, relaxing, exciting, refreshing, invigorating, rejuvinating, great excercise, takes you back to nature. It's the perfect pasttime, hopefully the tips will help you, cheers man. Peace. P.s. I'm saving up for one of them 3000 dollar pedal kayaks after how much I enjoyed my first one! Peace duder.
william harkins
william harkins - 7 years ago
Brye Bones do you have picture or a video, because I am looking into buying one and your mods seem interesting
The Coleman Films
The Coleman Films - 7 years ago
I have the orange one next to the green one. Works great, got it on offerup (never even opened) for 95$. Greatest deal. Stable enough to catch a 7lb bass in my experience, light, great storage, and not too awkward for fishing out of. Not as good as a sit on top like the one you got, but still almost as good.
Randee C
Randee C - 7 years ago
This video was awesome! I plan to do the same type of thing. Cant wait to get back into fishing! Its been to many years!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Randee C Thank you so much! Enjoy it when you get back into it and good luck
MEGA HOUSE FISHING - 7 years ago
tom jackson
tom jackson - 7 years ago
I just got off the phone with Customer Service from Ocean Kayaks. My 22 year old Ocean Kayak (OK) Scrambler was damaged in an accident, and I needed tech help and parts to fix it myself. OK took the time to explain in detail how to repair their product, and still has the parts, all at an excellent price. Do you get any tech help with a Walmart kayak 20 years later? Do you get detailed instructions from an English speaking Technician who really knows her business? Do you think a Wallyworld kayak will still be in use 22 years from now? Really ? ? ?

The Walmart kayak had a $278 tag on it. Checking online, A new OK Scrambler is for sale for $429. So for a difference of $151 you get quality, durability, customer service, and a design that has been popular for well over 22 years. With the OK kayak, you have to buy peripherals, but Im pretty sure you will do that anyway, when the Wallyworld cheapies break or you just want stuff that better fits your personal needs. There is a reason why a majority of kayaks in use are OK or another major brand.

The aggravation of low quality will last long after the joy of low price is forgotten.

To me the choice is obvious.
Josh Sherrod
Josh Sherrod - 7 years ago
tom jackson you do realize lifetime is a Utah based company and the customer service would be through them not Walmart...
tom jackson
tom jackson - 7 years ago
B Man In fact, they sent me material to weld the crack, and a piece of a cutout of the same material to practice on. The response you suggest is what you get from Walmart if the purchase is more than a few months old. Over 20 years, forget it, because the Walmart Chinese vendor is long gone. Ocean Kayaks, on the other hand, is still supporting their product, well over 20 years later, which is one of the points I was making. Do you understand?
BOSS MAN - 7 years ago
Haha they probably told you in plain English to go fuck yourself and go buy a new kayak.
Vanderley Leon
Vanderley Leon - 7 years ago
tom jackson have you tried plugging the crack with said fat idiot
tom jackson
tom jackson - 7 years ago
A fat idiot fell on my inverted kayak and cracked the hull, all the way through. Please post instructions on buffing out the damage.
Vanderley Leon
Vanderley Leon - 7 years ago
It'll buff out
Headout - 7 years ago
Perfectly said
Drew L2
Drew L2 - 7 years ago
TallFishermanJ needs to start watching his weight
Michael Bass
Michael Bass - 7 years ago
cast net and bait bucket
Reel Trouble
Reel Trouble - 7 years ago
Nice video, thanks. Reviews have been really good on this kayak. Launching out around Yankeetown Florida on the Gulf for ocean fishing. Walmart is 280.00 right now with a paddle, 10.00 shipping. I need two that can fit in the back of my pickup, should work. Harbor Freight sells a T-Bar hitch that will support what sticks out if I need it.
dragonspirit1185 - 7 years ago
The Tamarack tracks well and it's a fast boat but that lumbar support on the seat will actually begin to hurt your back. They need to make it flat. Also you can't really seal the boat unless you drill out all the rivets and put in waterproof rivets. I returned mine and got a Vibe SeaGhost 110
don198769 - 7 years ago
What is the purpose of the holes that you have to plug? Do they add stability or something?
Rita Gallion
Rita Gallion - 7 years ago
We got our Lifetime Tamarack Angler 100 for $200.00 each. This is was in October 2017
Juan Salas
Juan Salas - 7 years ago
Where did u get your water shoes and what is the name of them
Colby Fletcher
Colby Fletcher - 7 years ago
I own the same kayak! I love it especially for it's price.
Edit: The only problem was the seat cushion broke within 10 uses.
Upperpen Caregiver
Upperpen Caregiver - 7 years ago
Weird the paddle didn't come with drip rings?
Chase Romiza
Chase Romiza - 7 years ago
Like it
Bring The Fresh
Bring The Fresh - 7 years ago
Damn I wish we had a walmart in our country, Kayaks are so cheap where you are!
Dan Bolton
Dan Bolton - 7 years ago
Bring The Fresh thank your lucky stars you have no Walmart. They aren't the best choice for price or quality, but if you have an abundance of self loathing then enjoy!
Ivan Toledo
Ivan Toledo - 7 years ago
This was mi first kayak for me and mi wife and we love them I upgraded to a pescador pilot but Still keep my lifetime for friends
Samuel Navarro
Samuel Navarro - 7 years ago
I have had the Red Tamarak for a couple of years and it has served me well in south Texas.
Dailey Life
Dailey Life - 7 years ago
Nice review man. I have a Pescador Pro 12.0 and just did my first video from it but I want a spare for friends. Would you feel it’s stable enough for beginners? Do you know the weight capacity?
Dailey Life
Dailey Life - 7 years ago
Ivan Toledo ok thanks man
Ivan Toledo
Ivan Toledo - 7 years ago
Michael Dailey I believe it’s 300 lbs bud
Jamie vlogs
Jamie vlogs - 7 years ago
I am 10 and I went kayaking and I was f**ked after it
Gordon Hobbis
Gordon Hobbis - 7 years ago
Jamie vlogs and?
Average Joe
Average Joe - 7 years ago
If it floats it boats
Ze KCT - 7 years ago
It was a great purchase!
Mr.MythicalDuck - 7 years ago
You deserve way more subs
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Mr.MythicalDuck Thank you that is very nice of you to say
puckerdUpp fishing
puckerdUpp fishing - 7 years ago
Cool stuff! Just subbed man.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+puckerdUpp fishing Thank you very much!
Freddie Kane
Freddie Kane - 7 years ago
Bro throw those kayaks away unless ur gonna fish in a pond
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Freddie Kane honestly I've already taken the yak out fishing at least five times freshwater and saltwater never flipped it. great product for the money.
Freddie Kane
Freddie Kane - 7 years ago
Not even in a pond ur gona flip
Moretti Outdoors
Moretti Outdoors - 7 years ago
Sit in kayaks are much better but kudos for getting out there on one.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Moretti Pyrotechnics and Kayaking Thank you for watching!
The Bowser Journal
The Bowser Journal - 7 years ago
Congratulations on the new kayak. We have a fleet of 4! When we bought ours and started posting videos our friends wanted to go kayaking with us. So we bought a couple spares. If you ever get to Central FL let us know and we will show you the Weeki Wachi river and maybe some manatees!
The Bowser Journal
The Bowser Journal - 7 years ago
We live closer to Ocala and there are numerous springs here where you can see all the way to the bottom!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+The Bowser Journal: Living Our Own Story Thank you! so far I am loving the whole kayak experience, I recently took a fishing trip with a buddy of mine to the Orlando area had a blast and can't wait to go back let's stay in contact maybe if I head back that way we can plan something.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Cool video! My Walmart doesn't have that many yaks lol!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Yak Motley Thank you!! Yeah I am Pretty lucky I have two good Walmart's within 4 miles of my house.
Chris McDuffie
Chris McDuffie - 7 years ago
Enjoy your yak...we have three economy ones (1 sit on top Sun Dolphin 10’, 1 sit in Pelican 10’, and 1 sit in No Limits 8’6”). We bought them to test how much we would like doing this - we love it! We are now looking to sell 2/3 and go big with some Dagger Axis 12 kayaks, as we do a lot of lakes as well as whitewater...wish I had done this 20 years ago!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
I've passed this kayak a dozen times. . It's a lot more choppy by me though.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Dee From Brooklyn Yeah for me this Kayak is perfect for the lakes and canals I like to fish for Bass not to choppy there
pecoswild - 7 years ago
Been looking for a review like this. Thx!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+pecoswild glad you liked it!
Tony's Fishing, Gaming & Guitars
Tony's Fishing, Gaming & Guitars - 7 years ago
A good, effective and inexpensive scupper plug method is to use those closed-cell foam "noodles" people swim with... just cut out appropriate-sized plugs and pop em in!
Ross Stclair
Ross Stclair - 7 years ago
I got the same one from Walmart, just took it out yesterday for the first time, I am extremely pleased with it for my first kayak.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Ross Stclair Nice ! Glad to hear you are liking it, I am also very pleased with the Kayak
krisnick - 7 years ago
Great video. Not sure if your Interested in putting a trolling motor on there but check this video out.

I use a trolling motor so that I can fish and cover water
Bite Mee
Bite Mee - 7 years ago
Tried one and they are crap!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Bite Mee Sorry to hear that, I have used mine now about 6 times and I am still very happy with it!
Ron Hawkins
Ron Hawkins - 7 years ago
Aha! Now I understand. Toldja I was slow.
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
yep... a huge part of the "coolness" is being off-shore... in a private to speak
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+plutoplatters Yup its very cool so far iv been a able to explore some lakes on it that I had very limited access from shore so I am super happy with it. Thanks again for watching and all the feed back.
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
i'd put a lanyard on the life vest... paracord..maybe 4 foot... an attach it to my waist.
Patrick McNulty
Patrick McNulty - 7 years ago
Especially when you are on your own. Wear the vest.
Robert Gilmore
Robert Gilmore - 7 years ago
Good idea.  With a whistle?
Dan Bolton
Dan Bolton - 7 years ago
plutoplatters or wear the vest?
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
I'm be concerned re: the strength of plastic in the less expensive boats... id definitely use a plastic protectant and tarp it from the sun at home.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+plutoplatters So far the plastic has been good iv dragged it on and off the bank and into the water several times and all I see is light scratching, I also keep mine in the garage so it's pretty protected from the elements.
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
you're young... so the (ass ache) might not happen.... that type of seating kills many older peeps in about 1/2 an hour.... the new seating that's out now... looking like sand-chairs remedy this syndrome. .... good points on not needing million dollar rigs.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+plutoplatters Yeah I notice on my last trip after a few hours it started killing my back so I have to look into a seat or cushioning for it.
Old, bald fat man
Old, bald fat man - 7 years ago
Homestead bay front park?! That's where I learned to swim back in 1960-61. Our family was stationed at Homestead AFB and lived in Leisure Village. Dad, brother & his family moved after Andrew went thru there after 30 some years of living there. Getting back into fishing (Reno, NV.), but passing on kayaks and float tubes. Looking at inflatable pontoon boats instead so I only get my feet wet and figure it'll be a lot more stable. .
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Old, bald fat man Can't swim there any more to many Crocodiles jajaja, Yeah Andrew was devastating to the Homestead area of south Florida I am really happy Irma missed us this time. I visited Nevada a few time back when I lived in Burbank, Ca really miss the west coast. Good luck finding a boat you can call your own the inflatable Pontoon sounds Interesting.
AppalachianBassin - 7 years ago
If you plan on using this one long term, consider buying a stadium seat and replacing the cheap seat. Get a bungee cord and you can bungee it down and it still be comfy and the seat won't move around.

It's a lot better on the back, trust me. I have the same yak. Nice video!
Alfred Robles
Alfred Robles - 7 years ago
Since you have this kayak will this be good for someone 300+ pounds
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+AppalachianBassin Thank you for the suggestion I will definitely look into that I've noticed how uncomfortable it gets after several hours on the water. Thanks for watching
Krim559 - 7 years ago
These kayaks are going $215.00 on walmart website. They will honor the price if you go in and show the website price.
Just a heads up
ne rn
ne rn - 7 years ago
215 with paddle and $8 life? vest? god bless china
Krim559 - 7 years ago
Yes sir! I have the same kayak. Great starter. Be sure to upgrade that seat to a stadium seat. Best decision I made!
Subbed and liked!
Looking forward to future videos!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Really! I got to look it up I can get a lot of goodies at Walmart with that change.
OceanLife69 - 7 years ago
Great freaking video man.
Another great way, and a simple one too, to take advantage of our surroundings.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks man I really appreciate that!
So far iv had a great time using it.
robert ivey
robert ivey - 7 years ago
I want one. I think I'm sold. Thank you.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
No problem! Thank you for watching.
edboy2090 - 7 years ago
I just got this kayak last month and love it. I'm in Ohio
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+edboy2090 Glad to hear that! So far I feel the same vey happy with all four trips iv had out on it.
Sporkuser - 7 years ago
What shoes are you wearing in the kayak?
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Sporkuser The shoes are from Tucket
Jaziel Diaz
Jaziel Diaz - 7 years ago
Where is this Walmart at? The ones around me don't have this selection that this one does. Please let me know
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Jaziel Diaz This is the Florida City Walmart they have a really good selection
whitetail54 - 7 years ago
Nice vedio, now I have idea what to look for Thanks,
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+whitetail54 Thank you very much! Iv already used it a few times and still extremely happy with this Yak.
CenTex Angler
CenTex Angler - 7 years ago
This kayak is stable and affordable. Highly recommend it!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+CenTex Angler Yes it is Iv already used it 4time and have to say I am really impressed.
Ron Filburn
Ron Filburn - 7 years ago
Aliex Fishing i
JT Kayak Fishing
JT Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
Iooks good for that price.. cant wait to see it in use
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+JT Kayak Fishing Yeah so far from the few trips to the lake and bay it's doing good no complaints
Is9 five
Is9 five - 7 years ago
Awesome budget kayak!!! Im thinking of getting it now
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Is9 five It sure is so far iv taken it out twice and it's riding really smooth! I can't complain good Yak for the money.
Key Biscayne Fisher
Key Biscayne Fisher - 7 years ago
You should plan a day where all kayak anglers could go and fish with you man, hope you do it some day
Key Biscayne Fisher
Key Biscayne Fisher - 7 years ago
Maybe Biscayne National Park or even Oleta River State Park
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
That would be very cool!!! I have been wanting to do a meet up, maybe some day soon hopefully before the end of the year. any suggestions for a place big enough that allows kayaking?
Kayak Engineer
Kayak Engineer - 7 years ago
Hi Julian, I sold my bay boat (Mako 1901) several years ago and got into kayak fishing. Best decision I ever made. Less is more when it comes to kayak fishing. Through the years I've continued to trim down my kayak setup and now have a garage full of kayak stuff I don't use. By the way, there is always something bigger and better on the other side of the lake. Don't peddle, paddle!
Kayak Engineer
Kayak Engineer - 7 years ago
Hi Julian, I've got two Wilderness Systems Tarpons a 120 and a 140. Through the years I've had several ocean kayaks, a perception, and a fell free lure and determined that the tarpons are the best for me. I found them to be the best combo of lightness, seat comfort, and speed. My buddy at work swears with the Pelican kayaks. It's about what you like and can carry in your car. I fish about 80% fresh water and 20% salt now. Tight Lines.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Hey Victor How's everything? I like those Mako 1901 Bay boats better than the newer Lts they carry, I hear you on the less is more boating at times can be a headache if you dont have buddies to help you out when you take it out. What kind of kayak do you have, and yes I cant wait to hit those lakes and ponds I fish off the bank that have no boat launch its going to be great. tight lines ...
fishing Miami Florida
fishing Miami Florida - 7 years ago
I have the Sun Dolphin it's very unstable but I still take it out fishing I want to get stabilizers that or a bigger kayak
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+fishing Miami Florida Yeah all the Reviews I saw on the Sun Dolphin mentioned bad stability so I didn't want to risk it. There are some DIY for kayak stabilizers you might be able to make one. Good luck and tight lines!
fishing Miami Florida
fishing Miami Florida - 7 years ago
love your Channel I was looking into getting one today at the same Walmart you were at you were at the homestead Walmart the one I want to get is the 12 it comes with big storage bin in the back
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+fishing Miami Florida Thank you so much I am glad you love it!!! That Walmart has a huge selection but they don't have the 12ft Tamarack I saw that one online for less money.
pesca CON chuchin
pesca CON chuchin - 7 years ago
Congrats bro
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+PESCA con CHUCHIN Thanks bro
Marc Merlot
Marc Merlot - 7 years ago
The hundreds.
Katelyn C.
Katelyn C. - 7 years ago
New Sub! Cant wait to see u blow up
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Katelyn C. Thanks for joining our adventure!
Let's Go Fishing! South Florida
Let's Go Fishing! South Florida - 7 years ago
Nice little yak. Perfect for scouting around. See ya sunday to put it through its paces! Lol
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Let's Go Fishing! South Florida Thanks Icy, I think it's going to fit in nicely and do work on the water. Hit me up tomorrow to figure things out.
Yankee Tanker Outdoors
Yankee Tanker Outdoors - 7 years ago
Great video.. however wear the PFD on the YAK .. Keep the good work up!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Yankee Tanker Outdoors Thank you very much! Can't wait to get back out there.
Andy Cliett
Andy Cliett - 7 years ago
Tamarack is the way to go
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Hooked up fishing Yeah after the initial test run and then a full day of fishing on the lake I got to say I really like it.
Last Cast Fishing #
Last Cast Fishing # - 7 years ago
Nice pick of yack bro
Last Cast Fishing #
Last Cast Fishing # - 7 years ago
Np man
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Bass Fisher 429 Thanks bro!
gillsn_fins - 7 years ago
Congrats on the new kayak bro can't wait to see more !
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+gillsn_fins Thanks bro I can't wait to film some fishing vids on it!
Code 1 Outdoors
Code 1 Outdoors - 7 years ago
Get some plugs you can pull out quickly. Those boat plug ones are dangerous. If you get swamped with water you won't have enough time to start unscrewing the plugs. Rip to all your equipment
ArkansasTide - 7 years ago
Thanks for clearing that up
PaulJeffreys1974 - 7 years ago
If you are heavier, then water will come up through the scupper holes. I had to get them for mine (different model) due to flodding when I just sit in the kayak. I am under the max capacity, but close to it. If lighter then you won`t so much need the stoppers, but you will definitely need them if you are on the heavier end of things...
ArkansasTide - 7 years ago
Bitethebait If I'm not mistaken those are to keep water from collecting in your kayak. Not sure as to why you would plug something that is supposed to be there.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+Code 1 Outdoors You make a solid point in an emergency situation would be tough to pull them out in time to drain the water. Would hate to loose all my camera equipment and gear. Still looking around might get some practice golf balls to plug them.
Fishing Louisiana
Fishing Louisiana - 7 years ago
I use practice golf balls for scupper plugs on my yak. Got 6 of them for $3 at walmart. Works like a charm!
Ron Hawkins
Ron Hawkins - 7 years ago
Laid up from shoulder surgery.....evaluating models for my 1st kayak.
Fishing Louisiana
Fishing Louisiana - 7 years ago
Ron Hawkins lol. They're not plastic, they're foam so they conform to the size of the hole
Ron Hawkins
Ron Hawkins - 7 years ago
I'm slow and old. Practice plastic golf balls? Not getting the drift......????
KeratoDavis - 7 years ago
Local Knowledge: That boat has been anchored there for years, it did not run aground and catch fire, cause of it is still being investigated.
italkwafflez - 7 years ago
What kinds of fish did you see next to the boat? I've always wanted to fish that wreck
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
+italkwafflez I saw Mangrove snappers and PinFish not much else around there.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks brotha! Already took it out again and got a full day of fishing and filming out of it.
Andrew Vinci
Andrew Vinci - 7 years ago
Nice video. Looks like a good kayak keep up the good work
Andrew Vinci
Andrew Vinci - 7 years ago
BitetheBait Fishing glad to hear it!
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you! I think for the money its not bad at all, Iv already taken it out on a full fishing trip and performed nicely.
kiss my Miami bass
kiss my Miami bass - 7 years ago
Let me know when you want to ride out we can hit up the glades
Gene Ward
Gene Ward - 7 years ago
A very good yak, I have the Lifetime Daylite and for what I do, both kayak eco tours and fishing it works perfectly. I am thinking of picking up the Tamarack Angler and this video just convinced me it'd be well worth it.
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Whats up bro! Hows your schedule looking these days? Text me when you get a chance.
Eric Gomez
Eric Gomez - 7 years ago
Great video. Very informative and educational. Thanks for the info. I am lookin into gettin an extra inexpensive kayak for when I go out with family and friends and this helps . Keep vids comin
BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching! I hope I didn't leave anything out tried my best to be very detailed, I am happy to hear the video helped ya out so far the kayak has been working great.

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