We have had this idea for a while and then we finally found a Kayak on craigslist and we knew it was meant to be. I hope that you guys enjoy this video and are having a blast watching the content. Peep all the videos in the playlist you for sure will not be disappointed! GET YOUR FREE DVD HERE: YOU CAN LEARN TO SKATEBOARD! CLICK ABOVE TO GET THE MOST DETAILED HOW TO SKATEBOARD LESSON PLAN EVER MADE! SKATEBOARDING MADE SIMPLE! SIGN UP FOR BRAILLE UNIVERSITY HERE: FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK: GOOGLE +: TWITTER:!/BrailleSkate GET SKATEBOARDING MADE SIMPLE ON iBOOKS! GET SKATEBOARDING MADE SIMPLE ON GOOGLE PLAY For business, brand or media inquiries please email CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR ALL THE LATEST BRAILLE NEWS AND UPDATES!!! THUMBS UP FOR MORE VIDEOS! PLAYLISTS LINKS FOR MOBILE USERS learn to skate: SKATE SUPPORT slow motion top videos Please help me out by commenting, and subscribing it really really helps me out a lot! Thanks, Aaron Kyro

CRAZY KAYAK AT THE SKATEPARK KICKED OUT!? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 152

Kayak 6 years ago 63,748 views

We have had this idea for a while and then we finally found a Kayak on craigslist and we knew it was meant to be. I hope that you guys enjoy this video and are having a blast watching the content. Peep all the videos in the playlist you for sure will not be disappointed! GET YOUR FREE DVD HERE: YOU CAN LEARN TO SKATEBOARD! CLICK ABOVE TO GET THE MOST DETAILED HOW TO SKATEBOARD LESSON PLAN EVER MADE! SKATEBOARDING MADE SIMPLE! SIGN UP FOR BRAILLE UNIVERSITY HERE: FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK: GOOGLE +: TWITTER:!/BrailleSkate GET SKATEBOARDING MADE SIMPLE ON iBOOKS! GET SKATEBOARDING MADE SIMPLE ON GOOGLE PLAY For business, brand or media inquiries please email CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR ALL THE LATEST BRAILLE NEWS AND UPDATES!!! THUMBS UP FOR MORE VIDEOS! PLAYLISTS LINKS FOR MOBILE USERS learn to skate: SKATE SUPPORT slow motion top videos Please help me out by commenting, and subscribing it really really helps me out a lot! Thanks, Aaron Kyro

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Most popular comments

NO FEAR YT - 6 years ago
great video mate
BB RAPS - 6 years ago
seriously a prius aron a fucking prius
Catty kat Lol
Catty kat Lol - 6 years ago
Was this supposed to go up April 1st
Leo Bob
Leo Bob - 6 years ago
Leo Bob
Leo Bob - 6 years ago
Add wherls
CodyHumphrey92 - 6 years ago
You all should put a complete skateboard on top of another complete skateboard and (with long hardware) put the hardware in the top skateboard all the way through to the bottom one
FallenDj122 - 6 years ago
Great video, but that poor kayak never stood a chance against the braille team xD
6slimying4 - 6 years ago
looks like a giant banana peel 10:34
Lazyist Kid
Lazyist Kid - 6 years ago
Love this stuff


Lazyist Kid
Lazyist Kid - 6 years ago
God ouch the kid the kicked the kayak is boss !!!!!
Lazyist Kid
Lazyist Kid - 6 years ago
Love that kid
Lazyist Kid
Lazyist Kid - 6 years ago
More mystery stunt !!!!!!!
Lazyist Kid
Lazyist Kid - 6 years ago
Fetty with mystery stunt !!!
Lazyist Kid
Lazyist Kid - 6 years ago
Lazyist Kid
Lazyist Kid - 6 years ago
Casual 70 mph lol like no care
Lazyist Kid
Lazyist Kid - 6 years ago
How did he not get pulled over !
Don't read my profile picture
Don't read my profile picture - 6 years ago
The Guitarist
The Guitarist - 6 years ago
Whats the song at 2:33?
ryan rogers
ryan rogers - 6 years ago
Best content on YouTube


Legolas Greenleaf
Legolas Greenleaf - 6 years ago
Y'all should do another kayak video with a better kayak
Shred Nation
Shred Nation - 6 years ago
Freemont is not that far from Hayward
DangerOhNo - 6 years ago
Epic boat fail fall haha
Mr Coon
Mr Coon - 6 years ago
Park Rangers? More like Gay Faggots/
That Guy
That Guy - 6 years ago
U got ripped off that kayak is trash
That Guy
That Guy - 6 years ago
Lol so great fetty!!
Forrest Fraijo
Forrest Fraijo - 6 years ago
The kid.. "are you a youtuber?" arron "no are you?"
Cal Leary
Cal Leary - 6 years ago
I really hate to say it but, Gabe ruins the videos in my opinion. Maybe It's just me who doesn't find him funny and actually thinks he's annoying? With Lance gone that's a big enough loss for the Braille videos, but having Gabe be the sole videographer makes me pass on watching most of the videos now. Even a video like this, which is one of the better ideas and funny videos in a seriously loses a lot of charm every time I cringe and roll my eyes at whatever Gabe's doing. Lance would try to be cringe but actually be funny. Gabe tries to be funny and ends up being super cringy, like Kelley but at least he's funny half the time and not the narrator of every video. It makes me sad that I feel like this because it's going to ruin Braille for me. Not trying to hate on Gabe too much, he's a good guy but not meant to be the narrator and "host" of the videos. Maybe I'm just an asshole?
Scott Melead
Scott Melead - 6 years ago
Aaron is looking more like Tom Green every day.
jose paolo Aranda
jose paolo Aranda - 6 years ago
Oh jeez! Weekend Mode found you guys. He knew you'd be there so he waited on a scooter.
Also, try a canoe for two people next time. Or one of those dragon boats


John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
It's better if you imagine its a big yellow banana the whole time!
SuperSonic10147 - 6 years ago
Video idea: play a game of skate with one regular truck and the other facing the wrong way.

Basically you try to turn right your turn left
true beat
true beat - 6 years ago
6:17 , illuminati confirmed
T B - 6 years ago
Jackass did this like 15 years ago
NashTATOES •_•
NashTATOES •_• - 6 years ago
I like seeing you guys have fun
WayToZack - 6 years ago
Well... You are a legend
Flo G.
Flo G. - 6 years ago
i think lance trolled you with the ideas he left you, i wonder what else he put there. Bathtub?
Austin smith
Austin smith - 6 years ago
GAYbe is toxic fortnite 10 yrd old
George The Bee
George The Bee - 6 years ago
This video went down hill rapidly
John Pittinger
John Pittinger - 6 years ago
Reading the skate park rules and doesn't see anything about a kayak. That's surprising lol
Jay Bainbridge
Jay Bainbridge - 6 years ago
Spent the whole video shouting "YO, BACK UP KID", like he's never seen a kayak at a skatepark for YouTube before.
cashierboyman - 6 years ago
That black dude at 10:30 already knows it isn’t gonna go too well xD
CRAZONIX - 6 years ago
Were they high or not
mag3heart - 6 years ago
Fuck yeah lcd soundsystem
sergio ventura
sergio ventura - 6 years ago
this is why people look down on Braille. Cus u post stupid shit like this. post some actual skating not some dumb shit like this.
Snazzy Panda21
Snazzy Panda21 - 6 years ago
Is the Braille house open to public? And where is this place?
Skookum Bitingfish
Skookum Bitingfish - 6 years ago
alberto luna
alberto luna - 6 years ago
Love it. Thank you Aaron &the team. Awesome idea.
UncleDeluxe - 6 years ago
Lightning 418
Lightning 418 - 6 years ago
That kid at the end of the video


IRONHORSE11M - 6 years ago
If I was in the car with Aaron I would be laughing the whole time.
HTML COIN ARMY - 6 years ago
You should skate a
HTML COIN ARMY - 6 years ago
Nice this video was cool
John Walsh
John Walsh - 6 years ago
Love the ghetto roof rack. And your back out at a park !!! (good).
Proxblood - 6 years ago
Just swimming through these comments
duhsmersh - 6 years ago
lil kid yells into the camera "this youtube channel is lit" LMFAO I M D E A D
muzza - 6 years ago
Braille without Lance is like kids being left home alone. Doing crazy stuff!
Henrico Van Niekerk
Henrico Van Niekerk - 6 years ago
John Critcher
John Critcher - 6 years ago
The title of "Aaron and Fetty Almost Die" wouldn't have been clickbait.
Matt Klopp
Matt Klopp - 6 years ago
Oddly enough, it doesn't surprise me that Aaron drives a Prius...
realrichard7894 - 6 years ago
Skate a seawing machine
Stepa F.
Stepa F. - 6 years ago
0:13 Friend, tell me the model of your sneakers?
Tiff Cat
Tiff Cat - 6 years ago
NBA kid is the new weekend mode
Matt McConaha
Matt McConaha - 6 years ago
Who knew Aaron's biggest bail would be from stepping onto a ledge
outabody FPV
outabody FPV - 6 years ago
All about the thumbnail
Zach Max
Zach Max - 6 years ago
Zach Max
Zach Max - 6 years ago
This video was awsome that scooter kid was annoying he only payed attention to cuz I had a youtube channek
Justin Vill
Justin Vill - 6 years ago
You could've taken the Kayak to Alcatraz and skated it there!
Unknown Person
Unknown Person - 6 years ago
This was funny
Waifurst - 6 years ago
Im glad you guys decided to film at the UC park
Weak Unicorn
Weak Unicorn - 6 years ago
Love #skategod
jules lovesick
jules lovesick - 6 years ago
that kid almost running into aaron was the best part
Toyota Trueno
Toyota Trueno - 6 years ago
Dont care about the roof dents it's just a Prius
Jordan O'Meara
Jordan O'Meara - 6 years ago
Need a better kayak
LtCopeGaming - 6 years ago
Put some wheels on the bottom of that kayak!
LtCopeGaming - 6 years ago
Nevermind, you broke it.
I_A_DOLPHIN gamer - 6 years ago
Hey Braille I live in mt it is snowing and my friend was having a session with me and i rained and snowed
Javen - 6 years ago
_Orange_Jelly_ - 6 years ago
nevvermind was in the mide of vid
_Orange_Jelly_ - 6 years ago
i was happy guys went to fremont! u haven't been there in forever
Dr. Nahtiv
Dr. Nahtiv - 6 years ago
That little kid in the last second saying byeee haha
Edward Jamison
Edward Jamison - 6 years ago
Please, please, put like 100 wheels on a kayak and skate it. U can figure out how u would do that urself, all I know is that would b amazing.
Edward Jamison
Edward Jamison - 6 years ago
Maybe one of the small whitewater kayaks.
Gamforshort - 6 years ago
"this you tube channel is lit!" LOL
dave _ske
dave _ske - 6 years ago
Funniest Braille video I've seen in a while. I thought Fetty died at the end there.
yungxrow - 6 years ago
Flip-Flop with Socks Stupid Skate
Ante the Croatian slav
Ante the Croatian slav - 6 years ago
Sorry but dislike cos its a prius
bloodychainsaw98 - 6 years ago
Things have really gone downhill without lance
Mcrad Dudegnar
Mcrad Dudegnar - 6 years ago
Gabe be like KICKED OUT ?! In the title while straight thinking HA YOU THOUGHT
Tommy O'Connor
Tommy O'Connor - 6 years ago
I don't have to do Shit you little Fuck!!!
CodyDTD - 6 years ago
Gabe's laugh is the most forced thing I've ever heard in my life. I liked it better a year ago when he literally said almost nothing and just chilled in the background. Give the camera to Fetty. At least his voice is seductive, sexy, and exotic.
Baked POTATO - 6 years ago
That was just awasome and totaly funny to watch
Brayden Wright
Brayden Wright - 6 years ago
It’s just a waste of a canoe come on people it’s reality
Noah Doyle
Noah Doyle - 6 years ago
Christoph Ernst
Christoph Ernst - 6 years ago
More like that!
Vincent Kuijpers
Vincent Kuijpers - 6 years ago
I'd jump ship
Sam Najarian
Sam Najarian - 6 years ago
have you had problem with the park rangers before there is no way they dont know about braille
wedum boise aka mike hunt
wedum boise aka mike hunt - 6 years ago
They should try this again but reinforce the bottom with wood and put 2-4 sets of trucks
Vincent Kuijpers
Vincent Kuijpers - 6 years ago
prius...... gay
darko bubonja
darko bubonja - 6 years ago
And somehow you guys were the only grown ups in the park :D
David Thornhill
David Thornhill - 6 years ago
I love braille and I'm posting this comment without my glasses soo I hope it's legible. Gabe is funny and a great camera man, Aaron is a great skater but I love Fetty. This video makes me feel good and laugh though
Mystical Latias
Mystical Latias - 6 years ago
10:28 when you try your best but don't succeed


eenayeah - 6 years ago
Thing's as flimsy as film.. I think you'd drown in that.. immediately.
Paderick Monahan
Paderick Monahan - 6 years ago
I think sometimes it would be better to just let the little kids stand in front of the camera and say hi. That way they don't try to bomb the video the whole time.

You put em in anyways and I respect it. Maybe they would stop spamming if they knew em a bone and just let em know 'hey gimme your shout-out for the video, we can only put you in 1 clip". 1clip as in, 1 clip where they get to say hi. Background is whatevs
Jowahotz90 - 6 years ago
Skate boogie board!
John Shoffner
John Shoffner - 6 years ago
Head bang to dance yourself clean...

Much respect
raymond reyes
raymond reyes - 6 years ago
this channel is going downhill fast
Deep_wolf - 6 years ago
These kid are anoyyiiiing...
ItsVapor - 6 years ago
10:35 looks like he died XD
Chris Selig
Chris Selig - 6 years ago
Did anyone go back in the video to check to see if Aaron's zipper really was down the whole day? LOLOL
Deep_wolf - 6 years ago
Why didn't you put trucks on it?
Why did they didn't put you in metal institution?
Despina De Francesco
Despina De Francesco - 6 years ago
thank you guys so much I can finally do an ollie thanks to you guys
Justin Hall
Justin Hall - 6 years ago
You need sound tiles on your wall
Rubber Band
Rubber Band - 6 years ago
4:44 Mexican Andy!
Andrew Ginnis
Andrew Ginnis - 6 years ago
This has to be the stupidest shti ive ever seen
WRKFLO - 6 years ago
"k, lets do this..." LMFAO
RedZedHead TV
RedZedHead TV - 6 years ago
Are you a YouTuber? No. Are you?
Kristin Jay
Kristin Jay - 6 years ago
Duncan SQ
Duncan SQ - 6 years ago
This video is hilarious
nannerpuss1239 - 6 years ago
Game of "safe skate" play s.k.a.t.e.b.o.a.r.d and each letter you wear a piece of padding. Helmet, knee pads, back brace, wrist pads, ankle brace, elbow pads, neck brace, ect. All "safety items"
TheBipolarpatient93 - 6 years ago
Definitely check out kayaking made simple
ksd ksd
ksd ksd - 6 years ago
Whos that wetback with the camera?
dt0c - 6 years ago
im crying
-lofioverlife- - 6 years ago
Make a part 2 with trucks and wheels !
Brearley - 6 years ago
Could at least put some wheels on it
Under The Griptape
Under The Griptape - 6 years ago
Nick Vostoris
Nick Vostoris - 6 years ago
3.1 million followers and your own pro model board, but yet you're rolling in a Prius?
dt0c - 6 years ago
you are fully denting the top of your car hahahah luv u guys
-lofioverlife- - 6 years ago
Beautiful video!
ClerklierBrush0 Big-D
ClerklierBrush0 Big-D - 6 years ago
Why is this man's voice always so loud
ImmortaIBones - 6 years ago
press 5 and wait 5 seconds... repeat...LOL
Aco - 6 years ago
Now you have to skateboard in the ocean
Skater Edits
Skater Edits - 6 years ago
Have you seen that longboard/baby stroller thing meme? It has brakes and handle bars for steering skate that lmao
CayNin X75
CayNin X75 - 6 years ago
Arron is a sav boi
Skater Edits
Skater Edits - 6 years ago
Braille kayaking
Tito Minaya
Tito Minaya - 6 years ago
A like for Aaron and that fall lmaooo
OP ness
OP ness - 6 years ago
3 grown men kayaking at a skatepark. life goals. next time, go skateboarding on the water.
Wer Bung
Wer Bung - 6 years ago
mh... not sure if the worst or greatest video in a while. but 100% entertaining for sure!
I Am Koji
I Am Koji - 6 years ago
I was there for that video hahaha
zerocryption - 6 years ago
I would like to see the end of the videos, at least sometimes ending with y'all putting the 'you make it we skate it' boards and kayaks on the infamous wall.
Ralph Abarsoza
Ralph Abarsoza - 6 years ago
Skate a TABLE :)
Zack Hager
Zack Hager - 6 years ago
It makes so much sense that he drives a prius!
Liam Goss
Liam Goss - 6 years ago
Skew some trucks onto that
Matt Peee
Matt Peee - 6 years ago
Skaters in Cars Going Kayaking... coming soon to Netflix.
Vlogging with Jonny
Vlogging with Jonny - 6 years ago
nice jobe greate vid
Dylan Johnson
Dylan Johnson - 6 years ago
It makes me angry that he doesn’t sit in the kayak right, it wouldn’t be broken if he used it right
Medicina con Luis
Medicina con Luis - 6 years ago
Guys... This is the kind of videos that made me subscribe to the channel, just all of you having fun and a great time. I love you guys. <3
Clorox the Rapper
Clorox the Rapper - 6 years ago
fetty's going over board
Rolando Gallegos
Rolando Gallegos - 6 years ago
Lol “ You guys yak?” -Aaron
Kavin - 6 years ago
Whens the braille kayaking channel coming online?
Darren DarrelDva
Darren DarrelDva - 6 years ago
Diaboli Chubais
Diaboli Chubais - 6 years ago
America has skate park rangers?
Michel Brönnimann
Michel Brönnimann - 6 years ago
one thing i didnt miss about the outdoor vids: the kids....
Alexandre Cardoso
Alexandre Cardoso - 6 years ago
The only thing that ruins vidios at the park are the anoiyng kids that allays want to do stuff but are so anoiyng but still keep it up
Bennet Yohn
Bennet Yohn - 6 years ago
LCD Soundsystem Rips
Nolan Emerson
Nolan Emerson - 6 years ago
Who owns the tampons on wheels?
OlivierFRscooter - 6 years ago
Why would you take 2 cars for 3-4 people...? I usually really like your content but this was lackluster and quite meaningless to me
The Ugly Moose
The Ugly Moose - 6 years ago
Dear Braille,

I have an idea: for a video series you should save up some money to all travel to Fukushima Japan and make videos on the abandoned streets. If this does happen do keep in mind that there is still radiation and u should bring a Geiger counter. I would really like to see this happen but we shall see...
Kanji - 6 years ago
10:27 im so dead hahaha
TheRealSeal - 6 years ago
Should have put trucks on it!
Fabian Clair-Woods
Fabian Clair-Woods - 6 years ago
I feel like Aaron is an uber driver with that prius
Chase Pollet
Chase Pollet - 6 years ago
So many ship wrecks
BabyBison7 - 6 years ago
5:47 Gold.
Andrew Yniguez
Andrew Yniguez - 6 years ago
I respect Aaron a little more now that I know he listens to LCD Soundsystem.
towelie - 6 years ago
The little scooter boiiii look like Carlos
drumsNstuff79 - 6 years ago
I live up here in Maine. Home of LL Bean and Old Town Kayaks. Many people up here in Vacationland put kayaks on their cars and have theses nice racks to hold them so they don't crack. They're lined with foam and securely strap to your roof bars.They look nice and are quite functional. Normal enthusiasts use them for proper Kayak transport. Aaron? Ratchet straps and cardboard boxes.. #becausebraille I don't even want to know what he paid for this! lol..
drumsNstuff79 - 6 years ago
"Honey, where did this roof sag on the car come from?" "We were just Kayaking at Freemont." "Be more careful next time.." "ok."
towelie - 6 years ago
Things you should not do with a kayak :)
Group Skate
Group Skate - 6 years ago
Best vid in a while
Daniel Wojciechowski
Daniel Wojciechowski - 6 years ago
this is the wierdest video at this channel so far XD can you imagine how cringy it was to see grown men trying to ride a kayak? i liked it but i prefer normal skate vids
Ali G
Ali G - 6 years ago
7:35 "Making waves......"
Ali G
Ali G - 6 years ago
Damn that kid was really star struck he couldn't stay off you, you guys must have made his day ^^
Brandon 101
Brandon 101 - 6 years ago
I’m the one with the maroon purple hoodie
Ryan Kreitzer
Ryan Kreitzer - 6 years ago
Fetty really wants his wife to know he loves her.
Matt M
Matt M - 6 years ago
Best part of the video 7:34
MR Savage Gaming
MR Savage Gaming - 6 years ago
Can you kick flip every board in the braille house. Thank you, you taut me how to Ollie keep the awesome work up
David Chidester
David Chidester - 6 years ago
Best video from Braille in a long long time. Hahaha. I'm dying.
Luis vega
Luis vega - 6 years ago
Extreme kayak at the skatepark part 2
JoeTheCuber Cubing
JoeTheCuber Cubing - 6 years ago
I just went to a skatepark for the first time... I slammed trying to drop in on a small ledge
Jody Martin
Jody Martin - 6 years ago
Best vids ever
AlerDaBear - 6 years ago
pretty sure that setup on the car is not even legal
Jon Miller
Jon Miller - 6 years ago
Are you a youtuber?

No, are you?
COLTEN - 6 years ago
7:45 this YouTube channel is lit
muff patrol
muff patrol - 6 years ago
Oh my god when Aaron fell! that came out of nowhere! XDD my cheeks hurt from laughing! That was hilarious! XD
Creative Blast
Creative Blast - 6 years ago
I was specting wheels on it that shouid be it awesome but this vid was cool too :)
Julian Zuniga
Julian Zuniga - 6 years ago
I m a biggest fan
Devonvlogs murphy
Devonvlogs murphy - 6 years ago
Yay skate board
Julian Zuniga
Julian Zuniga - 6 years ago
Skate a car seat or a fingerborad
Marziel Marcelo
Marziel Marcelo - 6 years ago
can you guys do the little table GAME OF SKATE NEXT TIME..
mattmanguy - 6 years ago
I'm surprised that you guys didn't put wheels on the kayak and skate in it. :P
James Cox
James Cox - 6 years ago
Why are there no wheels?
Ardie Epilogo
Ardie Epilogo - 6 years ago
Hi braille ☺️ Can i ask for a gift? If its ok if you can give me skateboard ☺️ Ty in advance
COLTEN - 6 years ago
Raymond Koenen
Raymond Koenen - 6 years ago
Best video in ages. Laughed my arse off!
egdop - 6 years ago
disliked this Video because feddy is an gunner pfft
That Boy OneTime
That Boy OneTime - 6 years ago
Y’all should put wheels on a kayak and ride it at the park
Daniel Duke
Daniel Duke - 6 years ago
6:53 traitor lol
Andy Freestyle
Andy Freestyle - 6 years ago
u snapped it FIRST TRYYY
scuro scuro
scuro scuro - 6 years ago
Climax at 7:35
Jean Jacques
Jean Jacques - 6 years ago
Dose Feddy have a wife hahaha???
Shun - 6 years ago
I laughed so bad with this video ajaja, I love you Braille <3
BananGurka - 6 years ago
Just a 30 year old man playing with his friends
Hunter Wrather
Hunter Wrather - 6 years ago
"Are You a youtuber"
"no are you?"
Zacharie Lanoue
Zacharie Lanoue - 6 years ago
Stupid Skate Idea: Normal board, but you have to skate in a burlap bag up to your waist like the bag race at a county fair. You can also use sleeping bags or big pillow cases. Long time subscriber, first suggestion. Keep it up!
Dr Strangelove
Dr Strangelove - 6 years ago
Why haven't you started the Braille Kayaking channel.
Joey Pasillas
Joey Pasillas - 6 years ago
Aaron's karma for riding a scooter
Edu - 6 years ago
Braille Kayaking
skate board
skate board - 6 years ago
Pleasantly silly.
Jeffrey SmokeyBones O'Malley
Jeffrey SmokeyBones O'Malley - 6 years ago
Oh man you drive a Prius? Come on sell it and buy a Honda
DIRTYBOY! - 6 years ago
I think the video would have flowed better if you streamed this
Kay - 6 years ago
you guys knocked this video out of the water too bad lance wasn't there to sea it :) <3 miss you lance #SKATEGOD
Nefarious CJ
Nefarious CJ - 6 years ago
I haven't laughed this hard in a while lol
m@ff - 6 years ago
Offensive Username
Offensive Username - 6 years ago
The one thing you hear in nearly every Braille video: "That was the funniest thing ever!"...
VASAR GAMING - 6 years ago
Carpy - 6 years ago
The first 30 seconds were absolutely godly, not even joking

EDIT: 2:34 is more godly

EDIT 2: 5:00 might be the best

EDIT 3: Nevermind, this whole video is the godliest thing I've ever seen
DudeekuZ - 6 years ago
Would be cool if you could do a "skate everything wars: tournament". Start with eight people and do 4 sets of 1 v 1s, then have semi-finals and a grand finale to crown the "Skate Every-King" (pun in memory of Lance)
Oliver Jackson
Oliver Jackson - 6 years ago
Im finally watching a recent braille vid
Couch Commander
Couch Commander - 6 years ago
Out of all the dangerous stuff you guys have done... this is what gets you kicked out?! Lmao
E Grim
E Grim - 6 years ago
The best!!
Phony Poser
Phony Poser - 6 years ago
jaycee rosales
jaycee rosales - 6 years ago
I haven't watch your vids in a while i really miss your vids lol hopefully to see ya soon

Btw where's lance in this vid
jaycee rosales
jaycee rosales - 6 years ago
Oh shit i see, kinda heart breaking.
aswhiterunsblack - 6 years ago
No it’s actually happened lol
It was a couple weeks ago
jaycee rosales
jaycee rosales - 6 years ago
April fools right?
aswhiterunsblack - 6 years ago
jaycee rosales lance left Braille, they made a whole video about it
Ryan From Ohio
Ryan From Ohio - 6 years ago
7:35. Holy crap
Alberto Calderon
Alberto Calderon - 6 years ago
And I think the 1st video I saw from you guys was skate everything on the ipad
fernando reyes
fernando reyes - 6 years ago
You make it we skate it wars!!
Eloisa López
Eloisa López - 6 years ago
I have been to the Unión city skatepark
GUNFUN_7 777
GUNFUN_7 777 - 6 years ago
OMFG you should put a kayak on an electric longboard and just drive a long, pls like so they might do it.
Lewis Burden
Lewis Burden - 6 years ago
World's worst built kayak
Alxcard - 6 years ago
Hey aaron im skating for about 2 Months now and sometimes i get really unmotivated. I can do a ollie standing but not while riding and i cant even ride down a curb :( im 15 years old and it sucks that i just started skating with 15 :( I will be very good with 17 or 18 years and that will be the time i wont have much free time more. Im really sad about that .. ill teach my son skating when hes young not like me
fernando reyes
fernando reyes - 6 years ago
Here before it goes viral.
Alberto Calderon
Alberto Calderon - 6 years ago
Thanks braille for that heart really appreciated
Heaven - 6 years ago
weekend mode 2.0
I_Lost__TheGame - 6 years ago
LOL X-STREAM KAYAKING...oh yeah, I did that...
Jirka Šraier
Jirka Šraier - 6 years ago
So much fun! Genuine craziness, love it!
Alexander Cohen
Alexander Cohen - 6 years ago
By far the best Braille video of all time
Rene Lopez
Rene Lopez - 6 years ago
Welcome the newest member of braille, Brian. Next video Fetty vs Brian game of skate!
Ugly God
Ugly God - 6 years ago
Aaron drives a Prius Lmfao
Father AxeKeeper
Father AxeKeeper - 6 years ago
Hi I'm Aaron Kyro and welcome to Jackass!
עידו לינגל
עידו לינגל - 6 years ago
WicKedwiNd91 - 6 years ago
Mexican Andy?
Mi Ve
Mi Ve - 6 years ago
Waste of a day
yonatan harel
yonatan harel - 6 years ago
Your content is getting worst by the day... I used to be obsessed with this channel
Javva The Cupp
Javva The Cupp - 6 years ago
Kid: Are you a youtuber?
Aaron: No, are you?
xMEGA HERZx - 6 years ago
I see Lance.from Russia :)
BADBOYONE - 6 years ago
Weekend mode is now NBA mode
Nik Ferguson
Nik Ferguson - 6 years ago
I miss lance ;(
David Bos
David Bos - 6 years ago
Luan Vieira
Luan Vieira - 6 years ago
freaking RAD
XX_bands_XX - 6 years ago
Me trying to accomplish everyday tasks
BADBOYONE - 6 years ago
Wait for the view to flood in!
Mark Stuart-White
Mark Stuart-White - 6 years ago
Fetty’s teeth are more yellow than the kayak.
Sahibjot Singh
Sahibjot Singh - 6 years ago
A genuinely great vid haha!
Kameron Butler
Kameron Butler - 6 years ago
Toyota Trueno true true
Toyota Trueno
Toyota Trueno - 6 years ago
Kameron Butler at least they ruined the roof
Ben Hughes
Ben Hughes - 6 years ago
Add trucks and wheels to a canoe plz
Guh arse
Guh arse - 6 years ago
you didnt even put trucks on it tho
Peltor - 6 years ago
Jake casually just does a board down the kayak
GateImagination - 6 years ago
Wh- oooohh boiiii
Jay Love LC
Jay Love LC - 6 years ago
yall should of found a hill plus a few slip and slides
Demetri Charles
Demetri Charles - 6 years ago
Best video in a while!!!!!
Tristan Galceran
Tristan Galceran - 6 years ago
Jay Love LC
Jay Love LC - 6 years ago
children dont play and drive. unless you yak brah.
Booty Hypnosis
Booty Hypnosis - 6 years ago
Gabe’s fake laugh is so annoying
Travis Rhodes
Travis Rhodes - 6 years ago
Let's start a GoFundMe to buy Aaron a decent car
flowproductions - 6 years ago
that wasted part from gta shouldve been added in there when fetty fell off the mega ramp
rusins - 6 years ago
You guys must have bought a really cheap Kayak. I was fully expecting you to put wheels on it, but yours is made out of such thin plastic there's no point :D
Bruno PH
Bruno PH - 6 years ago
i actually practice kayaking lol
yhuptii - 6 years ago
why am I annoyed by the younger scooter kid
Luke DeRoche
Luke DeRoche - 6 years ago
please skate a canoe
Samuel Heart
Samuel Heart - 6 years ago
Luke DeRoche .. this would be really original after the Kayak and so extremely different
victorcoso - 6 years ago
Best fall ever
The Squad
The Squad - 6 years ago
this is braille rock bottom
Steven Napier
Steven Napier - 6 years ago
When Lance left he must have taken all the viewers with him
Vlogging with Jonny
Vlogging with Jonny - 6 years ago
me too
MonkeyButt69 - 6 years ago
His wife?! Did Fetty finally propose to Gabe's Mom?
MonkeyButt69 - 6 years ago
They had to get a park ranger to patrol Freemont because of Aaron showing up at the skate park with Snowboards, flat screen TV's, wakeboards etc.
JDM Horror
JDM Horror - 6 years ago
I hate little kids. "This YouTube channel is lit." Stfu.
Hjalmar Sveinbjőrnsson
Hjalmar Sveinbjőrnsson - 6 years ago
Braiyak ... ing
Nicholas Bogaard
Nicholas Bogaard - 6 years ago
Aaron saving the earth
mike bence
mike bence - 6 years ago
arron ride the kayak on the braille drop
Spanky Games
Spanky Games - 6 years ago
kids dont do drugs... this could be you...
Montgomery Curren
Montgomery Curren - 6 years ago
You should skate a paddle board
quci - 6 years ago
Why is the one guy wearing headphones??? Fucking weirdo
Laura van de straat
Laura van de straat - 6 years ago
When you dont have any ideas for good content
Large LArry
Large LArry - 6 years ago
I thought this was great content
Mary Nguyen
Mary Nguyen - 6 years ago
Laura van de straat well you clicked on it.
Braille Skateboarding
Braille Skateboarding - 6 years ago
We actually thought it was a great idea
turdl38 - 6 years ago
I wanna know what kind of crap kayak this is...was...
Fionn Hughes
Fionn Hughes - 6 years ago
“Somethings wring with America nowadays” yep guns and trump
MonkeyButt69 - 6 years ago
Looks like you guys are up shits creeks without a paddle.
Google Is A Cruel Mistress
Google Is A Cruel Mistress - 6 years ago
When you're standing perfectly still visible from any and all angles and the scooter kid still manages to almost run in to you
MR Savage Gaming
MR Savage Gaming - 6 years ago
Mattia Catania lol
Alejandro Munguia
Alejandro Munguia - 6 years ago
That kid looks like Carlos
ACID RIDE - 6 years ago
Alejandro Munguia sounds like Carlos too
therealmokuba 122134
therealmokuba 122134 - 6 years ago
man when fetty went down the ramp he allmost died, its like he was on death row
Steez King
Steez King - 6 years ago
One of my fav vids
Google Is A Cruel Mistress
Google Is A Cruel Mistress - 6 years ago
I mean I doubt it's illegal or against the park policy to skate in a kayak, I mean I'd have called their bluff and asked to see the rule against kayaks
mike bence
mike bence - 6 years ago
crazy idea amazing idea
turdl38 - 6 years ago
I swear I'm the only one who thought lance was annoying
Google Is A Cruel Mistress
Google Is A Cruel Mistress - 6 years ago
Fun coincidence I saw people in a kayak for the first time this year in my local river
Mr Mus
Mr Mus - 6 years ago
that kid is so about youtube, hes just like THIS YT IS LIT, SUB TO THIS YT, ARE U ON YT? YOU HAVE TO LEAVE A LIKE ON THIS VID
Ludvig Aaltonen
Ludvig Aaltonen - 6 years ago
Aaron please get a new car. You can’t drive a f*cking prius.
the tourist
the tourist - 6 years ago
2:33 lcd soundsystem dance yrslf clean
I've been listening to this song ever since I started skateboarding last week (yes thanks to braille). the universe is crazy.
Jean Michel
Jean Michel - 6 years ago
What's up with the Arsenal jersey ?
Heron Curiel
Heron Curiel - 6 years ago
Lol cool intro
Upgrade Iself
Upgrade Iself - 6 years ago
Got to have kayak now, got to have kayak now. For the rain is falling.
SaiyanSpirit - 6 years ago
that bye at the end :DDD
Eric gomez
Eric gomez - 6 years ago
7:32 lmao
Dangit Dale
Dangit Dale - 6 years ago
At least Mohawk kid from freemont rode a skateboard...
IRockerbacon - 6 years ago
Why did the Indian kid eat lipstick, though?
Not a skateboarder
Not a skateboarder - 6 years ago
7:10 ~ 7:45 ~ 8:54 ~ Weekend Mode #2
Hahaha, good video. Keep it up guys!
David Kendall
David Kendall - 6 years ago
Put trucks on it, flex seal the bolts to make it water tight, ride it down a boat ramp into water!
rob killa
rob killa - 6 years ago
Exposed Arron drives a Prius. lol
Karl Lundblad
Karl Lundblad - 6 years ago
Shout out to Brian.
realhatchethead - 6 years ago
you can never complain about scooter kids, after this video. lol.
Dylan W
Dylan W - 6 years ago
I knew this video was going to be quite a rush. Thanks for keeping my day afloat.
Christian Norton
Christian Norton - 6 years ago
They are just being assholes by doing this
renalover_34 - 6 years ago
they did this on MTV'S jackass it was called urban Kayaking
Alton Zheng
Alton Zheng - 6 years ago
Where are they located? I wasn't aware they were in the Bay Area!
ProdigyThirteen - 6 years ago
I may or may not have watched Aaron's fall at least 5 times
matt stinemates
matt stinemates - 6 years ago
id totally subscribe to braille kayaking
angel lopez
angel lopez - 6 years ago
Y am I crying
illidur - 6 years ago
Think your kids are safe at the skatepark? Think again, these guys are always trying to find "Nice Lines" and offering jungle juice. "First Try" they always say. Just 1 visit and the guy in black hat can barely talk.
Hide Ozeki
Hide Ozeki - 6 years ago
Change title to "fetty dies skate everything"
Charitha Lakruwan Vlogs
Charitha Lakruwan Vlogs - 6 years ago
dude that kid His youtube channel is LAME TRIGGERED
dedboii - 6 years ago
Are you a YouTuber?
No, are you?
Sherburn Ator 100
Sherburn Ator 100 - 6 years ago
Did anyone else see the flammable rockets at the start. I bet you that they are for the rocket propelled skateboard
seanylewl - 6 years ago
that kid should do contraception commercials
Will B
Will B - 6 years ago
Put trucks on a kid and skate it
Patrick reidy
Patrick reidy - 6 years ago
Ha! Great head banging to LCD soundsystem.
B3K0N - 6 years ago
Number 37

Dont skate kayak at the skatepark
Phantasception - 6 years ago
Those damn skatepark scooter kids.....
Sky_ beAstt55
Sky_ beAstt55 - 6 years ago
Nice you should skate a small boat
MrGoofydude13 - 6 years ago
Random scooter kid: “are you a YouTuber?”

Aaron: “no are you?”

Lol had me laughing so hard
blank dude
blank dude - 6 years ago
I would do that too
Nightwolf 360op
Nightwolf 360op - 6 years ago
to day My mom got me a big five skateboard
I'm happy for now
but for my bitrthday I'm going to pharmacy
At least Idont do tricks and cruze
fun part is I have a broken knee
Angelo Renzi
Angelo Renzi - 6 years ago
Look like he is going over borad
John Dick
John Dick - 6 years ago
The greatest Braille video I've seen in a long time!
Ryan Boehm
Ryan Boehm - 6 years ago
I love how Aaron cracked up when the kid said subscribe to his YouTube channel
Just Relax
Just Relax - 6 years ago
Better fall than the glass skateboard
boface187 - 6 years ago
you best listen to that cheeto faced scooter kid!
Brandon From Oz
Brandon From Oz - 6 years ago
This cracked me up hahaha
N-O-X Gaming
N-O-X Gaming - 6 years ago
is this still skateboarding though?
Daniel Newton
Daniel Newton - 6 years ago
Alex Boche
Alex Boche - 6 years ago
I honestly had fun watching you guys fool around Fettys just to kool and Aaron eating it was gold!!!
waylon higginbotham
waylon higginbotham - 6 years ago
need more vids like this
Hasan Colon
Hasan Colon - 6 years ago
Since Lance left your videos are corny, wack ..smh you ran out cool ideas
Angelo De luca
Angelo De luca - 6 years ago
Cool video guys.
Hasan Colon
Hasan Colon - 6 years ago
What if i told u I didn't believe tht
Hasan Colon
Hasan Colon - 6 years ago
Bacta Reality
Bacta Reality - 6 years ago
Braille Skateboarding
Braille Skateboarding - 6 years ago
What if I told you this was Lance's idea it just took forever to find a kayak? But I understand, I miss him too
Tom rvn
Tom rvn - 6 years ago
The banana mobile !!
dan fv
dan fv - 6 years ago
Lame video. You should at least have put trucks on it
Noah Valzano
Noah Valzano - 6 years ago
Was that Lance voice
Eddie Nashton
Eddie Nashton - 6 years ago
That kid is annoying
MEGA POODLE - 6 years ago
Claude Martin
Claude Martin - 6 years ago
that wasn't switch. That was fakie.
Buzznutyear - 6 years ago
7:34 thank me later
The Mixer
The Mixer - 6 years ago
Lol everyone in the background recording! XD
Gustav Tegner
Gustav Tegner - 6 years ago
7:37 I just died... like 3 times. scare, laughter and once more to come back a live. Daaamn boy.
Dubby Dub
Dubby Dub - 6 years ago
This would have been descent if you put trucks on it, and only stood INSIDE it where it's meant to actually bear weight.
Buzznutyear - 6 years ago
Y'all goofy
Danny Stark
Danny Stark - 6 years ago
Broken not by fetty !? Braille 1st?.
Ethannder Yakabuski
Ethannder Yakabuski - 6 years ago
That was outrageous !
Matthew Healy
Matthew Healy - 6 years ago
Bring that down to my local park and nobody would really care haha. You're more likely to see weird shit like that than you are to see someone actually skateboarding.
Sui Fox
Sui Fox - 6 years ago
I like when Aaron almost died 6:02
Austin lol
Austin lol - 6 years ago
Running out of ideas
c f
c f - 6 years ago
A Fkin prius. wtf. shouldn't you be on a scooter?
Kyle Monteagudo
Kyle Monteagudo - 6 years ago
You guys are running out of ideas without lance......
Marlon SOSA-NESTO - 6 years ago
Aaron Kyro always takes it to another level ! XD
Solo 24
Solo 24 - 6 years ago
Y a Prius
m d
m d - 6 years ago
the driving part was hilarious.
CivilzedRick - 6 years ago
Danny Stark
Danny Stark - 6 years ago
Putting things on aarons car,this is why aaron cant have nice things....
George Zell
George Zell - 6 years ago
new series idea: putting weird shit on the top of your car and driving down the highway
Galaxtech Gaming
Galaxtech Gaming - 6 years ago
Now that’s why you don’t drive a Prius
Oltim - 6 years ago
The video will rapidly get views
Carter Brown
Carter Brown - 6 years ago
Hi i sk9
the loose goose
the loose goose - 6 years ago
Daniel Duke
Daniel Duke - 6 years ago
Carter Brown same
George Zell
George Zell - 6 years ago
diy double bubble roof for extra downforce
Jarvin Driftwood
Jarvin Driftwood - 6 years ago
Fetty with the firekayaker down the stairs.
Mustard Of Puppets
Mustard Of Puppets - 6 years ago
Learn to tie down the nose an tail before you kill somebody on the road.
Charitha Lakruwan Vlogs
Charitha Lakruwan Vlogs - 6 years ago
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT miss Lance Check Your FaceBook INBOX <3
Magical Unboxings
Magical Unboxings - 6 years ago
I love you so love my comment pls
Magical Unboxings
Magical Unboxings - 6 years ago
+Braille Skateboarding that love more than made my day ily
Jeff the Queen
Jeff the Queen - 6 years ago
That actually looks fun
Jeff the Queen
Jeff the Queen - 6 years ago
Are you a YouTuber? No, are you?
Jeff the Queen
Jeff the Queen - 6 years ago
Doesn't say you can't use a kayak
mitchell frechmann
mitchell frechmann - 6 years ago
For those wondering, they don't actually get kicked out
Georgia brown
Georgia brown - 6 years ago
such a funny vid
Karim E González
Karim E González - 6 years ago
Kids annnnnnnnnnoy me
J's Fitness
J's Fitness - 6 years ago
Karim E González they get in the way of people skating.
Justin Slavis
Justin Slavis - 6 years ago
Kid: are you a youtuber?!
Aaron: no. Are you?
Jeff the Queen
Jeff the Queen - 6 years ago
No kayak at the skatepark, does it anyways
Fortnite Farts
Fortnite Farts - 6 years ago
maggie J.
maggie J. - 6 years ago
That was hilarious, great video!!
Freya Uvarova
Freya Uvarova - 6 years ago
JayDom26 - 6 years ago
7:36 Aaron almost dies lol. Love you guys!! #Braille4Life
Jono Murphy
Jono Murphy - 6 years ago
I've tried to work out what he was trying to do when he bashed the door in lol wtf
J Rod
J Rod - 6 years ago
7:33 XD
Lattia Emms
Lattia Emms - 6 years ago
that random kid is me af
timj tube
timj tube - 6 years ago
like sqaud???
BombsquadSB - 6 years ago
Why did you not put trucks on it? What are we even doing here now? I see you guys had fun but this does nothing for skateboarding other than piss off real skaters.
Whipasnaper HD
Whipasnaper HD - 6 years ago
This is lame
andrew balliet
andrew balliet - 6 years ago
Could've called it Aaron vs Giant Banana
bradly bellant
bradly bellant - 6 years ago
When u find out Aaron drives a Prius
Kaneki Ken
Kaneki Ken - 6 years ago
Listen to that kid this channel is lit
Kendrick! at the Fall Øut
Kendrick! at the Fall Øut - 6 years ago
7:25 Gabe's joke and laughing will forever be the best moment of my life
Alberto Calderon
Alberto Calderon - 6 years ago
OMG bro when Aaron fell tho that got me laughing
Alberto Calderon
Alberto Calderon - 6 years ago
y'all the best
Braille Skateboarding
Braille Skateboarding - 6 years ago
Hahahaha I know, best part of the video
Noe Reyes
Noe Reyes - 6 years ago
Hsaludos desde mexico
David Morales
David Morales - 6 years ago
Damian Dillon
Damian Dillon - 6 years ago
i braille please reply
Chase Buckets
Chase Buckets - 6 years ago
That little kid is too annoying
Wizard Pug Wizard
Wizard Pug Wizard - 6 years ago
Kayak with trucks and weels please
mstryke - 6 years ago
honestly aaron driving on the highway was comedy gold
Thijs van Gisbergen
Thijs van Gisbergen - 6 years ago
Omg... such a danger on the road. omfg... you a good guy but fuck you for that kayak rig on your car
Gonzalo Morales
Gonzalo Morales - 6 years ago
Gonzalo Morales
Gonzalo Morales - 6 years ago
Wat is you doinggggg
SkateNinja - 6 years ago
Kayak the braille drop!!!
Patrick Francis
Patrick Francis - 6 years ago
Taylor Coleman
Taylor Coleman - 6 years ago
gabe is fucking baked all the time
Fat Al
Fat Al - 6 years ago
The drop in made me yak.
Nathan - 6 years ago
Fat Al i totally thought there was a hair on my screen
Nathan - 6 years ago
Fat Al hey
Eric M
Eric M - 6 years ago
Hey braille skateboarding! Yay Fetty! Also you can't be kicked out of Fremont if you never got in! Ride ride ride!
river elliott
river elliott - 6 years ago
$300 dollars down the drain
Eli C.
Eli C. - 6 years ago
LMAO!!! 7:36
ClashingWithDG - 6 years ago
mitchell frechmann
mitchell frechmann - 6 years ago
This id the greatest thing ever. If only Lance was there for it :(

Edit: of course Aaron drives a Prius. At least the kayak is aerodynamic
Thomas Keeble
Thomas Keeble - 6 years ago
sir do you even yak?
Thomas Keeble
Thomas Keeble - 6 years ago
awesome fun vid
Matthew - 6 years ago
You should do two people on one board game of skate
CSVW - 6 years ago
When you do the irl Skate 3 Coffin
Lets Play Central
Lets Play Central - 6 years ago
Put it on the wall in the warehouse
Lets Play Central
Lets Play Central - 6 years ago
I fully expected you to try and skate it lol
Moif - 6 years ago
Kaneki Ken
Kaneki Ken - 6 years ago
Skate a pogo stick pls
Chandler Cunningham
Chandler Cunningham - 6 years ago
I love this channel! #notifacationsquad
bytfh-5686095473 - 6 years ago
It's crazy stuff like this which got me into skateboarding. I found your "You Make It" and "Skate everything" videos a few years ago and I was hooked. I keep seeing comments asking for more serious skate videos but surely that's what the Brail Army channel it for? That's what I watch when I'm in the mood for more serious skate videos. I guess you'll never please everyone. Maybe this new two videos a day thing will help - one crazy video + a serious video every day.
Monty Robertson
Monty Robertson - 6 years ago
So funny
im - 6 years ago
rip fetty
Paxton Newbill
Paxton Newbill - 6 years ago
josh daniel
josh daniel - 6 years ago
It’s alright, it’s just a Prius
Josh Streams
Josh Streams - 6 years ago
Braille ran out of ideas to film on youtube ;)
Josh Streams
Josh Streams - 6 years ago
Make a we make it we skate it. Braille makes the board. Braille rides the board
Braille Skateboarding
Braille Skateboarding - 6 years ago
We would love to hear any ideas you have, making 7 videos a week we do need help!
Hayden nitro
Hayden nitro - 6 years ago
Love the video's
Cody Wreggitt
Cody Wreggitt - 6 years ago
lol you guys yak?
Art E
Art E - 6 years ago
Kayak oar die
Dustin Nall
Dustin Nall - 6 years ago
Love you bro's
Thomas Halbrook
Thomas Halbrook - 6 years ago
When you have a crappy morning and then watch Aaron in a kayak at the skate park, it makes my day way better. #Aaronkyro4president
Dafoodmaster - 6 years ago
Shoulda got it into that waterpark
Shaw Hennessey
Shaw Hennessey - 6 years ago
I live to watch your chaotic videos.
The Two Savages
The Two Savages - 6 years ago
First braile is the best
Erog C
Erog C - 6 years ago
Chuffled - 6 years ago
no skating in the kayaking park
Rory Othen
Rory Othen - 6 years ago
Put trucks on it
Xavier Armachain
Xavier Armachain - 6 years ago
You’ve inspired me to keep skating and learn new tricks with skateboarding made simple
Samuel Heart
Samuel Heart - 6 years ago
50 year old men team up to suck off money from 11 year olds to sell some signed stickers.
Skookum Bitingfish
Skookum Bitingfish - 6 years ago
a doug's life skating to n from the Fishing Spot? #youMakeVideo #NKA
Puppet Masters281
Puppet Masters281 - 6 years ago
a doug's life
Paxton Morris
Paxton Morris - 6 years ago
a doug's life ya
30E - 6 years ago
loool AT 7:45 “this youtube channel is lit” LOOOOL
Jayden Lee
Jayden Lee - 6 years ago
Robba Guns
Robba Guns - 6 years ago
Love the videos and make more videos cuz they are the best thanks of inspiring me to skateboard #keepskateing
Eric Lowery
Eric Lowery - 6 years ago
Me no kayak
miles - 6 years ago
are u a youtuber?

“no are u?”
dank depression
dank depression - 6 years ago
skate everything wars dicks sporting goods
Jay AP3x
Jay AP3x - 6 years ago
0:36 R.I.P door
Maliyah Skipper
Maliyah Skipper - 6 years ago
Im actually early
Maliyah Skipper
Maliyah Skipper - 6 years ago
Omg Brallie liked my comment
dank depression
dank depression - 6 years ago
skate everything wars 5 below
Jay Zee
Jay Zee - 6 years ago
Meanwhile in San Francisco Bay Area
Junior Lugoo
Junior Lugoo - 6 years ago
"Something is wrong with america these days"
-Aaron kyro
Alya M
Alya M - 6 years ago
wow you had really many imagination
Micah Butcher
Micah Butcher - 6 years ago
Mike Closson
Mike Closson - 6 years ago
37 veiws 67 likes?
jose Muniz
jose Muniz - 6 years ago
31 viewer
Monty Stitt
Monty Stitt - 6 years ago
I never imagined Aaron as a Prius person
Buzznutyear - 6 years ago
Monty Stitt he's more of a big loud truck type of dude
Linda Eide
Linda Eide - 6 years ago
kickflip the Waka Tuna plz
Ryan M
Ryan M - 6 years ago
Aaron and the Braille team great job on all your vids and thank you for teaching me how to skate you completely changed my life and made me want to go pro and hopefully get sponsored thanks for everything!
Matthew DeForest
Matthew DeForest - 6 years ago
You guys should do a vid where you buy a really Penny board and a knockoff from Walmart and compare the quality of the ride
Daniel Duke
Daniel Duke - 6 years ago
Cool idea
Braille Skateboarding
Braille Skateboarding - 6 years ago
That's a great idea
dank depression
dank depression - 6 years ago
that would be cool
Thomas Halbrook
Thomas Halbrook - 6 years ago
Aaron so funny!!! Love the intro.
Liam Maguire
Liam Maguire - 6 years ago
But love you guys
kyle stubenrauch
kyle stubenrauch - 6 years ago
Hey aaron Thanks for not wearing the Jeffrey Dahmer glasses like in the last video.
SNRGZE - 6 years ago
you never know when these were recorded so there might be coming more videos with him wearing them
james 02
james 02 - 6 years ago
He thanked god yo guys made videos I wold be so bored
Fortnite Dom VLOGS
Fortnite Dom VLOGS - 6 years ago
Assassin 235
Assassin 235 - 6 years ago
dank depression
dank depression - 6 years ago
skate everything wars Bass pro shop
fernando reyes
fernando reyes - 6 years ago
Fuck yeah
aden brown
aden brown - 6 years ago
Bruh hell yes
dank depression
dank depression - 6 years ago
dank depression
dank depression - 6 years ago
repost if the want this to happen
dank depression
dank depression - 6 years ago
repost if yo7 want this
Crazy Tube
Crazy Tube - 6 years ago
Harry Lodge
Harry Lodge - 6 years ago
18th comment
SHA RON - 6 years ago
I love you
Give me heart
BAD KINGS VLOGS - 6 years ago
Can you imagine what other people think of this, just see a person with a boat at the park
A_L Land
A_L Land - 6 years ago
I was watching one of his videos and then I got this notification
Corban Vaughn
Corban Vaughn - 6 years ago
Braille is sick!!
Faction Gaming
Faction Gaming - 6 years ago
Class video
Anonymous 560
Anonymous 560 - 6 years ago
First gg
RW 5
RW 5 - 6 years ago
Will you sub to my YouTube channel at RW 5 please
NeoEyesWhiteDragon Youtube
NeoEyesWhiteDragon Youtube - 6 years ago
Stewart Bongiorno
Stewart Bongiorno - 6 years ago
Hey guys
Stephen Fairbanks
Stephen Fairbanks - 6 years ago
Oh snap I’m early!
PillowyStorm904 - 6 years ago
Sepeatom Alamooti
Sepeatom Alamooti - 6 years ago
Rogan Lotus
Rogan Lotus - 6 years ago
Gabriel Aguilar
Gabriel Aguilar - 6 years ago
Oh yeaaaaaah
Ezekiel Gehr
Ezekiel Gehr - 6 years ago
Ezekiel Gehr
Ezekiel Gehr - 6 years ago
Shoug Khozestani
Shoug Khozestani - 6 years ago
Amazing dude
Ryder SoCal Life
Ryder SoCal Life - 6 years ago
Brandon 101
Brandon 101 - 6 years ago
Abdul Fauzaan
Abdul Fauzaan - 6 years ago
Landen Locke
Landen Locke - 6 years ago
Love your vids
TS 505
TS 505 - 6 years ago

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