California Coast Monster Kayak King Salmon fishing

Kayak Fishing for Big King Salmon (33.5 LBs) in Marin CA
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Most popular comments
for California Coast Monster Kayak King Salmon fishing

Hudson Webster
Hudson Webster - 7 years ago
Nicely done: i still have yet to bring in a monster on my hobie:
Mark Joey
Mark Joey - 7 years ago
illegal to fish TWO rods for salmon!!!
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 7 years ago
Mark Joey Mark Joey as kayakers we don’t have a motor so when we get tired after a long session of peddle/paddle trolling we have a baited (mooching) rig ready for drift fishing while we rest and regain stamina, hence the reason why there’s a baited Rig always on standby. It’s impossible to fish a mooch rig and trolling setup with a downrigger(behind me). I️ hope this helps with some clarification.
Mark Joey
Mark Joey - 7 years ago
At 1:33 of the video you are clearly moving a rod with a baited anchovy...
Why would a second rod be BAITED if it was not being fished?!
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 7 years ago
Mark Joey thanks for the reminder, not at any point of the video was i fishing 2 rods for salmon.
The Fishing Doctors Adventures
The Fishing Doctors Adventures - 7 years ago
VERY nice video and fish! Thanks for the video keep it up. I MISS MY KAYAK FISHING DAYS ON THE central coast of California off Big Sur. Those were great adventures. Some of my best days fishing ever for sure!
J - 7 years ago
Is that a separate katamaran attachment you put onto your kayak?
J - 7 years ago
pretty dang awesome.. Is the splash covers the ones available on ebay?
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 7 years ago
Jiggy Boro it's actually an sailing kayak that I just used the single pontoon as a fishing platform. The kayak is called a Hobie Adventure Island
BlackWaterKayakAnglers - 7 years ago
nice video bro...need to get me ocean salmon too
MARIN GOJU KARATE DO - 7 years ago
I live in Marin and have been dying to take my Kayak out and give it a shot. Your video got my blood stirring, thanks for the motivation! Do you fish off this location from July through August?
Lester Ma
Lester Ma - 8 years ago
Looks like moss landing
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 8 years ago
Very nice catch!! Where were you fishing? The stacks at minute 1:41 in the upper left of the screen do not look familiar.
D marco
D marco - 8 years ago
very nice chrome!

10. comment for California Coast Monster Kayak King Salmon fishing

Yarl Wise
Yarl Wise - 8 years ago
very nice video.
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 8 years ago
Thanks yarl!
Harvey Small
Harvey Small - 8 years ago
Nice catch Jae. How much did it weigh.
Harvey Small
Harvey Small - 8 years ago
That's a lot of fish to eat.
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 8 years ago
Thanks Harvey, it weighed 33.5 lbs on my digital scale
Jeff Chang
Jeff Chang - 8 years ago
wait. Did you wear the Superman costume for fishing? lol
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 8 years ago
+Chieh-Wei Chang glad you enjoyed it! More to come.!!
Jeff Chang
Jeff Chang - 8 years ago
+Jae Chang (Papio3) great work. my son and I enjoy your channel a lot. I have already subscribed it. thx a ton.
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 8 years ago
That day wasn't very super but yes I did. Lol
Eric - 9 years ago
Where did u launch from. Nice PIG!!
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 8 years ago
Launched from bolinas
soloskiff - 9 years ago
Nice, real the drama music haha...gotta head to CA not try myself
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 8 years ago
+soloskiff If you're ever up here let's go! would be cool to see the SoloSkiff do it's thing in Nor Cal.
soloskiff - 9 years ago
+Jae Chang thanks, let's fish
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 9 years ago
+soloskiff for sure! cool set up you got there!
Kayak Freaks
Kayak Freaks - 9 years ago
Love the hobie too
Kayak Freaks
Kayak Freaks - 9 years ago
Great intro and ending brother I love it u did a great job and I just subscribe because it was so good
Dimas Cuevas
Dimas Cuevas - 9 years ago
Great video man!
curtain B
curtain B - 9 years ago
You should do a video about your yak setup. Looks like a great boat.
sOLoTip510 - 9 years ago
hey, dumb question but, where's Marin located at? near Pacifica? i'm located by half moon bay.. any help. love to fish but can't find the salmon...
sOLoTip510 - 9 years ago
+Jae Chang do you still fish around that area? and where's a safe and great spot to launch out of.. i will be Kayaking also. or any info you can give, it'll be helpful.. thanks ahead..
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 9 years ago
Marin is a big coastline north of the Golden Gate Bridge.

20. comment for California Coast Monster Kayak King Salmon fishing

Mike Bartoli
Mike Bartoli - 9 years ago
that's a nice fishing rig and a good video but it looks like you don't bleed your fish though.... big mistake
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 9 years ago
Hi Mike,

Yes I do bleed the fish a bit after I land it.
arm bender
arm bender - 9 years ago
Soy mak mak.. aroi Mai
Joseph Saeteurn
Joseph Saeteurn - 9 years ago
That's a nice fish!
reelman4299 - 9 years ago
Great job...way to be persistent. I see your fishing a FBR, those work real well. I pull a Brad's plug cut Superbait loaded with tuna behind my 9 foot pontoon raft. I have had good luck with them. Tight lines !
Year Round Fishing
Year Round Fishing - 9 years ago
Thats awesome man! I been wanting to get on a yac out there but it trips me out haha.
moon kim
moon kim - 9 years ago
Nice job. I thinkI hooked one today off Sonoma coast. Fought for about a half hour as it slowly towed me out to sea before it got off. Couldn't keep it anyway.
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 9 years ago
+moon kim Yeah pretty sure you had a nice one on. The heartbreak of salmon fishing, but when you land that one fish all your sorrows goes away. Good luck and Fish hard!
Moto-B - 10 years ago
That's a wild salmon. Just saying.
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 7 years ago
55hillerby only a small percentage of the hatchery fish are clipped and have a chip tag placed in their head. The Feather River Hatchery raises and releases about 8 million fish a year. It would be impossible to clip and place a chip in this many fish. The Feather River hatchery was built when the Oroville dam was built to compensate for the catastrophic elimination of wild spawning areas that existed in the Feather River above the Oroville dam location. It opened in 1967. The Coleman fish hatchery is even larger raising even greater numbers of fish.. It was built in 1942 after the Shasta dam was built for similar destruction of spawning habitat of the Sacramento river.. The fish that do get identified have their adipose fin clipped which is on the dorsal surface near the tail. It is not "the lower rear fin" and it does not have bones in it. Without the hatcheries we would likely not have a salmon fishery. Here are some links you might find interesting.
55hillerby - 7 years ago
You're mistaken. We caught both wild and hatchery fish on a party boat out of half moon bay... The deck hand was showing everyone how the lower rear fin was cut off on hatchery fish.. They have to track them somehow
prokhk - 9 years ago
+wood2hoz4 you can keep wild salmon in california, i don't think they even clip the hatchery fish but I could be mistaken
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 9 years ago
+wood2hoz4 LOL
not telling
not telling - 10 years ago
NICE FISH! Man I know that feeling after catching a prize fish and just sitting there afterwards just taking it in hahah
World of Mouth
World of Mouth - 10 years ago
yeah buddy big one!
Edgar Fisher
Edgar Fisher - 10 years ago
Nice fish man. Can't wait to troll Chinooks on my AI!
Edgar Fisher
Edgar Fisher - 10 years ago
Will do. Will do. Looking forward to more action from your point of view also. Fishing up here is a bit spotty right now. But some Jack Springs have been caught
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
+Edgar Fisher
Wow! Please post videos!!!! I need to see this 6 rod trolling set up! Hope you hit a huge school...
Edgar Fisher
Edgar Fisher - 10 years ago
What a rig! I'm never gonna sit on a skiff again
Edgar Fisher
Edgar Fisher - 10 years ago
It is.. Just got my tramps the other day. And hooked up ram mounts. Two more Scotty's and I'll be trolling four rods. Five or six come coho season
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
It's so much fun! AI's are amazing!

30. comment for California Coast Monster Kayak King Salmon fishing

William O'Neal
William O'Neal - 10 years ago
Great video Jae!
Elpry Ioanis
Elpry Ioanis - 10 years ago
nice one I like that colour
Bryan Eckert
Bryan Eckert - 10 years ago
Hello Jae,

Great vid and excellent set up.  Can you tell me if you think the single or tandem AI is the way to go?  I will primarily be fishing solo.  What kind of down rigger, weight size, and mounting do you have.  Thanks,
Bryan Eckert
Bryan Eckert - 10 years ago
+Jae Chang Thanks for the reply Jae.  Let me know if you don't get my contact info.  Much appreciated.
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
  You answered your own question if you mostly fish Single get a Single, Tandems cost about 2K more and they are a bit heavy and longer for one person to load and unload off a vehicle. As for downrigger I use a scotty lake troller with a 4lb cannon ball weight. Send me your email address and I'll email you pics of the PVC piping I used to mount the downrigger. Hope that helps!
Russell Mullis
Russell Mullis - 10 years ago
What brand and model kayak is that?
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
Hobie is the manufacturer. Adventure island is the make of the kayak.
Charlie HustleHard
Charlie HustleHard - 10 years ago
Hawg! Nice!!!
DARRYL Kregger
DARRYL Kregger - 10 years ago
that's a beauty!!! nicely done video. I like the music transition. we did well at fort bragg 2 weeks before your publish date. there's always a few that get away
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
I heard Fort Bragg was going off. Need to make a trip there this coming season. Hope to see you out there.
Manny Razza
Manny Razza - 10 years ago
Awesome bro nice fish
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
Thanks Manny! appreciate the positive vibes!
Aaron Kelley
Aaron Kelley - 10 years ago
what kind of reel was the silver one?
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
The silver reel is a Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 7000i C3, One of the best reels I've used to  date for kayak fishing.
DrPfeiffer - 10 years ago
Jae, we'd like to feature your fab video in our Salmon Film Festival in Ft. Bragg, CA this November. Please see our website ( and give us a ring if you can come up!
Chuck E
Chuck E - 10 years ago
I'd be HAPPY too if I landed that big salmon.  You're videos just keep getting better every time.  Keep'em coming bro!  Congrats again!
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
Mahalo's Chuck E!
Salmax Kayak
Salmax Kayak - 10 years ago
Nice video bro, that was one fat King.
shujah4ever - 10 years ago
Nice Catch Jay Chang, but hell I will never go this far I mean doing this kind of fishing being stuck on Kayak.
shujah4ever - 9 years ago
+Broxty post a video if you have .
Broxty - 9 years ago
Stuck on a kayak?? I've fished out of deep V hulls my whole life, just bought my first SOT kayak and will never go back.
Bo Ttorff
Bo Ttorff - 10 years ago
Nice work!! Can't believe you missed three and nailed that pig on the 4th.
Okan Ozkan
Okan Ozkan - 10 years ago
thats one of the best kayak fishing set ups you got the side part make it way more stable for our northern cali currents and waves iv been wanting to invest in one like yours any advice where to you leave from bolinas? stinson?
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
Theres a beach on wharf road that you can launch from, pretty safe and lot's of parking.
sportfisher7 - 10 years ago
That's a nice fish I am missing out on the beach looks like the salmon are there just like i thought cool vid to a little si fi
Jae Chang
Jae Chang - 10 years ago
Not a great bite but they're swimming around.

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