Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347

WARNING: It is actually illegal to eat Tilapia when caught in Queensland. I was unaware of this at the time of filming and urge anyone that catches a Tilapia in Australia to kill it humanely and dispose of it away from any water source including down the kitchen sink, as this can spread the viable eggs into new water courses. All Tilapia and Carp for that matter must be killed and removed from the water when caught in Queensland and Australia for that matter. Please do the right thing and protect our natural environment. To support me when you shop on AMAZON please click HERE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👍 🔥 ❤️ 🔥 👍 ❤️ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The click lasts 24hours, and you pay no more than anywhere else. All items are what I have used and like, see the description for each item to view my thoughts on them. -------------------------- Stay updated on: -------------------------- InstaGram - FaceBook - Twitter - #fishing #adventure #wildcook #catchandcook #andysfishing #cookout #fish #tropicalisland ----------------------------------------------- SUPPORT MY VIDEO MAKING: ----------------------------------------------- • Donate with PAYPAL - • PATREON - Contribute monthly to my video making efforts

Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 106

Kayak 8 years ago 199,123 views

WARNING: It is actually illegal to eat Tilapia when caught in Queensland. I was unaware of this at the time of filming and urge anyone that catches a Tilapia in Australia to kill it humanely and dispose of it away from any water source including down the kitchen sink, as this can spread the viable eggs into new water courses. All Tilapia and Carp for that matter must be killed and removed from the water when caught in Queensland and Australia for that matter. Please do the right thing and protect our natural environment. To support me when you shop on AMAZON please click HERE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👍 🔥 ❤️ 🔥 👍 ❤️ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The click lasts 24hours, and you pay no more than anywhere else. All items are what I have used and like, see the description for each item to view my thoughts on them. -------------------------- Stay updated on: -------------------------- InstaGram - FaceBook - Twitter - #fishing #adventure #wildcook #catchandcook #andysfishing #cookout #fish #tropicalisland ----------------------------------------------- SUPPORT MY VIDEO MAKING: ----------------------------------------------- • Donate with PAYPAL - • PATREON - Contribute monthly to my video making efforts

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Most popular comments
for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347

Louisa Zouita
Louisa Zouita - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing
Aaron Hartshorn
Aaron Hartshorn - 6 years ago
Andy tilapia are mouth brooders which is why you bury them. By keeping that fish alive in the water it could have released a mouth full of babies. That’s why you don’t even throw a dead fish back in. Just a hot tip for the day! Keep the great videos coming
Aaron Hartshorn
Aaron Hartshorn - 6 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook they are everywhere in Townsville but don’t respond too well to lures but I’ve caught a few. They can’t say no to garden worms but. That’s probably why that fish liked the small plastic.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 6 years ago
Yes. I read that. They are a very hardy and obnoxious fish.
Rs200 Rider
Rs200 Rider - 6 years ago
I want ur boat description
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 6 years ago
It's a Goldrush Aggressor 5.6m
Lachlan Campbell
Lachlan Campbell - 6 years ago
andy you should do bbq mangrove jack with bbq mud crab.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 6 years ago
I have done both of those separately.
keeperofthegood - 6 years ago
1500+ comments, don't know if anyone mentioned. Tilapia is considered have an active evolutionary DNA. It is known to adapt to salt water, breed and migrate through salt water, find new fresh water, and re-adapt to fresh water. You don't have to carry it from one stream to another if the two streams meet an ocean, they can just move over on their own. They have been introduced to every nation on the planet, and they have adapted to live in every nation on the planet. They are the fish version of dandelions. Best approach (as it is the only approach) is to hang your head and admit defeat and then eat them up yum!!
keeperofthegood - 6 years ago
Indeed Andy, the Tilapia has damaged so many ecosystems. I love it as a McDonalds Fillet o Fish (its farmed here and McDonalds uses it) but in regions where it can live wild it has done a lot of damage. We have a "current" problem here in Canada in the Great Lakes with the Round Goby and no love is lost on those in our waters.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 6 years ago
I think our saltwater distances between river mouths has slowed them down, but I'd like to see them all gone, very unlikely.
Oscar Marfori
Oscar Marfori - 6 years ago
Hey Andy why are you bringing a Banana with you on a boat? They say its bad juju maite.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 6 years ago
It’s only bad if you are fishing with the Easter bunny.
Trina Broccardo
Trina Broccardo - 6 years ago
You cant eat in fnq
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 6 years ago
There’s no law against eating them. The rule is, you must dispose of them ASAP. I did that.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 6 years ago
There’s no law against eating them. The rule is, you must dispose of them ASAP. I did that.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 6 years ago
There’s no law against eating them. The rule if you must dispose of them ASAP. I did that.
Jameson Ahola
Jameson Ahola - 7 years ago
Can I have your life please.. great video
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Get your own, ha ha. Trust me it's not all fun fishing trips.
rednxau - 7 years ago
Awsome vids Andy!

10. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347

STRIFE_45 - 7 years ago
deep fried tilapia with some salt, pepper, and lemon is all you need. really good white flaky meat but too many bones. still good though.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Not even that many bones
bob jeff
bob jeff - 7 years ago
Come to Maroochydore river
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I will for sure one day.
jake walsh
jake walsh - 7 years ago
Best way to catch tilapia is really light gear and bread as bait
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Yes, I think so.
Andrew Slazmo
Andrew Slazmo - 7 years ago
Man the fine for having and keeping a tilapia in order to eat... totally illegal and promoting the spread of these fish.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I suggest you preach to the tarradarra bros
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
My latest video is live now, solo adventure chasing Wild UK Pike.
Check it out after this one!!!  And Subscribe.
silknfeathers - 7 years ago
Another great vid! Your quality and presentation is getting better each time. A little picky, but.. that's a canoe, not a kayak! ;-)
Mewtwo123 4
Mewtwo123 4 - 7 years ago
You don't know how to filet fish
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Twitterboy 123 How wrong you are. But you get that by judging a person from seeing 30 seconds of their life.
Bruno André
Bruno André - 7 years ago
In Brazil my uncle farms tilapia, the last one I caught when I was there a couple months ago was 7 kilos! And tilapia there is delicious!
Bruno André
Bruno André - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Bruno André Yeah, cool. They are a great fish in the right place.
cortez jensen
cortez jensen - 7 years ago
My grandma always tells me that tilapia taste like bream but I have never heard it from someone else nor have I ate it myself.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+cortez jensen If they are from the wild, they are great tasting fish.
Blake Hatcher
Blake Hatcher - 7 years ago
Who wants to eat a bass there to beautiful to kill ffs
Blake Hatcher
Blake Hatcher - 7 years ago
Eat all the tilapia you want killing one of our nicest freshwater fish is just sad
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Blake Hatcher Everyone has their own standards.

20. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347

Channel Z
Channel Z - 7 years ago
Go fly fishing for Saratoga
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Zach Tarling I have videos like that, they aren't very popular
NB OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
nice video mr andy,,always watching your videos,,thank u
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+nebert baylon Good stuff
Lachlan de Mezieres
Lachlan de Mezieres - 7 years ago
So I've always been told not to bring a banana on a boat. Although this was a kayak, I've see u eat banana on your boat too. You trying to test your luck?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Lachlan de Mezieres No. I like to think everyone makes their own luck.
Clint Byl
Clint Byl - 7 years ago
The Asians here in Melbourne absolutely love them m8
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Clint Byl Around the world many cultures eat Tilapia.
Chase Hall
Chase Hall - 7 years ago
Your vids are my favorite at the moment! Do more of the flying vids. My wife and I are also pilots.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Chase Hall I will be putting wheels and floats on my trike soonish.
muchamad Rozi
muchamad Rozi - 7 years ago
Panjenengan ncen joshhhh om andy
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+muchamad Rozi I don't understand.
Cameron Johnston
Cameron Johnston - 7 years ago
G’day Andy, have you done a catch and cook yellowbelly? If not you should try it it’s really tasty :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Victoria Bitter I will on m next trip south.
Jared Clark
Jared Clark - 7 years ago
Sick vids mate u should come up north towards the cape its good fishing up here
LGM LGM - 7 years ago
Hi Andy. I really enjoy your videos. I have a tip for you on filleting fish. Try filleting the first side 3/4 of the way. start from the back like you did. Leave it connected at the belly. Then flip it over and start the second side. Having the first fillet under the spinal column makes it easier to do a good job filleting the second side.

I want a boat like yours. What can you tell us about it? The design? The maker? Rock on Andy and thank you.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+LGM LGM Most of my gear is listed in the description. I usually fillet 3/4 through.
colleen cook
colleen cook - 7 years ago
hey andy can u catch a shak and cook it for me please mate my name is colleen ok
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Hi Colleen, I get asked that all the time, and I will do one.

30. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347

Cheng Xiong
Cheng Xiong - 7 years ago
Try bleeding the fish
Kwame - 7 years ago
Im 13 and i live near a small lake and i wanna do what you do but bad stuff have happend to that lake ... there is carp and the small fish with red spikes (very ferocious) ... can i eat them ? And not die ? Please respond
Kwame - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing okay thanks mate <3
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+My Fish Is A Gypsy I can not say YES OR NO. Ask an older person who fishes there, the older the better, they should know.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Yes it is, I hope to return some time.
nice guy87
nice guy87 - 7 years ago
his voice reminds me of some pervert trying to convince a kid to go inside the car
nice guy87
nice guy87 - 7 years ago
ye you are right, how do i block a youtube channel?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Maybe you shouldn't watch the stuff you are then on that internet thingy.
nice guy87
nice guy87 - 7 years ago
there is something called internet my friend, i think you have heard about it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
And how do you know what that sounds like. I think you need to leave your home town and experience some culture.
Alex Martinez
Alex Martinez - 7 years ago
Hey Andy,
Too bad about Tilapia in Australia! In the USA it is highly coveted and heavily priced - a delicacy for that matter!
PS - Love the catch and cook and your video productions continue to be the best, even better now that the drone is active.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Thank you. Yes in many countries Tilapia is a staple food source. Our laws are very silly. I just filmed another Catch N Cook video. Coming soon.
aseesh kumar
aseesh kumar - 7 years ago
for tilapia marinate it with turmeric,corriander powder,salt,garlic,chillies,dash of lime and some fennel seeds.. deep fry preferrable but you can do it shallow fry but make sure it is quite crisp fried not burnt actually. try it and let me know.. marination should be 15 to 30 mins...
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Cool, I will try this some time.
Christopher Miller
Christopher Miller - 7 years ago
I heard that eating a banana while fishing gives you bad luck
Christopher Miller
Christopher Miller - 7 years ago
Oh haha
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
My point exactly.
Christopher Miller
Christopher Miller - 7 years ago
The Easter Bunny isn't real
Christopher Miller
Christopher Miller - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Only if the Easter Bunny tells you, then it's true.
Yoyong Siauw
Yoyong Siauw - 7 years ago
what are u talkin about?,
we indonesian people eat tilapia!
and it taste good.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I know, I ate it too. Did you watch the whole video?
Job Films
Job Films - 7 years ago
You liar
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Andrew Munro What's your problem pumpkin?
Barbara Anderson
Barbara Anderson - 7 years ago
OMG you really butchered that fish what a waste of meat. invest in getting a better knife because that was so sad
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Our law says we need to burry the whole fish, not really a waste in that regard. I said I have better knifes...
Gh3rk1N - 7 years ago
Mate your videos are bloody fantastic. There's none of that HEY GUYS WHATS UP with obnoxious music playing throughout the whole video. It's just you talking to us without shouting at the camera. Your video style is perfect as well. Just straightforward video making. Pure and simple. Bloody brilliant. Keep up the solid work mate.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Thanks, sometimes my videos might change a little, but I will always be me.
차욱 - 7 years ago
i ask to everyone. what's model name the folding knife?
차욱 - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing thank's so much! i'm south korean. i'm enjoy your u-tube
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Jared Robles
Jared Robles - 7 years ago
U weren't catching fish because u had a banana on the boat
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I always have banana's on my boat. I catch plenty of fish with them in the boat.
OmgItsMsj - 7 years ago
dont think people has stopped watching ur past videos am still loving and watching it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I did one of those for my kayak, but I still need to do one for my boat. Also my car.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Thank you.
OmgItsMsj - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing we love yah man
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I can always use more views.
Brad Griffin
Brad Griffin - 7 years ago
That was a nice size Tilapia. I think our Queensland rules regarding Tilapia are a little strange. We should be able to eat them so long as we dispose of the carcass and gut in a bin. I understand they worry about people gutting them and cleaning them in the water with the potential risk of fertilised eggs getting back in the water (they are mouth brooders-a cichlid). Still, we should be allowed to eat them. It might encourage more people to target them.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I agree, the rules we have don't encourage anyone to even target them. And in NSW the government even promotes recipes to eat Tilapia!
Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba - 7 years ago
Andy thanks for telling me about the bass videos i cant wait to try the recipes for bass
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I will be doing more and some interesting Bass cook ups soon.
FloresLX - 7 years ago
Andy put more midroll adds in your videos (means more money)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Youtube does that on it's own, I don't want to mess with that.
ChaosHD - 7 years ago
What the name of the stove?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
It's a cheapy $40 cartridge stove.
SA Outdoors
SA Outdoors - 7 years ago
I rely like your videos and i hope to meat you one day i look up to you and you have inspired me to start making my own videos you can see them here please subscribe and can you give me some tips and some ideas for future videos.
some people think use youtube just to make money and make stupid videos just to make money but you are the complete opposite and i hope you never turn that way, so keep making great videos for other people to watch.
I would rely like to meet you one day because that would mean so much to me to meet my fave rote you tuber in the whole world. if you could it would be great if you could come to South Australia.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Thank you. I make videos because I enjoy doing it. Some income from it is necessary, but I don't need a $1m boat or $5m house. I hope to travel around Australia and the world making videos.
EVAN WOLTER - 7 years ago
When you end a sentence your tone gets so much higher it's sorta annoying
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Don't let it ruin your whole day.

50. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347

Compine_say *
Compine_say * - 7 years ago
Cook it with red pepper, garlic, and some seasoning... Just by seeing you cook with those ingredient is mouth watering.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
This was a very basic cook up, my more recent catch and cook videos are better.
Jae Williamson
Jae Williamson - 7 years ago
Do a Taylor catch and cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
No Taylor up this far north.
HotBanny 13
HotBanny 13 - 7 years ago
u forgot to bring ingredients for the salsa
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
No, I was just going to pan fry a fish.
Tyler Crane
Tyler Crane - 7 years ago
Hey Andy you should check out my channel I'm new to this and have no vids yet but I will give you a shout out + I've been subscribing and likeing
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
You have no videos, why do you want me to see your channel?
Deattached Edits
Deattached Edits - 7 years ago
Parrot fish
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
+Thomas Fisher I will some time.
Kin Demafeliz
Kin Demafeliz - 7 years ago
nice video Andy. keep it up!
Itstheninja1000 - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Threadfin or Atlantic?
Sonia Acosta
Sonia Acosta - 7 years ago
my name is andy
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Here it says Sonia.
Elpidio Espinoza
Elpidio Espinoza - 7 years ago
Tilapia is best IHAW style.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I did a Bass like this a few months ago in one of my videos.
ImpactSeize - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
You need to be more specific.
wolfdragonz 11
wolfdragonz 11 - 7 years ago
why cant u eat fish that u want to dispose anyways?very weird regulation. Eat unwanted pest fish is one of humane method to terminate this creature instead of just kill and throw them into pit..what a wasted
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I totally agree with you, it's very silly indeed.
MOHD ISKANDAR Shafie - 7 years ago
you can kill it but can't eat it...a little weird
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
It's actually a stupid law, no one will try to catch them.
osdani amatitlan
osdani amatitlan - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Not in my country, but I'd like to in Florida.
Jef Pascual
Jef Pascual - 7 years ago
Hi andy, i really enjoy your catch n cook vids. Can u catch snakeheads and catfish and cook em.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I have already cooked a bunch of catfish. I'm sure I'll do more, but some other fish first.
PeaceKeeperMoe - 7 years ago
Fantastic video Andy, the videograpy/cinematography is brilliant! Great seeing you do what you do best mate. I truly hope your house repairs are going well?! Thanks for sharing these moments with us... truly inspirational stuff :D
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
No worries, I just wish I could capture more.
ohioflyfisher03 - 7 years ago
tilapia is a great fish here in USA we eat a ton of them
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Yes, and in many countries around the world.
Max Morrison
Max Morrison - 7 years ago
I can't believe you took a banana fishing
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Don't believe everything you hear or even see!
Max Morrison
Max Morrison - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing I've always heard it's bad luck while fishing
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I take a banana fishing every time I go out, it's my thing!
HYPE BEAST - 7 years ago
i tell you guys tilapia is so delicious...there is so many tilapia's in philipines
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Tell +Adrian aspe where they are. He lives I'm the Philippines.
brandonptf - 7 years ago
hi andy i dont even fish but i love watching ur video hehe
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I have a few people follow me for things other than catching fish, it's all cool.
Caleb Outdoors
Caleb Outdoors - 7 years ago
Ok andy
Saad Shariff
Saad Shariff - 7 years ago
awesome videos ,you should catch and cook snake head next
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
They will be fine to eat, even tasty.
Saad Shariff
Saad Shariff - 7 years ago
Awesome, but if u can pls make one because I'm going on a fishing trip and I want to know if it is goo to eat
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Our snake heads are pretty small, but a good idea. We call them Gudgeon. Max size is about 40cm, usually 20cm.
Caleb Outdoors
Caleb Outdoors - 7 years ago
Can you do a fishing video when you are on a jetty
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I will have to find a jetty. There aren't too many here. Not ones you can fish off.
Kyle Ernst
Kyle Ernst - 7 years ago
cool. just one question in the one were you were eating your bait the snakes were they gummy I mist that.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Yes, next time it's either reef fish or Barramundi on that.
Kyle Ernst
Kyle Ernst - 7 years ago
wow the fish loved that too
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Yes, basically gelatine and sugar
Kyle Ernst
Kyle Ernst - 7 years ago
I love watching your video's
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Very clean and nice. Over seas it's a staple food.
Kyle Ernst
Kyle Ernst - 7 years ago
so me and my boy want to try tilapia how's it taste
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Cool. My newest one is going very well.
Kyle Ernst
Kyle Ernst - 7 years ago
I subscribe to you. subscribe to me at Kyle Ernst channel
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Caleb Outdoors
Caleb Outdoors - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Caleb Outdoors
Caleb Outdoors - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the siclone deputy because I am in Tasmania
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Why would that make you feel bad.
Kyvin Fajardo
Kyvin Fajardo - 7 years ago
i liked your video...but what tittle of the song
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Ah, bugger, I forgot to include that. I can't find that anymore, sorry.
Caleb Outdoors
Caleb Outdoors - 7 years ago
Ok you are so cool
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Caleb Outdoors
Caleb Outdoors - 7 years ago
Bream catch and cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Getting a few requests for Bream CnC.  I'll do one.
Im a Panda
Im a Panda - 7 years ago
had tilapia once never again.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Really?  Must have been old or bad cooking.
Fiona Bailey
Fiona Bailey - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I will have to try them on a trip south, they don't live here.
Joe Nathan White
Joe Nathan White - 7 years ago
I dont really understand. If Tilapia is a pest for the water, why is it illegal to eat them? Why do you have to kill it and put it away?
Joe Nathan White
Joe Nathan White - 7 years ago
100% agree
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Our QLD gov is very backwards in some aspects of it's thinking...
There should be rewards for Tilapia and many recipes on how to eat that fish, not illegal!
Tahleena Jones
Tahleena Jones - 7 years ago
Did u scale it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Not when when you fillet it.  I show you in the video.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I reply to all new comments.
Fake Sektor
Fake Sektor - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
camron Crosby
camron Crosby - 7 years ago
I use talapia for my pond they eat my grass and also I catch them before they die off in the fall and eat them very good
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Tilapia is a staple food fish in many countries.  Good to hear.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I like to encourage people to get out and enjoy nature.
Mata Kail
Mata Kail - 7 years ago
tilapia is good eating in asia. Well i like it too.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
We have some silly rules.
dalexdalex - 7 years ago
This is a bass, or tilapia fishing ?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I go fishing for Bass and catch and eat Tilapia. So both.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Ben Aslette
Ben Aslette - 7 years ago
Can you do a Barra or jack catch and cook in your boat
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I have some of those. Or do you mean something different?
Alex K-J
Alex K-J - 7 years ago
I got that reel from my grandpa for my bday couple of years ago and I caught one of my biggest fish on it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Dominic Le
Dominic Le - 7 years ago
You smacked 17 times in 30 seconds
Dominic Le
Dominic Le - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing I just smack love to smack be out smack here on the water smack smack can't smack beat smack it smack
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I think you need a better hobby.
Ben Lindsey
Ben Lindsey - 7 years ago
People are such dicks in your comments. You do you and don't listen to those idiots. Best of luck to you
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Usually when someone has an issue it's because they are ignorant, insecure or just a tool. I would have stopped long ago if I let them bother me. Good to bad comments is like 100:1
Isaac Pedrazzoli
Isaac Pedrazzoli - 7 years ago
Do Redfin perch
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I will, but they are about 1500-2000km from where I live.
th3 p00r
th3 p00r - 7 years ago
that's a canoe, not kayak, Andy.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Why, yes it is. I had been using a kayak for the past 10 years and it's hard to get out of the habit of saying kayak.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Markus S
Markus S - 7 years ago
Peter Griffin ich spreche auch deutsch
Lochlan Purser
Lochlan Purser - 7 years ago
akitaken right
akitaken - 7 years ago
Red Is Dead Uhh... you mean him putting his fishing lure back in the water? If you know how to catch fish without putting the lure in the water, i'd be pretty impressed to hear about your technique.
Peter Griffin
Peter Griffin - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing kannst du deutsch
Iam Saintly
Iam Saintly - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing 7:21 did you just litter in the river?
blokegogodoe - 7 years ago
try a shark! Very good eating if cooked correctly. Make sure you bleed it and take skin off asap
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I will be doing something like this soon.
Leonix isgay
Leonix isgay - 7 years ago
Tarradarrabro takes off the scales and then filit
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
What's the point of scaling a fish you fillet? Unless you don't skin it.

100. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347

Fisherman Hunter
Fisherman Hunter - 7 years ago
Can you catch and cook a flathead?
Fisherman Hunter
Fisherman Hunter - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing That's cause you make fun quality videos, keep it up. I rather watch your videos than tv fishing shows, they advertise too much gear and push it too much!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
My videos are watching in 250 countries.
Fisherman Hunter
Fisherman Hunter - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing You're world famous now lol
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Ok, most requests come from Australia, cool.
Fisherman Hunter
Fisherman Hunter - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing I know, there aren't any here in the US, It would be cool to watch a catch and cook on it.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I find flathead a bit boring to fish for, but yes I will.
Fisherman Hunter
Fisherman Hunter - 7 years ago
Need to bleed those tilapia before killing them, that takes the muddy flavor away. You lost quite a bit of mean on that fillet, but they are not even worth stressing it lol. Thanks for the video, I enjoy watching them!
Fisherman Hunter
Fisherman Hunter - 7 years ago
Sounds like a good idea!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I might try and set up an everyone catch and kill day for some Tilapia.
Fisherman Hunter
Fisherman Hunter - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing True that, they are everywhere here in Florida!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
That was a terrible knife, and the last place I fished had millions of them, doesn't mater if we waste a bit.
Louis Banfield
Louis Banfield - 7 years ago
Always have a banana
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
No t always, but I wish I did always.
Oliver Collier
Oliver Collier - 7 years ago
I hope you can get to million subs soon you are great ceep doing what your doing never give up and yea have fun !!!!!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
The would be nice.
BUCKIN CHRIS - 7 years ago
Yes we eat a lot of talapia in America
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
And why not, we should too.
iwilleatyoursandwich sometimelater
iwilleatyoursandwich sometimelater - 7 years ago
Here in Texas we eat Tilapia all the time, breaded is very good!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Yes, I hear that. How do you catch them there?
skyym3 - 7 years ago
Great video bro. I love watching and learning. Thanks for the info.
I did have one question, I read the laws and requirements of Talapia fish and I saw where it said "it must not be kept, fed, given away, sold, or released into the environment without a permit". I did not see anything about eating the fish or consumption of Talapia. Just curious as to whether one cannot eat them if caught, maybe as long as it is done away from the lake.
I have eaten Talapia many times and it is a tasty fish, with no fishy flavor what so ever. I also live in the U.S. and pretty much any canal in the western states, have Talapia swimming in them.
Thanks again for the video and information.
God Bless bro.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure Tilapia came from Africa and have infested many continents, they are a bad pest fish. But they also offer fast growing protein.
skyym3 - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing .... That makes sense if they are an invasive species and over taking the native population of fish. I will have to look into the history of Talapia for the State I live in. I have always been told they are a trash fish, but never an illegal fish. They could be native where I live, not really sure of that. Thanks again for the video and the reply.
Definitely, thumbs up.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
It is a bit of an unclear legislation. It does not say you can't eat it, but the government will tell you it's illegal, over the phone or in an email. Taking it away from he lake is a big no-no. As you are translocating it, that is actually the biggest problem. I asked for clarification on it, but never got a response. Eating it in my kayak could be the loophole.
Igor Mandic
Igor Mandic - 7 years ago
Haven't seen you catch Jewish could you do a segment on them plz
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
We don't get many here, but maybe with live bait some time.
Shaun - 7 years ago
Too bad he didn't have a...

Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I don't see what's so great about lemons. That means you can't taste the fish.
Richard Anderson
Richard Anderson - 7 years ago
Bananas on boats = bad luck or so my father used to say .
Love your videos!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Not on my boat, I love them.
Steffon jackson
Steffon jackson - 7 years ago
he like bananas
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Very much. Eat them every day.
Zach Snidly
Zach Snidly - 7 years ago
In America people eat tilapia all the time... It is farmed I and very tasty
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Yes, very true. Different rules here.
Rogan Hoffmanns
Rogan Hoffmanns - 7 years ago
Tilapia are good eating , that is a big tilapia
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Yes, biggest I have seen.
Luke McKenzie
Luke McKenzie - 7 years ago
Hey andy! Just wondering if I could get a few tips on how to properly kill my fish? My favourite is just a solid knife to the neck and then straight into the meat grinder. What do you do? Have you tried mincing your fish before?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I mince to make fish cakes.  Fastest way is a brain spike, I have a video on it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
They are very teasty.
Fortnite God
Fortnite God - 7 years ago
Keep doing the catch and cooks, I love it when you say, "Very noice"
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I like it when there is something nice to eat.
J. K. Martin
J. K. Martin - 7 years ago
Why is it illegal to eat the tilapia there?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
That's a shame, humans will destroy the planned becuase of greed... Very sad.
J. K. Martin
J. K. Martin - 7 years ago
I wish we could eat the tilapia here on Oahu, but most if not all of our fresh and brackish water is polluted.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I am still awaiting proper clafication on that, but so you don't spread the eggs.
Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 7 years ago
DUNCH not dinner!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Jim Moua
Jim Moua - 7 years ago
Your videos are amazing, top notch, I hope one day I can do what you do. Keep the videos coming!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Thank you, I hope to.
Michael D’Eath
Michael D’Eath - 7 years ago
Nice banana
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Love the Banana's
murdman87 - 7 years ago
hey Andy!
just stumbled onto your channel and loving it so far. the catch and cook episodes are great. would love to see you do some luderick fishing. this is my favourite style of fishing, and they taste great. have a go next time you are near the clarence. yamba holds some monster blackfish! cheers mate, keep up the good work.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
Thnaks for that.
murdman87 - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing absolutely. they are a great fish. they fight well and taste amazing. if you want any tips feel free to hit me up. or join my Facebook group. just search for "luderick/blackfish fishing".
it's a great group with a bunch of very knowledgeable guys. very friendly and happy to give out advice.
murdman87 - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing absolutely. they are a great fish. they fight well and taste amazing. if you want any tips feel free to hit me up. or join my Facebook group. just search for "luderick/blackfish fishing".
it's a great group with a bunch of very knowledgeable guys. very friendly and happy to give out advice.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 7 years ago
I've never fished for Luderic. I might have to do some more southern saltwater fishing.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
The last one took a while!
adrian martin
adrian martin - 8 years ago
indeed..nice video btw...
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
adrian martin
adrian martin - 8 years ago
talapia is a nice fish to eat if you know how to do it properly.we acually breed this fish way to do it is by boiling it with a lot of ginger also salt and flavor
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes it is. But we have different laws.
xx4x4x4 - 8 years ago
goood oll fuckinn brain spikeee babyyyy hell yaa andy! had to be done
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Fastest way.
EL Anass
EL Anass - 8 years ago
How do u catch them with your hand so they stay still !!! ??
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
You hold them tight enough so they don't want to move but not enough to hurt them.
FAE NINJA - 8 years ago
Go for flathead
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes I will, and catch n cook too.
Tiger Yang
Tiger Yang - 8 years ago
these fish are similar to white bass over here. People always complain about the muddy flavors both the fish inhibit but if fileted correctly they taste as good as any other fish.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Some muddy taste comes from the fat. It's easy to cut off.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Macca13 - 8 years ago
hey mate love your videos. ewen maddock dam is my local dam and i was there the day you were but on the other side of the dam.
keep up the good work
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good stuff. I think I saw 3 other fisherman that day.
Wade Baune
Wade Baune - 8 years ago
Love your videos! Looking forward to more. Just a heads up, a you tube fishing channel Key West Kayak Fishing has a video out asking for catch and cook videos. He's going to make a video sharing these from other you tubers. Yours always make me hungry, you'd fit right in. Hope it helps.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you for the heads up. I have added my video to his comments. Every bit helps. New video out 2 hours EP.348 I hope you like it, let me know.
Lanky Schnitzel a.k.a Big Shrimpin'
Lanky Schnitzel a.k.a Big Shrimpin' - 8 years ago
Ando? U all good bro??
Haven't heard from ya for a while... Everything o.k?
Lanky Schnitzel a.k.a Big Shrimpin'
Lanky Schnitzel a.k.a Big Shrimpin' - 8 years ago
+Andy's Fishing Sweet as. Was starting to miss ya :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yeah all good. Uploading later today.
James Hanna
James Hanna - 8 years ago
hey mate soon i may have a challenge for ya if u feel it barra on a 10 inch snake profile
James Hanna
James Hanna - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing yea man will get u a couple up there as soon as i get the mol cut shes gonna be biiig
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Even so. Would love to try them for Barra.
James Hanna
James Hanna - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing yea i actually had it designed for cod
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Maybe even Murray Cod, they'd love them.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Sure, it is the season.
kel shaw
kel shaw - 8 years ago
Hook a huge flatty for me
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have some Flatty videos.
djs proo
djs proo - 8 years ago
more vids
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
They are coming. But I notice donations aren't.
Blake's Fishing
Blake's Fishing - 8 years ago
Andy it's been 2 months mate, we need more videos !! Love your videos
Boomerang BWA
Boomerang BWA - 6 years ago
+Andy's Fishing Wild Cook we need new vid mate!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will have one up on Tuesday
richard mitchell
richard mitchell - 8 years ago
It is actually illegal to eat Tilapia when caught in Queensland...but when you get them you have to kill them....why can you eat them if you have to kill it?
richard mitchell
richard mitchell - 7 years ago
did you ever get clarification?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I am still waiting on clarification from Biosecurity QLD for the right information. I can't find the documentation in the legislation, although in an email I was told it is illegal.
TheAwesomeJ Hogan
TheAwesomeJ Hogan - 8 years ago
Y haven't you uploaded in so long
TheAwesomeJ Hogan
TheAwesomeJ Hogan - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing thanks your the best I watched u every time u uploaded
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm editing right now, it's a long one!
Blaise Camilleri
Blaise Camilleri - 8 years ago
Andy? Taking a break?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Been busy earning money so I can keep making videos.
Mohd Taufik
Mohd Taufik - 8 years ago
Andy , where are you ?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Been busy working. Next video is up Tuesday.
Harrison Deller
Harrison Deller - 8 years ago
Hay Andy was just wondering if you get much trouble from the crocs up there
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Interesting question, the short answer is no, but it only takes one incident to me a huge problem.
Ollie Priv
Ollie Priv - 8 years ago
I love the vids but I dislike that at the end of every sentence your voice goes higher, you do seem like a true Aussie bloke.
Ollie Priv
Ollie Priv - 8 years ago
Nah she'll be right im used to it now, keep up the good videos
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
My friends tell me I do that because I am excited about what I'm talking about, would you rather a boring monotone voice?
Dale Smith
Dale Smith - 8 years ago
Hey Andy when is the next video? We miss you!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Been busy, because it doesn't pay much even at 50k subs I have to do other work.
TheAwesomeJ Hogan
TheAwesomeJ Hogan - 8 years ago
Andy upload!!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It's coming
Jef Santos
Jef Santos - 8 years ago
been waiting for morethan 2 months now when will you have a new video?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm working on it. It's been a very busy time for me.
GamerKing101 - 8 years ago
When are you making another video
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It's coming very soon
Liam A.
Liam A. - 8 years ago
Seems like it would be a good thing for people to eat the tilapia, I imagine it would help bring down the population and make it more controllable.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It would be good if common sense was more common. Target the pest fish and take them out is what I say.
Liam A.
Liam A. - 8 years ago
I live in the East US in Maryland, here we have Asian carp and snakeheads both being invasive species, local DNR says if you catch them you are to kill them, they don't care what you do with them so long as they are killed. The snakehead and Asian carp are both good tasting fish, restaurants around here even pay money for the snakehead fish and Asian carp.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That would make sense to me too.  But government always makes laws so that the people who are less knowledgeable don't cause more problems.  So many laws are there to protect ourselves from ourselves.  I say bring on natural selection once again.
Hooked Up
Hooked Up - 8 years ago
hey andy im looking foward to another video
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Cool, looks like you have some fun.
Hooked Up
Hooked Up - 8 years ago
checkout my youtube channel andy, love your videos, keep it up
Hooked Up
Hooked Up - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Hopefully not too faraway.
xLuckyDevil - 8 years ago
What kind of camera are you using ? GoPro? Btw everyone reply me with #DABASS IF u like Candy Or 285lBS coca Cola
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Mostly Gopro
Epicgamer1407 Boss
Epicgamer1407 Boss - 8 years ago
Andy when I first watched your video ep. 221 it got me motivated to go outside
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good stuff, so the next few episodes should make you run outside, ha ha ha.
Epicgamer1407 Boss
Epicgamer1407 Boss - 8 years ago
Alex Wong
Alex Wong - 8 years ago
Hey~Andy where you going ?why long time no see you upload the new video?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I've been busy, need to pay the bills too, but uploading again soon.
Rhys Lesage
Rhys Lesage - 8 years ago
Where do you get your lures from
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
All over the place. Some are donated.
Rhys Lesage
Rhys Lesage - 8 years ago
Tilapia taste like a rubber tire
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Mine was tasty.
wait why is it illegal to eat the Tilapia over there?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I still actually haven't found that bit of legislation.
Landon Lambert
Landon Lambert - 8 years ago
Andy, hope all is well. Haven't seen a video from you in awhile. Been missing you and your videos.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm still busy. Coming soon.
Rex .B
Rex .B - 8 years ago
When is your next video coming out?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Working on it now
camo Sull
camo Sull - 8 years ago
whens your next video out
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm working on it, but the fish aren't helping.
underscorekyle - 8 years ago
hey Andy, anyway when is the next video coming up?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm still working on it.
Pigston - 8 years ago
It was so funny how the fish just flopped on the ground at 7:18
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That fish is no more...
drayton James
drayton James - 8 years ago
U can eat talopia
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes and they taste good.
aripenik - 8 years ago
Andy, Where are you? Is it everything o.k. with you??
aripenik - 8 years ago
Good to know you are fine. I keep my fingers crossed for you to catch those targeted fish and for my self also.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes all good, been busy and working, also not catching the fish I want.
camo Sull
camo Sull - 8 years ago
mate we're are you it's been like 2 months since you posted last I really hope there is a video coming very soon
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I am working on it.
AaronG PRODUCTIONS - 8 years ago
Bananas give you bad luck when your fishing
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Not me.  I always take Banana's fishing.
Flnn - 8 years ago
Congrats on 50k legend
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you, looking forward to 100,000 now.
Hxrry - 8 years ago
Hey Andy I live in the glass house mountains 10 minutes away from the Ewen Maddock Dam
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That's cool.
Aizatt Ismail
Aizatt Ismail - 8 years ago
what a life! really admire u. maybe one fine day i can do it all by myself.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Take it easy, small steps and be safe, but I am sure you can.
Miller Wilson
Miller Wilson - 8 years ago
Congratulations on 50,000 subscribers Andy! You're by far my favourite fishing channel on YouTube. Keep up the great work mate :)
Heelxkyloray! - 6 years ago
Holy crap u both are both aaawwwsssooommeee and both of my favorite youtubers XD
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thanks Miller.  You are doing very well yourself.  I have seen a few of your videos.
Nomad - 8 years ago
Hey Andy was just wondering if you use swivel clips or re-tie your lure whenever you wish to change
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I always re-tie.  I have used clips that fail before.
Jeiel Canas
Jeiel Canas - 8 years ago
always with banana together
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I am always with Banana.
Bee Gee
Bee Gee - 8 years ago
Can anyone answer to me exactly why it is illegal to feed on the fish and actually make use of the pest rather then just disposing of it? Why can you legally catch them and forcably have to kill them due to them being invasive but you can't eat them... That makes no sense to me
Bee Gee
Bee Gee - 8 years ago
Thanks for replying, please inform me if you get an answer I truly would like to know why they wouldn't allow people to eat it/not encourage it. They're well liked here in America. (taste wise they're a pest here too)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That is why I ate it, to find out if it tastes bad.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I asked the DPI/Biosecurity people why but not received an answer yet.
Bee Gee
Bee Gee - 8 years ago
also, I watch a couple Aussies here and they always say it tastes bad or thats the general understanding at least, and it's the opposite over here in the States, people love that nasty ass fish lol.
matthew murphy
matthew murphy - 8 years ago
where are the videos? :(
matthew murphy
matthew murphy - 8 years ago
Number 1
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Still busy, they are coming.
Judy Fisk
Judy Fisk - 8 years ago
Hay Andy where is Andy hiding. We all miss you on YouTube
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yeah, I will post more soonish.
Ben Fisha
Ben Fisha - 8 years ago
When's your next upload Andy, been waiting...
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Still a little more time.  But it's coming.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
They are coming
thomas groszmann
thomas groszmann - 8 years ago
Come on andy we need a new video, been waiting a year literally
James Hanna
James Hanna - 8 years ago
jaocb goodall haha mate he needs the $$$ to make the vids to get the subs so he makes the $$$ its a loop it aint cheap car petrol boat fuel lures some places u pay access for ect n he could spend days on the water which i imagine would happen often where he catches nothing but he still has money to make those trips happen
jaocb goodall
jaocb goodall - 8 years ago
Andy, what do you mean by that? Are you relying on people to donate? The more videos you produce the more subs you get. The more subs the more views witch then ends up bigger $$. You'll find people will also donate more if they are seeing new videos weekly
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Not even close to a year. I noticed no one has donated either....
Lukes Fishing AUS
Lukes Fishing AUS - 8 years ago
great he bloody quit
Lukes Fishing AUS
Lukes Fishing AUS - 8 years ago
hag on i see its to hot to fish during a summer day gotcha now sorry andy
Lukes Fishing AUS
Lukes Fishing AUS - 8 years ago
have you quit for good andy
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Quit what?  I can't film when it's dark.
Nick Muscat
Nick Muscat - 8 years ago
when's your next video coming up Andy? starting to get itchy waiting for the weather to clear up and hit the water haha
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm working on it...
Mick L
Mick L - 8 years ago
Hello Andy! Happy New Year & still your loyal fans ! Wish you all the best of luck in whatever you're doing & stay fit !
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thanks and the same to you.
Rhys Van Nek
Rhys Van Nek - 8 years ago
hey andy mate, was completely suprised in seeing you in yeppoon the other day, i just wanted to let you know as soon as you left we caught a 63cm barra, let him go of course. but was stocked!!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Hi Rhys. I bet you'll catch good fish there often. I found a cool spot with hundreds of lungfish (no catch species), really cool to see. But no video yet.
cole petersen
cole petersen - 8 years ago
It seems like kind of a waste just to kill and not eat the fish...
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, it doesn't make much sense to me.
Joshua Ryan
Joshua Ryan - 8 years ago
you haven't bin uploading
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yep, busy working, but soon.
Joshua Agius
Joshua Agius - 8 years ago
Hay Andy I love watching your vids but a piece of advise if u want to get rid of the blood tie the fish up by its mouth and then cut its throat and put it in the water and tie it to the boat until u r done fishing or when u r ready that's what we do with the Barra we catch
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I do a similar thing with many of my fish. But I didn't think I needed to bleed that one. Now I know I need to.
BB BB - 8 years ago
where are the vids andy
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Busy with other things right now, but hopefully soon.
killafocker - 8 years ago
That's a shitty cutting job
ROD BEND - 8 years ago
Are you going to post Andy.
ROD BEND - 8 years ago
Ok thankyou
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I will, but first I need to fish.
joe coquerre
joe coquerre - 8 years ago
Tilapia is actually very good to eat,you'll find it in every supermarket in Europe,lots of fisheries raised them in farms,cheap and good.for people who cannot afford expensive fish.
Epic Earthgamer
Epic Earthgamer - 8 years ago
wait,you just said that any part of that fish s body don t goes in the water and some secs later you threw those bones in the water
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes they were cooked
Sam SPRO - 8 years ago
Hey Andy, you are are my favourite ytber. Thanks for being a huge inspiration in my life and making such amazing vids! Do you have any meet and greets or do you ever go fishing with your fans? Thanks, your the best!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm sure I will do some meet and greets in the future.  If you see me out and about come say hi.
Amanda Svoboda
Amanda Svoboda - 8 years ago Bass Fishing Facebook Group!Join today to join this close community of people who love to fish and share their stories and pictures with one another!
MsMissyMinecraft - 8 years ago
Do you have any recommended kayaking spots in North Queensland?
Preferably fresh water.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
The dams are safest.
Joshua Agius
Joshua Agius - 8 years ago
MsMissyMinecraft I would say kitchant dam or I would prefer to go to teenbarra dam bc there is not scears and a lot of snags to catch some good ones on
lolutkhimtodabarl - 8 years ago
Man, I am DYING for another episode.
Slow Diver
Slow Diver - 8 years ago
I'm struggling to find videos that I haven't watched... hah been on an Andy bender of late.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
My older videos are pretty good too.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have hundreds of videos already uploaded.
Matt Miller
Matt Miller - 8 years ago
lolutkhimtodabarl where is Andy
Jakob Davis
Jakob Davis - 8 years ago
Hey Andy i am keen for another video how come you haven't uploaded lately??
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Feel free to watch some of my other 300+ videos, while I do some work so that I can make more videos.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Everyone wants, but no one donates....
Jakob Davis
Jakob Davis - 8 years ago
Ryan M ok I didn't need to know that cranky pants
SirLobsterman - 8 years ago
I find it ridiculous have to kill a edible fish but aren't allowed to eat it.........
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, very strange rule.
Gijs Seirved
Gijs Seirved - 8 years ago
Andy are You still alive or been eaten by a shark lately? Im waiting for weeks for the new uploads... please come back soon :-)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Just busy, am hoping to do a trip soon.
Harry Feckner
Harry Feckner - 8 years ago
I reckon you should do an episode on amberjacks and palegic species
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I should, but they don't live where I live.
Harry Feckner
Harry Feckner - 8 years ago
Andy can you take my dad and I fishing because he works really hard and I think he deserves a fishing trip that he will remember forever. I will really appreciate it!! :) thanks
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I do fly fishing charters, need to pay the bills some how.
Harry Feckner
Harry Feckner - 8 years ago
When can you
Harry Feckner
Harry Feckner - 8 years ago
Sorry about that comment that's my little brother same as the first comment but I wrote the others.
Harry Feckner
Harry Feckner - 8 years ago
Can you do another episode please
Harry Feckner
Harry Feckner - 8 years ago
When will you upload again I really miss your videos?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Not right now, I need to work to earn money.
rebecca geurts
rebecca geurts - 8 years ago
u should do another how to make a fly vid
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes it's been a while.
rebecca geurts
rebecca geurts - 8 years ago
whens the next vid mate
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm getting asked that 2-3 times a day, i'm still a bit busy, and now the weather is crap, over 400mm of rain in 5 days!  Everything is flooding.
JAMES FRANCIS Gorman - 8 years ago
I guess andy dont make bad vids lol good vid as allways man :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thanks, some of my first ones are a bit slow, but then my most popular one was EP.21
zac irvine
zac irvine - 8 years ago
Andy mate can't wait for the next upload!
zac irvine
zac irvine - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing no worries mate no matter what your only gonna gain subs!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I really need to do one, I've just been so busy.
hussein alagic
hussein alagic - 8 years ago
Hey Andy love the vids, was just wondering what are your thoughts on the new sienna fe series are they worth buying?
hussein alagic
hussein alagic - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing thanks :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I find Sienna's great value for money, so yes.
Faizal Samsi
Faizal Samsi - 8 years ago
Hey Andy, been waiting for a new upload. Hope you won't make your subs wait any longer!
Faizal Samsi
Faizal Samsi - 8 years ago
Ryan M I only said it because I actually enjoy this channel more than the other fishing channels. Did I even force Andy? I'm sorry if it sounds forced. But really Ryan, just shut up. I wasn't even talking to you.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Everyone wants all the time, very few give... I will upload again as soon as I can, I need to earn money too.
TJ Rivera
TJ Rivera - 8 years ago
hey Andy it's been more than a month! post a new video please :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Everyone wants all the time, very few give... I will upload again as soon as I can, I need to earn money too.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yep, good to hear.
TheAwesomeJ Hogan
TheAwesomeJ Hogan - 8 years ago
Upload it's been 5 ever not 4 ever
TheAwesomeJ Hogan
TheAwesomeJ Hogan - 8 years ago
It's been longer then 4 ever
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
What are you trying to say?
Ivana Gulic
Ivana Gulic - 8 years ago
tilapia are known for there taste, very good eating fish
Ivana Gulic
Ivana Gulic - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing yes very true but i reckon its stupid to waste it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I agree, but different places have different laws.
Caelan Reynolds
Caelan Reynolds - 8 years ago
Hey andy when's the new vid coming
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Still a while yet, now I'm free (almost) it won't stop raining...
weiyi zong
weiyi zong - 8 years ago
Hey Andy, where have you been? Kinda miss your videos
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Busy working and family stuff. Should be back on deck soon.
CastinCajun - 8 years ago
great video and love the channel!!

Check this ours out if you get the chance, think you will enjoy it!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I like your Snapper on the oil rig video.
Jahed Elkassaa
Jahed Elkassaa - 8 years ago
andy its been a month, anything wrong ? no videos in a month makes me crave some catch n cook action. happy new year and hoping to see more videos soon :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I know. I have been busy with family and now doing some work, but I should get some up soon. Hang in there...
jaocb goodall
jaocb goodall - 8 years ago
Hey Andy, when is your next upload?
jaocb goodall
jaocb goodall - 8 years ago
That's alright just so eager for a new video haha love these videos because they are actually only good ones based in Aus on YouTube
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm working towards getting out again, but it'll be a few more days yet, sorry.
Scott Nelson
Scott Nelson - 8 years ago
to day
Blady Gunz
Blady Gunz - 8 years ago
hi Andy, are u ok? dont seen more videos in ur account. peace
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I know. I have been busy with family and now doing some work, but I should get some up soon. Hang in there...
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have been busy with family and now doing some work, but I should get some up soon. Hang in there...
TheMemeSquadYTp's - 8 years ago
TheMemeSquadYTp's - 8 years ago
oohhhhh understood
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I know, I am still working on other stuff. Tax doesn't do itself or mowing or repairs or ... I won't go on.
Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 8 years ago
sorry about replying on other vids u may be creeped out but im ur #1 fan still nothing creepy
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Nah, all good, the more publicity the better, even on other people's channels.
Jeffrey stafford
Jeffrey stafford - 8 years ago
when are you going to make more pig hunting videos
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I don't have access to properties at the moment.  Too many red necks have spoiled it for everyone.  But I hope to again this year.
Chris Bird
Chris Bird - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Glad you liked it.
jacques de villiers
jacques de villiers - 8 years ago
When is your next upload, Andy?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I still have some work to do before I can focus on videos again.
Alex Pettett
Alex Pettett - 8 years ago
what's the best lure for bass and tarpon
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That would be multiple lures for each, and it depends on what area you are fishing.
Kjellden - 8 years ago
And u know ur the only utuber that replays to my posts :D
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I try to reply to everyones posts.
Kjellden - 8 years ago
Happy new year everyonee
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Happy New Year Caius.
Kjellden - 8 years ago
Aww I'm ruling that looks so good
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Twas rather tasty.
camo Sull
camo Sull - 8 years ago
and you should chase some jewfish/ mullaway
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+camo Sull
Always a possibility.
camo Sull
camo Sull - 8 years ago
mabey for the future if you come down to the coast
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Don't seem to get many of those here.
camo Sull
camo Sull - 8 years ago
when are you bringing out a new vid it's been a while now
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, soon I hope
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance - 8 years ago
Only drop by your channel once in a while but I love your videos, especially the catch and cook ones, the presentation is great and you seem mighty cheerful.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That's cool.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good to hear.
MASSBASS 21 - 8 years ago
Talapia very common in USA
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, they are pests there too.
fishing sunshine coast
fishing sunshine coast - 8 years ago
hi andy just wondering what backing pound and what backing do you use on your sienna 2500
fishing sunshine coast
fishing sunshine coast - 8 years ago
thanks andy
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I try to include that in each video, right now I think it's 12 lb but no idea what brand, I took it off another reel. Sorry.
Dale Smith
Dale Smith - 8 years ago
When's the next video Andy??
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Soon I hope
cody vwjj
cody vwjj - 8 years ago
never listen to anyone when they say the tilapia meat is terrible, they are my top ten fish I would eat
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes it does taste good. But different places have different laws.
emily Gonzalez
emily Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Tilapia are much tastier than bass, they're popular to eat in the states
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That may be so. But we have different laws here.
Chloe Campa
Chloe Campa - 8 years ago
welcome thank you
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Me too. Even though it caused a bit if controversy.
Michelle Hunt
Michelle Hunt - 8 years ago
Hey andy or anyone that knows, we're can I find the gloves andy wears in most of his vids.
Thank You.
Michelle Hunt
Michelle Hunt - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing thanks andy, apreciate it.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Local fishing shop or on line search Go-so sun globe
Thomas Whiteman
Thomas Whiteman - 8 years ago
When is the new video coming andy?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm hoping soon. Pretty busy still.
Mick L
Mick L - 8 years ago
The tilapias are luxurious food for dinner in Chinese's tradition lol
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes. Different country different attitude.
Chloe Campa
Chloe Campa - 8 years ago
your s fost person that i talk to on youtube
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you. I feel honoured.
Chloe Campa
Chloe Campa - 8 years ago
no problem
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
This white trash needs some manners.
Christopher Esquilin
Christopher Esquilin - 8 years ago
scale first Andy. horrible fillet knife too.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Christopher Esquilin
And Thanks for watching, despite how my replies my seem, they are all welcome.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Christopher Esquilin
They are a pest fish, and I had the wrong knife.  If it doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother you too much.
Christopher Esquilin
Christopher Esquilin - 8 years ago
+Andy's Fishing u cut like half the fish dude. waste of a fillet. good show though. big fan
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
No need to scale, but you also state the obvious, I said it was the wrong knife.
Oversteer JZS171
Oversteer JZS171 - 8 years ago
hey mate theres someone on youtube with an account name MovieW New making bulk copies of your vids . lettin ya know
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Cheers, thanks for that. They pop up every month or two, I'll get them banned. It's been a while since I did a search for them.
Passkin - 8 years ago
I think you should shorten your videos. Hope this helps get you more subscribers.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Actually the longer ones seem to do better.
Zahn Quinlan
Zahn Quinlan - 8 years ago
When u gonna post
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That didn't work.  So much rain here this week, 400mm so far!
Zahn Quinlan
Zahn Quinlan - 8 years ago
Thx dieing to see a video
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
When I get time to fish, hopefully in a few days.
Chloe Campa
Chloe Campa - 8 years ago
ok im a a big fan and i go fishing and i got to be able to make a catfish or any other kind of fish im a huge big fan!!!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That's cool, thanks for saying hi.
Christopher Riddick
Christopher Riddick - 8 years ago
Tilapia is actually pretty good it really depends on how you cook it and the seasoning you use.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, but Biosecurity QLD does not promote eating it, because it is a very noxious fish.
Maxer13 - 8 years ago
Why is it illegal to eat Tilapia in Queensland?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have been told that by Biosecurity QLD, but to this date, I still don't know where it says that in the legislation. It is to stop the spread of this pest fish here.
GamerKing101 - 8 years ago
When is your next video coming out
GamerKing101 - 8 years ago
Cool looking forward to it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
About 2-3 days after I get a chance to go fishing and filming, I'm very busy right now. I hope in the first few days of 2017.
damon webster
damon webster - 8 years ago
catch and cook a gt
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That could be on the cards, although I prefer to let them grow to a big size. People kill too many of them here and there aren't many big ones left.
Danny Yang
Danny Yang - 8 years ago
White people wasted alot of meat..
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Who you calling white?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Not enough money coming in.  Either more donations or more watchers, simples.
MYeahman - 8 years ago
Truuuuth, hope everything is good on Andy's end. Cant wait for more CnCs
Avery settle
Avery settle - 8 years ago
Eat another bass and I'm a pull up y eat a bass when u can eat fucking perch
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I don't know what you are saying or why you need to swear, but I will be eating Bass soon.
Kaitlynn Yutzy
Kaitlynn Yutzy - 8 years ago
talapia are not pest fish BC there bottom feeders most of the time an if ur saying there pest then ur saying catfish are also BC there pretty much the same fish just different bread an genes
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Different breed and genes means it's a different fish, simple.  Also catfish are native, where as Tilapia are not, you can't compare the two.
victor camitan
victor camitan - 8 years ago
Do you know that tilapia is of the food sources here in the Philippines? I'm why you considered it as pests why not considering it as a food source also?
victor camitan
victor camitan - 8 years ago
It really tastes good... Specially when grilled then dip in soy sauce with Philippine lime/citrus while eating...
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It tasted nice, but in my country it has no predators and can breed too fast and that means it either eats our natives or all their food and the wild fish starve.
Duncan Murray
Duncan Murray - 8 years ago
"Uploads every week" ??
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
If more people donated just $3 per month, (not week or day, but per month!)  I could but right now I am too busy working.
Nathan Billing
Nathan Billing - 8 years ago
Andy, I want you to eat a grinner next!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Really, that is mean.  Ha ha.
Rennie Edan Gonzales
Rennie Edan Gonzales - 8 years ago
Wondering why it is illegal? in our country it is staple food..
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Rennie Edan Gonzales
No stress, I always try to respond.
Rennie Edan Gonzales
Rennie Edan Gonzales - 8 years ago
Ohhh thats why.. thanks for answering. Great vid btw ☺
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Because Biosecurity QLD has classified it as a noxious pest fish, it threatens our native fish.
Lukas Stefas
Lukas Stefas - 8 years ago
Can u go bream fishing Andy ??
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will hopefully chase some sight casting bream soon.  Or perhaps down at the sunshine or gold coasts.
Mr Faded Shot
Mr Faded Shot - 8 years ago
Love the local content
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I hope to get back there soon.
Muhammad Farid
Muhammad Farid - 8 years ago
Andy,how are you? Is everything alright? Still Waiting for your new catch report
Muhammad Farid
Muhammad Farid - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing it's good to hear that...take care
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Hi Muhammad,  Yes, all ok, just very busy working.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I would like it to be.  Think about this.  Only 14% of my views are from subscribers, that means 85% aren't subscribed and of the 14% only 0.5% of people have ever donated to me.  YouTube pays very little until you have like 200,000 to 1,000,000 subscribers, so no I can't live off youtube yet, unless I squat in a tent and eat just a cup or rice everyday.  But where would I edit?
El chapo Fishing
El chapo Fishing - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing isn't YouTube your job ?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes it has and I need to work to survive. I will make more when I can.
Ivan Mondragon
Ivan Mondragon - 8 years ago
tilapias are delicious, what are u talking about!!!
Noah Ludford
Noah Ludford - 6 years ago
Ivan Mondragon Actually the farm raised one taste like seaweed.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, they are, but it's not aloud in QLD.
Kie Reynolds
Kie Reynolds - 8 years ago
Howdy Andy! You should try Tarpon sometime! That would be interesting to see what that would taste like.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I think quite boney. But yes, I should tryout some time.
Original Name
Original Name - 8 years ago
Your not a real fishermen you ate a fucking bannana
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Original Name
Says who?  The people that need an excuse is who.
Inductor back EMF
Inductor back EMF - 8 years ago
Original Name
Original Name - 8 years ago
It's bad luck bro
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
You're not a nice human, you swore at a fisherman that likes eating bananas.
Juan Aspi
Juan Aspi - 8 years ago
hi Andy, are you going to continue videos? I'd like to start donating!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Juan Aspi
That will change.  So enjoy it and remember the good times.
Juan Aspi
Juan Aspi - 8 years ago
+Andy's Fishing haha yeah, very busy time of year. I'm glad I'm still young and able to go as I want
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes I will. I'm busy with family over Christmas and New Years.
Kygo Gaming
Kygo Gaming - 8 years ago
Best YouTube ever
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you, be sure to share my stuff.
Montana White
Montana White - 8 years ago
bananas are bad luck to take fishing
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Only if you are fishing with Santaclause and the Tooth Fairy.
Montana White
Montana White - 8 years ago
In Hawaii we say its bad luck
Max Marshall
Max Marshall - 8 years ago
hello andy i have left comments on some of your other videos and hope you find them. one thing i mentioned in the previous comments was that i am very interested in your videos and that i have made a lure from a bullet shell and have now perfected the design but i am yet to make one and if i can get in touch i will send you one once i have built it. And if possible i will make a donation
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I saw and replied to that comment.
IDONTCAREWHO - 8 years ago
Even if I am not experiencing it personally. The beauty that's reflecting through the screen is just dazzling. For a second I forgot this was a fishing video because I got caught up in the sunset combined with the waters reflection and soft wind that could slightly be heard if you listen closely enough. I'm a City boy, but living like this is much more worth living for than being surrounded by technology. Your videos are amazing, keep doing what you're doing. I absolutely love them.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I agree with you.  I try to encourage kids get out and live in the real world.  We do need technology to make this filming possible, but it would be great if we didn't need it at all.
Umar Humam
Umar Humam - 8 years ago
upload agan jigging
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
As soon as I have time.
Otniel Amat
Otniel Amat - 8 years ago
it's a female tilapia
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
How do you know?
Chloe Campa
Chloe Campa - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you for watching.  Nice comment. Sorry No one here plays minecraft.
YeahTheBoys - 8 years ago
you chucked the bones in the water ya fuckhead 17:47
YeahTheBoys - 8 years ago
the lake is fried now, the death tole for this lake is more then the isis bombings
YeahTheBoys - 8 years ago
fight me you lonely old fart
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Really, this is your comment.  Swearing at someone you know nothing about.   Funny how you wouldn't do that in person.
Skidz Keepitstreet
Skidz Keepitstreet - 8 years ago
GUSTAVO Damosco55 it was cooked no chance of disease
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Cool.  I have quite a few videos you could catch up on, some very good ones.  Bit busy at the moment, but hope to get out again soon.
Aire Nicole
Aire Nicole - 8 years ago
I kinda don't like how some people think tilapia is a nasty fish but really just clean it right and eat it right and you'll get the need of flavor in the fish it Filipino and if you know what suka and bagoong is put that two material together as a sauce and it with rice then boom !! Best fish ever
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+A.N Vlogs Life
I really need to get back out there soon.
Aire Nicole
Aire Nicole - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing that's good one keep up with the great vids and keep up with your catch n cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+A.N Vlogs Life
No, it's all good.  I have learnt a lot about Tilapia from this video.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Our government is the one that says it's illegal to eat them.  But I think in the world it is the 3rd most consumed food fish by people.  The problem in Australia is that it is not native and has very bad effects on the other fish species.  Having said that, I read that our government accepts that once this fish is established it can't be removed...  Also not a good attitude in my opinion.
Marc Foronda
Marc Foronda - 8 years ago
Hey Andy! Just a heads up, bananas are said to have bad luck if you bring them fishing !
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That only works if you believe it.  You should watch some more of my Banana laced videos.
mark bramich
mark bramich - 8 years ago
Hey Andy!! Could you please do a video on how to tie the F.G. Know? I know there a heap already but just wanna see how you do it!! And also tell us the purpose of leader and what lb to use
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Leader is used so you don't tie braid onto the lure.  So fish can't see the line.  The thickness depends on the fish, anything from 10lb to 130lb leader.
0755browny - 8 years ago
I haven't had any luck with my red soft plastic with brade and 6000 oc bait runner and 2017 shimano taipan rod
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I would prefer pink or tan colour.  Maybe you need to fish in a different spot.
DJ BurnsTV
DJ BurnsTV - 8 years ago
Andy's fishing
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I love a lot of youtubers
But my favourite is you
Flynn Warde
Flynn Warde - 8 years ago
DJ BurnsTV hahah weird reply aye ^?
DJ BurnsTV
DJ BurnsTV - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing lol
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That's cool.
DJ BurnsTV
DJ BurnsTV - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing I live in Australia too I have downloaded like all of your vids on my computer they're AWESOME keep up the good work
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Ha ha, nice poem.
Shucks you make me blush.
Bradley Campbell
Bradley Campbell - 8 years ago
Hurry the fuck up and upload a new video
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
When you get very little reward for something and you need money to live, sometimes work is more important.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
No, sorry, been home for ages.
Heath Russell
Heath Russell - 8 years ago
Hey Andy I was always too scared to eat them in case I was fined or something, I have heard they are great eating and easy to catch, are you still around Brisbane ?
Bradley Campbell
Bradley Campbell - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing I've already seen all of your videos mate, you're being really inconsistent. You say you upload once a week but you don't.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have lots you can watch, some really good ones.  I am flat out right now.
Bradley Campbell
Bradley Campbell - 8 years ago
Mate catch king fish
Bradley Campbell
Bradley Campbell - 8 years ago
I love you andy
Tida Ngim
Tida Ngim - 8 years ago
favorite fish tuna
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
If I do this I will eat it raw and cooked.
BubbacForce - 8 years ago
I love your videos keep up the good work i love to watch you every time you post! And more catch and cooks please they are my favorite to watch!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you and no worries.  I hope to have some more spare time soon.
Orange Banana
Orange Banana - 8 years ago
Tatarstan ready
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good to hear, feel free to share it.
DJ BurnsTV
DJ BurnsTV - 8 years ago
You should go to Jacobs well in Brisbane (not sure wear it is though)
DJ BurnsTV
DJ BurnsTV - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing because there is soooooo many mangrove jacks and massive mud crabs
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Why should I go there?
Xizzle - 8 years ago
Do you ever find yourself getting hot in long pants in summer ??
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
All the time, but it's better than sunburn, and I hate sun screen.
YizTheGreat - 8 years ago
Your suppose to bleed out the fish first but still good cooking!!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Usually only the game fish, but this one looks like it needs it too.
Ariel Arpen
Ariel Arpen - 8 years ago
tilapias are being cultured in our country(philippines) , sold like $2 a kilo,
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, different country, different rules.
Gijs Seirved
Gijs Seirved - 8 years ago
Thanks for the great upload Andy! Right now i am ill for about almost a week (sinusitis) and watching your vid makes me a little happy again! Maybe you can catch a Australian Rock Lobster en cook it after catch :) allthough I dont know if they are protected species.. I cant wait to see the next upload! Again thanks! greets from Holland!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you.  We have painter crayfish up here, but they taste terrible, I have eaten 4 in my life and none tasted any good, so I don't eat them.  Sorry.
Scott Mccarthy
Scott Mccarthy - 8 years ago
living the dream..
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Trying to, still a ways to go...
Wesley .B
Wesley .B - 8 years ago
When's the nxt video mate?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Pretty busy right now, hopefully before Xmas.  Check out my playlists, plenty of good stuff there.
Zombies Rule
Zombies Rule - 8 years ago
When you fish do you say Fish Fish Fish
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Some times.
ming lin
ming lin - 8 years ago
He can't filet for shit
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I can fillet great, but like Z.R. said I didn't want to puncture the guts and it was a crap fish I just wanted to taste. That knife is also no filleting knife.
Zombies Rule
Zombies Rule - 8 years ago
ming lin he could have gone down a little more but I'm sure he just didn't want to puncture the stomach or else it would have tasted bad. He also didn't have an ideal filleting knife for clean cuts
Djuzic Nebojsa
Djuzic Nebojsa - 8 years ago
Who is flying a drone when youre fishing?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It's on autopilot, it has set programs.
Robert Moore
Robert Moore - 8 years ago
Tilapia is actually one of my favorite tasting fish
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It's strange that we don't promote eating it as a pest, but it's eggs are very hazardous and will spread easily.
KinG Pacific
KinG Pacific - 8 years ago
andy what country u fish in
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Mostly Australia, but I want to fish in many other countries.
J Kehl
J Kehl - 8 years ago
Love that Impressive scenery! It's awesome!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Konstantin Kehl
Hopefully not too long.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Cool, you should look at my other recent vidoes say from EP.300 onwards.
Fishing OVERDOSE - 8 years ago
Nice Videos!! I liked and subed. I am just starting a fresh Hard/Soft water Fishing channel Ontario Canada would appreciate a sub&like :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thanks, I'll check yours out.
Nirmala Dangal
Nirmala Dangal - 8 years ago
Andy plz reply

If you want btw ur vids are awesome
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you, I try to reply to everyone.
Xander Singleton
Xander Singleton - 8 years ago
did you leave the scales on the fish.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Watch the video, I skinned it.
Beastgamer568 - 8 years ago
That first fish was a crappie
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Nope, Aussie Bass.
Pond Hopper
Pond Hopper - 8 years ago
It's bad luck to bring a banana on your boat when your fishing
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Really, why is that?
Theo T
Theo T - 8 years ago
Why don't you throw the guts in the water??
Theo T
Theo T - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Ok thanks heaps
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Freshwater, but I did read that they can tolerate some salt.
Theo T
Theo T - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing oh ok thank you Also is tilapia a fresh or salt water fish?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I said so in the video.
Trevor Philips
Trevor Philips - 8 years ago
Your technique and the way you know the fish, is just out if this world!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Ha ha, thanks Aiden.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I did say Bream.  Why would fish taste like bread?
Thomas ten Bruggencate
Thomas ten Bruggencate - 8 years ago
your wasting jusy a LITTLE bit a mear
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Not really, that fish needs to be killed and thrown in the bin by law.
fedno victor
fedno victor - 8 years ago
you waist the meet. you should have let it go.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It is illegal to let it go, did you not watch the video?
KING QUIS - 8 years ago
go crocodile fishing :P
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That would be illegal.
KING QUIS - 8 years ago
at 0:36 I thought you said "and there's bats in here, gonna try to catch one of those"
KING QUIS - 8 years ago
hahahahahhaha lol
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Some people eat bats, but I don't think I will.  No I said BASS...
Thomas Family
Thomas Family - 8 years ago
Wow! I live on the Sunshine Coast
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Thomas Family
It's a beautiful little dam.
Thomas Family
Thomas Family - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing yeah I should go there some time
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Cool, so right near you then.
TomTheBomb - 8 years ago
Why didn't you scale it?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
No need if I take the skin off.
chaosvemon - 8 years ago
ofc you can eat tilapia, asians eat them all the time.......
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Seems like it is against the law in QLD.  I'm not sure about other parts of Australia.
Reel Fishing
Reel Fishing - 8 years ago
g day andy could u make another micro jig video i really enjoy them
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I will.  Bit short on time at the moment.
Reel Fishing
Reel Fishing - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Ah, yes, but in NSW, not QLD.
Quinten Burnside
Quinten Burnside - 8 years ago
do u do any catfishing?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have a bunch of catfish videos.  Search 'Andysfishing Catfish'
Brandon Watkins
Brandon Watkins - 8 years ago
Andy if you ever find yourself heading to the USA mainly Florida hit me up! I would love t guide you!
Brandon Watkins
Brandon Watkins - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing great idea!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I would love to, but keeping track of all the fishing offers is a bit of a job...
I might put my feelers out before I plan an overseas trip and ask anyone that wants to show me some cool spots.
Brandon Watkins
Brandon Watkins - 8 years ago
Let me know*
Brandon Watkins
Brandon Watkins - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing beautiful fish and great fighters. We have an awesome variety of fresh and saltwater fish. The main gem being lake okeechobee which is a world class bass fishery. Just lmg if you ever make another trip!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I would love to go there and film. I have been to Key Biscane and got my first few Bonefish there.
Winston Villanueva
Winston Villanueva - 8 years ago
your always great Andy hopefully you always uploading more and more videos always love your videos keep it up man
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you. If I get more subs I can do more, I need to work other jobs at the moment.
Regan Payne
Regan Payne - 8 years ago
Nice video I have subscribed and liked
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good stuff, I like hearing that.
Damon elliott
Damon elliott - 8 years ago
Andy I love ur channel me and my mate spent about 6 hours up in Moore river in wa and we caught 45 bream the off the beach and our kayaks the biggest being around 23cm can u maybe subscribe to me I would love that
Damon elliott
Damon elliott - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing we let them all go but our limit is 25cm aswell
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I don't know what the size limit is on WA bream, but ours in QLD is 25cm, I hope you let them go.
Cole Edit's
Cole Edit's - 8 years ago
you threw the bones in! uh oh your going to fishing prison
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Cole Christy
That's cool, feel free to share them.
Cole Edit's
Cole Edit's - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing love your bids! *vids lol
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
They were cooked, no chance of transferring fish diseases.
mrbighorse88 - 8 years ago
could give european carp a try, i plan to when i get some more. they reckon if you kill them in ice slurry they dont get the muddy enzyme flavour through the meat.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That is interesting, I think I will try them. Seems like it's illegal in QLD to eat them, but ok in NSW, very strange rules we have...
Mighty Creeper
Mighty Creeper - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Luke Nguyen
Luke Nguyen - 8 years ago
Having bananas in your boat/kayak is bad luck
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
You shouldn't believe everything people tell you.
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips - 8 years ago
Tilapia taste great we eat them in the states
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Sounds like they are popular all of the world.
Billy Bushcraft
Billy Bushcraft - 8 years ago
is that knife from john benzen chicago? if so i have that same one!
Billy Bushcraft
Billy Bushcraft - 8 years ago
oh ok, they look very similar
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
No, it's an Excalibur.
Marco Jimenez
Marco Jimenez - 8 years ago
Hello Andy, nice video. As you mentioned Tilapia is a good eating fish. I'm from Costa Rica and we actually eat a lot of tilapia. It's cheap and with great flavor. It is sold in fish markets and there's even factories dedicated to processing and exporting tilapia fillets. You guys in Australia should eat it most. As I heard someone say before: "if you can't beat them, eat them!". Enjoy
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have heard from some fans that it is actually illegal the eat Tilapia in Australia. So we can't do that.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I do, Cheers.
Dunga 2701
Dunga 2701 - 8 years ago
awesome video it has inspired me to start doing some catch and cook with buddies
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good to hear.
Reece Lakich
Reece Lakich - 8 years ago
I've heard sootys are good to eat but never been game to try one I'd like too see that and even a toga could be very interesting haha
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will definitely do a catch and cook sooty video.
Jason Williams
Jason Williams - 8 years ago
Will do
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Always great to hear.  Feel free to check out my 'Andysfishing Favourites' playlist, I think you will like it.
Andrew Mance
Andrew Mance - 8 years ago
Do some flathead
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I think I will have to, may people are asking for that.
VIICE - 8 years ago
Ok maybe another time thougj
Chipotle The gamer
Chipotle The gamer - 8 years ago

Chipotle The gamer
Chipotle The gamer - 8 years ago
Mr. Taurus ty
Silent Gameplays
Silent Gameplays - 8 years ago
Chipotle The gamer coming*
Stephen Curry
Stephen Curry - 8 years ago
bro that's good fish going to waste if you kill them for no reason
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have since found out from subscribers that it is actually illegal to eat them in Australia.
jeremy turner
jeremy turner - 8 years ago
Another great video!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Lots of people seem to like them
TheMemeSquadYTp's - 8 years ago
where i live or i am moveing is going to be like this in the woods bunch of pounds and im going to make vids like u!!!! dont think ill ever make em as good as you but ill try!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Just enjoy what you do.
Gone ona Mission
Gone ona Mission - 8 years ago
Tilapia is one of the most popular food dishes on the planet :-). It breeds easy and grows fast! They a pest fish everywhere now due too them escaping from fish farms, get stuck in :-)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, but that's why they are also such a biological hazard.
Lakhshamana - 8 years ago
They're good introductory fish for junior anglers though, easy to catch as tilapia eat damn near everything.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I thought so too.
Gone ona Mission
Gone ona Mission - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing everywhere! In every river in Africa now (bout the best thing I got in gambia after tarpon) and in every river and stream in SE Asia, so eat up! To be honest I don't think they fight that bad on lite tackle.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yeah, bit of a shame they are such a pest.
Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 8 years ago
this is also the first time i saw you kill a fish i seen u kill pig tho
Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 8 years ago
oh the bleeding ones
Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
You need to watch more videos, I have killed many fish in them.
alexharrisfishing - 8 years ago
Its bluegill not brim
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
And it's not Brim or Bream, it's Tilapia.
Hunter Watson
Hunter Watson - 8 years ago
alexharrisfishing its bream not brim js
heath sacagio
heath sacagio - 8 years ago
Andy can you please do some coral trout fishing that would be awsome
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have a few Coral trout videos, search 'Andysfishing Jigging or reef'
Mr. Clean
Mr. Clean - 8 years ago
umm who is flying the drone
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It flys itself once I set it up.
Ethan James Nuttall
Ethan James Nuttall - 8 years ago
Hey Andy I live in Townsville and from experience I rekon a place west like charterstowers would give u some great fun. U can find freshwater Jew fish, sooty grunter, tilapia and even freshwater yabbies/red claw, all at the local weir. What are u waiting for, your next amazing video and adventure starts there. P.S I would like u to try sooty grunted. Thanks Ethan
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will most definitely try cooking Sooties. I don't travel much at the moment. Just when I can. I would love to hit the road more.
keishan singh
keishan singh - 8 years ago
carribean tilipia tastes good
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Ok, good to know.
JakeT2004 - 8 years ago
We have a few pest in down here in SA like europen carp and redfin.carp have to many bones so we use it for soil and redfin haven't had yet.
JakeT2004 - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I think all pest species should be used as fertiliser in our gardens, good work.
Fendri Apriyanto
Fendri Apriyanto - 8 years ago
Great video andy, very inspiring..
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you, glad you liked it.
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 8 years ago
maybe a shark hunt ??
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will do a shark fish some time, but I won't eat it.
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 8 years ago
loving the catch and cook vids andy!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good stuff.
Ninja Master
Ninja Master - 8 years ago
Not Andy's fishing it's Andy's coming
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
What every turns you on.
Qaiblife 1234
Qaiblife 1234 - 8 years ago
U never did the banana rod fishing like I told me
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Where is that comment, I don't see it. This is your first comment on my channel by the look of it. I do have a banana rod fishing video.
Ferguson Gu
Ferguson Gu - 8 years ago
i love your catch n cook keep up the good work
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you, I hope to keep doing it for a while longer.
Fishing Is life
Fishing Is life - 8 years ago
why all tilapia have to be remove
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
They are a very bad pest here, they kill / out compete all our other native fish.
Jode Stenbeck
Jode Stenbeck - 8 years ago
Go for a Murray cod
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, they are on my summer fishing list. That should be a nice catch and cook.
Inq Arrow
Inq Arrow - 8 years ago
Are you selling those shirts
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Not yet, but I will. I just have to organise a few things first.
nina nguyen
nina nguyen - 8 years ago
nina nguyen
nina nguyen - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing lol
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Always a Banana, Banana's are good!
Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 8 years ago
Hi andy remember me
Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 8 years ago
yep did u see my video of my lizard
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Crazy Fox
Cool, a kid needs some pets, and strange ones are fun.
Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 8 years ago
hey andy nexy year im getting a pet snake and i have 2 fish and 1 lizard
Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox - 8 years ago
im watching dank memes
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, Haven't seen your comments for a while.
Zendon Verster
Zendon Verster - 8 years ago
I've got some info for you on tilapia. If its the tilapia im thinking of its oreocromus mozambicus... Or blue kurper as we in South Africa refer to them. Over here they arent kept that often because of diminishing number, but the meat is extremely good eating. One of the most sought after freshwater fish.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, that looks like the species. It had very nice meat.
Zendon Verster
Zendon Verster - 8 years ago
Also i think the reason they taste like bream to you is because they might be of the same family as they are also refered to as bream in South Africa
Taylor James
Taylor James - 8 years ago
Awesome work andy
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thanks Taylor.
Strapper - 8 years ago
Hey Andy I Love Your Channel, You Are One Of My Favourite Youtubers And I Love All Your Catch and Cooks And Fishing Videos. But I Would Really Love If You Did A Boat Tour, Maybe when You Hit 50K Subs?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will do a boat tour, but first I have some modifications I need to do on it. Then I'll do the tour.
Fishing It Up
Fishing It Up - 8 years ago
1 like= luck for 7days
1sub= win the lottery
have a good day
Twichlove 999
Twichlove 999 - 7 years ago
Matilda Popcorn get eternal flight
phil croshaw
phil croshaw - 7 years ago
Fishing It Up stfu
Hunter Gamer
Hunter Gamer - 7 years ago
Fishing It Up ii
Denny Pham
Denny Pham - 8 years ago
Josh w e
Josh w
Josh w - 8 years ago
Ok thanks
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Josh w
For sure I will.  In the mean time search "Andysfishing Catch n Cook"
Josh w
Josh w - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing thanks mate
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Josh w
It's in south east QLD.
Josh w
Josh w - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing hey i was just wondering where abouts are you fishing because i might go check it out some stage i live in nsw and victoria on borderline
Fishing It Up
Fishing It Up - 8 years ago
jajjaja love your vids throught
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That would be nice, but 45,000 people can't all win the lottery. But they can watch my videos for free, which is kind of winning a lottery.
Fishing It Up
Fishing It Up - 8 years ago
that is a crapie not a bass
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Listen and read what's in the video, it is not a Crappie or a Bass.
Big Eeee
Big Eeee - 8 years ago
Tilapia is a standard fish available in stores here in the US. Glad you enjoyed it.
Agnes Currie
Agnes Currie - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing, tilapia is famous in the Philippines, i like it. Am sure if there are filipinos around your place or other Asians pretty much they will enjoy fishing. I keep wacthing your channel.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Sounds like it is very popular all over the world.
lSnow Flakesl
lSnow Flakesl - 8 years ago
I need to know where to catch Barra in the NT any suggestions? Andy
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
There are many places.  You don't need a spot you need to learn how to fish for them.
Inq Arrow
Inq Arrow - 8 years ago
Love your setup I'm currently running the same and it is amazing how do you like it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It's pretty good, but I just got a new rood, it's nice...
KING ME - 8 years ago
I like tilapia good survival fish taste good and reproduces fast, good for aquaponic system.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
And here it is a very bad pest.  Funny how that all works.
loadthebowl - 8 years ago
this fish cookin fvid was all planned out yet he didnt bring any seasoning or salt
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Why do I need salt or seasoning, I like to taste a fish for what it is.
loadthebowl - 8 years ago
he pronounces it "fillit" hilarious
loadthebowl - 8 years ago
Flynn Warde suck a big black wang
Flynn Warde
Flynn Warde - 8 years ago
loadthebowl shut up you stupid yank wasted so much time writing that bullshit
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
If I worried about all the weird and negative comments I would have stopped making videos a long time ago. Luckily they don't bother me. It's people looking through their own limited view of life, it's all good. I don't hold it against anyone, unless they actually want to have a go at me.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I don't know if you're right on that intelligence thing.  I have always been in the top of my school and University.  I think maybe a bit too judgemental to things they are not used to.
loadthebowl - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing too Americans it sounds like a lack of intelligence same as an America n who reads my name Sean and prounounces it Seen when it is really pronounced Shawn and next time try a lil seasoning bland dry fish is terrible... Murica
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Not here, and I am taking a fillet off the fish, so we say I am filleting the fish.  Just a different culture.
loadthebowl - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing its pronounced filay yes sir
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
What would you use?  Filay...
James Ransom
James Ransom - 8 years ago
Sooty's... I have never eaten one but caught hundreds...
Also a challenge for you: Catch a pink snapper near the Cardwell area. Their distribution map states they are seen as high up as Hinchenbrook island so I think you should have a crack at some point.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+James Ransom
Who knows, maybe one day I'll get one.  I have heard of them caught near Mackay.
James Ransom
James Ransom - 8 years ago
Yeah they're the ones! I can't remember where I read Hinchenbrook as their Northern limit but I was really shocked.

Just had a quick look on the net and found this:

" Recorded in Australian waters from about Townsville (Queensland) around the southern part of Australia to Cape Cuvier (Western Australia); also at Lord Howe and Norfolk islands in the Tasman Sea. Found elsewhere in New Zealand."

I reckon they would be around probably in the winter months up here but they would just be super hard to find haha... I lived in Tasmania previously to Cairns and always wanted to jag a snapper in the Derwent river because they were so few and far between were only around in summer when the water temp was high enough. I only heard of one legal one being caught in my 5 years there.

All good though... it was a hard challenge haha
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
When you say pink snapper do you mean the cold water snapper from NSW?
We don't even see them here and with our oceans heating up, I don't see me getting one any time soon.
But the Sooties are on the list.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I think a lot of people are finding me that way, the more the merrier I say.
Tripped JD
Tripped JD - 8 years ago
Go for estuary cod!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Really...  Please pick something else.
teresita iglesias
teresita iglesias - 8 years ago
andy have you fished for malawi cichlid?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
No.  I am not sure what they are.
teresita iglesias
teresita iglesias - 8 years ago
is it a bad thing when he killed the tilapia i felt pretty sorry for it?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
No, nothing wrong with that.  But we need to kill things to survive, wether it's plants or animals.
teresita iglesias
teresita iglesias - 8 years ago
hi andy im julian im on a different phone i just wanted to say hello
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Hey there.
Michael Howell
Michael Howell - 8 years ago
Why do you emphasise everything at the end of your sentence sorry if I'm offending you
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I don't, but it seems some people hear it that way.  Where are you from?  I want to get to the bottom of this.
Joel Silva
Joel Silva - 8 years ago
Good day mate! I have always wanted to say that, chum. Love your vids. I also really enjoy your catch cook videos. Do you ever do any prospecting? If I ever get down under, I would love to find me an Opel and or gold or anything else really. Get your self a detector, you may enjoy it and possibly be rewarded also. Maybe you have talked about, sorry if it's a repeat. Keep up the great videos be safe out there and may God be with you. From Joel in the states. Let me know if your ever in New England I will take you out fishing my favorite thing to do also!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Hi Joel, thanks for the message.  I do have a metal detector (very old now), and I use to love fossiking for quartz and saphires. Glad to have you along for the ride.
Leandro Barniclean
Leandro Barniclean - 8 years ago
You should go to Patagonia (Argentina), there are a lot of species of fish.
Leandro Barniclean
Leandro Barniclean - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I would love to do that, who is going to buy me a ticket?
david khampha
david khampha - 8 years ago
Andy can you please do some whiting or Bream fishing please.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+helen lina
helen lina
helen lina - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing I
david khampha
david khampha - 8 years ago
+Andy's Fishing Thanks
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I am sure I will do some more of that.
99Problems - 8 years ago
Great work mate, thanks for the entertainment :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
No worries, glad you like it.
nina nguyen
nina nguyen - 8 years ago
Andy is here
nina nguyen
nina nguyen - 8 years ago
and idk why i watching people fishing and eat them i only 12 i will not remember that
nina nguyen
nina nguyen - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
And I am gone again...
Pej Jam
Pej Jam - 8 years ago
Hi Andy thank for eating Bananas in the boat look at this idiot in this link he nearly killed his friend for eating bananas
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Some people have no idea...
I'd buy 10kg of banana's and plant them all over his boat.
Theodore Trilby
Theodore Trilby - 8 years ago
Another thing thing my good man. I reckon u will do well to do a collaboration with theganer2323 or CoastfishTV. I'll let em know ur interested if u like.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'll check them out.  Are you sure you got 'theganer2323 ' right ?
Theus Destroyer
Theus Destroyer - 8 years ago
tilapia taste good...
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yep, that's good.
Theus Destroyer
Theus Destroyer - 8 years ago
in my country....we eat that kind of fish....
MrAliLonghorn - 8 years ago
Please go for Jewfish/Mulloway/Kob however you want to call it!!! Great vids, Keep it up.
MrAliLonghorn - 8 years ago
Right on!! I think it will be a challenging and a satisfying catch which would make a great video.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will give them a go, but I have never caught one.
Rhyad Yanvestin
Rhyad Yanvestin - 8 years ago
hey, that very big tilapia!!
in my country Indonesia this is a favourite freshwater fish to eat, just deep fried, crispy and eat with rice+chilli sauce, called "Sambal" or "Sambel" in Indonesia, you must try!!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Sounds nice cooked that way.
Neal Henderson
Neal Henderson - 8 years ago
I will try to get those Lures to you before xmas. I have Jake, Amanda & little Enki from Weflick Fishing staying with me in-between their fishing, filming trips, getting to do some fishing with them too which is good, managed to christen my kayak first trip with a 52cm Brown Trout, even got it on GoPro, Jake has done a video which will go up later sometime. Hope you can get some value out of the lures when you get them too. :)
Wondering if you sell your shirts & how much if you do?, really like that, the white looks good and would be cool too.
Cheers Neal..
Neal Henderson
Neal Henderson - 8 years ago
Awesome Mate :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Neal Henderson
When I do I will have a short video about it.
Neal Henderson
Neal Henderson - 8 years ago
Let Me know if you have shirts for sale, would love to get one Mate. :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Hi Neal,  That is a very nice Brown.  I am sure I can use the lures.
I will get around to selling some shirts, I just have a bit going on at the moment.
Yes, I almost always fish in white now.
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
Because tilapia are native to Africa,introducing it into various aquatic system is not very wise because in africa species like wolf fish,tiger fish and megafishes that control the population hence it is not a pest there but hide for most of the time. When removed from their rightful place only chaos can follow as the saying goes 'anything removed from its rightful place becomes a curse.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That is very true.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Barra under 1kg are under sized, but a just legal Jack may be fine.  I have cooked jacks in other episodes before.
Lachlan Arboit
Lachlan Arboit - 8 years ago
Hey Andy! You should go after Spanish Mackerel and catch them Jigging, Trolling and the like.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have plans to do that soon.
Bonju Reyes
Bonju Reyes - 8 years ago
Tilapia are actually good tasting fish deep fried with just salt and pepper
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes they would be.
Stevoninja 67
Stevoninja 67 - 8 years ago
Keep cocking in the kayak really in joying the cocking on the water
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will keep doing different stuff, but that may come up again.
Cheri Doyle
Cheri Doyle - 8 years ago
Always nice to see you Andy!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good to hear.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+MJFishing 6
If you see me at a boat ramp or something come say hi. I almost never plan a trip, I just go.
Jordan Collins
Jordan Collins - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing same mate i was skinny water bass fishing and then boom this big tilapia jumped on it was great fun, we should go for a fish one day mate
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+MJFishing 6
Sure do, I thought I had a huge Bass.
Jordan Collins
Jordan Collins - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing yeah probably mate they put on a good fight though aye
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Maybe you left is in the sun for a few hours first.
Cheri Doyle
Cheri Doyle - 8 years ago
We eat tilapia all the time in the USA they make really good fish tacos!
Cheri Doyle
Cheri Doyle - 8 years ago
Never eaten Thai fish cakes...but it sounds good!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
An I would think Thai Fish cakes.
jeffrp14 - 8 years ago
Hi Andy you should fish moloola river and maroochy river there the good spots on the coast were have u fished in the Sunshine Coast befeure ."
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have fished 3 of your dams.  I really want to fish some canals next trip.
Terry Seow
Terry Seow - 8 years ago
tilapia is pest in my country too .. they produce so fast and invade the water ..
Terry Seow
Terry Seow - 8 years ago
Yup .. l wish l live in yr country ..
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
We are lucky where we live, they are not here yet.
Braden Longin
Braden Longin - 8 years ago
yes please do catch n cook love it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will continue to do them.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It is a good source of protein.
Lakhshamana - 8 years ago
Tilapia is a popular Asian/African food fish, quite popular with aquaculture due to its growth rate, hardiness, and ease of rearing. 30-40 cm is a pretty good eating size.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That is interesting.  About the date and the soil flavour.
Lakhshamana - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Oh, I'd say. They had been in Indonesia since the 1800s and has been decimating the local gourami population since.
Oh, and tilapias don't tend to get soil-flavored. Carps on the other hand, they taste like dirt quick.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That is also why they are a pest in many countries.  But very useful in others.
BoyFromTheBay 01
BoyFromTheBay 01 - 8 years ago
I've always wanted to see what carp taste like. All tho they are pests
BoyFromTheBay 01
BoyFromTheBay 01 - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing I've caught heaps just to scared to try them haha
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I bet they are fine, such a big stigma attached to many fish.
Paolo King
Paolo King - 8 years ago
Andy can you do flathead video thanks
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will, I haven't been creek fishing for ages.
aripenik - 8 years ago
Hello Andy, thank you for another great video. I 'am asking this from Europe, what are the other australian freshwater or estuarian species that would be interesting to target with lure or fly fishing gear other than those that you have already caught?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, they would be fun.
aripenik - 8 years ago
Well, than I hope you will catch them and all the other species you would like to fish for.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I haven't caught Mahi Mahi or Triple Tail yet.
aripenik - 8 years ago
But what are those species? Are there any that you would like to catch but didn't get a chance yet?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I think any species can be interesting.  Like the humble Mullet, they are used as bait here, but fight hard and aren't so easy to catch on a natural imitation.
Peter Politis
Peter Politis - 8 years ago
Cool vid andy but for the next video can you make a crabing video and show us what are the best ways of cooking it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
My last catch and cook was a crab one, but I will so some more.
HS Films
HS Films - 8 years ago
Andy, would you believe that's me, green kayak, 4m36 middle left, LOL. Saw you on the water, saw the car in the carpark, if only I'd known, would've said gudday!. Got a couple of bass myself ...... tight lines!!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That's cool, maybe next time. I did chat to some locals and the guy who organised the comp, David was his name.
Mitch Santoro
Mitch Santoro - 8 years ago
Try Moses perch
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I haven't caught this for ages, they would be nice, like a jack.
Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson - 8 years ago
I love the fishing videos but absolutely love the catch n cooks. Thanks Andy!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good stuff. I will make more of what people share and like, basically the ones that do well.
Mark S
Mark S - 8 years ago
Another great vid, keep them coming Andy, hope you do some more 2 day ones as well.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I hope so soon too. I wanted to do one on this trip, but didn't have the time.
Jack Potter
Jack Potter - 8 years ago
hello andy I would really like to do some flathead catch and cook.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Ok, getting a few requests for that now. It's on the list.
WAVY CR3W - 8 years ago
cook mud crabs
WAVY CR3W - 8 years ago
ok, keep it up man
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Right now I am too busy working to film, but soon I hope.
WAVY CR3W - 8 years ago
when is next video?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That was my last catch and cook video. EP.345
But I will do more.
Foxrocks Insocks
Foxrocks Insocks - 8 years ago
Tilapia is one of the most popular frozen fish available in supermarkets in the USA.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
There you go and a big pest here.
Blake Johnstone
Blake Johnstone - 8 years ago
You should make a video on cooking and eating jungle perch
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
They are not that common here, so they are not a species I would kill. But up north where there are more I will consider it. I hear they are tasty.
Louis Shtein
Louis Shtein - 8 years ago
Love the vids keep it up!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I hope to make these videos for many years to come. It will be better when I have more subscribers.
Kudou Zairi
Kudou Zairi - 8 years ago
Nice size tilapia, in Malaysia there are ton's tilapia in lake, river, even in drain and so on.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Kudou Zairi
That is a very good use for them.
Kudou Zairi
Kudou Zairi - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing in here tilapia became food for snakehead and giant snakehead..
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I think they can live in most waters that are not good for other fish.
Scott P
Scott P - 8 years ago
Shame you couldn't get a bigger bass, some great dams down here for it. Is the canoe a new ride? Don't think I've seen you on it before. Keep it up.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I got it so I can carry more camera gear and do over night river trips.  They will be cool!
arnaud fishing
arnaud fishing - 8 years ago
the music with the guitar reminds me this video ;-) (check at 8:40)
arnaud fishing
arnaud fishing - 8 years ago
the second link i sent you is the original of the track you can hear at 8:40 in the first video i sent you ;-) the guitar melody from the youtube library reminds me this track
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I doubt it's the original.  I got this from the YouTube free library.
Marvin Dwyer jr
Marvin Dwyer jr - 8 years ago
Go after catfish
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Maybe, so many suggestions so far...
Nolan York
Nolan York - 8 years ago
Dude you can damage the fillet with that knife
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes and I did, but it doesn't matter, I have to kill that fish no matter what, they are a noxious pest.
Acere Fishing
Acere Fishing - 8 years ago
el tejano
Sean Summersgill
Sean Summersgill - 8 years ago
hey andy, any specific bate i should use tocatch tilapia
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I guess worms and insects are a good start.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thanks, and I am sure you will.
Franky Mosqueda - Arizona Bass Fishing -
Franky Mosqueda - Arizona Bass Fishing - - 8 years ago
tilapia are great fighters and good eating!
Agnes Currie
Agnes Currie - 7 years ago
Agree with you thru my experience, tiny bit of worm they can bite it with out getting hooked, it seems they are smart, lol
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, it seems to be so.
fishing sunshine coast
fishing sunshine coast - 8 years ago
you should eat a golden travally
fishing sunshine coast
fishing sunshine coast - 8 years ago
im with you andy i wouldnt eat one there look awsome i was wondering if they taste nice
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I'm not sure I want to do that, they have a special place in my heart. Such cool fish and mega fun to catch on a fly rod.
fishing sunshine coast
fishing sunshine coast - 8 years ago
i have fished there bfoure i live in the sunshine coast al i caught was branches and sticks i got snagged so many times can you give me some tips for fishing there like what to use what hooks where to fish for there
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Try either small spinner baits or some weedless setup soft plastics.  Fish around the lilies, weeds and drop offs.  Some days they are hard to catch, so it might take a couple of trips.
Sturdynips - 8 years ago
Nice vid Andy, the quality of your footage has been great recently! Tilapia are a nasty pest on the GC many places are thick with them because they are so difficult to eradicate
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I still think some bureaucrat would have an issue with it, even though there is no chance of spreading them in that situation.  Ps, there was no mouth brood or eggs.
Sturdynips - 8 years ago
that's right, the regulations are so strict that you cannot even take them home to eat as the eggs are extremely robust and can survive being washed down the can actually help them spread. I think you would be alright by eating literally on-site though!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
If we all deliberately went out to catch them, it would be easier to get rid of them, but even the rules I am hearing bout don't promote fishing for them...
Joey Sanz
Joey Sanz - 8 years ago
Love your videos man ! Keep it up!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Cheers, that's my plan.
Felix Mailhot
Felix Mailhot - 8 years ago
Go after walleye woyld be nice
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I would love to, but I need to earn more money from my videos before I can do that.
Felix Mailhot
Felix Mailhot - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing aah ok i see come to canada there's a lot ;) fun to fish and really good to eat !
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I would love to, as soon as I go to a country that has them.  We don't have them in Australia.
Felix Mailhot
Felix Mailhot - 8 years ago
Bailey Harasymenko
Bailey Harasymenko - 8 years ago
The salt water talapia are sweeter than the freshwater talapia.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I didn't know they entered saltwater.
3LL10T - 8 years ago
Good video
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you.
Stephanie Martinez
Stephanie Martinez - 8 years ago
you can use the guts for bait
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I would in a survival situation, but have a feeling it's against the law.  We have so many laws....
Tyrone Jones
Tyrone Jones - 8 years ago
keep doing catch n cook love it when you cook it
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will do more for sure.
hamrooing - 8 years ago
hi andy you should try sooty grunter next time you catch one i haven't heard of anyone cooking them before
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have heard of people eating them, and I will definitely eat one next time I get some.
Get Reel Fishing
Get Reel Fishing - 8 years ago
I live near that dam hahaha
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good stuff, a very nice place to go.
Jimmy Vang
Jimmy Vang - 8 years ago
I ❤️ tilapia
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I knew it would be popular in many places.
Josh Cyrenne
Josh Cyrenne - 8 years ago
Rainbow trout
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I have eaten them, and even smoked them, but not on film yet, I will do this soon.
ABF - 8 years ago
You should go to New Zealand and go for trout ?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I love it there, hopefully I will be back down early next year.
ABF - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing ok was it any good down there ?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have been there and caught Trout to eat, but that was before my video making.
Adam Tonkin Tonkin
Adam Tonkin Tonkin - 8 years ago
missed ya man lovely scenic peaceful video good job
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I really enjoyed the dam, although it was a bit windy.
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
Lastly, try night fishing (with meat)i just read that there are some tasty eels caught at night and set a crab crab trap early while youre at it.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have been meaning to do an Eel fishing video for a while.
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
(btw I feel offended about that stereotype because we love it so much it could be our National Fish)
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Different cultures and countries eat different things.  No need to get offended, just accept we are all different.
Oneal Abraham
Oneal Abraham - 8 years ago
Here in Philippines, we usually eat fresh water tilapia. It tastes good btw.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That's cool.  Here in Australia, many people have too much choice and so many other tasty fish.
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
btw maybe the aquarium diet made tilapia taste horrible at your place but I have experienced tilapia as the best freshwater fish ive every eaten (only freshwater fish ive eaten)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
As I said in the video it tasted nice.
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
fish doom we don't have bass in the C'bean but I know "taste like cryap" is a ......thing to say
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
Ninjaz Gaming A lot
fish doom
fish doom - 8 years ago
talapya are crap comped to bas
Ninja Gaming
Ninja Gaming - 8 years ago
Rafael J what other fish you catch
Echo Krxnqer
Echo Krxnqer - 8 years ago
Nice video keep up the good work :D
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thanks, that's my mission.
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
man caught a giant tilapia
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yeah, I didn't think they grew that big.
Mitch S
Mitch S - 8 years ago
parrot fish
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
The ones I catch are usually too small for me to want to eat them.
Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy - 8 years ago
You're the only Australian channel I watch keep up the good work.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I appreciate that, where are you from?
Ryan157711 - 8 years ago
Yeah tilapia is pretty popular to eat here in the US. You can buy it in almost every grocery store.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
You guys need to net and eat the Asian carp you have, such a big problem.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
finlay jones
finlay jones - 8 years ago
You should hit Borumba Dam, Lake Macdonald or Baroon Pocket dam next time your down Andy.
finlay jones
finlay jones - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+finlay jones
I heard that too, but everyone that fished there that day and the day after didn't do well, and I mean the locals.
finlay jones
finlay jones - 8 years ago
Sounds good, they're fishing great at the moment. If you hop over to my channel, my most recent video has some great surface action at Lake Macdonald from last week
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have fished all except Baroon Pocket, I will fish all of them again I am sure.
Jack Couldrey
Jack Couldrey - 8 years ago
Andy try catch and cook for red emperor or some snappers.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I think this will happen when Clint and I do a few ocean trips early next year.
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
you know I have recently found out that we actually have barramundi in The Caribbean!!! Its called bosche
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+Rafael J
That's why I couldn't find them.
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing on reading an article ,swordspine snook or Brochet is not just similar to Australian barra but in the same family,but it has a distinctive lateral line. check phew* I was close*
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Did you get the spelling right?  I can't find them anywhere.
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
long time no see
ETE fishing
ETE fishing - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing hmm I occasionally view according to variety but I'm always looking for the notification anyway. All is great though
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Do you need to watch more on my stuff, or am I too busy and not uploading enough?
ady ltd
ady ltd - 8 years ago
nice video andy!
maybe you should make video of eging too.
hearing some good size of squids around australian coastal.
fish on mate!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+ady ltd
Yes, this will be part of an over night video.
ady ltd
ady ltd - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing hahaha. unlucky. hopefully can watch your eging video soon.!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have tried that 2x already.  Maybe 3rd time lucky.  I can't make a video with just one squid!
Moist Bacon
Moist Bacon - 8 years ago
In the US stores sell tilapia and restaurants also cook tilapia. In Maryland tilapia don't live in lakes and stuff so I can't catch them.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It's a shame pest fish get distributed everywhere, it's very bad for the natives.
M Sila
M Sila - 8 years ago
Tip: More fishing less eating. Cheers
M Sila
M Sila - 8 years ago
I can respect that. Good luck.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have to find a happy medium.  No video will make everyone happy, but I hear what you say.  Trial and error is what I can try.
binweevilflabfiles - 8 years ago
Love these catch and cooks, hopefully some more :)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
For sure there will be more.
taik30 - 8 years ago
+Andy's Fishing that's it mate ! All the best with the videos hope to see some more soon
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Fish are all over the place, it just takes time and exploring some times.
taik30 - 8 years ago
+Andy's Fishing not bad here . I've been trying to con a few mates to try Bowen and surrounding areas . Heard it's good there
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
A little, I really need to do more.
taik30 - 8 years ago
+Andy's Fishing yeah that's it . You ever fish around the townsville area?
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Just use what style you like, don't think you need to keep up with anyone else.
taik30 - 8 years ago
+Andy's Fishing I just wear my work cloths . Well old ones . I haven't snapped a rod yet . I've picked up a few good ones . But wouldn't mind trying new ones . I've been looking at buying an open rod . But the baitcaster reels get me . Used one and birdsnested it . So 50/50 on buying one yet haha
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
You really don't need much or very expensive gear to start.  Look at me, I have been fishing 35 years and I love a $170 outfit.
Panzer shreck
Panzer shreck - 8 years ago
Wonder what it tastes raw....
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It didn't smell much so I would say a bit plain.
azmi f
azmi f - 8 years ago
Nice fishing and cooking andy.i hope you upload more of it
azmi f
azmi f - 8 years ago
Hi Andy,what happen to you?i really missed your videos and its been 2 months that you dont upload a video.:)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will for sure.  Maybe look at my other catch and cook or even survival videos.
PrimeministerAus - 8 years ago
The Tilapia in Tinaroo are atrocious, like licking the inside of a fish tank! Try an eel tail catfish on the plate, sweetest eating freshwater fish in oz!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
That's interesting.  I ate eeltail catfish next to Eel and disliked the catty.
Pedro Robles
Pedro Robles - 8 years ago
Lion fish
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Ours are not a pest like in the USA, and pretty rare, but maybe one day, good idea.
MortalKody - 8 years ago
Fun trip, Andy! Never thought about having a stove on the boat before... We eat talapia all the time in the States. Sounds like it has a stigma there, the way channel cats and blue cats do here. We love 'em here in the south, some northerners think they're disgusting.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes Kody, totally, sometimes what you think and listen to, is just plain not true.  Many people tell me that Barramundi out of a dam is bad, I eat them quite often and they are fine.
Vegas (Archan) A
Vegas (Archan) A - 8 years ago
In Thailand you would be a god for catching a Tilapia that size.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Ok, you spread the word.  I could be a Tilapia God for a while.
bj benedicto
bj benedicto - 8 years ago
and we rarely fillet our fishes here. except in fancy restaurants. we eat the head and whatever meat is on there. thats y..
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, that is the best way, and you waste so much less of it.
bj benedicto
bj benedicto - 8 years ago
im from the philippines and we are swarmed with tilapia. the best way for me is to deep fry them whole. scaled and gutted of course. score the flesh on both sides. salt it like crazy and deep fry em till their really crispy. yum! or you can stuff the belly with lemon grass and grill over coals. with scales this time.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
+bj benedicto
All the minerals and good oils are in the organs, but I can't eat them, even though we should.
bj benedicto
bj benedicto - 8 years ago
yes. my aunt owns a tilapia fish farm here. and sometimes we would fish some for some grilling. we dont take out the guts. the liver heart and other slightly less undesirable looking organs are actually very savory
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will be doing many more styles and types of cooking.  Even with the guts still inside is ok if the fish is fresh.
Michael Grant
Michael Grant - 8 years ago
Hey Andy i pretty sure the farm Tilapia in Africa for human consumption, the more we promote it as something to eat the better off our water ways will be
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
It seems the DPI doesn't agree with you or I on that one.  Someone sent a letter that stated it is illegal to eat Tilapia, what a stupid rule to put on a pest fish.  I am not 100% sure that is actually a rule.
cr0cket01 - 8 years ago
4 (4 ounce) fillets tilapia salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted Rinse tilapia fillets in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Season both sides of each fillet with salt and pepper. Place the flour in a shallow dish; gently press each fillet into the flour to coat and shake off the excess flour.
Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat; cook the tilapia in the hot oil until the fish flakes easily with a fork, about 4 minutes per side. Brush the melted butter onto the tilapia in the last minute before removing from the skillet. or bbq with olive oil nice vid lol thought you going show how different the lenses on sunglasses are. mind you bbq is bit hard in canoe and maybe go after Cheeklined Wrasse as they seem nice looking or Harlequin Rock Cod lol googled them as not know ozzie fish. they look cool. says that Harlequin Rock Cod you cook like red snapper and i know red snapper a nice eating fish. well keep them screaming
cr0cket01 - 8 years ago
yer it why i chose one that has things other than flour that you would have with you.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Tasty recipe.  I will try and keep mine as simple as possible, less stuff to forget on my trips.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Are you sure?  I mean I like that, but have a look at my other catch and cook videos as well as some survival ones.
SlimJimTaylorGang - 8 years ago
In America Talapia is sold in grocery stores so it's completely normal and tasty
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Funny, one countries pest is another's economy.
viperhawk56 - 8 years ago
love your videos keep up the great work
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Thank you, I hope to for a few years yet.
Judy Fisk
Judy Fisk - 8 years ago
Great video Andy the quality is getting better all the time . I enjoy the catch and cook over nighters . Could you fit in catch and cook on the coral trout that you get in your local area
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Yes, I have plans to do some cool stuff with Clint when he returns.  I'm sure trout will be featured.
Odin PW
Odin PW - 8 years ago
Love the catch and cook videos Andy! Love to meet you one day and go fishing. :D
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
If you see me, come say hi.  But I rarely plan anything.
Nam Bui
Nam Bui - 8 years ago
try carb pls, iknow people says it taste like mud but just try it! 've taste it and it taste nothing like mud, maybe not the most flavourful but a few herbs or spices would make the fish taste better! enjoy!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I will see how I go with them.  I know Polish people eat them for Christmas (that's what mum says anyway).
TheGreatNorth - 8 years ago
That's a canoe, not a kayak
TheGreatNorth - 8 years ago
ya, i noticed that afterwards, sorry
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I did say that in the video.
Slow Diver
Slow Diver - 8 years ago
Glad to see you eat that Tilapia. When you caught it I thought, mate you should try it and you did. Good stuff. I would love to see you target some reef candy on jig. Particularly Rosy and Rusty jobfish and Robinsons Seabream and Buffalo (yellow spot) Emperor.
Slow Diver
Slow Diver - 8 years ago
Andy's Fishing that's good to hear. Maybe a video suggestion is coral sea reef candy on jig and big coral trout on fly. Charter out to Circular Quay, Block Or even Joist Reef.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
The Job Fish are on my list, but I have never seen any.  I may have to get further out.
Dylan 11q3
Dylan 11q3 - 8 years ago
you deserve more subscribers
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I know.  Put the word out and share and tell everyone to share my videos.  Lets use people power for good.
4reelfishing - 8 years ago
Don't you get tilapia up north
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
They are in Cairns, Townsville, but so far we have been lucky not to have them here.  Why people put aquarium fish into the wild is insane.
Patrick Whelan
Patrick Whelan - 8 years ago
JUSTICEMONKEY northern Australia? We get them in cairns
Lavs - 8 years ago
Great video as always. I think catch and cook vids are the way to go, very entertaining. Keep up the great work!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I hope to teach and entertain in my videos.
ItzVestra - 8 years ago
What about carp? Never heard of anyone eating carp would like to hear some opinions
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have had a couple of suggestions for them, but also many others.  It's going on the list.
Justin Salanga
Justin Salanga - 8 years ago
Lesson learned.bring basic spices, and some lemon. Also I like your catch and cook episodes, keep up the good work Andy!!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I actually prefer to taste the fish on it's own.  But I have started putting some extra stuff in my boat.  You'll just have to wait and see.
Jimmy Reyes
Jimmy Reyes - 8 years ago
Love your shows you have inspire me to do more and different type of fishing keep up the amazing good work.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Good stuff.  This is my mission, and hopefully to respect the environment and our fish stocks.
WDR_ Gaming
WDR_ Gaming - 8 years ago
Fish the Maroochydore River at the Sunshine Coast it's so dope. The fishing is unreal. Even in Twin Waters Canals heaps of fun.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have walked there a little an not seen much, but I know if I go exploring I will find something.  Maybe next trip.
nigel Burke
nigel Burke - 8 years ago
Thanks for another great video it would be great if you could do some mire videos cheers
nigel Burke
nigel Burke - 8 years ago
All good mate I look forward to your videos every time bacause they are such good quality
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I can't spend that much time on them, when I have 100,000 or more subscribers I think I can do more.
Lanky Schnitzel a.k.a Big Shrimpin'
Lanky Schnitzel a.k.a Big Shrimpin' - 8 years ago
Bring back the Legionnaires Hat!!!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Ha ha, that took a while for the first hat comment.  Just mixing it up a bit.
Fred Flinstone
Fred Flinstone - 8 years ago
Go out reef fishing for some snapper or go into some creeks for some flattys
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I do think I am due for some more reef fishing.
Alex Krout
Alex Krout - 8 years ago
Another ripper of a video. Thanks for sharing your journeys with us.
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
No worries, it feels different now that I know many thousands of people are fishing with me in spirit.
Chris Turner
Chris Turner - 8 years ago
Catch and cook a Barrucuta, let's us know what it tastes like ;)
Chris Turner
Chris Turner - 8 years ago
I don't mind coming up to do it with you ;)
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Ok, will try that.
Josa's Hunting and Fishing
Josa's Hunting and Fishing - 8 years ago
hey Andy another rip bid, I love the catch and cook segment. I will have to try a tilapia next time I catch one. also a fish that I think u should try eating is a sleepy cod. great vid
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
I have heard Sleepy cod are delicious, never tried one and they look like they have very white meat.  Will try that one for sure.
Goosie_ Gang
Goosie_ Gang - 8 years ago
Go somewhere and spear
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Spear fishing and Bow fishing is illegal in non-tidal waters in QLD.  But I will try Bow fishing some time soon.

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