Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347
Kayak 8 years ago 199,123 views
WARNING: It is actually illegal to eat Tilapia when caught in Queensland. I was unaware of this at the time of filming and urge anyone that catches a Tilapia in Australia to kill it humanely and dispose of it away from any water source including down the kitchen sink, as this can spread the viable eggs into new water courses. All Tilapia and Carp for that matter must be killed and removed from the water when caught in Queensland and Australia for that matter. Please do the right thing and protect our natural environment. To support me when you shop on AMAZON please click HERE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👍 🔥 ❤️ 🔥 👍 ❤️ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The click lasts 24hours, and you pay no more than anywhere else. All items are what I have used and like, see the description for each item to view my thoughts on them. -------------------------- Stay updated on: -------------------------- InstaGram - FaceBook - Twitter - #fishing #adventure #wildcook #catchandcook #andysfishing #cookout #fish #tropicalisland ----------------------------------------------- SUPPORT MY VIDEO MAKING: ----------------------------------------------- • Donate with PAYPAL - • PATREON - Contribute monthly to my video making efforts
Andy's Fishing
10. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347
Check it out after this one!!! And Subscribe.
20. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347
I want a boat like yours. What can you tell us about it? The design? The maker? Rock on Andy and thank you.
30. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347
Too bad about Tilapia in Australia! In the USA it is highly coveted and heavily priced - a delicacy for that matter!
PS - Love the catch and cook and your video productions continue to be the best, even better now that the drone is active.
we indonesian people eat tilapia!
and it taste good.
some people think use youtube just to make money and make stupid videos just to make money but you are the complete opposite and i hope you never turn that way, so keep making great videos for other people to watch.
I would rely like to meet you one day because that would mean so much to me to meet my fave rote you tuber in the whole world. if you could it would be great if you could come to South Australia.
50. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347
There should be rewards for Tilapia and many recipes on how to eat that fish, not illegal!
100. comment for Catch and Cook Bass fishing in Kayak Andy's Fish Video EP.347
I did have one question, I read the laws and requirements of Talapia fish and I saw where it said "it must not be kept, fed, given away, sold, or released into the environment without a permit". I did not see anything about eating the fish or consumption of Talapia. Just curious as to whether one cannot eat them if caught, maybe as long as it is done away from the lake.
I have eaten Talapia many times and it is a tasty fish, with no fishy flavor what so ever. I also live in the U.S. and pretty much any canal in the western states, have Talapia swimming in them.
Thanks again for the video and information.
God Bless bro.
Definitely, thumbs up.
Love your videos!
just stumbled onto your channel and loving it so far. the catch and cook episodes are great. would love to see you do some luderick fishing. this is my favourite style of fishing, and they taste great. have a go next time you are near the clarence. yamba holds some monster blackfish! cheers mate, keep up the good work.
it's a great group with a bunch of very knowledgeable guys. very friendly and happy to give out advice.
it's a great group with a bunch of very knowledgeable guys. very friendly and happy to give out advice.
keep up the good work
Haven't heard from ya for a while... Everything o.k?
Preferably fresh water.
Check this ours out if you get the chance, think you will enjoy it!
Always a possibility.
Thank You.
And Thanks for watching, despite how my replies my seem, they are all welcome.
They are a pest fish, and I had the wrong knife. If it doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother you too much.
No stress, I always try to respond.
Says who? The people that need an excuse is who.
That will change. So enjoy it and remember the good times.
I really need to get back out there soon.
No, it's all good. I have learnt a lot about Tilapia from this video.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I love a lot of youtubers
But my favourite is you
Shucks you make me blush.
Hopefully not too long.
If you want btw ur vids are awesome
It's a beautiful little dam.
I might put my feelers out before I plan an overseas trip and ask anyone that wants to show me some cool spots.
That's cool, feel free to share them.
Yes, but that's why they are also such a biological hazard.
Cool, a kid needs some pets, and strange ones are fun.
1sub= win the lottery
have a good day
For sure I will. In the mean time search "Andysfishing Catch n Cook"
It's in south east QLD.
If I worried about all the weird and negative comments I would have stopped making videos a long time ago. Luckily they don't bother me. It's people looking through their own limited view of life, it's all good. I don't hold it against anyone, unless they actually want to have a go at me.
I don't know if you're right on that intelligence thing. I have always been in the top of my school and University. I think maybe a bit too judgemental to things they are not used to.
Not here, and I am taking a fillet off the fish, so we say I am filleting the fish. Just a different culture.
Also a challenge for you: Catch a pink snapper near the Cardwell area. Their distribution map states they are seen as high up as Hinchenbrook island so I think you should have a crack at some point.
Who knows, maybe one day I'll get one. I have heard of them caught near Mackay.
Just had a quick look on the net and found this:
" Recorded in Australian waters from about Townsville (Queensland) around the southern part of Australia to Cape Cuvier (Western Australia); also at Lord Howe and Norfolk islands in the Tasman Sea. Found elsewhere in New Zealand."
I reckon they would be around probably in the winter months up here but they would just be super hard to find haha... I lived in Tasmania previously to Cairns and always wanted to jag a snapper in the Derwent river because they were so few and far between were only around in summer when the water temp was high enough. I only heard of one legal one being caught in my 5 years there.
All good though... it was a hard challenge haha
We don't even see them here and with our oceans heating up, I don't see me getting one any time soon.
But the Sooties are on the list.
I'd buy 10kg of banana's and plant them all over his boat.
in my country Indonesia this is a favourite freshwater fish to eat, just deep fried, crispy and eat with rice+chilli sauce, called "Sambal" or "Sambel" in Indonesia, you must try!!
I will try to get those Lures to you before xmas. I have Jake, Amanda & little Enki from Weflick Fishing staying with me in-between their fishing, filming trips, getting to do some fishing with them too which is good, managed to christen my kayak first trip with a 52cm Brown Trout, even got it on GoPro, Jake has done a video which will go up later sometime. Hope you can get some value out of the lures when you get them too. :)
Wondering if you sell your shirts & how much if you do?, really like that, the white looks good and would be cool too.
Cheers Neal..
When I do I will have a short video about it.
I will get around to selling some shirts, I just have a bit going on at the moment.
Yes, I almost always fish in white now.
If you see me at a boat ramp or something come say hi. I almost never plan a trip, I just go.
Sure do, I thought I had a huge Bass.
That is interesting. About the date and the soil flavour.
Oh, and tilapias don't tend to get soil-flavored. Carps on the other hand, they taste like dirt quick.
Yes, they would be fun.
I haven't caught Mahi Mahi or Triple Tail yet.
Right now I am too busy working to film, but soon I hope.
But I will do more.
That is a very good use for them.
I still think some bureaucrat would have an issue with it, even though there is no chance of spreading them in that situation. Ps, there was no mouth brood or eggs.
I love it there, hopefully I will be back down early next year.
(btw I feel offended about that stereotype because we love it so much it could be our National Fish)
I heard that too, but everyone that fished there that day and the day after didn't do well, and I mean the locals.
That's why I couldn't find them.
maybe you should make video of eging too.
hearing some good size of squids around australian coastal.
fish on mate!
Yes, this will be part of an over night video.
Fish are all over the place, it just takes time and exploring some times.
A little, I really need to do more.
All the minerals and good oils are in the organs, but I can't eat them, even though we should.
Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat; cook the tilapia in the hot oil until the fish flakes easily with a fork, about 4 minutes per side. Brush the melted butter onto the tilapia in the last minute before removing from the skillet. or bbq with olive oil nice vid lol thought you going show how different the lenses on sunglasses are. mind you bbq is bit hard in canoe and maybe go after Cheeklined Wrasse as they seem nice looking or Harlequin Rock Cod lol googled them as not know ozzie fish. they look cool. says that Harlequin Rock Cod you cook like red snapper and i know red snapper a nice eating fish. well keep them screaming