Catching A DINOSAUR Alligator Gar From Kayak
Kayak 10 years ago 2,212,089 views
Catching an alligator gar near 100 pounds on the trinity river near crockett Tx from my 9 foot malibu mini x kayak. i was using cut carp for bait, the rod/reel used was a shimano trevalla jigging rod rated for up to 200# braid with a shimano tyrnos 16 loaded with 100# braid. the fish swam away healthy to fight another day, alligator gar are some of the oldest fish on the planet with fossils records showing them living during the cretaceous period..the Trinity river is a crazy environment i have fallen in love with i will be making another trip soon.
10. comment for Catching A DINOSAUR Alligator Gar From Kayak
20. comment for Catching A DINOSAUR Alligator Gar From Kayak
30. comment for Catching A DINOSAUR Alligator Gar From Kayak
did that happen? NO
am i impressed? NOOO
use VIVAVIDEO EDITOR to edit your videos. its awsome
I'm surprised people still don't do research on a fish before they try and keep it as a pet. Then again, people still keep goldfish in bowls so I shouldn't be surprised at the idiocy of people.
50. comment for Catching A DINOSAUR Alligator Gar From Kayak
and alligator gar are actually dinosaurs (147 million years on the planet) so its not clickbait just sounds like it.
its funny these days i get all kinds of up close and personal with them.
check out some of my newer vids to see some gar well over 100 pounds heavier than that fish.
Dengan Inilah Kami Boleh Maju Selepas Perkawinan Yang Akan Datang Nanti.
100. comment for Catching A DINOSAUR Alligator Gar From Kayak
LOL...I am showing my age.
May Yahuaha bless you and may you find your way to HIS Son the Messiah Yahusha. It's the only way to escape the fires to come.
Nah, "REAL fishermen" don't torture animals.
I prefer to catch a fish only one time....then cook and eat it. It's far more humane that way. BTW...Gar are absolutely DELICIOUS!
and i have no fucking clue who jeremy wade is +Nokle
if you did get hit by a gar i have heard of people ending up with over 100 stitches. they have about 4 or five teeth that hang off the end of their nose. they use these teeth to slash in self defense basically like a knife. they will do that before that actually try to bite in self defense. as for kayak vs gar its dangerous all right have had 3 friends end up with gar over 100 pounds jumping and coming down on top of the kayak, you spend all of the fight in a kayak directly on top of the gar just a few feet away
petri heil from germany
Did you stick your finger into her too many times? Was that cancer, you?
Wonder why
Thanks for the run down. Many more great hookups to ya!