Caught on Tape - Breaching Whales Hit Boats & kayaks, Collection of Best Videos, Official CR 2.0

Today we look at Caught on Tape - Breaching Whales Hit Boats & kayaks, Collection of Best Videos, Official CR 2.0. 2017 has been an amazing year and 2018 is right around the corner. Here's a special video for everyone. -------------------------------------------------- Thanks for watching! Please share our videos and Subscribe to CR 2.0 -------------------------------------------------- ➨ Subscribe: ➨Amazing Slow Motion Phantom Camera Footage: ➨Monster Submarine Shark Caught on Tape: ➨Collection of Most Popular Videos from 2018: ➨Shocking Discovery of 'Plastic Whale': ➨Scared Fisherman Films Giant Monster Shark: ➨Evidence of the Megalodon Shark & Black Demon Shark: ➨Diver Catches Rare Living Giant Squid on Camera: ------------------------------------------------- Credits: Music - Teknoaxe MUSIC - Ussishkin Gang This channel we check out the megalodon shark caught on tape, alien sightings, ufo caught on camera, extraterrestrial life, monster, shark week, discovery, ghosts, real dragons, shark encounters, new technology 2017, and more. Subscribe please for updates! ------------------------------------------------- *****All content is used with proper licensing. Contact with any concerns. -------------------------------------------------- CR 2.0 is an educational science and nature channel with videos and discussions for all ages, kids and adults. Here you can find daily videos about animal facts, product reviews, unboxing videos, NASA discoveries, giant snakes, saltwater crocodiles, worldwide shark attacks, deadly spiders, bigfoot sightings, mysterious creatures discovered, strange new species, prehistoric discoveries like the megalodon shark, deep sea monsters, newest technology, Strange Sightings, as well as breaking science & nature news.

Caught on Tape - Breaching Whales Hit Boats & kayaks, Collection of Best Videos, Official CR 2.0 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 763

Kayak 7 years ago 1,677,722 views

Today we look at Caught on Tape - Breaching Whales Hit Boats & kayaks, Collection of Best Videos, Official CR 2.0. 2017 has been an amazing year and 2018 is right around the corner. Here's a special video for everyone. -------------------------------------------------- Thanks for watching! Please share our videos and Subscribe to CR 2.0 -------------------------------------------------- ➨ Subscribe: ➨Amazing Slow Motion Phantom Camera Footage: ➨Monster Submarine Shark Caught on Tape: ➨Collection of Most Popular Videos from 2018: ➨Shocking Discovery of 'Plastic Whale': ➨Scared Fisherman Films Giant Monster Shark: ➨Evidence of the Megalodon Shark & Black Demon Shark: ➨Diver Catches Rare Living Giant Squid on Camera: ------------------------------------------------- Credits: Music - Teknoaxe MUSIC - Ussishkin Gang This channel we check out the megalodon shark caught on tape, alien sightings, ufo caught on camera, extraterrestrial life, monster, shark week, discovery, ghosts, real dragons, shark encounters, new technology 2017, and more. Subscribe please for updates! ------------------------------------------------- *****All content is used with proper licensing. Contact with any concerns. -------------------------------------------------- CR 2.0 is an educational science and nature channel with videos and discussions for all ages, kids and adults. Here you can find daily videos about animal facts, product reviews, unboxing videos, NASA discoveries, giant snakes, saltwater crocodiles, worldwide shark attacks, deadly spiders, bigfoot sightings, mysterious creatures discovered, strange new species, prehistoric discoveries like the megalodon shark, deep sea monsters, newest technology, Strange Sightings, as well as breaking science & nature news.

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Most popular comments
for Caught on Tape - Breaching Whales Hit Boats & kayaks, Collection of Best Videos, Official CR 2.0

ACE Champion
ACE Champion - 6 years ago
I wonder why these people feel the need to get out there and harass these animals?
Zach Payne
Zach Payne - 6 years ago
White privilege
LUN4T1C - 6 years ago
They are intelligent creatures. They like to interact. As long as you are not hunting them or imprisoning them I am sure they are not harmed.
Razwan Razwan
Razwan Razwan - 6 years ago
ACE Champion xxx
Fat Man
Fat Man - 6 years ago
How is it harassment? Whales usually enjoy human company.
YellowSOY - 6 years ago
Its a 30 tonne whale. If it was being bothered it by those people it’s pretty capable flipping the fin.
simon payne
simon payne - 6 years ago
FakeMoonRocks I agree
FakeMoonRocks - 6 years ago
What video were YOU watching? Clearly the harassment was the other way around. People have every much a right to use the oceans as the whales do. Whales are constantly playing the victim card, all the while being the aggressors. And you're willfully playing right into their hands...or, I mean flippers...fins...whatever.
simon payne
simon payne - 6 years ago
ACE Champion harrassing?? Your a deush..
Dark Kasai
Dark Kasai - 6 years ago
ACE Champion they’re not harassing them they want to see these animals in real life whales are quite friendly and their breaching is very unpredictable
Mascotal - 6 years ago
ACE Champion
Very true. I once saw a group of Chinese tourists follow a moose into the bush while taking pictures with their cell phones. Too funny.
ACE Champion
ACE Champion - 6 years ago
+Samuel Valdes you better go tell that story to someone that doesn't know any better...every time one comes by they flock out to it like starving seagulls....I've seen it to many times
Samuel Valdes
Samuel Valdes - 6 years ago
Yes I'm sure people actually go on the ocean just to harass these animals... nobody is harassing no one, people are just out there fishing doing their thing and they happen to come across them. I hate it when people like you start judging and assuming that everyone is out there to harass something or someone in some way shape or form.
White Maori
White Maori - 6 years ago
Don’t know how humans ever killed these amazing animals
Stickit Pickit
Stickit Pickit - 6 years ago
I really wanna get a team of scuba divers and scrub off those barnacles for them.
ivan boskovic
ivan boskovic - 6 years ago
Hook fishermen are monsters.
peter A
peter A - 6 years ago
நாம் தமிழர்
abhiisheksingh - 6 years ago
give them some warm water bath, see happiness and eagerness.
maxitown7 - 6 years ago
Nearly capsized the boat?? Nearly killed the whale more like.
American Nobody
American Nobody - 6 years ago
I want to see what happens with those three in the boat, looking around at under the boat?! I also hope that that whale that was hit is ok!
lenny108 - 6 years ago
nice video, right, actually humans have no business to go to the sea just like fish do not go to the land.
th souza
th souza - 6 years ago

10. comment for Caught on Tape - Breaching Whales Hit Boats & kayaks, Collection of Best Videos, Official CR 2.0

Nengah Suta
Nengah Suta - 6 years ago
Ikan paus yang jinak .
АББАТ АББАТ - 6 years ago
Jaime Thomas
Jaime Thomas - 6 years ago
Crazy people
lili nawel
lili nawel - 6 years ago
Jaime Thomas مجادب أ ماما
Dark Days to Green Heaven
Dark Days to Green Heaven - 6 years ago
I'm just curious to know if somebody can tell me..if the whale's tail fin accidentally hits you(not as in smashing but during its regular movement), is it capable of causing damage?
Make Nitro Great Again
Make Nitro Great Again - 6 years ago
Dark Days to Green Heaven yes
Suzanne Morris
Suzanne Morris - 6 years ago
No thanks....I will just watch on YouTube lol
Like-a-butterfly Como uma Borboleta
Like-a-butterfly Como uma Borboleta - 6 years ago
Nosso Deus... que medoooo
john tran
john tran - 6 years ago
Your in the ocean. A great white trying to chase a seal and bump into your boat. Whale bump hahah. Really really low chance but hey you never know
Canaan Noah
Canaan Noah - 6 years ago
The whale works with border petrol , he was going to capsize the wet backs boat then arrest them .
Scarlet Pimpernel
Scarlet Pimpernel - 6 years ago
Humans ?I have more respect any time for animals just like the modern immature comments here when will you all learn
simon payne
simon payne - 6 years ago
YouGetNo Succ it's cool b I was joking with you
young nibba
young nibba - 6 years ago
simon payne i khow thate mi inglish vhery bhad
simon payne
simon payne - 6 years ago
YouGetNo Succ ru drunk??lol
young nibba
young nibba - 6 years ago
animals dont show i
us respect by hitting out boats and killing us
simon payne
simon payne - 6 years ago
Scarlet Pimpernel these people weren't hurting the animals they were just admiring the whales so as the whales we're curious about the humans from what I saw in this video.
Scarlet Pimpernel
Scarlet Pimpernel - 6 years ago
+simon payne Because humans have an advanced brain that they can't use properly and fight because of fictional religions they are suppressed by these thoughts that are dictated to them by other control freaks.They poke their noses into wildlife and have to use machinery to hunt because they have a physical deficiency otherwise.The way they live polluts nature Man will be the victim of his own crimes if they upset nature.
simon payne
simon payne - 6 years ago
More respect for animals than humans?? Why?
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 6 years ago
Singing whale. , humpback.s

20. comment for Caught on Tape - Breaching Whales Hit Boats & kayaks, Collection of Best Videos, Official CR 2.0

Mila Luv
Mila Luv - 6 years ago
Nicolly Oliveira
Nicolly Oliveira - 6 years ago
Good video!!!
Mackenzie Dau
Mackenzie Dau - 6 years ago
Barnacles... eew.
Gerland Le
Gerland Le - 6 years ago
Big baby,
Kevin Lee
Kevin Lee - 6 years ago
LOL guy catches fish then the whale stole the show
Eduardo Sousa
Eduardo Sousa - 6 years ago
Good videos!!!
shishir Howladher
shishir Howladher - 6 years ago
Ghdgfg Ghdgydh
Ghdgfg Ghdgydh - 6 years ago
ACE Champion
ACE Champion - 6 years ago
Mexican fishermen? yeah right more like a Mexican drug cartel making a run or killing someone or both
The Pornographer
The Pornographer - 6 years ago
Just hope the whales are ok
ACE Champion
ACE Champion - 6 years ago
+Tim Baker no some are innocent victims....
Pope On A Rope
Pope On A Rope - 6 years ago
ACE Champion not everybody is a criminal
fishnbaja1 - 6 years ago
I'd suggest you travel to Baja and see these fishermen in action. They are amazing fishermen. Any single one of these captains would leave you impressed with their skill at catching fish. About the cartel comment, again, if you went to Mexico and asked them, the fishermen would tell you that they hate them, fear them, and stay out of their way as much as they can.
Andrew Patrick
Andrew Patrick - 6 years ago
Just leave the whales alone.
Fredje Van Nauw
Fredje Van Nauw - 6 years ago
Blake Gaming
Blake Gaming - 6 years ago
Andrew Patrick yed
Semih Gül
Semih Gül - 6 years ago
Dark Kasai
Dark Kasai - 6 years ago
Andrew Patrick I have to keep telling people look I’m not trying to be rude I’m a very nice person but you need to know that whales sometimes go up to people they are curious you can’t just tell a whale to go away people do try to get up close to them but they won’t start bothering the animal they just want to get a good look at what nature really is
mats hagen
mats hagen - 6 years ago
thats true

30. comment for Caught on Tape - Breaching Whales Hit Boats & kayaks, Collection of Best Videos, Official CR 2.0

Ken Sharp
Ken Sharp - 6 years ago
They should make it illegal for whales to harass kayakers, because that is very rude behavior.
FxnesseKid 102
FxnesseKid 102 - 6 years ago
So, you want ppl to just go find a big ass whale and tell them to stop being whales...Smh
Dark Kasai
Dark Kasai - 6 years ago
Mike Lowry that’s a whale shark they are neither whale nor shark they are a fish intact the largest fish
ahsan sheikh
ahsan sheikh - 6 years ago
Nagpur city
MarkYuri PH
MarkYuri PH - 6 years ago
ph0kused - 6 years ago
humpbacks HATE mexican fishermen! lol
Zk AY - 6 years ago
Michele Pohl thanks for your concern, rumor has it the whale went on to win this year's Eurovision contest. Her name is Netta Barzilai
Michele Pohl
Michele Pohl - 6 years ago
ph0kused I hope the whale was ok.
Zk AY - 6 years ago
ph0kused the whales are not alone with those sentiments.
Golden Lioness
Golden Lioness - 6 years ago
This is just horrible! Most of these is caused because humans are getting way too close to the whales, there is actually a policy that’s is saying that you are not allowed that close....just...hmmmm not good
Gambit - 6 years ago
This is good, now those people have learned to keep their distance
gin idontthinkso
gin idontthinkso - 6 years ago
or whales getting close, they aren't afraid of small creatures like us
Zk AY - 6 years ago
TayTayWildlife yup, tell that to the Japanese.
Sergio Dias
Sergio Dias - 6 years ago
Thanks cR2.0
Good videos!!!
Роман Петров
Роман Петров - 6 years ago
Очень интересно)
たすけて - 6 years ago
I want to eat a whale
たすけて - 6 years ago
30years ago
Merc Enum
Merc Enum - 6 years ago
Have you eaten whale before?
abu esha
abu esha - 6 years ago
たすけて how many days, are you hungry??
Sanji Vinsmoke
Sanji Vinsmoke - 6 years ago
KeAna Nickelson stereotypes in action.
alain lefebvre
alain lefebvre - 6 years ago
Beatriz Gonzalez
Beatriz Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Desastres naturales
Clint Hymes
Clint Hymes - 6 years ago
How do they know it was a Mexican boat?
Zk AY - 6 years ago
Clint Hymes the inside Hull of the boat was 1/4 the way filled with diarrhea from double bean taco Tuesday.
عبود عبود الحساني
عبود عبود الحساني - 6 years ago
Arfen Malik
Arfen Malik - 6 years ago
nothing amazing to see. as big as they r they cannot even hurt a banana boat
Hentai Lord ✅
Hentai Lord ✅ - 6 years ago
سمير سمير
سمير سمير - 6 years ago
رائع أستمر
The real Cody Borelz
The real Cody Borelz - 6 years ago
Good videos!!!
Riyas Sha
Riyas Sha - 6 years ago
Carlos Adames
Carlos Adames - 6 years ago
Carlos Adames
Carlos Adames - 6 years ago
The real Cody Borelz mureputa
CR 2.0
CR 2.0 - 6 years ago
The real Cody Borelz thank you
Tanielu Ah Hong
Tanielu Ah Hong - 6 years ago
Robby Stamper
Robby Stamper - 6 years ago
Makereta Qoli you're an idiot
Makereta Qoli
Makereta Qoli - 6 years ago
Tanielu A
David Persaud
David Persaud - 6 years ago
One for the fishes, fighting back.
David Persaud
David Persaud - 6 years ago
Good point out dough,,,
Adam Weightman
Adam Weightman - 6 years ago
David Persaud yeah my bad dude
David Persaud
David Persaud - 6 years ago
I know but this mammal representing the fishes what I meant to be politically correct,sorry sir.
Adam Weightman
Adam Weightman - 6 years ago
David Persaud mammals
americanwillow - 6 years ago
So...whales being whales,huh?
Elayne Moore
Elayne Moore - 6 years ago
simon payne
simon payne - 6 years ago
americanwillow so fisherman being fisherman lol rii??

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