Cheap $100 Homemade PVC Fishing Kayak How To

In this video, we show you how to make a PVC Kayak for little money and there is even a water test. Thanks for watching and I hope you like.

Cheap $100 Homemade PVC Fishing Kayak How To sentiment_very_dissatisfied 837

Kayak 7 years ago 932,827 views

In this video, we show you how to make a PVC Kayak for little money and there is even a water test. Thanks for watching and I hope you like.

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Most popular comments
for Cheap $100 Homemade PVC Fishing Kayak How To

Englashi - 7 years ago
why the terrible resulution
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know, It looks pretty good on my end. Thanks for trying to watching.
Le Argyο
Le Argyο - 7 years ago
Its an underwater boat.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I think the word would be submarine. It actually never went under once. You would need 5 or 6 people to actually make it go under... Thanks for watching.
zygmunt andrzejczuk
zygmunt andrzejczuk - 7 years ago
he forgot about the satellite dish
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am not sure what you mean, but thanks for watching.
aqims cruz
aqims cruz - 7 years ago
omak air die hitam cam air nescafe o kaw
aqims cruz
aqims cruz - 7 years ago
chud327 i say water very dark same drink coffee black. what ever good job bro. peace from malaysia.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you are saying, but thanks for watching.
roadhog19 - 7 years ago
Should use 12" PVC. Will float better and stay higher in the water. Cool though.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Yes, 12' would have been better. It would be more like a real pontoon boat. thanks for watching.
Sean Flanagan
Sean Flanagan - 7 years ago
What river is that
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is the St. Mary's River, near St. George, Georgia. Thanks for watching.
Айнур Волк
Айнур Волк - 7 years ago
Классно,.жаль что не разбирается, тяжело будет на машине возить без тележки
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you are saying, but thanks for watching.
Ephraim Camacho
Ephraim Camacho - 7 years ago
It looks good for one person. It needs more tubes to make it float better.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It was fun, thanks for watching.
Ramiro Pablo
Ramiro Pablo - 7 years ago
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you are saying, but thanks for watching.

10. comment for Cheap $100 Homemade PVC Fishing Kayak How To

joann robinson
joann robinson - 7 years ago
Nice...thanks...doesn't look very controllable though
chud327 - 7 years ago
It wasn't bad, especially in a later video when I had the trolling motor on it. Thanks for watching.
Константин Литвяков
Константин Литвяков - 7 years ago
Tell me, why do you have water of this color? Here we have in Russia the water is transparent
chud327 - 7 years ago
Lots of tree leaves putting tannic acid in the water. We have some transparent springs here too. Thanks for watching.
Jeddia Jones
Jeddia Jones - 7 years ago
This has got to be the most ridiculous waste of time and money I have ever seen. For $50 more you can get a one-person kayak that would handle any type of water and last a lot longer than that wood frame will. Just dumb.
chud327 - 7 years ago
You call it dumb, but I already have a $50 canoe and a $40 kayak. This is just to be different. It was a fun experiment and I actually liked it. Other than being heavy, it worked great. BTW, it has made 10 times what it cost to build in views. The canoe and kayak videos combined may have made ten cents and that is not dumb. thanks for watching.
seededsoul - 7 years ago

What is the approximate weight of the boat? Love the build, helped me decide to use lighter materials.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is probably about 200 pounds and yes, next time, it would get lighter material. Thanks for watching.
Minh Truonghoang
Minh Truonghoang - 7 years ago
water colours is strange
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is harmless tannic acid from all the leaves. Thanks for watching.
Gary Biggs
Gary Biggs - 7 years ago
Needs more tubes or bigger tubes. 1x4's for decking vs 2x4's.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Great advice and thanks for watching.
Immortal Soul
Immortal Soul - 7 years ago
River name?
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is the St. Mary's River. Thanks for watching.
Clover Vue
Clover Vue - 7 years ago
$100 will buy an used kayak, that thing needs improvement, otherwise it's junk.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I bought a great one for $40 off of Craigslist and improved it, it made about a happy meals worth of dough in views, you would fall out if I told you how much this on made. You need to consider the big picture. I see it as cool and different, thanks for watching.
Revalfresh Media
Revalfresh Media - 7 years ago
That is the dirtiest water I have ever seen! Looks like it would melt your skin.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Looks can be deceiving and no skin was lost in the water... Thanks for watching.
Naomi Starling
Naomi Starling - 7 years ago
wow whats in that water i wonder i dont do waterways they are filthy but the boat was cool
chud327 - 7 years ago
This water way goes through the woods and billions of leaves fall into the water. The leave create tannic acid, which may look filthy, but it is not. Thanks for watching.

20. comment for Cheap $100 Homemade PVC Fishing Kayak How To

JSB CARS - 7 years ago
Good job bro
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.
proteinman1981 - 7 years ago
What about crocs?
chud327 - 7 years ago
Doubt it on the croc, but I see gators in there around dusk... Thanks for watching.
Aleksandr Glotov
Aleksandr Glotov - 7 years ago
Great!!))) Try to use styrolfoam, we built a raft 10'x20' it was only $300 ))
chud327 - 7 years ago
Good idea, thanks for watching.
departmentofnatural awesomeness
departmentofnatural awesomeness - 7 years ago
Bout how much weight can it hold?
chud327 - 7 years ago
I would try to find the thin wall PVC, this thing is pretty heavy. If I have a boat ramp and my car trailer, I can do it with one person just fine. If not it takes a few guys to carry it. Thanks for watching.
departmentofnatural awesomeness
departmentofnatural awesomeness - 7 years ago
chud327, Thanks for replying, I may build something like this.
chud327 - 7 years ago
We have had too people on it. I would say around 300 pounds. Thanks for watching.
kyu-chul 엠스타 yoon
kyu-chul 엠스타 yoon - 7 years ago
와우~ 저도 만들어 보고 싶네요~ 신박합니다~ 근데 물 색깔이 왜 저렇죠?
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.
LMAO0O0O0 - 7 years ago
You might be a redneck if...
chud327 - 7 years ago
There is no might about it and thanks for watching.
Jim Cummings
Jim Cummings - 7 years ago
To all you people saying how awful the water looks. It isn’t like the muddy crappy stagnant mud holes you are envisioning. To me it looks like tannic acid staining. Very common in many lakes in northern minnesota. It occurs from seepage through bogs, which is actually the best water filter there is. The result is very clean water with that brown/orange discoloration. Of course I may be wrong, and the discoloration is from suspended solids and thousands of non conforming septic systems leaching into the river.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Tannic acid is what it is, thanks for watching.
midtennkayakbassin - 7 years ago
Good job very creative but it’s really sketchy but it works so whatever gets you there do it
chud327 - 7 years ago
It wasn't that sketchy, but it was heavy... thanks for watching.
J D - 7 years ago
i was thinking of doing something similar with 5 gallon buckets
chud327 - 7 years ago
I want one with 55 gallon drums next. Thanks for watching.
Omar Cali
Omar Cali - 7 years ago
malísimo el vídeo no está traducido al castellano ni tiene subtítulos en español para entender lo que está diciendo
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.

30. comment for Cheap $100 Homemade PVC Fishing Kayak How To

Syl Myre
Syl Myre - 7 years ago
Its skidoo time u all b safe. Out there and enjoy the fun times
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.
SouthernSpirit4Life - 7 years ago
Great video again bro..
I invite y'all to check out my channel and show some love to support the smaller YouTubers before February 20th. Truly we are all affected by this from the big guys to the one that just started.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching, I will have to check your channel out.
This water is dirty
chud327 - 7 years ago
Don't be scared, it is tannic acid from the decaying leaves. thanks for watching.
Dave Exline
Dave Exline - 7 years ago
chud327 - 7 years ago
That would be nice, but that beast is already super heavy. they could be detachable, you put them on when you get to the water. thanks for watching.
Jimmy Freeman
Jimmy Freeman - 7 years ago
If you lose power, you can paddle with your feet. Also, could fish right through the floor!
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is true, thanks for watching.
Idris Atan132
Idris Atan132 - 7 years ago
Look so heavy
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is heavy, the best thing to do is put it on the car trailer and use a boat ramp. We did that recently if you want to check that out, it was much better than carrying it. Thanks for watching.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It just looks nasty, thanks for watching.
Lawrence Withrow
Lawrence Withrow - 7 years ago
I think I'd hold out for the smaller tubes being made from 6" rather than 4" It just rides a little too low in the water for me to trust it. Still, for the materials at hand, a neat project.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thinner would be nice because it would make the boat lighter to handle. As for the boat, it sits low, but it is stable and hold a lot of weight. Thanks for watching.
trollerer b
trollerer b - 7 years ago
Why do water is so red?
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is tannic acid from the decaying tree leaves. Thanks for watching.
nr3rful - 7 years ago
Why don't you need it registered ? Never fly in PA.
chud327 - 7 years ago
As long as there is no engine or motor on it, it is ok. I risked it with the engine and only had it in the water for a few minutes. If a game warden had shown up, we would have had a problem. Thanks for watching.
Joe DiMarco
Joe DiMarco - 7 years ago
Sorry, but that's a waste of $ 100 !!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for your view and your opinion, but you need to look at the big picture. That was bonding time with a long distant family member. When we went to the river to test it, we had way more than $100 worth of fun. We have had it to the river multiple times. As for a YouTube video, it is the best $100, I didn't even spend, for my channel. It has, in 6 months, picked up 565 subscribers, over 5K shares, over 700K views, and 2.5 million watch time minutes. It has paid back over 13 times what was spent on it. It was far from a waste. I wish all my video were this successful, I would be doing YouTube, my dream career, full time. Thanks again for watching.
Rick Kellett
Rick Kellett - 7 years ago
I like it
chud327 - 7 years ago
If it was on the trailer, I might would go to the river today. It is a beautiful 70 degree day. Thanks for watching.
alamotexan - 7 years ago
Yeah glue that is proven over thousands of job site and you yocals use sillycone
chud327 - 7 years ago
Your reply made no sense and was rude, I deleted it. Leaking caps would not equal bouncy, maybe you and you degrees want to sit in a corner.
chud327 - 7 years ago
alamotexan Yes Mr. All-knowing, however, the caps had too much clearance. Maybe they were the wrong schedule. If we had you running the show it would have been a pvc submarine. There is no way you could have known that and thanks for watching.
何志伟 - 7 years ago
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.
Rick Kellett
Rick Kellett - 7 years ago
It needs to float higher, period, but I like it, good job!
chud327 - 7 years ago
If I modify it any, I will probably loose a lot of the wood. The wood made it super heavy. Thanks for watching.
David Hefner
David Hefner - 7 years ago
P x rxr= ~ 27sq in. Times 120 -=
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching.
HA zizuo
HA zizuo - 7 years ago
فكرة جميلة ولكن اول مرة اشاهد مياه تشبه السولار ههههههههههههههه
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.
Joseph Fields
Joseph Fields - 7 years ago
Cool idea!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and it worked pretty good too. Have you seen my recent videos where I have the trolling motor on it, that was cool. Thanks for watching.
burymedeep 2093
burymedeep 2093 - 7 years ago
I like it. Im gonna work off that and see where it goes. Thx
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am not familiar with rivers in Az, I would say take it down the grand canyon... In fact, I should do that, it might get more views...
burymedeep 2093
burymedeep 2093 - 7 years ago
I really appreciate the tips chud. You guys are awesome. Im in Arizona now if you can find me a river too!
chud327 - 7 years ago
I would suggest less wood, the wood made it too heavy. And I probably wouldn't put foam in the pipes. Also for the 4 inch pipe, there are two types that are thinner, cheaper, and lighter... Good luck and thanks for watching.
Carlos Fernandes
Carlos Fernandes - 7 years ago
Vou fazer um desse pra navegar no rio Pinheiros!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Other than rio being river, I have no idea what you said, but thanks for watching.

50. comment for Cheap $100 Homemade PVC Fishing Kayak How To

viper2788 - 7 years ago
Why did you fill the pipes with foam?
chud327 - 7 years ago
I guess he thought if it leaks the foam will trap the water. Thanks for watching.
Sam Holt
Sam Holt - 7 years ago
I want to see some information about the motor
chud327 - 7 years ago
I have a few videos of that motor and a bigger one. Type "Chud327 homemade boat motor" and they should pop up.
John Montgomery
John Montgomery - 7 years ago
I always wanted to try that ... good stuff. where is a lake or a river there is fun.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I read it wrong and yes, water usually equals fun! I plan to have that pvc boat in the water soon with the motor moved forward a bit, when it warms up a little...
John Montgomery
John Montgomery - 7 years ago
I meant to say "that where there is a Lake or a River, there is fun" ... anyway, thank you for the video and good luck on the next project.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks it is the St. Mary's river between Georgia and Florida... Thanks for watching.
AllAlaskan907 - 7 years ago
Needs more flotation in the back, looks scar as hell running it with the motor and it sinking so far down in the water lol.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching more than one! If you go to my channel, the trolling motor one with be probably about 10th from newest. I also did some amphibious gocart videos about the same time that I would love to hear what you think. Thanks for the reply.
AllAlaskan907 - 7 years ago
I didn't see that one, I did just see where you added more float tubes underneath though.
chud327 - 7 years ago
AllAlaskan907 I am actually planning to move the motor forward a little next time it is warm enough. Did you see recently when I had a trolling motor on it? Thanks for watching.
redneck mafia863
redneck mafia863 - 7 years ago
Hell ya pretty cool
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.
69barnet - 7 years ago
This river is with very dirty water.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is not that bad, it just looks it. Thanks for watching.
Petre Popescu
Petre Popescu - 7 years ago
Ce apa mizerabila
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.
American Skys
American Skys - 7 years ago
Water looks dirty...
chud327 - 7 years ago
Don't worry, it is just tannic acid from all the leaves. Thanks for watching.
Sebastian Elliott
Sebastian Elliott - 7 years ago
Coca-Cola river
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is exactly what i was thinking, thanks for watching.
Retz - 7 years ago
I'd definitely put foam or something inside the PVC pipes for extra buoyancy, and an outrigger would probably be a must with that thing because it doesn't look very stable.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is pretty stable and I recently had it back at the river, I would love to hear what you think. Thanks for watching.
Juan Francisco Cacao
Juan Francisco Cacao - 7 years ago
Its better when its wider
chud327 - 7 years ago
Have you seem my recent videos of my amphibious go-cart? It is wider and very stable, I would love to hear what you think. Thanks for watching.
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 7 years ago
State of the art redneck engineering!!! Cool ain't it
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks, I think is cool. Thanks for watching.
Andrea Eiermann
Andrea Eiermann - 7 years ago
bob...make us ine of these! awesome fun to be had together
chud327 - 7 years ago
This thing is fun and thanks for watching.
isellcatlitter - 7 years ago
i am literally playing my tuba 4... "hail to the chief"... i love it
chud327 - 7 years ago
Sweet and thanks for watching.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is fine. It is tannic acid from the decomposing leaves. Thanks for watching.
Linc Qimiq
Linc Qimiq - 7 years ago
I think u should use 14 to 16 inch diameter it will hold 2 or 3 persons plus motor
chud327 - 7 years ago
That would make a pretty nice boat, thanks for watching.
Chris Gold
Chris Gold - 7 years ago
Great job! Try using PVC instead of wood!
chud327 - 7 years ago
I found a heap load of PVC in a dumpster, it would be super easy and free to make it out of PVC now. Thanks for watching.
Dondi Dykes
Dondi Dykes - 7 years ago
Aren't very there Gators in that water ?
chud327 - 7 years ago
There are gators in that water, but you usually only see them at about dark. I am not sure where they hide in the daytime... Thanks for watching.
Small Fry Productions
Small Fry Productions - 7 years ago
Smart matey
chud327 - 7 years ago
Glad you like it, BTW, I just made another video of it verses a different PVC watercraft. I would love to hear what you think. thanks for watching.
Bill Rossey
Bill Rossey - 7 years ago
Great idea but looks like way too little flotation (video should be called Cheap PVC Sub)
chud327 - 7 years ago
It carried 2 people and never went under, my only complaint is how heavy it is, should have called it heavy PVC boat.
Stephen Mead
Stephen Mead - 7 years ago
why is there no bottom of the boat..that is the best question..with all the gators in the south
chud327 - 7 years ago
Good point about the gators and you see them there as the sun is going down... Thanks for watching.
Stephen Mead
Stephen Mead - 7 years ago
all fresh water looks like this in florida..i don't know what people are talk'n about..if the water doesn't look like that in florida your not on the fish..
chud327 - 7 years ago
It looks perfectly normal to me, thanks again!
Stephen Mead
Stephen Mead - 7 years ago
anyone say red shad culprit or senko?
Stephen Mead
Stephen Mead - 7 years ago
people that haven't seen that water color don't live in the southern states..lmfao.. very common in the south..looks like good fishing to me
Walter Sudymont
Walter Sudymont - 7 years ago
Does it matter what the water looks like? It’s tannins from leaves, no problem!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Amen and thanks for watching.
Tarry Birdshark
Tarry Birdshark - 7 years ago
I'm impressed. Have thought about this for several years. Nice job.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is really fun and it gets a lot of attention. Thanks for watching.
Joel Fernandes
Joel Fernandes - 7 years ago
co falta atestado de obito
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.
JesseGonzalezRGV - 7 years ago
A river filled with Coca Cola!
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is exactly what it looks like to me. Thanks for watching.
Juan jotabe
Juan jotabe - 7 years ago
it barely floats and it is not so inexpensive when you take into account the tools needed to make the job. a cheap plastic kayak will be much safer, but hey, its a fun ride i give u that
chud327 - 7 years ago
The good news is that it was fully funded by the brother in law. I like it because it is different and fun. I bought a $50 canoe and a $40 kayak after this build, but every one has those. this thing is unique. I just wish it wasn't so heavy. thanks for watching.
Alex and Tina Gangl.
Alex and Tina Gangl. - 7 years ago
What I would try is gluing all the pvc not silicone so it is air tight then drill small hole install a tire valve and put a few pounds of air in the tubes for more buoyancy
chud327 - 7 years ago
I like the gluing idea, but I don't know if more air pressure would help, I should do an experiment. thank for watching and did you see my recent videos testing this PVC watercraft with a different PVC amphibious gocart. I would love to hear what you think.
Elliott J
Elliott J - 7 years ago
Did you run into any channel cookies or honey bucks on the river ?
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't guess we have those in this part of the woods, I haven't heard of them. Thanks for watching.
Trevor Piercy
Trevor Piercy - 7 years ago
Or if you filled them with foam or something maybe it would change the buoyancy.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I was thinking the foam would be heavier and less buoyant. Thanks for watching. BTW, I just made another video with this and another PVC watercraft, I would love to hear what you think.
Trevor Piercy
Trevor Piercy - 7 years ago
I wonder if you added a valve stem to the PVC pipes you could pressurize them and it would float a little better.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I was thinking more air would be heavier and less buoyant, but I guess I could test it. Thanks again.
JR Sales
JR Sales - 7 years ago
Interessante. Acredito que ainda possa fazer melhorias positivas. Parabéns pela criatividade e um abraço do Brasil!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Sweet, thanks for the translation. BTW, I just made another video of it and another PVC watercraft, I would love to hear what you think.
JR Sales
JR Sales - 7 years ago
chud327 I think you can make some positive improvements, I really liked your idea and found it quite interesting. Congratulations and hugs from Brazil.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.
John Saint Vincent
John Saint Vincent - 7 years ago
Good video. Like.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thank you so much, BTW, I just had it and another PVC watercraft to the river, I would love to hear what you think. Thanks for watching.
OscarGuillermo09 - 7 years ago

I ask, why so narrow? thanks for answering
chud327 - 7 years ago
Have you seen my recent videos of this PVC craft and my PVC amphibious Gocart? The go cart is much wider and more stable. I would love to hear what you think.
OscarGuillermo09 - 7 years ago
more width more stability, equal effort, maybe the longest oar haha cordial greetings from Argentina
chud327 - 7 years ago
We were trying to make it skinny like a kayak so that it would be easy to paddle. However, wider may have been better. Thanks for watching and good question.
Jj Benz
Jj Benz - 7 years ago
your so tremendous
chud327 - 7 years ago
Wow, thank you so much and thanks for watching.
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın

100. comment for Cheap $100 Homemade PVC Fishing Kayak How To

Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Hayrettin Tandoğan
Hayrettin Tandoğan - 7 years ago
:D oha aleyna tilkinin ifşası yayınlanmış bakın
Camz316 - 7 years ago
That water is nasty
chud327 - 7 years ago
Just don't drink it, you should be fine... Thanks for watching.
Air Strike Technologies
Air Strike Technologies - 7 years ago
That's some nasty water. Chemical dump near by?
Air Strike Technologies
Air Strike Technologies - 7 years ago
Decomposing leaves makes moving water look black, yeah ok brother. Me and 900,000 other Marines have deadly disease from water like that in North Carolina. Best of luck with those decomposing leaves.
chud327 - 7 years ago
No chemical dump, unless you are talking about trees dumping their leaves into the water. The decomposing leaves cause the water to look that way. Thanks for watching.
Randy Crager
Randy Crager - 7 years ago
chud327 - 7 years ago
This is down farther south between Georgia and Florida. Let me know how your build turns out. BTW, my most recent video features this PVC craft and a comparison with a different PVC watercraft. I would love to hear what you think about it. Thanks for watching.
makemwunder - 7 years ago
Works if yer broke, but you get what you pay for
chud327 - 7 years ago
Good point and thanks for watching.
rob bob
rob bob - 7 years ago
by a boat
chud327 - 7 years ago
Do you mean buy a boat? That is such a great idea, they are super for the water. The bad news is, my boating videos get hundreds of views, the good news is, this gets hundreds of thousands... Thanks for watching and for the suggestion. I hope maybe you will check out my boat video too, they could use some views.
Houston Bigfooter
Houston Bigfooter - 7 years ago
Why is that water so dark?
chud327 - 7 years ago
Tannic acid from the decaying leaves. thanks for watching.
Trebor Skeem
Trebor Skeem - 7 years ago
I always wondered where Jolly Roger black lager came from
chud327 - 7 years ago
We may now know, thanks for watching.
Daniel  Reyes
Daniel Reyes - 7 years ago
chud327 - 7 years ago
It reminds me of your comment. thanks for watching.
gianul - 7 years ago
No chance
chud327 - 7 years ago
Gators, snakes, or dark water? thanks for watching.
Hayden H
Hayden H - 7 years ago
Got a man crush. My wife will live it. THANK YOUA
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply and for looking up the other videos, I need more viewers like you.
Hayden H
Hayden H - 7 years ago
chud327 Sure pal...
chud327 - 7 years ago
Nice and thanks for watching! BTW, I just uploaded another video of this boat and another PVC creation, I would love to hear what you think about it. Thanks for watching.
Veha Manotham
Veha Manotham - 7 years ago
wtf up with that water
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is tannic acid from all the leaves and stuff that fall into the water. Thanks for watching.
Stephen F.
Stephen F. - 7 years ago
This is so red neck. I want to make one with some little alterations. Thanks for sharing this with us all !
chud327 - 7 years ago
I want to do some changes too, anything that makes it lighter. BTW, my most recent video had this same boat and another PVC water craft, I would love to hear what you think, thanks for watching.
Brian McDowell
Brian McDowell - 7 years ago
I was hoping you would put dual 150s on it
chud327 - 7 years ago
I just put a trolling motor on it in my most recent video, I would love to hear what you think, thanks for watching.
Erico Sechini Filho
Erico Sechini Filho - 7 years ago
Parece mais um submarino só vai pra baixo da água
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.
buck19 - 7 years ago
i guess youd call it a pontoon kayak
chud327 - 7 years ago
Good idea, thanks for watching.
c0braZ - 7 years ago
the water tho,,,,,

so nasty!
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is not that bad, thanks for watching.
OscarGuillermo09 - 7 years ago
Por que tan poca manga??????
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.
André Santos
André Santos - 7 years ago
Very good
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching. BTW, I have a new video with that same boat, have you seen it yet?
王文涛 - 7 years ago
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you said, but thanks for watching.
arthur brian
arthur brian - 7 years ago
That water is nasty.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching.
skylark - 7 years ago
looks like nasty ass water there
chud327 - 7 years ago
It does look bad I guess. thanks for watching.
Monk - 7 years ago
Leonardo DiVinci Jr
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks, I should make some boat shoes and thanks for watching.
hellcat1988 - 7 years ago
That "river" looks like iodine. I wouldn't swim in that. I'd be hesitant to even eat anything growing NEAR it.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Looks more like cola to me. I don't fish there (I am a salt water fishing fan), but people fish and eat fish from there all the time. I guess it is ok, thanks for watching.
Baseballislife _11
Baseballislife _11 - 7 years ago
I seen you driving down 95 that's how I found your youtube channel because of the trailer on your truck.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am so glad you found me, I guess the trailer tailgate advertise works. I hope you will spend some time checking out some videos and even leave some comments. Thanks again and I hope I was driving OK...
Jack bender
Jack bender - 7 years ago
Timmy turtle copy
chud327 - 7 years ago
I have seen Timmy Turtle's, his is a bit different / better. He also uses his a lot more. I need to get mine back in the water again soon. Thanks for watching.
Vin Campbell
Vin Campbell - 7 years ago
Any alligators there? The water is so brown. I just wondered where this is?
chud327 - 7 years ago
There are gators in this water, you see them at right around dark. I am not sure where they hide during the day, probably right under where you swim... This is the St. Mary's River between Florida and Georgia. Thanks for watching.
Uncle Wreckum
Uncle Wreckum - 7 years ago
I like the old ( what I'm guessing is a ) 62 model impala there. Can't replace that beautiful metal on metal sound of that hood or car door closing.
Uncle Wreckum
Uncle Wreckum - 7 years ago
chud327 I very much liked the video. I'm assuming that the 327 is referring to a small block 327 ? And just outa curiosity do you have a 2 speed power glide for the transmission ?
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is a 64 Impala. Funny you would mention the car door closing, that is one of my favorite part of that car. The doors, after all of these years, shut better than a brand new cars (or just as good). I made a walk around video of this car and that was in the video. I would love to hear what you have to say about that whole video and thanks for watching.
bliss mcinnes
bliss mcinnes - 7 years ago
should of filled the two pontoon hull's with coke bottles
chud327 - 7 years ago
I actually thought of that, but did have any bottles. Thanks for the suggestion and for watching.
Playing With Fire
Playing With Fire - 7 years ago
have you upgraded in any way? ie larger pipe or more.
chud327 - 7 years ago
not yet, but I need to. However, I just built an amphibious go-cart that worked pretty good. That video is coming out Saturday morning, I hope to hear from you again. Thanks for watching.
jimforjzs777 - 7 years ago
Nasty looking water.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I does look dark, thanks for watching.
jimforjzs777 - 7 years ago
Lawnmower engine power is truely
Red neck.
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is one of my cool builds, and redneck?, yes... Thanks for watching.
jimforjzs777 - 7 years ago
Pontoon boat...
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is more like a pontoon boat, thanks for watching. BTW, I have another PVC watercraft video coming out this Saturday, I hope to hear from you again.
Mower Man gx85
Mower Man gx85 - 7 years ago
Can I get 10 likes?
chud327 - 7 years ago
Perfect, I was hoping you would say that! I hope the one this Saturday has you saying the same thing!
Mower Man gx85
Mower Man gx85 - 7 years ago
Can't wait also I meant my could comment be liked ten times
chud327 - 7 years ago
Do you mean you like this video 10X or are you looking for likes on some of your videos. Either way, thanks for watching. BTW, I have another PVC watercraft video coming out this Saturday, I hope to hear from you again.
Chris Paul
Chris Paul - 7 years ago
That water can't be good
chud327 - 7 years ago
I wouldn't drink it, but it is fine for swimming... Thanks for watching.
Daniel Mitchell
Daniel Mitchell - 7 years ago
Too many snakes for letting my feet dangle into the murky water. Definitely a cool idea though, maybe just more of a solid bottom, might help with displacement also and not sink as deep
chud327 - 7 years ago
I thought about a solid bottom and displacement... thanks for watching.
Alexsandro Ramos
Alexsandro Ramos - 7 years ago
What measures are used? And what are the gauges of the tubes?
chud327 - 7 years ago
the pipe is schedule 40 and the lengths are about 9 feet on the 6 inch and about 8 feet on the 4 inch. Thanks for watching.
wiliamam ramon
wiliamam ramon - 7 years ago
poluid river??? yellouw color????
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is just fine and bonus points just for trying! Thanks for the reply.
wiliamam ramon
wiliamam ramon - 7 years ago
Sorry, I don`t know anything of inglish... I`m brasilian. tanks.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Tannic acid river and mower of a brown color... thanks for watching.
David Phillips
David Phillips - 7 years ago
I think 4,6 inch pipes and 3-4 4 pipes would bring it out of water higher.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I think you are right and thanks for watching.
Harley Wanderer
Harley Wanderer - 7 years ago
John 3:3 (KJV)
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Proof of the Living God
Will you accept Jesus Christ in your heart and life today?
"God, I know that I have sinned against You and deserve punishment. But I believe Jesus Christ took the punishment I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. I believe he was crucified for my sins and rose from death on the third day, I receive Your offer of forgiveness and place my trust in You for salvation. I accept Jesus as my personal Savior!Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness—the gift of eternal life! Amen”
General Steven D. Lee 5683
General Steven D. Lee 5683 - 7 years ago
The river looks black.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It does from a distance, up close it looks like tea... Thanks for watching.
John Churchill
John Churchill - 7 years ago
Hope that wster isn't as toxic as it looks.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is not, I have been swimming in it all my life, but wait... maybe that is what is wrong with me. Thanks for watching.
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
shark and croc friendly . no joke
chud327 - 7 years ago
I see gators in the water about the time the sun goes down, no joke. I know they have to be somewhere during the day too. thanks for watching.
killa games
killa games - 7 years ago
is it better to fill pipes with foam or put a valve and put like 100 psi in it?
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know, my theory is that more air would be heavier... it may be experiment time. Thanks for watching.
AmIonArock - 7 years ago
if I was younger I would say thats bitchen can I try it. Then the troll in me would say How come you fail to mention "WOOD"  its a real struggle. But look how many views. Great Job!  keep on kicking butt
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am loving the views, I never dreamed it would be this popular. Thanks so much for watching and for the comment. Stay tuned, I hope to get that thing back in the water soon.
Michael Bongiovano
Michael Bongiovano - 7 years ago
I think I would have put air valves on the pvc to put a or in the cylinders to make it more buoyant
chud327 - 7 years ago
I must not be thinking logically, now I want to experiment for sure... thanks for the reply.
Michael Bongiovano
Michael Bongiovano - 7 years ago
chud327 more air pressure per square inch would float better. If you removed all the air, like a vacuum it would sink.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Just a theory, but wouldn't more air be heavier? I guess I need to do an experiment to test my theory. Thanks for watching.
Ed Cauble
Ed Cauble - 7 years ago
Hay..... that looks just like the bridge where me and my wife , ah... I mean cousin use to go swimming.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Each to his own, but I don't know if I would be bragging about the cousin wife... Thanks for watching.
Franco Subira
Franco Subira - 7 years ago
wtf is that water??... coke?
chud327 - 7 years ago
It looks just like coke cola to me too. thanks for watching.
dale carpenter
dale carpenter - 7 years ago
The cubans would like some of these !
chud327 - 7 years ago
They probably would, but I have seen better built by them. I want that old Chevy truck with the 55 gallon drums that they floated over on. That thing was sweet. Thanks for watching.
dale carpenter
dale carpenter - 7 years ago
Hey maybe you could find something a little heavyer than 2x6 s
chud327 - 7 years ago
Probably could, but we were just using scraps from around the wood shop. Maybe next time we will find something a little more appropriate. Thanks for watching.
andrew shourd
andrew shourd - 7 years ago
great video, thank you
chud327 - 7 years ago
You are so welcome, thanks for watching.
justin reed
justin reed - 7 years ago
You can put bike valves on the pvc and compress the pvc to 60psior so to make it a little bit more buoyant...
Joe Johnson
Joe Johnson - 7 years ago
How would that make it more buoyant?
Jane Daversa
Jane Daversa - 7 years ago
justin reed
chud327 - 7 years ago
My theory is that more air would be heavier and would make it less buoyant, I guess I should do an experiment to find out. Thanks for watching.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.
Our Craft Factory
Our Craft Factory - 7 years ago
What if you would have built the same boat but used 24" pipe. I realize you got a deal in those but they seem to go in the water fairly deep but you didn't sink even with 2 people on it. I think it would be better if it were on top of the water more. These comments people are making are funny as crap lol. I think you did good....
chud327 - 7 years ago
24" would be super, I wanted to make my dune buggy amphibious and 24" might just float it... Thanks so much for watching and I plan to get this in the water again soon, I hope to hear from you again.
Snicrep - 7 years ago
tell us how you made the motor
chud327 - 7 years ago
I replied, if you do not see it, it may be in you spam file.
chud327 - 7 years ago this is the only video I have that is close to a build video for that motor. here is a slide show that may help and here is bigger one that I built. 
I also have videos of them in the river.
I hope this helps and thanks for watching.
S. Harvey
S. Harvey - 7 years ago
Looks like sewage runoff
chud327 - 7 years ago
looks can be deceiving, thanks for watching.
TheInfinitequest - 7 years ago
Next time use 12" pipe. You need more buoyancy. It's a displacement thing. I'm an old country boy and that is one of the best "country canoes" around! Good Job! Have fun!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and yes, it could have used bigger pipe. thanks for watching.
Jaye Jay Curry
Jaye Jay Curry - 7 years ago
Looks like a good design. However, if you replaced the PT 2 by 4s with 1-by cedar, you'd save a lot of weight.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and good idea, it could loose a few pounds... Thanks for watching.
louis scott
louis scott - 7 years ago
This is the first one that that I really like
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks, I will try to get back in the water soon. I hope to hear from you again and thanks for watching.
Screwed Up Fisher Man
Screwed Up Fisher Man - 7 years ago
I’d be afraid to swim in that nastyness. Yuck
Screwed Up Fisher Man
Screwed Up Fisher Man - 7 years ago
sophisticated funk -triggered
sophisticated funk
sophisticated funk - 7 years ago
+chud327 . I wouldn't even bother explaining the score to these cretins. Most countries in the world will have rivers or lakes stained with Tannin from peat or from iron ore deposits, in fact all kinds of colours can occur from various minerals. You can see the water is stained but clear, it's not muddy and like you said it's totally harmless to man and the aquatic enviroment. I'd happily swim and fish that river.
sophisticated funk
sophisticated funk - 7 years ago
+Brandon Livingston . I think you mean "nastiness " But if you stop washing your shitty boxer shorts in that river it wouldn't be so nasty. As already commented the water is stained with tannin and doesn't affect the quality of the water. You get the same colour from high deposits of iron ore where it occurs naturally. I'm amazed at the lack of education shown in these comments. But like they say small things amuse small minds.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Texas picture is scared of something, that is not right. I have been swimming in that water all my life, it is not yuck. Do you a chicken, come on over and jump in... If not, I understand. Thanks for watching.
J NY Strong Island
J NY Strong Island - 7 years ago
you know it's not good to swim in oil thanks for the good idea
chud327 - 7 years ago
I is really tough to swim in that thick oil... Thanks for watching.
COMBAT DOC - 7 years ago
The acidic levels in the water is the reason for the the colour of the water. I live in SOUTH it's quite common.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Yes, it is very common and it doesn't bother me at all. Thanks for watching.
COMBAT DOC - 7 years ago
I might increase the pipe OD will sit higher out of the water

River is beautiful ...

This was a great idea are creative.

Thank You !!!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the excellent comment and yes, bigger pipe would have been better. thanks for watching.
Tennessee Bull
Tennessee Bull - 7 years ago
Cool Idea. Never thought of that. Looked pretty sound.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It was sound and fun, I must get it back to the water soon. Thanks for watching.
dlholmes111 - 7 years ago
I think I would use treated 1x4's, and double the pontoons.
chud327 - 7 years ago
There are some improvements that can be made, thanks for watching.
James Lane
James Lane - 7 years ago
The water looks like German beer he put a couple more pontoons on each side and widen it
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know about German beer, to me it looks like coke cola. A couple more pontoons would be nice. Thanks for watching.
Amos Gregory
Amos Gregory - 7 years ago
Great idea, keep doing these cool project and have more fun!!!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Will do! Thanks for watching.
postobetao - 7 years ago
I think , to havy...doesnt ?
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is too heavy, but that is only bad when you are loading and unloading it. Thanks for watching.
Stupid Man
Stupid Man - 7 years ago
install tire valves then clean them and glue them apropatley for wet conditions.
then compress to one half the rec. pipe prs.
chud327 - 7 years ago
That would be a good way to test for leaks. Thanks for watching.
Danny Schwab
Danny Schwab - 7 years ago
Nice I was hoping it would be out of the water more I'm gonna be making one. I've got a boat made like that my feet go in the water. But it's short and the drains a big hole on top and if I lean back to fair it pops the plug and I flipped but I'm a big guy the kids works perfect. But I want to make one longer and wider to fish from. So thanks for making yours I've seen pitures but never seen who made. Have a good weekend god bless
Donald Clifford
Donald Clifford - 7 years ago
I'd increase the tubing, to get more buoyancy. Great concept.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.
Dewey Cash
Dewey Cash - 7 years ago
I checked out your channel and subbed. Please check out my channel and sub back if you enjoy my content. I am an outdoorsman (Hunting, Fishing and enjoying God's creation). God bless!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Will do and thanks for the sub!
Don Rutter
Don Rutter - 7 years ago
I noticed the 65 chevelle in the yard----' nice.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and you were close. That is a '64 Impala. Thanks for watching.
Douglas Herr
Douglas Herr - 7 years ago
should have been 10" or 12" pipe.
chud327 - 7 years ago
12" pipe would have been idea, but we didn't have any. I am currently working on an amphibious go cart that has 10 pieces of 4" thin wall. I hope it floats. That video will be out soon and thanks for watching.
Ray Ban ตีไก่ ตกปลา
Ray Ban ตีไก่ ตกปลา - 7 years ago
Good Idea
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks, it worked pretty good. I am trying to plan a fishing trip with it real soon. Thanks for watching.
JAMES CROSBY - 7 years ago
Is that a flint river
chud327 - 7 years ago
No, that is the St. Mary's river, between Florida and Georgia. Where is the Flint? Thanks for watching.
Joseph Sario
Joseph Sario - 7 years ago
nice idea bro
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks, I plan to take it fishing soon, I hope to hear from you again. thanks for watching.
Capt Termite
Capt Termite - 7 years ago
You forgot the microwave oven.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I guess we did, thanks for watching.
Yul Gomez
Yul Gomez - 7 years ago
Looks more like a raft
chud327 - 7 years ago
You are right and thanks for watching.
Yu Huang
Yu Huang - 7 years ago
Coca Cola river,how did it taste
chud327 - 7 years ago
I try to not taste it, thanks for watching.
Aundre Hernandez
Aundre Hernandez - 7 years ago
I like the boat idea though, I'm a big mofo so I'd have to use a few of those big tubes
chud327 - 7 years ago
A couple more big pipes would have been nice. thanks for watching.
Aundre Hernandez
Aundre Hernandez - 7 years ago
That water looks disgusting
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is fine, but I would not be drinking it... Thanks for watching.
Ivan 80
Ivan 80 - 7 years ago
After to have been in that water now you have 3 arms and 3 legs
Brent Bam Bam Mooney
Brent Bam Bam Mooney - 7 years ago
What is wrong with that water? You guy's eat fish out of that? AND you swim in it too....
chud327 - 7 years ago
Good question, I think he is implying that the water is dirty, maybe even radioactive??? Thanks for watching.
Mnop Xangelus
Mnop Xangelus - 7 years ago
Wtf is he saying
Ivan 80
Ivan 80 - 7 years ago
chud327 XD
chud327 - 7 years ago
I have been in that water all my life and still just 2 of each, but it could still happen I guess. Thanks for watching.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Great idea, thanks for watching.
me Me
me Me - 7 years ago
That water looks like iodine ....
chud327 - 7 years ago
Kinda does, thanks for watching.
Aaron Brewer
Aaron Brewer - 7 years ago
Now build 17 more of 'em and connect them all, and put a tent on it. You're set for life!
Gunnar Gervin
Gunnar Gervin - 7 years ago
Aaron, thanks for the tip; I'm hooked on cheap house builds. Cottage better word.
Mike Marley
Mike Marley - 7 years ago
Tannin from the flora ,bark , leaves, why the river looks unclean ,however it is not harmfull to humans or fish or other wildlife....
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.
Olan Fletcher
Olan Fletcher - 7 years ago
The boat might float better if you had not used such heavy wood to construct it. Instead of using 2x6 you should have used 2x2, lighter and plenty strong. makes for better floatation.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Those are lessons learned for next time, thanks for watching.
Foxx Runner
Foxx Runner - 7 years ago
Theses hillbillies have to much time on there hands.
Steven Jennings
Steven Jennings - 7 years ago
Looks Awesome
Darrin DeNapoli
Darrin DeNapoli - 7 years ago
Put the back 45s on a smile some how to help keep back out of water with motor?
chud327 - 7 years ago
That would have been a good idea, I don't know if it will ever have a motor on it again. I am thing trolling motor next time. Thanks for watching.
Dwight Gordon
Dwight Gordon - 7 years ago
Wow, that's pretty low in the water. I'm thinking more pipes and less wood. But what's the purpose for spraying foam into the pipes?
chud327 - 7 years ago
More pipe and less wood is a good idea. I think he was putting in foam in case the pipes try to leak. Thanks for watching.
BrAndy - 7 years ago
Water is nasty color.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Good for swimming, but I am not going to drink it. Thanks for watching.
Chad Waldron
Chad Waldron - 7 years ago
We rednecks know how to have fun, don't we!!!!
Donna Jones
Donna Jones - 7 years ago
Chad Waldron yea stand on your head and take a shit. is that next ? 15 min of fame on you tube
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is so right and thanks for watching.
seymore glass
seymore glass - 7 years ago
cool ride, love it! but that's not a's a raft.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and yes, it is a raft. Thanks for watching.
Australian Active Body Care Pty Ltd
Australian Active Body Care Pty Ltd - 7 years ago
Why did you fill it up with foam?
Air is lighter than foam, so you just make it heavier by adding foam inside the pvc...
Is there some other reason?
chud327 - 7 years ago
I think the brother in law thought it would help prevent leaks. Thanks for watching.
Nelson Branco
Nelson Branco - 7 years ago
she floats just as long as you don't mind getting your toes in the water Hillbillies at their best he ha
chud327 - 7 years ago
That was one of the best parts about it. Thanks for watching.
KAIAPOGAN - 7 years ago
Good, but super unstable
chud327 - 7 years ago
Maybe less wood and they make a lighter weight,  green PVC that is sold at Lowe's. I am using it on a future project. Good luck.
KAIAPOGAN - 7 years ago
chud327 nice, then if u don't mind I will make 1 like that. Thnx a million
chud327 - 7 years ago
No really, you can even stand up on it and paddle. Thanks for watching.
dejan petkovski
dejan petkovski - 7 years ago
is it a wather or oil so dark black
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is wather not oil. Thanks for watching.
Jim F
Jim F - 7 years ago
Next time, shorter, bigger pipes, and some cheap oars instead of a paddle. Great first try though, and well made.....oh, and drain holes. Everything leaks after a while....everything.
chud327 - 7 years ago
We did do drain hole in the update of this build and yes some water came out. Next time it needs to be lighter. Thanks for watching.
Arnelo Anthony
Arnelo Anthony - 7 years ago
Water test before you dip into it. That water looks pretty toxic to me
chud327 - 7 years ago
Looks toxic, but it is harmless. Thanks for watching.
C.A.R - 7 years ago
All the sissys on here crying about the water! It is common in the south...Stay in town city boys...
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am trying to make an amphibious go cart, but it still need work. Glad you picked up some ideas and thanks for the reply.
C.A.R - 7 years ago
Thanks for posting the video..Your build gave me some ideas about making something similar.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks, I have never heard so much nasty water crying in my life. They better stay in the city. Thanks for watching.
Steve Brettell
Steve Brettell - 7 years ago
Why not 1 x 4 in some places or aluminum Sq. Bars?
chud327 - 7 years ago
Those would have helped a bunch on the weight, thanks for watching.
John Averick
John Averick - 7 years ago
A lot of the waters here in the south have a lot of tannon (tanic acid) in it. It comes from tree roots and plant matter mostly in the run off. It makes a lot of our waters (canals / rivers) brownish in color. It won't hurt you.
jim Glenn
jim Glenn - 7 years ago
That water is great for your skin and hair
jim Glenn
jim Glenn - 7 years ago
The water was that color from other things other than Roots it was actually coming from Sulphur Springs causing that blood red color
Wayne Little
Wayne Little - 7 years ago
John Averick o ok cause I was wondering.
jack gambla
jack gambla - 7 years ago
its actually called a screwdriver
Don Rutter
Don Rutter - 7 years ago
John Averick Its called brackish water.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Amen and thanks for watching.
Curtis Shaffer
Curtis Shaffer - 7 years ago
Had the same idea but thought of using aluminum square tubing for frame and 8 or 10 pvc
chud327 - 7 years ago
Aluminum would be a whole bunch better, the wood is really heavy. We couldn't find enough 8 or 10 inch, that would be better too. thanks for watching.
Mostly Outdoors
Mostly Outdoors - 7 years ago
Absolutely genius idea man. Thanks for sharing

But the water looks sick lol
chud327 - 7 years ago
The water is dark, but that is one of my favorite places! Thanks for watching.
Nomad - 7 years ago
I liked the  'Just step through ' !   Like a Flintstone's boat  : )  Top marks for innovation !
chud327 - 7 years ago
That was one of the best parts! Thanks for watching.
Tatersalad19 Cars
Tatersalad19 Cars - 7 years ago
It looks like it'll have a 45 lb weight limit zip tie some pool noodles to that bad boy
chud327 - 7 years ago
pool noodles would be good cheap floatation, I will keep that in mind. Thanks for watching.
Tim Brown
Tim Brown - 7 years ago
Yall look like you are having fun, but my OCD sees brown water. Theres things that live in brown water. Nope nope nope. Cant do it.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Funny, thanks for watching.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I see gator at night, I just hope I never see one in the day, then I too will be nope, nope, nope... thanks for watching.
mrpowdercoater - 7 years ago
You mean cdo, the way it should be spelled.
The 3 Amigos
The 3 Amigos - 7 years ago
Good idea but waaaaaaaay too much lumber on there
chud327 - 7 years ago
Yes, it is heavy. Too much lumber and maybe thin wall PVC next time. Thanks for watching.
Jeremy Loftis
Jeremy Loftis - 7 years ago
Nice job!

Regardless of if it is a perfect feat of engineering or not, it was a cool idea and it looks like helped create some family time. Kudos to you for finding something to get the kiddos outdoors and using their hands to create instead of glued to a gaming system, tv, or PC.
chud327 - 7 years ago
You are 100% correct and I appreciate you comment. Thanks for watching and I hope to hear from you again.
Charlie james
Charlie james - 7 years ago
That is very creative and is real cool video might try to build one myself.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I would use the thin wall pipe so that the thing isn't so heavy. Good luck and thanks for watching.
George Crutchfield
George Crutchfield - 7 years ago
Is it a submarine or a pontoons boat?
mrpowdercoater - 7 years ago
you would need clearer water for a sub, but look here on youtube there are some really cool diy subs.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I was just thinking the other day, how can I make a submarine. This pontoon sets low, but it will not go under like a sub should. Thanks for watching.
techno-house zinna
techno-house zinna - 7 years ago
Ma è coocacola
chud327 - 7 years ago
Cokacola is what it looks like to me too. Thanks for watching.
GreenTrack Tasmania
GreenTrack Tasmania - 7 years ago
That thing looks dangerous! Its aout to sink!
chud327 - 7 years ago
The motor did put the back end in pretty deep. I wasn't thinking about that part. I would like to put a light trolling motor on the back with the battery up front, that would ride more level.
GreenTrack Tasmania
GreenTrack Tasmania - 7 years ago
chud327 yes, I watched it. It looks like all it would take is a very small wave to swamp it, your motor is almost under water as you go along :/
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is not about to sink, we had two people on it plus extra junk, did you see the video? Either way, thanks for watching.
73edmond75 - 7 years ago
How is this a Kayak? it is a raft.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Good point and thanks for watching.
edward cawley
edward cawley - 7 years ago
Where is the kicker motor build video ^_^?

chud327 - 7 years ago
You would have to search my channel, I actually have videos on two different homemade kickers. There are also videos of them in action. I hope you will look them up and let me know what you think. Thanks for watching.
Henry Aros Romo
Henry Aros Romo - 7 years ago
So what lake is this
chud327 - 7 years ago
This is actually the St. Mary's river between Florida and Georgia. Thanks for watching.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It has no odor at all it just looks dark due to tannic acid from the tree leaves. Thanks for watching.
Tommy Case
Tommy Case - 7 years ago
Think I'd try putting some fins on my feet to move it.
chud327 - 7 years ago
That would work, but I am leaning to putting a trolling motor on it. Thanks for watching.
Explore New York
Explore New York - 7 years ago
Water looks gross and weird color.. wouldn't swim in there. Lol
chud327 - 7 years ago
I have never been, but my daughter was telling me about some subway rats... I would enjoy upstate country living better. Thanks for the reply.
Explore New York
Explore New York - 7 years ago
chud327 yeah I'm upstate, country livin... I don't venture to NYC unless necessary. Lol
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is just what came to mind when I saw your name. I know there are some areas that are super crowded and they have to hall poop away by the barge load. I am sure upstate NY is very beautiful and cleaner, but I did get that from your name or your comment. This river is not surrounded by millions of people, it is the millions of trees that drop leaves in the river. I hope this helps and thanks for the reply.
Explore New York
Explore New York - 7 years ago
chud327 why NY? Lol That's where I'm from . Upstate NY.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I would be worried about it if it were in NY, but here, that is just tannic acid from the tree leaves. Us country folk have been swimming in there our whole lives. In fact, that is one of my favorite places. Either way, I thanks you for watching.
Martin Deck
Martin Deck - 7 years ago
what are the small pontoons for? why not just stick with larger ones?
chud327 - 7 years ago
That was all the 6" ones we had and they are really heavy. Do you think just the 2 - 6" ones would hold it up? I should try that next. Thanks for watching.
raminator 1
raminator 1 - 7 years ago
Pretty cool. Gonna build one with my son soon on a simular system. More pontoons tbough and bulldogs to hold the wood to the pipe.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am not sure what a bulldog is, but I can guess. I would suggest getting the green medium duty PVC for Lowe's. It is the cheapest of the 3 that they sell. It is also stronger than the thin and lighter than the schedule 40. I am planning another PVC project with it soon. Thanks for watching.
The crazy man from Ireland.
The crazy man from Ireland. - 7 years ago
Super idea great video
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks a bunch! I am planning more PVC builds in the very near future. Thanks for watching.
Robert Capitano
Robert Capitano - 7 years ago
The water is dark from tannic acid. It's formed by decaying plants. The water is not dirty. The "Backwater Rivers" of North Florida are beautiful.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Finally, some one has my back on the river water. You are so right about the beautiful part. Thanks for watching and for the comment.
nikita kostrubenko
nikita kostrubenko - 7 years ago
Suck a dirty river
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching.
harry pot
harry pot - 7 years ago
Stupid design,but you gave me a good idea.
chud327 - 7 years ago
What idea did you get? Mine is to use lighter pipe. Thanks for watching.
mohamed nakhuda
mohamed nakhuda - 7 years ago
Wow very cool
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks!! And thanks for watching.
dream academy
dream academy - 7 years ago
Genius at work
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks!! and thanks for watching.
RimfireRat - 7 years ago
fill the bottom with 4" PVC with the angle pc in the frt. will float higher and move thru the water better .might even be able to run the motor with out half the boat under water
chud327 - 7 years ago
Good idea, the 4" is also lighter and cheaper. I like the way you think. I may put it on my to do list as soon as I finish with the amphibious go-cart that is in my mind... Thanks for the reply.
RimfireRat - 7 years ago
you only used two 4" ,you could have fit 2more in and got more flotation and like a bottom to the boat
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am not sure what you are talking about, but I sure thank you for watching.
RimfireRat - 7 years ago
should cut the wood for the pontoons to fit rather than just against the flat
chud327 - 7 years ago
We were going to cut it, but fit so good flat. Thanks for watching.
Jeff Myers
Jeff Myers - 7 years ago
That was sooo cool I'll have to try that
chud327 - 7 years ago
It was cool and easy, I want to do more stuff like it. If you do it, they make a thin wall and a medium duty 4" and 6" PVC. The thin is very light, but is also weak. The medium is green, a little heavier, stronger, and best of all it is the cheapest of the 3. I plan to buy some tonight for my next project. Thanks for watching and good luck.
brandon timblin
brandon timblin - 7 years ago
Ya water does look creepy
chud327 - 7 years ago
IKR! The water is dark and I see gators in it at dusk... Another commenter said I should be worried about bull sharks too... Either way, that is one of my favorite place and thanks for watching.
Tam Phan
Tam Phan - 7 years ago
good job
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thank you so much and thanks for watching.
ROBERTO FUNES - 7 years ago
Sewage water. Fun.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Pretty much all water has so fish poop in it, so yeah, I guess it is sewage water. Thanks for watching.
Dennis - 7 years ago
That is some nasty water
chud327 - 7 years ago
It does look really really dark. thanks for watching.
Dennis - 7 years ago
I hope you don't hit rocks with those zip ties they will come off.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I haven't popped any zip ties on rocks yet, but we have popped several loading and unloading it on the trailer, I have to find a better way. Thanks for watching.
Dak D Jonsey
Dak D Jonsey - 7 years ago
Good ole American spirit and ingenuity. Challenges are meant to be overcome - great job!

Google "milk carton/jugs" plus races up north in Minneapolis, MN.

As a kid, we strung the plastic milk cartons together and made "rafts" if you can call them that. We had races at a small lake called Nakomis, held every summer.

That said, you could add flotation by adding strung together milk cartons. Just tie them on around the sides and across the bottom. No weight added, just bulk and old, used up milk (or water) cartons or even bottles are every where and they would not cost a penny.

Be creative, add them underneath, around the sides, double the layers up front for added height and flotation so you do not nose dive while trolling.

Have fun, post a video - would love to watch it. Maybe even send me a short message when you get it done ( Have subscribed as upbeat people is so very needed in today's world.

Ole marine corp vet, still kicking cans as long as they don't bite me back.

Semper Fi, crazy larry here signing out...
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for your upbeatness! I will start collecting two liter bottles and milk jugs... I plan to get it back in the water soon... Thanks for watching.
John Barba
John Barba - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video but, definitely a pos
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am just glad it floated and even held two people. Best of all, we had fun. Thanks for watching.
nilmerson rodrigues
nilmerson rodrigues - 7 years ago
You are privileged to live in the same place, thank you.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks, I love that river! Thanks for the comments.
digg dogg
digg dogg - 7 years ago
That wood frame is too heavy
N that water looks like Coca-Cola
chud327 - 7 years ago
The wood is heavy and Coca-Cola is how I describe the water too. Thanks for watching.
Rick Kellett
Rick Kellett - 7 years ago
I don't like it. It doesn't float.good.
chud327 - 7 years ago
You mean it doesn't float high enough? Thanks for watching.
Ricky Downey
Ricky Downey - 7 years ago
This is a awesome idea and project I love it keep up the good work
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching. I am planning a fishing trip soon to get some more footage of it in action, I hope to hear from you again.
nilmerson rodrigues
nilmerson rodrigues - 7 years ago
Beautiful river , where is place?
chud327 - 7 years ago
This is between Florida and Georgia about 30 minutes of Jacksonville. If that is not exact enough let me know, thanks for watching and for commenting.
warrior shepherd
warrior shepherd - 7 years ago
Add an air valve and fill with air to about 35-50 psi and you'll float higher in the water
chud327 - 7 years ago
Wouldn't more air be heavier and therefore you'll float lower in the water? I may have to test that for the youtube. Thanks for watching.
Seeker Blue
Seeker Blue - 7 years ago
I would say that it is a good creative idea,,,but,, more attention needs to be paid to weight, both load/unloading and the allowable capacity weight,,,,,,,,,,not exactly a craft you would want to take out by yourself since it needs 3-4 people to handle it,,,,,,,try substituting pvc for the wood with the caps to add floatation,,,,,glue the joints instead of the silicone,,,use electric trolling motor instead of lawnmower engine,,,,,,,,,all in all a good starting point.
chud327 - 7 years ago
You are right about it need less weight. You can take it out by yourself, but unload and reloading will be a pain or a boat trailer would be handy. PVC would be lighter than the wood, but it would not have been as cheap. The caps seemed a loose and that is why he siliconed them. I have a trolling motor, but I have to find a propeller for it. The trolling motor would be more balanced too, you could adjust where you store the battery and get some weight off of the back. Thanks for the great feedback and thanks for watching.
Stewart T
Stewart T - 7 years ago
Why didn't you fill tubes with spray foam
chud327 - 7 years ago
We were trying to build it for less than $100 and it would have probably taken 6-8 cans to do the 6" pipe. Plus the thing is too heavy and foam would have been slightly heavier than air. Next time it needs to be thin wall pvc... Thanks for watching.
CRAZY MAN - 7 years ago
What a joke!!!! lol.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Either way it was fun. Thanks for watching.
adriano dodero
adriano dodero - 7 years ago
the water color like coke.
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is exactly how I described it, thanks for watching.
peggy rigli
peggy rigli - 7 years ago
Nice project. I was wondering what the tip factor was. A few times it looked off sides. Did it ever tip-over? Love watching the river play. It's been years since I was a river rat. Good times!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and it was not very tippy at all. We did not flip it once, it didn't even try. I want to take it back out soon, I will try to do a better tippy test for you. I don't do the river ratting as much as I used to, we used to go every week! I love swinging on that old rope. Thanks for watching and for the nice comment.
Keith Wheeler
Keith Wheeler - 7 years ago
8" sch 40 with glued 45's and glue caps reduced down to fill with nitrogen. Better flotation
Steve Allen
Steve Allen - 7 years ago
You can add all the gas you want it won't float any better. In fact it would slightly sit lower down. To float "whatever the craft may be" must weigh less the the weight of the water it displaced. That pipe only displaced so much water but being water is heavier then the pipe/air pontoon it floats. And wood & etc. and the less it floats. If you pump it full of a gas with enough pressure that it wroghd more then air it's slightly sink the extra weight to water displacement ratio. Use 12" sewer pipe and you"'ll over double the weight it'll hold. Of you wrap under the pontoon with a thin skin and stop the water from being inside of it like a Jon boat it'll displace so much more water (and you'll stay dry) that you could easily run a small motor. Personally I'd use an electric trolling motor front mounted to pull you along since with no rudders or hill rear engines would make it more difficult to steer if you need to get out of a speed boats way? Try aluminum track instead of heavy wood and you'll lighten it up even more.
chud327 - 7 years ago
8" would probably do a lot better, but instead of nitrogen, I was thinking Helium. Great suggestions and thanks for watching.
Mick Berry
Mick Berry - 7 years ago
Nothing like paddling under water.
Not a very good idea guys
chud327 - 7 years ago
i actually works really good on windy days, especially if you are going with the current. That was our last fishing trip, he did so much better than me in the canoe. Other than that, underwater is not ideal. Thanks for watching.
lee gates
lee gates - 7 years ago
that's some dirty black looking water
isellcatlitter - 7 years ago
oops secchi disk... that is how we determine water clarity.... pollution is our main concern here... any time you have a heavy metal mining operation, or oil rig... pollution is, and always will be your main concern.
isellcatlitter - 7 years ago
water clarity is expressed in inches, not feet... look up seechie disk
isellcatlitter - 7 years ago
i live in the hard woods in Minnesota... the leaves from the trees ( it is called tannin) the acid and the iron ore's in the soil stain the water ( see Minnesota iron range)...dissolve in the water and stain it from dark green to almost black
jack gambla
jack gambla - 7 years ago
its actually called a screw driver Don butter
dlholmes111 - 7 years ago
Thats clean water compared to where I'm from.
Don Rutter
Don Rutter - 7 years ago
lee gates Thats called brackish water.
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is a good thing that it doesn't smell as bad as it looks... I actually doesn't have a smell. Thanks for watching.
R L Hearn
R L Hearn - 7 years ago
I liked the bridge jumping.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I like to watch it, but I am too scared to jump myself... Thanks for watching.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I have watched timmy turtles, his is a bit different. Thanks for watching.
futball24 - 7 years ago
The water looks like coffee.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Yes, coffee with no cream, or tea, or cola... Thanks for watching.
HalfMoon - 7 years ago
Great video! I am all for diy.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Me too, that could have been part of my channel name. Moon could have also been in my name ever since I got the new super zoom camera... Thanks for watching.
Chekasout 1
Chekasout 1 - 7 years ago
good old fashion clean fun. good for you. thanks great vid
chud327 - 7 years ago
Great comment and thanks for watching.
Paul TheSkeptic
Paul TheSkeptic - 7 years ago
I think maybe if you put the 6 inch pvc on the outside, it might help stabilize it. Like outriggers.
chud327 - 7 years ago
That would make it more stable, but we didn't want to make it too wide. I am about ready to build something else PVC water related. Thanks for the comments.
Paul TheSkeptic
Paul TheSkeptic - 7 years ago
Did you say "tuba fours"? Ha ha.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Yeah, that is about right, tuba fours... Thanks for watching.
Skullcrushd - 7 years ago
Great idea. I think the heavy wood did a lot to compromise your flotation. You can build it with just pvc pipes. If you use four pipes instead of two, two people could fish from that with ease.Also, using four of the pipes would eliminate the need for the angle pieces and the front caps, as the pvc pipes could be v-cut and then heated and shaped into modified cones, such as what you see on many pontoons. I couldn't have done better on a first attempt, so good job there.
Steve Allen
Steve Allen - 7 years ago
Having the angles on the front is a must. The back could be cut flat or "pointed". Without that upward angle the pontoon could plow down under if you were to hit a high boat wake. It's a little far from wave ready but we all start out in steps. But the front pontoons must angle up enough as to never wind up under water then your a moving downward torpedo for a second and water WILL rise up quick between your legs lol along with anything in front of you on deck with it? Then there goes the Budweiser!
chud327 - 7 years ago
I would like to build a lighter one that floats better. I also want to do angles on the fronts. Things to think about on the next one. Thanks for watching and for the comment.
Larry Moore
Larry Moore - 7 years ago
Sits low in the water, maybe bigger pipe 10" or bigger would be better ..
chud327 - 7 years ago
10" would be better, I want some to make an amphibious dune buggy. Thanks for watching.
Vernon Sullivan
Vernon Sullivan - 7 years ago
You will need bigger PVC pipes then that one and if possible u can make it wider and you'll be able to Mount a sail onto it and a motor
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am keeping my eyes open for bigger PVC pipe for the next project. Thanks for watching.
Old, bald fat man
Old, bald fat man - 7 years ago
Damn, innovative and actually useful. Downloaded the video so I won't forget about it as I think I can use it in a story I've been posting online.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Wow nice! and an online story? that sounds cool. Thanks for watching.
أتابع الناصري. Keillor,Christopher
أتابع الناصري. Keillor,Christopher - 7 years ago
Try putting the 4 inch PVC pipes under the 6in PVC pipes
chud327 - 7 years ago
That might be a good idea, thanks for watching.
michael knowlden
michael knowlden - 7 years ago
While I love it! I think a 3rd 10 inch and it should be 10 to 12 ft long.
AWESOME thanks
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am looking for 10" or bigger for my next project. Thanks for watching.
Bud Green
Bud Green - 7 years ago
Wow! Nothing more cool than red neck and Cuban engineering
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is pretty funny, thanks for watching.
HalfMoon - 7 years ago
somehwere, a flatbedder missing a strap
chud327 - 7 years ago
Those straps come in handy, thanks for watching.
Siannon Royer
Siannon Royer - 7 years ago
that water ..
chud327 - 7 years ago
Don't drink the water, thanks for watching.
XcerptShow - 7 years ago
River of coffee?
chud327 - 7 years ago
Looks like a river of tea or cola to me. Thanks for watching.
Darren Brooks
Darren Brooks - 7 years ago
won't the wood eventually get over saturated and swell/warp?
love the idea either way! nicely done!
chud327 - 7 years ago
It is treated wood, it should hold up ok, I just wish it was a little lighter. Thanks for watching.
Lance Litvinoff
Lance Litvinoff - 7 years ago
Just add a lil valve for air pressure see if that helps
chud327 - 7 years ago
I have thought about that. Thanks for watching.
Jason Duncan
Jason Duncan - 7 years ago
Where is this?
mrpowdercoater - 7 years ago
To many people, usually if you're there they are not.
USARMYvietnamVET1969 - 7 years ago
Aren't there a lot of Gators and Cotton Mouths in that area?
Matthew Carter
Matthew Carter - 7 years ago
Hilliard fl
Matthew Carter
Matthew Carter - 7 years ago
St.marys river fla GA line
Smokin Bill Williams
Smokin Bill Williams - 7 years ago
Jason Duncan what river is it? And nice job on the yak
chud327 - 7 years ago
North of Jacksonville Florida about 45 minutes. The road is US1 and the bridge crossed into Georgia. Are you around here? Thanks for watching.
Jorge Martinez
Jorge Martinez - 7 years ago
Should have filled the pipes with helium.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Funny, I suggested that to the brother in law as a joke... Thanks for watching.
StumpkillerCP - 7 years ago
It's a something. But that something isn't a kayak. It has a trainer hull.

chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what a trainer is, but plastimaran sounds pretty cool. Thanks for watching.
David Wolter
David Wolter - 7 years ago
Nice project. All of that and no duct tape.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and very good point about the duct tape. Thanks for watching.
BeBop Tillman
BeBop Tillman - 7 years ago
Looks like Suwannee river. Cool project.
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is actually the St. Mary's river, but I did make a Suwannee river video back in June. I would love to hear what you think about that one. Thanks for watching and for the cool comment.
Fingernail Freddy
Fingernail Freddy - 7 years ago
Not very buoyant.
chud327 - 7 years ago
it floats pretty good, but it is also pretty heavy... Note to self: Next time use thin wall PVC. Thanks for watching.
SteamControlValve - 7 years ago
Really cool. Thanks for sharing.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching. BTW, I may have another kayak video for tomorrow morning. It is a 2 person ocean kayak that I found on craigslist for $40. I show how I had to repair it and test drive it. I hope to hear from you again.
Jeffrey Elliott
Jeffrey Elliott - 7 years ago
that's nice but seems to sit a little too low in the water !!!
chud327 - 7 years ago
It sits fine for summer fun, but if you went out in the winter, it might be a little low. However the seat would probably keep you dry with one person. Thanks for watching.
kickin' chicken
kickin' chicken - 7 years ago
nice build! always great to make something cool with cheap find materials. that water does look horribly brown though
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and cheap could have been in my channel name. That water is very dark. Thanks for watching.
david sanders
david sanders - 7 years ago
Use larger diameter tubes, such as 12 ". And add more poop to the water, not brown enough.
david sanders
david sanders - 7 years ago
You are welcome.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I would like to find some 12" pipe for an amphibious dune buggy, but I don't know that I want to be in poop water, is brown you favorite color? Either way, thanks for watching.
Draen chippewa
Draen chippewa - 7 years ago
Is that a river of piss LoL. Gj btw
whip master
whip master - 7 years ago
All the playing is fine and dandy but how is the fishing?
Walter Palmer
Walter Palmer - 7 years ago
Suggestion : Seal 2x4’s with epoxy paint or plastic coating so it doesn’t rot.
true American
true American - 7 years ago
chud327 what is the name of that River I want to canoe down the Pee Dee River that's what it look like
sshutup urface
sshutup urface - 7 years ago
it looks toxic but thanks to all the greedy idiots in the world what else should you expect
james shepherd
james shepherd - 7 years ago
That's the great Pepsi river
chud327 - 7 years ago
I guess beer would be better than pee... Thanks for the reply.
Draen chippewa
Draen chippewa - 7 years ago
Or beer. You guys found the great beer river.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am sure it has some in it... Thanks for watching.
Luis Castillo
Luis Castillo - 7 years ago
That water looks nasty man
Kennedy Lawi
Kennedy Lawi - 7 years ago
Nope.. Dont judge it by colour, that water just naturally black because it swamp soil deep ground and it dont have waterfall or any heavy current that push the water away make it clear...
Tarry Birdshark
Tarry Birdshark - 7 years ago
Luis Castillo Dark water doesn't mean that it's nasty or polluted. People who say that should probably get out more and do a little research before they start babbling about something that they know nothing about.
Walter Sudymont
Walter Sudymont - 7 years ago
Luis Castillo trim tabs
Arachnoscribe - 7 years ago
'builds character'
Paul H
Paul H - 7 years ago
Its just tannin from tree bark. That water is most likely cleaner than what you are used to.
Tom Shaver
Tom Shaver - 7 years ago
Many rivers are colored by the tannin from the local trees. The leaves. acorns, and nuts are rich in it.
Yuses Murtanto Murtanto
Yuses Murtanto Murtanto - 7 years ago
chud327 ..Damn right!!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Just don't drink it, it should be fine. Thanks for watching.
Steve Smith
Steve Smith - 7 years ago
Paddle faster I hear banjos
Gunnar Gervin
Gunnar Gervin - 7 years ago
Hahaha! Saw it again 2017. Had a nightmare after first watch, was 14 then.
Man in The Wilderness
Man in The Wilderness - 7 years ago
Oh hell!!! Cracking me up!!! Squeal like a pig!!!
Abelation Gorgoro
Abelation Gorgoro - 7 years ago
awesome video
Abelation Gorgoro
Abelation Gorgoro - 7 years ago
that's funnier than shit
Jason Cappuccino
Jason Cappuccino - 7 years ago
chud327 - 7 years ago
Gotcha and thanks for the reply.
David - 7 years ago
Find and watch Deliverance. You will understand then.
jon white
jon white - 7 years ago
the deliverance :P old movie
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am not sure what that means, but thanks for watching.
Pat Gillem
Pat Gillem - 7 years ago
How heavy is it?
Jeff Nordengren
Jeff Nordengren - 7 years ago
Only about 375 pounds.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I am not sure, but it is heavy. I would guess a couple hundred pounds... I want to do an amphibious go cart next, but I will be using thin wall to save some weight. Thanks for watching.
JP DRONE - 7 years ago
That looks like the Suwannee River in Fl.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Close, but no. It is the St. Mary's River on FL. I do have some recent footage of the Suwannee, it was about a month ago near Fanning Springs. That river does look the same. Thanks for watching.
Andrew Jighunter
Andrew Jighunter - 7 years ago
Hillbillies are as dumb as a bag of hammers LOL LOL LOL LOL
chud327 - 7 years ago
wow, best reply of the day! Thanks so much!
Andrew Jighunter
Andrew Jighunter - 7 years ago
You moving up in the world, soon you'll be an admiral of a small fleet. Funny you should mention that I had a inflatable two-person kayak myself LOL. You have a great imagination and you put it to good use having fun with your family so I guess you are well Ahead of the game. Party on
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply and the humor part, I love that. However, I was not embarrassed at all, in fact, we were getting a bunch of great comments on it. It also has a bunch of views on here in a short amount of time! Most of the comments, not counting yours, has been pretty positive. Try not to be so insecure about what people will think. BTW, I just picked up a non inflatable, two person, ocean kayak off of Craigslist for $40! And I don't have to worry about it popping, that might really be embarrassing when you tie up your raft at the marina. Thanks again!
Andrew Jighunter
Andrew Jighunter - 7 years ago
You are welcome,, you people are very entertaining LOL and have a good sense of humor. Check out Walmart you can get a inflatable kayak for two people for about 30 bucks LOL. Floating around on PVC would have to be a little embarrassing when you tie up your "vessel" at the Marina. Great entertainment.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Are you speaking from experience Andrew? Thanks for let us know how the others live. Thanks for watching. LOL
Ben Nelson
Ben Nelson - 7 years ago
Friggin sweet.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.
XCELCIER - 7 years ago
Why is the water so dirty?
chud327 - 7 years ago
The water is full of tannic acid from all of the trees up steam. It is not really dirty, it is like sweet tea with out the sugar. Thanks for watching.
Dale Moore
Dale Moore - 7 years ago
Water looks like it would eat your skin off. Why does the guy go without a shirt, but you get the woman all dressed up? Equal rights die here???
Alex Reed
Alex Reed - 7 years ago
how is it not equal rights lol who besides her own conscious mind is forcing her to dress how she'd like
chud327 - 7 years ago
With the water. looks can be deceiving, unless a gator comes along. In our culture, the women typically do not go with out shirts. Thanks for watching.
Reinaldo Rivera
Reinaldo Rivera - 7 years ago
Becareful if that River is conected to salt water .look out for bull sharks.
Max Lauzon
Max Lauzon - 7 years ago
Reinaldo Rivera s
chud327 - 7 years ago
I only think about gators up there, you can see them at night... However, after a little research, they say bull sharks may be the most dangerous shark and yes they do swim in fresh water. Thanks for watching and for the comment, now I will think about bulls every time I am there...
mary de lurdes
mary de lurdes - 7 years ago
muito bom fazer um desse moro em camocim ceara
Guilherme Santana
Guilherme Santana - 7 years ago
chud327 hello... I'm brazilian, beauty ?
chud327 - 7 years ago
You are welcome!
mary de lurdes
mary de lurdes - 7 years ago
thank you
chud327 - 7 years ago
I went ahead and translated -
"It's very good to make one of these people in Camocim Ceara."
chud327 - 7 years ago
I don't know what you are saying, but thanks for watching.
Leticia Nunez
Leticia Nunez - 7 years ago
Great video nice job on the boat
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and it was a fun project! Thanks for watching.
Up-a-Creek - 7 years ago
too funny... back to the drawing board... get some 2" closed cell 4x8 wall insulation sheets and put them under the bottom between the tubes.
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is a good idea and the brother in law has already put more pipes under the front of it. Thanks for watching and for the idea.
mrobertson188 - 7 years ago
starting to look a little sketchy there at the end
chud327 - 7 years ago
The kicker may have been a little heavy for it. We have, since then, added a little more floatation to it. Thank for watching.
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
yep.... needs 10 or 12" pipes...  however... that stuff is really pricey... and heavy
chud327 - 7 years ago
I need to get 10 or 12" pipes for my amphibious dune buggy build, if I can find it cheap enough that is. Thanks for watching.
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
paracord would also have been great to affix pontoons...
chud327 - 7 years ago
Paracord would have worked nice, thanks for the idea.
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
I think "floating dock" is the perfect name vs. kayak,etc...  great design..
chud327 - 7 years ago
floating mobile dock maybe. Thanks for the comments.
Wayne B
Wayne B - 7 years ago
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is a good name for it! Thanks for watching.
Corey C
Corey C - 7 years ago
Dude... that is insane. I love it.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks and thanks for watching.
G56AG - 7 years ago
Just curious, some foams soak up water like a sponge, did you make sure the foam you used was absolutely waterproof and wouldn't water log after a short time?
jaspip1678 - 7 years ago
It's called open cell or closed cell. Great Stuff is open cell. It will soak up water. Found this out by spraying in my lawnmower tires. Lol
chud327 - 7 years ago
We didn't do any research, I just hope it is the right kind... Thanks for watching.
patrick holcomb
patrick holcomb - 7 years ago
I can very much appreciate the ingenuity! some sort of strakes or chines would improve planing and stability. since this is a similar concept to pontoon boats, check out those designs. I believe the weight of the materials used is a significant factor, but I do understand and appreciate the "do you think we could?" factor... only a suggestion, no negative comments intended. looks good on paper, and even better in concept. but, I'm glad you didn't break the bank... every great idea begins with a concept. 5 stars for effort, concept and completion with testing. I believe with a few refinements, you guys have a winner! well done. thank you for your efforts and posting :-)
patrick holcomb
patrick holcomb - 7 years ago
in my book, an absolute win!! paper doesn't float as well as practical application. thank you so much for the video. ya'll have inspired me!! ;-) i'm in the designing process.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for your thoughts. I think the concept was a win once it is in the water. It out performed my canoe when we went fishing on a windy day. The homemade was most in the water and the canoe was mostly in the wind. If you had a strong current the story would have been different. The biggest draw back is its mass. That thing is super heavy. It is too heavy for one person unless if you back the trailer down in the water. The idea was to make it pick up truck ready, but you would need several people to get it in the truck. Next time, thin wall PVC. Thanks for watching.
James Wright
James Wright - 7 years ago
great job but i think i would use 10 inch sch 40 , just for better floatation
chud327 - 7 years ago
I will continue, I am now thinking of putting pontoons on a go cart and maybe even my dune buggy. Who knows and thanks for watching.
patrick holcomb
patrick holcomb - 7 years ago
thin-wall would be better re: flotation, but structurally insufficient. I believe it's a balancing act.
4"-8" green pipe maybe...I dunno. continue your efforts, I'll keep watching ;-)
chud327 - 7 years ago
If the guy would have had some 10 inch, we would have tried it. !0 inch would be cool! Thanks for watching.
Mona Rawles
Mona Rawles - 7 years ago
WHAT!?!?!? No launch ceremony? just giving you grief- looks like a ton of fun. You guys did good. Plus it looks like you all have a lot more fun at the river than at any old public pool, that's for sure!
chud327 - 7 years ago
We should have done some type of ceremony! As for fun, that is one of my favorite places. The bridges also provide plenty of shade from that hot sun. Thanks for watching.
Fred Fable
Fred Fable - 7 years ago
This is a "Watercraft" not a Kayak.

Is known as a CATAMARÁN...since very long ago in human history....
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is cool and thanks for the replies, that is very rare.
patrick holcomb
patrick holcomb - 7 years ago
a little nit-picky though...
chud327 - 7 years ago
Yeah, I don't know the exact year they started making them, but your are right, they have been around for a while. Thanks for watching.
M79Man - 7 years ago
brown and orange tube jigs (panfish size) always work for me in tannic water...
chud327 - 7 years ago
Good advice, but I usually stick to salt water fishing and dead shrimp. Thanks for watching.
Masta13100 - 7 years ago
badass. i need to hit the lake sometime soon. finally got some rain tho. got a few puddles
chud327 - 7 years ago
I need to hit a lake too. You need to do some mudding in those puddles. Thanks for watching.
Detroit home inspectors
Detroit home inspectors - 7 years ago
love the step through bottom.  you could slide a piece of plywood over it for setting beer and bait on!!!!  skiped through the vid, did not watch all, how much does it weigh?
chud327 - 7 years ago
Sweet, I am actually planning a 1/4 inch plywood kayak. I don't know when I will get to it, but maybe some day soon. Thanks for the replies.
Detroit home inspectors
Detroit home inspectors - 7 years ago
next time use foam, luan, gorilla glue.  made a kayak from this and turned out great.  about 50 pounds.
chud327 - 7 years ago
We love that step through floor too. I was thinking maybe put a door there that opens or becomes a floor. It is pretty heavy maybe even a couple hundred pounds. That is the downfall. Next time, thin wall pvc. Thanks for watching.
EDDY TAYLOR - 7 years ago
Love the video. Please tell me what river this is. I was thinking maybe St. Mary's, or The Suwannee River.
chud327 - 7 years ago
Trenton Georgia is the opposite corner to what I am near...
chud327 - 7 years ago
I will google it. The kids love the river and yes, I will make more videos. It is an addiction for me. Thanks for the reply.
EDDY TAYLOR - 7 years ago
Google Trenton Georgia, that's where I live, but I have crossed that bridge a couple of time's. Great video's with the kid's. And please make some more video's. God bless you and the family.
chud327 - 7 years ago
This is the St. Mary's. You must be from around here. Thanks for watching.
Tommy Forrest
Tommy Forrest - 7 years ago
I wish there was video of us skurfing behind that Jon boat.
chud327 - 7 years ago
There are a lot of things I wish I had videos of us doing... pulling the push mower behind the jeep popped into my head, the truck backfiring, those guys accusing you dad of crashing their plane, and everything camaro, dune buggy, and any thing else mechanical... Heck, our whole teen age career... Youtube should have been here years earlier...
Cheryl Hack
Cheryl Hack - 7 years ago
Really sweet video and the Kayak turn out pretty sweet!! Love Love the bounds at the end thanks a million for that I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see what you have next!!
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the awesome comment and thanks as always for watching!
Rusty Stuff
Rusty Stuff - 7 years ago
cool idea you know the game warden catches you with a motor on that thing you'll have to register it but you got my gears turning I'm thinking larger pipes and more of them and a Suzuki Samurai with paddle tires wow an amphibian
thirdy8special - 7 years ago
Nice job, but need to refigure your math on floation....gallon of water = 8lbs so gallon of air ( supports 8lbs. Figure your carry weight by extrapolating that but divide by 2 so you carry only half of weight figured. I believe .7854 x diameter squared gives you of cylinder. That number x length x 8lbs divided by 2 gives you weight it will carry. Neat job tho. Thx!
Martin D
Martin D - 7 years ago
If you have the right tires spin clockwise and the left tires spin counterclockwise you'll end up on the moon before that Samurai flips over but you'll want a piano stool dead center reduces vomiting
chud327 - 7 years ago
for sure lighter stuff next time, thanks for watching.
Olan Fletcher
Olan Fletcher - 7 years ago
lighter building material....
chud327 - 7 years ago
now you are talking, I will check that out. I may have to put pontoons on the dune buggy, but maybe the go cart first...
Rusty Stuff
Rusty Stuff - 7 years ago
chud327 search on YouTube Samurai floats across you can tag it bring your Chunky boat motor drive right in at the public boat ramp LOL
chud327 - 7 years ago
We could cut those pontoons down to be the exact same length as the samurai...
Rusty Stuff
Rusty Stuff - 7 years ago
chud327 it would take a lot of suspension lift you want the pontoons against the body and the suspension needs room to work below them I think it could be done I think the pontoons are a little big though a samurai float on tractor tires anyway
chud327 - 7 years ago
Maybe an old 18 foot pontoon boat mated with that Suzuki, that would be fun!
Rusty Stuff
Rusty Stuff - 7 years ago
chud327 Florida's all about the revenue but seriously maybe more of those pipes and larger under some type of four wheel drive with paddle tires LOL that would be fun
chud327 - 7 years ago
I know all about that thing having to be registered. I made sure to hurry up and get the engine off before getting caught. I hope they would at least warn you on something you just built, but maybe not. An amphibious vehicle has been a dream of mine for years... Thanks for watching.
arosenberger87 - 7 years ago
needs a little more floatation. foam sheets might work.
ULTRA NOOB - 7 years ago
six6tysix yup. Positive buoyancy is also improved by flatness. Theoretically if you would roll out the pipe so it becomes flat there is more upwards pressure, allot of pressure is getting lost now due to a bit pressing on the sides and up instead of only up. For the very same reason stability would be increased. Though considering working with the materials at hand, swapping the smaller pvc for same size would be allot better. Placing just a 50cm long pipe on either side as outrigger will increase stability allot allot. That at or slightly behind the seat to keep manouvrability. That or a very shallow keel. The latter does not provide positive buoyance though.
six6tysix - 7 years ago
Only way to increase the floatation (buoyancy) is to displace more water below the surface. In order to achieve this you'd have to add more toons, increase the length of them, or swap them out for a larger diameter pipe
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is a good idea and this morning we put 3 more pipes under the front. Thanks for watching.
Billof Rights
Billof Rights - 7 years ago
Call project, has my brain spinning.
chud327 - 7 years ago
I bet it is, I know you like building boats. That is how I found your channel with your 8 subscribers. Thanks for watching.
Larry Sowada
Larry Sowada - 7 years ago
This might be a stupid question but why is the water that color? do you know. Larry
Muhammad Abughazaleh
Muhammad Abughazaleh - 7 years ago
Lol...why it's red..or brown
Muhammad Abughazaleh
Muhammad Abughazaleh - 7 years ago
Same question
phuck ewe
phuck ewe - 7 years ago
Royal Regatta™
Royal Regatta™ - 7 years ago
Larry Sowada because of the white sand and dead trees and leaves in the water.we call it cola kreek (cola creek) in dutch
Freebird Nation
Freebird Nation - 7 years ago
Smokin Bill Williams d
John Beckman
John Beckman - 7 years ago
Thanks for all of the replies!
It is quite shocking to see for the first time. It is like Coke or Root Beer.
Glad to find out that it is quite common & safe.
Falcon Trek
Falcon Trek - 7 years ago
Larry Sowada we have a creek and even river like that in South Georgia and it's actually very clean water. The peat moss on the bottom makes it appear dark, but I drank it as a kid. Not sure if I would today, too many factories dumping into waters these days.
tinkernaut - 7 years ago
Larry Sowada looks like coke...
DARRELL MATZ - 7 years ago
Larry Sowada I was wondering the same thing what the HELL
Chad Waldron
Chad Waldron - 7 years ago
Caused by tannic acid leaching from hardwood tree leaves and bark. That organic matter breaks down in the water and over time the water turns brown. Causes what we call in the south "blackwater."
Jim F
Jim F - 7 years ago
chud327 yes, trees and mostly the leaves from them. Nothing wrong with it.
Collusion Delusion
Collusion Delusion - 7 years ago
You read my mind made me want some coffee
Ivan Mattos
Ivan Mattos - 7 years ago
I agree here in Brazilian we have perfect area this same humid acid.
Chad Moore
Chad Moore - 7 years ago
not sure where the video was taken however the bayou's in Louisiana looks the same. little swappie looking.
Smokin Bill Williams
Smokin Bill Williams - 7 years ago
Larry Sowada Im thinking it is in a area that is very fertile soil...almost like a peat bog. Lots of trees and vegetation and organic matter. Would be very rich in tannic acid and probably humid acid. Humid acid is one of the richest sources of vitamin and mineral on earth. Do a google search on humate and humid acid. If this is the case then it be a great place to swim. I would like to test the alkalinity of that water...
Christopher Jackson
Christopher Jackson - 7 years ago
Got a lot of oak or walnut along that river? That'll do it in a slow moving river.
chris willims
chris willims - 7 years ago
Yea I have never seen river water that color no matter what types of trees are around...
Allen McKinney
Allen McKinney - 7 years ago
Larry Sowada it's runoff from Starbucks.
Marc Pipistrello
Marc Pipistrello - 7 years ago
Common color of "cedar water." Tannic acid and other things in the leaves tint the water.
Andrew Jighunter
Andrew Jighunter - 7 years ago
Same thing that makes snow yellow, except this is also mixed with smelly lump the waste products, jump right in you would probably love it
chud327 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the support.
clidelivingston - 7 years ago
that is correct.
chud327 - 7 years ago
From what I understand, that is tannic acid from the trees. I guess like when you make tea. Thanks for watching.
Mishawaka Post
Mishawaka Post - 7 years ago
I got a motor mount and electric motor for my Sevylor inflatable fishing boat and found out I preferred the oars. The battery for the motor took up too much space and the propeller kept getting tangled with seaweed.
chud327 - 7 years ago
The battery would be a little bit of a pain, but I would still like to try it out. I like oars too. Thanks for watching.
Mishawaka Post
Mishawaka Post - 7 years ago
Excellent job. If I wasn't too old to consider it I would get a double-bladed kayak paddle if I built one. How much do you think this would cost if you got the materials at Home Depot or Lowe's?
chud327 - 7 years ago
The probably with getting the material from Lowes or HD, I don't think they carry 6 inch pipe. If you ordered it new, I bet it is going to get really expensive. I think next time, I would use the thin wall 4 inch pipe, but I don't know how many it would take... I would like to get some double-bladed paddles... Thanks again.
Daryl Phipps
Daryl Phipps - 7 years ago
dang looks like fun!....were in fla is this bridge?
chud327 - 7 years ago
I love the area, how did you find my channel. The only problem with 6" is it is heavy. 4 - 6" would be great once it is in the water. thanks for the reply.
Daryl Phipps
Daryl Phipps - 7 years ago
"J" Ville been my "home town" since 84 (6 yr stint in the navy). here till i retire in a yr or so. ever consider 4 6" pvc pipes?
chud327 - 7 years ago
This bridge is about 40 minutes north of Jacksonville on US1. And yes, it was fun! Thanks for watching.
Lucas Martínez Parra
Lucas Martínez Parra - 7 years ago
First to comment!
Lucas Martínez Parra
Lucas Martínez Parra - 7 years ago
chud327 You're welcome.
chud327 - 7 years ago
That is not the first time you were first and it probably won't be your last. As always thanks for watching.

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