Cheeky seal hitched a ride on my kayak.

We paddled from Hawes pier at South Queensferry to Crammond, then over to Inchcolm via Inchmickery. As we were leaving Inchcolm a very inquisitive and playful seal joined us. A amazing experience with a wild seal. This video went viral and was shown all over the world. Here is my private compilation of its reach. "This video is managed by Newsflare. To use this video for broadcast or in a commercial player please email or call +44 (0) 8432 895 191"

Cheeky seal hitched a ride on my kayak. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Kayak 8 years ago 139,013 views

We paddled from Hawes pier at South Queensferry to Crammond, then over to Inchcolm via Inchmickery. As we were leaving Inchcolm a very inquisitive and playful seal joined us. A amazing experience with a wild seal. This video went viral and was shown all over the world. Here is my private compilation of its reach. "This video is managed by Newsflare. To use this video for broadcast or in a commercial player please email or call +44 (0) 8432 895 191"

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Most popular comments
for Cheeky seal hitched a ride on my kayak.

OlWhaleNZ - 6 years ago
Such a great experience. Thanks for sharing.
Jamie Watt
Jamie Watt - 6 years ago
What a cheeky foka
Josee Ramakers
Josee Ramakers - 6 years ago
Maybe he wanted to be save for predators? But if not Thumbs up anyway.
Shadow Sage
Shadow Sage - 7 years ago
They are literally water dogs.
stinkyfungus - 6 years ago
Shadow Sage

Except he'll mess you up worse than any rottweiler or GSD ever could if you piss him off.
They are very cute, but make no mistake they are efficent predators, and like any wild preditory animal, can be unpredictable.

Better to keep your distance, and shoo him off gently with your paddle, safer for you... and him.

If he gets habituated to hanging with humans, someone might hurt him, and that would be a shame.
PaddleDogC5 - 7 years ago
Cool thanks for sharing
Earth Angel
Earth Angel - 7 years ago
Awesome :))))
TheKayakingkid - 7 years ago
Glad you liked it.
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 7 years ago
Scooba HooBa
Scooba HooBa - 8 years ago
it is my dad I love you so much
Tom Tyler
Tom Tyler - 7 years ago
TheKayakingkid - 8 years ago
Matt Forrest I love you too son. Happy birthday for tomorrow.
Mollyarty - 8 years ago
Awww, what a cutie <3

10. comment for Cheeky seal hitched a ride on my kayak.

Emre Azizlerli
Emre Azizlerli - 8 years ago
Hello, I am writing from the BBC World Service regarding this video. Could you please get back to me at Thanks, Emre
William Ramsay
William Ramsay - 8 years ago
then an orca bursts up out the water. man you guys are lucky. beautiful moment.
Nick Ray
Nick Ray - 8 years ago
Excellent - what a wonderful encounter. :)
M Hill
M Hill - 8 years ago
Brilliant footage. Have you got a name for your friendly pet?
TheKayakingkid - 8 years ago
LOL. Yes, meet Sammy.
Goldie Dee
Goldie Dee - 8 years ago
I accidently hit one with my paddle at Aberdour years ago, fab footage. x :)
Fadeypoo - 8 years ago
Hehe what a little cracker. And a bloody heavy lad too. I've had a heron follow my route on the canal for a couple of months now. Last week whilst I stopped for a smoke and a brew he appeared and after a few minutes observation he flew down and landed on my deck. He had his back to me the whole time and occasionally glanced backwards to be sure before he took off again. It was a lovely moment. Thanks for sharing your encounter. peace

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