Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Fishing September 2015. Spadefish, Shark, ++ more

Long Video! Hopefully you watch the whole thing, but some highlights are - 4:26 - Spadefish 18:53 - Shark 32:02 - 1st big ship wake 32:42 - 2nd big ship wake.... scarier wake! 39:42 - double header weakfish on top and bottom rig baited with pieces of gulp swimming mullet Took a drive to the VA area for 2 days of fishing in mid September. The first day I fished Backbay Wildlife Refuge along the Atlantic Shore of VA, didn't catch much. The 2nd day I launched my kayak at the Bridge Tunnel to target big Red Drum, however I didn't catch the targeted species. Instead I caught a Spadefish, Kingfish, Croaker, Weakfish, Porgy, Shark, Kingfish (aka whiting), Puffer and Oyster Toad. Paddled what felt like many miles but was probably about 6 or 7 miles. My Kayak is a hobie revo 13, like this one except older Camera used to film is a gopro hero3+ silver

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Fishing September 2015. Spadefish, Shark, ++ more sentiment_very_dissatisfied 600

Kayak 9 years ago 981,221 views

Long Video! Hopefully you watch the whole thing, but some highlights are - 4:26 - Spadefish 18:53 - Shark 32:02 - 1st big ship wake 32:42 - 2nd big ship wake.... scarier wake! 39:42 - double header weakfish on top and bottom rig baited with pieces of gulp swimming mullet Took a drive to the VA area for 2 days of fishing in mid September. The first day I fished Backbay Wildlife Refuge along the Atlantic Shore of VA, didn't catch much. The 2nd day I launched my kayak at the Bridge Tunnel to target big Red Drum, however I didn't catch the targeted species. Instead I caught a Spadefish, Kingfish, Croaker, Weakfish, Porgy, Shark, Kingfish (aka whiting), Puffer and Oyster Toad. Paddled what felt like many miles but was probably about 6 or 7 miles. My Kayak is a hobie revo 13, like this one except older Camera used to film is a gopro hero3+ silver

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Most popular comments
for Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Fishing September 2015. Spadefish, Shark, ++ more

John Shuptrine
John Shuptrine - 6 years ago
where do you put in your kayak?
Tony Carvalho
Tony Carvalho - 6 years ago
Cant get that 40 min back
Georgeanne Panos
Georgeanne Panos - 6 years ago
that wake looked crazy from this vantage-point...geez
ohhellnoyoudidnt - 6 years ago
those puffers have some teeth. one crunched down on my needle nose pliers
ras124 - 6 years ago
next time you go fishing for drum, try snare drum
jose sepulveda
jose sepulveda - 6 years ago
error no quitarle el anzuelo al escualo
GREG McCarter
GREG McCarter - 6 years ago
How fast is that kayak?? I was paceing,you and the bouy,,seems like it scoots well
Kamihya luv
Kamihya luv - 6 years ago
I would be worrying about getting lost way out there.
Kamihya luv
Kamihya luv - 6 years ago
You need a fish finder.

10. comment for Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Fishing September 2015. Spadefish, Shark, ++ more

Chimp Chowder
Chimp Chowder - 6 years ago
That was like slow death! So boring! Couldn't finish it.
gwagb27 - 6 years ago
Some of the best striper fishing
Brian Jackson
Brian Jackson - 6 years ago
that is not a king fish its called "whiting"
Lance Teodecki
Lance Teodecki - 6 years ago
That shark was going to fkn NAIL YOU!
Ron T
Ron T - 6 years ago
Where did you put out? Hampton?
Rene Schaap
Rene Schaap - 6 years ago
kan je niet zwemmen dan !!!! lol
Pinky_ yeet
Pinky_ yeet - 6 years ago
I went on that bridge
Pedro L Guzman
Pedro L Guzman - 6 years ago
I go to Melbourne o New Smyrna Beach to fish with my wife, my stepson n my baby son 8 months old n it fun catching fish any kind n take some good ones home to eat. I like you videos bro i watch them i learn a bit more of bait n jigs
jaddy540 - 6 years ago
I have caught flounder with baby pompanos in their guts.
jian lin
jian lin - 6 years ago
Where you park your car

20. comment for Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Fishing September 2015. Spadefish, Shark, ++ more

darius burch
darius burch - 6 years ago
Fishing in the middle of a major shipping lane ?
Foto Guy
Foto Guy - 6 years ago
16:56 that is a Rock BASS .....Those are Awesome to eat
Gary Caldwell
Gary Caldwell - 6 years ago
Great video. You keep it simple and to the point, good job.
Reed Wilson
Reed Wilson - 6 years ago
I live off chx beach just started kayaking what fish and bait is best fo fishing this area around the bridge pillars?
Bochereauauger Ghislain
Bochereauauger Ghislain - 6 years ago
Ellie rowe
Ellie rowe - 6 years ago
Ive caught 2 cobias when I was little with my dad on his 19ft carolina skiff. He sold his boat 2 years ago and got 2 kayaks. I miss the boat!!!
Ellie rowe
Ellie rowe - 6 years ago
Makes me wanna go fishing so bad
Doug Locke
Doug Locke - 6 years ago
Nice video. That's exactly the typical day out and back that I used to have living down there.
Greg Kale
Greg Kale - 6 years ago
Whiting and kingfish are the same thing. Look it up in a fish encyclopedia. Kingfish have three subspecies in the U.S.: Northern, Southern, and Gulf. I was born and raised in North Carolina and we called them Whiting (I do as well), however the offiical scienific name is kingfish. So he is not wrong, but he use of the term kingfish is not commonly used in the region he is fishing.
HiPetitGateau - 6 years ago
Damn that long tail on that shark my guess is a thrasher are those common in the bay
They are just attitude and teeth. Yikes
myshihtzudontstink - 6 years ago
Those wakes didn’t look scary in this video until I got out for the first time Saturday and rolled my new to me Hobie from a small wave hitting me from the side about 50 feet from shore. Now when I see the wakes in your video my heart races.

30. comment for Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Fishing September 2015. Spadefish, Shark, ++ more

doug casady
doug casady - 6 years ago
roundhead aka kingfish is the best bait for reddrum.
XR2PEOPLE CRYPTO - 7 years ago
Wasting time
Eugene Lee
Eugene Lee - 7 years ago
People use the heavier bucktails because it's usually loads up their rods the best and gets the best action with their heavier cobia gear.
penny wise
penny wise - 7 years ago
I liked this video, up until you left the hook in that sharks mouth. Disliked.
covepoint1 - 7 years ago
This guy is a FOOL !!! Kayaks should NEVER go into the shipping channel w/out a powerboat near --- Many recreational boaters use auto pilot when underway -- A power boat on auto pilot will never see a kayak -- the captain may not be at the helm - he could be down below in the cabin having sex and fixing drinks =)
Alyssazelda 476
Alyssazelda 476 - 7 years ago
Just use shrimp as bait its very effictive
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
good video, may I recomend white , silver, or green curly tales jiging off the bottom insted of cut bait ???
OutdoorsMane 571
OutdoorsMane 571 - 7 years ago
I Would Recommend A Stringer ! Woulda Been A Good Eat lol Definitely a good fishing day still
OutdoorsMane 571
OutdoorsMane 571 - 7 years ago
Question #2 LOL Do The Peddles Actually Help With Speed Or Trolling???
OutdoorsMane 571
OutdoorsMane 571 - 7 years ago
Nice Setup ! I've got a Sitin Kayak Would You Say Sitons Are Better ??? Awesome Video And Thanks For The Awesome Content! I Fish Out Of Powells Creek In Wood bridge !
Noah Goossens
Noah Goossens - 7 years ago
Stupid counsel critic how southwest hidden contemporary science handsome wash.
Yadiel - 7 years ago
Does nobody notice he said wake instead of wave
David Richichi
David Richichi - 7 years ago
screaming reel dave just got back ten days in the keys saw your shark fishing used your rig had two slay rides what pisser bull shark and a lemon shark two tarponone forty pounds the other one around fifty shot load of snappers mackerel all on my hobbie took all the way from Colorado I'm from long island any way you should definitely take the trip and bridge fish at night latter
accok jones
accok jones - 7 years ago
Try using chum.
Jordan Little
Jordan Little - 7 years ago
Cant use that sea bass as bait? Is it a game fish?
Steve Tautog
Steve Tautog - 7 years ago
why were you so freaked out about the possible capsize
I mean I assume you have everything tied down and that you are skilled at re entry
zane kottwitz
zane kottwitz - 7 years ago
I thought the puffer fish were dangerous?
Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith - 7 years ago
I thought you were far north of the CBBT, but if you ever get down again you have an open invitation to fish on my boat it's nothing special 18' dual console with a 90hp outboard but it's perfect for fishing the bridge I do well down there in the spring and fall, during the summer I fish further North at the Bay Bridge for stripers I personally prefer to eat the smaller stripers 20-28" that school up in the summer !
Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith - 7 years ago
And yes we do catch the occasional keeper Cobia I don't so much target them but I am always prepared to cast at Mr. Cobia and call ahead to have the grill hot for the return home
Scott Geer
Scott Geer - 7 years ago
shark was biting at anything it.could.
Brodie Nash
Brodie Nash - 7 years ago
what side of bridge did you launch from gotta find a spot cause going next week

50. comment for Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Fishing September 2015. Spadefish, Shark, ++ more

Bridgeburner - 7 years ago
You're a good extemporaneous speaker. Which is another reason that your videos are so damned watchable.
Joe wolfy007
Joe wolfy007 - 7 years ago
i fished that pier back in the 70s when i lived in norfolk and we always stayed quiet you make alot of noise by talking alot
joseph aguon
joseph aguon - 7 years ago
Try flipping the shark upside down they will keep still.......
Tamour Tahir
Tamour Tahir - 7 years ago
Stumbled upon the video and man you had an awesome fun day. Subscribed keep it up
Sheldon Siew
Sheldon Siew - 7 years ago
Wat type of shark is dat
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 7 years ago
Price you gotta pay when fishing the channel markers!
Andy Cliett
Andy Cliett - 7 years ago
anyone notice the hot pockets in his kayak
Feuerwels - 7 years ago
that puffer fish was amazing :D
TheAngelsr413workz - 7 years ago
R gtyccg90,f9990m9oim8o2 22
Justin Gillette
Justin Gillette - 7 years ago
winds from the east fishing is the least
Jeremy's Inshore Fishing Adventures
Jeremy's Inshore Fishing Adventures - 7 years ago
what are the rods/reels/lines
KeepinItRealWitcha LOL
KeepinItRealWitcha LOL - 7 years ago
Chesapeake Bay??? I'm there now!! I LIVE in Maryland
Jack Palumbo
Jack Palumbo - 6 years ago
Its virginia
Joseph Le
Joseph Le - 7 years ago
You look like zack king
ChillingSquid - 7 years ago
Thats a day before my birthday
OC RUGRAT - 7 years ago
That was my friend that cought that cobea
river rat
river rat - 7 years ago
that puffer fish reminded me of trump. gets caught in a tight spot and suddenly swells up with pride and starts squawking.
Drew M.
Drew M. - 6 years ago
Kinda like Toadfish Obama, worthless at every step.
Danny Chavis
Danny Chavis - 7 years ago
because the water is Super polluted
Noneofurbiz niz
Noneofurbiz niz - 7 years ago
Where is that lil island with the rocky jets. Wasn't able to find it in the map? Thx in advance!!!
Joey Gentry
Joey Gentry - 7 years ago
Lol. "Yeah I'll just break that. Fuck this." funny as shit.
GoDLY Blessings
GoDLY Blessings - 7 years ago
But good work I love your channel
GoDLY Blessings
GoDLY Blessings - 7 years ago
Come on man 2:37 video Time that ain't no king fish that a little drum man wow
Alexeon H
Alexeon H - 7 years ago
Hey brother great vid! As for the tackle lost to the shark. If you hold em upside down (horizontally) for a minute you should have a better chance to get your hook loose with needle nose pliers.
Tom O'Handly
Tom O'Handly - 7 years ago
Great videos.
Michael Perry
Michael Perry - 7 years ago
Those aren't kingfish
All Tree Solutions
All Tree Solutions - 7 years ago
Bay bridge tunnel is the only place I fish. I've caught spades up to 9lbs taugs up 8lbs 40lb stripers and my biggest flounder is 10.13. possibly one of the greatest fishing spots on the east coast and maybe the country in my opinion
TJ Conserette
TJ Conserette - 7 years ago
what type of rigs/ bait do u use when u fish bay bridge tunnel. Have a house down in eastern shore and want to learn how to fish better. Thinking about doing a day trip to tunnel
Bros Bassin
Bros Bassin - 7 years ago
I live right near here...
Mr. Mark R Filaroski
Mr. Mark R Filaroski - 7 years ago
There are a lot of hacks with fishing shows on youtube but I must say, you go a great job! fun to watch while I am landlocked.
Chiang Jing Kang
Chiang Jing Kang - 7 years ago
poor shark
karnage27 - 8 years ago
Wondering how you take your video?  Is it a GoPro mounted to your hat?
Chandler Roberson
Chandler Roberson - 8 years ago
that island looks like the island that the first jaws was filmed on
MIGES Fishing
MIGES Fishing - 8 years ago
i am going to try and head down this year to fish this tunnel
abel bethancourt
abel bethancourt - 8 years ago
any address for this by
AviationManiak - 8 years ago
When you say dolphins, did you mean bottlenose dolphins or mahi mahi?
fruity loops
fruity loops - 8 years ago
whats the biggest fish you've ever caught?
Arian James
Arian James - 8 years ago
Whiting is what those fish look like
Kyle M
Kyle M - 8 years ago
a fucking shark!
SoloBro - 8 years ago
This video was entertaining enough for me to actually watch the entire thing
Doctor G
Doctor G - 8 years ago
but haven't you saw when a great white shark hits its prey it goes down under with the prey and rushes up at full speed hitting it so hard it's like getting hit by a Harley hog
Mr. FA20DIT - 8 years ago
What kind of snaps do you use?
Clifton Smith
Clifton Smith - 8 years ago
It's cool to see someone showing off our waterways on Youtube. Could you do a video fishing Ocean View and Pretty Lake? Its where I'm living currently.
Muhd Aiman Hakimi Mauzafi
Muhd Aiman Hakimi Mauzafi - 8 years ago
sangat bagus
Michael Fallin
Michael Fallin - 8 years ago
Been at those buoys many times in a 16' jon boat. The submarines push the "best" wakes! Like a roller coaster ride.
Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough - 8 years ago
im going to florida in april i mite go fishing there im brayden
Xex Developer
Xex Developer - 8 years ago
15:57 Lol he make a sound
:ツ-ToxicSwift-ツ - 8 years ago
Hey how did u tie the bait line?
Edward Williams
Edward Williams - 8 years ago
I thought puffers were deadly
Allan Jollie
Allan Jollie - 6 years ago
...The Northern Puffer is not toxic and excellent table fare...
HOOKED On Fishing
HOOKED On Fishing - 7 years ago
Edward Williams there teeth are like razor blades tho. They even have there own river monsters vid. " Mekong mutilator"
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
there are many species of puffers, some are toxic yes but not all, these here are nontoxic
Eric Mifsud
Eric Mifsud - 8 years ago
video isnt long enough. I could watch your videos all day long.
JuanJo Sanz
JuanJo Sanz - 8 years ago
what kind of roada do you use?
Jp Fishing Brasil
Jp Fishing Brasil - 8 years ago
very good his video is very interesting!!! I'm leaving in Japan here we fished seabaas too.
Armac Jair Rodriguez
Armac Jair Rodriguez - 8 years ago
este video es chido

100. comment for Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Fishing September 2015. Spadefish, Shark, ++ more

unworthyservant - 8 years ago



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(EXODUS 20:7)

Bobby YouTube
Bobby YouTube - 8 years ago
Nice video sea money fishing
Pwrcritter - 8 years ago
Ninito-_- DaNoob
Ninito-_- DaNoob - 8 years ago
When I was little kid I caught a shark about that size. But I was with my dad so he unhooked it. IT WAS AWESOME
Kevin Gomez
Kevin Gomez - 8 years ago
I catch stripp bass
Tyler Walton
Tyler Walton - 8 years ago
Jk Killman
Jk Killman - 8 years ago
Keep the shark for bate
J K - 8 years ago
Jk Killman Do you know the difference between bate and bait? I'm sure your the master of one of them.
Chancellp Pool
Chancellp Pool - 8 years ago
Chris Ghorayeb
Chris Ghorayeb - 8 years ago
I watched the whole video
Bryson Pettrey
Bryson Pettrey - 8 years ago
You should make a video at the Elizabeth River
yorktown yakers
yorktown yakers - 8 years ago
When you jig use 80 pound leader and lift the rod up 10 inches when you jig
yorktown yakers
yorktown yakers - 8 years ago
You need to be in about 40 feet of water and during a slack tide . The rod is way to light . The bait I use is a 6 inch gulp mullet on a 3 oz ball jig. That's how I caught my 49
E. Colon
E. Colon - 8 years ago
I'm so glad I subscribed to this channel. Awesome vids.
Dominic Liberto
Dominic Liberto - 8 years ago
what kind of kayak is that
Emilio Ramlochan
Emilio Ramlochan - 8 years ago
what rod and reel combos was used?
Lance Cobb
Lance Cobb - 8 years ago
@sea money fishing u deserve more subs
Kristian Ashby
Kristian Ashby - 8 years ago
i live 4 blocks away from there u should fish the lake near my house, lake Joyce, me and my dad caught the record out there 11.09 lbs
Scoot Bros
Scoot Bros - 8 years ago
Are you in Virginia
Malachi Cayenne
Malachi Cayenne - 8 years ago
that's a sharp nose shark
Malachi Cayenne
Malachi Cayenne - 8 years ago
that's a sharp nose shark
Jaxon Howard
Jaxon Howard - 8 years ago
your amazing
Traci Campbell
Traci Campbell - 8 years ago
Bull shark
Sneaker Heat
Sneaker Heat - 8 years ago
Calvin Sticher
Calvin Sticher - 8 years ago
I your videos
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 8 years ago
puffer sooooooo cute
Daniel Elwick
Daniel Elwick - 8 years ago
Are you in Mississippi?
Too Much
Too Much - 8 years ago
People in panes and they bros
Daniel Elwick
Daniel Elwick - 8 years ago
didnt teach me about that they where more focused on other countrys like canada lol
Zach Bartlett
Zach Bartlett - 8 years ago
Daniel Elwick virginia, maryland, delaware. You dhould have learned this in 6th grade
Daniel Elwick
Daniel Elwick - 8 years ago
where is it?
Zach Bartlett
Zach Bartlett - 8 years ago
Daniel Elwick last i checked chesapeak bay isnt in Mississippi
ATL Fisherman
ATL Fisherman - 8 years ago
Awesome video from beginning to the end.
Heffy Montana
Heffy Montana - 7 years ago
Ass to mouth
David Culross
David Culross - 8 years ago
Isaiah Rush left to right
Isaiah Rush
Isaiah Rush - 8 years ago
ATL Fisherman bottom to top
Oneway Jayden
Oneway Jayden - 8 years ago
Fairy Lady
Fairy Lady - 8 years ago
Horrible fishing there. Lynnhaven Pier and Ocean View Piers are better.
Dis Man
Dis Man - 8 years ago
ChefGiovanni - 8 years ago
Cool video, thanks for sharing. Marinated / Grilled shark steak can be tasty.
Sports Court's MANIA!
Sports Court's MANIA! - 8 years ago
bro if u have that attitude you will never catch a cobia at least u think a little good about ur self
Spicrkorp - 8 years ago
What are you using to catch the spadefish
Ronald Mast
Ronald Mast - 8 years ago
clam work best
Michelle Sanchez
Michelle Sanchez - 8 years ago
Andy Kang
Andy Kang - 8 years ago
That weird fish was a toad fish and they're dangerous to handle bare handed
Sadhan Paul
Sadhan Paul - 8 years ago
Eddy Ramirez
Eddy Ramirez - 8 years ago
I love fishing and I'm 12
Ben Add
Ben Add - 8 years ago
I have caught cobia form the pier. It's very rare. and alot of hours have gone into just 1 fish.
jfrostmovement jfrostmovement
jfrostmovement jfrostmovement - 8 years ago
I'm from Norfolk and we have always used grunts, eels, and crabs for cobia. maybe your next trip you can try these baits and have some luck bud
jaddy540 - 6 years ago
Cobia eat catfish too..
Ronald Mast
Ronald Mast - 8 years ago
im from n.m but grew up in va . beach. try going in like july when the cobia are schooling up from N.C
Arlie Proctor
Arlie Proctor - 8 years ago
Cobia are easier to find under the bridge itself. They like to attack out of shade. Find a spot where you can sit in 10-15 feet when the tide is coming in and you can cast into shade under the bridge. I've never had luck with them in slack tide at all.
Kenneth D. Aston Jr.
Kenneth D. Aston Jr. - 8 years ago
Dude, that shark OMG in that yak too also, great footage and after watching the whole vid, MAAAAAN those wakes you best stay near the rocks lol
MOUADH VITONEN - 8 years ago
dudde u need to come to Finland we do have some really good fish here ,,,,, cold fresh water fish if u come contact me :)
/ Ant1Pois0n /
/ Ant1Pois0n / - 8 years ago
You can actually eat pufferfish if you clean them right if you didn't know. You get medium sized portions portions but it's awesome to eat.
Myrna Swanson
Myrna Swanson - 8 years ago
A "Thresher" shark
Tae Kwon Do - Leo
Tae Kwon Do - Leo - 8 years ago
That shark was a young bull shark, most common shark you can find.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Anterior Pelvic Tilt - 7 years ago
Bull sharks are really thick and heavy for their size, they also will eat you without even thinking about it, so I'd be on the lookout for his mom if I was you. I don't know if you've ever heard of the Bahia Honda bridge in the Keys but that place is loaded with them.
BRIAN EIDMANN - 8 years ago
Definitely a sandbar shark/brown shark. Endangered and illegal to keep. Hard to believe that they are endangered though, I've caught so many in recent years. Also, the sand tiger is also illegal to keep and in some states, illegal to even remove from the water to remove the hook. Better be using a circle hook - regulation in some states for sharking...Delaware I think is one of them.
Spicrkorp - 8 years ago
Its actully a bull shark no sand bars in chesapeake sand bars are only in ocean city
Tae Kwon Do - Leo
Tae Kwon Do - Leo - 8 years ago
I was not trying to act smart, Its an honest mistake dude, don't get all fired up over it.
Rebelution122 1
Rebelution122 1 - 8 years ago
No it's a sand bar stop trying to act like u know something
Cullen Gay
Cullen Gay - 8 years ago
recently on Avalon pier in the outer banks they have been catching decent sized cobias, you can follow them on Facebook and it will show you
Vandy Niyomkham
Vandy Niyomkham - 8 years ago
thats a sandbar shark
fishadephia fishing
fishadephia fishing - 8 years ago
yoo cuz your nuts out there all alone do the police ever bother you guys on them kyaks
Bridgeburner - 7 years ago
joe kelly You know they do.
vossie De Vos
vossie De Vos - 8 years ago
Stop with the OMG stupid fishermen
Imer _A
Imer _A - 8 years ago
Could you maybe go to Norfok Va Ocean View Fishing pier
sophie auchincloss
sophie auchincloss - 8 years ago
I live near the Chesapeake bay bridge and you will not catch most of those fish there and besides that water looks to clean for the Chesapeake
Tyler Halik
Tyler Halik - 8 years ago
went fishing out here the other day caught a nice black tip shark and he was delicious
jaddy540 - 6 years ago
All sharks are good eating. I marinate the fillets in any kind of milk for at least 12 hours or more.
saloei - 8 years ago
I had a good laugh in thinking how Great Whites are curious and like to bite things. His narrow yak wouldn't let him defend himself if ever he was attacked. Your love always gets the best of you
Giuseppe Randazzo
Giuseppe Randazzo - 8 years ago
Du kleiner wixer .... Wen due schon so eine schönen fisch fangen tust dan lösen hin richtig vom hacken ... Ich Hofe du wirst von seiner rasser zerfleischt
Giuseppe Randazzo
Giuseppe Randazzo - 8 years ago
Du kleiner wixer .... Wen due schon so eine schönen fisch fangen tust dan lösen hin richtig vom hacken ... Ich Hofe du wirst von seiner rasser zerfleischt
ali veli
ali veli - 8 years ago
nice video ...fallowing
Alex - 8 years ago
what kind of fish is that at 17:09 someone respond pls! and tell me what it is
John The Vlogger
John The Vlogger - 8 years ago
My asshole.
Wade Brees
Wade Brees - 8 years ago
oyster toads
FoundationFarmhouse - 8 years ago
Nice bro! Was this right off Willoughby? I go to vacation there. Got a kayak out there and caught a huge stingray as well as the croakers and spots. I should try for the drum next time. How far out do you think Id have to get from the rock breakers to get into drum territory? Kinda scary out there in a yak with other boaters not paying attention. With hand paddle I cant get out of the way fast enough. One more question, would you recommend going out that far if you only had a hand paddle ?
FrenzyYT - 8 years ago
I live near there
Zemotz - 8 years ago
Are you not scared of sharkes. What if a big great white just came and breached next to you. I wouldnt scoot to pee off the side I would pee all over.
Zemotz - 8 years ago
Yeah if I ever find my self in the ocean im gonna think about sharks the whole time lol
Zemotz - 8 years ago
+DRNJ ! Hell of course ima think like that. You never know. You could be the next attack
daniel nall !
daniel nall ! - 8 years ago
grenaderade21 if you think like that then what's the point in life, don't be scared of things like that.
LitWolf9 - 8 years ago
Jerome Harmon
Jerome Harmon - 8 years ago
Do the back fins make it fight harder
NFLgamer 17
NFLgamer 17 - 8 years ago
You could've got the hook out with the needle knows.
James Epperson
James Epperson - 8 years ago
I live in Chesapeake
Saphien Gaming
Saphien Gaming - 8 years ago
I don't quite understand what a wake is can someone plz tell me I kinda get it but i don't
A flying horse
A flying horse - 8 years ago
but instead of being called waves, there wakes.
A flying horse
A flying horse - 8 years ago
when a boat passes by, watter on the surface moves out of its way creating waves
Jerome Harmon
Jerome Harmon - 8 years ago
Wat kind of reel
Jerome Harmon
Jerome Harmon - 8 years ago
I have the same rod as u the purple one but mine is a 7,3 medium action
Chase The pup
Chase The pup - 8 years ago
Cargo ship wake
Emmett - 8 years ago
This is so last year
A flying horse
A flying horse - 8 years ago
kinda like me and your grandma. sorry i had to.
LitWolf9 - 8 years ago
+Unlimited Hockey lol
Emmett - 8 years ago
I'm watching in 2016
troll man
troll man - 8 years ago
that's funny fat unicorns
troll man
troll man - 8 years ago
Christine 10
Christine 10 - 8 years ago
its a black tip shark
No Fish Is Safe
No Fish Is Safe - 8 years ago
In the south we catch croaker all the time
Legitimate0073 - 8 years ago
Sharks aren't junk fish lol you need to respect the other fish that aren't what you're going for.
No Fish Is Safe
No Fish Is Safe - 8 years ago
That "porgy" is known as piggy perch in the south where I live
Ash wb
Ash wb - 8 years ago
Shark are not trash fish
Astrinityy - 8 years ago
Where did you get your kayak?
Jack Flem
Jack Flem - 8 years ago
6:10 gotta catch em all! Lol
James Joyner
James Joyner - 8 years ago
oh I have more tips if you're curious!
James Joyner
James Joyner - 8 years ago
lol man not dogging you or anything but the little fishkies you used for drum that you called kingfish I believe, are what we call Whiting in Florida my man! croakers look similar to a baby redfish and the whiting mixed.. I am impressed with your tactics brother man. If I may give you a tip as to fishing your live bait try doing a line to line with at least 3' of fluorocarbon leader. the bait will usually dive to specified depth where the beasts live to eat the prey!! also nice chicken rig brother perfect for pompano fishing.
Ronald Mast
Ronald Mast - 8 years ago
in n.c thy call kingfish or whiting sand mullet.
James Joyner
James Joyner - 8 years ago
We hear that now a damn days thank you sir!! He only started doing so shortly after I commented that was before he did thank you!! Have a wonderful day! Good luck out there in your fishing world!!
Rebelution122 1
Rebelution122 1 - 8 years ago
You need to open your dam ears he said there also known as whiting
Frossst - 8 years ago
Cobia at Wilde Lake in Virginia
Ashton Vinson
Ashton Vinson - 8 years ago
Can you do more vids on the bay
Daniel East
Daniel East - 8 years ago
It was a bull shark
ivan ampey
ivan ampey - 8 years ago
great job
Chase The pup
Chase The pup - 8 years ago
Did you catch any Flounders because me and my dad go fishing there all the time and we fish for flounders did you catch any
TurboGSR96 - 8 years ago
Sandbar/Brown Shark
Eddie Coleman
Eddie Coleman - 8 years ago
It was a black tip shark
TurboGSR96 - 8 years ago
+Epic Composition sandbar is also known as a brown shark...
Mr Mango
Mr Mango - 8 years ago
Sandbar because a brown would have had a runoff.
stevefromPA2 - 8 years ago
I now know I'm not a fisherman. ..I only think I am...trolling off a kayak....dancing between container ships and toying with sharks....back too the pond I go to feed the fish...
Daniel Moscon
Daniel Moscon - 8 years ago
Nice grip strength on that shark tail!!!!
Abel Esparza
Abel Esparza - 8 years ago
bro we love to use whole live crokers to catch monster trout here in my area.
Jordan Barton
Jordan Barton - 8 years ago
You should review how to catch bait fish what to use and how to rig up
Copenhagen Rebel
Copenhagen Rebel - 8 years ago
Can u plz do a video of how u tied it
Radovan Sramek
Radovan Sramek - 8 years ago
Talk too much :-)
kaden knepp
kaden knepp - 8 years ago
your vids suck
T T - 8 years ago
what's your camera?
Chrispy Customs
Chrispy Customs - 8 years ago
go pro i think
MasterRyan Gamer
MasterRyan Gamer - 8 years ago
you make really good videos!!!!
justame smith
justame smith - 8 years ago
that shark was big enough to eat.
Karl Reinhard
Karl Reinhard - 8 years ago
DogGuts - CS:GO
justame smith
justame smith - 8 years ago
+Toxic cause Just did some googling. Turns out they are very tasty
justame smith
justame smith - 8 years ago
+Toxic cause wow. thanks for the info. pity 
BitchMustard - 8 years ago
No no shark is up for eats. They piss through their skin bro.
Icicletheangeldragon - 8 years ago
Dude what line do you use
Fishing & Biodiversity
Fishing & Biodiversity - 8 years ago
mr. small gamers d perez
mr. small gamers d perez - 8 years ago
shut up
Chizzy TV
Chizzy TV - 8 years ago
3 favorite thing
1. Fishing
2. Kayaking
3. People freaking out over wake
Lol... Good video man
OBAMAS WATCHING ME - 8 years ago
You're not strategic with your casts.  Those rocks at the island were THE PLACE you were going to catch redfish.  If you got closer to the island and anchored down you would have a few reds to take home.
Ronald Mast
Ronald Mast - 8 years ago
the shoals on the eastern shore like smith or fishermans island for reds. tube island for black drum. puppy drum in the inlets.
OBAMAS WATCHING ME - 8 years ago
28:48 Fucking millennial math.  Horrid!
Daniel Good
Daniel Good - 8 years ago
I was thinking the same thing hahah
Duane Barker
Duane Barker - 8 years ago
your video sucks
LitWolf9 - 8 years ago
+Plasmaskull Gaming feed the shark the basterd
LitWolf9 - 8 years ago
+AsianInvasion let's just go catch a shark and feed the shark
AsianInvasion - 8 years ago
get out
Diamond Dingo
Diamond Dingo - 8 years ago
What's the kayaks he's using?
Superseby The gamer
Superseby The gamer - 8 years ago
nice job
Superseby The gamer
Superseby The gamer - 8 years ago
wave not wake
Superseby The gamer
Superseby The gamer - 8 years ago
ok thank
do you fish
Nik 1312
Nik 1312 - 8 years ago
Wake is made by boat waves are just the tide
Thunder Fishing
Thunder Fishing - 8 years ago
Thumbs up if you like this video
Hunter Healey
Hunter Healey - 8 years ago
Nice video
Challenge Bros
Challenge Bros - 8 years ago
Did you ever have a fear of deep water if so how did you over come it
Cory Knowles
Cory Knowles - 8 years ago
The water in most areas is only 20-30ft averaging 50-60 in the channels. In some places near the high rise there's depths of 100+ft. So most fisherman would not consider this deep water.
Kyan Adams
Kyan Adams - 8 years ago
Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson - 8 years ago
what kayak?
Rebelution122 1
Rebelution122 1 - 8 years ago
Tor Johannsen
Tor Johannsen - 8 years ago
What rod/reel did you catch that shark with? Nice video, though :)
Kosoto123 - 8 years ago
Where do you launch from????
Boxedwhine - 8 years ago
You have some balls man. I am horrified of the ocean for so many good reasons
Rebelution122 1
Rebelution122 1 - 8 years ago
Sissy !!!
T T - 8 years ago
nice i like your lifestyle man
Will Bernhardt
Will Bernhardt - 8 years ago
Yo your channel is so amazing. Keep up the good work bro
Matt Alisea
Matt Alisea - 8 years ago
and I really suggest using shrimp out there.
Matt Alisea
Matt Alisea - 8 years ago
your right near my house man! I never catch fish there. just was fishing for shark off the boat last week!
Geo Hayag
Geo Hayag - 8 years ago
that look like bike in water
Smach Hulk
Smach Hulk - 8 years ago inflatable boat for sale can be delivery
Kasy Wetzel
Kasy Wetzel - 8 years ago
sharks are not trash fish
Ricky Chase
Ricky Chase - 6 years ago
ocean needs them allot! They clean up the weak!
Ricky Chase
Ricky Chase - 6 years ago
amazing animals.
I am a montser Bobby
I am a montser Bobby - 8 years ago
Is there a limit on croaker they have too be a certain size
Adam Holston
Adam Holston - 8 years ago
Iron Entertainment
Iron Entertainment - 8 years ago
What if you manage to hook onto a large boat like the container ship and let it take you to Baltimore
Cameron Spencer
Cameron Spencer - 8 years ago
the puffer fish was cute
Bobby Bobenation
Bobby Bobenation - 8 years ago
I use the same rod u have for lake fishing
Drake Branham
Drake Branham - 8 years ago
it's probably a bull shark
Emily Berardi
Emily Berardi - 8 years ago
how is this guy not scared of great white sharks
Cory Knowles
Cory Knowles - 8 years ago
Very few great white sharks on the east coast of the US and the Atlantic as a whole compared to the Pacific.
Cynthia Resendez
Cynthia Resendez - 8 years ago
What kind of shark is it
Eddie Coleman
Eddie Coleman - 8 years ago
It was a black tip shark
Falcon Jr
Falcon Jr - 8 years ago
I'm not sure but it looks like a sandbar shark
Antony Ward
Antony Ward - 8 years ago
Puffer Fish Amused me ; )
TheeZ nuttz
TheeZ nuttz - 8 years ago
crossbow54 - 8 years ago
It looks like a big sandshark but sandshark don't have teeth
Eddie Coleman
Eddie Coleman - 8 years ago
It was a black tip shark
Mr Mango
Mr Mango - 8 years ago
Yeah they do
Zedrei - 8 years ago
2 in 20 is still 10% though.
Vladimir Kravchuk
Vladimir Kravchuk - 8 years ago
Thinking about getting into kayak fishing and saw your awesome kayak. What kayak is that and how much do they go for?
Ryan P-76F1004x4
Ryan P-76F1004x4 - 8 years ago
Chunk bait = skates
Ryan P-76F1004x4
Ryan P-76F1004x4 - 8 years ago
Live line a small spot in middle of bridges. you would have caught a red
Ryan P-76F1004x4
Ryan P-76F1004x4 - 8 years ago
we have broke down in middle of shipping lane at night striper fishing.. NOT FUN!..
Ben Tech
Ben Tech - 8 years ago
what kind of kayak do you have sir?
Djehuti Ausar Ra
Djehuti Ausar Ra - 6 years ago
Ben Tech some type of Hobie. I think it is a Outback
KnuckleDrag Fishing
KnuckleDrag Fishing - 8 years ago
Are you fishing out of the hobie pro angler 12 ?
MDMADFISHERMAN - 6 years ago
Logan Rogers
Logan Rogers - 8 years ago
Wake wake wake please SHUTUP
K3eOne - 8 years ago
Damn you caught a shark.... that's fucking proper and much more respect for releasing it.
Fehr_Fishing - 8 years ago
+Nik Hochheimer oh I thought it was accessible to take out with pliers must have been farther in its mouth than I thought
Nik 1312
Nik 1312 - 8 years ago
+IfOnlyIWasCountry IfOnlyIWasCountry you can't reach in its mouth to get the hook out
Fehr_Fishing - 8 years ago
but he left the hook in its mouth
Greg Snider
Greg Snider - 8 years ago
Enjoyed the video - thanks! Puffer fish was hilarious.
pisulca - 8 years ago
ur a fucking sped
Lars gilmour
Lars gilmour - 8 years ago
Where did you get that peddle kayak? I want one. Looks like fun... How much are they?
crossboy_ gaming
crossboy_ gaming - 8 years ago
that wake was getting you so high
Cayden Howland
Cayden Howland - 8 years ago
I would be so happy if i caught a shark
AL GAG - 8 years ago
+wyatt croft I live right down the street from where he is fishing in this video and it's way to easy to catch the sharks and rays there but it's fine with me I still eat em
AL GAG - 8 years ago
They are a blast to catch along with stingray as they put up a decent fight and they both taste great!
WOLF PACK - 8 years ago
if i had a dollar for every time he said booey
alex gohnzales
alex gohnzales - 8 years ago
that's a really sweet kayak
Stevie Beecham
Stevie Beecham - 8 years ago
yes. finally a good fishing video of my hometown hotspot
Crazy Person
Crazy Person - 8 years ago
You are the best
Jay Young
Jay Young - 8 years ago
Bull red
Red bull
FTW_Shadowz - 8 years ago
what kayak is this
MBen89 - 8 years ago
Aww poor little shark got released with the hook still in its mouth :( sucks
MBen89 - 8 years ago
+Chris S. I hope that's the case lol I know I would hate having to eat sleep and do whatever with a hook in my mouth xD I don't blame this guy though, I would be hesitant to put my bare hands anywhere near a shark's mouth, and on a kayak nonetheless.
Chris S.
Chris S. - 8 years ago
+MBen89 A lot of hooks are meant to dissolve over time in sea water. Not sure if that hook was one of them but I think they eventually fall out anyways. I could be wrong but I just remember an article on a study that found that fish have the ability to shake them out after a couple of days.
Richard Hilbert
Richard Hilbert - 8 years ago
close to the spot where I caught a 4 foot red fish in 2005 wow was that a catch
Yadiel - 7 years ago
U got any social media
Don Whitley
Don Whitley - 8 years ago
Never ever seen a 30 lb bonita and been fishing for 70 years. I don't think it could have been a bonita.
METALSOFT - 8 years ago
+kidbehindthecamera videos in San Diego CA I caught a 5-10 lb spider crab on a cheap $23.00 fishing pole I bought at target it was the center of attention until a guy caught a 30 lb bonito
kidbehindthecamera videos
kidbehindthecamera videos - 8 years ago
Close to where I caught a 400 poud 9 ft long bullshark damn was it hard to bring in
Chase The pup
Chase The pup - 8 years ago
Hey I just wanted tell you submarine wake is even bigger than cargo ship wake
Myles Matthews
Myles Matthews - 8 years ago
once I caught a fresh water drum did not even know what it was
Austintaughtyou - 8 years ago
kind of kayak is that?
MiKeStEr YRN - 8 years ago
What tackle where you using and gear
Concrete Killer
Concrete Killer - 8 years ago
balls of steel that shark looked like it was trying to latch on and those wakes would have made me piss myself
Getmoneymayweather Boles
Getmoneymayweather Boles - 8 years ago
fishing to close to the bottom ,,, id have put the hook about 3-6 foot up on the line thats proper drum range for the situation ,,, and unless the bull reds are running bait fish its a slim chance to catch a red out there id have stuck to structure about 3-6 foot from the bottom for drum,,, dont know much about cobia so i cant speak on that
PartiallyRoyal FAN
PartiallyRoyal FAN - 8 years ago
why do you say wake instead of wave
Drake Behrens
Drake Behrens - 8 years ago
Because they where wakes
Joey Jennings
Joey Jennings - 8 years ago
wheres the new flathead friday vidz man.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Joe Jennings I've caught a few flatheads this year.... so far nothing interesting though, small fish and slow action. First 20lb fish I catch or otherwise interesting flathead session, flathead friday is back
The Dream Catcher
The Dream Catcher - 8 years ago
Sandbar shark?
The Dream Catcher
The Dream Catcher - 8 years ago
+Eddie Coleman no megalodon
Eddie Coleman
Eddie Coleman - 8 years ago
It was a black tip shark catch them all the time down south
The Dream Catcher
The Dream Catcher - 8 years ago
for sure
kidbehindthecamera videos
kidbehindthecamera videos - 8 years ago
Its baby megalodon lol
The Dream Catcher
kidbehindthecamera videos
kidbehindthecamera videos - 8 years ago
Man I dont wanna argue
The Dream Catcher
The Dream Catcher - 8 years ago
kidbehindthecamera videos
kidbehindthecamera videos - 8 years ago
kidbehindthecamera videos
kidbehindthecamera videos - 8 years ago
The Dream Catcher
The Dream Catcher - 8 years ago
kidbehindthecamera videos
kidbehindthecamera videos - 8 years ago
+The Dream Catchers no baby great white or bull shark
kyle crane
kyle crane - 8 years ago
september 15th my birthday :D , probably going to head out to rainbow lake today to get some bullheads or something , south jersey fishing!
Vykk Draygo
Vykk Draygo - 8 years ago
It's been forever since I've seen the bay. Miss the area a bit, but I wouldn't want to go back to VA, since it would mean leaving Texas. ;D
hey my playground as well hit me up on your next trip
CarsonGaming - 8 years ago
if only i had a dollar for the amount of times he said cobia
A flying horse
A flying horse - 8 years ago
the "N" wOrD
Max Berns
Max Berns - 8 years ago
Bull red
Damian Moczulewski
Damian Moczulewski - 8 years ago
If I had a dollar for every time he said wake
PartiallyRoyal FAN
PartiallyRoyal FAN - 8 years ago
If only I had a dollar every time he said wake
Tvby - 8 years ago
SirLobsterman - 8 years ago
big hooks catch big fish, small hooks catch all the fish. you should have had #2-#4 hooks instead of #1/0 for bait fishing.
Canyousaygriffin 520
Canyousaygriffin 520 - 8 years ago
That wake gave butterfly's in my stomach
patchreefs - 8 years ago
thanks enjoyed you're fishing expedition.
ТSМ_Мyth - 8 years ago
Eat the fucker
steve jimmy
steve jimmy - 8 years ago
you suck
MashButton Colby
MashButton Colby - 8 years ago
Dude it's wafe not wake
Wisconsin Fishing
Wisconsin Fishing - 8 years ago
+MashButton Colby I really hope you are joking...
josh dubuque
josh dubuque - 8 years ago
you say wake 1 more time imma kill my self
josh dubuque
josh dubuque - 8 years ago
and tide
Luckfan12299 _
Luckfan12299 _ - 8 years ago
What state you live in
Kyle Mangum
Kyle Mangum - 8 years ago
Mikey robinson
Mikey robinson - 8 years ago
Camper lol
ProcardcollecterAndGamer - 8 years ago
Oyster toad is my fav fish caught a 2lb
냄새꾸리꾸리한 발까락
냄새꾸리꾸리한 발까락 - 8 years ago
I bet you can reach places where you normally wouldnt be able to on foot (bank fishing etc.).
James Beck
James Beck - 8 years ago
What kind of kayak do you have?
Moto-B - 8 years ago
You need to hook them (bait)in the back. Your driving those hooks right though their brains! Baits won't last. Just saying
Hunter Farrell
Hunter Farrell - 8 years ago
i fish freshwater mostly but when i use live bait i usually hook them through the head but i come out the nose amd they last a long time but hooking them through the back works well to just depends on how im rigging it
Lip Ripper john
Lip Ripper john - 8 years ago
i hate that bridge lol like 10 bucks each way. I always fish off nofolk base (navy) and theres striper, flounder, reds, puffer, rays, croaker. its good enough for me lol might have to head out there tho.
phouthone vilaphob
phouthone vilaphob - 8 years ago
Aaron Yi
Aaron Yi - 9 years ago
Should have kept the shark =P
IÐUNN - 9 years ago
what if a shark attack you!! in that little thing. i would never be out on the ocean with that dude :D
IÐUNN - 8 years ago
+The sausage it self Ravioli oh ok man :D  i thoght this man was crazy :) the more you know :D 
Tracy L
Tracy L - 9 years ago
I am from Bucks County PA. My friends and I run a boat off Manasquan Spring to Winter, Fluke to Makos. *Buoy/markers/pilings are best fished during slack. We catch Mahi off lobster pots any tide but thats open ocean. *Bridge live lining is best on channel breaks or sand bar breaks during the incoming, as well as outgoing but its much more difficult to find the tiny eddies the fish hold in, if you do it will be the best day of your inlet life! Typically we daily limit Reds on my 16' when we go on Vacay to OCMD. The OCMD bridge at the inlet is KILLER for live lining. Big bass, blues, cobia and Drum. Throw net in the back fingers of the private type marinas. I HIGHLY recommend choosing this bridge over the giant flat Chess bridge. Thats too much water for short trips! Best of luck man!
Tracy L
Tracy L - 9 years ago
+Tracy L  This is my moms acct, if you ever want to contact me with questions feel free. Tyler Kramer - Facebook.
Adee Callista
Adee Callista - 9 years ago
My heart pumped when the wave hits you.. but funny moment..haha.. been there before.
Cohen Emblidge
Cohen Emblidge - 9 years ago
for catching drum, spot, perch, and croaker what would you recommend for non live bait???
matt walter fishing
matt walter fishing - 8 years ago
shrimp. live or dead. any drum will eat anything. especially redfish/reddrum. they love crab .
Faze Berry
Faze Berry - 9 years ago
Who hoo Shark
Gavin Romer
Gavin Romer - 9 years ago
I want a kayak like yours, what kind is it?
gemma mills
gemma mills - 9 years ago
thae cobia would be about the size of that shark you caught, but about 20cm bigger than that shark... just letting you know
Breeze Killer
Breeze Killer - 9 years ago
how's the weather there I used to live in Chesapeake I miss the weather there so much
Alaa Alqaisi
Alaa Alqaisi - 9 years ago
So awesome
William Black
William Black - 9 years ago
pretty nice fish good video
nomedcell - 9 years ago
Watched whole video, didn't see a puffer. Missed it I guess. At what time in the video is the puffer visible?
nomedcell - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing thanks, adorable little fish, haha. Love your vids, keep them coming :)
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+nomedcell around 16:10
Mike Gerland
Mike Gerland - 9 years ago
Great video man
Mitchell Loasching
Mitchell Loasching - 9 years ago
Hey man love this video! But NEVER touch a toad fish they are poisonous. Did you have a rash after touching it?
Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 7 years ago
Mitchell Loasching only some are but the ones our hear are not
Chris Clifton
Chris Clifton - 9 years ago
those puffers are awesome to eat. they have a really good white meat to them
Yakin'SC - 9 years ago
What were you catching bait with?
bso Kvngterry
bso Kvngterry - 9 years ago
September 15 my bd
Clark Vue
Clark Vue - 9 years ago
Honestly I really like these vids just a tad bit more then other vids where people catch fish left to right.
Jerrit Richardson
Jerrit Richardson - 9 years ago
Hey what's the name of that kayak and price
Seamus Cunningham
Seamus Cunningham - 9 years ago
Your videos are awesome keep it up
HookedOnTheBay - 9 years ago
Dude that was so epic. Everywhere you go you catch fish. Im sure those ship waves were 3x bigger in person. I live in St.Pete and if you ever visit here we can go try and get giant black drum under gandy or howard franklin bridge, or just catch other fish like reds snook and trout.
Erik Escalante
Erik Escalante - 9 years ago
How much does your fishing rod cost
Nate Karlin
Nate Karlin - 9 years ago
what cayak do you have
Billy Rhodes
Billy Rhodes - 9 years ago
That where my parent live favorite place to fish
Rotties - 9 years ago
Cant believe you left the hook in it. Who knows how long that hook will be in its mouth
Sharkeez - 8 years ago
+Rotties it won't be long, that saltwater rusts them right out.
Obi Wan Cannoli
Obi Wan Cannoli - 9 years ago
I live in salt ponds Marina due west of the bridge. I must say the only fishing I really enjoy there is off the 3rd and 4th Island. In the spring/ early summer you can catch some 40+ pound black drum. In the winter you go eeling at the high rise and get 50+ pound stripers. Mostly just go offshore to the canyons for bluefin and yellowfin tuna or even swords.
FelOFinO - 9 years ago
the puffer fish was entertaining to me and funny though lol
Ewa Myhrén
Ewa Myhrén - 9 years ago
what kayak is that u are using in this vid
Itz Evolved
Itz Evolved - 9 years ago
What if you fall in the water
Itz Evolved
Itz Evolved - 9 years ago
Your crazy I would not go out there
Aaron Callicoat
Aaron Callicoat - 9 years ago
Funny pufer
Jump Man
Jump Man - 9 years ago
oyster toad fish aka munkfish! Tail tastes like lobster when cooked right!
Chelsea Wilkins
Chelsea Wilkins - 9 years ago
You are an idiot it is a lemon shark
Chelsea Wilkins
Chelsea Wilkins - 9 years ago
wow you are a dick.
Its Lastt
Its Lastt - 9 years ago
Says the fat girl that comments on a video upload almost half a year ago, go kill yourself.
Reel Fishing
Reel Fishing - 9 years ago
If you flip em' over they turned paralized
maverick hayes
maverick hayes - 9 years ago
I live right there I yak there all the time
Sheldon Snipez
Sheldon Snipez - 9 years ago
1/10 + 1/10 = 2/20 therefore you have a 20% out of 200% chance, therefore, you have a 10% out of 100% chance if you reduce. Thus, your chances are the same. :D
Sheldon Snipez
Sheldon Snipez - 9 years ago
<3 love your vids, was just messing with ya
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Sheldon Snipez right... I knew that at the time but optimism speaks loudly when youre 3 miles out haha, but, if you hit 2 bouys instead of one bouy youre more likely to hit a cobia... If I could of hit 10 bouys I bet I would of found some.
Ashtin Wintoneak
Ashtin Wintoneak - 9 years ago
Amazing video can't wait to see more:)
FistFullFishing - 9 years ago
You should try a shabeki rig. Woks great for catching bait
Im Dirty Dan
Im Dirty Dan - 9 years ago
it's better to hold a shark upside down because they enter a trance like state rather than grabbing the tail
Gregory Hailey
Gregory Hailey - 9 years ago
What kayak do you have?
Gregory Hailey
Gregory Hailey - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing Thanks!
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Gregory Hailey its a hobie revo 13
Beaucraft 03
Beaucraft 03 - 9 years ago
Wake surfing
A1K3N FISHING - 9 years ago
damn bro. you are one brave guy. I love to kayak. but the places you take that kayak are insane. good stuff man.
Scott Gregg
Scott Gregg - 9 years ago
What are you using for sound on that Gopro? It's pretty good.
Nolan Orff
Nolan Orff - 9 years ago
What kind of GoPro does he use?
Retz - 9 years ago
Sharks? Trash fish? Aren't most sharks REALLY good eating? They're hardly trash fish. I'm not sure about that shark in particular, but most sharks that you catch here in Australia are good eating.
Jason Xu
Jason Xu - 9 years ago
+Retz  It may be illegal to eat them in America, idk though, I live in Canada.
Retz - 9 years ago
+Jason Xu I guess it's different over in America then it is here. People don't find it annoying when they get a shark here, and almost all of them are awesome eating.
Jason Xu
Jason Xu - 9 years ago
Most people don't fish for sharks, and even fewer eat them. Many fisherman consider them trash fish because they eat the sports fish they want to fish for, and they are hard to get off tackle if you're unprepared
Retz - 9 years ago
You guys have Pufferfish too? I thought us Aussies were the only ones!
You get tonnes of those guys off of the rocks here... they're bloody annoying... We call them Blowfish or Blowies though, not Pufferfish.
Retz - 8 years ago
+Jim Boryan Ayyyy lmao
bro Slice
bro Slice - 8 years ago
I could use a blowie right now
Malcolm Greenwood
Malcolm Greenwood - 9 years ago
Malcolm Greenwood
Malcolm Greenwood - 9 years ago
how long is your kayak
nectarios lafharis
nectarios lafharis - 9 years ago
looks like lemon shark
godzilla6533 - 9 years ago
Black tip reef shark?
Fishing With Joseph
Fishing With Joseph - 9 years ago
+Rodney Morin none of you are correct it's either a bull shark or sandbar shark. My guess is a bull since it has a more square shaped nose but it's hard to tell the difference between the two species. I've caught both before and still not sure if one was a bull or a sandbar.
Rodney Morin
Rodney Morin - 9 years ago
+nectarios lafharis it actually looks like a small thresher shark
Hamandpeasoap - 9 years ago
When I saw that shark I'm like well he's fucked
Allen Peck
Allen Peck - 9 years ago
If you don't mind the question, How much did the whole set up, ballpark, set you back? I'm talking the kayak and related k, not so muchj the fishing gear...
Seeing this video of yours has awoken a part of my youth that was absolutely the greatest. You make a very watchable, very well narrated piece of cinematography.. I thank you for posting it.
Perhaps more vids coming?
Thanks Again
Allen Peck
Allen Peck - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing Thank you...
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
That's a hobie revolution 13, a nice fishing kayak which I paid 1300$ for used. It's not cheap but compared to a boat it's much more affordable.. Thanks for the kind words I've got new videos coming about once a week
bob jr
bob jr - 9 years ago
that puffer fish is so cute
Cetree - 9 years ago
try fishing in the morning lad.
bruce turek
bruce turek - 9 years ago
excellant vids as always
Joseph Stumpff
Joseph Stumpff - 9 years ago
you got chicken legs like me
John Echterhoff
John Echterhoff - 9 years ago
We have the same preference in rods...St. Croix are the best IMHO. They catch Cobia (I call Ling) off a number of piers on FL. Great eating fish. Do y'all have Tripletail in Chesapeake?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+John Echterhoff There are a few tripletail in that area but I never saw one. St Croix though, yes, very good haha!
devilkicln - 9 years ago
That's fuked up. U should've removed the hook, not cut the line
X xanax X
X xanax X - 7 years ago
It doesn't even hurt the shark. No fish feel pain. They only feel the pressure of the hook, so it may be annoying to the fish but it won't hurt it.
M R - 7 years ago
Try sticking your hands in a shark's mouth from a Kayak in motion and see what happen.
WhiteBoii 97
WhiteBoii 97 - 9 years ago
+Fury A hook does not"dissolve"in the first place. It corrodes. The hook just doesn't corrode as quickly as it would in saltwater.
Renegade - 9 years ago
+devilkicln hooks dissolve after like a week. Even in freshwater.
WhiteBoii 97
WhiteBoii 97 - 9 years ago
It's saltwater. The hook will rust out of its mouth. Sharks have tough skin, it'll be okay.
EliasVFishing - 9 years ago
I ride those tanker wakes daily ; ) Yeah, when they are breaking...
tidy kun
tidy kun - 6 years ago
cool story bro
Evan Hildenbrand
Evan Hildenbrand - 9 years ago
those are only like 5 foot waves
Max Berns
Max Berns - 8 years ago
You've obviously never been in 5 footers.
snarkyplatypus - 9 years ago
5 foot my ass
WhiteBoii 97
WhiteBoii 97 - 9 years ago
DevilDog TheHunter
DevilDog TheHunter - 9 years ago
not wanting to tell you how to fish but if you hook a shark try and keep the tip of your rod at the front of your YAK so you dont get flipped because of the shark trying to run and you not getting your balance better to be safe than sorry you know @Sea-Money Fishing
William Powell
William Powell - 9 years ago
Those kingfish taste pretty good if you ever catch any nice ones
Grant Lang
Grant Lang - 9 years ago
Cobia travel more under big manta rays. The heavier jig heads are used more because Cobia do like something falling fast!
Ethan La Due
Ethan La Due - 9 years ago
What is a ocean toad?
Nick R
Nick R - 7 years ago
Ethan La Due that browm fish he caught that does not puff up, they bite to
Kyle M
Kyle M - 8 years ago
yo, chuck, catfish have prickly spines on their pectoral fin
Eli Smyth
Eli Smyth - 8 years ago
+Chuck D he's probably talking about the fins
Chuck D
Chuck D - 8 years ago
Kid, catfish don't have stingers. Lol
Kevin Stevens
Kevin Stevens - 8 years ago
Brian Peatross
Brian Peatross - 8 years ago
Ethan La Due n. Nam
tolpacourt - 8 years ago
Strong jaw but no sharp teeth?
tolpacourt - 8 years ago
And btw, he said oyster toad.
tolpacourt - 8 years ago
According to the Urban Dictionary,
"An ocean toad is defined as an individual, normally working in middle management, who sits around daily in a sea of waste and despair he or she calls their job. "
IronChest95 - 8 years ago
Oyster Toads?
kidbehindthecamera videos
kidbehindthecamera videos - 8 years ago
there kinda like catfish but without stingers
Ethan La Due
Ethan La Due - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing
Ok thanks and awesome video!
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Ethan La Due the ugly bottom dwellers who swallow the hook. ocean toad/toadfish is the same thing
Jase Pitre
Jase Pitre - 9 years ago
I love hitting wakes like that i think its fun lol
noobangler - 9 years ago
i have always wanted to fish here!
Trey L
Trey L - 9 years ago
is the toad poisonous? Looks like it lol
Coon Catcher outdoors
Coon Catcher outdoors - 8 years ago
Trey L it looks like Deez nuts
Orlando Mahendrepersad
Orlando Mahendrepersad - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing did you ever catch snook ?
Trey L
Trey L - 9 years ago
strange lol. It looks like one of the Scorpion Fish  that have the spikes on the top of the fish that has poison! Good and cool to know! 
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Trey L nope and in fact theyre becoming a popular food fish, apparently they taste like lobster haha
Joel white
Joel white - 9 years ago
We use the 2 ounce buck tails because they sink faster and they will hit on the fall when u are jigging it
Inlet Reg
Inlet Reg - 9 years ago
i want to catch a cobia just as bad. only hooked one keeper (35ish) on 15 pound mono on a pier. The problem was the line was too small and broke off, not because of te pier itself but because the fish was still green. I will one day catch a decent sized cobia. nice vid btw:)
Brad Cordrey
Brad Cordrey - 8 years ago
I bet with the ocean right there you got some fish there. Moving in off the ocean.
Inlet Reg
Inlet Reg - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing lol let's hope the fish gods are nice this year. already got 100+ bucktail ready in florida. spring here we come.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Liem Vo Cobia 2016 we'll both catch our first nice cobia ;)
Barbel Man
Barbel Man - 9 years ago
Great video I'm only two thirds thru .. Can't wait to see the rest later keep up good videos
Tidera - 9 years ago
what kind of braided line are you using?
Tidera - 8 years ago
BadBoy - 8 years ago
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
20lb power pro on the lighter rod and 50lb power pro on the heavier rod
Jhon Chavez
Jhon Chavez - 9 years ago
how much was that kayak ?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Jhon Chavez 1300$. Keep in mind its a specially designed fishing kayak, so it is expensive, thats what I paid used, new it would be more like 1800$
Jhon Chavez
Jhon Chavez - 9 years ago
I want to start fishing now
Jason Markson
Jason Markson - 9 years ago
what a dick, 10 hours travelling and all day on the water and you did not even bring serious bait
Jason Markson
Jason Markson - 9 years ago
no, I saw that - and IF he does not catch anything using 1 oyster ???
When I go fishing I take bait for multiple different kinds of fish so that IF 1 species is not biting, then I change baits for another.

Actually, if you want a bait which covers up to 90%  of fish, try using freshly crushed garlic and tuna oil.
You can use that for dough baits, strips of (cow) meat baits) and even use it as a DIP for cut up fish, squid, etc AND I even DIP my live baits in it.
The flavor brings the bigger fish TO the smaller bait fish.
Jason Markson
Jason Markson - 9 years ago
you must be the life of the party matthew hurtz hog
Logan Taricani
Logan Taricani - 9 years ago
I think I just found my new favorite channel on youtube. Good stuff man keep up the good videos.
Swimbait1 - 9 years ago
I've been in similar sized water when ships go by and it is scary. I was in a 16' driftboat anchored for salmon and we were shitting when the wake was headed our way but just like your kayak, up, down, no problem. I have fished many days like this, you poke around, give it a try, catch a little, and that's it. With so much water it's hard to target them.
Katie Bond
Katie Bond - 9 years ago
THERE SHE FLOATS! - 9 years ago
jordan joseph
jordan joseph - 9 years ago
Did you ever catch a red fish
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+jordan joseph Yes Ive mostly 15"-32" fish in NJ and Delaware but I caught a couple nice ones from down here at the Chesapeake Bridge Tunnel in 2014
James Casatelli
James Casatelli - 9 years ago
Ever figure out what kind of shark that was?

Just found your videos, thoroughly enjoying them so far!
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing looks like a baby bull shark?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+James Casatelli Glad you like the vids! Im still not positive on species, Im pretty sure its a sandbar shark but Im not 100%, not sure what other kinds of sharks exist down that way in VA. Sandbar or maybe dusky, thats my guess.
Doug Briske
Doug Briske - 9 years ago
chunk ing croaker... only thing you'll get are sandbar sharks and skate
Doug Briske
Doug Briske - 9 years ago
chunk ing croaker... only thing you'll get are sandbar sharks and skate
daniel gomez
daniel gomez - 9 years ago
i didnt even know we had thses fish around here 0.0
Bryan Dorneman
Bryan Dorneman - 9 years ago
+Bryan Dorneman and much more
Bryan Dorneman
Bryan Dorneman - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing I've fished a ton in the bay and caught cobia redfish tiny kingfish and flounder
daniel gomez
daniel gomez - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing
 subed for the info ty bro
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+daniel gomez HA! Tons of species down there in the lower chesapeake
Sabita Ramjattan
Sabita Ramjattan - 9 years ago
he reminds me of salty kayak
RodrgSV - 9 years ago
this is the best way to go fishing
Jack Farley
Jack Farley - 9 years ago
whats the reel on the mojo
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Jack Farley shimano baitrunner OC 6000. For 100$ you wont find better IMO
Martin pfannenstiwl
Martin pfannenstiwl - 9 years ago
Hey I have a question can ur kayak flip I kinda want to get one but I want one that will not flip
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
Unfortunately any and all kayaks can flip, it hasn't happened to me yet luckily
joirjoja1 - 9 years ago
Yeah you got BALLS, crazy wakes and all...I would need a life vest the size of a king size bed.. Two fears in life, heights and deep-deep water...
Carolyn Halstead
Carolyn Halstead - 7 years ago
joirjoja1 nigr
joirjoja1 - 9 years ago
As much as I love to fish, I will not try this... I am not made out for this kind of fishing.. but nice video...JRC
Andrew C.
Andrew C. - 9 years ago
33:20 run little man, run! Btw that's a terrifying wake 0_0
Andrew C.
Andrew C. - 9 years ago
I would too. TBH I wouldn't paddle out there alone
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+ANDREW CUNROD haha I felt helpless, was scared as hell for a minute there
Bao Nguyen
Bao Nguyen - 9 years ago
what kind of kayak is this??
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Bao Nguyen hobie revo 13
vman vman
vman vman - 9 years ago
Just pull out the mirage drive and you have a instant toilet :-D flush with a bucket of sea water ;-)
Logan Waters
Logan Waters - 9 years ago
Your best bet for Cobia on the yak would be to try Grandview in early/mid June. You only have to be a mile from Buckroe beach and drop the chum and eels. Best bet for Red Drum is off of Fishermans island. Those species would be a wild ride on the yak!
TheRayGunBroes - 9 years ago
like your video. i live in sanford nc. i was deciding on taking my boat there for stripers or neuse river.
Squatchy McSquatchsquatch
Squatchy McSquatchsquatch - 9 years ago
What kind of camera are you using in this video?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Chris Duey (Nebrasquatch) gopro hero 3+ silver
ReZ Storm
ReZ Storm - 9 years ago
And you should have paddle out in between 2nd 3rd island that's a cobia hot spot for us. And red bouy 12
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Garrett Thompson Ill try it out next year!
ReZ Storm
ReZ Storm - 9 years ago
Clam is drum bait also should have used the clam
Allison Riddle
Allison Riddle - 9 years ago
the fish that you were using for red in the begging it is called a whitig not a king fish
TheRayGunBroes - 9 years ago
nc we call them kingfish.. but being from cali we call the croaker.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Allison Riddle google northern kingfish
Askjldkals Asdnasn
Askjldkals Asdnasn - 9 years ago
people in different places call fish different names stop being ignorant
Allison Riddle
Allison Riddle - 9 years ago
no a king fish is not a whiting
Askjldkals Asdnasn
Askjldkals Asdnasn - 9 years ago
+Allison Riddle thats just another name for them
RICHROOFER1 - 9 years ago
wait till a sub goes by you ,thats the worst ive come across
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+RICHROOFER1 thatd be fun haha. scary!
Reed W
Reed W - 9 years ago
heyy watch yourself on those spadefish, they have size limits. don't mean to be a dick but I like to preserve our fish. cool vid man
Reed W
Reed W - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing nah I was talking about the spade but I didn't realize it was in va. I'm in ocean city maryland
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Reed W True. I looked it up and scup/porgy have to be 8" to keep... mine may have been shy of that, it also may have been a pinfish but either way I need to be aware of the regs. Spades here have no size limit in VA but I assume you were talking about the scup. thanks
Max Soistmann
Max Soistmann - 9 years ago
I the deeper water there you will probably want a heavier rod to pull those giant drum up, especially in heavy current. I prefer a 20 size conventional reel with a 15-30 boat rod or a jigging rod. Also i like to keep one rod out with a livebait and drift around bouncing a big bucktail with a gulp trailer. cool video though keep it up.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Max Soistmann If you check out a video on my channel from may you'll see a 60lb+ drum I got on that rod haha
Quinn Patton
Quinn Patton - 9 years ago
that second wake did look scary as sh*t! lol. nice video.
Gunfury75X - 9 years ago
i was at lynnhaven guy caught a 54 inch bull .. weather was hellish though past 4 days
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Gunfury75X hellish weather but I see lots of pics of big drum being held by guys and gals in rainsuits and braving the winds the past week... Drum weather!
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
lilbromarky haha pissing out of the kayak isn't easy, you have to akwardly scoot toward the edge of the yak and aim high, of coarse making sure no ones around... inevitably you will end up with some residual drip which is all good, I was pretty much soaked by the end of the day just from water coming over the sides of the yak and through the holes in the bottom of the yak
XRAY - 6 years ago
I just pee straight into the hole in the hull for my mirage drive. works great!
Allan Jollie
Allan Jollie - 6 years ago
...That's a spinner shark...
AHCOR OFFSHORE - 7 years ago
Hey I make some sick fishing video edits. Feel free to check them out!(:
Bridgeburner - 7 years ago
Sea-Money Fishing A little urine never hurt anyone (that I know of:))
BrennaLynn - 7 years ago
Sea-Money Fishing you suck
m k
m k - 7 years ago
There is a portable urinal, had one myself.
Tha boshes
Tha boshes - 8 years ago
Sea-Money Fishing ...
Tha boshes
Tha boshes - 8 years ago
Sea-Money Fishing ...
Chuck D
Chuck D - 8 years ago
Why not just piss into a bottle or cup and dump it over?
Gloria Johnson
Gloria Johnson - 8 years ago
Sea-Money Fishing
ModzCoRe - 8 years ago
You got a bull shark
not me
not me - 8 years ago
Its cool that you live in MD r u on the eastern or western cause i fishbin the bay too
Tim Mclovin
Tim Mclovin - 8 years ago
+Valona Hunters It's a Hobie Kayak and they are in the 1500$ to 4000$ range
John Blanton
John Blanton - 8 years ago
That looks like a lot of fun
Valona Hunters
Valona Hunters - 9 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing about the cayak that you are using: how much does it costs and how fast can it go?
Mark Anthony
Mark Anthony - 9 years ago
What's the procedure for taking a whizz out of a kayak? One time I stood up in a canoe to go, and flipped it in the middle of the skuke.
weqrfawe - 9 years ago
awesome video! even though no cobia or drum all the little fish you caught were pretty cool looking esp the spadefish
2TEN90 Brewing
2TEN90 Brewing - 9 years ago
Awesome video....going out in the middle Chesapeake around Love Point over the next few weeks. Hopefully some big Rock are around.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Todd Carrick nice, Ive only fished the mouth of the bay and up around the susky flats. Good luck!
Acere Fishing
Acere Fishing - 9 years ago
what reel are you using? the golden one
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Rodolfo perez shimano sustain 4000
Lee Hannon
Lee Hannon - 9 years ago
caught two really nice flatheads earlier using some of your tactics was a lot of fun man hope I get to see saltwater one day nice video bro.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
Awesome, good to hear!
Misty Truong
Misty Truong - 9 years ago
Omg .. That's so scary haha. The waves. Made me nervous
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
You and me both lol!
Supreme tokes
Supreme tokes - 9 years ago
you should come to sacramento river or fish in the ocean for salmon
TheRayGunBroes - 9 years ago
my biggest on the sac is 62lbs in 2001. had a biiger one aftet that one and lost it at the boat. ive caught alot of stripers at the port.
Supreme tokes
Supreme tokes - 9 years ago
Please come
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
That'd be awesome, some day!
Bassraider810 - 9 years ago
love the vid gave me new ideas for bait when we go the beach this weekend
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
Good stuff man good luck this weekend!
1Rod1ReelFishing - 9 years ago
Awesome vid bro!
Shane Butler
Shane Butler - 6 years ago
1Rod1ReelFishing come back to YOUTUBE!
AHCOR OFFSHORE - 7 years ago
Hey I make some sick fishing video edits. Feel free to check them out!(:
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+1Rod1ReelFishing thanks brah!
Ben O'Toole
Ben O'Toole - 9 years ago
how dare you pollute the ocean with millions of crumbs from the nature valley bars!
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
Lol I ate the whole box in about 5 minutes on my way in haha
Supreme tokes
Supreme tokes - 9 years ago
love watching your videos and always wait for more and please do more bass or catfish etc. tournaments
Brantley Bassin'
Brantley Bassin' - 9 years ago
The biggest one Ive caught myself is 36" but Ive 50 inchers pulled out of there. Yeah it starts to slow down around March when it warms up. But yeah if you do let me know. And btw catch em on jerkbaits and curly tails.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Brantley Bassin' thats awesome, Im always looking for crazy fishing trips so I might be into this after our season slows down up my way
Brantley Bassin'
Brantley Bassin' - 9 years ago
You ever fish in the albemarle sound. Sriper bite is crazy this time of year till about january
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Brantley Bassin' Never have, maybe when I was a little kid. Thats a loo-oong drive haha, do you catch big ones there? Thats something I could see myself doing in the winter, if the action was still strong.
Daniel Cannon
Daniel Cannon - 9 years ago
Great vid as always man!!!
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 9 years ago
+Daniel Cannon appreciate it!

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