Choosing a Battery for a Motorized Fishing Kayak: Episode 175

John "Toast" Oast, from and the Johnson Outdoors Adventure On the Water Elite Pro Staff, with a brief discussion of the types of batteries used to power electric trolling motorized kayaks. For more kayak fishing and rigging videos, visit or the Fishyaker Youtube channel

Choosing a Battery for a Motorized Fishing Kayak: Episode 175 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Kayak 9 years ago 75,637 views

John "Toast" Oast, from and the Johnson Outdoors Adventure On the Water Elite Pro Staff, with a brief discussion of the types of batteries used to power electric trolling motorized kayaks. For more kayak fishing and rigging videos, visit or the Fishyaker Youtube channel

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Most popular comments
for Choosing a Battery for a Motorized Fishing Kayak: Episode 175

Phil - 7 years ago
after talking for almost two minutes about selecting the right deep cycle battery and not an automotive battery you show us the compact automotive battery that you've been using for five years? Nice. Thank you for the video. Those of us new to kayaking do appreciate the help.
fishyaker - 7 years ago
But the Odyssey battery is not a standard auto battery.  :-)
CoRKA97 - 7 years ago
I like puppies
fishyaker - 7 years ago
steve russell
steve russell - 7 years ago
Your vid was about choosing a battery for a motorized Kayak wasn't it ? You only briefly mentioned about amp hours ( Ah ) which should've been covered in as much detail as 70 % of the total vid time would allow and the remaining time explaining how deep cycle batteries should only be drained down to 80 % of full charge so you get the lfe expectancy that the battery was manufactured and rated for. The higher or more Ah ( amp hours ) the more electrical energy is stored and available to be used. You can calculate what you may need by a simple formula, V ( volts ) × amps = watts. For example if you have a 500 watt motor and expect to run that motor for 2 hours and would like to know the amount of electrical energy you have or will use simply multiply the amount of watts the motor is, 500 in this example multiplied by 2 ( hours of use ) = 1000 watts ( or 1 kW ). This works for all set ups being 12v, 18v, 24v, 36v, 48v etc, the volts your battery or batteries are must match what your motor is manufactured to accept. So the 500 watt motor running for 2 hours will use 1000 watt or 1kW, now for the batteries. If you had one 100 Ah 12 v battery it would hold 1200 watt or 1.2kW when at full charge, just multiply the volts by the Ah's to calculate this. So a fully charged 100 Ah battery would give you the 2 hours of use but would drain your battery down to bellow 20% of full charge and if done on a regular basis would greatly reduced the life expectancy of the battery. So to stay around the 80% of full charge for a 500 watt motor with a 2 hour run time you would want a 400 amp hour ( Ah ) set up. 400 Ah × 12v = 4800 Ah or 4.8 kW or 4800 watts of stored electrical energy. This way the 500 watt motor run for 2 hours and using 1000 watts over that period would drain 1000 watts from your 4800 watt 400 Ah 12v battery set up. This would leave just under 80 % of full charge capability in your battery set up and the full life expectancy of the battery set up should be expected that it was manufactured for.
Now this does not mean you need 1 400Ah battery, you could have 4 × 100Ah batteries run in parallel, that is the positive of first battery goes to motor then all other positives linked together then all the negatives linked together with the last negative going to motor ( the + and - going to motor must be at opposite ends of linked batteries ). This same principle can be done with any size or Ah batteries you like but it is recommend that they all be of the same size or Ah and about the same age or condition.
I hope this explains a little more to anyone that had no idea and didn't know what they should get for the purpose they want.
fishyaker - 7 years ago
Thanks Steve!!!  Great info!  :-)
NSCA12 - 7 years ago
fishyaker - 7 years ago
Daniel Auen
Daniel Auen - 7 years ago
Lithium weighs less.
fishyaker - 7 years ago
Yep!  :-)
Blessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel.
Blessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel. - 7 years ago
Hi could you please tell me, can I use a jump starter to run a trolling motor?
steve russell
steve russell - 7 years ago
You could use it and it definitely will not fry your motor as long as it is the same volts as your motor is rated for, 12v, 24v etc. A jumpstart battery like a car battery is designed to release crank power in short bursts, this means a lot of power for only a short amount of time to start the engine and immediately afterwards get charged up again by the alternator which spins as the motor runs. A battery only stores electrical energy and by design and purpose either releases a lot in a short bursts when demanded apon ( car, truck, jumpstart etc ) for the purpose of starting an engine. Or releases what is considered as a small amount over a relatively long or longer period all depending on the amp hour ( Ah ) it can store, these are deep cycle batteries and are designed for running or providing electrical energy to power electrical motors of the same volts as the battery or even much higher volt electrical motors through an inverter. These deep cycle batteries are commonly used to store solar and wind generated power for camping or in off grid living situations. The reason your motor won't get fried as long as the battery volts match what the motor is manufactured to accept is as l previously said the battery only stores the electrical energy and the electric motor controls the amount it wants which can often vary and certainly will if or when the motor is asked to perform at a higher or lower speed or setting, or another example is if the light or lights are turned up brighter or dimmed down to a less bright setting. So yes you can use a jumpstart battery to run a small electric motor but the reliability or longevity may be difficult to calculate, and also the hope of having a confident usable understanding of its condition or state would be a guessing game unless a gauge was connected to assist in calculating the power available. Put simply it can be used but it is outside of its designed purpose and probably better used as an emergency backup power source. Also its lifespan would be compromised as its built purpose is to release a large amount of power for a short period and then immediately be brought up to full charge with the engine running and spinning the alternator. Slow long releases of energy over long periods and no instant charge would dramatically shorten the batteries life the more frequently it was subjected for this purpose and the less reliable and shorter its life expectancy would be.
John E Osman III
John E Osman III - 7 years ago
Blessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel., ...
I would not try it, ... as it is just another battery in a case to provide an initial boost in power, not so much for a long term solution, ...
A), as already stated it might fry your trolling motor, ... because of too much starting amp power,
B). I would not want to be out on the water, and wind up with the battery possibly catching fire if it gets too hot from sustained usage, or running out of power before I could get back to my put in launch point, ... having to paddle is not conducive to my idea of fishing from a kayak, canoe, or any kind of boat, ... why waste energy paddling, when you would/could/should, oughta be catching fish, ...
C).if you are just out for a paddling xperience, then leave the trolling motor and battery at home, & go paddle to your hearts content, ... but you better bring a bag lunch, ... as there will be no shore luncheon of fish on the menu, (unless, of course it is canned tuna), ...lmbo!
fishyaker - 7 years ago
Hmmm...  I wouldn't...  You might fry the motor.  :-)
stihlpro1 - 7 years ago
where is your neck?
John E Osman III
John E Osman III - 7 years ago
fishyaker no room for a neck on mofishyaker, ... was not budgeted for the kayak, so it is probably in his fridge, keeping cool with other brown bottle long necks, ... lmbo! Just teasing, ...
fishyaker - 7 years ago
Baldwin Outdoors
Baldwin Outdoors - 7 years ago
I am doing my second trolling motor mount on a kayak, and I went from a larger marine battery to a smaller deep cycle marine battery just due to easier to put in and out of yak. For the trips I take the smaller battery should do fine. Should be ready to go this week subscribe and see!
fishyaker - 7 years ago
Nice!  :-)
Larry Daquin
Larry Daquin - 7 years ago
Greg Gieringer you please can you please explain your your battery and detail for me I am interested

10. comment for Choosing a Battery for a Motorized Fishing Kayak: Episode 175

fishyaker - 7 years ago
Saint Sinner
Saint Sinner - 7 years ago
I have a question for you. I just bought a used kayak with 46lbs trolling motor and a 12v deep cycle 105amp battery. The trolling motor doesn't turn on anymore I think because the cables are bad and yeah obviously the battery is drained. He hasn't use it for about a year. Now my question is, if I have to get a new trolling motor, is 36lbs thrust would be enough for a 12ft kayak? Also, do you think I can recharge the battery after sitting for almost a year? To all the readers and subscribers, you're input is greatly appreciated.
MN Outdoors
MN Outdoors - 7 years ago
Saint Sinner recharge it, probably wont hold a charge very long. if it has cell covers add water. the motor will be enough for the kayak
Steven Orcutt
Steven Orcutt - 7 years ago
stupid video! get 2 battery modules from a salvaged Nissan Leaf. that will give you 15 volts at 60 amphours.and only weigh 16 lbs.
Steven Orcutt
Steven Orcutt - 7 years ago
+fishyaker ever heard of eBay?
fishyaker - 7 years ago
Because we all have a Nissan Leaf sitting around the yard...  :-)
Jack Conway
Jack Conway - 7 years ago
Your describing batterys as ( Big Puppies) Johnson...You discussing dogs here or Battery.....what's up here?
fishyaker - 7 years ago
the master of Random 101
the master of Random 101 - 8 years ago
i have a 3 person tandem sit on kayak and it weighs 86 pounds and i have a 55lbs newport trolling motor and a 12 volt marine battery, my main problem is that ot will only last 15 minutes at full thrust and will only last an hour overall, what battery would be best for this?
Darren Turner
Darren Turner - 7 years ago
Randomly awesome your battery is stuffed.
fishyaker - 8 years ago
You should get more out of that.  Maybe the battery is bad?
the master of Random 101
the master of Random 101 - 8 years ago
Its only a 35ah battery
the master of Random 101
the master of Random 101 - 8 years ago
Its a mightymax trolling battery
fishyaker - 8 years ago
Is it a cranking battery or a trolling battery?  You should get a lot more time out of it.
Steel - 8 years ago
I just have a question for you I have the same cognac you do with the Mini Kota what battery do you use for yours
Andy Perez
Andy Perez - 8 years ago
thanks for the info!!
fishyaker - 8 years ago
Andy Perez
Andy Perez - 8 years ago
Do you need to registered the kayak if it's powered?
aviator1352 - 7 years ago
It depends on the size of the boat in Oklahoma, under 14 feet does not need registration for power.
James Anderson
James Anderson - 8 years ago
in California you do
fishyaker - 8 years ago
Yep.  I don't know of any states where you don't need to.
dafrankfuter - 8 years ago
I have a hobie pro angler 14 and was thinking of putting a small 3.5hp gas outboard on it , weighs 35lbs ,for going about 2 to 3 miles offshore, what I'm wondering is would an electric trolling motor do the job considering the waves and current of the water . I'd go with a huge battery as long as it doesn't weigh more than 35lbs . What do you think ?
Phil - 7 years ago
do the conversions for power to weight that you will add to your yak. A 35 pound gas outboard versus a 10 pound trolling motor plus a 40 pound battery. You can reduce or add more weight depending on what you buy but it should be pretty straight forward.
fishyaker - 8 years ago
+dafrankfuter I know some guys do it.  Just see how high of a thrust electric motor you could put on.  :-)
Charlie - 8 years ago
Deep Cycle AGM battery with high Amp Hours (sealed battery beter). Simple formula...I use a 36lb Newport Vessels with a 100Ah battery and I can be on the water all day!! I can travel about 6-10 miles with the battery with a lot of full speed between marshes.
fishyaker - 8 years ago
+Charlie B   :-)  Thanks!

20. comment for Choosing a Battery for a Motorized Fishing Kayak: Episode 175

Peter P
Peter P - 8 years ago
Maybe a little more information on the battery would be nice. Example, model number and specs for the smaller battery. Just a thought.
fishyaker - 8 years ago
+Peter P Agreed...  :-)  Thanks!
Amy Condon
Amy Condon - 9 years ago
John- what was the amp hour of the odyssey battery , cost and weight of the battery ?
Joe Pepe
Joe Pepe - 9 years ago
Well done, Toast.
fishyaker - 8 years ago
+Joe Pepe Thanks!!!

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