Coroplast foldable one sheet kayak / boat

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Coroplast foldable one sheet kayak / boat sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

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Most popular comments
for Coroplast foldable one sheet kayak / boat

SkeletorRises - 7 years ago
185 bucks!?!? THIS IS PLASTIC.
Matthew More
Matthew More - 7 years ago
make it longer u go faster
Dustin Beagle
Dustin Beagle - 8 years ago
what "Ty Martinez" said, plus these plans are also mostly self-explanatory .
fisharmor - 8 years ago
Biggest selling point: driving away with it in a CRX.
Cool Nakagiri
Cool Nakagiri - 8 years ago
What does the material use?
Dave M
Dave M - 8 years ago
corroplast sheets
Jason Sanitz
Jason Sanitz - 8 years ago
Paul, I just can't help but wonder, if you were to butt up two of these clever devices and bolt them at the transom with wing nuts and fender me thinking!!!!
Jason Sanitz
Jason Sanitz - 8 years ago
Hey Paul, just wanted to say thanks for sharing your creativity!!! I really enjoy your perspective on things and hope you continue to inspire people to be positive creators!!!! thank you my friend!!!!
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 8 years ago
Thank you Jason! It's nice to be appreciated.
Dylan Reilly
Dylan Reilly - 8 years ago
Thanks for another great video Paul! Makes me think about what kind of boats I could build
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 8 years ago
Your welcome Dylan. I enjoyed making the video. This kayak is by far the fastest most easiest boat there is for a novice or first time builder.
Mike Newell
Mike Newell - 8 years ago

10. comment for Coroplast foldable one sheet kayak / boat

cavv0667 - 8 years ago
Now you need to make a paddle that doubles as flippers... maybe the pole turns into a fish spear...
sivan rottelman
sivan rottelman - 8 years ago
listen, I love your videos but you never do a tutorial. there's a free tutorial on YouTube by rulof maker. although it doesn't look as good, it's free. so please stop charging money for your plans, or at least plans for things that were cheap for you to make. I really want to build this but only don't want to spend too much money...
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 8 years ago
Don't know what to say sivan. I guess $10 is a lot to charge for plans?
butter is sexy
butter is sexy - 8 years ago
Nice CRX!
Ray MAKES - 8 years ago
Hi Paul, I've made some similar folded boats but out of clear polycarb. after i posted it i was made aware of you, your channel and of course you lovely folded boat. it would seem that we both arrived at a similar solution, but you most DEFINITELY arrived their first! great job, great channel, and great ideas!
Nicholas Pitts
Nicholas Pitts - 8 years ago
what places sell coroplast
sivan rottelman
sivan rottelman - 8 years ago
try a classroom supplies store. I know they use coroplast in school. I know places where I can get it for free. buy some on eBay or something...
zanymama29 Zell
zanymama29 Zell - 8 years ago
just finished making the boat. I need to make the seat still, but I had to try it out anyway. it was awesome. I plan on building more of your plans.
zanymama29 Zell
zanymama29 Zell - 8 years ago
I love your videos. I bought the plans for this kayak. I'm 1/3 done with it. Can't wait to try it out.
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 8 years ago
+zanymama29 Zell Make sure to where a life preserver!  Enjoy!!
Sir Antidote
Sir Antidote - 8 years ago
wicked !!! Mad Max World technology :)
Mauricio Grimaldi
Mauricio Grimaldi - 9 years ago
grandmama536 - 9 years ago
I love your Temporary Obsessions!

20. comment for Coroplast foldable one sheet kayak / boat

Juan Jaimes
Juan Jaimes - 9 years ago
can i grt the name of the material so i can go get it at home depot please?
Juan Jaimes
Juan Jaimes - 9 years ago
Ups scuse my ignorance ja but thank you so much for taking a time thats a big help ☺
Roma Ashurilov
Roma Ashurilov - 9 years ago
+Juan Jaimes really man watch the video or read the NAME! coroplast its the same stuff that those plastic signs are made of or the watermelon bins at ur local supermarket
ChrisCatchesFish - 9 years ago
is this the same as the coro speedboat?
sivan rottelman
sivan rottelman - 8 years ago
+Paul Elkins theoretically, you could turn this into a speedboat..
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 9 years ago
+ChrisCatchesFish No
Sam Ting
Sam Ting - 9 years ago
gouhips - 10 years ago
Superb and ingenious!!!

Patrick (Club Nautique du Luco / Paris / France)
rogertopful - 10 years ago
What year CRX is that? I can't tell from the video. It's in really good condition.
EliteGeeks - 10 years ago
as a 400lbs. guy I am sure I will need a bigger boat...
seanfishingtexas - 10 years ago
That minnow would be lost!
Puri Mein
Puri Mein - 10 years ago
GREAT. Have my compliments.
ZombieTex - 10 years ago
After watching this I had an idea to use the 4 X 8 coroplast sheets as the pontoons for a small catamaran which disassembles to fit in the back of my truck. I'm thinking I'll have to form the coroplast into pontoons and fill them with binary foam so they'll be solid enough to support the surface structure of the boat, but they'll still be very light and portable.

Took a look at Found the pack of 10 sheets for $110 delivered to your local store!
Wucifer slayer
Wucifer slayer - 10 years ago
Soggy Origami  still pretty cool 

30. comment for Coroplast foldable one sheet kayak / boat

gaby de wilde
gaby de wilde - 10 years ago
I dont think I've seen anything close to this foldable. It almost vanishes.
Monkey Boy
Monkey Boy - 10 years ago
the oru kayak can have an attached skirt.  your kayak would be screwed if you fall over..i can't seem to find any users that comment about an oru kayak, though
AAINSANITY - 9 years ago
+Monkey Girl You do need to think about the price! This is a $15 kayak whereas the oru kayak is $1,275 at the cheapest!
christian gregory
christian gregory - 11 years ago
would you consider giving away your plans for the fin prop boat for free on your website 
christian gregory
christian gregory - 11 years ago
or for this boat design?
christian gregory
christian gregory - 11 years ago
where do you buy your coroplast? do you order it?
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 11 years ago
I purchase it at a plastic supply store in seattle washington (Laird plastics)
Bentley Beckley
Bentley Beckley - 11 years ago
Is it very rigid?
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 8 years ago
At plastic supply stores or some lumber stores or sign shops. Google 'fluted plastic' and add your nearest city in the search. You usually will get a list of potential sellers. Call each one.
Bentley Beckley
Bentley Beckley - 11 years ago
Alright, thanks for the speedy reply, love all your boats!
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 11 years ago
It is some what. I used 4mm thick coro on this boat due to the middle 'v' folds, otherwise I would have used 6mm which is a more rigid material.
Ty Martinez
Ty Martinez - 11 years ago
so let me get this come up with a great talk about helping the homeless FOR less....then when people try to learn from open a ghetto rigged schooling system where we must pay you to use your know what dude? keep your designs, stop posting on youtube (which is basically a freeshare type video store, full of random stuff/knowledge) and just do your little projects. If you want to SELL things that is fine but showing us whats possible then charging us to see HOW is just BS, seriously I call shenanigans. BOO on you, seriously bad form...
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 9 years ago
+Victrola Fix Oops! My bad. Thanks Victrola Fix. After reading Ty's lengthy second response just now, I realize Ty has a point, although lofty somewhat. I totally agree with him on Corporate greed. Most Corporations, like them or not, do offer Americans cheap shit with their clever techno savvy and ruthless practices while taking jobs over the boarder to evade well meaning health and practice regulations only to exploit needy areas and leave a trail of toxic trash and waist land when they depart, all being supported by our national leaders calling their shenanigans 'National Interests'. This has created a Corporcratic (my definition) nation backed by installing military bases EVERYWHERE unlike any other nation, and our young men and women who join the 'service' actually give their lives to defend these Corporations thinking they're fighting for our freedom. I get it. The system sucks. The sad part is the vale is lifting for all sensitive young educated people to see, while the rest of us take part in these practices (might as well, they're doing it) and the others do the 9 to 5 and watch shit on TV all night where news is replaced with propaganda opinion dolls, dumb ass reality shows and sports. I'm old and I remember when. When you didn't have a computer, cell phone, cable TV and all the other distractions like what I'm doing now. I need to eat. I can tell my blood sugar is low and I'm rambling. The point is, I get you Ty Martinez. My hat's off to this fighter. I hope you don't grow out of your youthful enthusiasm and fight for what is good and right.
Victrola Fix
Victrola Fix - 9 years ago
To quote 'Cool Hand Luke', "What we have here, is failure to communicate". Paul, the insults you're responding to were directed towards Ty Martinez, not to you.
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 9 years ago
Ty, you really need to take it down a notch or two. I'm willing to discuss anything with anybody, but I've learned not to get too hostile in the process of any conversation. There is in fact no right or wrong in most subjects. Our personal opinions are based on our individual experiences, are they not? And no two people, excluding Siamese twins, have had the same life experiences. Hence the saying, 'Opinions are like ass holes. Everyone has one. I could ramble on more but you apparently want my rambles to be stuck up my freeloading arse? Whatever that is. I do get paid too much at work, but other than that I work for what I do. Plans are not easy to make, and neither are my ideas. I think day and night on ideas. Always have, always will. I enjoy it. Keeps me out of trouble, and if I hit on an idea that inspires people, I sell plans to carry there inspiration to something tangible. I encourage you to check out my website and check out 'Your creations' tab. These are happy people! proud of what they've accomplished. The plans were nothing compared to the cost of materials and labor! Shit man, think! Wanker my ass!!! Your the fuckin wanker!!! oh... I digress. You need to keep calm when taking part in a conversation. Cheers!
youschtube - 9 years ago
+Ty Martinez You arrogant, obnoxious, self-entitled prick! Take your rambling rants about nothing and shove them up your freeloading arse. What a fucking wanker!
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 9 years ago
+Ty Martinez The money I charge for plans goes in a separate account that I pull from for future projects, other wise I couldn't afford to do what I do.
Victrola Fix
Victrola Fix - 10 years ago
If you are so against giving the guy $10 for his time in designing this boat why not just figure out how to do it yourself. He did tell you "how" for free- use a 4X8 sheet of 4mm Coroplast plastic, string, foam, and some zip ties to make a boat. The reasonable fee just goes towards simplifying that job by allowing you to copy his own design.
Bentley Beckley
Bentley Beckley - 11 years ago
+Ty Martinez Boo, no one cares about your opinion. Your ethics effect no one else
Ty Martinez
Ty Martinez - 11 years ago
+Paul Elkins This is true atm I am trying to run a not for profit business while working a full time job to pay the bills and going to school, so I understand how time constraints, project materiel prices, and cost can cause alot of problems. Especially when it's all trial and error. But since you CHOOSE to spend your PRECIOUS time and money (I say it this way because obviously you find the time to do the tinkering you love) and then choose to share it and offer it to others why not make it freeware in order to create an evironment in which people can learn and upgrade your ideas and share their discoveries which rooted from your original idea, freely with you, causing perfection of an idea and possibly new inventive ideas? What I am trying to say here Paul (if I may call you that) is that with so many big corporations always pushing the bottom line to the point they will actually let people remain sick when the cure is easy just to make money off of the TREATMENT, why join the masses of profit chasers when the key to making the world a better place is to freely share the ways you think of to make it better? Anyway thats just my opinion and feel free to ignore me, either way you have my subscription and continued support of your ingenious inventions and ideas. I understand this is how the system works but looking back to a fellow named Nikola Tesla you can see that when one person tries to change things for the better they end up discredited, destitute and alone (this is NOT how it should work) therefore the only way to effect POSITIVE change is for EVERY GOOD PERSON to act for the betterment of mankind, not just for personal gain. If you cannot afford the materials, the time, or the equipment I am sure that making duplicates of your products and selling THOSE (not the plans for them) in order to fund future research I would gladly buy the product for 50x the price of the plans to keep you in business. Seriously, but make the video INCLUDE the build of it. Show the homeless HOW it is done rather than hoping they see it online and have not only cash to buy the materials (which homeless can come up with) but also some way to buy things via paypal / online shopping methods (which they may not even know how to procure as most homeless have not had the opportunity to become tech-savvy) Anyhow sorry for the length of this and thanks for responding to my comment sorry I was so short with you there.
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 11 years ago
I'm sorry you feel that way Ty.
I'll tell you what. You come up with a novel idea, buy the materials, create a work space, buy the tools and make the prototype and work out the kinks. Make a video production of said idea using camera and your time. Make up a 10 to 41 page PDF detailed plan and give it away. If that makes you feel warm and fuzzy then do it by all means, but looking at your channel I see that so far you have contributed nothing. Just saying...
RAT1969 - 11 years ago
If anyone is interested in how the folds are done on the yellow boat im sure theres a video on pauls website that shows some folds.......besides i just did it with trial and error using a piece of paper til i sussed it out.
sigbinGA2wad - 11 years ago
Great! now where do i put my beer?
David Smolinski
David Smolinski - 11 years ago
Some ultralight backpackers use frameless packs.  A rigid sleeping pad is used for support.  Please make a boat that can fold up to form the frame of one of these packs.  It should also be able to perform other functions, such as sleeping pad.  The goal is to reuse gear and keep the weight down.  A pot lid could double as a paddle blade, or a trekking pole could provide structure.  Most long distance hikers use 2 collapsible hiking poles.
zoffinger - 11 years ago
That's pretty slick, man!
Christopher711 - 11 years ago
Does it come in any other color? Will it float indefinitely?
Ryan Malone
Ryan Malone - 11 years ago
Paul Elkins for Mayor!
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 11 years ago
The orukayak is a much nicer version of my little boat, unfortunately for the DIY person no build plans are offered, enabling you to create a boat for 1/20th the price.
wafflesports - 11 years ago
Looks like some people are capitalizing on this, orukayak
misterfong - 11 years ago
Good to see other folks keeping their 2nd-gen CRX's alive and kicking too!
misterfong - 11 years ago
Clever idea and execution. I helped make a temporary disaster shelter out of Coroplast for one of my design classes last year - quite an amazing material.
Thomas Dabish
Thomas Dabish - 11 years ago
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 11 years ago
just under 6 ft.
ogaranhaodefortaleza - 11 years ago
how tall are you?
haipe0 - 11 years ago
Great to hear the didgeridoo on the background music. Super little boat, too.

50. comment for Coroplast foldable one sheet kayak / boat

Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 11 years ago
Currently I'd say 180 pounds max on choppy water, A little more on still water. Creating a pointed bow and stern would probably not work well, as you would loose hull mass making it ride lower in the water, and stability due to narrowing of the rear end.
KillerKad - 11 years ago
I would highly recommend being in the 160 lbs range to use this design. I was 198 lbs, but my paddle and life vest likely took me over that. So considering my added weight was over 200 lbs, it was a testament to the design that I was able to boat in it at all.
KillerKad - 11 years ago
I tried out my Coroplast Kayak yesterday. The water was a little choppy with a bit wind. Although the boat held me up and did not sink, I was over the weight limit by 20lbs, so it was unstable. I floundered around for about 5 minutes around the dock before I felt it was time to get off the water. This is a proven boat design - it was my weight that was the problem. I consider this to be a marginal success because I was able to float and paddle in it under less than ideal circumstances.
777archangeI777 - 11 years ago
and could the rear be folded like the front, like a true kayak or maybe a short canoe? or would that make it unstable? just wondering, Great videos....
777archangeI777 - 11 years ago
If you had to say Paul what would the max weight be for this craft. 200lb man and a 20lb backpack?
777archangeI777 - 11 years ago
152Kg .... An Ark?
danny lauzon
danny lauzon - 11 years ago
Très léger avec tirap
danny lauzon
danny lauzon - 11 years ago
C bon pour toé Frank hahaha
tashinkor - 11 years ago
Hahaha how much is this?^^
Enersys Uy
Enersys Uy - 11 years ago
Cool boat and nice music!
MaximumSurvivalist - 11 years ago
This would make a good bug out boat
basil english
basil english - 12 years ago
Paul all I have to say is "wind up car for adults to ride in" come on you can do it!!! that would mean no batteries, which cost a fortune!! many more where that came from
Andrew Flores
Andrew Flores - 12 years ago
saw this a long time ago it was a tear drop trailer were atached to the roof was a small trailer this is just a idea to mess around with maybe a small bike trailer that you can hall with a motrized bike of similar nature
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 12 years ago
Is it stocked at the store or only mail order? And where is this Home Depot?
Rb0tJ - 12 years ago
Hey Paul, My home depot gave me a better price at $110 for 10 sheets! ^.^ here i come sub20 creations!
Rb0tJ - 12 years ago
I did the same thing, the only plans i really needed was where to crease, now that i figured that out i just ramp it up to full scale and add zip ties
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 12 years ago
No, what is that?
Michael Della Polla
Michael Della Polla - 12 years ago
Brilliant. Did you use the Coro Claw when making the boat?
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 12 years ago
KillerKad - 12 years ago
I must have watched this video 20 times figuring out how to do the folds required to build this Kayak. I wound up creating a miniature scale version out of a piece of paper just to be sure. I would never have thought of this myself (not that I am some kind of bench mark for this type of creativity). Truly brilliant work, Paul! Amazingly ingenious. Would love to get plans for this - any chance of that ever happening? Thank you for posting this video regardless!
Nicholas Morgan
Nicholas Morgan - 12 years ago
Do you have plans for this? I couldn't find any on your website.
sidewalkchalkboy - 12 years ago
how much is Coroplast
sirtom68 - 12 years ago
Someone needs to tell muddymuddymuddman that there aint enough room on one of these boats to mount a wind turbine or solar panels.
WELSH PREPPER - 12 years ago
great idea
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 12 years ago
No, I don't think so.
Mihkel Laansoo
Mihkel Laansoo - 12 years ago
Could i boat it, im 152kg yet can i build a bigger one?
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 12 years ago
4mm Muddy. My speed boat is made with 6mm, which is a bit harder to fold but more sturdy for the higher speeds.
James Biggar
James Biggar - 12 years ago
love it!
ryan brown
ryan brown - 12 years ago
As an added safety feature - how about punching small holes around the top edge and thread a rope through in case you ever needed to get towed out of trouble?
ryan brown
ryan brown - 12 years ago
great idea this. I'm wondering if there is something that could be used instead of zip ties that could be reused. Maybe something that just snaps on and off.
Omar - 12 years ago
Can i have the plans Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!?!?!?!?!
MIchael Luckenbill
MIchael Luckenbill - 12 years ago
What a cool idea! I'm definitely going to try this myself.
mpkappert - 12 years ago
hey there I just tested out my own correx kayak build... works great i just wanted to thank you for the insparation!
hellocrystal01 - 12 years ago
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 12 years ago
This is made with 4mm thick coroplast. You can buy this material in 5ft x 10ft dimensions which other people have used for bigger boats.
Jean-Louis Paquelin
Jean-Louis Paquelin - 12 years ago
Your kayak is probably my favorite DIY design of the year! I'd love to build one maybe with a longer hull. How thick the Coroplast it is?
Steven Ardianto
Steven Ardianto - 13 years ago
You're genius Sir! Wow, It must be very cheap and nice boat for holiday!!
Daniel Farris
Daniel Farris - 13 years ago
Yea!!! Fun this is getting wild.
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 13 years ago
You could make the front (bow) of the boat like the rear (stern) making the boat wider which would make it more stable. Unfortunately the boat would twist more than my design. The upper deck seems to help prevent twisting. You could, widen the boat to 26" instead of 24", but this would drop the side height from 12" to 11".
darkskys163 - 13 years ago
Just love watching you videos and great inventions! I second MsFaan, but since it is tipsy do you have any ideas of making it more stable? Kid friendly? Your ideas would be great to inspire my kids to think beyond the mass-market cookie cutter stuff they are exposed to. I love exposing my kids to imaginative things and ideas; they really love them.
Paul Elkins
Paul Elkins - 13 years ago
Not yet.
JMMJ Productions
JMMJ Productions - 13 years ago
ive said it before you rule !
Anthony Rizzo
Anthony Rizzo - 13 years ago
@DavidCousins He already has!
Anthony Rizzo
Anthony Rizzo - 13 years ago
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
deezynar - 13 years ago
You folded a lot of paper sheets to figure that out. I'm glad you did, it's very cool.
Kevin Coy
Kevin Coy - 13 years ago
That's awesome Paul you are a very creative guy.
Robb's Homemade Life
Robb's Homemade Life - 13 years ago
Now you're talkin!
WorldStove - 13 years ago
you sure love yellow coroplast :) fun little project

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