DIY Crate Mod - Kayak Fishing

Here is this years first DIY video! This may not be the best option for you and your set up but it is an option nonetheless.

DIY Crate Mod - Kayak Fishing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Kayak 9 years ago 110,632 views

Here is this years first DIY video! This may not be the best option for you and your set up but it is an option nonetheless.

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Most popular comments
for DIY Crate Mod - Kayak Fishing

Brock M
Brock M - 6 years ago
Nice video! Where did you get the milk crate?
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 6 years ago
Manager from Publix!
Alec Lopez-Rodriguez
Alec Lopez-Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Lol can you make me one
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 6 years ago
LOL. You've got this!
Willie G
Willie G - 6 years ago
well done
Willie G
Willie G - 7 years ago
good video pal straight to the point
Jackson Lloyd
Jackson Lloyd - 7 years ago
Will this fit on a journey 10 ss
Lewis Maker
Lewis Maker - 7 years ago
I really like what you've done with the crate and it's a good video too. I got 2 kayaks. For most of the local fishing I really don't need to add a crate. But there are islands around here for over nite and weekend camp outs. So taking extra gear is a must. But there is just something about putting a milk crate on my yak that disturbs me. No matter what you do to it, It still looks like a milk crate. You ever see a guy on an older motorcycle with a milk crate tied on the back? I think I must be corrupted by class over utility. I'd like me and a partner to invent something more worthy of our sport. Maybe we could go on "Shark Tank" and get some funding. Hey-What??
hexreal333 - 7 years ago
Awesome video!
Mahalo for the ideas:)
Nicholas Balesterri
Nicholas Balesterri - 7 years ago
Take care sorry respond if you can
Nicholas Balesterri
Nicholas Balesterri - 7 years ago
I really like your crate mod,i ordered my 1st kayak ,im new to it ,so wish me luck and i am definitely using this mod thanks ,take vare and be safe and keep catchin' em

10. comment for DIY Crate Mod - Kayak Fishing

ReelingWithJim - 7 years ago
good video. I subscribed. subscribe back. thanks. support us small channels.
Dewey Cash
Dewey Cash - 7 years ago
I checked out your channel and subbed. Please check my channel and sub back. My channel has Hunting, fishing and family videos. Thanks
IMA ACJHAWKER - 7 years ago
Well done. Making mine soon.
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 7 years ago
thanks for watching!
Fred Block
Fred Block - 7 years ago
After cutting a crate and sanding if needed, CAREFULLY, heat the cut area with a propane torch (again; read... CAREFULLY) and it'll tone down the roughness and shine up the cut/sanded edges. Works like a charm! I needed to create a lid after "losing" a bunch of stuff after rolling my yak netting a pig bass. I'm new to kayak fishing so please don't shoot me down. Live and learn and yes it was an expensive mistake. The lid will keep you from losing your stuff...IF you bungee it closed!
Cadiyak Fishing
Cadiyak Fishing - 7 years ago
McScott76 - 7 years ago
Good video. Just one quick tip for other users. These Yak Gear crates are overpriced. You can buy identical crates at your local big orange home improvement store for about $6-7 a piece. They work just as well if you don't have a sporting goods store nearby that sells Yak Gear (or you don't want to pay an extra $5 for a logo on your crate).
Tony - 7 years ago
Hopefully Publix didn't mind the free advertising. Lol.
Jeff Trek
Jeff Trek - 8 years ago
This has me thinking of doing this, but sitting it on another crate, double decker.
Sean Andrews
Sean Andrews - 8 years ago
Wat size drill bit
Jay Roper
Jay Roper - 8 years ago
very slick set up thanks for shareing
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 8 years ago
Thanks man! #YakTribe

20. comment for DIY Crate Mod - Kayak Fishing

SOLOFOX 24 - 8 years ago
Is this in nc
Callym.W - 8 years ago
This vid should have 10 mil views, I'm going to buy the crap to make it now
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 8 years ago
OnLyLyNxPuMa haha thanks! Go check out YakTribe
Wagner Santana
Wagner Santana - 8 years ago
very nice this box... good job bro!
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Awesome video. Cool man.
Gnukket Yaker
Gnukket Yaker - 8 years ago
Great job!
R.J. Wilson
R.J. Wilson - 8 years ago
I love what you did here. We're going to copy what you did as my son makes his crate for getting started in tournament fishing. I love how you made it so the lid clears the top of the rod holders. A lot of guys have problems with that. A couple modifications we will add include a couple strong magnets inside the lid and the crate so there is a chance it will hold shut when he forgets to secure the bungee strap...which will be all the time. We will also cut off the bottom of a third crate and make a lid for the lid for often used items so we do not lose those to the lake. The other thing I am going to look at is screwing the rod holder on from the inside out, but that may cause me some snagging problems. I will play with it, but in any case, you figured this thing out and we appreciate the video.
The Diving Fisherman
The Diving Fisherman - 8 years ago
Nice idea - thanks ;)
snakeairsoft leger
snakeairsoft leger - 8 years ago
Opens it all the shit up top falls out
Trophy 205
Trophy 205 - 8 years ago
love simple yak accessories. nice job, good idea.
zane wiiliams
zane wiiliams - 8 years ago
such a great idea. thanks for sharing

30. comment for DIY Crate Mod - Kayak Fishing

Mike DeLapp
Mike DeLapp - 8 years ago
Nice.....I have used this crate storage setup for it.....I've added a metal wire shelf rack to the top for covering and securing items as well as nylon pouches on the sides for additional storage.....Fish on.
qu1ck s51v3r
qu1ck s51v3r - 8 years ago
I just recently got a kayak and i wanted to put a milk crate on top and this gave me an idea on what to do thanks
Matthew Klein
Matthew Klein - 8 years ago
Cool vid man
Roger Ford
Roger Ford - 8 years ago
Excellent instruction! Love the details about drilling the zip tie hinge holes. I'm not what you'd call "handy," so that tip was very useful.

Nice looking lid! Thanks!
Alex Echeverria
Alex Echeverria - 8 years ago
Great video! I'm going to try this
TJ's Practical DIY
TJ's Practical DIY - 8 years ago
simple and effective. solid work.
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 8 years ago
Thanks TJ!
Rick Martin
Rick Martin - 8 years ago
thanks for making the video....great idea
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 8 years ago
Thanks Rick!
Arduous Ant
Arduous Ant - 8 years ago
This is an awesome video, :D Im definatly subbing, i will try to visit your channel regularly from now on :D if you can do visit my channel! That would be awesome!! :D Until next time and keep up the great videos! Peace
Robert Belt
Robert Belt - 8 years ago
nice vid...subbed
John Martini
John Martini - 8 years ago
Looks good.
I have used a table saw to downsize the crates. Keeps all sides equal and have never needed to sand.
Dee F Television
Dee F Television - 8 years ago
Awesome video very informative great job can't wait to try it.
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 8 years ago
Sean McNierney
Sean McNierney - 8 years ago
Great vid, keep on keepin on. I am modifying mine as we speak bro
Sean McNierney
Sean McNierney - 8 years ago
Safe fishing my beother
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 8 years ago
Awesome, Sean!
kbar4x4 - 8 years ago
I'm picking up my first kayak tomorrow and definitely see this in the future.
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 8 years ago
Fuzzy Outdoors TV
Fuzzy Outdoors TV - 8 years ago
I'm Absolutely stealing this idea!!! Thanks for the great video
Fuzzy Outdoors TV
Fuzzy Outdoors TV - 8 years ago
Wil Do I also subscribed to your channel.
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 8 years ago
No worries! Thanks! Check out YakTribe on Instagram!
zofoblues - 9 years ago
Great vid !! TY for posting.
Greg Mann
Greg Mann - 9 years ago
I like your design and work...thanks ;o)
Terry Salem's Hike,Fish,Camp
Terry Salem's Hike,Fish,Camp - 9 years ago
awesome..i have a one man pontoon instead of a kayak so im modding up ideas..this is great..nice tabletop,and secure for rough water
Greypryde - 9 years ago
Great idea!!!
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 9 years ago
Thank you!
Wayn Jul
Wayn Jul - 9 years ago
I have an older Ocean kayak drifter and unfortunately they made the space for a milk crate to small to hold one.
I am thinking about getting some aluminium plate and making a box that will fit. Sub for sub.
Roger Oz
Roger Oz - 9 years ago
Nice Idea mate...
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 9 years ago
+roger mijares Thanks Roger!

50. comment for DIY Crate Mod - Kayak Fishing

Nomad yakking II
Nomad yakking II - 9 years ago
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 9 years ago
+Nomad yakking II Thanks! #YakTribe
VanV0rtex - 9 years ago
As always Heath, very good video! I just ordered two crates with the thought of doing this... that is if my wife doesn't grab one of them!
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 9 years ago
+VanV0rtex those wives are sneaky! Watch out!
Kayak Chris
Kayak Chris - 9 years ago
Very nice! Love the video, editing and organization as well. The crate is great too. I just have a crate with rod holders bolted to it but am planning on adding a lid like yours before I go out into open water (BTB) again. Keep sharing your vids. Subbed.
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 9 years ago
+Kayak Chris Hey bud, just subscribed to you too! Thanks for the awesome compliment! #YakTribe
Midwestfishingbros - 9 years ago
Great video. Looking to get a fishing kayak here soon!
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 9 years ago
+Midwestfishingbros thank you! You should! When you do, join the tribe! #yaktribe
Julio Silva
Julio Silva - 9 years ago
Great idea! Love it!!
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 9 years ago
+Heath Panganiban I just subscribed to your channel! Do you have a twitter or instagram?
Heath Panganiban
Heath Panganiban - 9 years ago
+Julio Silva Thanks Julio!

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