Learn a trick or two , okay to watch this vid ??? Clicking ( THUMBS UP ) can help advise others too, enjoy and be safe guys. Remember if your not catching at least your learning, practice makes perfect. DIY project for Hobie Kayaks only. Kayak seat ((( ADD ON ))) If you own Hobie Kayak with a Mirage Drive , this is a DIY project you can't pass up. Peddling on this kayak for a few hours I start feeling back pains and my legs start to numb up , not good. This DIY High Back Support can be put together in seconds on or off to your existing Hobie kayak seat . After using this High Back Support you can feel the pressure from you lower back disappear and you'll feel the comfort like the couch at home. If you decide to make one the high of it depends on you, but the inner width should measure (((12" and both ends should be put together with a 90 degree pvc elbow ))) so it lays flat and doesn't rock side to side. I don't use that Figure 9 tool anymore , I tie the string directly to the back of the Hobie seat. 2 inches under the Hobie Name there a small slit that I run the string threw it and that holds the blue seat cushion high and tight. Just a prototype for anyone that might want to perfect it and make money from this idea. Northwest Territory Stadium Seat, keep in mind corrosion or rust. The foam padding I use just has a zipper and the frame is made of 1 1/4 PVC. You can buy the Northwest Territory Stadium Seat from your local ( Kmart ) store. FIND A KMART STORE NEAREST YOU TO BUY THE STADIUM CUSHIONS. or a bid more expensive on Ebay Created: January 2012

DIY HIGH BACK SUPPORT FOR KAYAK FISHING sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Kayak 13 years ago 47,462 views

Learn a trick or two , okay to watch this vid ??? Clicking ( THUMBS UP ) can help advise others too, enjoy and be safe guys. Remember if your not catching at least your learning, practice makes perfect. DIY project for Hobie Kayaks only. Kayak seat ((( ADD ON ))) If you own Hobie Kayak with a Mirage Drive , this is a DIY project you can't pass up. Peddling on this kayak for a few hours I start feeling back pains and my legs start to numb up , not good. This DIY High Back Support can be put together in seconds on or off to your existing Hobie kayak seat . After using this High Back Support you can feel the pressure from you lower back disappear and you'll feel the comfort like the couch at home. If you decide to make one the high of it depends on you, but the inner width should measure (((12" and both ends should be put together with a 90 degree pvc elbow ))) so it lays flat and doesn't rock side to side. I don't use that Figure 9 tool anymore , I tie the string directly to the back of the Hobie seat. 2 inches under the Hobie Name there a small slit that I run the string threw it and that holds the blue seat cushion high and tight. Just a prototype for anyone that might want to perfect it and make money from this idea. Northwest Territory Stadium Seat, keep in mind corrosion or rust. The foam padding I use just has a zipper and the frame is made of 1 1/4 PVC. You can buy the Northwest Territory Stadium Seat from your local ( Kmart ) store. FIND A KMART STORE NEAREST YOU TO BUY THE STADIUM CUSHIONS. or a bid more expensive on Ebay Created: January 2012

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Most popular comments

Darren Turner
Darren Turner - 7 years ago
The grey is high pressure pvc. Its a little stronger than the white.
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 7 years ago
Darren Turner
Yes there is a 40 or an 80 schedule higher number is thicker located in the electrical dept
mcgoo&mcgee - 8 years ago
Made these for my oasis tandem. It works great. Thank you for the video.
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 8 years ago
Sometimes you have to see to believe. Affordable and works thxs buddy happy you tried it.
Seth Robinson
Seth Robinson - 8 years ago
Dude, thanks a ton!!  This probably how I will try to upgrade my Ascend D10T.  Does it help keep your rear dry too?
mcgoo&mcgee - 8 years ago
What yak did you get after the AI? It would be hard to beat that. We have a tandem oasis. I love it all but the seat design.
mcgoo&mcgee - 8 years ago
+RUDYAKAHALIBU77 Thanks for the info.
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 8 years ago
I bought a Porta Bote then sold that and bought a 15' alaskan smokercraft.
Next year I'm planning on going bigger depending on cash of chores.
The Oais is a good yak double the fun keep it simple and just enjoy the freedom of any spot on the water it will take you, that's the idea of having a yak.
mcgoo&mcgee - 8 years ago
Do you still use this seat idea? Does it hold up well to daily use?
mcgoo&mcgee - 8 years ago
+RUDYAKAHALIBU77 I have the older style seat like that. I just ordered the locking system cause the seats keep popping out. I think I'm gonna try this idea for comfort.
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 8 years ago
+RUDYAKAHALIBU77 you don't need back bar to tye the seat down just tye the pvc to the chair
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 8 years ago
I used it for 2 years until I sold my AI. If you ever made one for any of the Hobie seats like the one in this vid your gonna feel extreme comfort instantly. There are many ways you can change the design but use the idea best fit your back.
Sean McNierney
Sean McNierney - 8 years ago
Nice idea, looking at doing something different in my yak
jessie janes
jessie janes - 9 years ago
Tommy Jensen
Tommy Jensen - 10 years ago
Great job, but you made me Google "figure 9".   :-) 
Tommy Jensen
Tommy Jensen - 10 years ago
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 10 years ago
Glad you brought that up! I don't use that Figure 9 tool anymore , I tie the string directly to the back of the Hobie seat. 2 inches under the Hobie Name there a small slit that I run the string threw it and that holds the blue seat cushion high and tight.
Tyson Matthews
Tyson Matthews - 10 years ago
How did you make the black bar mount behind your seat?
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 10 years ago
This is one of the Hobie Adventure Island Kayaks . The black bar is part of this kayak making it a trimaran boat outrigger style


ratoneJR - 11 years ago
nice job
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 11 years ago
I post tips and tricks because its a win win meaning cheap and works. You'll have to read the info on this vid as well as the comments. Next seeing is believing , make one yourself .
phartattack - 11 years ago
The bottom part looks like it's gonna be right on the butt bone. not to mention if you lift your butt to adjust something its going to pivot the bottom pipe towards your butt. Looks to me like you made the video before actually testing it out. What are the pros and cons of your design now that it's been tested? Thanks!
Dien Do
Dien Do - 11 years ago
No one so far can beat you how to rig your kayak. Great job bros.
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 11 years ago
Sorry to hear about you back,I should add to this video (for Hobie kayaks only).Hobie Peddle system using their Mirage Drive unit allows the user to sit at any position as you go or fish.Using your low muscles (legs) is the way to go.I can honestly say,those who PADDLE KAYAKS are hardcore.I tried to PADDLE against the wind and distance,it's killer on your upper body if your not physically fit for this sport.With the Hobie Mirage Drive it make kayaking on the water as easy as a walk in the park.
stripey05 - 11 years ago
i suffer from bulging l4 and l5 discs. I don't need a High back support. As you view the video you see how it gets to the recling postion that is how my surf to summit seat becomes after a mile of floating and it kills my back, so I pull over and readjust and it just takes away from the fun of the float. Just looking for more rigid back support or a way to stiffen the back rest. Any ideas?
Al Stillman
Al Stillman - 11 years ago
Nicely done
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 11 years ago
AAAaaaaaaah so nice that you jump on this project , I hope you enjoy the whole 2013 fishing season with one less pain to think about. Thumbs up for you, great job buddy : P
FloridaBeeFarm - 12 years ago
Rudy, you're a genius. Just made a similar seat and I think it will save the day (and my back) in an upcoming 7 day grueling run in my AI. It really feels comfortable. I used the Hobie inflatable lower add on seat for the bottom instead of what you did. I added a snap to the inflatable seat so it stays in place. Thanks ! CaptnChaos
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 12 years ago
You will feel a big relief using this back support. The pressure from kicking and sitting will stiffen your lower back . The PVC high back support will spread the pressure from the lower and up to the mid back. Trust me if your hurting now this project only cost less than $20 . Thanks for going for it let me know what you think.


floatsup - 12 years ago
Hey Rudy, I'm working on this chair right now, and rewatched this vid. I'm thinking of putting a traveller on the top of this chair. I'll let you know how that project turns out.
kahanaohana - 12 years ago
Great Idea! I copied, aloha from Kauai
floatsup - 12 years ago
Very nicely done there. Simple and it works. Off to Home Depot right now. Thanks.

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