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Most popular comments
for DIY Kayak Cart Under $25 (EASY) 2018

Willie G
Willie G - 7 years ago
people I know he gave some dimensions in the video that doesn't mean it will work for your kayak, use it as a reference and you'll have to tinker with it a bit until you find what works for you as long as you can use a measuring tape and have a few simple tools it really isn't that hard
Todd Berdnier
Todd Berdnier - 7 years ago
Keith Bodine
Keith Bodine - 7 years ago
Clear as mud. Useless.
TheMxer48 - 7 years ago
bath salts are strong in this video
Sam  kogan
Sam kogan - 7 years ago
hey man, did you use locknuts?
Sam  kogan
Sam kogan - 7 years ago
also, how long is your all thread?
FU - 7 years ago
Just made mine today, going to try it out with my Perception Pescador Pro 120 which is 65lbs without extras. Fingers crossed it does the job! Thanks for the video.
D.W. BIGGLY Big League
D.W. BIGGLY Big League - 7 years ago
Nicely done. Pay no mind to the haters.
danhold1 Holdcroftski
danhold1 Holdcroftski - 8 years ago
Great job, great idea
Ask The Pro DJ
Ask The Pro DJ - 8 years ago
sucks balls

10. comment for DIY Kayak Cart Under $25 (EASY) 2018

Martin Pêcheur
Martin Pêcheur - 8 years ago
r u on meth...
nick mikash
nick mikash - 8 years ago
Try filling the PVC pipes with aerosol expanding foam insulation. That stuff is pretty strong once it sets up.
Togamac - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video. Some good ideas there. I found myself wondering throughout the video how the thing was supposed to work until the very end when you said that the tubes go through the scupper holes and then it made sense. You may want to mention that up front. Now, I'm wondering what the top piece is for. Won't the weight of the kayak hold it in place without the top piece? Don't take the haters' comments to heart. It's people like you who have made this a great country. Keep on DIY!
triumphmanful - 8 years ago
Wheels cost more than $25.00, where did you get them ?
Samanda - 8 years ago
Harbor Freight, about $5 each
Tom Crowley  Htc
Gabesafish - 8 years ago
I tried this for my Old Town Predator XL. Without fear loaded in and with it the troll my motor insert, this boat is already close to 100 lbs. I've seen vids using this design on a Hobie PA 14 so I figured if it worked for that behemoth it would work on mine, but the end result was not good. There was way too much slop, flex, and wobble.  It will end up either damaging the cart or the scupper holes, or both.
My mistakes:
I used 3/4" PVC for the scupper posts. Too skinny, should have gone with 1". I may try wrapping in foam but tha won't fix all of the issues. The rest of the frame is 1", so should be plenty strong, but the whole thing twists and bows under the weight of the kayak.
I made the axle a bit wider than it probably needs to be, 30". The wider it is, the more bow you'll get.
I'm going to start over trying the bunk style cart, or maybe a hybrid of both. What I liked about this design is its simplicity and lightweight nature. I like the idea of being able to break it down to store inside the yak.
JCaprice Florida Fishing
JCaprice Florida Fishing - 8 years ago
I too have some wobble and bending issues. I am going to fill the PVC with wooden dowels. I have added PVC end caps and drilled 5/8" holes for the axle. I'm still trying to figure out a method to reinforce the the PVC axle housing. BUT, eBay has a few under $40.00 Kayak carts that may eliminate all of the DIY issues.
Gabesafish - 8 years ago
*without being fully loaded with gear, and without the trolling motor, this yak already weighs close to 100 lbs
GETREAL! - 8 years ago
what kinda stupid DYI video is this, you should shut up more and show us more. WASTE OF TIME,
junkman 81
junkman 81 - 7 years ago
GETREAL! you might want to just buy one if this seems a little too advanced for you.
jason dugger
jason dugger - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's diy dude. Take an english class before you talk crap about other l people's videos.
Wyatt McCombs
Wyatt McCombs - 8 years ago
lol go to the search bar and look for another video not that hard sunshine
Meinsnailen - 8 years ago
I decided to duplicate your dolly because it looks like a good plan BUT Home depot does not supply T-joints and tight 90's like that for 40 PVC pipe, where did you get yours?
Meinsnailen - 8 years ago
+Wyatt McCombs Thanks, strange that the depot doesn't sell and Lowes does.Thanks again.
Wyatt McCombs
Wyatt McCombs - 8 years ago
+Meinsnailen Lowes or a local hardware store
grasshopper breezy
grasshopper breezy - 8 years ago
I like the way your thinking man... Sweet wheels
Wyatt McCombs
Wyatt McCombs - 8 years ago
+grasshopper breezy Thanks man!
Ryan Waggener
Ryan Waggener - 8 years ago
The axle, did you cut it to a certain length or buy it pre-cut? Where? Or what length?
Wyatt McCombs
Wyatt McCombs - 8 years ago
+Ryan Waggener I got it at Lowes. I just left it at the length I bought it in
achigurh - 9 years ago
I have a 2016 FS12t (approx. 77 lbs) with about 15 lbs of gear. If you have a heavier kayak, the PVC will not hold up, even for short hauls to the launch. Mine popped as I set it down, ready to load up and go home after a fishing trip... Probably 25 yards from the truck to the water on a slight gravel incline. Better off just shelling out $50 for the real deal.
Tom Crowley  Htc
Tom Crowley Htc - 8 years ago
My cart broke too.
At the same place ( upper T)
Ended up filling the vertical tubes (from top to bottom ) with metal rod.
After this improvement my cart working fine .
So far "survived" 10 fishing trips
Meinsnailen - 8 years ago
+Wallace Sweeney III I saw that one diy'er loaded his with wooden dowling that may help.

20. comment for DIY Kayak Cart Under $25 (EASY) 2018

WW2son - 9 years ago
I'm going to give this a shot, Im going to flair my wheels out 45deg, maybe for more stability.  The cart at Bass Pro has too many bad reviews to spend the money.  You would think Bass Pro would make a cart to carry their kayaks..  Mine is a 12 footer so I am concerned about using (3/4 40pvc)....There is a "furniture grade" pvc? I'm going to use this on the axle part.  I don't carry a cooler, so this may help with the weight.  This is a good case of trial and error...
Slim1 Dune
Slim1 Dune - 9 years ago
Anyone have a good diy scupper dolly for heavy yaks?
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
I am thinking a similar design made of wood would work. 2X4's?
Michael Einolf
Michael Einolf - 9 years ago
dont the nuts on the axle come loose when you start rolling it?
Alexander B
Alexander B - 8 years ago
+Michael Einolf If they do just paint them with nail polish or use loctite
Slim1 Dune
Slim1 Dune - 9 years ago
you think that pvc cart will hold a 140lb hobie pro angler with gear?
Ivar The Boneless
Ivar The Boneless - 9 years ago
+Slim1 Dune  -  No way.  If you're hauling a heavy fishing yak with gear, get a metal cart made for the job.  I've tried two PVC cart designs on my Ascent FS12T, which is 90+ lbs., and both failed within 25 yards.  Schedule 40 PVC is too weak, brittle, and flexy for heavy yaks, especially for carting over bumpy/rocky ground.
Kayak Fishn01
Kayak Fishn01 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the Video, I just made one for my tarpon 100 and it works great. I did make a couple of mods to it, I used 5/8 lock nuts and flipped the 10" length of PVC next to the axle. The  I did that was because I didn't want the PVC to create any drag under the kayak in the water. I will test it out next week if mother nature cooperates.
Wyatt McCombs
Wyatt McCombs - 9 years ago
+Kayak Fishn01 Glad I could help!
MetaView7 - 9 years ago
youtube has an option to steady the video for you.
mark kemp
mark kemp - 9 years ago
too much jabbering on mate!!!!!
Rodney Hamilton
Rodney Hamilton - 8 years ago
That is what happens when you do a video in one take.
W Boring
W Boring - 9 years ago
Parts list would be cool
Glen Chase
Glen Chase - 9 years ago
Just finished mine, Yup just about 25 bucks and it works AWESOME! Thank you
chris pine
chris pine - 10 years ago
fukn hell dude thatd be 50 bucks where i live

30. comment for DIY Kayak Cart Under $25 (EASY) 2018

Tyric Randolph
Tyric Randolph - 10 years ago
can you break it down and put it in your hatch?
Wyatt McCombs
Wyatt McCombs - 10 years ago
+Alexander Underwood I have some BIG plans for 2015! Which will include rod holders! Stay tuned.
Alexander Underwood
Alexander Underwood - 10 years ago

You should apply some pvc rod holders at 45 degree angles if you carry this on the yak. 
Wyatt McCombs
Wyatt McCombs - 10 years ago
For me it goes on the back but yes

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