DIY PVC Canoe/Kayak Cart

How to make a canoe/kayak cart out of PVC. Supply list and diagram: Video Responses candyraved: OCALARV:

DIY PVC Canoe/Kayak Cart sentiment_very_dissatisfied 28

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How to make a canoe/kayak cart out of PVC. Supply list and diagram: Video Responses candyraved: OCALARV:

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Most popular comments
for DIY PVC Canoe/Kayak Cart

Willie G
Willie G - 7 years ago
well done
Martin Colley
Martin Colley - 7 years ago
I built one from your plans out of PVC and destroyed it in the first few minutes so instead of quitting I adapted your plans to some 1" square 16 gauge metal tubing I had. After a couple of hours cutting and welding I have a heavy duty yet still light version that does what I wanted with out any flexing.. Thanks for your plans.
Frank Sapp
Frank Sapp - 7 years ago
Can anyone who made this tell me please what was used to attached the top wings which will be used to put the kayak on Thank you
Makify1 - 7 years ago
Do you mean the black foam stuff? It is "pipe insulation" which can be found at hardware stores, home improvement stores, and plumbing stores. You could also use foam pool noodles.
sarcasmo57 - 7 years ago
Hey nice design my man!
Kevin Moore
Kevin Moore - 7 years ago
I have already built two Boats. Both were a great success and the building was very straight forward. I have recommended your plans for a long time now [Check Details Here==> ].I look forward to building Eight Boat soon.Thanks.
Geoffrey - 7 years ago
I noticed a loop (wire?) through the bow. I am rebuilding a Sq. back canoe, and need something like that. Did it come with the boat? Any Ideas, I like the fact that it stays out, protrudes away from bow.
Geoffrey - 7 years ago
Really a Great vodeo ! Thanks The plans were a real added bonus also.
Ben Klasen
Ben Klasen - 7 years ago
I built a kayak trailer exact same thank you so much it's the cheapest
loui828 - 7 years ago
If i could find the wheels for what you found them for, i could easy build this but the cheapest wheels i can find are about $25 plus the materials another $20, while i can just buy a cart for about $ it's a tough call, if i end up building it, it would just be for the fun of it.
Makify1 - 7 years ago
If you are in the US and have a Harbor Freight nearby, these wheels go on sale regularly. If you aren't that lucky then it's probably going to be tough to find cheap wheels and without cheap wheels, the whole project gets a little pricey. I feel your pain.

10. comment for DIY PVC Canoe/Kayak Cart

Outdoorsman_78 - 7 years ago
How has it held up over the years? And is the handle actually necessary? Just thinking it will be so much easier to store in the boat with out it. But otherwise it looks like an awesome cart
Outdoorsman_78 - 7 years ago
Makify1 nice. Thanks for the Info. And yeah it's great how people borrow stuff and break it. Disrespect! Well I'll build one minus the handle. Cheers
Makify1 - 7 years ago
It has held up well except I let a friend borrow it and they broke the handle. The handle isn't necessary but I find it helpful but you could easily exclude it.
Revolution Bikes
Revolution Bikes - 7 years ago
Love the blooper reel at the end.
Makify1 - 7 years ago
Thanks :)
Richard Pulliam
Richard Pulliam - 7 years ago
Thank you for posting your canoe cart.

 I used it as a model to build one for my 100 pound paddle boat. Works great.

 Because the boat is heavy I used 1 inch pvc pipe and added 1/2 inch pvc pipe internally as re-enforcement. I already had the wheelbarrow wheels, glue, and the 1/2 inch pvc, so I had to buy 2 1 inch pvc pipes, the pvc fittings (about $20), the 5/8 inch metal threaded rod ($20), a couple of 5/8 inch nuts and 5/8 steel spacers (about $5) at Lowe's home improvements. I placed end caps for looks and a threaded T so I can easily attach/dis-attach the pull/push handle. My biggest suggestion is not to glue anything together until you are sure the measurements are right. The one I built is bigger in width because the paddle boat is wider so I had to use my own measurements. The closest cart I could find that MAY work on my paddle boat, I found at LL.Bean for $150. So.... I know this one works for my wide boat and saved me about $100. Following is a link to the photo.

Thanks again. Fun project and gave me bragging rights. :)
Makify1 - 7 years ago
Very cool! I'm glad the cart worked out for you and saved you some money.
MrPDG79 - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing this with us! I followed your plans instructions and worked great using some spare wheels from an old spread seeder.
metafizzical - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video, and the design!
I live right on a river but we're on a steep hill, so it's been a pain to drag the boats up by hand and one of the canoes has a keel, so I didn't like dragging it.
I altered your design. We have 2 canoes of different sizes and a kayak. I ran into the same instability issue others did, so built two wheeled frames and interchangeable middle connecter pieces of different sizes to fit the different boats-this allows me to easily strap the frames to the seats and keep the boats from slipping off). I used an 1-1/4" pipe for the middle pieces and the handles from your 1" frames are 24" long, I slide them into the 1-1/4" middle pipe with 2 holes drilled on each for each side secured with locking pins. This way the cart can be easily adjusted for each boat and it can also be broken down for easy storage. There are trees on the hill between here and the house, so instead of doing the same 1-piece 5/8" threaded rod in the front, I broke down a portaging cart we had, repurposed the wheels that had independent pin sets and made a separate section for the front: your (shortened) design on top, with a separate piece of pipe below for the wheels, T-fitting in the middle, and I drilled a hole through the 2 T-fittings and inserted a bolt with some large flat washers between the PVC fittings so there's some (albeit clunky) steering.
The T-fitting of the top part (your design) has the handle pointed backwards to be inserted to the middle 1-1/4 piece. The "axle piece" has the handle facing forward so I can hand-pull it or hook it up to a tractor. For that portion, I drilled a put a cap at the end of the handle and drilled a hole and put an eye bolt through it so I can connect it to the tractor pin, or I can carabiner a hand-pulling handle onto it.
I finally finished and tested it today and it works. I think the extra torque strain from the hill might cause the front frame to break sooner. However your cheap and easy design, and. Ecause it isn't permanently attached to the back section will allow me to rebuild it and/or alter the design a bit to suit the extra strain.
Sorry for the log-winded and poorly explained redesign. You were immensely helpful, though. If you're interested, I'll take some pictures or make a video. But it started raining shortly after I finished today.
Makify1 - 7 years ago
I'm glad the video was helpful. I'd love to see some photos whenever you get a chance.
Winston Thomas
Winston Thomas - 8 years ago
Titus no
carultch - 7 years ago
I hope Titus gets to ride in his canoe.
EZEEKEEL - 8 years ago
i built one and am stoked to try it out! thank you!!
aloha mike
aloha mike - 8 years ago
Great video, cart looks great. The end caps are not available at Lowes, HD, or Ace in the Denver area, and $6 each on Amazon were a deal breaker for me...back to the drawing board!
metafizzical - 7 years ago
If you haven't already figured something else out, I promise you HD carries the 1 inch. Schedule 40 plug (I used a plug rather than the cap because, unless you have a drill press, it's easier to drill a good hole in a plug than a cap that's going to be a little rounded-also I think it just suits this job better). I went in yesterday and made sure. I couldn't find it online or on the app, though, it only shows the threaded. There's probably a mistake in the computer system and they have the same SKU for both.
Also, FYI, the employees that work there have no say over the organization of the department. There's a separate team that comes in and seems to do a set up that makes absolutely no sense, and right when we learned where everything is, they'd change it again. The smooth plugs were not only NOT next to the other plugs and caps, they were on a different shelf.
If your Denver store doesn't have them find a manager or someone that's been there for a long time and have them call another store and get a store-to-store transfer. It may take a week, but it's free and the plugs will only be about $1.
Hope this helps.
mastersunfish - 8 years ago
cant wait to make one thanks!
Greghc48 - 8 years ago
How are the threaded rods secured inside the pvc from in between the wheels?
Makify1 - 8 years ago
It's a single threaded rod that goes all the way through. It's secured with nuts on the outside of each wheel.

20. comment for DIY PVC Canoe/Kayak Cart

Nick Backencamp
Nick Backencamp - 8 years ago
How much does this cost and would it fit a 10 foot sun dolphin kayak????
Cole Lawens
Cole Lawens - 8 years ago
how much did everything cost
Cole Lawens
Cole Lawens - 8 years ago
Awesome thanks
Makify1 - 8 years ago
about $30
Millicent Phillips
Millicent Phillips - 8 years ago
I've looked and looked for your end caps that go into your pvc and can't find them....I know what they look like I just can find them...any suggestions?
metafizzical - 7 years ago
Millicent Phillips if you haven't already figured something else out, I replied to an earlier similar reply on how to get them through Home Depot
Makify1 - 8 years ago
The male ones (plugs) are harder to find. My only suggestion is to try different stores. I know that's probably not helpful but it's hard to know what any one store will carry. You might have better luck at a plumbing supply store. Amazon carries them ( but they are pricey.
Millicent Phillips
Millicent Phillips - 8 years ago
I have no problem finding a rounded regular end cap but it fits over the end of the pipe(female) not inside it (male)
Millicent Phillips
Millicent Phillips - 8 years ago
Ive gone to 3 home depots and what I have found are 2 end male reducers that both have holes already in the part that you drill your holes in (hope that make sense) which would be fine except one has a 3/4 inch hole and one has a 1 inch hole. Since you said to drill a 5/8 inch hole for the axle, If I use the one with the 3/4 inch hole already in it will that be to sloppy for my axle? Tomorrow I plan on trying sprinkler supply places if you think it would be.
Makify1 - 8 years ago
Hmm... Sometimes they are rounded and sometimes they are flat. Most hardware stores should sell them. Maybe ask an employee?
deputy dog
deputy dog - 8 years ago
steve .dipko
steve .dipko - 8 years ago
me and my wife just built one of these...came out like a champ...thx 4 the design...we hot glued ours...did u glue yours?
Makify1 - 8 years ago
I just dry fit mine and it worked for me but some people have said that that wasn't enough for them.
whollyman - 8 years ago
How heavy is it please?
Derrin Eckelmann
Derrin Eckelmann - 8 years ago
Im going to make one of these to carry my heavy duty Igloo Sportsman !
cjchamburs - 8 years ago
do like your vids, thx bro :)
chris brous
chris brous - 8 years ago
I got the same canoe
Fly Oz
Fly Oz - 8 years ago
Mate, That was the best How to Vid and a great Carty design
Makify1 - 8 years ago
Thank you!

30. comment for DIY PVC Canoe/Kayak Cart

Lou Siegel
Lou Siegel - 8 years ago
Excellent video and instructions.
Much better than the commercial cart/dollies I've seen at Amazon and other retailers.
Simple, inexpensive and functional.
Nice work!
Makify1 - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Dru Dunton
Dru Dunton - 8 years ago
Wondering if you think your design can be altered to use the cart as a dolly for moving stuff from the put in or dock to a campsite? We have some boat-in campgrounds that have a bit of a distance to the site. I'm thinking that the single handle could be replaced with two handles, equally spaced from the vertical supports that are bridged by a cross piece glued into place with two 90 degree elbows. The side wings might reduce its effectiveness in tight spaces, so I suppose those could be shortened to within the inside of the wheels. What do you think?
Makify1 - 8 years ago
I think your design would work and would probably be stronger and more sturdy than my design.
John McKendricks
John McKendricks - 8 years ago
it is a pretty tight fit, wondering if you glued the joints?
John McKendricks
John McKendricks - 8 years ago
+Makify1 thabks
Makify1 - 8 years ago
I didn't but I would strongly recommend gluing the joints.
Desert Jeff
Desert Jeff - 8 years ago
Hey I like your videos...

Good Job
Makify1 - 8 years ago
Thank you!
John White
John White - 8 years ago
thanks for sharing
RM Simpson
RM Simpson - 8 years ago
Put it together almost to the letter of your pattern. As soon as I put my canoe on it it fell apart. I know that glue would sturdy it up somewhat but my canoe is aluminum and I think yours would work better with a plastic boat.
hard2getitright again
hard2getitright again - 8 years ago
keith murray
keith murray - 8 years ago
Seems like a great design, however can't keep the cart under the canoe which is quite heavy. I broke the middle tee coupling for the handle on my first go round... Any sugguestions?
Jim Morrison
Jim Morrison - 8 years ago
Great video. I loved the "take outs" of your pooch.
John Crypto
John Crypto - 8 years ago
just buy a couple 16' wheels and some pvc and fitting's ( male and female and two end caps . Also buy a short length of aluminum rod and two pins and washers and a couple bungy cords one long enough to go around the canoe or kayak and one long enough to reach from that bungy to the front of the boat . cut the pvc in two sections that tgether are just wider than the boat . glue the male and female so you can break that piece down . drill holes for the rod in the end caps and epoxy them in the caps with enough for the wheels washers and pins on the outside of the caps and about 6 inches to go into the pvc pieces . drill holes in the rod for the lock pins . fill the pvc with epoxy also and install the caps with the rods epoxied in them . (if you want you can add d ring onto the pvc also to attach the bungy cord . Now just assemble the two half sections tightly slide the wheels on the rods then washers and use the lock pins to hold them on . attach the bungy cord and slip the canoe or kayak inside the loop . then use the second cord to the bow and the cord to keep it from coming off the end . ;) this will auto adjust and you can haul your boat over anything use a bag to store the parts when you hit the water .
bamiya - 8 years ago
Burning the midnight oil. Just made one. Did not calculate one piece right. It's 4am now, home depot open I think at 6am. Going fishing at 8:30am. My friend is new to fishing and has not got use to getting up earlier. I'm always on the water by 7am. Thanks a lot, can't wait to use it. Going after some crappie today.
Nick Bamber
Nick Bamber - 8 years ago
Dude- your a legend - wanted to make one of these - your design is simple and effective and I intend to use it- thanks dude :-
Makify1 - 8 years ago
+Nick Bamber (PembsPara) You're welcome. Glad you like it!
Leo Kelley
Leo Kelley - 9 years ago
right ON man I just bought a canoe that looks just like the one you got so yeah I'll definitely will be building one of these carts for my canoe
Ali Mazin
Ali Mazin - 9 years ago
Such an awesome and very informative video, but may i ask from where i should be buy 5/8" Axle... thanks
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Ali Mazin Most hardware stores carry 5/8" threaded rods as well as other sizes. Check near the nuts and bolts.
NEIL HAY - 9 years ago
good job.
Chris Girmann
Chris Girmann - 9 years ago
Whats the reason for the handle? It doesn't seem you can pull the canoe because it's way up underneath. I am making one for my fishing kayak. Thanks...Great video.
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Chris Girmann The handle comes in handy when positioning the cart before loading on the canoe and it is useful sometimes when toting a boat "right side up."
Sean Donovan
Sean Donovan - 9 years ago
the way you slide the canoe on your car doesn't scratch the roof?
phartattack - 9 years ago
00:40 your "WINGS" are going to fall off as soon as you hit bumpy ground unless you put a through bar to support them.
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+phartattack I've never had a problem with that but reinforcing them is a good idea.
Pete M
Pete M - 9 years ago
I thought your design and presentation was great, too, so I built mine accordingly. Wasn't sure if I needed the wings, so haven't added them yet. But I think carrying it upside down may be best. Thanks!
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Pete M Glad you like it. Upside down works best for my canoe but you can't really do that for a kayak.
ElRagheb - 9 years ago
Nice video, very good job, hahaha, your dog was recording ? ... i´m doing my own according to yours. I´ll upload video once i finished
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+ElRagheb Awesome, can't wait to see yours!

50. comment for DIY PVC Canoe/Kayak Cart

Jon Gutmacher
Jon Gutmacher - 9 years ago
great video
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Jon Gutmacher Thank you!
Wilburn Crane
Wilburn Crane - 9 years ago
Cant get it to stay under the canoe. Even with a ratchet tie down
keith murray
keith murray - 8 years ago
How did you solve this problem? I'm having the same problem. Also, did you cement all the fittings?
Wilburn Crane
Wilburn Crane - 9 years ago
Just finished mine. Got to dark to try it out. Ill do that tomorrow.
Wilburn Crane
Wilburn Crane - 9 years ago
RYAN DYAL - 9 years ago
Love the outtakes :)
Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy - 9 years ago
I built this project to spec based on the excellent video and multiple positive comments. I have to be doing something terribly wrong though. Although the cart works on a paved surface, as soon as you travel over grass or any other rough terrain, the cart slips out from underneath the canoe. I've tried securing the cart to the canoe with a bungee cord (useless) and even a ratchet luck. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Rick Chenier
Rick Chenier - 8 years ago
same thing happened to me
gman77gas - 9 years ago
+Tim Murphy You need bigger wheels/tires....go to Goodwill and get a kids bike for $5. and improvise from there....
Marlene L
Marlene L - 9 years ago
LOVE the out-takes! (and the cart) lol
Chris Hristov
Chris Hristov - 9 years ago
Thanks man, I'll definitely use your design!!! And I'll send you pictures afterwards.

You should sell this thing: I'm sure that you can do better than most of the manufacturers because your design is simple, functional, and cheap.
sreihart - 9 years ago
Love, love, love this design!  I'm a short (5' tall), 61 yo woman and I've been looking for a plan that would help me with my 11' kayak.  I have little upper body strength so this would also help me load by being able to roll it up to my mini van.  Can it be used to help unload?  So happy to see this video.  In fact, I have some of the materials (wheels, PVC) so all I need is the fittings, threaded rod, washers, nuts and pipe insulation.  Your video is so well laid out, explained and demonstrated.  I'll take pics when I have it finished.  Thank you for sharing your plan.  I so very much appreciate it!
Bobby Shaddox
Bobby Shaddox - 9 years ago
Is it necessary to glue the PVC pieces together? When I walk forward, the cart collapses forward and the top wings pop off or curve inward.
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+DJ SHAXX Yes, you should glue the pieces together. Other people have had issues when they didn't use glue.
Ardyth Fitzgerald
Ardyth Fitzgerald - 9 years ago
Bless you for this! I spent 2 years restoring a cedar strip canoe..last week I went and spent $160 Cdn for a cart..went for a maiden voyage 10min and some lowlife stole my cart..I found your video and am so impressed that youwould go to such an effort to help someone like I can forget the slimeball who stole the other one and think about how cool you are..restores my faith..again Bless you!
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Ardyth Fitzgerald I'm sorry your cart got stolen. I'm glad you like the video though.
Marie Annas
Marie Annas - 9 years ago
Thank you for sharing
FatTireJournal - 9 years ago
love the out-takes on the back end I used to do that with my TV show.
thanks for posting
Chris Hobbs
Chris Hobbs - 9 years ago
I built it and have had constant problems keeping the cart standing up as I place the canoe on top of it. Regardless of how I place it, or tight the bungee, the cart flops over rendering it useless and more troublesome. I would welcome any helpful comments on how to make this thing as useful as appears in video.
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Chris Hobbs Are you placing the canoe upside down on the cart? A few other people have mentioned the cart rolling over too but I've never experienced that so I don't know exactly what is causing it. My suggestion is to point the handle into the canoe and let the cart tip just a little so that the handle makes contact with the canoe and acts as a third contact point to prevent further rolling.
LOU DEMARTINO - 9 years ago
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Lou DeMartino YW
Brooke McQuale
Brooke McQuale - 9 years ago
A cheaper way of providing the wheels is to get the large diameter ones from an old lawn mower.
Adam Lopez
Adam Lopez - 9 years ago
Nice design!  Any idea how much weight it can bear (particularly with a canoe in the upside-down position)?  I have an Old Town Discovery (169) that weighs in at around 90lbs.
Adam Lopez
Adam Lopez - 9 years ago
I have to decide if I need to return the returnable hardware and buy a cart, OR look at more burley PVC and build up another.  Maybe a more braced design.
Makify1 - 9 years ago
Oh no! I guess 1" PVC isn't as strong as I thought. Looks like the fitting broke, that's really weird.
Adam Lopez
Adam Lopez - 9 years ago
+Makify1 So....8 foot voyage in the front yard and SNAP! Maybe the 1" PVC wasn't the way to go. This was in the canoe "up" position, not even resting on the "wings" that I was worried about initially.
Makify1 - 9 years ago
Awesome! Your modifications sound like great ideas!
Adam Lopez
Adam Lopez - 9 years ago
+Makify1 I built mine over the weekend. I stuck with 1" pipe (at least for now). The wheels were on sale at Harbor Freight for $5.99 ea, but I splurged on stainless hardware. I also added elbows to the "wings" to help keep things in place and used threaded adapters to make the "handle" removeable (for easier storage). Thanks for the design & input!
Adam Lopez
Adam Lopez - 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply.  I might make mine a bit more burley.
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Adam Lopez Haven't really tested its limits but I bet it would do fine with a 90lb canoe. I'm pretty confident that I could stand on the side wings if my feet weren't too far out on the ends (and if I could balance that well). I'm not a huge guy but I am >90lbs. You could always built one with 1.25" or 1.5" PVC for extra strength.
Jonathan Cromwell
Jonathan Cromwell - 9 years ago
I made this today in about 40 minutes...Haven't used it yet but it looks awesome!
j esplin
j esplin - 9 years ago
Thanks for the idea. I made one and it seemed to be working ok, then it broke at one of the t-joints. I blame more my canoe being heavy as hell than anything. It's an older coleman canoe. Built like a tank but also just as heavy. I'll probably modify the design to suit my needs but building a second dolly with the same design and linking them up with the handle t-joint for better stability.
Woodenarrows - 9 years ago
Nice video, well edited and explained. thanks...
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Woodenarrows Glad you liked it!
triumphmanful - 9 years ago
Need to add PVC Glue and maybe primer ? It won't stay unless glued up.   Awesome, clear, and precise ! I hate videos on you tube that are un-clear and the person stutters, mumbles, says " UM, " , "BUT UM ", A " AND DUH" ! Why are people speaking like uneducated morons today ? Anyway, loved this, thanks so much !
jim c
jim c - 9 years ago
Hi There, used your plans and adapted for a kayak
works wonderful
Instead of parallel top rails, I angled the rails to follow the contour of the hull
Fits like a glove
Also didn't need the handle
I mount my kayak by standing behind the cart with both feet chocking the wheels.
Cart is tilted down , with kayak to the side I lift it onto the cart , it levels up and I secure with a bungee. then i can move feet away, Go to the front and away I go !
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+jim c Awesome idea about angling the top supports!
Yodaddi Jim
Yodaddi Jim - 9 years ago
Makify1 I just discovered this WONDERFUL video and it excites me to create this cart. I have two questions for you if u please don't mind answering: I have a Jackson Big Rig kayak that has a 37" width, should my "horizontal support" pipe be the same size (37")? Also, do you think its possible to add a 1.25" pipe onto my horizontal support pipe to create a "Roller" so that way the kayak can roll off/on? I truly appreciate your input/expertise and for sharing this wonderful video. :)
Makify1 - 9 years ago
+Rico Suave Yes, you'll probably need a wider horizontal support for such a wide kayak. Just measure the width of your kayak near where you expect to place the cart and make sure your cart is at least that wide. Your "roller" idea sounds intriguing. I don't know if it'll work but if you try it, I'd love to hear if it does.
Jesse Mancino
Jesse Mancino - 9 years ago
The way you put it onto your vehicle was smart! Using the wheels to act like a second person almost. Ive been toughing it up the side of my vehicle and I am going to try that method next. I have some el cheapo cart I bought. I should make my own soon.
John Leyva
John Leyva - 10 years ago
Awesome job at both your creation and the video...keep'm coming.
greg brown
greg brown - 10 years ago
Finished up my cart today,works great.the only thing I did was make it a little wider and I have 13 inch wheels.would put a pic but not sure how on here.thanks for the video helped me out a lot!
Trevor Wolfe
Trevor Wolfe - 10 years ago
How do you keep the canoe from falling off the cart keeps falling over when I'm trying to pull it
triumphmanful - 9 years ago
+Trevor Wolfe see the bunjie ? Nerd !
Jesse Mancino
Jesse Mancino - 9 years ago
+Trevor Wolfe My kayak only falls off when I going onto a bad angle. Its top heavy so every direction of travel must be straight. Avoid going across hills on angles. That might help.
Lisa Spears
Lisa Spears - 10 years ago
i am having the same problem. it seems the end of the kayak is not the place for the cart. more centered, and may have to push rather than pull. I also noticed that turning the kayak over, bottom up, the cart performed better. 
Makify1 - 10 years ago
I bungee cord the canoe to the cart and that seems to work. You could also try changing the position of the cart to balance the canoe better.
Esther Frasher
Esther Frasher - 10 years ago
EDDIE MAN - 10 years ago
I'm liking it. definitely making one of those. Thanks
Mark Williams
Mark Williams - 10 years ago
Your cart design was what I was looking for. Not only does it carry the canoe well, it can help you load it singlehanded on a SUV. Thanks
Elena L
Elena L - 10 years ago
Just discovered this tutorial...super straightforward and clear. Great quality! Can't wait to try this out. My kayak bottom is scraped up from all the times I've dragged it around the side of the house...
Quang Vuong
Quang Vuong - 10 years ago
very cool project. thanks
Dean H
Dean H - 10 years ago
The outtakes are hilarious.
Lene Ring
Lene Ring - 10 years ago
Where did you find your axle? I am having problem to find the right one.
Makify1 - 10 years ago
It's usually available at most hardware stores. In the big box stores it is usually in the same aisle as the nuts and bolts but often kind of hidden in a rack with metal tubing and sheet metal. At smaller hardware stores it might be somewhere else. You can also ask an employee where to find the "threaded rod" and they'll be able to help.
Ujash Shah
Ujash Shah - 10 years ago
Grt Grt Grt Helped a lot & will do it ............ Thanx
Jacob Speed
Jacob Speed - 10 years ago
This is pretty awesome. I got everything but the wheels from lows for just under $30 That included the 1" PVC pipe and fittings as well as a 3/8" x 3' threaded rod, nuts and bolts, pipe insulation, and pvc ratchet cutter. I got the wheels for about $8 for 2 at harbor freight. Before this project I purchased a dolly at sports authority for around $70 and it was a piece of junk, so I took it back. This PVC dolly will be much sturdier and i like the looks of it much better, and it floats. All for around $38 :)
Brooke McQuale
Brooke McQuale - 10 years ago
Hi, I made one and it works great and had no problems with your directions mainly because I do this sort of thing for a living (I'm a GC), but for projects such as this and others like it, may I suggest that you supply some sort of "cut list". Instead of just saying it should be 9" wide, 7" high, etc., a cut list allows for the lengths that go into the tee's, etc. For example: the fittings I used, the insert length is 15/16ths (so I rounded off to 1", because it's not that critical) thus, if you want 9" between fittings then you have to cut the tubing to 11". I little diagram at the end of the video of where these pieces go in relation to each other would be helpful. Also, I used the large wheels off of an old lawnmower and as things worked out I didn't need to cut the threaded rod, plus, I used end caps on the exposed ends which not only makes it look neater but it keeps the foam tubing from sliding off. I think mine could beat yours in a race.
andrew louderback
andrew louderback - 9 years ago
Get over yourself. There is a diagram
Cameron McQuale
Cameron McQuale - 10 years ago
You have a canoe?
Garbage Man
Garbage Man - 10 years ago
Made some changes to the design to better fit my sit-on-top kayak, and two small cones on top to better fit the scupper holes and two closed hooks on both sides of the PVC pipe above the tires. This helps to secure it with a bungee both on the water and on land. I'll try to post a video.
Ryan Green
Ryan Green - 10 years ago
This is a great design. I built one for my kayak and it is bomb proof - so much more sturdy than the $100+ ones you can buy at a store or on line. Thanks for posting this video.
Bassett Hound123
Bassett Hound123 - 10 years ago
nice video.. and dogs just like to
Pat Mack
Pat Mack - 10 years ago
To poor to buy one so I'm looking for sturdy ideas. Thanks
Bill Gates
Bill Gates - 10 years ago
Very smart idea!
Tony Martinez
Tony Martinez - 10 years ago
Ok man here is my video. Thanks again !

Canoe carrier. Video response to Makify1

Makify1 - 10 years ago
Great video! I like how you painted it.
Tony Martinez
Tony Martinez - 10 years ago
I built mine tonight. I'm going to make a video so you can see how it turned out. Thanks!
Makify1 - 10 years ago
Awesome! Can't wait to see how it turned out.
David Kayholm Jr.
David Kayholm Jr. - 10 years ago
Great cart. I making one tonight so I can use it this Thursday which is my day off. I price it out and it should cost right around 25 bucks. I already bought the the wheels last night. I have one question. You said you had to cut the rod for the axle down a few inches. I was wondering why you did not just leave it at the 24in.
Makify1 - 10 years ago
I could have left it at 24 inches but the axle would have stuck out past the wheels a little and I was afraid it would snag on things like my leg. Ouch.
T.R. PufnStuf
T.R. PufnStuf - 10 years ago
This is a great idea and I thought about doing it.  I priced out all the items and the cost was $51.49 at Lowe's. And that's using a much lower quality wheel that you showed.  I found that I can buy a new one on Amazon or Ebay for less money.  A consignment store here in my town actually has one for $50 that I am buying tomorrow.  I'll save $ .49.  But it is a good project, I just don't see the advantage from a price perspective.
T.R. PufnStuf
T.R. PufnStuf - 10 years ago
oh.  ok
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 10 years ago
i just think that your comment was criticizing but not in a mean way and i think thats cool
T.R. PufnStuf
T.R. PufnStuf - 10 years ago
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 10 years ago
I wish all youtube comments were as non insulting as this one.
Adam Robins
Adam Robins - 10 years ago
Thanks for posting this. I think you just solved my problem.
Erric Kielhorn
Erric Kielhorn - 10 years ago
Great job! You made this very simple and understandable.
CrashbladeKnives - 10 years ago
Nice cart.  I appreciate the tutorial.
Reds Kayak Fishing
Reds Kayak Fishing - 10 years ago
This was a great video, thank you. I went out and bought everything and had it built  in no time. Only thing I used different was 1/2 inch PVC, just because the kayak is a lot lighter. And it is a lot cheaper than going to Academy sports and buying one for 60 bucks.

100. comment for DIY PVC Canoe/Kayak Cart

Gregg Eckersen
Gregg Eckersen - 10 years ago
I would also like the individual piece measurements if you can provide them. I see po1ntman asked for them as well.
Makify1 - 10 years ago
I finally got around to making a supply list and cut chart. See the link in the description.
candyraved - 10 years ago
I made my version of your cart, I'll be posting the how-to later (when I have a chance to edit the footage).

Check it out and let me know what you think:

AK AKM - 10 years ago
Very good. I was able to make a kayak cart after watching your video. Keep up the good job.
candyraved - 10 years ago
I love it and I enjoy your video making skills. It took me a bit to get the pieces together as Alaska blows in terms of getting things cheap. That being said, I will be making one of these tomorrow (I hope) and I will video it and post it to my channel. The only thing is I wish you would have said what the measurements of each piece is. Wasn't too complicated, but it would have assisted in the process =)
Thanks again!
P.s. I have the same old style canoe you have, mine is an '82 and red.
grand dini
grand dini - 10 years ago
good job
Allen Hiebert
Allen Hiebert - 10 years ago
Thanks :) I've been wondering about making a cart more answered my question. Great video composition too.
Michael Plesch
Michael Plesch - 10 years ago
Nice cart....great dog!  woof
FStewartIII - 10 years ago
gskate104 - 10 years ago
nice job!
solarson53 - 10 years ago
clean project, 'well explained
Matthew Sinnen
Matthew Sinnen - 10 years ago
Is that schedule 40 or standard PVC?
Jhon Doe
Jhon Doe - 11 years ago
Very disappointed ...I made one of your carts and it did not work
Makify1 - 11 years ago
What do you mean? How did it not work?
Michael Smith
Michael Smith - 11 years ago

Caddis gets a thumbs up too. I've been looking for something like this. Thanks
hmongwild - 11 years ago
great build. im gona make one for my hobie kayak.
Keithava - 11 years ago
This is one of the better ideas that I have seen yet. You can use it for either boat. You could probably even fix up something to carry some gear. I might use this to do a bike trailer too.
Hélion kobretti
Hélion kobretti - 11 years ago
james wong
james wong - 11 years ago
Do you glue the parts together? I just made one but haven't had the chance to try it out yet thanks
Makify1 - 11 years ago
Yes, I glued the parts together. You might be able to get away with a tight dry fit though.
Andrea Jeske
Andrea Jeske - 11 years ago
Really excited to make this! Thanks so much for posting this
Upallnight - 11 years ago
Love the out takes.
Michael Barth
Michael Barth - 11 years ago
Total cost was 38.00 at Home Depot and harbor freight tires. This is the same price as what a similar one sells for on eBay with free shipping and no sales tax, but at least I can say I built it myself. Thank you!!
William Dees
William Dees - 11 years ago
Thanks for the instructions. I will use this to build a cart for my canoe.
jahmeykan - 11 years ago
Nice cart. I love the fact that I will be able to load my canoe on my Expedition without breaking my back! Can you give specifics of the components and the recommended assembly method? Thanks!
mgmartinec - 11 years ago
PVC is measured by the inside diameter. Also, you might be looking at the T fittings, which are larger so they can fit the straight pipe on the inside
Greenpond09 - 11 years ago
Looks awesome! I appreciate the very informative video and plan to build one soon. I will try to post some pics as soon as I finish.
Lynnda Butler
Lynnda Butler - 11 years ago
This is by far the best instruction for building a cart. We will adjust the width to fit the kayak and take the wings off for kayak purposes. Off to get parts Btw, the puppy is the best!!!
S.S. Juana A
S.S. Juana A - 11 years ago
This is awesome. Thank you for sharing. Can you share the list of stuff with measurement that you used to built this cart?
Makify1 - 11 years ago
The PVC is, in fact, 1 inch. The top supports are 12 inches apart from the centers of each pipe.
cossimodo1 - 11 years ago
I have the same question as GoneByRVBlog. In the video the PVC appears larger than 1 inch. Also, you indicate that the length between the two top support bars is 12 inches. That being the case, is that the length between the inside, center or outside of the two support bars? I appreciate any clarification you can provide. Thanks and regards.
GoneByRVBlog - 11 years ago
Is the PVC really 1" or is it larger?
Mauricio Orantes
Mauricio Orantes - 11 years ago
Going to home depot now!!
Jon New
Jon New - 11 years ago
Great vid, I'm building this but going to extend the handle to hook it up to my bike.
Jon New
Jon New - 11 years ago
Great vid, I'm building this but going to extend the handle to hook it up to my bike.
Jaime Martinez
Jaime Martinez - 11 years ago
Going to give it a try. Thanks!
Luan To
Luan To - 11 years ago
Best instruction on Canoe/Kayak cart online by far.
rascal4now - 11 years ago
Excellent!! Very well done video. Thank you. Will send a pix from Canada when I get mine built!! :)
storybored - 11 years ago
Great, simple design. Well done video. How about a piece of rope threaded through the handle end cap (knotted on the inside). Then you could run the canoe and cart right into the water at the ramp and retrieve the cart with the rope once the canoe is floating...
Zaxfire69 - 11 years ago
Building this in the morning!
DfishT - 11 years ago
Love the dogs role! Great job on the video.

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