Dog jumps after dolphin from kayak

On the Banana River, near port Canaveral Fla. Kayaking when we see Dolphins. Gracie our dachshund loves the water. She swam back to the boat after.

Dog jumps after dolphin from kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Kayak 9 years ago 241,653 views

On the Banana River, near port Canaveral Fla. Kayaking when we see Dolphins. Gracie our dachshund loves the water. She swam back to the boat after.

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Most popular comments
for Dog jumps after dolphin from kayak

Tzwixi - 7 years ago
this dog is fearless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So funny.... But doesn't stand a chance against a dolphin as dolphins are so smart and so fast. But they both have something unique: they are craving to play with respectful human beings! (dolphins are very playful with human beings if treated respectfully)
Kae Pugna
Kae Pugna - 7 years ago
Crazy Gracie lol
Bernie-Becky Bates-Henricks
Bernie-Becky Bates-Henricks - 7 years ago
I'm glad she swam back.
DoRaime YT
DoRaime YT - 7 years ago
she´s alive?
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 7 years ago
DoRaime YT this was a few years ago. Yes she is alive and still loves to kayak
Mary Watkins
Mary Watkins - 7 years ago
You can see her tail sticking up out of the water and wagging like mad.
TOGOヘイリー - 7 years ago
good クレージー いいね〜
brownsugar price
brownsugar price - 7 years ago
Did you recovery Gracie. She has an adventurous soul.
TOGOヘイリー - 7 years ago
この動画 何回見ても 飽きない。ブラボー
dupon davignon
dupon davignon - 8 years ago
0:47 lol, she's so happy that its tail serves as a propulsion engine

10. comment for Dog jumps after dolphin from kayak

Barbie Girl Mya Alexander
Barbie Girl Mya Alexander - 8 years ago
Gracie is a very cute dog
Lamby Corn
Lamby Corn - 8 years ago
haha what a silly brave pup!
YONGWONIL1 - 8 years ago
Why no life jacket for the dog?
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 8 years ago
YONGWONIL1 she can swim, and a life jacket we tried and wouldn't move. she swims all the time.. better then she runs on land. dives too as you can see.
Quinn Herlan
Quinn Herlan - 8 years ago
Did u get Gracie back
Susanna Pohto
Susanna Pohto - 9 years ago
Nice kayak, what model is it? Dreaming of summer here...
xuay - 9 years ago
DIOSpeedDemon - 9 years ago
To Dolphin- You called me WHAT....Biatch!!!!
DIOSpeedDemon - 9 years ago
Epic WEINER DOG....!!!!!
VariedVids - 9 years ago
Cutest thing ever!
Daily Mail
Daily Mail - 9 years ago
Hi Tina, is interested in licensing this video for a story about it. Will you please contact at your soonest convenience?

Thank you,

20. comment for Dog jumps after dolphin from kayak

marthacvd - 9 years ago
my dog's name is Gracie also and she would do exactly the same thing as your Gracie! lmao!!!! I showed my mom and we watched several times. ♡♡♡♡you for posting this!!!!!
RequiemTao - 9 years ago
Typical woman, panic mode straight away.
Chris Iu
Chris Iu - 9 years ago
potential haiku
Mc lovin
Mc lovin - 9 years ago
Call her name a few more times, she might listen to you if you tell her 20 times.
TrickyLover - 9 years ago
R.I.P Dog
Benjamin Boccio
Benjamin Boccio - 9 years ago
Lucky it wasn't a shark
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 9 years ago
Stupid ass dog
abdul - 9 years ago
classic gracie
Astralis Lux
Astralis Lux - 9 years ago
Harness your animals when you're on the water.
Astralis Lux
Astralis Lux - 8 years ago
Not true. The dog floats like humans and you pull it out of the water if it flips. Also, dogs are known for holding their breath much longer than humans.
Megan Claiborne
Megan Claiborne - 8 years ago
+Astralis Lux if the kayak flips your dog could drown. Everyone knows this.
Astralis Lux
Astralis Lux - 8 years ago
Not if you have a long leash. ALWAYS harness your dog to the kayak. Everyone knows this.
Lewis Costin
Lewis Costin - 9 years ago
What camera was this shot on?
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
galaxy 6s Android. between my knees. LOL.. it has an awesome camera.

30. comment for Dog jumps after dolphin from kayak

Wooster001 - 9 years ago
I would get her a doggie life vest. Funny video though
Original Pinkbird
Original Pinkbird - 9 years ago
I agree, a flotation vest is a good idea because they have a handle on the back & makes it easier to get the dog out if the water.
NinjaNerd8D - 9 years ago
put a damn lash on so that won't happen again you have to be careful
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
+Original Pinkbird thanks yeah a leash gets tangled up and the life vest we tried but she would move. and fell over. hahah. we are more careful now but she sometimes just gets hot and jumps in.
Original Pinkbird
Original Pinkbird - 9 years ago
A leash isn't a good idea. It can get caught or tangled & choke the poor dog.
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
well she never jumped out like that before and this was maybe her 20th kayak trip. we know know to hold her when we see dolphins or any critters. she swam back fine to our boats. she usually goes for a dip when she gets hot. she loves the water.
TheBIGOliveSoapCo - 9 years ago
you need to be very careful bull sharks are in the Florida area and are known to swim into rivers that feed into the ocean. I had a dachshund and he was just as fearless. miss him.
Rafa R
Rafa R - 9 years ago
Golfinhos e Cachorros são muito amigos...
rommel assis
rommel assis - 9 years ago
Da hora!!
A. Day
A. Day - 9 years ago
Your dachsund looks like a Weimaraner!
This video is on today's online Brazilian newspaper: G1.
Google this to find it: Veja cadela saltando de caiaque ao ver golfinho e mais cães 'sem noção'
A. Day
A. Day - 8 years ago
I grew up seeing a Weimaraner because a neighbour had one. I meant the colour, not the size. :)
The truth is that I didn't know there were grey Dachshunds. I find grey dogs very beautiful.
wupperelfe - 8 years ago
Like a Weimaraner? Have you ever seen one?! They are big, like Labradors....
marthacvd - 9 years ago
+Tina Calderin lololol!!!!
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
wow Brazil.. she is a grey doxi not very common, we call her a weimerweiner...
Christian Chang
Christian Chang - 9 years ago
Hahah that called a dachshund !! Ur dog remind me of my Buster chasing the ducks and jumped into the lake :):) He thought he could fly .... :):)
Emm Cee
Emm Cee - 9 years ago
One thing I've learned about Dachshunds after having owned one for the past 8 years - they are fearless and will run towards just about anything. In this case, swim towards it. lol. Never a dull moment with Wieners. They have quite a personality
Brian Minsk
Brian Minsk - 9 years ago
This is what dachshunds do. Fearless and badass.
Emm Cee
Emm Cee - 9 years ago
+Brian Minsk Yup lol, this is typical Dachshund behavior
Teresa S
Teresa S - 9 years ago
Cute!  And glad she's ok!
reVelske - 9 years ago
God dammit Gracy.
Nibelung Valesti
Nibelung Valesti - 9 years ago
You named your dog Crazy? Nice.
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
+Nibelung Valesti sometimes I call her crazy or crazy gracie
Ariel rose.A
Ariel rose.A - 9 years ago
+Nibelung Valesti no, its not☺
Nibelung Valesti
Nibelung Valesti - 9 years ago
Sounds like crazy to me!
Ariel rose.A
Ariel rose.A - 9 years ago
no, she didn't name it crazy! she named the dog Gracie.
Cvanso - 9 years ago
Gracie don't give a fuuck
alicia6960 - 9 years ago
Please put a life vest on your dog.
Ted Peterson
Ted Peterson - 7 years ago

Oh please. Aren't you worried about the whale safety?
Mike Strickl
Mike Strickl - 9 years ago
GirlWonder05 - 9 years ago
Did she get to play with the dolphin?
Katy Lee
Katy Lee - 9 years ago
I know how that feels, when me and my dolphin were hangin' around she saw a dog and decided to jump onto the ground. I almost freaked out.
marthacvd - 9 years ago
Jeff Simmons
Jeff Simmons - 9 years ago
+Katy Lee lol I hate it when that happens.
Christiana L.H
Christiana L.H - 9 years ago
Richard Perez
Richard Perez - 9 years ago
lol wtf
tk4227 - 9 years ago
Reminds me of the folks that drive their convertible with the top down and the dog in the back seat. Eventually the dog will jump out for a squirrel.
Naila Gonçalves
Naila Gonçalves - 9 years ago
Mais pegaram ele de volta
Renato j
Renato j - 9 years ago
kkkkk q fofinho.

50. comment for Dog jumps after dolphin from kayak

Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
yes she was fine. I just didn't want her to swim into the school of bait fish..
Ben Burch
Ben Burch - 7 years ago
He wasn't attacking! He wanted to PLAY
TheDretch - 8 years ago
Precisely. A dolphin attacking a dog is ridiculous.
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
+xilllllix yes you are right! everything crazy happens in Florida that is for sure. we now hold her back when she sees anything in the water. and she whines to go in. even if it is Nessy.
xilllllix - 9 years ago
+Tina Calderin

"This is florida."

Then it's not just dolphins you gotta worry about then. We're talking about the Loch Ness monster, alligators/crocs, aliens, hitler, etc.!

Everything's fair game in crazy Florida.
jody024 - 9 years ago
+Tina Calderin
ha!, nice :P
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
+jody024 she is gifted. lol. not your typical doxi. that's for sure. but she thinks she is a lab.. I call her my baby hippo.
jody024 - 9 years ago
+Tina Calderin Crazy pooch :P
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
I didn't say they would harm her. But bump her. Dolphins are rambunctious. Or cause more waves .. not the first time seeing dolphins. A manatee almost flipped my kayak once. Seperated from its baby.. so i know these waters. This is florida. She just pissed me off jumping like a crazy dog.
jody024 - 9 years ago
+Tina Calderin The Dolphins wouldn't harm her, they know the difference between your dog and the fish
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
she wanted to play. we have goats at home and she chases them. if you see she is listening for the. she never leaped out after one before. sure she has jumped in before to swim to my husbands boat or back to mine. she loves the water. she is always in our pool. she also loves manatees.
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
She is a fierce hunter.. she is good with our other dogs, chickens and goats. She has killed squirrels, moles and her favorite snakes. But this dolphin she heard in the water. I wasn't expecting the jump. She wines and barks at manatees. I think she was trying to heard the dolphin like she does our goats. I think she wanted to play.
Amanda Crawford
Amanda Crawford - 9 years ago
+Ariel Alcazar
Dachshunds were bred to follow badgers down into their holes and duel to the death. Why wouldn't a doxi go after something like a dolphin?
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
+Caramuru comment uneeded. Merry Christmas.
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
+Butch Man comments unneeded Merry Christmas.
Wesley - 9 years ago
+Butch Man the dog is an idiot for itself...
LELAND LEE - 9 years ago
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
+Beers For Jeers sorry opps.
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
OH oops
TourAbsurd - 9 years ago
+Tina Calderin I think Beers For Jeers was talking to Leland Lee.
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
Tina Calderin
Tina Calderin - 9 years ago
yes she was fine. she was just in the thick of a school of bait fish.. dolphins are big. and could bump her not knowing it. she thinks she's a dolphin. they are the same color.

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