EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY

This video shows an easy way to add Outriggers to your kayak. These Outriggers (Pontoons / Stabilizers) are made from materials you can find at most Big Box stores. I'll show you some Outriggers made from Crab Floats... and also how to make them from Soda Bottles. See the links below for the Crab Floats, and the Kayak Cart. Take care, alan http://homesteadadvisor.com/ You can search ALL of Amazon from this link: http://homesteadadvisor.com/amazon-store/ Kayaks and Kayak Accessories: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=132 Here's a LINK to some Crab Floats: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B002EOWOHW A LINK to a different colored Crab Float: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B002EOYLJ6 Here's a LINK to the great Kayak Cart I use: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B00823FSRC Here's a LINK to a Flush Mount (45 degree) Rod Holder: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B0024ALB4S

EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY sentiment_very_dissatisfied 163

Kayak 10 years ago 532,469 views

This video shows an easy way to add Outriggers to your kayak. These Outriggers (Pontoons / Stabilizers) are made from materials you can find at most Big Box stores. I'll show you some Outriggers made from Crab Floats... and also how to make them from Soda Bottles. See the links below for the Crab Floats, and the Kayak Cart. Take care, alan http://homesteadadvisor.com/ You can search ALL of Amazon from this link: http://homesteadadvisor.com/amazon-store/ Kayaks and Kayak Accessories: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=132 Here's a LINK to some Crab Floats: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B002EOWOHW A LINK to a different colored Crab Float: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B002EOYLJ6 Here's a LINK to the great Kayak Cart I use: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B00823FSRC Here's a LINK to a Flush Mount (45 degree) Rod Holder: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B0024ALB4S

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Most popular comments
for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY

Buckwheat - 7 years ago
Wheres the steering video
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
Sold the kayak ... sorry
mansonmydog - 7 years ago
Someone needs to make a 20 minute video on how to make a 4 minute video
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
YOUR videos are a LOT shorter.
Afro Bassin TV
Afro Bassin TV - 7 years ago
love it ! thanks brother
Robert Gilmore
Robert Gilmore - 7 years ago
Good video I think I would use the crab floats seem stronger than coke bottle.  I wish you showed a on the water test to show how it floats on the water.
Andrea Eiermann
Andrea Eiermann - 7 years ago
how can i put stablizers onto my Sea eagle razor lite. inflatable boat ?
Brendan_636 - 7 years ago
I would suggest just replacing it . and not drilling holes in something that is inflatable..

look for a kayak made for fishing, as they are designed to be stable, where as something called a "razor lite" sounds like and is advertised to be something that cuts through water faster and easier.

if it had hard points like handles you would say wedge a bar through it but it has non, and that would be a bad idea creating excessive force on points that were not designed for it.
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
I have no idea. I don't know the boat. You'll have to do some experimenting. I would say PVC plastic pipe and floats like I used in this would work for you, but I don't know how to tell you to fabricate it.
Richard Hutchinson
Richard Hutchinson - 7 years ago
Nice job. Just wondering if the trailing one wouldn't be better pointed forward also. It wouldn't look as good, but if your going to have it in contact with the water full time it seems like the butt of the second one is would push a lot of water. Thanks for the video.
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
Not sure.
Sometimes you do go backward when you are maneuvering the kayak.
Life In the Backwater
Life In the Backwater - 7 years ago
It would be greatly appreciated if you guys would give my video on making kayak outriggers out of your kayak paddle. Let me know what you think.
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
Dude... that's a GREAT idea... simple !
Geo Prospector
Geo Prospector - 7 years ago
HAHAHAHAA- coke bottle. That was funny.
Dan Roy
Dan Roy - 7 years ago
4th try to make it to the end of this vid!

10. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY

Alex Lai
Alex Lai - 7 years ago
fantastic! thank you for making this very informative video. you gave me some great ideas!
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
Glad to help!
Brenton Bucher
Brenton Bucher - 7 years ago
how do you pin the outriggers if you have a flush mount rod holders? I love the idea just don't know how to secure them in my flush mount rod holders.
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
Not sure. You may have to use bungee cords or something to hold them in place.
The outriggers don't have to be held completely still I don't think.
If they move a little (like bungee's stretching)... I think it would be OK
Cathy Bishop
Cathy Bishop - 7 years ago
Thank you for the well made demonstration, I had no idea about the measuring and leveling.
Jerry Toombs
Jerry Toombs - 7 years ago
DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TMI for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
TMEP (too many exclamation points)
majikdragon - 7 years ago
It's not a real job until you've got bloody knuckles :D
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
Well said.
Somebody needs to write that down...
Jim Wheeler
Jim Wheeler - 7 years ago
tell me what you did with the Pelican..... blah, blah, blah with all the other yaks ...
penny hochhalter
penny hochhalter - 7 years ago
so what do you look like we like em chunky and old
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
You'd LOVE me :)
skillzsaw blade
skillzsaw blade - 7 years ago
is that Mathew mchonihay
HessFilms - 7 years ago
Martin Pêcheur
Martin Pêcheur - 7 years ago

20. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY

kingfisher71 - 7 years ago
You being "stealthy" on purpose is what I was afraid of. I can't think of a single kayak question. I gotta million more though. We gotta be neighbors. I live on the east shoreline of Lake Houston. Most of the questions I've got aren't ones I'd want to be answered in a public forum. Jay
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
Actually, you're about 3.5 hours south of me
kingfisher71 - 7 years ago
Btw, read the feed back AFTER I wrote my comment. People! Watch videos of a man getting OUTSIDE and doing ANYTHING, ya'll sit in Mom's basement (in your underwear) and slam this good man. He explains things so the stupid people can understand. Don't like it? Move on.
maharlika17 - 7 years ago
kingfisher71 LOL exactly! People that complain about this video should try to do their own vid and see how well they compare viewer wise with TexasPrepper2. :)
irrelavant13 - 7 years ago
kingfisher71 HEY! I'm in my garage and I'm naked.... Thanks you very much!

Great video.
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the backup.
Yep... kinda strange, but every time I look at someone's channel that rags on me... I see nothin'
No videos, no nuthin'.

One comment is "learn to make a video people want to watch"... well, this one has almost a HALF MILLION VIEWS!

You're right, they need to get out of the basement from time to time.
Thanks for the comment, King
kingfisher71 - 7 years ago
Man! You're harder to get a hold of than George Bush! I've looked at you're website and can't find a contact address. May be that way on purpose. Got several questions I'd really like to run past you.
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
I'm hard to get hold of on purpose:)
I sold the kayak, so I probably can't answer any of your questions anyway, but you can just reply to this comment and I'll try to answer you if I can.
Mary Wamsganz
Mary Wamsganz - 7 years ago
Rocka Flocka
Rocka Flocka - 7 years ago
...but thanks for the good ideas, I got the gist!
Rocka Flocka
Rocka Flocka - 7 years ago
Damn, Texans sure do TALK a lot...
Jeff Krushinski
Jeff Krushinski - 7 years ago
I'm sure you also complain about the "no dialog" videos. Idiot.
irrelavant13 - 7 years ago
Rocka Flocka hahaha he's got to be from East Texas.
matthew - 7 years ago
Denny Hess
Denny Hess - 7 years ago
If I hear you say foty Fahv and Nonty piece a pop one more time, Imina start dancing to it. Sheeeesh, we heard you the 15th time!
TexasPrepper2 - 7 years ago
Actually, I said it Foty Fahv times :)
Thomas OShea
Thomas OShea - 7 years ago
Great how to video but would have liked to see it working on the water.Thanks
Jody White
Jody White - 8 years ago
old or new trolling motor bracket works real good

30. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY

D.Nasty Fishing
D.Nasty Fishing - 8 years ago
good stuff.. swing thru D.Nasty Fishing support the sport subscribe and holler at me
Phu Vet
Phu Vet - 8 years ago
Conduit is also UV protected so it wont get brittle or chalky
Mandy Carr-moody
Mandy Carr-moody - 8 years ago
Send me updates please
J. Wesley Stevenson
J. Wesley Stevenson - 8 years ago
You should check out Expandacraft modular boats, as a photographer, I can sit up in a swivel chair spin around to get the shot and fit it in the back of a small hatchback car.
Tuesday Whitt
Tuesday Whitt - 8 years ago
Great Idea !
A1phanum3ric69 - 8 years ago
Great idea nicely done! Have you tested how difficult it is with the training wheels on to recover from a capsize?
TexasPrepper2 - 8 years ago
No... I've sold that Kayak, but I think it would be very difficult to capsize with the pontoons on.
Ryan Pollock
Ryan Pollock - 8 years ago
Anyone know where I can find those buoys in green or blue??? Thanks.
yisok Jang
yisok Jang - 8 years ago
That's great ~ It seems like people who want to make their outriggers are very interested in this video.
Patrick Wayne Bowles
Patrick Wayne Bowles - 8 years ago
send me updates please thanks
TexasPrepper2 - 8 years ago
I never got around to doing the rudder video before I sold that Kayak.
voodoo blu
voodoo blu - 8 years ago
looks great but you're a little long winded and repetitive. JS.
Dancing Wolf
Dancing Wolf - 8 years ago
Where did you get to wheels at ?
weekender38 - 8 years ago
you do really neat work, thanks
triumphmanful - 8 years ago
No-one sells crab/lobster trap floats here ! Where can I buy some ?
TexasPrepper2 - 8 years ago
You'll just have to experiment. All kayaks are different
Chino Ayala
Chino Ayala - 8 years ago
TexasPrepper2 do have to glue anything If I got a flush mount rod holder?
Bigdadiwoowoo - 8 years ago
eBay has them
Yancey Devoy
Nakoa Warrior
Nakoa Warrior - 8 years ago
Fly Oz
Fly Oz - 8 years ago
Housten, were goin to go in with a five and half inch piece :D
Tom Blizzard
Tom Blizzard - 7 years ago
Keep in mind that a lot of the packing peanuts are starch based and dissolve in water. Don't use the wrong ones!
TexasPrepper2 - 8 years ago
Sure... I would think so...
NuclearShot - 8 years ago
Will the coke bottles work if you fill it with peanut packing foam?
Fly Oz
Fly Oz - 8 years ago
Just saw the floats 4 coke bottles that is so inspired. at first i thought they where going to be custom must buy floats
Enrique Lopez
Enrique Lopez - 8 years ago
where is the video about the rudder
TexasPrepper2 - 8 years ago
I never got around to it before I sold that Kayak.
jeannie Arnold
jeannie Arnold - 8 years ago
send me updates
TexasPrepper2 - 8 years ago
I never got around to doing the rudder video before I sold that Kayak.
bfgiv ithb
bfgiv ithb - 8 years ago
Well done!  Thanks!
Victor Acevedo
Victor Acevedo - 8 years ago
Send me updates!
Great Vid, new to fishing/kayaking diy projects. Keep it up!
TexasPrepper2 - 8 years ago
I never got around to doing the rudder video before I sold that Kayak.

50. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY

fr3aky0u - 8 years ago
Are you Matthew McConaughey?
TexasPrepper2 - 8 years ago
Naw... he ain't near as purty as me :)
yellowdeer 7
yellowdeer 7 - 8 years ago
Great vid. Austin Kayak sells the same buoy for 6.99 each buoy plus shipping. Shipped by Fed Ex. They also carry a lot of kay merchandise.
VF6 - 8 years ago
lol bro if u can afford a kayak you should be able to spend what maybe 50-200 dollars, also it doesnt look good it looks like coke bottles seriously bro we are not gonna subscribe u suck at explaining things and your kayak outriggers SUCK AND ARE REALLY UGLY
이대섭 이대섭
이대섭 이대섭 - 8 years ago
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4// 1인용 소형 낚시 배 양 쪽 보조 부력 장치 썰매 갯 벌 밀 고 낳가기 시스템 2/ 누구나 쉽게 돗이 물에 빠졌을 때 접이 식 형식으로 쉽게 들어 올릴 돗 시스템 3/ 뻘과 물에서 타고 다닐 수 잊는 자전거 기어 시스템 최대 응용 100.20에 40 구성,설계,설치 3d 그래픽 설계 아래 싸이트 링크 올려 주시면 감사 합니다.


누가 위 민원소취를 현 국가정부,정부 1급 최고 정책 자 모든 카약,보트,위드 쇼핑 보드, 갯벌 썰매 제조업체 1급 최고 경영자 개발팀, 군 1급 최고 정책자, 전 군인, 국회, 모든 국회의원 모든 은행 권 1급 최고 경영자개발팀,최고 경영자께 전달해 주시면 감사 합니다.


늘 수고에 감사 합니다.
triumphmanful - 8 years ago
Wang Chung ! Rice bowl !
triumphmanful - 8 years ago
wang chung ! Rice bowl !
triumphmanful - 8 years ago
wang chung ! Rice bowl !
Just Mee
Just Mee - 8 years ago
send updates
DogdeCoronet 500
DogdeCoronet 500 - 8 years ago
You should be making them out of PVC. It can be bent with a heat gun. The crab floats in Arizona cost $30.00 for four + shipping. I may try it if I can find cheaper floats!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hippie Hounder
Hippie Hounder - 8 years ago
nice set up. new sub.
DogdeCoronet 500
DogdeCoronet 500 - 8 years ago
You kick ass. Thank you Randy Show Low Az
Rufino Isigny
Rufino Isigny - 8 years ago
Great idea and presentation! Thanks!
Piro olivare
Piro olivare - 8 years ago
Trey73 - 8 years ago
The first 10 minutes is him telling you how snug the coupling is and how a flush mount rod holder works....over and over and over....we get it. Exhausting, couldn't make it to the end.
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
the system has got people sped up out of their minds ! yet again more proof.
Martin Pêcheur
Martin Pêcheur - 7 years ago
Trey73 all rod holder inserts are flush mount...he's lacking in the proper terminology...I'm done...it's way too long...don't waste your time..
Eric Paradise
Eric Paradise - 7 years ago
Trey73 no shit
Rocka Flocka
Rocka Flocka - 7 years ago
Yup. Sped the video clear up to 2-speed and STILL couldn't get through to the end!
Michael Brown
Michael Brown - 8 years ago
+Trey73 dude's in agreement. Slow your roll homie...
Trey73 - 8 years ago
Don't get butt hurt, learn to make a video people want to watch.
triumphmanful - 8 years ago
Yea ! Shut up and move on !
Dream Antenna Designs
Dream Antenna Designs - 8 years ago
will this increase the amount of maximum weight allowed inside the Kayak ?
TexasPrepper2 - 8 years ago
+Dream Antenna Designs
It is mainly for side to side stability... but it may increase the capacity... not sure...
Jessie Fair
Jessie Fair - 8 years ago
Dang good job.
Lance Large
Lance Large - 9 years ago
Great job!
larry ybarra
larry ybarra - 9 years ago
Where did you get the foam floats at?
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+larry ybarra
Here's a LINK to some Crab Floats:

A LINK to a different colored Crab Float:
Gabe Domenech
Gabe Domenech - 9 years ago
TexasPrepper2, why can you just build a set for me I'll pay you upfront, via pay pal, pay for shipping. I am have the same exact kayak, do we have a deal????
hope we do,
I'll take rudder too!!!!!
Gabe Domenech
Gabe Domenech - 9 years ago
+TexasPrepper2 LOL aweeeee man, I'm not a handyman bud at all.. I pull out that drill at my house ALL RUN like I'm holding a chainsaw, I just make serious damage, lol, great kayak, have owned same one for 8 years, can't get rid of her.. where have I heard that before??? lol
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+Gabe Domenech
Sorry, man... way too busy. It wouldn't be hard for you to do yourself... try it !
Jmarlin35 - 9 years ago
does this stabilize the kayak enough to stand on?
Jmarlin35 - 9 years ago
+TexasPrepper2 I have already ordered most of the stuff I need from amazon! I have the same kayak you have but my rod holders are built in flush! can't wait to put it all together and get out on the water!
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
I stood once.. but I'm too fat and old to feel comfortable standing.
You might want to try it. It DOES stabilize the kayak quite a bit.
ericsmibs - 9 years ago
I am wondering if these out riggers will interfere with the paddle motions..... I think they would.. Id hate to keep banging them...  Thoughts?
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
They seemed to a little... if I take long strokes...
But, using this design (with a little trial and error) they can be angled back a little to keep them from interfering.
Paul Dunham
Paul Dunham - 9 years ago
Please send me updates LOL...great job
C Ching
C Ching - 9 years ago
Looks good!
Gerry Toomey
Gerry Toomey - 9 years ago
just starting out thinking of putting an electric outboard on .
Wayn Jul
Wayn Jul - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info. I am trying to make some kind of platform I can stand on in front of my kayak and gig flounder.
I will have to balance my weight distribution and if I have these near the front maybe that will work.
Macbrand - 9 years ago
looks professional, nice work.
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+Macbrand Thanks
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 9 years ago
why do you want a rudder and why do you need outriger
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+pen mightygun
Lots of folks use a rudder (especially if they have a sail)... and the outriggers help keep from tipping over.
Current Drives
Current Drives - 9 years ago
nicely done!
BigMacBushcraft - 9 years ago
Very glad your video came up in my 'recommended' feed today.
Probably one of the simplest and best outrigger designs I have come across. Looks great and will work really well on my kayak.
Thanks for sharing.
jmleewong - 9 years ago
Enjoyed the video and what you did was great!  You made it difficult to follow your instructions by talking about other types of rod holders and boats. Thanks!
Dan Roy
Dan Roy - 9 years ago
worddunlap - 9 years ago
The 90 is an electrical fitting, schedule 40 and the elbow is a plumbers part usually schedule 20 (thinner) you can custom bend PVC (electrical schedule 40) with a heat gun or hot box. I think the riggers could be one piece. Don't exceed a 90 degree bend or make the bends with too tight a radius. Sometimes it is NOT sunlight resistant, it usually says so on the conduit. If not you can paint it with paint for plastic.
Daniel Saldate
Daniel Saldate - 9 years ago
send me updates
WillN2Go1 - 9 years ago
I'll be a busy body.... I've made outriggers for a racing kayak (too tippy for me).  The first thing to understand about pontoons, outriggers, etc  ... is  that once they are completely submerged you've reached maximum buoyancy--it's like walking off the edge. Once they are all under--they'll keep going. This seems to be not included in most information about outriggers.
(I find that my outriggers alone won't support my weight, but attached to my kayak I can lean way over to either side without sinking them. For me this is a good 'test'.
The longer your outrigger poles the more leverage you get.
PVC is great stuff, however.... it's not structural (but I don't see any issues with how you're using them). Aluminum tubing 1/16" wall is great stuff. 1.5" diameter is almost twice as strong as 1.25 diameter and only 1/3rd more weight. Where you drill and attach aluminum tubing, just plane down a length of dowel rod and tap it in. Now you won't crush the tubing at a drill hole. (I could use straight aluminum tubing because I mounted them to the deck, and then carved foam floats to fit where the aluminum poles were above the waterline) I happened to have anodized aluminum, but I've also used uncoated aluminum. It's amazing how well aluminum holds up in salt water. Freshwater? I don't know.)

And if you're still reading. I really like how you've attached to the plastic kayak, how they fold up.  This is a critical connection to very soft material. Springiness in the outrigger helps keep a shock (caught in surf) from transferring the force to the deck connection. Of course the proof of any outrigger is how well they work for you. When I finish my next generation outriggers I'll post YouTube video--so everyone can have a good laugh. The more I learn and the better I get the bigger the disasters I can put together.
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+WillN2Go1 Great comment !
gosoxyankeehater1 - 9 years ago
Hey TP can you stand on your pelican now that you have the pontoons. I have the castaway 13ft and was gonna start the project so I can stand on mine
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+gosoxyankeehater1 When I took it to my daughter's pool to make my final adjustments (before gluing everything up) I DID stand up in it... and it was pretty stable. But, I'm not confident enough yet to stand up in a lake... too old and fat :(
isardriver S
isardriver S - 9 years ago
great idea - thanks
n2dabloo - 9 years ago
I have the same, exact model of kayak.  Ah gotta give this a whirl.  Many thanks.
spodzip - 9 years ago
A big thank you for a great solution to my 10 ft Pelican Kayaks self made instability. After the addition of a "captains chair" this sit in became a bit more tipsy than I liked for my fishing outings into the Strait of Georgia (Vancouver Island). Your practical approach was easy to follow and the result was a stable Kayak in the often choppy waters in our neck of the woods. After this success I went one step further and added a 1m sail from Pacific Action. Amazingly in a recent sea trial this Kayak handled a 10mph  wind extremely well which makes me to believe that 15 or even 20 mph winds giving this outrigger Kayak no problems. I would like to share with you a video clip I produced for my Family here in Canada and Overseas. Received great comments which I hereby like to pass on to you for a job well done.        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6hBs7M6ZXM
spodzip - 9 years ago
+TexasPrepper2 highly recommended. It's a bit pricy in comparison to what I paid for the Kayak however the fun you get out of it is priceless.
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+spodzip Glad I could help... you looked like you were having a great time... I've been thinking about a sail myself :)
Drive Life
Drive Life - 9 years ago
Send me updates please
Michael Baker
Michael Baker - 9 years ago
Good idea, thanks
StandsWithABeer - 9 years ago
great crab float website: www.easternmarine.com  (comes up as Trailer Parts; go to their Marine Store link).
You have the best kayak pontoon DIY on the Internet, TP2.  I cannot thank you enough.  I am nearly 7' tall & 300 lbs.  My kayak is rated for 500 lbs, but I have lost the use of my knees, pretty much, and have to fall into & out of the 'yak.  Not fun.  These pontoons will help immeasurably.  Thank you very much for your vid! :) It was like a visit from Santa Claus.  You Rock!
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+StandsWithABeer Thanks for the kind words SWAB (great name by the way)... hope it helps you out.
Let me know when you get yours done.
Ban Joe
Ban Joe - 9 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opIsU6KrEhU  Installing 3/4 conduit in crab floats. The direct approach.
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+Ban Joe Nice !
Ban Joe
Ban Joe - 9 years ago
Great idea. Like all great ideas we build upon each others to make little improvements. While trying to find a more effective way to fit the 3/4 conduit into the Crab buoy I decided to try the direct approach. I ground a slight taper on one end of the conduit that goes into the buoy. Then lubed the hole in the buoy with dish washing liquid. Shoved it in fairly easily about half the way. Then used a rawhide hammer to drive the conduit the rest of the way through the buoy. Snug fit but did not damage the buoy. Make sure and prep the conduit before applying glue. I made a short video and  I will try to give the link later. Thanks again for the very helpful video.
Reeled You Inn
Reeled You Inn - 9 years ago
Pretty funny how you hesitated when you said it "looked . . . . . great" Would have been nice to see it in action.
Will Clowser
Will Clowser - 9 years ago
Thank you for the video. It got me going on mine. I have the sun Dolph journey 10' as. This may help some of your viewers. If you have flush mount rod holders. I found two ways to get it done . 1. 1" PVC pipe with 2 -1" PVC coupling per side they will slide in with little love with. Coupling at the bottom and pipe between bottom coupling and the second one just below top of flush mount then go from there with your Elec 1" long bend 90. Working with 1" fittings and pipe is the way to go less fittings less problem s. 2. Or 1" 1/4 pipe with heat works great to not as strong and very big fittings . the pipe will go all the way in as well . hope it may help some kayak friends out. Thank you again for video. Hope to see in action. How far out from the yak are your outrigger s. Thanks will c
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+Will Clowser I haven't measured them, but probably only a foot or so...
FlyBaby - 9 years ago
If you buy schedule 80 water pipe it will be very thick
VietnamTrails Adventures
VietnamTrails Adventures - 9 years ago
Great..! Thanks for your ideas!..
Ian Mactavish
Ian Mactavish - 9 years ago
yeaaaaaa ee son hell ya dis is great       i  could use dis
tcseKrew - 9 years ago
Just got done building these for my kayak, following this guide. Thanks! I added some Great Stuff big gap filler to all of the pvc pipes to make the outriggers more buoyant and seem more solid. I haven't tried these out on the water yet... but my main concern is that the pvc pipes may come apart when pressure is applied to them. Has anyone tested these out on the water yet?
tcseKrew - 9 years ago
+TexasPrepper2 Will do! Thanks for the awesome guide. I'd love to see what you did on the front of your kayak there...
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+tcseKrew I've been out a couple of times.. no problems. But... the PVC must be glued or you DO risk them coming apart. I would take it out... (i did a swimming pool for this) make sure the outriggers are exactly where you want them (level, plumb to the kayak, how deep in the water you want them, etc)... mark them... THEN... glue them...
giovanni Indellicati
giovanni Indellicati - 9 years ago
Thanks Nice video , have a pelican dont have the back brases but it have the dent for, my question to you ? Where do you can get the Crab'Float, well thank again 
Giovanni from Florida
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
MrDodge49 - 9 years ago
Just plain good diy. Brilliant!!!!!!
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+MrDodge49 I'm gonna tell my wife someone told me I'm "brilliant"... she may disagree :)
Melissa Lilly
Melissa Lilly - 9 years ago
Need size of crab pot floats please... only ones we find in our area are 5" x 11". Thx
RV Kayak Racks. Com
RV Kayak Racks. Com - 9 years ago
Fantastic idea!  Easy to add when you get there and very sturdy..

100. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY

dave c
dave c - 9 years ago
Great video
Do theses interfere with paddle stroke
do you have to use a smaller stroke to avoid hitting them
going to follow this design as new to kayak fishing in uk
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+dave c Yes... a little bit shorter stroke. But, placing them a little further back might eliminate this.
Suk Jun Moon
Suk Jun Moon - 9 years ago
Looks good. I made outrigger myself but it is too big... where did u that pipe?
Suk Jun Moon
Suk Jun Moon - 9 years ago
+TexasPrepper2 Thanks
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+문석준 Home Depot
Reds Kayak Fishing
Reds Kayak Fishing - 9 years ago
Great video. I DO have a Pelican sit-in kayak. They have 2 flush mount rod holders. I'm gonna give this a try and let you know how it works out.
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+Lisa Spears A little more difficult... and I haven't done it... but I would think that after you get the outriggers right where you want them (depth, angle, etc) you could clamp (or bungee) them together somehow so that they held each other in a stable position.
Let me know what you come up with...
Lisa Spears
Lisa Spears - 9 years ago
+TexasPrepper2 Not you Texas prepper2, but. David D. But you if you can answer my question I would appreciate it. I have flush mount rod holders that came on the kayak, how do you get the pipes to stay in them???
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
+Lisa Spears I drilled a hole in the rod holders. Watch again at 15:55
Lisa Spears
Lisa Spears - 9 years ago
+David D How do you get the pipes to stay in the flush mount rod holders?
TexasPrepper2 - 9 years ago
Do that !
Fred Mueller
Fred Mueller - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video.  I am using the idea for my craft.  How much of the float is actually in the water (below the water line) when the kayak is idle?
Mike Lauricha
Mike Lauricha - 10 years ago
i did this,,,i like it,,,works for me !!!!
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
+Mike Lauricha Great ... Glad I could help !
Greg West
Greg West - 10 years ago
Amazing...Great job. I am going to try this with my sit-in fishing kayak.

Thanks for your work in doing this video!!
Richard Bertram
Richard Bertram - 10 years ago
Great idea. Nice job. Gave me some ideas. Thanks.
Alpatriod - 10 years ago
Hopefully this will reinsure my parents I won't die while kayaking on the lake with the fishing pole
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
+Alpatriod Tell 'em TP2 saved your life! :)
Carl Schnackel
Carl Schnackel - 10 years ago
Of all the plans for outriggers I've seen on Youtube, this is the one that looks the least like something homemade.  They look professionally made.  I've seen similar types on the water, so I know they will work.  I saw this design on a yak and thought it was purchased.  I even went to a few stores asking for them, until I saw this video!  Thanks a bunch for the sharing the info.
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
+Carl Schnackel Your welcome, and thanks for the kind words !
Dane White
Dane White - 10 years ago
that's really smart! I was looking at some stand up kayaks and the prices were a little high for me. This is a great alternative!
Historian et moi
Historian et moi - 10 years ago
Just bought an INTEX 2 Person Challenger K2 Inflatable Kayak and I do love it.. Can you figure out how I can put outriggers on this 11 foot Kayak.?
Please e mail me any updates  to Thedudeguy13@aol.com  thanks
StandsWithABeer - 9 years ago
+Historian et moi you can do it only if it has a floor. If it doesn't, place a board under the uninflated pontoons, and inflate the kayak to hold it down. You can now work out an attachment solution from there. Should be easy, actually -- following TP2's example. Instead of using rod holders, use 2 aluminum adjustable flagpole-holders & build out from that. Hope this helps.
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
+Historian et moi Not sure how you would make outriggers in an inflatable... but if you put your mind to it, I bet you could figure it out. Probably strap them down or something.
ShannonFLHI - 10 years ago
Good video! Thanks for posting it.
Lonestar Rebel
Lonestar Rebel - 10 years ago
Where in Texas are you?
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
+Lonestar Rebel
Will do...
Lonestar Rebel
Lonestar Rebel - 10 years ago
Lonestar Rebel
Lonestar Rebel - 10 years ago
ahh ok, well I live down by Galveston so if you ever come down this way give me a shout and we'll get together and rip some lips. Tight lines!
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
+Lonestar Rebel ETX
Vernon Terry
Vernon Terry - 10 years ago
I liked your design approach to adding pontoons (training wheels) and followed your advice to do the same to my 2015 Ascend kayak from Bass Pro Shop.  It turned out excellent with a few modifications on my part as I adapted a Minn Kola electric motor and added rod holders. 
I would like to send you a picture of the finished installation.  How do I do that?
Gary E. Sims
Gary E. Sims - 10 years ago
Great idea. I used boat bumpers from Walmart for my floats. Could not find the crab floaters. Your design got me on the right path.
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
Glad I could help !
Rick James
Rick James - 10 years ago
Where do you drill the holes put in the keys if you have rod holder that are flush on the kayak?
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
Never done it... but I would think you could tie the outrigger arms (with a bungie) to something like a milk crate or some other fixed structure on the back of your kayak. That should make them stable enough to do their job...
phartattack - 10 years ago
Did they even work? You have no video(s) of your outriggers in use
StandsWithABeer - 9 years ago
+TexasPrepper2 I would like to see them in action, too! :)
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
Yes they did... I just didn't take a camera with me when I went out. Maybe when it warms up in the spring, I will...
Ira Ratliff
Ira Ratliff - 10 years ago
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
Not sure... but I would think you want it near your butt... the place where most of your weight is distributed. I HAVE seen folks use their milk crate as a contact point for their outriggers. You may want to see if you can do that, using the pipe and fittings I show in this video.
Drew Olmsted
Drew Olmsted - 10 years ago
Do you have another video that shows these in action?  Looks like a nice d.i.y. setup.
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
No other video... I don't get out on the water much. Will try to vid later... maybe in the spring.
Joe Castillo
Joe Castillo - 10 years ago
That's why I ask , I'm 68 and right at 200 lbs. Thanks for the reply . JOE FROM TEMPLE , TEXAS
Joe Castillo
Joe Castillo - 10 years ago
Are you able to stand and fish after you put outriggers on you pelican , cause I too have one .
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
I did stand up once... just to see if I could... but I'm not brave enough to fish standing. I'm getting too old (and fat) for that :)
Paradoxtal Pythons
Paradoxtal Pythons - 10 years ago
I retract the last negative comment I said. yes at the beginning .... BUT

Paradoxtal Pythons
Paradoxtal Pythons - 10 years ago
Exactly what I was looking for.

Get to the point though.
You repeated yourself monotonous amount of times.

Again loved the video theme.
Theredneck Prepper
Theredneck Prepper - 10 years ago
That rocks bro !
David Hunt
David Hunt - 10 years ago
sorry, but your killing me with too much detail and trying to address every conceivable scenario. of course you do not know what their kayak looks like.
Austin C
Austin C - 7 years ago
shut up
David Webb
David Webb - 7 years ago
David Hunt Eat a turd you ungreatful SOB! Let's see your video up here before you start spittin' chaw on this one. It's a great vid, very well made and explained. RETARD!!!
David Hunt
David Hunt - 10 years ago
any body that needs to be given this much detail on how to do every little step you are giving, probably should not be going anywhere in his kayak except maybe his backyard. information overload!!!
David Hunt
David Hunt - 10 years ago
Oh yes, I was hoping you would notice.
Jim S
Jim S - 10 years ago
So, you needed to post twice to tell him "too much info"? Do you see the irony?
kbbacon - 10 years ago
Interesting comments. Great video!! I understood all of it.
Walt Lars
Walt Lars - 10 years ago
Wrap the round part of 3L pop bottle around the Tee and put some props made out of PVC cut on a band saw cut on a band saw on the back side paint like a torpedo
FixedByDoc OffGrid
FixedByDoc OffGrid - 10 years ago
good stuff...
Kent Eddy
Kent Eddy - 10 years ago
Har har har. You Texans speak funny!
You should try turning the Annotation ON (close captioning) and see how your speech is interpreted.
What a hoot!
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
+Prof.Kent :)
Prof.Kent - 10 years ago
OK, I've tried the CC on one of my videos now and I don't think it is so funny anymore.
Prof.Kent - 10 years ago
I see your problem you donut speak with any punkchew ayshun whatsoever so itsall hard2 tell winyou mint to stop talkin
Prof.Kent - 10 years ago
Maybe we could use the closed-captioning app to teach all Texans how to talk more gooder!
TexasPrepper2 - 10 years ago
I've done it... it's amazing to read what I REALLY said ... instead of what I thought I said.
stevemccollum2011 - 10 years ago
The crab Floats should face the same direction to reduce drag but otherwise this looks perfect
BUDDY LIGHT - 10 years ago
I like the beer holder.

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