EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY
Kayak 10 years ago 532,469 views
This video shows an easy way to add Outriggers to your kayak. These Outriggers (Pontoons / Stabilizers) are made from materials you can find at most Big Box stores. I'll show you some Outriggers made from Crab Floats... and also how to make them from Soda Bottles. See the links below for the Crab Floats, and the Kayak Cart. Take care, alan http://homesteadadvisor.com/ You can search ALL of Amazon from this link: http://homesteadadvisor.com/amazon-store/ Kayaks and Kayak Accessories: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=132 Here's a LINK to some Crab Floats: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B002EOWOHW A LINK to a different colored Crab Float: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B002EOYLJ6 Here's a LINK to the great Kayak Cart I use: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B00823FSRC Here's a LINK to a Flush Mount (45 degree) Rod Holder: http://astore.amazon.com/homegardenfarmimprovementemergencypreparedness.homesadvis0b-20/detail/B0024ALB4S
look for a kayak made for fishing, as they are designed to be stable, where as something called a "razor lite" sounds like and is advertised to be something that cuts through water faster and easier.
if it had hard points like handles you would say wedge a bar through it but it has non, and that would be a bad idea creating excessive force on points that were not designed for it.
Sometimes you do go backward when you are maneuvering the kayak.
10. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY
The outriggers don't have to be held completely still I don't think.
If they move a little (like bungee's stretching)... I think it would be OK
Somebody needs to write that down...
20. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY
Great video.
Yep... kinda strange, but every time I look at someone's channel that rags on me... I see nothin'
No videos, no nuthin'.
One comment is "learn to make a video people want to watch"... well, this one has almost a HALF MILLION VIEWS!
You're right, they need to get out of the basement from time to time.
Thanks for the comment, King
I sold the kayak, so I probably can't answer any of your questions anyway, but you can just reply to this comment and I'll try to answer you if I can.
30. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY
Great Vid, new to fishing/kayaking diy projects. Keep it up!
50. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY
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늘 수고에 감사 합니다.
It is mainly for side to side stability... but it may increase the capacity... not sure...
Here's a LINK to some Crab Floats:
A LINK to a different colored Crab Float:
hope we do,
I'll take rudder too!!!!!
Sorry, man... way too busy. It wouldn't be hard for you to do yourself... try it !
I stood once.. but I'm too fat and old to feel comfortable standing.
You might want to try it. It DOES stabilize the kayak quite a bit.
They seemed to a little... if I take long strokes...
But, using this design (with a little trial and error) they can be angled back a little to keep them from interfering.
I will have to balance my weight distribution and if I have these near the front maybe that will work.
Lots of folks use a rudder (especially if they have a sail)... and the outriggers help keep from tipping over.
Probably one of the simplest and best outrigger designs I have come across. Looks great and will work really well on my kayak.
Thanks for sharing.
(I find that my outriggers alone won't support my weight, but attached to my kayak I can lean way over to either side without sinking them. For me this is a good 'test'.
The longer your outrigger poles the more leverage you get.
PVC is great stuff, however.... it's not structural (but I don't see any issues with how you're using them). Aluminum tubing 1/16" wall is great stuff. 1.5" diameter is almost twice as strong as 1.25 diameter and only 1/3rd more weight. Where you drill and attach aluminum tubing, just plane down a length of dowel rod and tap it in. Now you won't crush the tubing at a drill hole. (I could use straight aluminum tubing because I mounted them to the deck, and then carved foam floats to fit where the aluminum poles were above the waterline) I happened to have anodized aluminum, but I've also used uncoated aluminum. It's amazing how well aluminum holds up in salt water. Freshwater? I don't know.)
And if you're still reading. I really like how you've attached to the plastic kayak, how they fold up. This is a critical connection to very soft material. Springiness in the outrigger helps keep a shock (caught in surf) from transferring the force to the deck connection. Of course the proof of any outrigger is how well they work for you. When I finish my next generation outriggers I'll post YouTube video--so everyone can have a good laugh. The more I learn and the better I get the bigger the disasters I can put together.
You have the best kayak pontoon DIY on the Internet, TP2. I cannot thank you enough. I am nearly 7' tall & 300 lbs. My kayak is rated for 500 lbs, but I have lost the use of my knees, pretty much, and have to fall into & out of the 'yak. Not fun. These pontoons will help immeasurably. Thank you very much for your vid! :) It was like a visit from Santa Claus. You Rock!
Let me know when you get yours done.
Giovanni from Florida
Here's a LINK to some Crab Floats:
100. comment for EASY Homemade Kayak Outriggers - Pontoons - Stabilizers ~DIY
Do theses interfere with paddle stroke
do you have to use a smaller stroke to avoid hitting them
going to follow this design as new to kayak fishing in uk
Let me know what you come up with...
Thanks for your work in doing this video!!
Please e mail me any updates to Thedudeguy13@aol.com thanks
Will do...
I would like to send you a picture of the finished installation. How do I do that?
Get to the point though.
You repeated yourself monotonous amount of times.
Again loved the video theme.
You should try turning the Annotation ON (close captioning) and see how your speech is interpreted.
What a hoot!
OK, I've tried the CC on one of my videos now and I don't think it is so funny anymore.
I see your problem you donut speak with any punkchew ayshun whatsoever so itsall hard2 tell winyou mint to stop talkin
Maybe we could use the closed-captioning app to teach all Texans how to talk more gooder!