JUST ANOTHER DAY ON THE WATER!!!!!!! Hooked and landed three yellow fin tuna's from a kayak, 12#, 29#, and a 114.5# Rob Wong Yuen Paddled from shore and back unassited on the BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII, This is how we do it!!!!!! Thank you very much for watching!!! Please like, subscribe and share my action!!!! ALOHA Interested in a guided extreme kayak fishing tour on the Big Island of Hawaii? http://kayakfishinghawaii.net/ Contact extreme808kayak@gmail.com for more info. MUSIC artist: SOJA song; REST OF MY LIFE

EXTREME KAYAK FISHING 114# AHI sentiment_very_dissatisfied 111

Kayak 12 years ago 347,564 views

JUST ANOTHER DAY ON THE WATER!!!!!!! Hooked and landed three yellow fin tuna's from a kayak, 12#, 29#, and a 114.5# Rob Wong Yuen Paddled from shore and back unassited on the BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII, This is how we do it!!!!!! Thank you very much for watching!!! Please like, subscribe and share my action!!!! ALOHA Interested in a guided extreme kayak fishing tour on the Big Island of Hawaii? http://kayakfishinghawaii.net/ Contact extreme808kayak@gmail.com for more info. MUSIC artist: SOJA song; REST OF MY LIFE

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Most popular comments

Loren Couch
Loren Couch - 7 years ago
Seems pretty brave to go out to sea in those things chasing big fish.
wafle37g - 7 years ago
love this video. really inspired me. thanks.
Michael Meyer
Michael Meyer - 7 years ago
This vid got me hungry for some tuna
Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 7 years ago
Fucking epic!
Damien Mezenberg
Damien Mezenberg - 7 years ago
I hope you wil see/anser this where you keep your tuna that you catch ? And what bait u used for tuna?
James Dean
James Dean - 7 years ago
You showed me SOJA with this video all thiose years ago. I just wanted to thank you @robNtay808 . Also cant wait to take my Ocean kayak out to mimic your ventures. Jah love
Kieron Bevan
Kieron Bevan - 7 years ago
Cracking fish. Nice to see someone harvesting fish with the risk of shark. Good set of nads mate well done
Son of Saudi Arabia KSA
Son of Saudi Arabia KSA - 7 years ago
Branflakes88 - 7 years ago

10. comment for EXTREME KAYAK FISHING 114# AHI

Eric Shang
Eric Shang - 7 years ago
Holly Crap!
Lloyd McGriff
Lloyd McGriff - 7 years ago
woot !!! =)
Séries De Sobrevivência
Séries De Sobrevivência - 7 years ago
You have a good life! I am from Brazil and my dream is to travel to Hawaii, and if possible to fish a marlin hehehe
D.Nasty Fishing
D.Nasty Fishing - 7 years ago
great fish. just subbed .. swing thru and shoot me a holler. D.Nasty Fishing
aline guimaraes
aline guimaraes - 7 years ago
Hayden Jenkins
Hayden Jenkins - 8 years ago
RobNtay u r the man! ur videos inspired me 2 get a kayak last year and it wos 1 ov the best things I ever did thanks
logan kelman
logan kelman - 8 years ago
What song is this and your video are the best mate
I'm 12 I'm saving up for a kayak at the moment you
Expire me to be a youtube
Mike Dickey
Mike Dickey - 8 years ago
too cool man
Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar - 8 years ago
gokuan cmr
gokuan cmr - 8 years ago
jah rastafari bless

20. comment for EXTREME KAYAK FISHING 114# AHI

Kilik Gong
Kilik Gong - 8 years ago
黄元, you name?
Billy Coleman
Billy Coleman - 8 years ago
dude that is an awesome tuna! congrats
dinho madeira
dinho madeira - 8 years ago
Good! my friend
ignacio guerra
ignacio guerra - 8 years ago
Épico !!!
James Fry
James Fry - 8 years ago
impressive dude..
James Fry
James Fry - 8 years ago
i would have flipped the yak soo many times..
Wilhelmus - 8 years ago
Never heard of "catch and release"??
robNtay808 - 8 years ago
Never heard of eating good
George Nomanip
George Nomanip - 8 years ago
Hey Rob nice YT page, may I know your backround MUSIC

Mattix Films
Mattix Films - 8 years ago
When you're a pro
ANACONDA - 8 years ago
what is the rod name?

30. comment for EXTREME KAYAK FISHING 114# AHI

Naked Acres
Naked Acres - 8 years ago
FYI. You boat must be licensed with NOAA to harvest Highly Migratory Fish. Tuna, shark, billfish, etc.. The person does not hold the permit. The boat does. So be careful posting if you don't have one. They do take it serious and the fines are hefty.With out one you are not allowed to peruse them for any reason. If you do catch one by accident it must not be removed from the water and released immediately. NOAA has the coast guard and others on the hunt for violators. Cool video though and I hope you have the permit.
Doug Eaton
Doug Eaton - 7 years ago
You've obviously never been to Hawaii. It's run by Hawaiians, you know. Surprise! They've been fishing those waters for many centuries. Regulating fishing there would be like regulating eating or breathing. You'd have an uprising if you tried to impose those regulations on them.
robNtay808 - 8 years ago
+Naked Acres ok buddy! Why don't you go catch a fish.... Cause you know damn well I am! BOOM!
Naked Acres
Naked Acres - 8 years ago
+robNtay808 I am legal and proud of it. Your no buddy of mine. I wont associate with a fisherman who does not respect the bounty or the laws.  
robNtay808 - 8 years ago
+Naked Acres thanks again for the info! Make sure you get that permit to catch your fish buddy. Aloha and tight lines
Naked Acres
Naked Acres - 8 years ago

Get pissy all you want dick. I'm just offering an ounce of advice from one pelagic kayak fisherman to another. That's all. And don't worry I wont be back to your page to bother you.
robNtay808 - 8 years ago
+robNtay808 useless info haha
robNtay808 - 8 years ago
+Naked Acres ok thanks for the info
Naked Acres
Naked Acres - 8 years ago
+robNtay808 You are on a boat. A yak is a boat. You sound like a well educated ethical consciences angler.  
robNtay808 - 8 years ago
+Naked Acres plus I'm not on a boat, I've never heard any of my buddy's or commercial fishing friends and family that owns boats and sleighs hundreds of pounds daily mention any permits.... This is Hawaii, governments can kiss our ass. Haha
Naked Acres
Naked Acres - 8 years ago
I live in USVI and no local permits are required here either. Except federal that applies to all US EEZ's. Including Hawaii. When I contacted them to see what to do. I was told NO EXEPTIONS. Hope your right.
robNtay808 - 8 years ago
FYI... You do know that I fish in hawaii where permits are not needed! Thanks
sebastian santana
sebastian santana - 8 years ago
Luca Zicconi
Luca Zicconi - 8 years ago
Ito Click
Ito Click - 8 years ago
im a Brazilian and see you video and say very very good
Cryptocaryon - 9 years ago
Eh Rob! The epidome of extreme kayak fishing! What model international dat?
Cryptocaryon - 9 years ago
+robNtay808 brah that's choke work you put into that reel, what pen conventional would you recommend for larger game of this size? Right now I'm running a squall 60ld, but I read somewhere the composite housings would buss under pressure of giant game.
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
That's s old 12T I had Cal Sheets blueprint and convert into a 2spd. Cherry reel! Also Added a Tiburon open frame and replaced old bearings with new Boca ceramic bearings a few months after this fish.
pedro stallion
pedro stallion - 9 years ago
I hope your not killing them just because you can"
Cryptocaryon - 9 years ago
Don't be silly!
A J Roth
A J Roth - 9 years ago
its like wicked tuna except smaller
James Sutcliffe
James Sutcliffe - 9 years ago
i like how you look to the sky at the end with fish on the boat. respect
Jefferson pesca de caiaque
Jefferson pesca de caiaque - 9 years ago
Guam Hunting familia
Guam Hunting familia - 9 years ago
Awesome video! Keep it up. Much respect from Guam!
Eileen Bento
Eileen Bento - 9 years ago
Having da best time of your life braddah Rob..
shturer - 9 years ago
Класс мужик , зачетный трофей!
Robalo de praia
Robalo de praia - 9 years ago
Tipron norpiT
Tipron norpiT - 9 years ago
An American Gose fishing
An American Gose fishing - 9 years ago
Nice catch
lisle1998 - 9 years ago
Love the music great vibes thanks for being  one of the only people  on youtube to make a watchable video
MrPman84 - 9 years ago
Sick video!!!
pedro Pérez809
pedro Pérez809 - 9 years ago
Wao amazing,congratulation
Bruno - 9 years ago
awesome kayak fishing ..... congratulations
Gary McCarty
Gary McCarty - 9 years ago
Good video! Sushi galore lol

50. comment for EXTREME KAYAK FISHING 114# AHI

Dave Harrington
Dave Harrington - 9 years ago
very nice setup, very nice fish. living the life man
Popandopolo Polo
Popandopolo Polo - 9 years ago
Safety broken - a fisherman without a life zhelet ...
Gabriel Mata
Gabriel Mata - 9 years ago
You suck at fishing.
Вадим Як
Вадим Як - 9 years ago
Браво!!!!! Реальный экстрим!!!
Francisco Campos Amorim
Francisco Campos Amorim - 9 years ago
What is the music name rob? Great fishing
Colton Propiescus
Colton Propiescus - 9 years ago
ware are you
Nautical Star
Nautical Star - 9 years ago
Did you make the spear to finish off the fish?
G Fish
G Fish - 9 years ago
This is the standard to which I hold all fishing dreams, great song too.
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
karl hyde
karl hyde - 9 years ago
Damn Dude, Nice Tuna.. I fish for yellowfin tuna 3 or 4 times a year out of Destin Florida. The only difference is that I go on 72 or 96 hour Trips, and it costs thousands of dollars..lol
You just paddle out!!
Great Video Rob
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
Aloha bro. U should look into doing a kayak tour with me.
Mick T
Mick T - 10 years ago
Now thats what i call fishing ....Wow !!!   Holy Shit.... awesome well done.
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
scitstriker12 - 10 years ago
Matthew Omlor
Matthew Omlor - 10 years ago
too awesome just started kayak fishing out here in Tampa. looks like you got the good eats out there though. awesome catches
KAFAS - Ricardo Passos
KAFAS - Ricardo Passos - 10 years ago
 very good video... i´m just started in this world of video fishing and i hope to achieve this quality....Thanks
Tom Hanlon
Tom Hanlon - 10 years ago
Lord what a fish! Absolutely beautiful video. I see why u need such a stout rod and reel. Sharks a problem??
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
Not a problem, just respected.
Calvin McGuire
Calvin McGuire - 10 years ago
One of my favorite fishing videos. In NC on a snowy day waiting for the spring to hit full force again.
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
Thanks man
Jimmy Jay
Jimmy Jay - 10 years ago
so how much would a yellow fin sell for on the market
Daniel Rodriguez Ravelo
Daniel Rodriguez Ravelo - 10 years ago
Ken Jondoe
Ken Jondoe - 10 years ago
Do you kayak out there by yourself or do you have a bigger boat with you? I want to go kayak in the ocean but Im terrified of sharks.
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
We do a buddy system, both on kayak. No boats
Ricardo Makino
Ricardo Makino - 10 years ago
Hi, beautiful fish! What is the name of the band and the music inserted in video?
Gianluca Fiore
Gianluca Fiore - 7 years ago
rest of my life by soja
Edgar Fisher
Edgar Fisher - 10 years ago
This video started me kayak fishing this year. Sick style! Now Im striving towards opening up kayak fishing tours by next summer.
Danny C
Danny C - 10 years ago
Sick Video Dude! Nice Work! 
Murat Topuz
Murat Topuz - 10 years ago
Ben cok takdir ettim adami helal olsun.
Anthony Harris
Anthony Harris - 10 years ago
This is impressive, what did you use for bait? and what kind if rig do you use
Glen Casillas
Glen Casillas - 10 years ago
Wow great vid keep it up !
David Kappes
David Kappes - 10 years ago
You are and amazing angler nice job
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
Lampa Prod
Lampa Prod - 10 years ago
awesome ! No sharks there ? 
Lampa Prod
Lampa Prod - 9 years ago
Yes i can imagine ! haha
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
There was a tiger circling me this day, it was a challenge trying to bring up my catch with out getting taxed.
Brian Sanh
Brian Sanh - 10 years ago
You got yourself a HUGE dinner that night :) Did you bring anybody to eat with you or you ate it slowly but shorly by yourself?
Elkana Capelle
Elkana Capelle - 10 years ago
awesome catch man
John Truong
John Truong - 10 years ago
what kind of kayak are you using?
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
Ocean Kayak Big Game
ReelToadsTV - 10 years ago
Which brand/model kayak is this
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
Ocean Kayak
jagz - 10 years ago
Haha, epic vid brother!!!! Can't wait for summer.
Maggie Jones
Maggie Jones - 10 years ago
do you just let the fish go?
kimitch100 - 9 years ago
What are you, retarded?
premiumblend100 - 10 years ago
I really enjoyed this. I am working on getting a rig set up and do this. Beautiful video man!
Alejandro Medina
Alejandro Medina - 10 years ago
Nice video dude!
TarponTango - 10 years ago
hey man great video dude. finally subscribed to the channel. have my own little fishing channel but don't have fish like this available. you for sure are everything a sportsman should be. keep up the awesome work!!! cant wait to see more!!
lanceoa - 10 years ago
WOW, Very inspiring and well edited film man. Makes me want to move to the islands and fish all day!  Do you eat it all yourself or share it with friends and family?  Feeling like some sashimi all of a sudden. Thanks for including us in all the cool action!
Yak Tides
Yak Tides - 10 years ago
Respect, excellent fishing! Do you anchor or mostly drift really deep water's ? Do you ever use a Drift sock?
ROBO HANDLE - 10 years ago
Good video. 
Serg Vazquez Jr
Serg Vazquez Jr - 10 years ago
Crazy tuna bra
Ramesh Anthony
Ramesh Anthony - 10 years ago
Nevertheless good fishing. Takes guts to leave your legs in the water amidst blood, and super strength to reel that beast.
Ramesh Anthony
Ramesh Anthony - 10 years ago
I hope you consumed every pound of those fishes. Fishing for sports or fun is one thing but stabbing and torturing them could only be ok if you ate them.
Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 7 years ago
Torturing? Stfu.
robNtay808 - 9 years ago
Aloha brahda, all my catches provide for my family and friends.
Herfurth Outdoors
Herfurth Outdoors - 10 years ago
Nice fish man!
Lachlans Outdoors
Lachlans Outdoors - 10 years ago
What a solid fish. Keep up the awesome vids bro!!!
Nate Vincent
Nate Vincent - 10 years ago
WOW!! Amazing fish brother!!! What bait are you using? Way jealous man hope one day i can't get to the big island! Thanks for posting
Armando Lima
Armando Lima - 10 years ago
Nice tuna Congratulation.
Sydney Sewell
Sydney Sewell - 10 years ago
Awesome video! Those were some awesome fish! 
Ziggy - 10 years ago
Great video!
Anatolius Paul
Anatolius Paul - 10 years ago
I really enjoy your videos. I've been saltwater fishing only twice and really want to get into it. I am a pretty experienced fisherman but I don't have any experience saltwater fishing. Can you recommend some good gear I could use? Mainly a rod, reel, line, and the type of kayak that you have. Thanks
Anatolius Paul
Anatolius Paul - 10 years ago
+robNtay808 Thank you very much
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Awesome!!! A PENN 8500 spinfisher V is a good all around spinning reel or a PENN Squall 40 is a good all around conventional. Match any one of those reels on a PENN BlueWater Carnage 30-80# rod and your golden! Both of those reels will hold 500 yards of 65# braid with a topshot of your choice! My yak of choice is of course the Ocean Kayak Trident 15 and Prowler Big Game. Aloha
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
Jeez why don't you just put that big hook the fishes mouth in the first place instead of fucking stabbing it that makes no sense to kill it for no reason because obviously you throw it back when your done showing it to the camera killing a perfectly good fish for no reason.
ray minazzi
ray minazzi - 10 years ago
And I would rather "waste" my life on a kayak then play minecraft
ray minazzi
ray minazzi - 10 years ago
I play Minecraft and fish lol, but the biggest fish I ever caught was a 37 inch 30 lb black drum and I had to put it back
Jabb Throne
Jabb Throne - 10 years ago
The sad thing about this kid is that he keeps commenting and every body is teaming on him. And it's hard to believe your not a kid if your a young man be a young man don't ask stupid questions.
361 outdoorsman
361 outdoorsman - 10 years ago
Lmfao I love reading comments. Keep em going
S. J.
S. J. - 10 years ago
I think that little boy learned his lesson. lol 
He's just mad he has no one to play Minecraft with.
Antonio Pena
Antonio Pena - 10 years ago
+iSentrenz | IM BACK! Just had a great laugh, thanks kid!!! "Too bad its called Minecraft! And i bet you have never played this game in your entire llife and i don't blame you, your a full grown man at your age you people are too stupid to understand this game so yes ill go back too playing mineCRAFT and you keep on wasteing your life on a kayak. :D"
361 outdoorsman
361 outdoorsman - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure this guy knows what he's doing.he has a bag that he puts the fish in and um pretty sure he wouldn't kill em for no reason so stop assuming things please
Darren Hussamy
Darren Hussamy - 10 years ago
+iSentrenz | IM BACK! Shhhhhhhh
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
+darren hussamy uuh i did walk away you are the ones that are still commenting
nrconnor60 - 10 years ago
+iSentrenz | IM BACK! what a dip shit loser!
Darren Hussamy
Darren Hussamy - 10 years ago
+Dingle Berry hahha yeah deep down that stubborn soul of his he did :p
S. J.
S. J. - 10 years ago
+darren hussamy
 He already accepted it when he tried to use that pathetic comeback. LOL
Darren Hussamy
Darren Hussamy - 10 years ago
+iSentrenz | IM BACK! SHUT THE FUCK UP...just fucking accept urself losing this argument and walk the fuck away u dickhead
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
Ok Dingle Berry same to you go have a dandy time playing with one. :)
S. J.
S. J. - 10 years ago
+iSentrenz  Exactly, you're a child. So next time you start typing out your ignorant comment, think twice before you press send. Don't be an asshat then try to play the victim. Bye, have a great time.
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
disrespectful little child huh? BRUH I'm 16 little child huh? Shows how stupid you are now stop commenting because if your a full grown man or woman idk which, your arguing with a 16 year old bruh get a life.
S. J.
S. J. - 10 years ago
Doesn't matter if your comment was two years ago or two seconds ago, doesn't change the fact that you're a disrespectful little child. Go play your shitty block game, your server is a joke. Oh yea, & when you own a 2,500 kayak then you can speak to me, doubt you have 25 cents to your name.
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
+Dingle Berry And Dingle berry show a picture of you catching a fish like that and then you can talk shit.
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
hey wanna know something that comment i made was like 2 months ago so can you all please shut the fuck up and stop commenting? thanks :)
HiddenMammoth - 10 years ago
Holy crap, this is too funny. "I'll play minecraft and YOU waste your life kayaking in Hawaii" that is so freaking gold.
S. J.
S. J. - 10 years ago
 So you're a little child that sits inside & plays block game all day.
Good luck getting anywhere in life, or catching a fish like that.
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
explain how
Vinnie Vernola
Vinnie Vernola - 10 years ago
+iSentrenz youre dumb
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
Explain how?
RazaBrava01 - 10 years ago
+iSentrenz You are one dumb motherfucker
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
explain how?
Nate Vincent
Nate Vincent - 10 years ago
+iSentrenz Your a real special kind of stupid. You made fun of yourself like 4 times in thats last comment alone….
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
Too bad its called Minecraft! And i bet you have never played this game in your entire llife and i don't blame you, your a full grown man at your age you people are too stupid to understand this game so yes ill go back too playing mineCRAFT and you keep on wasteing your life on a kayak. :D
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
It's obvious that your the ONLY fool that can't figure it out! Hopefully when you get older, you will absorb a little bit of common sense. Till then, keep playing Minecrap!
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
Then why don't you make it obvious fuck tard! So a fucking mistake i just make doesn't happen with someone else dumbass!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Are you really that stupid? I have a fish bag filled with ice in my hull!!! Wake up idiot!!!
GodlyO_o - 10 years ago
Ok the whole video the only fish i saw he had in his kayak was the last one he caught what happened to the rest huh? the only explanation is, is that he threw the other ones back even tho he stabbed them.
Mitch F.
Mitch F. - 10 years ago
Why would he throw it back?  Isn't Ahi good to eat?  That's a few meals right there.

100. comment for EXTREME KAYAK FISHING 114# AHI

Devin S
Devin S - 10 years ago
man's game
J bear
J bear - 10 years ago
I would NEVER hang my feet in the water after hooking and gaffing a tuna like that and bleeding all over. You're just asking for a great white to take your leg off. Stupidity if you ask me. Nice catch though.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Then you'll never get a tuna this size in your yak! Hopefully one day you'll hook one, fight one and try to land one with your feet in the yak! Good luck tho! Obviously you haven't landed anything big yet or you would know. Haha
imma Benders
imma Benders - 10 years ago
cant imagine the feelin wat a rush. out there in big water beautiful surroundings catchin some tuna. terriyaki on the grill dammm
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thank you! The rush is insane! Love it and live it! Aloha
Gnaar Bubba
Gnaar Bubba - 10 years ago
Totally GNAAR bro!!!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thanks brother!
Meghan Cusce
Meghan Cusce - 10 years ago
Intense. What a fight, great job!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Joshua Field
Joshua Field - 10 years ago
What bait were u using
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Live scads
Glenn Garris
Glenn Garris - 10 years ago
Wow this is amazing great catch!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Gill Miller
Gill Miller - 10 years ago
wow what a fish..great and right off shore. u livin the dream.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thank you.
Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 10 years ago
What kayak is that?
Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 10 years ago
Thank you! +robNtay808
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Ocean Kayak, Prowler Big Game
RogurSpear0 - 11 years ago
Very sick vid bro!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Antonio Luzio
Antonio Luzio - 11 years ago
bellissimo video ma disumano prendere a mazzate un pesce ahahahaha
Tim Laursen
Tim Laursen - 11 years ago
Nice job, man vs nature...
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thank you
Elie-Charles Youssef
Elie-Charles Youssef - 11 years ago
Nice work, what lures were you using?
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thanks! Live scads
Pey Tron
Pey Tron - 11 years ago
Very, very impressive gaff work while handling the rod at the same time! I dream of doing this stuff. Subscribed, and look forward to the great videos
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thank you! Aloha
Lucas andKol
Lucas andKol - 11 years ago
Lucas andKol
Lucas andKol - 11 years ago
Jamie McClanahan
Jamie McClanahan - 11 years ago
Beast tuna for yaking ur da Mon.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Glasnya Rose
Glasnya Rose - 11 years ago
WHICH fish are poisonous in Hawaii?
Glasnya Rose
Glasnya Rose - 10 years ago
thxs for answering!  :)  be careful not bleed the fish, don't want shark to check you with its jaw :P
so all the other fish are edible,eh...yay
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Puffer fish
vitas75 - 11 years ago
Youre fishing with several rods at the same time? what would u do if 2 of that size would bite at the same time? :D
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
I usually have one rod for catching bait and two rods for catching pelagics, I rarely troll two lines out but when I do get doubles, I'll boost up the short line or smaller fish first then boost the other line. No problems yet. Thanks
Maka - 11 years ago
Good Shit Brudah!  Make me miss the islands, brah...  I stay stuck in Cali.  Its all good, cuz I stay kayakin too.!.  What you was using for bait? 
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Mahalo bro! Sorry for the late response... I like to use live scads for bait. Aloha
Gaston Gonzalez
Gaston Gonzalez - 11 years ago
Sick video man! Don't want to sound like some ol woman but put a jacket on lost a friend to the sea, it happens when you least expect it. 
thetheilmann1 - 11 years ago
I wish I could be like you
thetheilmann1 - 11 years ago
your epic
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
scaronscar - 11 years ago
That's was bad ass man just got me to subscribe... yak on bro
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thank you! Aloha
Cameron Gatlin
Cameron Gatlin - 11 years ago
Great Catch and epic battle.  Nice job.  I can't imagine how tired you were when you finally landed it and then turned around to head back.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thanks! Yep, I was wiped out after that battle. Haha
William KL Sum
William KL Sum - 11 years ago
What a battle with a monster ahi. Awesome job bro. I have lived in Hawaii for 6 year and now living & battling the large salmon of Canada, but nothing like your 100 lbs ahi. This video makes me want to relive Hawaii again. Just pure heavenly living in Hawaii with fishing like that. You make Hawaii proud.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Big mahalo! Aloha
070ruben - 11 years ago
a660370 - 11 years ago
黃元 ~!!
Fishin2Live75 - 11 years ago
This is one of my favorite kayak fishin videos!
Sal Ridolfi
Sal Ridolfi - 11 years ago
awesome video, love that song.
Ms Temptation
Ms Temptation - 11 years ago
Wow. That was awesome.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Steven Rowell
Steven Rowell - 11 years ago
Robert Behm
Robert Behm - 11 years ago
would love to see a video of your set up bait jigs what you use would probably be a good addition to your library I am very interested in it
Rosa Wolke
Rosa Wolke - 11 years ago
JETZT habe ich das Prinzip verstanden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Die pure Männerromantik!
MBH - 11 years ago
qnd ya man this new Google stupid thing
semih soyak
semih soyak - 11 years ago
Nice m8
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Angler_Nut69 - 11 years ago
That's crazy ! Great video and catch man !
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Giovan G.
Giovan G. - 11 years ago
Tell me about line leaders please. What pound test brand how long of leader and commonly how deep are the baits when they are hit. Thanks great job.
Giovan G.
Giovan G. - 11 years ago
Real deal.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
I'm sorry if I can't reply to your comments, this new Google+ is making it hard to reply to comments that is not signed up yet with Google+.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you!
Reginaldo Silva
Reginaldo Silva - 11 years ago
Very cool Here Your channel a joy And no Brazil Ilha Bela fishing, Greater Municipality: 
Fish caught that big YOUR videos are 10
add me on facebook Naldo Sahayba Karen Cristina
Khalid Alanazi
Khalid Alanazi - 11 years ago
I am so happy for you !! it i amazing one i really laughed when you hit the fish I do not blame you because it is a big fish. How many Kg is ? all the best
Joseph Flores
Joseph Flores - 11 years ago
Beating it
name change
name change - 11 years ago
What kind of rod an reel are you using I know it says penn but what series ?
name change
name change - 11 years ago
Good catch
Thinking Aloud
Thinking Aloud - 11 years ago
28 dislikes? For real? I couldn't hit the likes enough. I've fished 20 kilo Tuna & Swordfish in a boat, but never seen anything like this before. You sir, are a legend! God bless your efforts and I wish you plenty in Jesus' name, amen!
Nuraghevideo - 11 years ago
Thank you very much for great fishing! .... i'm dreaming in the night!.
Webbey64 - 11 years ago
What make and model kayak is that bro
TheAlbyzoe - 11 years ago
I just watched it again.
TheAlbyzoe - 11 years ago
Fernando Ojeda
Fernando Ojeda - 11 years ago
and....... what about catch and release???
john scianni
john scianni - 11 years ago
god making me want to move to hawaii more n more
sky top
sky top - 11 years ago
trooper dude . that's what i call self efficiency bro.Respect. love the music and tee shirt combo IRIE....
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
I keep fish under 70 pounds in my hull, I have a fish bag filled with ice in my hull.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
thanks! It's a homemade gaff I use to pull my fish up in my yak
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
he's out! hahaha thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks!! If your in Hawaii, I do guided kayak tours!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks, It's an Ocean Kayak, Prowler Big Game
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
In a fish bag filled with ice that I keep in my hull
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
I'm not done yet by SOJA
name change
name change - 11 years ago
Where did you put the fish after you caught them
KURRICAN - 11 years ago
Great capture! Fantastic fish! I'm surprised the hook used to hoist the fish, Could you tell me where to get it? Thanks you.-
101NEWTECH - 11 years ago
Hit him again
Ken Wilson
Ken Wilson - 11 years ago
Blake Lerma Lancarte
Blake Lerma Lancarte - 11 years ago
What a cool kayak song and especially that guy
Kevin Geraldez
Kevin Geraldez - 11 years ago
Legit braddah!!
Kane M
Kane M - 11 years ago
Your awesome!!
Pavlo Magola
Pavlo Magola - 11 years ago
hey nice catch watching this and envying you in a good way))
jasmine girl
jasmine girl - 11 years ago
amazing! I'd love to catch a fish that big
Ruben Aguirre
Ruben Aguirre - 11 years ago
My Brother you are awesome you inspire me ... Love your music
GoPrimal Costa Rica
GoPrimal Costa Rica - 11 years ago
Beautiful Rob! Thanks for the great videos! Keep'em coming!
roy benson
roy benson - 11 years ago
Sweet, love your shark clip as well.
Lee Smithey
Lee Smithey - 11 years ago
Nice catch!! what kind of kayak are you using brother?
Wesley Combs
Wesley Combs - 11 years ago
Get that thing on ice quick!!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
yep, catch of a lifetime! thanks for watching, aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
yes it did! thank you.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
AWESOME!!! Thank You for sharing my vids bro! Big Aloha from the Big, Big Island!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
Huafeng Yan
Huafeng Yan - 11 years ago
Wonderful experience!
ferretera delhogar
ferretera delhogar - 11 years ago
nice videos man
Captain Cocoa Puffs
Captain Cocoa Puffs - 11 years ago
I bet that 114.5# Ahi fed you guys for a while! Great video, and great fish.
hoboshanchy - 11 years ago
awesome music and video, keep it up
VIP - 11 years ago
Awesome footage dude! I'm linking your video to my Facebook and prove to our white Canadian Anglers that you can fish from a Kayak and catch the "Big One!"
JACK - 11 years ago
Big fish, I love kayak fishing but when I watch your video u make me want to do it more and more stay cool and keep doing this
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
thank you
Youssef Jassim
Youssef Jassim - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
sweet! thanks for watching! aloha
doodie ali
doodie ali - 11 years ago
I started kayak fishing after watching your videos and i love it. way to go bro!!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
I'm about a mile offshore when I troll, but this ahi pulled me out a little over 3 miles. aloha
blakboxzstudio - 11 years ago
How far this from shore Rob..?
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
hahaha big boy coming in! lol
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks mate! aloha
SOTHICK RICK - 11 years ago
As we say in Australia, " You are the FUCKING BOSS".
Rhys Cheetham
Rhys Cheetham - 11 years ago
did u keep the fish
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
haha yep! thanks, aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Mahalo for watching! aloha
Tim Kimes
Tim Kimes - 11 years ago
Man what a catch! Congrats from Florida!
DeanoPiano - 11 years ago
That's one way to achieve good upper body strength :)
Jason C
Jason C - 11 years ago
Awesome video, love the club to the head.
alien4fish - 11 years ago
Awsome catch Bro! Mahalo from San diego Cali!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
maro2008sabti - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
remedio lk Dabaluz
remedio lk Dabaluz - 11 years ago
Meann Braduh....Hana ho...HIPAA
Steve Vincent
Steve Vincent - 11 years ago
I would love to catch a tuna in a kayak. Great video.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
hahaha So true!!!!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the concern, I do carry a PFD with me but I really can't wear it because of many reasons. I feel it's a lot more dangerous to have it on, I know it sounds really dumb but I am being honest. It can get snagged by a hook or one of my gaff lines ect. and drown by a large fish thats diving down, prevents me from diving down if a boat is about to run me over and it makes me overheat and tire quickly. I do wear it when the ocean gets bad but if its that bad I'm not staying out. Aloha
HoxFeesh - 11 years ago
Dad, why does mommy always say that your back is shot? Well son, dad fishes 114# ahi's from a yak...lol.
sengx - 11 years ago
Oh okay Haha was just curious, keep up the great videos!! XD
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
A milk crate.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you! My spear is homemade, mines does sink slowly but other guys that built there own floats. It all depends on the type of wood and material used. Aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
300 pounds??? I would cut that big boy in half and fit it in my yak! hahahaha jk... I would have to drag it in and hope that sharks don't rip it to shreds on the way in! I carry a pfd in my yak for that reason, strap the pfd around it and drag it in! With the amount of big tiger sharks here, it would be very dangerous and risky to drag any fish to shore from a few miles out but I will defiantly give any shark a fight for a fish that size! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Mahalo!!! I try to capture these experiences on camera and share them to the public to help inspire others that it's possible to land these larger pelagics from a kayak! I have tons of killer footage I need to edit and upload still and I'm trying to make the time to work on them. Hawaii is paradise for sure! and the fishing is off the hook!!! lol aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks! Yep, sharks are always around and I will see at least 1 tiger every time I'm out, but most of them are just curious and if anything they just wanna eat the fish I'm fighting. There's been a few times where it got a little sketchy but I still got in safe, I am lucky to have family in the waters here and angels looking out for me. aloha
austinismyfirstname - 11 years ago
What do you have your gear sitting in on the back of the kayak?
John Kenny
John Kenny - 11 years ago
Congrats on that catch - AWESOME! Dig that spear you have - does it float? Homemade or can I buy online?
sengx - 11 years ago
Awesome, just wondering, what would you do if u caught a 300lb + tuna that wouldnt fit ur kayak? Drag it?
trom arvidsson
trom arvidsson - 11 years ago
Awesome video! Nice catch man :) I'm wondering though, fishing from a kayak in those waters, aren't there a big risk of sharks? :o
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching! It's a rush!! Aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
dragging live or dead bait and crystal minnows!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks bro!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Mahalo!!! Rajah
Dan Collections
Dan Collections - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Good video and music. Fishing tuna is my dream.
dan3nad - 11 years ago
whats ur tackle/lure set up?
razolmos - 11 years ago
Best video EVER! Good job bro!
naalu0 - 11 years ago
Mean brah! Red hill?
Izyi1981 - 11 years ago
Love the video amazing never seen anything like it!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching! Aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you! Aloha
Gus0matic - 11 years ago
Amazing ! It's so great to see the skills and the whole landing process unfold. The curved lens especially on that birds eye camera is magic to watch.. well that & theTuna:)
mmccourt1981 - 11 years ago
Great video, and I really like that song
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
60 pound line...... I would guess 27 kgs......
Salem ..........!!
Salem ..........!! - 11 years ago
how many kgs can that line take..??
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
It's an OCEAN KAYAK Prowler Big Game! One of the most stable fishing kayaks on the market!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
I'm not sure what the brand is...... I got it off of ebay a few years ago. It might be a precision pak.... Its a 5 foot by 20 inches insulated bag. It works great and holds ice almost all day! Thanks for watching, aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Yes, I know! The faster I dispatch a fish the safer it is from sharks taking it. thanks for watching. aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You
Arya Semadi
Arya Semadi - 11 years ago
this is great man..... just great...
Piro olivare
Piro olivare - 11 years ago
Awesome fishing man
Joshua Freeman
Joshua Freeman - 11 years ago
what kayak is that?
wordingreenville - 11 years ago
Damn, man. Very impressive. What kind of fish bag did you use for the first two fish?
Mikey Langell
Mikey Langell - 11 years ago
Nice fish
John Doe
John Doe - 11 years ago
Thanks, I may be going there this December
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Not really..... but fish still gotta eat and we can catch them year round.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Add it to the bucket list! Thanks for watcing! aloha
Jamal Rashada
Jamal Rashada - 11 years ago
Sick catch bro
xyzman001 - 11 years ago
cool! Thanks for the inspiration!
John Doe
John Doe - 11 years ago
Is December good time for fishing in Hawaii?
Carlos peres
Carlos peres - 11 years ago
I live in Louisiana and we have great fishing for red fish and speckle trout but would love to hook up with a tuna. If I go to Hawaii definitely going to kayak fish.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks bro! I need to pull it up on the yak, arrange it so it balances the yak and paddle it in as fast as I can! I try to throw my fish bag or shirt over it to protect it from the sun. I can usually fit tuna's under 70 pounds in my fish bag with ice in my hull, anything bigger than that I need to paddle in! I hope you get that big boy one day soon bro! Tight lines and safe fishing! Aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks! Rajah!!! Check out "Aquahunters" website before you do! Tons and tons of very useful info on the fishing techniques, friendly fishing buddies, types of gear needed to land these fish and much, much more! It took me a lot of training, finding out the right gear, and trials and error before landing my first 100 plus pound Tuna! You need to be ready for a battle at least an hour long! I hope you get a chance to get over here soon! Summer is usually the best time to fish here! Aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks! It was for a few months until my best friend broke it with a 125#er!!! He is a true warrior!! You gotta check out his channel and vids bro! The guy is an ANIMO!!! check out " Andy Cho" channel! The worlds best kayak fisherman hands down!!! aloha
xyzman001 - 11 years ago
Awesome! One question tho. How do you bring the 100lb+ tuna back to shore? Hope to someday land something that big in my yak.
Glenn Madden
Glenn Madden - 11 years ago
Awesome catches. I fish offshore every chance I get but we don't get tuna that close to shore. Someday I've got to get over there and catch one myself!
Carlos peres
Carlos peres - 11 years ago
Awesome video man your so lucky to be able to kayak fish for tuna.
Slayde Omura
Slayde Omura - 11 years ago
Holy crap is that a kayak fishing record
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
You are obviously not a "real" fisherman! What a JOKE!!!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Yes, sharks are always around but most of the time they aren't confrontational. Thanks for watching, aloha!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Bat I never want? I don't understand....... Thanks for watching, aloha.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
I don't use jig sticks..... I would think that a 8-9' rod might be to long, a 6-7' rod would work good tho, the reel would depend on if you like to use spinners or conventionals. I would recomend a light graphite reel with a light rod. The size of the reel would all depend on the average depth you will be jigging at also. Good luck and safe fishing! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks, but I'm sponsored by HOOK1 and get all my kayak fishing gear from them.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
Lazy Gnome
Lazy Gnome - 11 years ago
takes you four fishing rods to catch a fish and you think that makes you good? Try it with one and catch fish while waiting like a real fisherman. wimp
HelloImSher - 11 years ago
Damn... SO jealous.... btw do you come in contact with sharks pretty often?
fuski23 - 11 years ago
wow man, great fish
Mat Matt
Mat Matt - 11 years ago
Just getting into kayak fishing in La Jolla kelp beds, San Diego. do you like jig sticks, if so what length? and what reel? some have told me 8' or 9' sticks are too big to manage on a yak. We have a lot of yellowtail, calico bass, and white sea bass here. Thanks man!
KayakDIY - 11 years ago
Love Kayak Fishing. Visit us for future DIY kayak modifications or questions. We even have a store with anything from ways to haul your kayak to nuts, bolts, and rivets!
polarbehr - 11 years ago
Guardian Mn
Guardian Mn - 11 years ago
great video and a cool worrior! thanks for the upload
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Yes, It has been converted into a 2 speed and blue printed by Cal Sheets! One of my best reels I own! It landed me three Yellow fin tuna's over a 110 pounds off of my yak already and countless of other pelagics! I have never had any problems with it! Lovin my old school 12T
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
The BEST!!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
hahaha Thanks bro!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! Aloha
Hunter whitley
Hunter whitley - 11 years ago
is that a penn 12 international
Lucas Aires
Lucas Aires - 11 years ago
SOJA < 3
Mat Matt
Mat Matt - 11 years ago
Logan - 11 years ago
Yea I would've been speechless too! That's impressive
GreenNGoldFever - 11 years ago
Sick brotha!!!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Mahalo bro! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
hahahaha....... Yep! Most of the people on the beach was speechless when they saw me lift it up. Thanks for watching, aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
hahaha, thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! Soja is my favorite band!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
thanks for watching!
David Shelton
David Shelton - 11 years ago
Incredible Rob, love the fight and your landing.
Logan - 11 years ago
Imagine the looks this dude got when he got back to shore haha
Paul McIntyre
Paul McIntyre - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing. You da man!
SportfishingYT - 11 years ago
haha grab the gaff like "I got this guy!" spirals again; "Oh shit" xD nice fish man!
L Wapo
L Wapo - 11 years ago
Love the music!!
Bruce f
Bruce f - 11 years ago
screaming !!!!!!!!!!!!!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! I feel your pain on getting out badly! Our weather here is not that great too, the winds has been blowing crazy and if its not the wind then a huge south swell closes down most of the launches here! Hope you get to get out soon brother! Tight lines and safe fishing! Aloha
chefdta561 - 11 years ago
Nice Job Rob! I yak fish offshore in south Florida - Our tuna are about 3-30 pounds here and they pull us around so I def respect that beast catch! After this I'm itching to get out but our water has nasty wind slop on it now... thanks for the fish-woody! Also nice shot on the brain spike! keep it up... Mahalo!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you! aloha
SooperHBOMB - 11 years ago
Oasiz IzGood
Oasiz IzGood - 11 years ago
you are correct. that was a ipad3 in the parcel which i got from Apple-YT questionnaire content last week. Listen to this, email and your address is enough to get your iphone 5. i found it here -> bit.ly/11DPaCQ?=xaygz
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching, aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You!!! Aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Gravy!!!! hahahaha, nah it wasn't that bad at all. My yak was almost at it's max weight carrying capability, so paddling it almost fully submerged a few miles back to land wasn't as easy as normal. But once you have a 100 plus # Tuna on your lap it makes everything feel well worth it and easy!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You!!! Stay tuned for more EPIC action soon! Aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
All PENN gear, For this Tuna I was using a PENN International 12t converted 2 speed by Cal's on a 6' PENN 30-80# Mariner, I also have 2 PENN International 16vs 2 speeds on two 6' PENN International 50-100# Stand-up V Rods. I now have my 12t strapped on a 6'-6" PENN Bluewater Carnage 50-100# Graphite Rod and it's my favorite rod! Super light, crazy Strong, sensitive tip with superb backbone and proven to smoke up 100 Plus # Tuna's like butter! Thanks for watching, Aloha
hobbsy1010 - 11 years ago
Awesome Vid,Top Fish, Top Man, Good Times!!!!
Paul Irinco
Paul Irinco - 11 years ago
That was bad ass
SA Sportsman
SA Sportsman - 11 years ago
How was that paddle back in? Lol
クラーケン クラーケン
クラーケン クラーケン - 11 years ago
Nice catch,anyway what rod and reel are you using???
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
hahaha..... Yep, didn't want to bring it up on my lap alive, It would of beatin me up! lol thanks for watching, aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks! Aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks bro!!! Just doing what I love to do! Aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks! It was my second Yellow Fin Tuna over a 100 pounds from my yak, I have landed 5 of them over a 100 pounds so far, 3 of them was a couple of weeks ago and I got them all in one week! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
My OCEAN KAYAK Prowler Big Game is about 13 feet and my Trident is 15 feet. Both is very stable!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Lucky I live Hawai'i!!!! Thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
booooooost um!!!!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
thank you!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
hahaha...... Yep it's a rush!!! Thanks for watching, aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you! good luck and safe fishing on your custom yak! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks!!!! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks! Not so much, sharks are always around but they aren't that aggressive all the time. aloha
swmiu808 - 11 years ago
Brah good catch
Jose Hernandez
Jose Hernandez - 11 years ago
Now this is a fish! WOW
Ross Lane
Ross Lane - 11 years ago
Bro that some ill shit you got going on over there in Hawaii. Do work.
robmayyne - 11 years ago
Nice work man, that's a pretty intense fish to catch on a Kayak. Looks like you've done it before.
JordansHomeMovies - 11 years ago
What length is your Kayak? I am about to buy one to do some fishing past the 2nd sandbar off the beach about 1,000 feet from shore, and in the bay (which is obviously way more calm)... and everyone tells me not to go smaller than a 13-Footer... Thanks!
Pietro Di Donfrancesco
Pietro Di Donfrancesco - 11 years ago
Fuck you nigga
LUIS LOPEZ - 11 years ago
That was a good battle man congrats ,almost to big for the kayak.
Conrad Landers
Conrad Landers - 11 years ago
Paul Silva
Paul Silva - 11 years ago
Damn man you Attached are really big tuna fish you did a great job man that tuna fish is Heavy and it's Very big
TheXJthatCould - 11 years ago
Ahaha!!! Awesome catch man!!! I get pumped up when I catch a 5 lb bass from my yak! I could only imagine that ahi!!!
tarponio - 11 years ago
Good music, good man, and good fishing. Making me want to move to Hawaii and catch some slobs with you.
Jose Gomez
Jose Gomez - 11 years ago
surprisingly, many congratulations, I'm thinking of making a wooden kayak, to see you and I decided to build it, Greetings from Guadalajara Mexico
SuperMarksman33 - 11 years ago
Kia ora bro,mean vid,mean sounds.Respect from New Zealand.
gwilliams100910 - 11 years ago
Incredible catch man. How many do you lose to sharks??
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Most of the time I use live bait, Scads is the bait of choice here but it is very hard to catch. thanks for watching, aloha.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you, aloha.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks! Great workout, don't need to go to the gym! lol
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
fchazaro - 11 years ago
You use live bait to catch tuna? What is the live bait? Thanks for your answer. regards
Prime Pit Bull
Prime Pit Bull - 11 years ago
Much Mad Respect for you & especially the way you treat the waters. there are Way To Many people on this planet that take Anything & Everything they can get from the waters & don't comprehend something as simple as balance, if you take something you need to give back and don't take for granted, this tiny fragile spec, in comparison to the universe, we call earth,
Slow & Low
Slow & Low - 11 years ago
Nice hookup. Mean workout. Thanks
vrsoriano - 11 years ago
Sick catch, great band.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks bro! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks, Yes I use a rudder with a custom rudder blade made by my friend! The stock rudder blades are to small for our currents and winds here in Hawai'i. Check out his FB page " Hawaiian Metal Art" for custom made rudders for any kayak! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
I was using live scads! Thanks for watching
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks! took almost an hour, my arms was dead by the time I got in tho! hahaha, aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Mahalo bro!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Yes, Sharks are always going to be around! You just gotta be smarter and faster! haha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
I would check out J HARA or TOKUNAGAS in Hilo, they should have what you need at those local stores! Sports Authority have some gear but only a limited amount. good luck and aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you so much! aloha from the Big Island of Hawai'i
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you! A bigger bat would work a lot better on these bigger fish eh! hahaha. aloha
FishintheEast - 11 years ago
Freakin awesome videos brother
James Triay
James Triay - 11 years ago
vert cool video bro, good work!
razolmos - 11 years ago
Love your video! You're awesome, keep up the good work! Do you use a rudder on your kayak?
Brad Stevens
Brad Stevens - 11 years ago
What were u using for bait? Ive always wondered what kinda baits hawaiians use for kayak fishing. I live in florida so the biggest thing i ever caught off my hobie was a 73lb 11oz cobia. Awesome video dude
Mule-PBS Productions
Mule-PBS Productions - 11 years ago
much respect
joe wong
joe wong - 11 years ago
that must have took forever to come back to shore!!!! i would be out of it from just fighting the fish... but bra you caught that ahi like a champ
Jack Koala
Jack Koala - 11 years ago
WOW ur really are a fantastic fisherman
michael jay Valenzuela
michael jay Valenzuela - 11 years ago
nice catch brah... mahalo for posting.. God bless...
shoguet - 11 years ago
Ever have problems with sharks when you got the fish against the kayak like that?
9ying9 - 11 years ago
;) Microsoft Chinese or Japanese input method can do this.
jordanfarewell - 11 years ago
hey man I live in Kona and am buying a fishing kayak. Do you know a good reasonable place to get gear to get all set up pole wise and stuff?
Bellybuster Bob
Bellybuster Bob - 11 years ago
outstanding vids!!! Us Canadaians are watching and talking about your adventures, Thanks
impact lures
impact lures - 11 years ago
Sick Bra!!
Frankie C
Frankie C - 11 years ago
Wow dude, just wow.... Congrats on such an awesome fish, maybe you should bring a louisville slugger with you next time? lol
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
I would recommend a OCEAN KAYAK Trident 13 bro!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
Laby 70
Laby 70 - 11 years ago
Dude that's bad ass. I never seen that kinda kayaking before. Been researching the kayaks. Set on getting one. But not to do offshore. Just lakes rivers& edge of the bay.
skins0800 - 11 years ago
Wow!!! This video makes me wanna go Big Island and go FISHING!!!!!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank you! I wouldnt recomend fighting a fish this size from any kayak sideways! they usually fight straight up and down and you will get flipped in a heartbeat with the amount of power these fish have! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You!!!! Those are chinese symbols that means Wong Yuen, it's my last name! How did you type it on the comments? Thats awesome! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching! I'm glad you enjoyed it. aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You very much! Aloha from the Big Island of Hawai'i.
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Mahalo bro!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Thank You! aloha
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
hahaha thanks for watching!
robNtay808 - 11 years ago
Hoppa - 11 years ago
Ww, Buddha too awesome.
azndoode12 - 11 years ago
Awesome! just awesome. would it be better to fight the fish side ways so the drag of the boat also tires out the fish? just wondering.
9ying9 - 11 years ago
waoooooow! giant fish! very cool fishing video and characters on your back 黄 元
Jaga Wag
Jaga Wag - 11 years ago
amazing video
xipetoltec - 11 years ago
That was awesome. :)
Custódio Ramalho
Custódio Ramalho - 11 years ago
awesome video for me has won all videos fishing kayak. Greetings from Portugal.
Fiona Dufek
Fiona Dufek - 11 years ago
Dude Badass video!!
Gage Locke
Gage Locke - 11 years ago
I know you we're tired after that last fish beating it with a stick good catch
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank you!!! aloha.
bassholebrothers - 12 years ago
Frickin fantastic. Awesome fish and video.
InfinityFishingTeam - 12 years ago
Awesome video. Congrats on the catch!
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Largest.... Around a 14 foot Tiger shark, they aint as bad as people say they are tho. Most of the larger tigers are just crusing by and are lazy to even eat your live bait, the smaller tigers between 6-10 feet are more of a problem! Those can be a pain in the butt, they are more aggresive and spunky then the larger tigers and will sneak up on you. Sharks are just part of fishing here in Hawaii, I see them almost everytime I'm out and have a lot of repect for them. Thanks for watching, aloha.
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thanks! Yep the fish was very fresh, It was grade A sashimi and the "Poke Shack" was so happy to have gotten the fish! I had Jesus with me that day because there is no way I could of done this with out his help! Thank you for watching, aloha.
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thanks! aloha.
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank you for watching! I hope one day you can take a short vacation to Hawai'i and hook some of these fish while your here! aloha.
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
charge um!!! anyone can do it! thanks for watching, aloha.
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Mahalo brother for your sub! aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thanks for watching, aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thanks bro! I see that SUP fishing is blowing up BIG TIME! 25# halibut is an awesome catch from a SUP brother! It's way harder to fish and fight fish from a SUP!!! I can barely stand up on one thats why I need to sit in a yak! lol.... Yes it was very hard to keep the yak from flipping! I had so much pressure on this fish that if the line snapped, I would of flipped the yak the other way! It takes a lot of practice to fight and land these size fish. I hope you get your epic day soon bro! aloha.
makawaomango - 12 years ago
whats the largest shark that has circled you? How much of a problem are they?
lomrithsa - 12 years ago
hoping the fish still fresh when you get home you can sell this to suzzi shop you know such a powerful fish and you bring it to your kayak incredible it so difercult to bring it back to the boat lol i dont know how you do it
G Smith kayak angling
G Smith kayak angling - 12 years ago
Fine fish and love the the vid.
DiyMan - 12 years ago
Nice...Well Done.. :o) If only we got fish like that over here...
ajriveraruiz - 12 years ago
I so wanna do this..
crushh87 - 12 years ago
Sick bro! Subed!
HydraYak Outdoors
HydraYak Outdoors - 12 years ago
Awesome vid!
Gregg Solomon
Gregg Solomon - 12 years ago
Rob great catch, congratulations, I caught a 25lb halibut on my SUP which is nothing compared to what you accomplished!! Was it hard to keep from the kayak from flipping??
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thanks, Most of my fish I can fit in my fish bag with ice that I store inside of my hull, and the bigger ones that don't fit trough my hatch, I paddle them back in fast with it on my lap. Thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Aurite!!! Mahalo for watching and Aloha!
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank You!
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank You!! good luck on your monster catch! Aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
YES SIR!! Wouldnt paddle in anything less!! Thanks for watching, Aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank You!! Aloha
lap nguyen
lap nguyen - 12 years ago
wow rob awesome,you da man..
unforgiven - 12 years ago
nice catch.. what you do with fish after you catch them do you tie them up on the kayak?
Alan Otto
Alan Otto - 12 years ago
Unreal! What a ridiculous video...so awesome Mahalo
Kwanza Henderson
Kwanza Henderson - 12 years ago
Man this is a very nice video and fish. Good job man
Steven Pleskovitch
Steven Pleskovitch - 12 years ago
great catches, I yak in the panhandle of Florida, can't wait to get a hold of some large fish.
Stefano Norcia
Stefano Norcia - 12 years ago
the ocean kayak big game number 1
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Jim Glen
Jim Glen - 12 years ago
that is crazy wild! even my wife loved your video! best of luck to you He lawai`a no ke kai papa`u, he pôkole ke aho; he lawai`a no ke kai hohonu he loa ke aho.
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
eat um!!! I have a lot of family and friends that love to eat fresh fish!
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
hahahahaha, mahalo for watching Mike! aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
jordan tyler
jordan tyler - 12 years ago
wat u do with all that sash!?
Michael Chun
Michael Chun - 12 years ago
Some sweet, brah! Nevah know who was winning! Mike
MDQTeam - 12 years ago
Excelente pesca amigo quisieramos usar tu video en nuestro programa de TV podemos hacerlo?
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Will never forget it!!! Thanks for watching! aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
BulletsBacon Beer
BulletsBacon Beer - 12 years ago
Outstanding fish! That is a memory of a lifetime.
guitarsurfer2010 - 12 years ago
Fantastic wonderful to see you use every ounce of your power and bring in those magnificent fish. You are a quite a man Aloha
Alvians Cell
Alvians Cell - 12 years ago
waw...... amazing....
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
On the Big Island and Kauai you can get them at P&P kayaks and on Oahu you can get them at Go Banana's, not sure about Maui....... If money is tight then keep checking on craigslist, they always have used kayaks for a good cheap price! Aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank You so much! Aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
thank you
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank You! will try my best to. Aloha
Olamonz808 - 12 years ago
Wat I ment was da kine kayak
Olamonz808 - 12 years ago
Hey bra wea can U get those line
Will Edwards
Will Edwards - 12 years ago
best video of fishing out of a yak ive ever seen
Márdhoni Paiva
Márdhoni Paiva - 12 years ago
Caraca! show de bola
Socal Hali killer Yakpak
Socal Hali killer Yakpak - 12 years ago
as a fellow kayak fisherman great job keep it up
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank You!!! Aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Mahalo for watching!
zoffinger - 12 years ago
I was clapping when the video reached the 6 minute mark. Bravo! From Tampa, Florida.
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
It's a custom made gaff!
JadedKingsGaming - 12 years ago
and the hook you use after you use the spear what is that ?
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
I'm using a Hawaiian spear called a "KAGE"
JadedKingsGaming - 12 years ago
What are you using to stab it to stun or kill it then to hook it to bring it into the boat?
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank You!
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
hahahahaha, Yep it was fun trying to paddle back in almost 3 miles with a 114 pound fish on my lap! lol These OCEAN KAYAK'S are the BEST fishing platforms on the market! Fast, stable and tons of storage in all the right places! Thank you for watching! Aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank You for watching! Aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Thank You!!!
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Ohhh Yeah buddy! It's a rush like no other! Thank You for watching! Aloha
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
Howzit, You should check out a website called AQUAHUNTERS, it has so much info on it about kayak fishing, rigging and safety. I know a few weeks ago someone was rigging up a malibu yak for fishing also on that site. I would try to keep it as simple and basic for now, as you progress you will find out where you wanna mount things and what things you will actually need to have. A yak fully rigged with all the bells and whistles isnt gonna catch more fish than a bare yak! Aloha Bro, and be safe!
robNtay808 - 12 years ago
thank you!
kayak dave
kayak dave - 12 years ago
excellent vid!
Palpac - 12 years ago
i was watching the island start to get smaller and smaller, must have been a mission of a paddle to get back to shore. The yak looked so stable to.
Ricky Morgan
Ricky Morgan - 12 years ago
Awesome video and great editing
Jack Tam
Jack Tam - 12 years ago
HOLY SHIET! awesome!
Dean Crouch
Dean Crouch - 12 years ago
Great Vid....thx for posting.... you must had a great time !!!
Kaleo Keliikoa
Kaleo Keliikoa - 12 years ago
Aloha nui again cuzzin. Mean your setup. I just got a Malibu Two XL. Kinda new to this. Wondering if you got any set up tips for my kayak and gear? Keep up the hanapa`a action cuzzin. Mahalo nui from West O`ahu.
Impresionante compañero , un saludo desde España

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