101# Ahi (Yellow Fin Tuna) hooked and landed by Rob Wong Yuen on the Big Island of Hawaii from his OCEAN KAYAK Trident 15 Angler, using PENN gear and KNOT2KINKY wire from AQUATEKO. All kayak accessories are from HOOK1 Kayak Fishing Gear! JusBoost!!! Please share, like and subscribe. More Epic vids comming out soon!!! Thank You for watching! Aloha Interested in a guided extreme kayak fishing tour on the Big Island of Hawaii? http://kayakfishinghawaii.net/ Contact extreme808kayak@gmail.com for more info. . Mahalo Nui to all for the support...HOE WA'A HAWAI'I - Paddle Hard!!! Check out my sponsors here: Aquateko http://www.aquateko.com/ Ocean Kayak http://www.oceankayak.com/ Penn Fishing http://www.pennreels.com/ Hook1 http://kayakfishinggear.com/ For Business Inquiries P.O. Box 514 Honaunau, HI. 96726 extreme808kayak@gmail.com

EXTREME KAYAK FISHING HAWAII 101# AHI sentiment_very_dissatisfied 26

Kayak 10 years ago 110,207 views

101# Ahi (Yellow Fin Tuna) hooked and landed by Rob Wong Yuen on the Big Island of Hawaii from his OCEAN KAYAK Trident 15 Angler, using PENN gear and KNOT2KINKY wire from AQUATEKO. All kayak accessories are from HOOK1 Kayak Fishing Gear! JusBoost!!! Please share, like and subscribe. More Epic vids comming out soon!!! Thank You for watching! Aloha Interested in a guided extreme kayak fishing tour on the Big Island of Hawaii? http://kayakfishinghawaii.net/ Contact extreme808kayak@gmail.com for more info. . Mahalo Nui to all for the support...HOE WA'A HAWAI'I - Paddle Hard!!! Check out my sponsors here: Aquateko http://www.aquateko.com/ Ocean Kayak http://www.oceankayak.com/ Penn Fishing http://www.pennreels.com/ Hook1 http://kayakfishinggear.com/ For Business Inquiries P.O. Box 514 Honaunau, HI. 96726 extreme808kayak@gmail.com

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Most popular comments

shotgunaaron - 7 years ago
Nice fish bro... Missing Hawaii already...
rafael caballero milla
rafael caballero milla - 7 years ago
Aloha ... I like your videos, I consider it an awesome sport. And the song is phenomenal, what is the name of this song? Thank you.
Hawaii Boys
Hawaii Boys - 7 years ago
Shit music
James Choe
James Choe - 7 years ago
Good to see powerful recreational fishing in Hawaii w/ no motorized boat. Respect.
Denver Deschenes
Denver Deschenes - 7 years ago
Curious if you've considered the Prowler from Ocean Kayak? Crazy videos keep them coming!
Adilson Hobby
Adilson Hobby - 7 years ago
Olá, eu percebi que o programa do Pacífico guerreiros não está mais na TV. Você sabe se você vai voltar? Congrats on the vídeos!
Rann Makana
Rann Makana - 7 years ago
cheehee bruddah
junior fish
junior fish - 7 years ago
show meu amigo, vejo muito seus videos parabéns
Daniel Dudoit
Daniel Dudoit - 7 years ago
Deadly accurate with that spike bro. I paddle bout once a week up to 3 nauticals offshore east oahu and still have yet to get a trophy like dat! tell me what lure you used and i'll buy you a case of heineken next time you on O'ahu. shoots den.
80.8f betta club oahu grown
80.8f betta club oahu grown - 7 years ago
Loose lips sink ships. There are plenty of people that don't know. I like it that way
Mike96792 - 7 years ago
Sean W
Oh please cut the act. If you think these guys use lures stop fishing and seek help. Its either live bait then dead bait then lures. Its commen sense.
80.8f betta club oahu grown
80.8f betta club oahu grown - 7 years ago
It'll could still be secret to some people. But you can't keep your lips shut.
Mike96792 - 7 years ago
Daniel Dudoit
Its live bait. Its no secret. Wtf Do you really fish?.... get a clue.
80.8f betta club oahu grown
80.8f betta club oahu grown - 7 years ago
Daniel Dudoit you must be high.


Trevor Lee
Trevor Lee - 8 years ago
Great video with a great choice of music
RelentlessCreation - 8 years ago
Love your vids and I miss Hawaii. What do you think of hobies for your application?
Alex Bass
Alex Bass - 7 years ago
RelentlessCreation evvyttydgtfggdcxe
Ramon Flores
Ramon Flores - 8 years ago
great video! what the song called that was playing?
Chris W
Chris W - 8 years ago
Would have made for a better video if he attracted a bunch of sharks waiting to bleed the fish. Then flipped the kayak as he tried to get it in the "boat".
Boogie Man
Boogie Man - 8 years ago
Big Props to You Sir. That is Some Real Man Type Fishing. I'm Super Impressed.
weenerdoggs - 8 years ago
Awesome! Great catch!
bruce grover
bruce grover - 8 years ago
no one wants to listen to your shit music while watching a video!
Diane Di Leonardo
Diane Di Leonardo - 7 years ago
So rude.
Jamie Lyn
Jamie Lyn - 7 years ago
Hahaha turkey lol
OG Luke
OG Luke - 8 years ago
bruce grover why'd u watch it then wobble titys
TheYosaGamer - 8 years ago
whats the song called? :)
Kylë Rëësë
Kylë Rëësë - 8 years ago
+robNtay808 I thought the music was cool man, keep up the good work !
robNtay808 - 8 years ago
Simple fool... Don't watch it! Watch Pokemon instead turkey hahaha
Geno Negoita
Geno Negoita - 8 years ago
Very good job Rob,I fishing in Canada,big lake,which length of kayak would you recommend 15' or 13' ?There is big difference on the water.Thank you
Chris - 8 years ago
hobie pro angler 14 is very good :)
Chris - 8 years ago
take 14 ;)
alvinrivera03 - 8 years ago
this video was cool! and you're a beast by the way because that fish was huge!
blue grass Bassin
blue grass Bassin - 8 years ago
hate the music


BigDepp14 - 8 years ago
Awesome video from a fellow kayak fisher living in Pennsylvania!!
bill keller
bill keller - 8 years ago
awesome bro, nice job, and you keep your cool. what kind of spike was that? looked like you was off big isle.
abdou td0k
abdou td0k - 8 years ago
Hadi men 3and yema
Jofloyd Kardenas
Jofloyd Kardenas - 8 years ago
This might be a dumb question, but what do fisherman, like yourself, do with the fish?
CGXD123 - 7 years ago
Jofloyd Kardenas eat the delicious meat of the fish or get it mounted lol
Richard Causey
Richard Causey - 8 years ago
i wouldn't have stuck my foot in the water under a dead bleeding fish lol, that's how you end up a peg leg.
Mike96792 - 7 years ago
Richard Causey
Yup my thoughts exactly. I don't see no life vest anywhere as well. These guys think their invincible and that they own the ocean that's why their show got cancelled they only act like they get Aloha.
Eddie Valladao
Eddie Valladao - 8 years ago
Music sucks and I couldn't watch it.
Evette Coldriver
Evette Coldriver - 9 years ago
whats the name of this song?
Nestor Martinez
Nestor Martinez - 9 years ago
Mr. K
Mr. K - 9 years ago
Lachlan Willetts
Lachlan Willetts - 9 years ago


malachi jordan
malachi jordan - 9 years ago
Pacific warriors???
FreakBuffalo - 9 years ago
Nice fish
rewtr - 9 years ago
Right on braddah, i used to live in Naalehu next to South Point, went to Ka'u high in Pahala - really glad to see this vid
CD  Outdoors
CD Outdoors - 9 years ago
bad ass video man
Manuel T
Manuel T - 9 years ago
Cool you the man. Where do you catch it
Tobias Jacobson
Tobias Jacobson - 9 years ago
first song???
Mark S
Mark S - 9 years ago
you have ama's on that kayak? Will it tip if a shark bumps it? looks so fun
shroudedunity - 9 years ago
everytime I try to watch your videos, I can never finish them. feels like im watching a music video. id rather hear the waves and the drag.
Eileen Bento
Eileen Bento - 9 years ago
Awesome video..ono eats..
Harvey Palmer
Harvey Palmer - 9 years ago
The Master!
alijah bertelmann
alijah bertelmann - 9 years ago
where did you get that mini harpoon
420surfkiva - 9 years ago
goatsniffer1965 - 9 years ago
Wow....what a YF.  I can't imagine the power of a 100+ Lb'er.  Nicely done Robbie
Kayak fishing Hudadak
Kayak fishing Hudadak - 9 years ago
Nice big one.~ great video~ ^^
BlackBear Marquez
BlackBear Marquez - 9 years ago
Muy buen pescador
Vance S
Vance S - 9 years ago
Man, nice fish! I don't know if I'd be coordinated enough to do all this by myself in a little kayak!
Good job!
-From Seattle
TiceCream C
TiceCream C - 9 years ago
hell0curry - 9 years ago
I enjoyed the whole video. Awesome footage.
Jeff Daniels
Jeff Daniels - 9 years ago
Awesome videos, can't wait to come to the island and fish for tuna on a kayak
jacman1111 - 9 years ago
Do you catch fish every time you go out?


Oakland-A's-Diehard - 9 years ago
Great video.. The other lines in the water too ? If so , what if you catch 2 of those beast at once.. That I wanna see from a Kayak.
Tight lines from Cali !!!
Jason Valle
Jason Valle - 10 years ago
you da man rob great video
Charlie HustleHard
Charlie HustleHard - 10 years ago
Much props !MASSIVE big ups!
Charlie HustleHard
Charlie HustleHard - 10 years ago
Nice..that's better than going to the gym!
IJ okinawa
IJ okinawa - 10 years ago
Wow brah, lots of sashimi, sooo ono!
Burnin Tree
Burnin Tree - 10 years ago
what a life man fucken gorgeous setting and fish!
Sean E
Sean E - 10 years ago
Gotta say brother, you're the reason why I just bought my first kayak.. I've always loved fishing but after seeing your videos I was inspired to try kayak fishing. I'm never looking back!
DJ NADRA - 10 years ago
Espectacular!!!! Que grande qye eres!!!
Como se llama la canción?
Anddro Danyali
Anddro Danyali - 10 years ago
I know he's dead from the sharks #rivermonsters
Kristopher Morales
Kristopher Morales - 10 years ago
Great video I was curious what band Is this
Code L33t
Code L33t - 10 years ago
Great catch man. Question:
What rods and reels ( models ) you're using here ?
Autumn A
Autumn A - 10 years ago
Wow! I would've have gone down with the fish....
Alex KoT
Alex KoT - 10 years ago
What's the name of the music, please
jerry ramos
jerry ramos - 10 years ago
Another awesome Video, Great work!!!
alone will
alone will - 10 years ago
Great video , I think people would like to see some instructional videos frim you , like explaining how to handle big fish and how to prepare for it . At least i will ☺
Javier Plaza
Javier Plaza - 10 years ago
Increible lo que hacen felicitaciónes!!
João Miguel Santos
João Miguel Santos - 10 years ago
Awesome as usual ;) Keep on burning
David Kappes
David Kappes - 10 years ago
I just bought my first kayak sit on top feel free Moken 12.5 love it going to fish up Minnesota 10,0000 lakes some rivers and creeks and swamps I am hooked for the rest of life. yah Babby boo yah
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Sweet! Tight lines and safe fishing! Aloha
David Kappes
David Kappes - 10 years ago
this guy is an incredible angler keep up the good work and keep the videos coming.
Ernest Alfinez
Ernest Alfinez - 10 years ago
YO Bredan...you are a BEAST.... Tight lines! Can you do me a favor though, can you KEEP YOUR FEET IN THE KAYAK when you spear a fish....!! LOL
Brent Smith
Brent Smith - 10 years ago
That's sick man. Great catch.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thank you
Paco Iniguez
Paco Iniguez - 10 years ago
Get em Bro!!! Thanks again for takin me out there, it was a blast! Im already planning my trip back out there lol. I may go back in mid july, if I do im definatley gonna hit you up again!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Rajah bro! Definitely!!! Gonna bend them rods again!!! Aloha brother!
Randy Miyamoto
Randy Miyamoto - 10 years ago
Congratulations on that fat 101# ahi.  Nice Job!!


robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Mahalo Randy! Aloha
Roger Garcia
Roger Garcia - 10 years ago
fish on my brotha fish on!!!!!!!Corpus Christi Texas
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Rajah Dat! Cheeeee!
Jeremy Wicker
Jeremy Wicker - 10 years ago
Wats the name of the music
ellabee808 - 10 years ago
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Cheeeeeee mahalo my Brada!!!! Much love and aloha!
JoveeKovee - 10 years ago
Shakka Bruddah...   Aloha
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Mahalo bro!
Dominic Salomon
Dominic Salomon - 10 years ago
My kayak fishing inspiration, big ups brother!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Much love! Aloha
Kurt Schmid
Kurt Schmid - 10 years ago
I can watch this over and over again! This is just what fishing is about when one cares for a strong connection with nature, the ocean.. battling big pelagics on a kayak. no motor, no crew..just you and the blue water
Kurt Schmid
Kurt Schmid - 9 years ago
+robNtay808 Just watched a sneak peek of Pacific Warriors..did I see right!?! your going to be on Discovery! Congrats..can't wait to watch that. Hope the show will do justice to this way of life!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Rajah!!! Captain, crew, motor, angler and camera man! Cheeeeeeee! That's why I do it! The rush is insane when I hook a monster! The fresh fish for the family is the bonus! Much love and aloha!
johne303 - 10 years ago
Awesome video. I wish the cost of living in Hawaii wasn't so expensive. I would move in a heartbeat just to fish the waters everyday.
bigislevw - 10 years ago
All I can say is UNREAL!!!! Miss watching you awesome fishing videos...
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Mahalo bro! Sorry for not dishing out new vids for a while... My computer got all messed up, gonna start pumping out vids again. Aloha bro
metalmanhawaii - 10 years ago
WHAT A BALANCING ACT to get that MONSTER into the kayak!!! 808AMINO :) !!!!!!!!!
Grant's World Productions
Grant's World Productions - 10 years ago
Nice work Rob... wish there were more out today!
KAYAK FRANK - 10 years ago
Great Footage & Fish Man.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Microage97 - 10 years ago
Great eating brah!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Rajah dat! Aloha
Steve Vincent
Steve Vincent - 10 years ago
Some day I am going to have to make a trip for tuna from a kayak.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Ohhhhh yeahhhh! I would recommend an Ocean Kayak Trident or Big Game!
mathon09 - 10 years ago
Awesome video Rob! I hope to get back out there with you one day.
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thanks Matt!!! For sure! Hit me up when you can get back here! Aloha
RoKKiT KiT - 10 years ago
Another awesome fish mate, top stuff!
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Spaztek12 - 10 years ago
Fantastic!! i gotta ask though mate , are you not scared of sharks biting your feet with all that blood in the water ?
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
Thanks! Sharks are always gonna be around out there, being afraid doesn't help... Respecting them is a better way to put it.
Ivan Melendez
Ivan Melendez - 10 years ago

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