Engine Powered Canoe vs The TomCat - Top Gear - BBC

Want more Top Gear? Visit the official Top Gear channel: http://bit.ly/TopGearWW Top Gear Whether you’re searching for a caravan challenge, Ken Block in the Hoonicorn, cars versus fighter jets, Stig power laps or the latest Chris Harris Drives, you can find all the iconic films here on the Top Gear YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/TopGearWW Top Gear's Richard Hammond challenges an engine powered canoe to a drag race around an ice lake in Iceland. Subscribe for more awesome Top Gear videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=topgear Top Gear YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/topgear TopGear.com website: http://www.topgear.com Top Gear Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/topgear Top Gear Twitter: http://twitter.com/BBC_topgear This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BBCStudios WATCH MORE: Hiroshima: http://bit.ly/BBCHiroshima Horizon: http://bit.ly/BBCHorizon Best of Alan Partridge: http://bit.ly/BestOfAlanPartridge Harry Enfield and Chums: http://bit.ly/HarryEnfieldAndChums Welcome to BBC Studios, bringing you the best of British TV! Here you'll find classic comedy, gripping drama, as well as the best documentaries, science and history! Take a look at complete listings for all our shows - we've got plenty to keep you entertained! Is there a BBC clip you'd love to see? Make sure you let us know by leaving a comment. Want to share your views with the team and win prizes? Join our fan panel: https://tinyurl.com/yayv8ktg This is a channel from BBC Worldwide, trading as BBC Studios, who help fund new BBC programmes.Service information and feedback: http://bbcworldwide.com/vod-feedback--contact-details.aspx

Engine Powered Canoe vs The TomCat - Top Gear - BBC sentiment_very_dissatisfied 85

Kayak 17 years ago 937,423 views

Want more Top Gear? Visit the official Top Gear channel: http://bit.ly/TopGearWW Top Gear Whether you’re searching for a caravan challenge, Ken Block in the Hoonicorn, cars versus fighter jets, Stig power laps or the latest Chris Harris Drives, you can find all the iconic films here on the Top Gear YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/TopGearWW Top Gear's Richard Hammond challenges an engine powered canoe to a drag race around an ice lake in Iceland. Subscribe for more awesome Top Gear videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=topgear Top Gear YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/topgear TopGear.com website: http://www.topgear.com Top Gear Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/topgear Top Gear Twitter: http://twitter.com/BBC_topgear This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BBCStudios WATCH MORE: Hiroshima: http://bit.ly/BBCHiroshima Horizon: http://bit.ly/BBCHorizon Best of Alan Partridge: http://bit.ly/BestOfAlanPartridge Harry Enfield and Chums: http://bit.ly/HarryEnfieldAndChums Welcome to BBC Studios, bringing you the best of British TV! Here you'll find classic comedy, gripping drama, as well as the best documentaries, science and history! Take a look at complete listings for all our shows - we've got plenty to keep you entertained! Is there a BBC clip you'd love to see? Make sure you let us know by leaving a comment. Want to share your views with the team and win prizes? Join our fan panel: https://tinyurl.com/yayv8ktg This is a channel from BBC Worldwide, trading as BBC Studios, who help fund new BBC programmes.Service information and feedback: http://bbcworldwide.com/vod-feedback--contact-details.aspx

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Most popular comments
for Engine Powered Canoe vs The TomCat - Top Gear - BBC

David Carrillo
David Carrillo - 7 years ago
144p we meet again
kevinthecherry - 7 years ago
I think I can count the pixels
Dave Molyneux
Dave Molyneux - 7 years ago
wheres the iceberg when you need one? you hit it Richard
Le Derp
Le Derp - 7 years ago
Im assuming that one blue pixel is the canoe, but where is hamster?
Dave Molyneux
Dave Molyneux - 7 years ago
wheres the iceberg when you need one? you hit it.
Jan Veenhof
Jan Veenhof - 8 years ago
By who is that canoe sponsored? I can't really tell
Sethjxl - 8 years ago
2:43 "...it doesn't float..." cut to 6:18.... and its floating....
Dillan Hart
Dillan Hart - 7 years ago
If it hits an iceberg and gets a hole ripped into it.
Anton Thellman
Anton Thellman - 8 years ago
if it stops maybe
Quentin Van Caelenberg
Quentin Van Caelenberg - 8 years ago
How funny... They're in Iceland... If they knew they'll lose against them at the Euro 2016
QuebeC VR
QuebeC VR - 8 years ago
Icelandic lunatic

I like Iceland already

10. comment for Engine Powered Canoe vs The TomCat - Top Gear - BBC

Nicholas Sanders
Nicholas Sanders - 8 years ago
"And it's rubbish-- because it doesn't have an engine." Lol me when doing yard work
Firebrand - 8 years ago
This is a clip of HEROES!!! The canoeist is brave-crazy, Hammond is pretty handy in a rally car and that Tomcat is amazing. Shrugs off an iceberg like it was foam xD
biboKralle - 8 years ago
Looks so amazing in 144p!
totallyjonesin - 9 years ago
The front bumper straightened itself out, amazing!
handa swami
handa swami - 9 years ago
That tomcat is a machine of dreams
Anonymous User
Anonymous User - 8 years ago
+handa swami very small dreams
Linus Ericsson
Linus Ericsson - 9 years ago
Press 2 then 4
Big B
Big B - 9 years ago
+Linus Ericsson Lol.
Random Kids and vids.
Random Kids and vids. - 9 years ago
It weren't actually Hammond driving. If you watch at one point he turns the steering wheel all the way to the right but the car doesn't turn at all.
Random Kids and vids.
Random Kids and vids. - 8 years ago
It not its just staged
Katy Lawson
Katy Lawson - 8 years ago
+Random Kids and vids. It's the way it is edited. They use different clips from inside the car and outside the car at different times and interlace them.
Harry Bolland
Harry Bolland - 9 years ago
THIS WAS 2008!?!? jeeeez I could've sworn this episode was aired only a couple of years ago!
FlyingWldAlaska77 - 9 years ago
lol i can imagine jack sparrow in that canoe and the squid face guy in the jeep XD

by the way for all of you numbskulls thats the pirate of the caribbean song :P. . .herpderp whats the song?!? um haven't you ever seen movies?
Dank Memes
Dank Memes - 9 years ago
click 4 again and again while your watching the video :3
thank you
Cerberus - 8 years ago
+Marcel LP Of course not, It's just kind of pointless to comment on a year old comment thread
MJN - 8 years ago
Well.. does that mean i cant write a comment?
Cerberus - 8 years ago
+Marcel LP that was over a year ago 
MJN - 8 years ago
+Cerberus 9
Cerberus - 9 years ago
+Braydyn Deblois 0 2 4
Flatout Friesen
Flatout Friesen - 9 years ago
+Braydyn Deblois try 5... thats more like it.

20. comment for Engine Powered Canoe vs The TomCat - Top Gear - BBC

EstonianGodfather - 9 years ago
what is the song starting at 0:36 plz someone tell
EstonianGodfather - 9 years ago
finally lol thank you so much ^^!
Kulcsár Atilla
Kulcsár Atilla - 9 years ago
Brian Tyler & Klaus Badelt- Constantine end titles
EstonianGodfather - 9 years ago
thx for the help guys
Liberty White
Liberty White - 9 years ago
+EstonianGodfather It's the theme tune from the Pirates of the Caribbean film. I can't remember the name of the composer, but he also did the film National Treasure, I believe.
Salman Khan
Salman Khan - 9 years ago
The music is from pirates of Caribbean. He is a pirate.
jpiercevids - 9 years ago
Anyone notice the Pirates of the Caribbean theme?
Liberty White
Liberty White - 8 years ago
Ah lol... ok then....
Anonymous User
Anonymous User - 8 years ago
+Liberty White No, I think pretty much anyone would notice, I was being sarcastic
jpiercevids - 8 years ago
+Liberty White Yeah, I was a bit surprised myself when I herd it!
Liberty White
Liberty White - 8 years ago
Just have to have seen POTC a billion times to catch it... I have lol
Anonymous User
Anonymous User - 8 years ago
+jpiercevids Hardly noticeable
Liberty White
Liberty White - 9 years ago
+jpiercevids I did! haha! I came down to comment about it and found this... lol
jpiercevids - 9 years ago
+Le Peel Well, at 4:30 it starts.  So there you go.
Papi the Slavic dogg
Papi the Slavic dogg - 9 years ago
pfff, typical icelandic road in my little town...
anthony Marshall
anthony Marshall - 9 years ago
song at 0:36 to 0:57
Todd Steele JR.
Todd Steele JR. - 9 years ago
Dress up like pirate's and you have a new pirate's of the Caribbean lol
Robin Michiels
Robin Michiels - 10 years ago
Very scripted crash of Hammond 
Laugher Cake
Laugher Cake - 10 years ago
What is that song at 3:23?
Laugher Cake
Laugher Cake - 9 years ago
+Dale Gribble Just.......stop!
Skylo Ren
Skylo Ren - 9 years ago
+LAUGHER CAKE sandstorm-darude?
Laugher Cake
Laugher Cake - 9 years ago
Erm, that's not the song i'm talking about, its the song that plays just as they start the race!
Swissmister93 - 9 years ago
+LAUGHER CAKE "He's a Pirate" - Klaus Badelt
Laugher Cake
Laugher Cake - 9 years ago
HAHAHAHAHhahuuh (uh mah gurd ur hilarious!) sarcasm!
Skylo Ren
Skylo Ren - 9 years ago
+LAUGHER CAKE darude-sandstorm
scorpion3244 - 10 years ago
5:19 what a faster recovery LooL!!!
Miguel Oroña
Miguel Oroña - 10 years ago
Hammmond could have won had he not crashed on a block of ice which he could have TOTALLY avoided.
Abbrahan - 10 years ago
I reckon if Hammond didn't have to stop and get out he would have won.

30. comment for Engine Powered Canoe vs The TomCat - Top Gear - BBC

Tracy Van Epps
Tracy Van Epps - 10 years ago
EPIC MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!
sony saputra
sony saputra - 10 years ago
i'll waiting for Canoe vs JerryMouse
Shuwei Cai
Shuwei Cai - 10 years ago
Did Hammond just have a head on collision with a block of ice? 
Blastar Seymour
Blastar Seymour - 10 years ago
This video has less pixels than tetris  !!
MattCree - 10 years ago
BBC.... 240p...what
Shamim Azad
Shamim Azad - 7 years ago
Anttuuuu - 10 years ago
Vishnu Vijay
Vishnu Vijay - 10 years ago
that 2stroke sound.... :-)
esmi000 - 10 years ago
Correction... Kayak
Leif Vejby
Leif Vejby - 9 years ago
+Logan Stewart
And the same rules apply to Kayaking and to canoeing? Go and read up on the rules once more!
Cockroach Man
Cockroach Man - 9 years ago
+Logan Stewart I had a camp instructor at school who used to have a sissy fit when we called the kayaks canoes.We always called them canoes after that.
Logan Stewart
Logan Stewart - 10 years ago
I don't know your nationality but the BCU (British Canoe Union) oversea all kayaking and canoeing in Britain
Leif Vejby
Leif Vejby - 10 years ago
Kayaking is a form of kayaking whereas canoeing is a form of canoeing. 
Logan Stewart
Logan Stewart - 10 years ago
But a cow isn't a horse kayaking is a form of canoeing.
Leif Vejby
Leif Vejby - 10 years ago
+Logan Stewart Like a cow technically is a sort of horse, right!
Logan Stewart
Logan Stewart - 10 years ago
Kayak is technically a form of canoe so I wouldn't be too pick
Boba Fett
Boba Fett - 10 years ago
That canoe is rapid.
haloharley15 - 10 years ago
kayaking down a waterfall... isnt that just plummeting off a waterfall with a kayak?
Conor Buckman
Conor Buckman - 9 years ago
It's really a lot harder
SteepVisions - 9 years ago
+haloharley15 No it's not. Plus this guy doesn't have the height record(something Else). The record is 186 feet(taller than niagara)
TraustiGeir - 10 years ago
Walter White
Walter White - 10 years ago
Any ideas which song it is between 3:24 and 4:30?
SnipinCatz - 9 years ago
+Skandranon Banefire It's not Hans Zimmer either.
Skandranon Banefire
Skandranon Banefire - 10 years ago
+Walter White ...derp...sorry...
Walter White
Walter White - 10 years ago
+Skandranon Banefire The bit between 3:24 and 4:30 has nothing to do with any of the Pirates of the Caribbean theme songs. It`s totally different.  
Skandranon Banefire
Skandranon Banefire - 10 years ago
You don't get out much do you? That's "He's a Pirate" by Hans Zimmer. It's the theme song for Pirates of the Caribbean.
s4n714g000 - 10 years ago
That "Tomcat" looks so amazing, incredibly fun to drive, sounds and looks like a beast. Only bad thing is: I'd have to sell my TV to fill up the gas tank, lol.
James Byford
James Byford - 7 years ago
skuirpy scuirpy my dad races a tomcat and only gets 4mpg at best
James Byford
James Byford - 7 years ago
My dad races one and they make modern day rally cars look stupid
Kalpesh Patel
Kalpesh Patel - 9 years ago
+Nanorisk ... oh ok. Its weird though. The defender is such a wonderful vehicle to drive. A bit old-school but beautiful to drive. anyways.
Nanorisk - 9 years ago
+Kalpesh Patel I don't know, you show ask US custom, they did the crushing. The official saying is LR defenders do not comply with US safety standards.
Kalpesh Patel
Kalpesh Patel - 9 years ago
aren't monster trucks legal in US? so howcome tomcat kind of vehicles are banned?
Nanorisk - 9 years ago
+Kalpesh Patel Sorry, what do you mean?
Kalpesh Patel
Kalpesh Patel - 9 years ago
+Nanorisk What about monster trucks?
ShadowFalcon - 9 years ago
Most likely.
Four40SixPak - 9 years ago
+MrFalconfly dident realize that, not sure how the 04 model i own rates as far as safety but im assumeing since rams are " the lightest in their class " probably about the same. as far as landrovers go , from my experiance they are built like small tanks that cant be stopped by natural elements. im going to assume landrover america or whatever the company is that sells them here dident want to pay to have the new ones crash tested and so even if they are safe cant be driven here. much like nissan and its skylines.
ShadowFalcon - 9 years ago
Looking at your profile pic I can see you're most likely a MOPAR fan so I'm gonna tread carefully regarding the RAM.

I was thinking the 2007 Dodge RAM.

And while it's stability might be acceptable, its crash-safety wasn't, with seats and head-restraints rated Poor, by the IIHS (EuroNCAP doesn't seem to have tested it).

Hell even today the latest RAM's roof-strength is only rated Marginal.
Four40SixPak - 9 years ago
+MrFalconfly well rams are fairly safe so im not sure where that came from ,but ya wranglers are deathtraps. atleast they have rollbars. haha. i can remember 3 occasions where my wrangler did a 360 in the middle of the highway faster then i could blink or react because of alittle ice. the high center of gravity mixed with short wheel base is insanely unstable, i sold the dam thing after it did a 360 across the center line infront of a trailor truck and into the opposite ditch.
skuirpy scuirpy
skuirpy scuirpy - 10 years ago
+Engine Powered oh lol 
skuirpy scuirpy
skuirpy scuirpy - 10 years ago
+s4n714g000  mine gets 5 to 7 mpg lol
ShadowFalcon - 10 years ago
What a load of absolute rubbish.

The Landie wasn't "unsafe" especially not compared to stuff like the RAM, or the Wrangler.
Nanorisk - 10 years ago
+MrFalconfly I don't know why my previous comment was gone, just google "us custom crush defender" and the first result explains everything.
s4n714g000 - 10 years ago
+skuirpy scuirpy What's the fuel economy on your mighty heavy hummer h1 alpha?
skuirpy scuirpy
skuirpy scuirpy - 10 years ago
+s4n714g000 nuh i saw your comment that only bad thing is:i'd have to sell my TV to fill up the gas tank.so whats the fuel economy on it? 
s4n714g000 - 10 years ago
+skuirpy scuirpy I don't get it, are you asking all of this to yourself?
skuirpy scuirpy
skuirpy scuirpy - 10 years ago
+s4n714g000 why? whats the mpg on that tomcat thing? is it worse than my mighty heavy hummer h1 alpha? lol how bad is the fuel economy on that?
ShadowFalcon - 10 years ago
Hang on?

You guys can buy what's basically a TVR with a lorry engine (the original Dodge Viper), but the Defender is "unsafe"?!?

How does that work?!?
Nanorisk - 10 years ago
And if you live the US, it is probably illegal to import that. US has banned Land Rover defender import, due to "unsafe design".
Minecraft LetsPlays
Minecraft LetsPlays - 10 years ago
bill TTLee
bill TTLee - 11 years ago
5:19 captain we have hit an iceberg 
weatherguy173 - 11 years ago
BBC 240p?  wtf?
Nanorisk - 10 years ago
Uploaded in 2008, more than half a decade, bro.
Treblaine - 10 years ago
It's like the entire scene has been pixelated to protect its identity.
Tubular Taco
Tubular Taco - 11 years ago
s is such a stupid race but they made it seem epic lol
mittfh - 11 years ago
"The car is sashaying around, it's like a ... fine layer of stones on volcanic ash ... which is very interesting on a geography field trip but ... bloody scary to drive on!"

Oh, and the music is Klaus Badelt's He's a Pirate, the end credits theme from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Black Pearl.
Erik Saint
Erik Saint - 11 years ago
TheColoredCow - 11 years ago
why only 240p
crombie92 - 11 years ago
kayak you sit in, canoe you sit on.
Jared Walsh
Jared Walsh - 10 years ago
+Barty Crowell It says that it's kayak right on it.
Barty Crowell
Barty Crowell - 10 years ago
+Justin Gingras We do here in the US too, it's driving me nuts especially since he even said it's actually a kayak
Kristian Kumpula
Kristian Kumpula - 11 years ago
That tomcat sounds amazing.
Rory Duncan
Rory Duncan - 11 years ago
it does, watch this video with a headset on full volume watch?v=8oiWUV8UCdI
SnowingNapalm - 11 years ago
kayaks and canoes are two separate versions of boats so this is a jet propelled kayak

50. comment for Engine Powered Canoe vs The TomCat - Top Gear - BBC

John Harris
John Harris - 11 years ago
Are you serious? 5:19
ReignOfFools - 11 years ago
At the very first second, he said that IT IS A KAYAK...
Louis Levy
Louis Levy - 11 years ago
KAYAK not canoe
Bryan Arbelo
Bryan Arbelo - 11 years ago
@0:37 whats the name of that song?
Sasha waxman
Sasha waxman - 11 years ago
technically, it's a Kayak
James - 11 years ago
A canoe is a boat...
Levi Blackwood
Levi Blackwood - 11 years ago
i want one....or both :)
Whiterin - 11 years ago
I want that truck...
Daniel Perkins
Daniel Perkins - 11 years ago
A boat? You mean like a Jet Ski?
Adanos209 - 11 years ago
TytoProductions - 11 years ago
If you know what you're doing, you can go fairly fast in a kayak. Canoes take longer to accelerate but can sustain higher speeds for a longer period of time.
Eisenhower303 - 11 years ago
tim coulter
tim coulter - 11 years ago
a canoe is a boat
reecescupies - 11 years ago
except the engine needed to be made specifically for a "boat" that isn't buoyant without the engine powered.
Nick L
Nick L - 11 years ago
Damn, that car is expensive....
Alabama Kush
Alabama Kush - 11 years ago
If he hadn't of hit that iceberg, He so would have won by quite a bit.
Alabama Kush
Alabama Kush - 11 years ago
Have you seen the video of him wrecking the CCX? Look it up.
Nick L
Nick L - 11 years ago
The Stig wouldn't have crashed.
bercedesbenz - 11 years ago
haha lol if he didn't hit that ice mountain with his car he would have won
camcoop25 - 11 years ago
yes, well spotted... this is what mystifies me. It is the most common punctuation error on the Internet, and appears to be unconscious.
Vexed Films
Vexed Films - 11 years ago
Do you want a medal? I know that. What I'm saying is that while he incorrectly wrote "kayak's" his very next word was "canoes", correctly not using an apostrophe. So there seems to be absolutely no reason, false or otherwise to have done so.
camcoop25 - 11 years ago
he wrote "kayak's"
Vexed Films
Vexed Films - 11 years ago
Now in glorious 50p quality.
Vexed Films
Vexed Films - 11 years ago
He didn't even misuse it for canoes, I don't understand. :'(
camcoop25 - 11 years ago
I can't stand when people use apostrophes to indicate plurals.
Ix Rogue
Ix Rogue - 11 years ago
i can't stand it when people call kayak's canoes
TheDD5623 - 11 years ago
ill tell ya ive never hit an ice berg on land.
Rick Fannin
Rick Fannin - 11 years ago
cornflash - 11 years ago
240, we met again.
TheKrizel1 - 11 years ago
So it's a bowler?
Duplexaxis X
Duplexaxis X - 11 years ago
"Come on then canoe boy!"
sendijs13 - 12 years ago
What the hell does this have to do with pirates of the carribean?
nate8930 - 12 years ago
6:22 frozen face.. I can't believe he didn't crash and die with that flying into his sight. Simply amazing.
Awreckshun - 12 years ago
Capitan Jack must be in a market for a new ship again.
Melvin Nathan
Melvin Nathan - 12 years ago
its prolly a jet propelled butt heater..u know for the cold freezing climate
Michael MacDonald
Michael MacDonald - 12 years ago
i was just about to say that and i saw your comment
David Peek
David Peek - 12 years ago
that is a kayak not a conoe i should know cause i have 5
Qiuyuan Chen
Qiuyuan Chen - 12 years ago
I thought that is F-14 Tomcat
Fletti Smetti
Fletti Smetti - 12 years ago
yea :D i live there
Sahil Shah
Sahil Shah - 12 years ago
what is the music at 4:40
gIIb36 - 12 years ago
it needs jack sparrow
Sherlock Brolmes
Sherlock Brolmes - 12 years ago
Aww now my feelings have been hurt over the internet
MrSoapdispencer - 12 years ago
unoriginal commenter... we meet again
Sherlock Brolmes
Sherlock Brolmes - 12 years ago
240p we meet again
kyriousify - 12 years ago
...pirates of the caribbean?
Silvertardis - 12 years ago
Who here has been to Iceland? That country rocks!
Eisenhower303 - 12 years ago
An engine powered canoe? You mean like a boat?
Zennycool - 12 years ago
do the car have bad steering?
GMCCannonball - 12 years ago
the guy is sponsored by redbull what did you expect..
Andric A
Andric A - 12 years ago
how did hammond hit the ice and not get the car damaged? lol. i thought it was plastic

100. comment for Engine Powered Canoe vs The TomCat - Top Gear - BBC

lolhehehettollololol - 12 years ago
5:19 if that ice wasnt there or hammond had avoided that, he would be the winner . . . poor hamster
Logan Roots
Logan Roots - 12 years ago
Pirates of the Caribbean music. Lol
Jeesicaa Hernandezz
Jeesicaa Hernandezz - 12 years ago
Jeesicaa Hernandezz
Jeesicaa Hernandezz - 12 years ago
Titilomelirifa - 12 years ago
I was not saying that it was great that the corvette was made from plastic just saying because if you crashed or fliped on the offroad truck it would crush but it would be easy to repair just like the corvette but if you crash in the corvette you might die..
notb - 12 years ago
Tomcat is designed for extreme offroad. The body is there only to stop rocks from getting inside. Corvette is a car for everyday use (more or less), so you expect a bit more. For example: it should help you survive a crash. And it should be easy to repair after a minor accident.
Titilomelirifa - 12 years ago
So in top gear they hate that the corvette is made from plastic but when a truck is made of plastic they love it???
Lv Xenn
Lv Xenn - 12 years ago
its the theme song for pirates of the Caribbean...
giorgosremali - 12 years ago
6:28 ask Titanic...
Chinmay Karmarkar
Chinmay Karmarkar - 12 years ago
is the music @4:43 only because a form of water transport used to ferry a man?
carzrmylife1129 - 12 years ago
LOVE the Tomcat sound :)
TopGearThomsen - 12 years ago
240p.... We meet again
Alpha8264 - 13 years ago
4:20 like a boss
Josep lópez
Josep lópez - 13 years ago
This is a canoe & it's RUBBISH cause it doesn't have a motor! brace yourselves for the engine powered kayak O.O
D Sandman
D Sandman - 13 years ago
Pirates makes it 20% better.
fatzebra1 - 13 years ago
Pirates of the Caribbean theme at 4:37
DeuceInBloodyHell - 13 years ago
1:56 theme song from Sin City. One of my favorites,
8stephen8 - 13 years ago
I hate to get all Canadian on ya , but that is a kayak not a canoe . He even starts calling it a kayak at the end .
D Sandman
D Sandman - 13 years ago
@Maltheskalle ...except better.
MaxTheKanuck - 13 years ago
tomcat engine sound+pirates of the carabian music=pure awesomeness
alexhydea - 13 years ago
dear santa...
hralli - 13 years ago
@HugrunL95 30 degrees? Reykjavík's all-time record temperature is 25,7 °C.
Mike A
Mike A - 13 years ago
man i want one of those!
Malthe Bjørn Jensen
Malthe Bjørn Jensen - 13 years ago
This looks and sounds like an episode of the Amazing Race!
madmoose144 - 13 years ago
@Fertro He aged accordingly, too. All the other stuff that happened in Inception before he woke up on the beach was just a dream within a dream.
Jake Grodzki
Jake Grodzki - 13 years ago
@Thejazzhimself Speaking of Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio didn't die at the end of Titanic. He simply went underwater. At the start of Inception, he woke up on a beach.... It's a movie within a movie!
LordVader - 13 years ago
@assinne they're not....because they are dead...simple facts :)
AZLAKAL - 13 years ago
OMG!!! Thats not a canoe, or kayak, its just a retarted jetski!
assinne - 13 years ago
where's a iceberg when u need one?? i dont think the people on titanic are laughing...
benzieproductions - 13 years ago
@tanic25 is the first song often potc 2?
Corey Robbins
Corey Robbins - 13 years ago
does it say barne and noble of the back of the tomcat? hahahahah
BALJIT147 - 13 years ago
feels like im watching pirates of the Caribbean
Richard Randles
Richard Randles - 13 years ago
@MrGmenua constantine ost - end titles
blower gbb
blower gbb - 13 years ago
what is the music starts on 0:36???????
eziitis8 - 14 years ago
Yes, you can lose this Richard!
SpiceMyLife - 14 years ago
This canoe is so cooooolll!!
Ian Osper Miras
Ian Osper Miras - 14 years ago
I Love the Music!!! Pirates of the Caribbean
Thulio Cavalcante
Thulio Cavalcante - 14 years ago
@Sjoerd675 Have you ever been inside of car and looked below the steering wheel?
david floyd
david floyd - 14 years ago
@phensel13 yup under the tree next year huh!
david floyd
david floyd - 14 years ago
@296jayce i would pay money to see that heheheh
david floyd
david floyd - 14 years ago
come on canoe boy heheheh hilirous, how fast does that thing go!!!! love it and canoe boy wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
296jayce - 14 years ago
i wanna see a bowler wide cat go up wit a svt raptor in the baja or sumthin like it, that would be entertaining for me lol :D
Dr PirateWalrus
Dr PirateWalrus - 14 years ago
19 people work for the Green party in the Government, or are 5th gear fans
Sjoerd van der Wiel
Sjoerd van der Wiel - 14 years ago
how does this guy in his canoe control the trottle?
Luca Siragusa
Luca Siragusa - 14 years ago
@FarFromAvgJoe Very interesting thank you =)
Luca Siragusa
Luca Siragusa - 14 years ago
what do you exactly mean jet engine??? that was definitely not jet engine sound...
phensel13 - 14 years ago
i want one of each
steelgear - 14 years ago
Pirates of the Carribean theme FTW.
Joaquin Cortez
Joaquin Cortez - 14 years ago
thats how a race should be raced :D
Charlie Pitcher
Charlie Pitcher - 14 years ago
Where's an iceburg when you need one? wow, the story of climate change.
Charlie Pitcher
Charlie Pitcher - 14 years ago
I thought he said it didn't float but he stopped under the bridge at the end? So how?...what?
Arty - 14 years ago
I love this show, but if the boat itself can break up lil pieces of ice, im sure the jet's propeller will cut them up with ease.
Milko911 - 14 years ago
Please do not put advertisements on the videos!
Azenturi - 14 years ago
@shobin05 It's not "At World's End". It's "He's a Pirate".
TheLollies007 - 14 years ago
where's and iceberg when you need one ? I will tell ya on the road that is
FreedomProject Media
FreedomProject Media - 14 years ago
@shobin05 I believe it's called At World's End, it's the same as the music from The Pirates of the Caribbean.
boxajr - 14 years ago
richard hit an "iceberg" and didnt sank :))
Azza - 14 years ago
who gives a toss.. its a thing that floats on the water, like a canoe and like a boat! suck on those broken bag of biscuits!
Mynamesnigel - 14 years ago
@arehorn Kayak isn't a type of canoe its like a canoe but it is slightly differnet
EH03 - 14 years ago
Pirates of the Caribbean theme song :DDDDDDD
i Lukaz
i Lukaz - 14 years ago
5:19 owned!!
Christoffer Arehorn
Christoffer Arehorn - 14 years ago
@ttmrichter No kayak is a type of canoe
Wangtastic Garage
Wangtastic Garage - 14 years ago
LOL @ hammond *hits ice...COME ON!!!
LOGonover - 14 years ago
that v8 sounds sooo nice
lecrapauddejerri9 - 14 years ago
@XMichaelSpektorX hummer's are shit. the only real off roader is the Land Rover
DrThunder88 - 14 years ago
Do you think the producers lingered on "elf" at the end there for a reason?
dude2106 - 14 years ago
1,5 tonne? for a car that big? Even the Ferrari 599 is heavier. That is impressive.
Spaxuable - 14 years ago
that v8 sounds sooo mean!
JadMaister - 14 years ago
rubbishh!!! Iceland is not really like that! THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!
leankano - 14 years ago
what season and episode? answer please ...
Eddie Scarsella
Eddie Scarsella - 14 years ago
the tomcat wolda won if he didnt crash haha
Andrew Pandawan
Andrew Pandawan - 14 years ago
See? global warming made a short englishman in an icelandic offroad car lose to a jet-powered kayak around a 2 kilometer icelandic lake! lol :)
Taxidoors1 - 14 years ago
@Mandochia cheers mate
Taxidoors1 - 14 years ago
@Mandochia cheers amte
Haddi Gudmundsson
Haddi Gudmundsson - 14 years ago
@Taxidoors1 its the pirates of the carribean soundtrack.
Taxidoors1 - 14 years ago
whats the name of that tune around 5.30
Magnea D
Magnea D - 14 years ago
i live in iceland and this is not like the city is just the mountains like eyjafjallajökull but iceland is so cool and beautiful
Eric Hong
Eric Hong - 14 years ago
honestly, does he ever win a race?
Carl Abela
Carl Abela - 14 years ago
that tomcat sounds orgasmic
Baumino - 14 years ago
yeeahhh..where's a iceberg, when you need one...honestly :-)
Sami_1photo - 14 years ago
HD ?
Notchville - 14 years ago
so who won?
amayami - 14 years ago
crashed into a giant chunk of ice :D *boof* back up, zoom away like nothing happened, hilarious
ProjectRevoLutioN21 - 14 years ago
LMFAO 5:20! *Bang* - COMON!! - XD
Ben Stevens
Ben Stevens - 14 years ago
@PIONEERaudioLOVER No way, american muscle would be way to heavy.
gishini246 - 14 years ago
@killdac if you like Iceland, check out a company called Arctic Trucks, they are in Iceland and they are awesome.
Shift8hunter - 14 years ago
pirates of the icelandian!!!
Chris Penta
Chris Penta - 14 years ago
I like the background music.
marioman5132 - 14 years ago
wheres a ice burg when u need 1
macher001 - 15 years ago
the music is awesome, great race
Jacob Gunner
Jacob Gunner - 15 years ago
does sound good but go and get a big 7.0+ liter V8 ford or chevy engine
gamesbok - 15 years ago
The music is 'Colissium Rap' by Ovid.
Solembum - 15 years ago
search on Pirates of the Caribbean- He's a Pirate
fujitsulifebooke342 - 15 years ago
hammond crashed lol
jarrus464 - 15 years ago
TVR v8, there nothing that sounds like it.....awesome!!
djthegrateone - 15 years ago
i find it amusing that theres no fog coming from there breath
Candyluvre20 - 15 years ago
I seriously loved it when he said "Where's the Ice burg when you need one?"
Peter Goodman
Peter Goodman - 15 years ago
my comment proves that I do.
TheJzai - 15 years ago
it's not exactly fair since the car has to side track around all the obstacles and go off track to get onto the bridge, while let face it, there weren't that many ice bergs to dodge
Peter Goodman
Peter Goodman - 15 years ago
uhm..thats a kayak not a canoe. and they have (have had) powered canoes for a long time.
madmoose144 - 15 years ago
"like a jet-powered eel" have to wonder whether that one was scripted : )
Phil Williamson
Phil Williamson - 15 years ago
I get the feeling that it wouldn't handle very well on a road..
loggitec - 15 years ago
he's a pirate.. that's the songs name
heydude76 - 15 years ago
i want that truck and that canoe..... could i ever show off!!!!
Gun Science
Gun Science - 15 years ago
Its in pirates of the carribean 2 when jack fights the other two on the rolling wheel thing
salmiakbal - 15 years ago
whoops, i knew that
JETZcorp - 15 years ago
Viva la Two-Stroke!
44871umair - 15 years ago
oh thnx for lettin me know. :-)
salmiakbal - 15 years ago
search by "Hans Zimmer Curse of the black pearl"
Janine Phelps
Janine Phelps - 15 years ago
44871umair: the music IS from POTC, on the soundtrack from the first movie. i don't know what it's called, but i remember it from there.
44871umair - 15 years ago
hey does anyone know which soundtrack that is at 4:35? i know its from the pirates of the carribian but which specific soundtrack is it? ive searched but cant find it. if anyone knows plz let me know, thnx :-)
Brian T Erskine
Brian T Erskine - 15 years ago
Bit unbelievable? This was like someone renaming The hallowed grownd of St James Park after a cheap outlet called Sporta direct? What a funny world?????????????????? What next????????????????????????????
FOFballer - 15 years ago
come on canoe boy.
FearlessSpinner - 15 years ago
That Canoe is wickedly fast!
XFXBoard - 15 years ago
loookz funny
Sean Bovia
Sean Bovia - 15 years ago
5:24 lol
beforever - 15 years ago
also Sin City
bvonny - 15 years ago
hey they were playing pirates of the carribean sound track. Good though matched the video
spectergohan - 15 years ago
Yeah I guess if you're a fat american or something, then I can see it.
to whom it may concern
to whom it may concern - 15 years ago
it has the sound track from the pirayes of the caribbean! any way cool video i want a tomcat
Gwen Broderick
Gwen Broderick - 15 years ago
That's the Tomcat? What a let down... so no F-14?
Hanske90's World of Tanks Replays
Hanske90's World of Tanks Replays - 15 years ago
It's rubbish cause it doesn't have an engine XD Quote of the day!
Dan Vitullo
Dan Vitullo - 15 years ago
you must be a women or you would not ask this question..... everything should have a motor the more HP the better Beer cooler with motor yep good one ya Bar stool with motor I'm in sofa chair with a V8 only if it has cup holders.
Matías Pérez Hernández
Matías Pérez Hernández - 15 years ago
they are using pirates of the carabean music
bkingk8 - 15 years ago
and the point of climbing everest was :P
spectergohan - 15 years ago
and the point of having a kayak with a motor on it is....?
acewonder - 15 years ago
lol he knocked into ice instead of the kayaker!
DiogoNetoMachado - 15 years ago
ahah! pirates of carabbens xD great song
azotjakter09 - 15 years ago
why is icland awsome
CodeBite (SMC-Private) Ltd.
CodeBite (SMC-Private) Ltd. - 15 years ago
"Where's an iceberg when you need one" lolzzz...
General Melchet
General Melchet - 15 years ago
double lol
sonic911 - 15 years ago
lol pirates of the carribean theme
aqulex84 - 15 years ago
I want the canoe.. how cool is that
Niklas Skurdal
Niklas Skurdal - 15 years ago
bluez it is more ice on greenland but only ice
clemzlee - 15 years ago
isn't Greenland the place with all the ice?
KwingofKlubs - 15 years ago
ditto on the Sin City theme :)
spcoulson - 15 years ago
oh dear take a chill pill there its meant to be funny, sounds like ur having some sorta sexual affair with ur "kayak"
Alex Larson
Alex Larson - 15 years ago
rubish? Ha!! What does he know! A engineless kayak is way better than that thing... overpowered by ducks... yeah right. This guy can't even tell the difference between a canoe and a kayak... pathetic.
gtrmn355 - 15 years ago
loving the pirates of the caribbean theme. haha.
addisteini23 - 15 years ago
Two Bond films, View to a Kill and Die Another Day, were shot on that location. Also scenes from Batman Begins and Tomb Raider.
Schizm1 - 15 years ago
Dude in canoe is pro. Great race btw
Not Anonymous
Not Anonymous - 15 years ago
for a minute i thought the tomcat would be the f14 tomcat. lmao! the f14 would destroy the canoe
Bufu - 15 years ago
"wheres an iceberg when u need one" lmao
Brendan Winnall
Brendan Winnall - 15 years ago
yeah i want one for my pool 5 x 2 metres.. lol
Garrett Reitz
Garrett Reitz - 15 years ago
so what kind of exhaust do u thin is on that tom cat?
Essa Calacala
Essa Calacala - 15 years ago
i want that canoe so bad..think of the adrenalin....
basherofnoggins - 15 years ago
Lucky jammer!
NHALER - 15 years ago
Nevermind, Pirates theme just kicked in lol
NHALER - 15 years ago
Is it? The brass almost sounded like Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror score...
Josh King
Josh King - 15 years ago
heres one? get off youtube and go play runescape:) ?
lennic95 - 15 years ago
Hugo Brás Da Costa
Hugo Brás Da Costa - 15 years ago
The most amazing thing is that the water must be very, very cold, but the guy had nothing to protect the face!
fkhang9223 - 15 years ago
just got to like hans zimmer...
reazrj - 15 years ago
lol where an ice berg when u need one1!
Richard Persson
Richard Persson - 15 years ago
Song during the introduction of the Tomcat is from Sin City.
Turbulent Thrombosis
Turbulent Thrombosis - 15 years ago
so thats what the judge makes you say when you talk, walk into a room, or generally exist
John Ulicky
John Ulicky - 15 years ago
"wheres an iceburg when ya need one?" stuck to your bumper
nhblackdc5 - 15 years ago
damn global warming killing all the icebergs and effin up the polar bears
Krait99 - 15 years ago
Twat alert!
beepandbop - 15 years ago
I am wondering the same thing. Anyone know?
Mike Swinford
Mike Swinford - 15 years ago
its a joke off one of the eps dude carm down
LunchtimeLoonies - 15 years ago
before he gets hurt? Who are you Chuck Norris? Dickhead.
Raders - 15 years ago
british pal not american so shut upbefore you get hurt
Ol' Gunner
Ol' Gunner - 15 years ago
He seems to love the off road stuff doesn't he.
kaushik vamaraju
kaushik vamaraju - 15 years ago
why is it that Hammond always does these challanges?
ziy4ng - 15 years ago
that type of kayak is what we call a 'play boat'. its used for mainly white water kayaking. can do quick turns and all sorts of skills but no good for going fast and straight
dvdk87 - 15 years ago
always amazed by the quality of production... Love this show!!!!!
spideylover - 15 years ago
Wrong- it's "He's a pirate" and you can get it on itunes
HighVoltage002 - 15 years ago
that looked like alot of fun
Play with Junk
Play with Junk - 16 years ago
"Black Pearl" - Pirates of the Carribean
Abbas Rizvi
Abbas Rizvi - 16 years ago
can any1 tell me the music tracks name which starts in the 4th minutes..............
Aza-Industries - 16 years ago
High Five!
109268 - 16 years ago
They went to Iceland, because when you think of canoes, you think of Iceland.
Barkingjohnboy - 16 years ago
Pirates of the caribbean with v8 power, what could be better.
Nequetrefi11 - 16 years ago
that was tight
Snake_Eyes - 16 years ago
illmagnified - 16 years ago
WOOOOOOOOOOOT!- and he crashed into a giant icecube to! YOU DONT SEE THAT ALOT!
zbobhigh - 16 years ago
dude he would have won if he hadn't crashed, there was his iceberg
gaurinn29 - 16 years ago
i live in iceland :)
obsgr1 - 16 years ago
key2010 - 16 years ago
hahaaa!!! i love when he says in 6:28
Schizm1 - 16 years ago
Yeah... Pirates music & Top Gear = Great movie!
the1thatgotirwin - 16 years ago
"C'mon there canoe boy!"
ivansmv - 16 years ago
" Where's an iceberg when you need one" LOL
Roxana B
Roxana B - 16 years ago
'Where's an iceberg when you need one...' xD
Nikolas Tesla
Nikolas Tesla - 16 years ago
I could watch Top Gear til my eyes rot out of my skull... And even then, I'd listen to it.
hockeygoon79 - 16 years ago
they have to make the race close somehow!
Francesc Gaya Mesquida
Francesc Gaya Mesquida - 16 years ago
if he hadnt crashed he would have won
brydon189 - 16 years ago
that crash honestly looked staged
ronnyrizat - 16 years ago
i thought he said it didnt float, but at the end it looked like he was.?
Daniel Johnson
Daniel Johnson - 16 years ago
lol hammond crashed and lost
esmokah - 16 years ago
wow, that kayak guy is a bad ass
NITRO365 - 16 years ago
they used the spitfire engine in the mustang because b4 they used it it was no gd
NITRO365 - 16 years ago
the bowler is able to be brought by the public
VASILE JACKSON - 16 years ago
no i was saying about top gear english cars are better than the rest...for exemple the landie is the best the aston martin(ex DB 5(1950-60) is rubbish) but it's still the best...they have the best cars it's stupit...over the world are better cars then theirs.porsche is better then the aston,niva is better then the landie(but much uglier) in aviation the spitfire was the best but the mustang was better it's a propaganda...(but still i like them:D) and why it's vauxhall not opel?
truknayr23 - 16 years ago
They are talking about the product... It doesnt mean you can win a race and be a champion if you are riding the best car... there are a lot of factors to consider man... Race driver is one for example... the racing team itself is two... and many more...
VASILE JACKSON - 16 years ago
ok but a car is better offroad...the Niva is much uglier but it's better;)
ⵔⵓⴽⴰⵜⴽⴰⵜ - 16 years ago
They mean that the LR is the best 4x4 which can be bought by the public, a Tomcat or Bowler isn't available for the public to buy.
VASILE JACKSON - 16 years ago
i have a question for all of you:Why is top gear presenting the best 4x4 to be the Land Rover?And why isn't the Land Rover the one who wins the Paris Dakar?(sorry for my english;))
CosmoxYRik - 16 years ago
Yeah it did, in the race across london James's car lost against the Stig on public transport, Hammond on a bike and Clarkson taking a boat down the Thames.
flyzies - 16 years ago
its the pirates of caribbean theme song
Jacques Ang Houle
Jacques Ang Houle - 16 years ago
Man this is epic.
Larry Fay
Larry Fay - 16 years ago
so funny..wish i could do that...lucky theres no snow ice in Melbourne
KermitBud - 16 years ago
nice use of Pirates of the Caribbean music ahah
Weslietje - 16 years ago
topgear always has great things on their show like this:D
lohengrin - 16 years ago
This gets aired on Dave almost every flippin day for god sake!!!
tomisthehebitch - 16 years ago
Dr Soda
Dr Soda - 16 years ago
It was Aired!
tomisthehebitch - 16 years ago
does anyone know whether this was aired on top gear or is it on one of the dvds?
KamiKaziChicken - 16 years ago
Lol, it is. What makes it worse is that the kyak isn't one of the streamlined ones, it looks like the blunter type used for water stunts. Meaning its even harder to keep in a straight line.
iSim0641 - 16 years ago
The TomCat sounds wicked!
rish134 - 16 years ago
way hay!!!!
n118nw - 16 years ago
I bet if Hammond didn't hit the ice he would have won.. very close race though I bet that having to steer your way around the ice like that is a really big effort on the upper body
CFT2006 - 16 years ago
I love how he crashes into ice but the man in the water didnt. Damages the bumper a bit
Abhothra - 17 years ago
is there one time that hammond actually did win a challenge?
-DeKPooH- - 17 years ago
cut the episode feature for what? Hamters ride bad hit the ice one time make tomcat lose.
Rebelheart - 17 years ago
damn, why they always cut the episode ?!
IntuneGP999 - 17 years ago
They lose to prove a point.....Its entertaining.....
Ashish Mohan
Ashish Mohan - 17 years ago
honestly they never win kinda pisses me off
doobaas - 17 years ago
mabner - 17 years ago
hahahaha... loved that bit when he says the biggest danger for the kayak is ice and then looks behind and there's ice just about anywhere...
accordv6er - 17 years ago
me want tomcat... that thing is sick!!
pipsicalpopsical - 17 years ago
coooooommmmmmeee ONNNN!!! lol bless him, he makes me laugh, if no 1s seen it the poar expedition is brilliant! sooo look for it
Ryan Rogers
Ryan Rogers - 17 years ago
that canoe thingy is sweet!! i want one!!
proto35 - 17 years ago
ohhh ..i c ic..
iosa457 - 17 years ago
actually i kayak has a top to it where as a canoe doesn't
Mike Morris
Mike Morris - 17 years ago
derh its a canoe,he calls it that about twenty times but he does mention a kayak
wictooor - 17 years ago
a canoe is for several people a kayak is for 1 person
proto35 - 17 years ago
u sure..he says engine powered canoe
Kasun Kulathunga
Kasun Kulathunga - 17 years ago
that tomcat was off-the-hook!!
bizzavvo - 17 years ago
me too!
Giangsturh - 17 years ago
pirates of the carribean theme!! xD
MonCruiser - 17 years ago
i want a bowler now
proto35 - 17 years ago
beaten by a canoe..lol
Shirdel - 17 years ago
"Where's an Iceberg when you need one?" :D

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