Eskimo Roll: Kayak Self-Rescue

A sea kayak self-rescue video from Water Walker Sea Kayak, LLC

Eskimo Roll: Kayak Self-Rescue sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

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A sea kayak self-rescue video from Water Walker Sea Kayak, LLC

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Most popular comments
for Eskimo Roll: Kayak Self-Rescue

Iver - 11 years ago
The first eskimo roll you performed was poor at best, pulling out of the water sideways like that using exstrem amounts of energy that could have easely been conserved..
KageKC - 12 years ago
My first day I tried rolling I was disheartened because I couldn't get it at all. The second day after reviewing more instructional videos I began understanding the set-up better and attempted to roll again. Still no luck, I was rushing it. Later that afternoon after the panic of being upside down in water subsided I started focusing heavily on the set-up and the rest of that day succeeded on 18 out of 20 rolls. Next weekend is offside roll training.
John Hartman
John Hartman - 12 years ago
I was taught to use the C to C roll growing up, but the majority of what I was doing was sea kayaking, and it worked swimmingly for such purposes. Once as your technique is down, I agree with the video host - it's in the hips. One thing I learned from this video is orienting one blade into the water to create resistance to perform the roll off of. The maneuver I learned involved slapping the blade down at the water and at the same time snapping the hip. I believe your method to be superior.
Dick Chainy
Dick Chainy - 13 years ago
Because "Eskimo" is a derogatory name meaning: eater of raw flesh.
sw3210 - 13 years ago
that roll seems a hybrid , using a put across at the end with the hip flick. I feel that would not be a good option for whitewater, ok for sea and flatwater. Having recently had a rotator cuff injury my shoulder ached just watching this roll.I feel there are lower impact otions
Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim - 13 years ago
How is Eskimo roll offensive?
stayhomelynn106 - 14 years ago
I find eskimo roll offensive... its politically correct name is innuit roll
HyperSonicXtreme - 15 years ago
Ray Wirth
Ray Wirth - 15 years ago
I would argue that the C to C and sweep rolls are both valuable rolls to learn -- and that each has its advantages. A good C to C involves much more hip than arm or shoulder -- and thus doesn't take a lot of strength or place your shoulder in jeopardy. Regarding the use of a paddle float to empty the boat. You are right that it can often be done without, but if you are using your paddle float to re-enter the boat anyway, why not?

10. comment for Eskimo Roll: Kayak Self-Rescue

WillForsberg - 15 years ago
Nice snappy roll but I strain my shoulder when I do a C to C like that. You can see where he's muscling it up at 21 seconds and 32 seconds. If you do it wrong at that point you can pop your shoulder right out of joint...ouch! I think a sweep roll is easier on the body cause you never have to push down on the paddle. Also, why use the paddle float to empty your boat? Just do the bow lift and flip with a little frog kick and it will mostly empty.
Alex K
Alex K - 16 years ago
well sweep and c to c are okay but i paddle whitewater i prefer sweep but the real roll is the back deck rodeo roll for kayaking that takes some skill and it allows you to basically spend no time underwater its just a lot harder to learn
Ray Wirth
Ray Wirth - 16 years ago
Gobbeldigook, you seem to prefer the sweep to the C-to-C. The sweep and c-to-c rolls are useful rolls that have advantages under certain conditions. The C-to-C roll does not require much in terms of strength. The righting movement is provided by the hip snap, which does require some flexibility but not strength. The C-to-C is quicker than the sweep and often works better in rough conditions. Additionally, the C-to-C roll works in kayaks that may not have a low back deck.
Oskar J
Oskar J - 16 years ago
There is no risk to get "stuck" in the kayak. You can easily break up the spray deck and swim out.=) It would be much less complicated with a confident roll though ;)
Dunk1970 - 16 years ago
So, sea kayaks aren't for you then. They are for a lot of people though. I've been out in the swell, paddled in high winds and performed rolls and rescues out at sea. If you wear the appropriate kit, you don't get that cold. Sit on tops are far more dangerous because you are less likely to be able to battle the current or winds, as they are slow. You need to get some practice and coaching. I come from paddling white water, so rolling sea kayaks are easy and are the quickest way back upright.
Phil McBlaine
Phil McBlaine - 16 years ago
Your right. It's not old school. It's ANCIENT school. I don't call them "sit-inside"... I call them "die-inside". Practice in a nice warm pool all you want, but when you take a smackdown from a cresting swell of 50 degree water, your gonna find out what your really made of. So... you roll back up after gasping in freezing water... opps... upsidedown again. Now your gettin' cold. Hmmm. No thanks... I'll take a sit on top and a paddle leash. Sea kayaks tippy? Try a surfski....
Dunk1970 - 16 years ago
It's not old school. Sure you can use paddle floats, if you're quick and don't panic finding the thing and getting set up while upside down. But the there is no replacement for being able to do a roll. Sea kayaks are the easiest kayaks to roll, and a good learner can pick it up in one hour long session (I did). Otherwise it should take less than a six week course in the pool. Aside from learning a valuable skill it's fun and a big confidence booster for when you are out in the sea.
Phil McBlaine
Phil McBlaine - 17 years ago
Don't worry. This stuff is all old school. There's other ways to remedy these things without copying the eskimo circus acts from centuries ago... more to come...
tupapaugod - 17 years ago
hello i'm doing a TFE (ending school work...) in PhysicalEducation in belgium. Your video is great to explani the mouvement and tecnhical positions... If you want or adree, can you send me it to work with her? sorry 4 my english but i try... carl from belgium

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