Extreme Powered Kayak Fishing

This past winter, I designed and built an outboard motor mount for my OK Prowler Big Game. The mount can quickly be installed or removed from the kayak w/o any tools. A couple mods to the motor were necessary to accept the foot pedal steering and throttle control. While motors don't really belong on kayaks, this setup is pretty fun to mess around with. I've been out twice this Spring; once with stabilizers and once w/o. Both time, it performed great, and I didn't notice any speed degradation with the Spring Creek stabilizers. The Suzuki 2.5 hp pushes the kayak to top speed around 8-9mph at 3/4 throttle. The motor weights in at just 29lbs so rear buoyancy is not an issue. I get about 7-8 total mile range on transit runs to and from location with a little bit of gas left over in the 1.5 liter tank. I found it was too much of a hassle to lug all the equipment around and set up so sadly, it never saw water this Summer. It probably have something to do with my new OK Ultra; I love it and yes, I paddle it:) Hopefully this Fall, this rig will see more action during Striper season. Check out this video to see the how I installed the motor mount in detail: https://youtu.be/l2YWnAxJEbg

Extreme Powered Kayak Fishing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Kayak 10 years ago 41,672 views

This past winter, I designed and built an outboard motor mount for my OK Prowler Big Game. The mount can quickly be installed or removed from the kayak w/o any tools. A couple mods to the motor were necessary to accept the foot pedal steering and throttle control. While motors don't really belong on kayaks, this setup is pretty fun to mess around with. I've been out twice this Spring; once with stabilizers and once w/o. Both time, it performed great, and I didn't notice any speed degradation with the Spring Creek stabilizers. The Suzuki 2.5 hp pushes the kayak to top speed around 8-9mph at 3/4 throttle. The motor weights in at just 29lbs so rear buoyancy is not an issue. I get about 7-8 total mile range on transit runs to and from location with a little bit of gas left over in the 1.5 liter tank. I found it was too much of a hassle to lug all the equipment around and set up so sadly, it never saw water this Summer. It probably have something to do with my new OK Ultra; I love it and yes, I paddle it:) Hopefully this Fall, this rig will see more action during Striper season. Check out this video to see the how I installed the motor mount in detail: https://youtu.be/l2YWnAxJEbg

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Most popular comments
for Extreme Powered Kayak Fishing

JoshGreenAdventures - 7 years ago
I have a 30lb thrust trolling motor on my kayak but this a whole different level. nice setup and looks fun!
Lowegy - 7 years ago
Yes, a blast. Enables you to get to remote skinny waters way up the eastern shores of Virginia
J rock
J rock - 7 years ago
Why not just get a small boat?
Kuk Huve
Kuk Huve - 7 years ago
why just dont suck your own dick?
Lowegy - 7 years ago
boat requires trailer and boat ramp to launch... more fun fishing out of a kayak and launch anywhere
Preston Hinkle
Preston Hinkle - 8 years ago
Nice vid! Did you do anything to the kayak itself to increase the buoyancy in the back (stern)? This is one problem we're having using a weedeater motor with metal frame system. The added weight in the back is increasing our drag as well as taking us under water somewhat.
Lowegy - 7 years ago
The Ocean Kayak Big Game is pretty wide and stable and have good buoyancy in the rear. It sits high in the water even with a 28lb motor. The motor mount is less than 5 lbs. However, under way, the stern sinks in the water more than I would like so I added fin tabs to the motor to help correct this problem.
Indio kayakin
Indio kayakin - 8 years ago
hey nice set up I have a ok big game 2 looking to do the same . my ? is how fast are u going .
KAYAK KOWBOY - 7 years ago
gps it
Lowegy - 7 years ago
Probably 7-8 mph at 3/4 throttle.
Jcasta8 - 8 years ago
this looks awesome I wonder if a 5hp would be too much
KAYAK KOWBOY - 7 years ago
weight is more of a factor can you find a 5 hp the same weight as a 2.5? usually with more h.p comes more weight and more weight =more drag
Lowegy - 7 years ago
Yes, 5 hp is overkill for kayak. 2.5 is good and 3.5 is plenty! Be more concern with weight of the motor.
Saul Bibas
Saul Bibas - 9 years ago
Great. Thanks for sharing. Where you bought the remote controls and what you do if you need to trim the motor up?
Saul Bibas
Saul Bibas - 9 years ago
Thanks... Great Job
Lowegy - 9 years ago
If I need to trim the motor, I use the pull start cord to raise the motor. I use bicycle SS cables and derailer for the remote control.
Butters Kayak
Butters Kayak - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing, can you tell me how are you extending the Throttle /Choke / Gear Shift Knob/ and On/Off switch? looking to do the same, however don't know how to go about a remote control option for this little engine.
Butters Kayak
Butters Kayak - 9 years ago
Thanks!  I received the notification from Youtube and immediately went to watch it. However I'm still trying to understand how you deal with the gear shifting and the ON/OFF switch. 
Lowegy - 9 years ago
+Butters I just posted a new video detailing motor mount and throttle controls... https://youtu.be/l2YWnAxJEbg
Anthony Nguyen
Anthony Nguyen - 9 years ago
Hi Lowegy,
Wow! Suzuki 2.5 HP 4 strokes is work well with kayak. Please upload video about diy mounting plate + extended-gas controller rod.
I'm planning to put on my kayak... Outboard motor sure beat Kayaksailor sailing kit. Both cost about the same.
Lowegy - 9 years ago
+Anthony Nguyen I just posted a new video detailing motor mount and throttle controls... https://youtu.be/l2YWnAxJEbg
Belle La
Belle La - 9 years ago
Lowegy, this is a very cool!  I am planning on doing the same on my OK prowler 15.  Can you share some info on this mount you built?  Is it the same as your other video for the trolling motor?
Lowegy - 9 years ago
+Belle La I just posted a new video detailing motor mount and throttle controls... https://youtu.be/l2YWnAxJEbg
Belle La
Belle La - 9 years ago
+Lowegy Thanks! Sorry, name's Pete. Didn't realize I was on my wife's gmail account. Looking forward to the video of the mounts. I'm placing my order of the motor today.
Lowegy - 9 years ago
+Belle La Belle, no it's a different mount for the outboard gas engine. I designed the another mount so it can handle the load of the outboard, be low profile, and allow quick disassemble. I plan to add the video in the near future.

10. comment for Extreme Powered Kayak Fishing

Hassan Alhosani
Hassan Alhosani - 9 years ago
i like it what kind of motor and where can i try it
dafrankfuter - 10 years ago
Wonder how she handles in choppier water ?
David Sanders
David Sanders - 11 years ago
That is pretty cool man. I like it.

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