First Legal Descent of the Niagara Gorge
Kayak 18 years ago 493,745 views
The historical footage gives you a view of whitewater kayaking in the early 80's. The first descent was in the 70's by Chris Spelius and Ken Lagergren. This resulted in the arrest of Ken and the escape of Chris. For a complete pod cast of the first descent see
10. comment for First Legal Descent of the Niagara Gorge
Its like looking a picture of the Grand Canyon.
You have to be there in person to understand it.
I was there many years ago
and could not imagine anyone going down those rapids like that.
I thought she had a great run, she didn't flip, and she handled it just as well as the others Though Chris was disputably the best, I think - what a fantastic run! - I have to say Carrie was better than Don and Ken. Saying that she was 'unsure of herself' and 'fearing the size of the water' is pure sexist nonsense. As the narrator himself says, only an expert can do this! If she was afraid of big water, why the fuck would she be this good at kayaking? It takes pure guts to participate in a sport like this, and women have to be absolute bulldogs to prove themselves and gain the strength necessary since our bodies have a much harder time forming muscle and upper body strength. Go Carrie!
20. comment for First Legal Descent of the Niagara Gorge
After the falls there's about a mile lull in the river, then it narrows and steepens rapidly and unexpectedly, creating these class 6 rapids. I can imagine explorers from hundreds of years ago climbing down the rock face near the falls to return to what they think may revert to a calm river only to find this beastly whitewater.
mmmm... no.
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