Fissot Fishing kayak with 40 bls motor by Fissot kayak

Name: Fissot Fishing kayak Driving power: battery Motor Power: 480W Voltage: 12V kayaks Speed: 10-12 km/h Size(mm): 3300*850*450mm Richard whatapp:+86 18621754480 facebook: @shfissot

Fissot Fishing kayak with 40 bls motor by Fissot kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 408

Kayak 8 years ago 789,967 views

Name: Fissot Fishing kayak Driving power: battery Motor Power: 480W Voltage: 12V kayaks Speed: 10-12 km/h Size(mm): 3300*850*450mm Richard whatapp:+86 18621754480 facebook: @shfissot

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Most popular comments
for Fissot Fishing kayak with 40 bls motor by Fissot kayak

SteveF1967 - 7 years ago
Electric motor, canoe paddle, outriggers? Not a kayak.
Mark Saxon
Mark Saxon - 7 years ago
Love the stabilisation out riggers. Quite a cool concept! Never seen that design before.. Well done I say..
quosmo1 - 7 years ago
okay, now put a fat american on it and watch it go under. whats the point of a demonstration where the user is about the dimensions of a child-sized kitten.
DM C - 7 years ago
Great for catching undersized shellfish.
Tee Haze
Tee Haze - 7 years ago
Cheap parts some ones going to get hurt.
Joel Adank
Joel Adank - 7 years ago
I’ll tell you what You build that with a really nice sit on top seat you’d have a real winner I’d buy one tomorrow.
Jon Jones
Jon Jones - 7 years ago
looks really cheap made and flimsy.
Xavier lara
Xavier lara - 7 years ago
For non shark and black fish infested water's
DD826 - 7 years ago
this boat needs a pop up seat, no one is going to fish for long having to stand there the whole time.

10. comment for Fissot Fishing kayak with 40 bls motor by Fissot kayak

Howie Dune
Howie Dune - 7 years ago
It's nice and all but dude had two rods no real equipment. I prefer a canoe so I can have cooler and gear.
Vue Lee
Vue Lee - 7 years ago
is it ocean proof, can it withstand a storm???
Paulo Kayak Fishing
Paulo Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
sensational! Congrats on the video! I also have a reed that talks about kayaking Fishing at a glance and make your application. hug
Qammar Shahzad
Qammar Shahzad - 7 years ago
How much this boat cost?
sesamosatac - 7 years ago
hi, will it be possible to have it also in Italy?
Schecter NZ Kayak Fishing
Schecter NZ Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
Looks like a piece of crap to me.
Wayne Ross
Wayne Ross - 7 years ago
Fuck that piece of shit get a real boat fucking assholes
Morgan Gentle
Morgan Gentle - 7 years ago
Bro all that for one tiny little fish
Danny Lopez
Danny Lopez - 7 years ago
Fishing in the river behind your apartment can get you some small fishes...where they even alive?
PowerOf One
PowerOf One - 7 years ago

20. comment for Fissot Fishing kayak with 40 bls motor by Fissot kayak

Flavio Pereira
Flavio Pereira - 7 years ago
Seems to be high tech but with no seat ? In 10 minutes your back you be hurting like hell.
Betho Som Roberto Ferreira
Betho Som Roberto Ferreira - 7 years ago
EU com um desse, iria pescar pra caramba
Darren Turner
Darren Turner - 7 years ago
That bad boy is awesome but would probably cost the national debt of Argentina!
Davideluca Aversano
Davideluca Aversano - 7 years ago
Molto efficiente ma come si comporta nel mare un poco agitato ?
911 Tech
911 Tech - 7 years ago
Hehe, he threw that little fish into the inner hull of his yak. Good luck "fishing" it back out. This is actually an interesting idea but it is put forward horribly.
Daniel St.Pierre
Daniel St.Pierre - 7 years ago
Just watched this video after someone offered to trade his Fissot kayak for my 1997 BMW 540i pawn shop rescue (with many small issues)... I already own a sweet touring kayak but, after watching this vid, I'm all in!!!! #TGBTG
Hayden Grooms
Hayden Grooms - 7 years ago
It’s not a kayak if there is a motor
Michele Trotta
Michele Trotta - 7 years ago
molto bello
Raging Bull
Raging Bull - 7 years ago
You go fishing on a Rocky river with that thing it will be destroyed in no time
Qwitz Astonishing
Qwitz Astonishing - 7 years ago
#i love you

30. comment for Fissot Fishing kayak with 40 bls motor by Fissot kayak

endruw nomade
endruw nomade - 7 years ago
is this on sale in taiwan???
BRICKCITY9MM - 7 years ago
Pomfromoz - 7 years ago
With those wings out it will look like a tasty turtle to a big tiger shark....
Nolanduke - 7 years ago
Who puts live fish inside the hull? yuk. Also, $1k will get you an Old town Predator... That is a fishing kayak!
林俊傑 - 7 years ago
Good job
B T - 7 years ago
Where can I order one ?
Seas tonto ...q chunchon
Kent Williams
Kent Williams - 7 years ago
Very Interesting!
Robert G
Robert G - 7 years ago
can't use the foot steer when ur standing.
Durga Prasad
Durga Prasad - 7 years ago
Looks nice but how much does that sucker cost?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Durga Prasad FOB Shanghai price is good, please leave me your email box, I will send to your by email
Roger Phua
Roger Phua - 7 years ago
Looks ridiculous!
Sulei Enejo D
Sulei Enejo D - 7 years ago
I think its brilliant how much does it cost?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Sulei Enejo D If you want to know the FOB price, please send an email to, thanks
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Sulei Enejo D hello, thanks for you interest!
bezn600 - 7 years ago
Kai Lochschmidt
Kai Lochschmidt - 7 years ago
So ein Müll!
Daryl Girard
Daryl Girard - 7 years ago
It's nice. But I don't like where the prop is at. Because I be worried about bottoming out. The stabilizers are a plus. Doesn't seem to go fast like the Stik Kayak. Plus the Stik Kayak you can go up rivers and rapids and not have to worry about the prop being damaged.
Mister Wango
Mister Wango - 7 years ago
very innovative
Ja To
Ja To - 7 years ago
tanto bote para pescar una pequeña lapicera , encima no la regresó al río.
Mario Franco
Mario Franco - 7 years ago
What happens is you fall while the motor is on? bye bye kayak?
John Williamson
John Williamson - 7 years ago
This is a nice little kayak, but for $3,000.00? These other guys are right. You can buy a decked out " fishing kayak " for under $1,000.00. That's with everything to be on the other water too! Too much $.
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
John Williamson 3000 is market price, the selling price is only 1997usd
sigmundfloyder - 7 years ago
just buy a boat

50. comment for Fissot Fishing kayak with 40 bls motor by Fissot kayak

Hello World
Hello World - 7 years ago
And it cost 5000 dollars..
Pilgrin Falcon 68
Pilgrin Falcon 68 - 7 years ago
For me is not suitable for long fishing trips.
Apple Bag
Apple Bag - 7 years ago
i like the out rigger setup but ill bet that is lot of money
mark rigsby
mark rigsby - 7 years ago
Wait, till a 2000lb, shark breaches the Surface, way too small.
john legatos
john legatos - 7 years ago
get a fucking boat its cheaper.
Alan Feinstein
Alan Feinstein - 7 years ago
Kinda geeky... but I can see its use in small ponds and lakes. However I'd rather have a Port a Boat.
Jose Davila
Jose Davila - 7 years ago
I want to see a video of deep sea fishing with that kayak see how it holds up against a few sharks
wraqi - 7 years ago
Trump just banned these in the military. He announced it on Twitter
Sergio Henrique
Sergio Henrique - 7 years ago
Coisa de chinês maluco mesmo!!
Pra pegar peixe pequeno em rio cheio de chumbo e cocô!!
Coisa de louco!!!!
Clearanceman2 - 7 years ago
$3000, wow, you can buy a decent used boat for that.
Martin Rodriguez
Martin Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Como lo compro...!? Cuánto sale en Argentina? Ayuda x favor
mustafa BEY
mustafa BEY - 7 years ago
Payau Bandar
Payau Bandar - 7 years ago
I would like to have one but maybe just in my dream....
BeeRich33 - 7 years ago
Reversible lawnchair
3ziz1981 - 7 years ago
stability issue can be solved by widening the boat and make two wide air travel ways beneath it along the boat length but this boat is poorly designed!
Fizzoh - 7 years ago
the guy looks really uncomfortable.. my predator is really nice to sit in.. this looks like a bad time lol
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 7 years ago
hi, my name is leelee bungis. I am from Africa and would like to know if my turtle can drive it?
Mrs Moto-All-In-One
Mrs Moto-All-In-One - 7 years ago
AWESOME! Very nice if you dont feel like fooling with a big boat. I can get that thing in my truck without trailer hitch drama
Religion is poison
Religion is poison - 7 years ago
send me the price list
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
religion is poison would you please send me your email
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
religion is poison would you please send me your email!
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
religion is poison would you please send me your email!
The Modell Collector
The Modell Collector - 7 years ago
Billy Wilson
Billy Wilson - 7 years ago
3000.00 Amazon? I don't think so. Other than that, great idea.
michalokable - 7 years ago
Recap : if I want to go fishing for a weekend I'll need 2 weeks extra to set it up and fold the tranformer back again
Robert Bragg
Robert Bragg - 7 years ago
why play the corny ass music? kinda ruins the video. Definitely cool for small inland lakes and rivers.
jimmyfly - 7 years ago
Pretty cool right up to where you drop the fish into the boat. Can't imagine what that'll smell like the first time you catch a bunch and forget one in there.
Cosmo John
Cosmo John - 7 years ago
Not patented?
Joel Hermenegildo
Joel Hermenegildo - 7 years ago
tiny boat wd tiny catch
Jacob Trudel
Jacob Trudel - 7 years ago
This is fkn crap lol
miamiwax - 7 years ago
why so much hate? looks cool and stable too.
Shafiq Al- Mamun
Shafiq Al- Mamun - 7 years ago
wow boss I like your life style how much is it?
Otis Ziggenhorn
Otis Ziggenhorn - 7 years ago
It's a small boat, trying to be passed off as a kayak
Darren Turner
Darren Turner - 7 years ago
Or is it a big kayak trying to be passed off as a boat?
Fred van Viegen
Fred van Viegen - 7 years ago
Still, I like them and especially the idea that when I'm old I can trade my own sea kayak for one of these and still enjoy being onthe water and excersise if I want!
Fred van Viegen
Fred van Viegen - 7 years ago
Otis Ziggenhorn , that goes for all the fishing 'kayaks'!
Teo P
Teo P - 7 years ago
nice, but I'll stick with my Hobie trimaran
Franklin Daniel
Franklin Daniel - 7 years ago
needs solar panels incorporated in the deck
Mike Turner
Mike Turner - 7 years ago
Can you buy these in Australia, or if not can I buy online and have delivered to Australia? And how much for delivered to Australia please?
cooper halsey
cooper halsey - 7 years ago
Bcf mate
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Hi Mike, Yes, you can buy online( and then we will delivered to Australia. Totally, you will cost about 1450 USD to get one pcs.
Kandela Brown
Kandela Brown - 7 years ago
Just go and buy a real boat like a man would do.
michalokable - 7 years ago
Kuk Huve, if you need a boat like this you shouldn't be on the free waking water.
Learn to boat!
michalokable - 7 years ago
Kuk Huve, than learn to drive a boat
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Kuk Huve Man sink into the button is refer to the wings? We design the wing to make the kayak more stable and to stop people fall down when fishing! If he add a leash or life vest, it is safe enough!
Kuk Huve
Kuk Huve - 7 years ago
a real man would drown in a boat when it sinks to the bottom after too much wind. That kayak wont sink.
Phelix Kelevra
Phelix Kelevra - 7 years ago
I guess you wanna come and carry that boat over from one lake to another? After all, a real man would use a boat for any scenario in your mind...
T Wayland
T Wayland - 7 years ago
johnny le lol you sound like a child. this is just for a fishing hobbyists to take out on shallow water an fish. I dont understand how you could be a fishermen and not know this already. Its not ment to compete with offshore fishing boats.
Vu Tran
Vu Tran - 7 years ago
LOL..that's funny, but man. Have you ever tried deep fried sunfish with fish sauce? =)
TheOneTheOnly W
TheOneTheOnly W - 7 years ago
Kandela Brown, you ever fished in a kayak? it's awesome! this kayak would be amazing, especially with foot controls in a river!
Jorge Kim
Jorge Kim - 7 years ago
michalokable, Chen bo
you two are right!
michalokable - 7 years ago

He's talking about the boat...
Why take things as racial, get your facts straight
CHEN BO - 7 years ago
why set this reply on top? He is an arshole and only because there is an Asian showing in the video and catch "small" fishes. If in the video is a white, they would cheers that is a great innovation and bla bla bla.
Albert Sky
Albert Sky - 7 years ago
Kuk Huve
Kuk Huve - 7 years ago
there is places where boats cant go. Like shallow water rivers for example. If you live in like canada and fish for salmon this kayak would be a lot better than a boat for sure. You could take this thru the woods and easily walk to some other river a mile away where boats cant go.

And there are also places where there are no roads and like 3 miles to where you want to fish in a lake for example. I caught a 10 kg trout last summer from my kayak and didnt have any problem with it.

Would also recomend thos sit on top kayaks. They are basicly unsinkble. Its like a big surfboard and i rater be on that than in a 14 feet boat in stormy wheater.
michalokable - 7 years ago
johnny le, you just made my day.
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Kandela Brown you could buy on line.
Spaide man
Spaide man - 7 years ago
good job.
Leonardo o
Leonardo o - 7 years ago
what about the bag limit m8?Typical!
balort santa
balort santa - 7 years ago
Looks like a big bull's eye for great whites.
Seng Vue
Seng Vue - 7 years ago
that's a wholesale supplier, I just want one. Any retail seller in the US?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Seng Vue hello my friend, now we have a Amazon shop
Drew - 7 years ago
the seat doesn't look that comfortable
Wave Dancer
Wave Dancer - 7 years ago
Much to many parts which can rust and break! A no go!
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
We have been sold this for 5 years. No one told me they rust and break. Any way, it's may happen but not always. After all , this is been used to fish, not for bar and collapse.
Stanley Wijaya
Stanley Wijaya - 7 years ago
I want bay this thing..
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Stanley Wijaya hello, my friend! You can buy on line
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Thanks, Stanley,Please send me your adress and I will send you the quotation,tks.
Willie Ward
Willie Ward - 7 years ago
im interested in getting one of these! it would work perfectly for where I fish.
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Willie Ward ,tks! Yes, it is always works well
mh r
mh r - 7 years ago
i like it--it's great.
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
mh r thanks! If you like, you can order on line:
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
waltham1957 - 7 years ago
Dude, is that the bait or the catch?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Dude, for somebody is a bait and the catch for some else.
Orville Villanueva
Orville Villanueva - 7 years ago
Looks cool. If by chance the kayak is turned over, are the electrical components water resistant? What is the maximum weight capacity? Most fishermen bring many items onboard -- fishing poles, cooler, tackle, live bait, etc.. This would need to hold all of that without fear of getting too submerged.
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Hi, the electrical components are water resistant. Maximun is 200kg.
conantdog - 7 years ago
Great Design !!!!
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
conantdog tks, if you like, please order on:
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Mario Casal Ribeiro
Mario Casal Ribeiro - 7 years ago
muito bem concebido tem detalhes muito bons . Parabéns ao criador .
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
ferrarigirl666 - 7 years ago
perfect for us flyfishers
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Thanks for you interest
Andrey Ivanov
Andrey Ivanov - 7 years ago
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Andrey Ivanov hi my friend, if you like, please order
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
850USD FOB Shanghai
Simon Gabor
Simon Gabor - 7 years ago
at 1:50 fishis swimming right behind the kayak
Austin Warby
Austin Warby - 7 years ago
You think it was a fish...I'm not sure.

100. comment for Fissot Fishing kayak with 40 bls motor by Fissot kayak

woodbutcher505 - 7 years ago
$750.00 plus $1440 shipping to USA..
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
It's will be much cheaper than 750+1440USD
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
HI Woodbutcher, you could buy from our USA agent: Captain Mick, Swagger Marine. Cellphone:813 297 8406
Perry Daniels
Perry Daniels - 7 years ago
I would hope there's a larger model available this guys are pretty small little Feller and I'm six foot three and I have a hard time thinking I'm going to fit in that little bitty kayak
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
HI tall men. It's great to know your height. If you not up to 2.0meters or 200Kg, it's OK.
sean sean
sean sean - 7 years ago
needs a few solar cells on there to top up the battery while fishing.
sean sean
sean sean - 7 years ago
lots of ways to get a little power back into the batteries
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
sean sean I agree with you! We are doing that
Fishing Journey
Fishing Journey - 7 years ago
how much for shipping to singapore?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
I need to check with forwarder. Tks
hivoltage909 - 7 years ago
Great Product !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
5252dan - 7 years ago
and jesus said " lay the yak upon the water and make it take the form of a cross on porpoise"
ِ - 7 years ago
TheDcrocks1 - 7 years ago
love that.
Wielka Polska
Wielka Polska - 7 years ago
Po kiego grzyba Ci te małe rybki zwyrodnialcu?
OG Timbercraft
OG Timbercraft - 7 years ago
OMG throw that little fish back in the water.
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Sorry, the small fish is just show the function. Haha.
andre da silva pimenta andre pimenta
andre da silva pimenta andre pimenta - 7 years ago
muito bom qual o nome desse Kaique meu amigo
Peter Nugent
Peter Nugent - 7 years ago
grand on a calm day or when the sharks arnt hungry bath tub be as safe as that yoke , built for city boys with fuck all knowledge of boating seas or big lakes , not a boat just a fancy toy
Darren Turner
Darren Turner - 7 years ago
Its not trying to be a boat. Idiot.
Antrigen - 7 years ago
Steelhead do not necessarily die after spawning and are able to spawn more than once.
R K - 7 years ago
You guys ate too much mercury amirite? xD
Peter Nugent
Peter Nugent - 7 years ago
some of your fag fishing enjoy the link bottom feeder lol
Bradley VanTassal
Bradley VanTassal - 7 years ago
go fuck yourself, queer. there is such a thing as a summer run stealie. you really are a damn douche bag. piss off.
Peter Nugent
Peter Nugent - 7 years ago
Bradley VanTassal calm down freak boy steel heads are half dead when ye catch them over there up the rivers to die lol . not about the size its the skill and steel heads would nearly jump into your bost there that plentiful over there . I'm surround by ocean hour drive bring me from coast to coast but we have some of the cleanest waters here . record size fish . so go fuck your self hillbilly .
Bradley VanTassal
Bradley VanTassal - 7 years ago
fuck off asshole. I live on one of the world's top ten steelhead river's. a 15 foot BOAT is gonna cost much more than this. It's a GODDAMN KAYAK. I've caught bigger fish in real life than you do in your brokeback dreams.
Peter Nugent
Peter Nugent - 7 years ago
Bradley VanTassal you only day dream of fishing while yout stroke your dildo lol . I've seen nuts use these tubes on the sea an oceans with sharks pounding at them .go buy your self an good 15 foot second hand boat an little engine get it for may be same price as that yoke . as in fishing in half starved pounds not for me . I'd soon fish on good pike an trout lakes of co Westmeath .
Bradley VanTassal
Bradley VanTassal - 7 years ago
not a loaner asshat. I have a family. but alone time is nice. Don't like it? why even bother commenting on the video. go back to flipping burgers. douche bag.
Peter Nugent
Peter Nugent - 7 years ago
Bradley VanTassal still muck can't even enjoy a Sunday outing with the kids on that yoke boat for loaners like your self dude and you dildo pmsl
Peter Nugent
Peter Nugent - 7 years ago
Bradley VanTassal still muck can't even enjoy a Sunday outing with the kids on that yoke boat for loaners like your self dude and you dildo pmsl
Bradley VanTassal
Bradley VanTassal - 7 years ago
Peter Nugent it doesn't say boat dildo. It's a kayak, with a trolling motor. great for ponds and smaller bodies of water. I am no city boy, but I sure as fuck would buy one for the water behind my house.
Mo Bettah
Mo Bettah - 7 years ago
how does water drain out of the cockpit?

jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
jamesangusmcaninch - 7 years ago
Try and find this much boat for under a grand. I love it. I just wish it had a fold up high, bass boat type seat option. Hell, I'm a mechanic/fabricator, I'll rig it. I'm sold. Especially on the Gulf Coast. Hell yea.
Billyboy - 7 years ago
Under a grand? 3k on Amazon lol
Jennifer Adams
Jennifer Adams - 7 years ago
jianlong Hu not a bad price. Where are they sold?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago 1997usd,thanks - 7 years ago
jianlong Hu whats this boat cost or price thanks
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Hey ,thanks for you interest. Have a good life.
1pdigit - 7 years ago
can you get a back rest for it? that's a deal breaker for me
1pdigit - 7 years ago
lol, ikr, i think there may be something lost in translation here.
John Mitchell
John Mitchell - 7 years ago
1pdigit he wants a picture of ur back
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Yes, could you send me a picture. I may can help you. Tks
World Peace
World Peace - 7 years ago
Looks nice but the mounted engine looks to me like a bad design..., if you ever have to pull your Kajak over a river bank or at shallow water situation...
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Hi Wordl peace. When you ever have to pull your Kajak over a river bank or at shallow water situation, you could push the motor out easy and began to use the paddle.. Thanks.
Gus Goose
Gus Goose - 7 years ago
Geez... just buy a boat.
Phelix Kelevra
Phelix Kelevra - 7 years ago
There there, don't be sad because your fat ass can't fit in a kayak... I'm sure there is a tugboat out there for you...
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Thanks. Would you please tell me your Email. Or would you please send me a Email.。tks
chazeaud alain
chazeaud alain - 7 years ago
super très ingénieux
Nathan Blackshear
Nathan Blackshear - 7 years ago
I would like to get one what is the process
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Hi Nathan, I have replied you on ALibaba. We have agent in USA. Captain Mick, Swagger Marine:813 297 8406
Derek Perez
Derek Perez - 7 years ago
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Derek Perez thanks
kiko zanettoni
kiko zanettoni - 7 years ago
go to have disponible for the Brasil?
Asura - 7 years ago
where can I get one
Asura - 7 years ago
and what's the weight limit
Asura - 7 years ago
jianlong Hu usa
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
What county are you in ?
awaken onanotherworld
awaken onanotherworld - 7 years ago
how do i get 1 of those?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Hi AWaken, Would you please let me know where are you? Normally,our FOB price is 850USD. FOB Shanghai.
n - 7 years ago
$850 us - what is delivery charge and how are you taking orders? texas delivery
Bodzky SunflowerTv
Bodzky SunflowerTv - 7 years ago
How much does it costs?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Bodzky SunflowerTv Fob shanghai,850usd
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Ben Wicker yes including the motor paddle and fishing rod holders
Ben Wicker
Ben Wicker - 7 years ago
jianlong Hu if 850 include motor also ?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Hi Bodzky. The EXW price is about 850USD. Not contain the delivery charge
EnVision - 7 years ago
No back rest it looks pretty awkward to sit in. other then that nice.
RotorWing FPV
RotorWing FPV - 7 years ago
lol watch the tide pick up speed as the kayak does you sneaky bastards.
Also just like any electric powered motor, it will lose performance after the first 10 mins max.
Its way too busy
Str8 sauce
Str8 sauce - 7 years ago
retail price ?if it cost as much as a car you can forget it unless i can drive it on roads
ShootNReel304 - 7 years ago
all that nice technology and a absolutely crappy seat.
B RADD - 7 years ago
Aaron Taffs but a way worse design
Kyle Young
Kyle Young - 8 years ago
why fold out the wings while trolling? what an enormous amount of drag
Ge Raf
Ge Raf - 8 years ago
Are these the same as the Haswing kayak? they have similar ones listed on for $1500 not sure if clone or not
Rob Niemeyer
Rob Niemeyer - 8 years ago
Looks nice but how much does that sucker cost?
Andy - 7 years ago
$3000 on Amazon right now
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Dickie Tunes Hello, My friend, I will send you an price list to you today! Thanks
Real Deal Hunting
Real Deal Hunting - 7 years ago
jianlong Hu I am interested in this product for US sales I have a huge demand in the market place for this exact item . Please get in touch with me .
steve kim
steve kim - 7 years ago
jianlong Hu can you send me a specs details to
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
The EXW price is about 850USD. Not contain the delivery charge
BlackAnvil47 - 8 years ago
Who do yo contact to purchase one I've tried the available number and I can't seem to get anywhere nor a price can you help
sea doo
sea doo - 7 years ago
BlackAnvil47 850$ delivered its on amazon you cuck
BlackAnvil47 - 8 years ago
Nice yak
Mardy26 - 8 years ago
Really good for Mino fishing apparently.
Mardy26 - 8 years ago
It's a miss spelled "minnow".
Sorry, but it happens.
speckspeck - 8 years ago
what th heck is a "Mino"
Whippy - 8 years ago
How long does the motor run for from full charge?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 8 years ago
My pleasure thanks
Whippy - 8 years ago
jianlong Hu thank for the information, and fast response, that's impressive
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 8 years ago
TheOzflyer 5 Hours for A 50Ahr battery
Rod Arsenault
Rod Arsenault - 8 years ago
i'm in canada. where can i get one and how much
leevwj4 - 8 years ago
I been trying to get the price on it but just couldn't seem to find it, even when I went on the page so how much does it cost??
Royal Cruise Bahamas
Royal Cruise Bahamas - 7 years ago Use PROMO CODE - (SUMMER 40) and get 40% OFF at check out ;)
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Elmar Valdehueza about 650usd
Elmar Valdehueza
Elmar Valdehueza - 7 years ago
how much is the delivery here in Canada?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
The EXW price is about 850USD. Not contain the delivery charge
Albin Lagos
Albin Lagos - 8 years ago
ohhhh man I like it.
do you sale it on ebay or Amazon if you do give us the link and price, thanks.
ProJecteSey - 8 years ago
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 8 years ago
A little cheaper than that
ProJecteSey - 8 years ago
about 1500 australian
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 8 years ago
My whatsapp is : +86 18621754480
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 8 years ago
Would you please send Email to me, and then I will send you the price. My email is
Luke Yun
Luke Yun - 8 years ago
can you use it in the ocean?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 8 years ago
Yes, It can be used in the ocean. Salt water is OK.
fishhookcrazy - 8 years ago
THAT MANY moving parts is usually a recipe for disaster
fetborsted - 7 years ago
You're not an engineer, are you son.
farmertoad75 - 7 years ago
BAM! Well said sir well said!
Darren Turner
Darren Turner - 7 years ago
Yeah. Like cars...
Brooklyn Avenue
Brooklyn Avenue - 7 years ago
Oh shut up you alcoholic
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 7 years ago
Francis Drake 1997usd
T Wayland
T Wayland - 7 years ago
fishhookcrazy with your logic an automotive drivetrain would be so unreliable that it wouldnt be practical for daily use. Meanwhile my vehicle has 300k miles no with issues.
Spaide man
Spaide man - 7 years ago
wait till u watch transformers :P
speckspeck - 8 years ago
Duh- uhh
Epoche Passate
Epoche Passate - 8 years ago
How much does it weight?
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 8 years ago
My Email is And my whatsapp: +86 18621754480. Please send me email to get more details.

Thanks very much
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 8 years ago
Hi, Epoche, Sorry for later reply. It's could be loaded 150Kg. The weight is: 38Kg for the boat body. 9kg for the motors and impeller.
Flash Back
Flash Back - 8 years ago
That is the way to kayak. Very stable.
Royal Cruise Bahamas
Royal Cruise Bahamas - 7 years ago Use PROMO CODE - (SUMMER 40) and get 40% OFF at check out ;)
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Awesome video.We provide the water shoes which can help you enjoy this activity.You can contact us if you are interested in.
Mike Hodge
Mike Hodge - 8 years ago
This is a rebranded Haswing Kayak. Ensure you fit an auto bilge pump to this then you'll have a great unit. peddles are poor but an upgrade to sealect rudder peddles will enhance. All in all a nice motorised kayak.
jianlong Hu
jianlong Hu - 8 years ago
Thanks for you idea.

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