Flatwater Kayak

Kajak video with Techno :)
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LuxoGear Emergency Whistles with Lanyard

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NOCO Genius GEN5X2, 2-Bank, 10A (5A/Bank) Smart Marine Battery Chargers

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Seaview 180 V3 Full Face Snorkel Mask

Seaview 180 V3 Full Face Snorkel Mask

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Most popular comments
for Flatwater Kayak

Mati Stern
Mati Stern - 11 years ago
what is the last race what year and what championship ?
Mads Brandt Pedersen
Mads Brandt Pedersen - 11 years ago
The last race is the world championship in Duisburg 2007, 500m final
Greg Treasure
Greg Treasure - 11 years ago
te hallod csak kicsit szúrta ki a szemem az "Élő" szó xD
Basket Okole
Basket Okole - 11 years ago
from 0:10 to 1:40 what is the song?
TheKapor10 - 11 years ago
2:32 amazing footage!
Osvaldo Almad
Osvaldo Almad - 12 years ago
wau que bueno esta este videoo !!
seglins rudolfs
seglins rudolfs - 12 years ago
it's not that exciting to watch..
Mahmoud Hassan-khedr
Mahmoud Hassan-khedr - 12 years ago
very cool sport, and now I wanna try it!
k2477456 - 12 years ago
not really, when you watch a rowing start you have to remember that a single scull is 10' longer than a K1 and our 4's are 45' long, in my single scull i can get up to a 1:25 split in my start piece in about 5 strokes (7-8 seconds)
NateErrez - 12 years ago
but rowing has REALLY slow starts

10. comment for Flatwater Kayak

Nikola Arabadzhiev
Nikola Arabadzhiev - 13 years ago
very good :]]]
Marcis Putnins
Marcis Putnins - 13 years ago
what name is for first song????:)
said muminovic
said muminovic - 13 years ago
auf germanyyyyyyy
Justinas Petkus
Justinas Petkus - 13 years ago
i am kayaker.This Sport is the BEST
MinNyeAccount - 13 years ago
@erbse2006 that is the speed he is refering to...
Tyler Durdan
Tyler Durdan - 13 years ago
@pwshark1 I think plastex, plastex, and im gonna have to say...plastex
Tamás H
Tamás H - 13 years ago
@knirri depending on the boat, they can go up to 35-40 km/h (single boats), and ofcourse depending on the rower :D
charles olson
charles olson - 13 years ago
@erbse2006 I think he is saying whats the third song
Jonas Depamelaere
Jonas Depamelaere - 13 years ago
@MrMarha123 bossanova - Stonecold
charles olson
charles olson - 13 years ago
3:20 i would hate to get slapped by him

20. comment for Flatwater Kayak

davidodevado - 13 years ago
flatwater haha! :D
Trevor Young
Trevor Young - 13 years ago
@lukasvdbreal haha, i ve coached for 4 years, ive seen many "girls" that whoop older guys asses in a race.
lukasvdbreal - 13 years ago
@trevdog110 sexist? that's just the way it was, I would like to see you get in a K2 with a girl who has almost no paddling experience and do aan 5000m race, I dare you! Don't be calling anybody sexist because you don't know shit
Trevor Young
Trevor Young - 13 years ago
@lukasvdbreal wtf is up with all you sexist bastards?
Vlad Sobo
Vlad Sobo - 13 years ago
Nelo is the most used kayac in competitions,on second place i think that is plastex and after Plastex is West
MrMarha123 - 13 years ago
What's the name of the fist song?
k2477456 - 13 years ago
rowing is faster end of story... in my single scull i can get 3:24 on a 1k no problem and im a sophomore in highschool
Morgan Boldy
Morgan Boldy - 7 years ago
you'd get smacked over 200m or 400m though
DelTevynes - 13 years ago
@lechodemeista Yes it's awesome been kayaking for a year now never gets boring
Robert Berzins
Robert Berzins - 13 years ago
@knirri i think a bit faster :D
TheISLANDMONKEYS - 14 years ago
@pwshark1 Epic makes mostly surfski, but I think epic-plastex-nelo

30. comment for Flatwater Kayak

Ritalia Heil
Ritalia Heil - 14 years ago
The name of the song Bossanova - Stonecold
xerro11111 - 14 years ago
What is the first real song called? the one after the countdown? ^^
Jens Lund
Jens Lund - 14 years ago
@benja12349 Limfjorden!
Jens Lund
Jens Lund - 14 years ago
Nelo vanquish II owns all
Fredrik Fosaas
Fredrik Fosaas - 14 years ago
@pwshark1 1. Nelo, 2. Plastex, 3. Vajda, maybe? It don't have so much to say unless your "extremely pro". I'd rather just find something you like yourself. I have a Nelo Vanquish II SCS L myself. Loveit.
Emil Torstensson
Emil Torstensson - 14 years ago
@pwshark1 Epic is best then nelo and plastex:)
Emil Torstensson
Emil Torstensson - 14 years ago
Epic is best then nelo and plastex:)
Erwin Trummer
Erwin Trummer - 14 years ago
@pwshark1 i think nelo - vajda - plastex!
dexterkrum - 14 years ago
@rinbambit benny benassi-inside of me
Dzejms637 - 14 years ago
:|... 5/5 :P (POLAND) :)
derMEGApolonOOb - 15 years ago
kanupolo rules!!! nice video :)
elknof1 - 15 years ago
i meant that they can go almost at 10-11 miles per hour, but in mexico we use the metric system.. i mean that is really fast!
Bepe Gabianni
Bepe Gabianni - 15 years ago
why the shit music?
duriandecay - 15 years ago
So beautiful.
Knights2theEnd - 15 years ago
Flatwater is the best cuz its a actual sport, u cant find one true kayaker that is fat, there is NONE, in many Olympic sports u can always find a fat butt person, but not in kayaking...great thing about kayaking is that, u need strength,extreme balance and skill/"good form"...u cant find that in all sports...kayaking is jsut amazing, THERE'S ONLY ONE BAD THING the prize, as a professional kayakrer u dont get alot compared to stupid sports like football with big fatt people yay!
Maxandtheletter7 - 15 years ago
I don't really understand how people can kayak like this and then watch creeking or playboating videos of the same quality.
agustin rolon visone
agustin rolon visone - 15 years ago
me dieron tremendas ganas de remar con este video muy bueno
Echologic - 15 years ago
thx m8
Echologic - 15 years ago
whats the name of first song?
Benjamin Steen Sørensen
Benjamin Steen Sørensen - 15 years ago
bossnova stone cold

50. comment for Flatwater Kayak

Benjamin Steen Sørensen
Benjamin Steen Sørensen - 15 years ago
wtf are u talking about m8 ?
Erwin Trummer
Erwin Trummer - 15 years ago
18 km/h ?! what do you mean?
Juan Carlos Cano Espinoza
Juan Carlos Cano Espinoza - 15 years ago
18 km/h !!!
lukasvdbreal - 15 years ago
yeah I know what you mean! I did a race once with a girl about five years younger than me it was a plastex k2 she had never been in a k2 before so I take a turn, she slides of her seat and I try to keep the boat from tipping over but she hadn't learned how to keep her balance & stuff so result: one almost sunken K2 plastex nightmare!
KaMc1O - 15 years ago
lmfao are you serious me to the same stuff man shit I was with a girl as well but its because ( if your a guy ) if you with a guy with the same size at you it isnt tipy but when your with a girl whos like less stronger then u and smaller well its tipy
Benjamin Steen Sørensen
Benjamin Steen Sørensen - 15 years ago
we dont care -.-
mylst2 - 15 years ago
go norway
Mykel Kowaluk
Mykel Kowaluk - 15 years ago
Canada destroys ever body
Benjamin Steen Sørensen
Benjamin Steen Sørensen - 15 years ago
denmark pwn you all :)
Alex Larson
Alex Larson - 15 years ago
Yes... the RMSKC... The Rocky Mountain Sea Kayakers' Club.
pollarson - 15 years ago
ei ma come si chiama la seconda canzone??
Erwin Trummer
Erwin Trummer - 16 years ago
in English Please
Erwin Trummer
Erwin Trummer - 16 years ago
why funny?
Erwin Trummer
Erwin Trummer - 16 years ago
yes 10.000 views...thank you
Erwin Trummer
Erwin Trummer - 16 years ago
Bossanova - Stone Cold
vego101 - 16 years ago
What's teh ame of first song? Can you help me please :D
vego101 - 16 years ago
Nice vid... :D What's the name of this song?
renzling - 16 years ago

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