Flyak - Hydrofoil Kayak Vs K1 Sprint Kayak

This is a prototype Flyak with hydrofoils blowing by a conventional olymipic style K1. The foils are under water of course, which is why this kayak looks so strange. Capable apparently of a 27 km/h top speed.

Flyak - Hydrofoil Kayak Vs K1 Sprint Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Kayak 18 years ago 259,579 views

This is a prototype Flyak with hydrofoils blowing by a conventional olymipic style K1. The foils are under water of course, which is why this kayak looks so strange. Capable apparently of a 27 km/h top speed.

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Most popular comments
for Flyak - Hydrofoil Kayak Vs K1 Sprint Kayak

Troels Lund
Troels Lund - 7 years ago
Are there someone out there who got measurements/3d-model of the hydrofoil?
Alan Montgomery
Alan Montgomery - 10 years ago
sure doesnt look that the amount of time the paddle blades are barely in the water is realistically enough to be moving that fast...  bit doggie i say..
WHNClips2 - 10 years ago
Hi, I am currently working on the development of a new television series for Discovery. We would be interested in including an extract of the above video in our programme and I wonder if you can tell me whether this might be possible? Check your inbox for Details, thanks
Shivam Desai
Shivam Desai - 7 years ago
Did this ever happen?
John Clayton
John Clayton - 11 years ago
Wow. A kayak that is more than my car...
TerminalSolutions - 13 years ago
@cali420king Winged Keel... by us aussies :) Ben lexen was the designer... he made lots of things... including a winged skateboard! :)
n1ck3o7 - 13 years ago
i bet that thing is RIDICULOUSLY unstable!!!
Ken Bell
Ken Bell - 15 years ago
Great design. Too much energy wasted by paddle splashes. Needs to have paddles redesigned for this boat.
cali420king - 15 years ago
schooners dont race the america's cup. and there was a boat that entered with lots of controversy regarding the foil at the bottom of its keel back in the 90s.
русский Густав
русский Густав - 16 years ago
I have been searching to get a small motor in my 17' Kayak and this hidrofoils would be great idea!! do you have any plans in how to build this and installation pls?

10. comment for Flyak - Hydrofoil Kayak Vs K1 Sprint Kayak

Gotnough - 16 years ago
Where did you shout this video, do you have any email of the conceptor of this hydrofoil, thanks to let me know
TalkingGoats - 16 years ago
Yes, Science is hard gay.
Joey Ortiz
Joey Ortiz - 16 years ago
Well of course that, but the aerodynamic shape of a kayak combined with the hydrodynamic properties of a hydrofoil, and the power of a small engine, this could go pretty fast with awesome mileage.
Joey Ortiz
Joey Ortiz - 16 years ago
Why hasnt anyone stuck an engine on this???? COME ON PEOPLE!
LEMOINE Olivier - 16 years ago
And to turn ?
lotsoffun - 16 years ago
could be, but still you would definitely go faster with less friction on a hydrofoil
mitchamus - 16 years ago
bullshit.. the other guy isn't even trying to race...
lotsoffun - 16 years ago
because you can stroke faster since the friction between the boat and the water is gone a lot
wolfy365 - 16 years ago
whats that?
mitchamus - 17 years ago
your stroke rate is twice that of the guy you are racing...

20. comment for Flyak - Hydrofoil Kayak Vs K1 Sprint Kayak

wildblue2 - 17 years ago
so it HAS been done...
thefisheronthemoon - 17 years ago
id like to try that in da surf
wolfy365 - 17 years ago
looks hard 2 paddle

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