Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK

On my very first day kayak fishing, I felt a little gutsy and went after muskies. Smart? Probably not. A little crazy? Yeah, Probably. But in any case, I was rewarded with a BIG FAT MUSKY. Watch as I hook, net, and release this beauty. Kayak musky fishing - I'm hooked. Kayak: Hobie Outback Location: Illinois Date: March 31, 2018 Species Muskellunge (Muskie) Partner: Solo trip! Find me on: Instagram: @nattieupnorth Blog:

Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

Kayak 6 years ago 61,630 views

On my very first day kayak fishing, I felt a little gutsy and went after muskies. Smart? Probably not. A little crazy? Yeah, Probably. But in any case, I was rewarded with a BIG FAT MUSKY. Watch as I hook, net, and release this beauty. Kayak musky fishing - I'm hooked. Kayak: Hobie Outback Location: Illinois Date: March 31, 2018 Species Muskellunge (Muskie) Partner: Solo trip! Find me on: Instagram: @nattieupnorth Blog:

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Most popular comments
for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK

cmftlynum - 6 years ago
Kick ass and great job and my wife wants to know what water boots you are wearing. If I get her a pair, she might even try a solo musky trip, too.
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
NESig - 6 years ago
Gotta admire you for fishing in that kind of weather, especially in a kayak.
Dark30 Outdoors
Dark30 Outdoors - 6 years ago
Wow!! You did an amazing job! Congratulations on a great musky! I’ve caught them from a kayak, and I know it’s tough. Limited space, tight quarters, plus you had to battle the elements! Also, you’ve got some serious editing skills. That wind was crazy. I have 1 tiny criticism. On 3/31 that water is super cold and anything can happen so have a buddy, take a friend!! Always be safe! Overall, awesome job!!!!
AdvOutdoors - 6 years ago
I'm getting a kayak this year and my first muskie is my biggest goal this season. This will be a year of new species for me as I get off of Quinte and out of my typical routines.
Krystal Lee
Krystal Lee - 6 years ago
Whereabouts in Illinois was this if you don’t mind me asking?! Awesome video lady!
Fred's airsofting
Fred's airsofting - 6 years ago
That was badass
SC Yaker
SC Yaker - 6 years ago
Great catch Nattie
Ryan Schwinghammer
Ryan Schwinghammer - 6 years ago
Amazing! This is my goal for this year. Picking up a Hobie in a couple weeks!
scottnova03 - 6 years ago
Get it girl !!!

10. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK

4artisticdesign - 6 years ago
for the love of kayaks & fishing...
troy schoettle
troy schoettle - 6 years ago
Wow u should be proud of yourself!!! very impressed...
I wouldn't want to land that fish in a kayak...great catch!
5280 Adventures
5280 Adventures - 6 years ago
Epic catch. So happy to see how emotional you were when you landed it. What an inspiration. If you want to do it in life, go do it. Rock on! Tight lines
Corey Whitacre
Corey Whitacre - 6 years ago
Well done, one of the most bad ass fishing videos I’ve ever seen!
ross cahill
ross cahill - 6 years ago
Had the pleasure of kayak fishing with Nattie last week in panama - she’s an absolute trooper. Onwards and upwards Nat
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Thank you, Ross!!
Robert Mitchell
Robert Mitchell - 6 years ago
You rock!! It’s refreshing to see pure joy on your face and hear it in your voice...thanks for sharing!
Bad Bass Fishing
Bad Bass Fishing - 6 years ago
I've never caught a muskie, but I remember feeling that same way; big bass, big deer, first child. Nature is awesome. Congratulations.
Michael Brodzik
Michael Brodzik - 6 years ago
Great Job
Way to go. One hell of a fish.
Wallace Bell
Wallace Bell - 6 years ago
WOW!!! You accomplished something that most people can only dream, and that is catching and successfully releasing the fish of your dreams!!! You set a goal and worked your plan and with determination you succeeded!!! From your video I learned a new method of how to put my kayak on a car in case my truck is not available! Thanks!!!

20. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK

Living Life with Jay and Jen
Living Life with Jay and Jen - 6 years ago
Great stuff, pure joy.....nothing like it. Congrats
David Merriott
David Merriott - 6 years ago
Where can I get a hat like the one you are wearing in the intro? And if you visit Oregon, my son and I are hardcore steelheaders. Love to take your friends and you out for nw fish!
Clamdiggerdan Boone
Clamdiggerdan Boone - 6 years ago
Wow that was great!I was smiling and laughing along with you.Great job!
Lou Martsolf
Lou Martsolf - 6 years ago
River Hound1985
River Hound1985 - 6 years ago
New to your page and I'm just's no easy thing to land a musky, let alone in a Yak...well done girl
Kawaii wolf
Kawaii wolf - 6 years ago
Just came across you vids and cant wait to show my daughter.. Great job
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Patrick Fahie
Patrick Fahie - 6 years ago
Heck yeah!
Michael Denham
Michael Denham - 6 years ago
nice catch
Florida Strain
Florida Strain - 6 years ago
that was dope. always awesome to see other people geek out on fishing. congrats on the milestone! kayak fishing is amazing isn't it?!
Ryan Zajic
Ryan Zajic - 6 years ago
So awesome

30. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK

Noah Fuller
Noah Fuller - 6 years ago
I am near Stillwater, MN and would like to take you fishing all day and then a nice steak dinner afterwards.... Lets go catch some monster sturgeon on the St. Croix!!
HISTi4U - 6 years ago
Nice catch! Just be careful when you’re alone! It’s nice of that fisherman to help you! That’s really awesome! Yes, it was bigger than you! Stay safe!
john doe
john doe - 6 years ago
Like a boss!!
Big O Kayak Fishing Adventures
Big O Kayak Fishing Adventures - 6 years ago
Beem Le
Beem Le - 6 years ago
Awesome you go girl
Exclucivic2010 - 6 years ago
She’s beautiful, would love to go fishing with her...
Amanda Wilson
Amanda Wilson - 6 years ago
Love this so much!!! As a fellow female musky angler, I know that reaction so well and loved experiencing the catch with you! Thank you for the excellent video and for what you are doing for women in this sport!
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Roy Beard Jr
Roy Beard Jr - 6 years ago
Congrats on the musky that was a nice one Good job
TC Mitchell Jr
TC Mitchell Jr - 6 years ago
do you ever did a video on catch and cook?
TC Mitchell Jr
TC Mitchell Jr - 6 years ago
congratulations on catching your first musky. enjoyed it. Stay Positive, Encouraged and Uplifting
4artisticdesign - 6 years ago
amazing...snow in march say what! love illinois. just awesome fishing from a kayak.
Cody Martin
Cody Martin - 6 years ago
Congrats on a giant!!!!!!
ddk56vw - 6 years ago
Wow, congrats, that was a very big and impressive fish to catch in a kayak.
Gerry P.
Gerry P. - 6 years ago
Netting a big musky like that all by oneself is a challenge let alone doing it from a kayak on a windy day. My fishing buddy and I are totally impressed. Seen your other videos and we'll keep watching. Love the way you care for the fish as we are the same way. We even stopped using live bait a couple of years ago
Tailhook MD
Tailhook MD - 6 years ago
You didn’t look like a geek... you looked like a total boss!! Great job. My dream is to catch a Muskie. I’m a largemouth bass guy fishin from shore. Your channel is making me believe and get off my butt. Subscribed and ready to watch all your videos.
Cole Jeffries
Cole Jeffries - 6 years ago
Will you marry me
Mike Gass
Mike Gass - 6 years ago
Nice fish. Looks like spring/ fall cool water time. Good for chance of stress free release. Yet to catch one out of a yak.
David Bennett
David Bennett - 6 years ago
You are a badass.
erik lujano
erik lujano - 6 years ago
That hat is dope!!!!!!! Anyone got a link to it
Shake-N-Bake Bassin
Shake-N-Bake Bassin - 6 years ago
Wow great job!!! You kick ass

50. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK

Rusty Reddish
Rusty Reddish - 6 years ago
Just found your vid, "How "F" Fantastic! You are so cool! Doing all the work on your own! Love Hobbies, best on the water! Keep making vids, you will be a supper star! Nice fish!
ZZ430T56 - 6 years ago
Awesome! I was waitin for you to snag that net in your back cast. I know I would :)
Kevin rosenfeldt woodworking
Kevin rosenfeldt woodworking - 6 years ago
Looked orgasmic
Joyce DiMaggio
Joyce DiMaggio - 6 years ago
Congratulations on your catch!! I love fishing out of my kayak! AWESOME!
kenneth hall
kenneth hall - 6 years ago
nice fish i love how you get so excited keep it up with your smile
chopp on the beat
chopp on the beat - 6 years ago
I swear to God on my mom I jus bought a kyak recently and I swear to you on my life I caught a 12.9 lb musky my first fish of this year and let me tell you what fun this was for you and myself. I love it
Kayak Fishing Kansas
Kayak Fishing Kansas - 6 years ago
Nice fish! Is that the 3 or 400 Tranx?
Kayak Fishing Kansas
Kayak Fishing Kansas - 6 years ago
Nattie Up North cool. Thank you!
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Jerome Scalisi
Jerome Scalisi - 6 years ago
Be careful about using a baitcasting reel, especially with braided line attached to it.

I ended up with a really bad backlash when I was learning how to cast with it. It was one that was impossible to get rid of. Even worse is when the braided line digs into itself when you pull on it too hard. I learned the hard way, so trust me on this one.

I avoid using braided line on my baitcasting reel, mainly because it digs into itself when a backlash occurs. I spooled my baitcasting reel with Zebco Omniflex 20 lb. fishing line.

Good job catching that musky. Any ideas on where these are found?
JOHN CLARK - 6 years ago
I really like your set up!
Lizandro C
Lizandro C - 6 years ago
Big fan of the dope music in your vids!
Norm Robertson
Norm Robertson - 6 years ago
Just stumbled onto your channel.  Bravo!!  Very well done and great content with good editing.  An inspiration for all.  If you ever venture out to California, would be happy to show you some amazing shallow water fishing in the Saltwater.  check out pictures on my IG @nawm444.  Can't wait to show my nieces your videos!!
Nathan Cross
Nathan Cross - 6 years ago
Dang! That was intense! Gorgeous fish and an amazing that it was your first catch from your kayak! Mega congrats!
JDM Yaj - 6 years ago
7:20 that scream and reaction = mission accomplished. Great job.
Bilat Lures
Bilat Lures - 6 years ago
You’re awesome! I want my daughters to meet you some day. If you ever come down to Texas give us a shout. We’ll take you saltwater fishing.
john fuller
john fuller - 6 years ago
id marry her in a second
ptmmatssc - 6 years ago
Great first. Welcome to the kayak fishing club . You won't regret it m
Roger Sikora
Roger Sikora - 6 years ago
Good job. :D
PETER PIPER - 6 years ago
Wow your something else
You stayed on the water with that wind
On top off going thru ya it was probably pushing you and the kayak around
Get a pick up it'll make your life easier and make ya that much more awesome
G3 Semperfi
G3 Semperfi - 6 years ago
There isn't a better feeling then setting the hook and landing beautiful fish
Panzer Medical
Panzer Medical - 6 years ago
Nice work
Shawn Guse
Shawn Guse - 6 years ago
That was great! Your joy of the catch is addictive and heart racing. Fantastic vid!
Steve R
Steve R - 6 years ago
That might've been the best thing I've ever seen!!! The realization that you really do have that fish IN the net and the look on your beautiful face (around 7:19 into the vid) Wow...Amazing for me, you, and I'm sure the rest of us! Thank You Nattie :)
Subbed/Liked as well. Keep up the great work!
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Thank you!!! I'll never forget that moment :)
Dennis Nicholson
Dennis Nicholson - 6 years ago
Congratulations! Awesome video; keep it up, Nattie.
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
The Bassanator
The Bassanator - 6 years ago
im in love...
great channel..
The Bassanator
The Bassanator - 6 years ago
im in love...
great channel..
discNkayakfishN - 6 years ago
This is one of my favorite YouTube videos ever!! Super impressive! Once the fish was landed the excitement and thrill shown was visceral, makes me smile right along with ever time I watch; and the incredible maneuvering while netting this beast deserves a round of applause. Way to go Nattie, you rock!!!
Shaun Dekker
Shaun Dekker - 6 years ago
Impressive! Catching a musky is hard enough. Congrats
cdeezste brim
cdeezste brim - 6 years ago
That feeling is what it's all about watching your reaction made me smile and get excited soooo now I'm going fishing!!! Nice work
Christopher Robinson
Christopher Robinson - 6 years ago
ERIC GRUENHAGEN - 6 years ago
Ben Schmokel
Ben Schmokel - 6 years ago
So rad! Hope your 2018 Muskie campaign is going better than my own lol
spyder 4351
spyder 4351 - 6 years ago
Great video keep the videos coming
Mark Turnbull
Mark Turnbull - 6 years ago
Great to see you really enjoy catching that musky pure joy was screaming out of you well done you stuck with it kept going in the wind and got your reward well done .
iRECKONER - 6 years ago
i love you :D
Ryan Duval
Ryan Duval - 6 years ago
Fucking A girl!! First female fishing Youtuber I have stumbled across and she's fishing for musky from a yak! Fucking LOVE it!!! New sub here and congratulations!!!!
BassManBobBassCovers - 6 years ago
Buck Tales Outdoors
Buck Tales Outdoors - 6 years ago
Your perseverance with the conditions earned you that fish... your reaction when you got it in the net... priceless ! Nicely done.
Rod N Paddle
Rod N Paddle - 6 years ago
Hope you don't mind, but I have posted this vid to my Facebook page, I would like to see more females doing what you are doing - great job, keep it up.
jonny kimbo
jonny kimbo - 6 years ago
Hell yea! Nice muskie!
chipdr911 - 6 years ago
Just found your channel researching kayak fishing. After watching you land that monster fish I know this is what I want to do now. That was so cool to watch you land that fish. I'm hooked!
Btown Bass
Btown Bass - 6 years ago
I loved everything about this video! Your genuine excitement is what fishing is all about. Congrats on your first!
Luc DeSo
Luc DeSo - 6 years ago
Where were you fishin in Illinois? Also, nice covert cardigan!
sciland1 - 6 years ago
That. Was. Awesome. Really enjoying the channel. Keep up the good work!
Ryan Oleston
Ryan Oleston - 6 years ago
That was amazing! I love the sheer joy and emotions! I love how you show your cross knecklace too. Congratulations! New sub
Rod N Paddle
Rod N Paddle - 6 years ago
Nice video, looked a real challange
Nicholas Vincent
Nicholas Vincent - 6 years ago
Awesome fish! Where is the hat from?
Darrall Dougherty
Darrall Dougherty - 6 years ago
That was awesome!
Jason Walls
Jason Walls - 6 years ago
Very very cool...Well done.
John Hughes
John Hughes - 6 years ago
Awesome well done nattie loving your fishing adventures Tight lines allways gurl
Mark Lulu
Mark Lulu - 6 years ago
Great job on that muskie! I'd love to try muskie fishing.

100. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK

Samuel Bone
Samuel Bone - 6 years ago
Awesome job. I'm glad you're liking kayak fishing. I miss fishing on the east coast. Stay safe out there and good luck.
Nub Mites
Nub Mites - 6 years ago
You should sooo fish with Jon B
Cam Krause Outdoors
Cam Krause Outdoors - 6 years ago
Ur really hott
patrick patten
patrick patten - 6 years ago
Awesome first for sure!!! Congrats
Jeremy Whitcomb
Jeremy Whitcomb - 6 years ago
Amazing fish! What a cool video.
Pete - 6 years ago
Very impressive! Many fishermen would have given up with those weather conditions, and you hung in there and it paid off. Congratulations, and you now have a new subscriber.
Minnesota coinhunter
Minnesota coinhunter - 6 years ago
Congrats on the nice musky. I live about 35miles south of Rochester. And there is a good musky lake about a hour or so south of the twin cities and it's a small lake. I also just got my first kayak to fish out off.that lake is just off I 35 south
beaglegod1 - 6 years ago
Don Miles
Don Miles - 6 years ago
Excellent video. Congratulations on the beautiful fish! Keep at it. Good Luck.
Frank Troutwalker
Frank Troutwalker - 6 years ago
Just amazing Natalie! That's an impressive Musky! I just bought my first Kayak for local ponds and small lakes and am looking into the Hobie Outback as well. Keep up the great videos!
John Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
great job
John Madert
John Madert - 6 years ago
Watching this vid for the umpteenth time. One comment: "you DO NOT look like a geek, Natalie. You look like one tenacious angler".
Ben St.Louis
Ben St.Louis - 6 years ago
Congrats on a nice fish!! Great video also can’t waot to get my first yak musky!! I lost a big one last year and still shook for hours!!
nicksteroni - 6 years ago
This is by far the most genuine expression of elation and joy I've ever seen..., when the musky is in the net. So awesome !!! One of the great moments, IMO, from all fishing vids on YouTube.
Elias Ortiz
Elias Ortiz - 6 years ago
Wow awesome muski girl congratulations ! keep bringing those videos!
eddie serna
eddie serna - 6 years ago
Nice job! What killer fish for your first yak fish..tight lines!
Chasing Musky and salmon
Chasing Musky and salmon - 6 years ago
Nice fish.
Geoffrey Carpenter
Geoffrey Carpenter - 6 years ago
santos navarro
santos navarro - 6 years ago
nice catch girl
Josh Kendrick
Josh Kendrick - 6 years ago
Awesome catch
Jen Day
Jen Day - 6 years ago
Just found your channel and so glad I did. You rock! Congrats on the Hobie Outback. Super Congratulations on that Muskie. Wow, that was awesome.
EGGROLL OUTDOORS - 6 years ago
Damn that is so rowdy, mad props! Your reaction is amazing to this too I would be so stoked I don't understand how some people can land fish of a lifetime and stay so straight laced about it, great job miss!
Steve Grooms
Steve Grooms - 6 years ago
Today is my birthday, and I think the nicest present I'll get is the joy of watching this video. Long ago I edited a regional hunting and fishing magazine. One of my dreams was encouraging women to share in outdoor recreation. You can't imagine how different attitudes were in the 1970s about women hunting and fishing. I would never have believed back then that a woman would be so motivated to fish that she would undertake the sort of trip you share with us in this video. Bless you, you've made an old man happy.
Tyler Raymond
Tyler Raymond - 6 years ago
Scott Norvell
Scott Norvell - 6 years ago
As Austin Powers would say.....”YEA BABY!” Well done. Great Channel.
Jeff Huntley
Jeff Huntley - 6 years ago
Great Catch of 1st Musky in Kayak Hobie 'whew!
81marcosv - 6 years ago
That was rad!! Congrats chica.
Salty Beard Fishing
Salty Beard Fishing - 6 years ago
Yewwwww!! Congratulations! Super slab of a Muskie! And first fish out of the yak, BRAVO!!! Well done.
Daniel Fetchak
Daniel Fetchak - 6 years ago
Whoever gave you those thumbs down are jealous!
Daniel Fetchak
Daniel Fetchak - 6 years ago
You are my hero,what an accomplishment I so glad I found your YouTube videos this was really enjoyable watching you!
Buck Mountain Taxidermy
Buck Mountain Taxidermy - 6 years ago
The Musky Queen!!
Ted McCarthy
Ted McCarthy - 6 years ago
MXP - 6 years ago
Menopiko - 6 years ago
Amazing, good job...
M B - 6 years ago
awesome!! well done young lady!
jaywarren226 - 6 years ago
Do you fish from a sitting position in that kayak always or do you stand and cast sometimes? Was thinking of getting a yack for Musky fishing just not sure about casting that low to water.
md3631 - 6 years ago
That was awesome!
Michael Edmonson
Michael Edmonson - 6 years ago
nice catch and nice for first outta your yak
Remod NC
Remod NC - 6 years ago
That was absolutely awesome! Well done!
Maplehouse Knives
Maplehouse Knives - 6 years ago
We could all feel your excitement, well done!
Larry Stolzman
Larry Stolzman - 6 years ago
AWESOME! The world needs more people like you! Articulate, knowledgeable, adventuresome and a leader! God Bless your adventures and your successes. Great video........
#youtoo? #everyoneButMe
#youtoo? #everyoneButMe - 6 years ago
Dope video
Jayber Jake
Jayber Jake - 6 years ago
Great job & very impressive. It takes a lot to catch a big Muskie on your own & especially in a kayak. Well done!
Daniel Cuevas
Daniel Cuevas - 6 years ago
Bravo! Bravo! Your expression when you netted your first catch in the yak was priceless! Good luck this season!
Sean Brauny
Sean Brauny - 6 years ago
Hey that's an amazing catch and your joy when getting it in the net is contagions. Thanks for sharing.
dsr20631 - 6 years ago
Hello from Australia and nice work! Its good to see a female fisher so passionate about the sport, there should be more of you ladies out there. subscribed.
Lawn Care Evolution.
Lawn Care Evolution. - 6 years ago
Okay my hats off to you. a) it looked really cold and windy. b) That was a great fish. We don't get them here and I mainly salt water fish from a small half cab. Thinking about a Kayak for Jew fish (Mullaway).
Will keep watching your fishing adventures.
MrKveite1 - 6 years ago
You may look like a geek but a great looking geek with a great musky, gotta love that:)
Jerking My Rod
Jerking My Rod - 6 years ago
You are a SAVAGE Nattie! Loved the video and production! You have earned another sub here and I look forward to seeing a lot more of your content.
Backroad Freedom
Backroad Freedom - 6 years ago
Awesome video and great job! I enjoyed watching it.
Basic_Fishing - 6 years ago
nice catch on the musky really impressive looking fish lol
Mjansen77 - 6 years ago
That net! 2L2Q
TAMELESSTGR - 6 years ago
Insane, congrats on that catch!
Anthony Neill
Anthony Neill - 6 years ago
kayak fishing is awesome. Love your excitement at landing a fish solo. It is addictive. Thank you.
Slime Quest TV
Slime Quest TV - 6 years ago
Awesome fish, I'm from illinois and that was the perfect bait for that time of year! Way to go
Mr_XuoRig - 6 years ago
Congratulations! Loved the video, just subscribed
Ira C
Ira C - 6 years ago
Awesome catch. I subscribed after seeing your kayak purchase video. You should do a catch and cook next!
wisenber - 6 years ago
That's a hulk of a kayak. You'd have a tough time flipping her on flat water if you tried. That being said, you could fall in. Congrats on your new boat and your catch!
jim lundgren
jim lundgren - 6 years ago
go girl out of a yak you will never go back.....yaking and fishing for 50 years
Charles George
Charles George - 6 years ago
Awesome first catch out of a yak. Can’t wait to see your next video you go girl
Ben - 6 years ago
everything about this video is so fucking badass!
francis MH
francis MH - 6 years ago
Fishing is all about the attitude and you have seem to have a good one! For that look at your reward
Sammy Seijas
Sammy Seijas - 6 years ago
WolfTac86 - 6 years ago
Congrats! That is awesome!
Kenton Lemon
Kenton Lemon - 6 years ago
Glad to see you put your PFD on! Nice fish
Tom maffucci sr
Tom maffucci sr - 6 years ago
Great job,,,looking to get a fishing kayak myself this season,,,,
Gman351 - 6 years ago
That's a whopper of a Fish nice work .,><{{{º>,.-.,><{{{º>,.-~ .,><{{{º>,.-.,><{{{º>,.-~ .,><{{{º>,.-.,><{{{º>,.-~ .,><{{{º>,.-.,><{{{º>,.-~
Andrew Brockenbush
Andrew Brockenbush - 6 years ago
Love this. Tight lines! :)
Luxar Images
Luxar Images - 6 years ago
Ahh... And big congrats for your muskie.
Luxar Images
Luxar Images - 6 years ago
Your vids are great, pls keep it going. You R awesome!!
muddyrivercatfishing - 6 years ago
Excellent video. A couple of brush grippers will allow you to quickly tie off to a nearby branch. Great catch, keep up the good work!
John Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
Nice job with the fish and looks like a ton of fun. Getting a Old Town Next in a couple weeks and can't wait to get out fishing.
Norm Sweeney
Norm Sweeney - 6 years ago
Beautiful fish!! And a great job!!
Jonathan Aljets
Jonathan Aljets - 6 years ago
Congrats!! That was awesome
Bart Lemmens
Bart Lemmens - 6 years ago
What a great woman :$ :-)
Jarrod Madrusso
Jarrod Madrusso - 6 years ago
Damn, girl. Howcome when I go on a solo fishing trip, they call me weird. But when you do it, you look like a total BADASS?! Much respect. You got a lot of heart. And SKILL!
Ronald Smith
Ronald Smith - 6 years ago
Awesome job!
Brandon Kyle Mckibben
Brandon Kyle Mckibben - 6 years ago
Moses Miller
Moses Miller - 6 years ago
That was awesome, your reaction was priceless, nice fish also, I’m not to familiar with muskies but looked like a pretty nice one, Congrats on your fish one with your kayak!!
rpb1961 - 6 years ago
That was awesome! Pure emotion, I loved it. Defenetly will sub. Great video! Nothing better than kayak fishing.
Robert Hurst
Robert Hurst - 6 years ago
Ur a bad ass it looks like fun good job
sc1212able - 6 years ago
That was some tuff fishing conditions, Congrats, going to be fun to watch your channel grow, I bet it won't be long before you have sponsors knocking at your door.
Eric Turnipseed
Eric Turnipseed - 6 years ago
Awesome fish... you looked so cute landing that monster! Congrats on the new kayak and that first catch! :-)
Dirty Outdoorsman
Dirty Outdoorsman - 6 years ago
Nice job! What brand is that hat you’re wearing? It looks pretty sweet.
Brett Heinemeyer
Brett Heinemeyer - 6 years ago
JW Rhyne Jr.
JW Rhyne Jr. - 6 years ago
Good job! Good fish! Thanks for your sharing this! Continued luck on your fishing trips!
bp30656 - 6 years ago
braveswin1 - 6 years ago
You = Badass. Period.
Marty Scott
Marty Scott - 6 years ago
Congratulations Nattie! Loved the range of emotions from hook-up to release. You did a great job and were fantastic at showcasing how awesome kayak fishing is! Good luck this season! (hope you've picked-up your anchor kit :) )
Marty Scott
Marty Scott - 6 years ago
..and I just saw the small clip after
Fishden365 - 6 years ago
I love your determination and persistence! 2 very important qualities that will take you far in life!
Curt Blocher
Curt Blocher - 6 years ago
Nattie no geekness there,awesome good for thats a first fish!!! I love the energy and your personality!! Your channel will do nothing but grow..Keep up those great vids God bless good job
Joakim Åberg
Joakim Åberg - 6 years ago
Sick! :) Well done
Greg Spitler
Greg Spitler - 6 years ago
Wow! Not only did you brave the elements you caught an amazing first fish on your new kayak, keep it up!

More please.
Rhys31 - 6 years ago
Just remember that if you need to, you can paddle and peddle at the same time. I’ve got and outback and a PA12. Been caught in the wind with the PA12 before.
Mickey Maier
Mickey Maier - 6 years ago
Thanks. I am curious why you fish with a bait casting rod as versus a spinning real. I used one when I was young (50 years ago) and had to deal with bird nests on the spool. Spinning reals seem easier, but what else should I be considering? Also, what was that extension that helped you get your kayak on the roof of your car? I have a heavier kayak and have trouble doing it by myself. Looks like you are on a great journey - keep going!
Rich Dunn
Rich Dunn - 6 years ago
I have the same color outback but built my own unloading system. Awesome video
Joseph Parks
Joseph Parks - 6 years ago
Awesome is an understatement!
NotSoHandsomeRob - 6 years ago
Nice work, impressive. I expect we will be seeing a lot more videos of your adventures. Are you the same Natalie that is in the Thorne Bros.: 10,001 Casts video?
Kevin Meyers
Kevin Meyers - 6 years ago
That was so fun to watch! Pure happiness in that reaction. :)
travis William's
travis William's - 6 years ago
OMG where have you been all my life
Adrian Acosta
Adrian Acosta - 6 years ago
Awesome video! Tip for the Hobie Mirage Kayak, extend your crank arms to reduce the banging from the fins on the bottom of youryak. It'll also keep your knees further from your chest.
Ricardo Truite
Ricardo Truite - 6 years ago
congratulations, love your style. keep fishing.
Jimmy C
Jimmy C - 6 years ago
"I'm going to grab some dinner, probably grab a beer." Thumbs up on that. The adrenaline of catching your first fish on a kayak was awesome! Keep up the good work
Ricky Flores
Ricky Flores - 6 years ago
Love the raw emotion. What a great fish! You are an amazing spirit!!
rifleman1873 - 6 years ago
Wow, congratulations, you are Awesome!!! I just found your channel, but I will be watching for more.
Larry Sherrod
Larry Sherrod - 6 years ago
Stick with this you are going to be huge.  It's nice to see a real woman fishing and taking it seriously.  The Googan guys need to bring you along.  Best of luck but you won't need it.
Tony Smith
Tony Smith - 6 years ago
Congrats on the musky. That's how you stick it out n get rewarded!!!
Chain Smoke
Chain Smoke - 6 years ago
Take more and more videos , love it
Thegraygamer60 - 6 years ago
Very Nice, Congratz.
Pat Hauslein
Pat Hauslein - 6 years ago
You're a good example of someone stepping out of their comfort zone and going for the win. Nice job!
Chris Hinkelmann
Chris Hinkelmann - 6 years ago
Awesome video and congrats on the muskie. I use a 4’ 7” ladder to secure my kayak straps since I’m 5’ 6”. Looking forward to more videos
Rich Johnson
Rich Johnson - 6 years ago
So that's how you slime the new yak? I slimed mine snagging a small blue gill with a crank bait :/ Honestly, you have far more guts than I do going crazy like that. Not really far enough north to really be in to musky fishing, so I will stick with the easier fish to catch :)
vhaanlen1 - 6 years ago
What kind of car top assist rod is that ?
John Madert
John Madert - 6 years ago
OK, Nattie's worthy ... I subscribed.
Handberrydea - 6 years ago
Way to battle it out in the wind and pull out. A beauty fish from the yak. Great video!
Donald Thomson
Donald Thomson - 6 years ago
Kue Lee
Kue Lee - 6 years ago
Wow.. the perfect girl..
Marcus Bustad
Marcus Bustad - 6 years ago
U rock! That was so fun to watch Nattie up North! I was returning to MN from FL kayak fishing that same weekend u were kayak fishing in ur new Hobie for the 1st time.....thinking of heading out tomorrow on the Mississippi safe and have an awesome Hobie summer! Mercury
Leroy USA
Leroy USA - 6 years ago
Just seeing and hearing your excitement is priceless.
Thanks for sharing your first maiden voyage as a proud owner of a kayak and your very first personal kayak muskie. Stay safe and enjoy your new kayak and your passion for that adrenaline rush. I can't swim and I know it's risky being alone on a kayak, but watching this video is the closest thing for me to fully appreciate your exuberance and thrill that cannot be described in words. "Tight Lines"
Amador Corona
Amador Corona - 6 years ago
So freakin cool. The excitement is real and you can totally feel your intensity as you land that beautiful fish. Congrats!!
Ernest Rountree
Ernest Rountree - 6 years ago
Congrats! I love it when a plan comes together.
Jeff Halverson
Jeff Halverson - 6 years ago
I'm a little late to the party, congrats on the muskie, keep up the great work. I hope to be out in a kayak this year as well.
Pamela Girlfish
Pamela Girlfish - 6 years ago
One word awesome
SeaBilly Fishing
SeaBilly Fishing - 6 years ago
Congrats on the’ve just embarked on a lifelong adventure.
buckmaster1969 - 6 years ago
Great video and nice fish! I am about to start my first year kayak fishing and filming. A couple of questions is you don't mind. What was the trickiest part of filming? Where did you get that pole for loading and unloading! I need one of those!
lexaket - 6 years ago
Good job. Thank's for video.
ArimaFishing - 6 years ago
Awesome! Beautiful, speaks well and knows how to fish! I think your channel is going to explode. Congrats on the nice fish! Looking forward to seeing more videos.
Peter Ganzon
Peter Ganzon - 6 years ago
Awesome catch and great video!! Where in Illinois did you catch this? The Fox?
Bob Manzi
Bob Manzi - 6 years ago
Wow what a babe!
Big chungus
Big chungus - 6 years ago
No new vlog???
Big chungus
Big chungus - 6 years ago
NattieUpNorth That's right forgot you're way up there lol.. I'll be on the lookout.
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Crixus52 soon! Couple weekends cancelled due to snow but I'll be out next week :)
Joseph NY Wayfarer
Joseph NY Wayfarer - 6 years ago
My first kayak fish was a 10”Largemouth Bass. You got me beat! Nice work. Just discovered your channel. Looking forward to your future vids
Keith Jestice
Keith Jestice - 6 years ago
Awesome catch I'm new sub love how you do your vids keep them coming and congrats on your first kayak muskie
Tsunami Sam
Tsunami Sam - 6 years ago
Really good job!
Robert J. Oliver
Robert J. Oliver - 6 years ago
awesome thank you
The Hopeless Fisherman
The Hopeless Fisherman - 6 years ago
Nicely done! Next purchase must be a drogue/drift chute to slow you down and keep you facing the right direction in those winds instead of taking a beating from the side.
But hey, you're going to have to make peace with it, you ARE a nerd :)
Northern Kayak Angler
Northern Kayak Angler - 6 years ago
OMG hahahah that's amazing, can't wait to show my husband this who thinks I'm crazy for wanting a kayak to fish out of.
Good Work, I think I would be shaking too.
Khang Ho
Khang Ho - 6 years ago
Is that car Subaru Outback?
Jean Claude Boutique
Jean Claude Boutique - 6 years ago
Nice catch and very great video... Have a fun fishing time Lady...
DJ M - 6 years ago
Congrats on the catch! Kayak fishing is definitely a challenge at first. You’re kicking ass though! Tight lines!
NYFishinGirl - 6 years ago
Awesome video! I’ve just started recording kayak fishing videos. Haven’t had a lot of chances with the NY cold hanging on. Good to see a fellow fisherwoman landing giant fish!
Brett Beinke
Brett Beinke - 6 years ago
Great job! still looking for my first. My first time out I was also chasing muskie on Bald Eagle in MN. I came up short on catching one but did boat a few bass. Subscribed and looking forward to your videos which are VERY GOOD by the way. You did you homework as these are very good quality videos with quality content.
Real World Angler
Real World Angler - 6 years ago
All I can say is your legit! You truly have the dedication of a veteran musky Angler! Your going to make it big time if you stick with it!
Rimvydas iRmvis
Rimvydas iRmvis - 6 years ago
You're the Fox! Nice work.
Michael Phan
Michael Phan - 6 years ago
nice catch! that's a goal fish for me. any tips on how to target them?
WanderingFromKansas - 6 years ago
Absolutely incredible! Thanks for sharing!
Chris Bollingmo
Chris Bollingmo - 6 years ago
I absolutely LOVE this video! Your excitement is genuine, and you're clearly passionate about it. While it leaves me envious, it's incredibly inspiring! Keep it up! #lifeisforliving
Dan Bolton
Dan Bolton - 6 years ago
I’ve never Muskie fished before, but I’ve Salmon fished for 50 years and at night. Why do people always grab that net so quickly ? Fight the fish a bit. Bring the fish in head first. Viola’. Unless you’re worried about tiring the fish before you return it, have some fun fighting the fish. If you’ve got sharp hooks and keep pressure on them you shouldn’t lose it. Also, if your just moving around the lake why not troll your bait?
nedyarb2000 - 6 years ago
That's a great fish...congrats
nedyarb2000 - 6 years ago
Move your net to the left side...makes casting easier
unseenoutdoors s
unseenoutdoors s - 6 years ago
Everyone please go check out Alex Rudd and Benjamin Nowak the deserve more subscribers....!
unseenoutdoors s
unseenoutdoors s - 6 years ago
Looks like fun
unseenoutdoors s
unseenoutdoors s - 6 years ago
And that's why it's called the fish of ten thousand casts.
Geezers Bassin
Geezers Bassin - 6 years ago
I can't imagine trying to land one of those out of Kayak. Nice Job!
Shadow Fishing Kayak
Shadow Fishing Kayak - 6 years ago
Nice footage, subscribed!!
Travis Brown
Travis Brown - 6 years ago
Nasty! Was that on that rattletrap? Dang that looked fun! I'm gunna catch one one day but I live in Florida. I like ur necklace btw. I wear one just like it.
myworldoutthere - 6 years ago
I really enjoyed the vid I have been kayak fishing for 40 years and watching you makes me want to get out there now keep up the great Videos.
Adam Rewolinski
Adam Rewolinski - 6 years ago
What is the assist bar that you used to get the kayak on the roof called?
B Tankful
B Tankful - 6 years ago
Nice fish! Next time you might want to lay that net down on the back with the handle through a bungee. With that kind of wind you have the equivalent of a small windsurfing sail if you keep the net vertical.
MccMark's Fishing & Outdoors
MccMark's Fishing & Outdoors - 6 years ago
Great Job, in tough conditions.
Angler One
Angler One - 6 years ago
You have a lot of comments... I just want to thank you for showing women the excitement that can be had and the serenity along with the challenge. Thank you wholeheartedly and I will make sure to share your videos with some women who I know, would love what you're doing!!
Andrew Hardcastle
Andrew Hardcastle - 6 years ago
Fantastic , I really like your personal strength , ability and drive , the way you are independent and capable is very inspiring. Also I love your teeth there amazing , !
Chris Lee
Chris Lee - 6 years ago
Great catch, nice yak
Dana Wise
Dana Wise - 6 years ago
Congrats!!! What a way to start out on you Yak. Can’t wait to see more vids.
Brandon'svlog - 6 years ago
You go girl!
David Rios
David Rios - 6 years ago
You were intensely excited I was much more just watching you complete that catch perfectly. Outdone yourself well on a great catch. Cheers
Terry Carter
Terry Carter - 6 years ago
You are so awesome! Watching you, I can't stop smiling! Proud of you!
TL Bombsquad
TL Bombsquad - 6 years ago
Nice catch
L G - 6 years ago
What brand and model of the reel and rod were you using in the video? Thx.
Matthew Maz Fishing
Matthew Maz Fishing - 6 years ago
sweet catch! the editing and video quality is also very nice and clean. keep it up!
jose guzman
jose guzman - 6 years ago
way to go girl, good job on the fish that was awesome!!!
Ryan Enlow
Ryan Enlow - 6 years ago
Awesome catch and congratulations! Had to subscribe after seeing this! Kayak fishing is the best!
Frank Zima
Frank Zima - 6 years ago
Great job Nattie! What musky lures have you had the most luck with?
Thanx in advance...and tightest of lines!

freddimon94 - 6 years ago
Just stumbled onto this channel. WOW! On so many levels. Nice job!!
David Ahles
David Ahles - 6 years ago
Super job on that catch!! I would have been scared to death doing that, I'll stick with my little fish.
wyatt guttormsen
wyatt guttormsen - 6 years ago
Subscribed, it’s great to see women are out there my age who are as into fishing as I am. Maybe one day I’ll land me a fisherwoman.
Guaranteed Fishing
Guaranteed Fishing - 6 years ago
Perfect, except those sun glasses
Ross St.Clair
Ross St.Clair - 6 years ago
Con grates on your musky.
MacGyver 2
MacGyver 2 - 6 years ago
Hi, just found ur channel.Nice kayak, great fish.Have u thought about a rod leash ? Ive lost 1 (caught it later).Good job.Enjoy
Kayak Musky Central
Kayak Musky Central - 6 years ago
Nattie, good job !
Sean Preston
Sean Preston - 6 years ago
@NattieUpNorth where in Illinois? Looks like the Fox River? Awesome first successful trip!!!
Johan Santos
Johan Santos - 6 years ago
you are awesome !!! great job
Sean B
Sean B - 6 years ago
I saw your videos yesterday for the first time. I can't wait to see more! Congratulations on that muskie; what a fish! I don't think you could have planned a better first trip in your new kayak!
Jesse Ames
Jesse Ames - 6 years ago
That was an awesome video congratulations!
Caught it Outdoors
Caught it Outdoors - 6 years ago
Girl you are insane! Great catch. New to your channel, and now bow before your greatness. Fish on.
Ike - 6 years ago
whats the point of catching and letting it go? they say almost half dont survive after.
JeremyDion videos
JeremyDion videos - 6 years ago
Sooo happy for you when you landed that beast!! Those were real emotions!!
Scott Adams
Scott Adams - 6 years ago
Congrats!! Well done all around. If you want to catch trophy striped bass from your yak and your around Maryland I'd be glad to take you out on the Chesapeake
Darryl J
Darryl J - 6 years ago
Good Job was Clapping for you when you got em
Fish man 1
Fish man 1 - 6 years ago
Have to say that was pretty awesome... congratulations!!!
Michael Clifton
Michael Clifton - 6 years ago
Awesome Video!
Mj Gruskin
Mj Gruskin - 6 years ago
So, do we have this right? You just picked up a camera and started vlogging 3 or 4 posts ago? If that is the case, you're a natural. Your content and editing is outstanding! Are you in broadcasting, communications or public relations in your "regular" job? We don't know how we found you, but we did and we appreciate your videos! THX
Brian McIntyre
Brian McIntyre - 6 years ago
I had a huge smile listening to you laugh and be excited about your fish! Great stuff!
Sandytoes - 6 years ago
That was a nice fish! Congrats! Makes me want to get a kayak lol
Tim Ward
Tim Ward - 6 years ago
Kayak fishing in wind like that just sucks. Way to persevere. Very nice fish.
jwilson2536 - 6 years ago
Duuuuude. Congrats. Such a great feeling when everything falls into place. Awesome fish.
Curt Stuckel
Curt Stuckel - 6 years ago
Wow that was awesome! You made it happen! That was one of the best i've seen in a long time. Congrats. Keep it up, you will be great!
Matt Freeman
Matt Freeman - 6 years ago
Great catch! I didn't read through the comments, but one thing you may want to pick up is a stakeout pole or some sort of anchor for those windy days. I have both for my kayaks and depending on the bottom composition of the water, will take one or the other with me every trip. Great video and congrats on the first yak fish!
StraitBentFishing - 6 years ago
Nice catch and to top it off from a kayak! Awesome job!
Michael Ruppel
Michael Ruppel - 6 years ago
well done!!
Sean B
Sean B - 6 years ago
@14:06 - Yes haha! I do that too....Honestly, that was the best fishing video I've seen on youtube, just Amazing! Tight Lines Nattie you're an inspiration!
Indiana Hoosier
Indiana Hoosier - 6 years ago
Nice. Caught a largemouth once in a small jon boat. I'm a big guy and darn near fell in trying to drag it into the boat. Can't imagine the balance needed to catch Musky in a kayak. I don't get to fish enough either so practice probably has something to do with it... plus coordination... which I'm not in a boat. Great job and good luck!
Rich Frollini
Rich Frollini - 6 years ago
Read those lips at 6:50 - "F@%k Yeah"

Congrats on a great catch! Hope to see tons more...
Skee BMoney
Skee BMoney - 6 years ago
HOLY CRAP! That was one of the most exciting catches ever! i couldn't breath! Huge fish. your excitement was what its all about! couldn't tell if you were laughing or crying or both! Just found your channel and love how real you are and your sense of humor. Congrats!!
howard wray
howard wray - 6 years ago
congrats on the first. I watched on one of your videos. about help on your YouTube. Look up Johns fishing channel. He also live in the same state
BigNasti - 6 years ago
What kind of shoes are those? they look like some nice yak shoes
Fish Hawk
Fish Hawk - 6 years ago
Heck of a fish! Congrats!
aulibarri79 - 6 years ago
Good job
bigdmc1 - 6 years ago
Great job! I know how hard it is to fish by yourself and film at the same time my only advice is try to get a dead cat for your mic I know these go pros hard to get good audio from but wind noise is really irritating.
Jeffrey Lunday
Jeffrey Lunday - 6 years ago
Outstanding job on getting that Muskie in!
The Old BASSer
The Old BASSer - 6 years ago
Wow! I've been thinking about buying a fishing kayak but worried about landing bass, etc. You landing a musky from a kayak has inspired me.
Marlin Frederick
Marlin Frederick - 6 years ago
Impressive! Congratulations from one angler to another.
Michael Koebnick
Michael Koebnick - 6 years ago
Riverbendlongbows Outdoors
Riverbendlongbows Outdoors - 6 years ago
Glad to see you put the life jacket on. That was making me nervous. Pulling my kayak off the wall this weekend finally!
phattystack - 6 years ago
Colorado Spin Fishing
Colorado Spin Fishing - 6 years ago
Between the net and the musky that was impressive to watch. Congrats on the first kayak catch and the nice fish! That's sub worthy for sure.
cmason87 - 6 years ago
hey can you link the kayak pole deal that you were using? that looked awesome.
cmason87 - 6 years ago
awesome channel you're going to explode in subs. you're a natural at the vlogging and the editing isn't over the top, nice fish!

the view from your gopro covers up quite a bit with your legs and the pedal drive, I use one of these and they're awesome
Josh Cordonnier
Josh Cordonnier - 6 years ago
Just found your channel- can’t wait to watch some episodes with my daughter Anna (6years old- Fair angler herself) She’s gonna love your channel!
Jack Graff
Jack Graff - 6 years ago
Sweet vid! How big was it? If I had to guess it looks around 45”
SoFlo Water
SoFlo Water - 6 years ago
Great job. Beautiful fish. I think you are now hooked. Keep it up.
Ringo Star
Ringo Star - 6 years ago
You could use a wind sock
And an ⚓
alimkassim - 6 years ago
Cowboy 2131
Cowboy 2131 - 6 years ago
I just bought a pedal kayak. Caught my first bass last weekend and the people could hear my screams all over the lake lol. No better feeling
Marc Arndt
Marc Arndt - 6 years ago
WHAT? That's awesome. Nice job.
Joshua Jones
Joshua Jones - 6 years ago
What lake u on
workinclass42 - 6 years ago
Hell of a fish on your first time out on the yak no less awesome!!!
Jason Lynn
Jason Lynn - 6 years ago
Awesome yak and great fish! Nice work.
Bann'ed Outdoor Adventures
Bann'ed Outdoor Adventures - 6 years ago
WOW....... thats a monster. I never caught a Musky
MsPrincesspaulina - 6 years ago
Awesome!! I'm subscribing. Have to love a lady that muskie fishes.
Ronald Ault
Ronald Ault - 6 years ago
Hardcore- love it...
Steven Domingue
Steven Domingue - 6 years ago
If this video doesn't make you want to get on the water than nothing will! Great video!
josevips - 6 years ago
Congrats! Happy to see a girl fishing on a hobie. If you take a look to my channel, you can see another place for the cam on the kayak. I like very much to see all the rod when the fish catch the lure. Bye!
AlphaKilo6 - 6 years ago
Awesome, that's a serious 1st time kayak fish! Really liking your videos, looking forward to seeing how your session goes...
Ashton Gane
Ashton Gane - 6 years ago
Will u be my wife
iTzMaThPrO - 6 years ago
nice video and nice kayak, i have a nucanoe frontier 12 myself and a princecraft fisherman ! i'm hype for the incomming season !
Glenn Marrazzo
Glenn Marrazzo - 6 years ago
I've been "forcing" my 3 year old grand daughter to watch fishing videos with me for months now, and, it's been pretty much a boys club until today, when we found your channel. Audrey was fascinated with your video and was asking all kinds of questions - this is the first time she didn't try to switch over to to cute bunny videos. Once spring arrives for real, we'll be ready to hit the water for her first fishing adventure and I cannot thank you enough for the inspiration! Keep up the good work!
GrizzlyDiesOnB - 6 years ago
Hey you could try a using a Fish Grip, cheap simple solution. Hobie makes one, so does yakgear.
Ryan Janousek
Ryan Janousek - 6 years ago
Nice Musky! Nothing like fishing from a Kayak, love it!
Eric G
Eric G - 6 years ago
Great video, big fish are always fun to catch
Carpblood River
Carpblood River - 6 years ago
Is Muskie season open?
_ InsomniYak
_ InsomniYak - 6 years ago
True happiness
MrBren10mm - 6 years ago
Great Job … very proud of you, I guess you came across My YouTube because of my interest in Hobie’s and fishing
Good luck tight lines
Yak Ninja
Yak Ninja - 6 years ago
Like and subbed! My god i am in love! Please check out my channel.
Precision Angling
Precision Angling - 6 years ago
Awesome! Nice job!
Captain Cocoa Puffs
Captain Cocoa Puffs - 6 years ago
A key accessory to kayak fishing in the wind is a drift sock, I would definitely recommend one
Tee T
Tee T - 6 years ago
Can I fish with you ?
Nomad - 6 years ago
Hi, Great video ,very exciting . Tell me please, why do you swirl the rod in the water before casting ? I'm UK kayak fisherman (normally sea ) Is that something that is USA or is it a trick you use yourself for a reason ! I'm always interested in picking up new tricks . By the way, I love how stable that boat is !
Cooking and Fishing
Cooking and Fishing - 6 years ago
I was ready for some clickbaity chick-fishing video...but that, was f'n impressive. You did your homework and landed a BEAST, congrats!!!
ikashibimauler - 6 years ago
Ok this is 100% worth a sub. Well done.
Nate Annable
Nate Annable - 6 years ago
What a snag! Agh so jelly of the kayaking adventure.

Side question about the hobie, how do you handle those rudder looking things undernear the yak when you're close to shore? Do they fold sidways somehow?
Montana Sportsman
Montana Sportsman - 6 years ago
hogbelly fishing
hogbelly fishing - 6 years ago
Do u use any kayak mounts on car I'm going to be picking up my first one this week
Tony Jones
Tony Jones - 6 years ago
I noticed that you used the Rhino-Rack Side Loader, how may times have you used that setup? What's your review on it?
james silich
james silich - 6 years ago
Wicked catch Nat can't wait to see hours more fingers cross
Tony Jones
Tony Jones - 6 years ago
Wow, glad for you, congrats on your 1st catch in the new yak! Way to brave the conditions, nothing more rewarding than to defy the odds and reach your goals.
crf5088 - 6 years ago
congrats! you just caught a musky!
RealZoo - 6 years ago
That was awesome!!! Nice catch.
surfer soldier for Christ
surfer soldier for Christ - 6 years ago
How do u feel standing up in that boat? going for the sane model i hate paddling...peddling is the way to go and reverse is a game changer...dude your hard core thats a huge undertaking tenacity is def your friend ,not only the drive but loading unloading that boat and video and edit..I ocean fish yaks and mine weighs 80lbs so im familiar with the routine ...that ski was Beast how much do u think it weighed..nice first catch first was a 130lb thresher!!!...super impressed you got me pumped!! go catch some more.
Charles Shaw
Charles Shaw - 6 years ago
Like that you are wearing your PFD.  I just bought a new one from a Milwaukee company that was on Shark Tank.  It's called the "Wingman" by Hyde Products.  It inflates with a pull cord from a CO2 canister.  Probably not as safe as the one you wear, but very compact and lightweight.
James Manton
James Manton - 6 years ago
Congrats on your kayak and christening your kayak with a sweet ski! It was funny watching you get caught up in the tree. You should lay your net down behind you and use the bungee to secure it because it acts like a huge sail and really moves you around.
Jay D.
Jay D. - 6 years ago
Excellent job! Beauty fish!
David Brooks
David Brooks - 6 years ago
I love how excited you got catching that fish. I've never caught a Musky, let alone from a kayak, I can't even imagine the adrenaline rush! Good job, nice catch, hope to see more vids in the future.
Patrick Magee
Patrick Magee - 6 years ago
Now you need to bring that kayak to the Willamette River near Portland, OR and fish for sturgeon.
Walter Elmquist
Walter Elmquist - 6 years ago
What was that unloading tool you used? My sister has a suv that she needs to load a kayak on the roof racks and she can only use it when I am around.
bigreeves1188 - 6 years ago
Hey i just stumbled across your videos and I had a quick tip for you. I like to use the tow hook that comes with the forester to tie the front and back down when putting your boat on top. It looks like a big needle with threads on it and it screws into the cutout in your bumper, and you can find it by your spare tire. I got another one ( for the front AND back) for $20 from my dealer. It makes throwing my 17ft canoe on my 2016 forester that much easier. Good Luck and I'll be looking out for your future adventures.
Scott - 6 years ago
I plan on getting a fishing yak too. Land of lakes!
DeezRMyDays - 6 years ago
look idk you but i think i love you, lol =D go get them! subbed! i love how you keep laughing in disbelief 7:35 that made me smile for you.
Infantry Outdoors
Infantry Outdoors - 6 years ago
Great catch and great job on the yak.
Kevin white
Kevin white - 6 years ago
Thats sick
Captain_Dirt - 6 years ago
Nice boat , nice fish , great video. I never caught a fish that big in my life !
Terry k
Terry k - 6 years ago
Congrats.. Awesome catch
j rarrieck
j rarrieck - 6 years ago
Glad you put your pfd on in the wind
grey goose 01
grey goose 01 - 6 years ago
One word... AWESOME! Just curious, did you have the rudder deployed? It’ll help some with that wind.
537VIK - 6 years ago
Nice Catch!
AdventureVT - 6 years ago
Sam P
Sam P - 6 years ago
Pretty work! Fishing conditions like that out of a kayak is legit! This channel is gonna BLOW UP!
TheUpinsmoke10 - 6 years ago
Congrats!!! way to go! nice fish
Julius Toltesi
Julius Toltesi - 6 years ago
Jesus!! I caught a pike last summer bass fishing in my kayak and I had to paddle to shore LOL Im not good at griping it under the gill.
huntzz21 - 6 years ago
Just found your channel today. You remind me a lot of my oldest daughter. Appearance wise she is a blonde version of you. Plus she lives/loves to fish. Really impressed with your independent nature. I will have to share you channel with my daughter.
King Kong
King Kong - 6 years ago
Awesome catch Nattie! Hate to sound like your parents but please put on and keep your PFD on at all times when you're in the yak.
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
King Kong thanks! Whole lake is super shallow, could easily stand up anywhere. But that's good advice.
Anthony Cella
Anthony Cella - 6 years ago
love your passion for fishing. keep posting
Chris Juanz Outdoors
Chris Juanz Outdoors - 6 years ago
Just saw two of your videos here for the first time today, your Hobie Kayak purchase and this one. Congratulations on your first kayak fish, that was awesome! Looking forward to many more of your adventures, your fish vloggings are really cool, I enjoy them.
Outside Denny
Outside Denny - 6 years ago
I'm a long time Hobie guy, if I could give you a tip, move your Mirage drive to a higher number, that way you can stretch you legs out, plus your flippers wont be hitting the bottom of the boat, and that will stop that "clunking" sound. Happy fishing!
Friscotxman - 6 years ago
Way to Go! Awesome....
lv42daze - 6 years ago
ugh the wind in a kayak. well done :)
Gui Jo
Gui Jo - 6 years ago
...three more casts... ok, five more casts! True fishing nut! Congratulations. Awesome video. Thank you
Quiz 234
Quiz 234 - 6 years ago
@NattieUpNorth Check out the Sennheiser MKE 2 Elements waterproof mic for your gopro, really enhances audio quality. Great job and quality video, keep it up!
No worries Mate
No worries Mate - 6 years ago
Nice catch! Where were you when I was in my 20s? You were born yet ha ha ha ha. Fishing is a blast isn’t it. I have many boats over the years including a bass boats. Best boat I have owned is my kayak! Enjoy!!!
Marsh Gnat Fishing Adventures
Marsh Gnat Fishing Adventures - 6 years ago
Just scrolling though my suggested to watch vids and found your video. Absolutely awesome job. Way to stick it out and get an awesome catch. When most would call it a day you stuck it out. Great video!
Fishin The 910
Fishin The 910 - 6 years ago
Nicely done. Put a pool noodle on that net incase it falls in that way it floats and you don't lose it.
CynicOfAll - 6 years ago
S. Lake North, big muskys in that lake.
Esox Addict
Esox Addict - 6 years ago
Just found your channel and I look forward to checking out some of your other videos. I might be to late but be careful of that musky bug, once it's got you it can take over. Great job.
Tristan Wood
Tristan Wood - 6 years ago
Girl always have your PFD on!!!!!!! safety.Congrats on the awesome musky!! Absolute beauty.
Tristan Doebler
Tristan Doebler - 6 years ago
Beautiful fish, beautiful girl, I just wish both would come to Texas!
Joe Coppola
Joe Coppola - 6 years ago
I want you on my team!
adam abston
adam abston - 6 years ago
Just gonna say all trees hate kayakers lol.
Fishing Coz I Can Mate
Fishing Coz I Can Mate - 6 years ago
well done
Joel o
Joel o - 6 years ago
great job keep fishing never stop
Outdoor Dave
Outdoor Dave - 6 years ago
Wicked Video! THe excitement was epic. Pure adrenaline rush. Can't wait for Musky season to open up here, still trying for my first.
tumbleweed265 - 6 years ago
Congrats!! And you weren't a dork! That's a normal person reaction!
Elijah Thomas
Elijah Thomas - 6 years ago
Your reaction after getting him in the net was priceless, nothing beats that feeling. Great job and great start on your channel.
Paddle Camp Cook
Paddle Camp Cook - 6 years ago
Nice fish! 40"+! Have you ever tried a "Super Rogue" (suspending) excellent bait for Musky, Pike and Walleye. If you decide to try 1 and you've never tried a suspending crankbait, definitely get that over the floating or sinking. Early-season Pike and Muskie will follow your lower up to the boat and just sit there. If you stop cranking a spoon it will just drop into the Rocks. A floater will immediately float to the top. I will stop my suspending plug and give it a few Twitches with my rod tip. Pike and Muskie in particular can't resist that and they will end up with all three hooks in their face every time. Wear a glove and bring pliers. I'm a new subscriber but I love your videos so far! Also, I'm just a little bit jealous of your yak
Bob C
Bob C - 6 years ago
Great video. Congratulations on your first kayak fish and what a catch it was!
Darin Kubin
Darin Kubin - 6 years ago
What a lovely video....get it girl!
Mott W
Mott W - 6 years ago
Great vids and great fish!
Philip Tessaro
Philip Tessaro - 6 years ago
That is a big fish to get from a kayak......wouldn't be memorable if not challenging......
Dirt Dog
Dirt Dog - 6 years ago
Nice job on your first kayak fishing trip. you could've made just a little harder on yourself and gone I shark in a typhoon but nice job.
Dave Rudolph
Dave Rudolph - 6 years ago
Congrats and great job multitasking on your first outing (filming, kayaking, fishing)
Todd Richardson
Todd Richardson - 6 years ago
That was an awesome catch! Great to see woman enjoying a sport like fishing especially musky fishing. Them things scare me! Keep it up Nattie. Great Vid!
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 6 years ago
Grats on blooding your yak first day out. notice a couple of times your worried look on your face when the wind picked up and you were sideways to it and it looked a little tippy? With wind like that always try and keep your bow ( nose) or stern ( butt) in the direction of the wind. Reason being is you wont get that feeling of "holy crap im going to tip". Good stuff though well done. Keep on yakking on.
Clear River Artisan
Clear River Artisan - 6 years ago
You are an amazing woman. Not many men would do what you just did.
Hooked On Jesus Kayak Angler with Dennis Shields
Hooked On Jesus Kayak Angler with Dennis Shields - 6 years ago
you may want some kind of anchor in the wind. Nice job though, keep it up.
discnman Doe
discnman Doe - 6 years ago
Great catch!
Ratdog 305
Ratdog 305 - 6 years ago
Great job Nattie! Gonna be hard topping this one!
Patriot Harbor Lines, LLC
Patriot Harbor Lines, LLC - 6 years ago
Nice fish! Good luck the rest of 2018.
James King
James King - 6 years ago
Thia is my third video of yours. The fact that you are out on the water is well deserving in it's own right. I habe resently subscrided to your channel and this goong to great fun watching your youu tube channel grow.
Let It go
Let It go - 6 years ago
Nattie ur my new dream girl.musky fisher women beer drinker and do u cook? Haha...what part of Illinois were u in, it looks like the chain of lakes
Mark Rothery
Mark Rothery - 6 years ago
How great would it be if everyone could just feel the same amount of joy as Nattie displayed catching that fish once a week at least
Kayak Fishing for Predator
Kayak Fishing for Predator - 6 years ago
Nice catch!
reptileluver011 - 6 years ago
Way to go!
Brian Knapp
Brian Knapp - 6 years ago
great fish, you look like you've done it a million times!!
Mark Torrez
Mark Torrez - 6 years ago
Holy Crap!!! Great job!!! Greetings from Pensacola Florida!!!!
hcwbw3 - 6 years ago
As a fellow hobie kayak fisherman (pro-angler 2010) I have to say you are one tough fishergirl. Not cause of the fish but the cold and windy condition. I grew up in New Jersey and as a kid you really don't care about the cold but as an adult even in Miami when it is in the 50s or upper 40s and especially with winds of 30 to 40 MPH , well lets just say you are on tough chick.
That said you should start (if you haven't) thinking and planning / preparing for the when, not if you fall out of the yak or capsize and how to reboard your yak. If your near shore as it happened to me North Key Largo (warm waters) I swam along side the yak to shore. But if you are far away from shore and in very cold waters different story.
I have a one step rope ladder in my yak that will help me get my fat azz back up and a paddle float. P.S. also protecting (tying up your gear) so you won't loose it if you capsize.
Best of luck, I can see from your very honest smile that like me you love being alone in nature on your "boat" :) .
PABushcraft Prepper
PABushcraft Prepper - 6 years ago
Best feeling in the world catching and getting drug around by a fish in a kayak
kent frantz
kent frantz - 6 years ago
Nice musky! Congrats
Vu Tang
Vu Tang - 6 years ago
A woman who likes to fish? Marry me!
Pringals - 6 years ago
Incredible catch! Congratulations! A trip up north to catch Musky, Pike, and large Smallmouth is on my bucket/wish list to do someday. Love Kayak fishing here in Missouri and looking forward to watching your adventures. Welcome to the Yak club! ... and here I thought that 8lb channel cat I spent 20 minutes catching in a tight spot a couple years ago was a fight. LOL ... of course, I was on an ultralight fishing for Bluegill at the time. haha
Jeremy Giersdorf
Jeremy Giersdorf - 6 years ago
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!! This is what dreams are made of haha :D great fish! Subscribed >.>
Greyhunter - 6 years ago
Very nice musky! Great job!
Max Sands
Max Sands - 6 years ago
WOW! 1rst time out in your yak and you SCORE!!!!!!! Congratulations from Michigan!
Mike Olson
Mike Olson - 6 years ago
Your reaction after netting that fish is what it's all about. Going out in tough conditions like that and grinding all day makes it that much more special too. And Spring muskies aren't easy! You got game! Well done
juan anguiano
juan anguiano - 6 years ago
JESUSSS, the power of a muskee, at first i thought it was goin to pull u in like the hobbit from lord of the rings but man, congrats what a fish..
D Stewart
D Stewart - 6 years ago
that was BADASS
Don Davis
Don Davis - 6 years ago
Nice video Nattie. Call Jon B or Flair to do a collaboration.
El Manny
El Manny - 6 years ago
Sweet! Congratulations! Fish on!
BassSlayer Outdoors
BassSlayer Outdoors - 6 years ago
Awesome video.. Women who kayak Muskie fish is amazing
Mary Madelyn Evangelista
Mary Madelyn Evangelista - 6 years ago
Amazing! Congratulations!
Edward English
Edward English - 6 years ago
I love to see awesome people when they have their first success at something. So happy for you, congrats.
Jake Francis
Jake Francis - 6 years ago
I'd love to take you on a date but I'm afraid you would catch all my slorgs what's worth what idk
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
That is awesome!  KPO
Colin W
Colin W - 6 years ago
Freakin cool , just found this channel gotta show the wife. we fish musky here in TN too we cant wait to chase them in our Outbacks
Colin W
Colin W - 6 years ago
Melton Hill, Don't have to get crazy with rod and reel. I caught a 54 inch off the bank with my Kistler 7 ft heavy jig toad rod with a lews tournament MB , 30lb braid to 20lb fluro leader. throwing a 6in glide bait. photos on instagram @cwalls86
Jeffrey Lunday
Jeffrey Lunday - 6 years ago
Colin W where is a good place to Muskie fish in middle Tennessee? I tried the Blue Hole (outside of McMinnville) area, but nothing. I don't even think I have a big enough rod and reel for it. Any recommendations? Thanks
kcliff907 - 6 years ago
Gortex chest waders to stay warm- just advice but cold weather and windy- pfd strongly recommended. If you fall in the kayak will blow away quick and cold water can make the strongest swimmers lose that battle
Big Pagong
Big Pagong - 6 years ago
Good job - would love a Hobbie.... nice to see the joy in the catch - fishing is the best...
Ross Watkins
Ross Watkins - 6 years ago
Freakin awesome
Srockm3 - 6 years ago
Great video. Subbed.
joeblerone - 6 years ago
Absolutely brilliant!
Paddling Bass
Paddling Bass - 6 years ago
WOW! That was a torpedo for sure!
Chris Wilde
Chris Wilde - 6 years ago
Nice! I also musky fish from a Hobie, I use a foldable net and lay it down on the back of the yak. A small anchor might be a good idea for when you have one in the net, especially river fishing.
kidman2505 - 6 years ago
That was a beassssssssssssst!
Hugh Mann
Hugh Mann - 6 years ago
Awesome video! Is that a Tranx reel?
Robert Ford
Robert Ford - 6 years ago
Wheres your paddle at home girl?
Rene Cortez
Rene Cortez - 6 years ago
Nice fish and boat!!!!
Psari Man
Psari Man - 6 years ago
Nattie, congratulations on an awesome musky!! Me and my buddy, life long musky fishermen and from Illinois, just bought our first kayaks at canoacopia 2018 for the purpose of musky fishing!! Literally a few days later I saw one of your videos. You are an inspiration on so many levels. Don’t even know you but I’m proud of you. Keep up the great work!! Good luck with your channel and most of all good luck on the water!!!
snaakebithunter - 6 years ago
Wow! I've been on the fence about getting a kayak to fish from. You definitely have motivated me in that direction! Keep up the good work!
Larry May
Larry May - 6 years ago
Understand the weather...I'm in FL and still like wtf weather, make up your mind....tough with the wind, I just got a Pro Angler 14 myself and the first day was like that...good luck!
Team Jesus Outdoors
Team Jesus Outdoors - 6 years ago
Wow, that was impressive!
Dave Whitwood
Dave Whitwood - 6 years ago
Congratulations on your musky!!!....thats one of my favorite lakes to fish looks like you got a good one i dont know how y'all do it in a Kayak its hard enough to land one alone in a boat great video check out some of mine from there if you want i have alot of foorage from there
Scott G
Scott G - 6 years ago
GOOD for YOU!!
Marko Mertala
Marko Mertala - 6 years ago
keep up the good work.....looking forward to see more vidz
Ryan Moore
Ryan Moore - 6 years ago
Spring Lake sfwa?
Márcio Costa
Márcio Costa - 6 years ago
Nice! Maybe you need to adjust your pedal. Seems like it’s a little short...
Márcio Costa
Márcio Costa - 6 years ago
And the position of the net it’s on your way when you cast. Laying on the back of the kayak maybe it’s the best place to put..
method man
method man - 6 years ago
what's the name of the "loading bar" that you use to help get your kayak ontop of your ca? been looking for one of those.
Dude Hammer
Dude Hammer - 6 years ago
Nice !
Doug Lechler
Doug Lechler - 6 years ago
Way too go Nattie. You got this!!!
Jim J
Jim J - 6 years ago
When I see hot girl with big pole, I click like !
Jagged Tooth Tackle
Jagged Tooth Tackle - 6 years ago
Just goes to show if you power through the bad days it can really pay off
Snuggalufagus Jambuddy
Snuggalufagus Jambuddy - 6 years ago
Nattie=Awesome!=BIG FAT MUSKY!
kime Hunt
kime Hunt - 6 years ago
Nobody is laughing at your net one. Congratulations I'm jealous.
Scott Stivers
Scott Stivers - 6 years ago
As that I've yet to have ever hooked anything that big in fresh I kinda would have liked to have seen some numbers from nessie. Like the necklace. Curious if you served? Numbers 6:24-27. Sola Deo Gloria!!
mayassa58 - 6 years ago
Great Job!
wuzborntofish wuzborntohunt
wuzborntofish wuzborntohunt - 6 years ago
Well Congrats is in order for sure! Way to challenge yourself and go after it! The smile says it all :-) You now have a new subscriber! I look forward to future videos and your adventures! Peace.
Mike Othmer
Mike Othmer - 6 years ago
Wow ! Rock on!
Terry Hoffart
Terry Hoffart - 6 years ago
Hat backward and sunglasses??? huummm.
anthony s.
anthony s. - 6 years ago
Super happy for you!! Beautiful fish and a nice release. You make it look easy ; )
skankhunt42 - 6 years ago
God damn gurl you got me shaking when you caught that ski. Omg
Chaos Paddlers
Chaos Paddlers - 6 years ago
Ohhhh NICE!!! Ur very pretty and u fish in a kayak im in love lmao!! wait im in illinois!!??? where did u go musky fishing in illinois? keep up the great work!! I love the fact ur first outting was successful plus the paddlers are a great workout
Andres Gonzalez
Andres Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Congratulations on your first musky on your yak. Fish on Nattie!
kevin lafferty
kevin lafferty - 6 years ago
Awesome job!
Jaime Martinez
Jaime Martinez - 6 years ago
Congrats!!! Awesome fish I have been kayak fishing for the last 10 years always something to learn!!! Hobies are the best platforms to fish from.
Brian Richard
Brian Richard - 6 years ago
Good vid with great editing. Outbacks are fantastic, I only wish we had muskies in my state.
5 Minute Fixit
5 Minute Fixit - 6 years ago
Nice fish! Congrats on your first kayak fish! Kayak fishing is an addiction!
Rodney Boyce
Rodney Boyce - 6 years ago
Cool!! maybey time for a catch & cook video
Bass Yak
Bass Yak - 6 years ago
Nice job, Go get em.
Kevin Nichols
Kevin Nichols - 6 years ago
WOW Nice catch. I think I was as excited as you when you caught it. awesome.
17APR69 16APR71
17APR69 16APR71 - 6 years ago
super effort , I could watch this a million times !
Rhett Mashburn
Rhett Mashburn - 6 years ago
haha..... love the tag ......... "girlsfishtoo"
Rhett Mashburn
Rhett Mashburn - 6 years ago
nice catch! i subbed
Медицина в США
Медицина в США - 6 years ago
Wanna buy outback too, any problems transporting it on the roof? I really don't want to mess with a trailer.
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Загнивающая Америка very smooth!!
Drew Fisher
Drew Fisher - 6 years ago
Congrats!!! Keep up the great vids.
Randy Crane
Randy Crane - 6 years ago
Just subbed! Way to go!! I just started myself. Waiting for a chance to get out and get a big redfish. Continued Success!!
John Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
tbh I didn't think I'd like the video..good job. I'm sure your channel will take off.
I. Elaine Moore
I. Elaine Moore - 6 years ago
Great job. Tremendous fish
Hyper Joe
Hyper Joe - 6 years ago
Nice Job! Subbed, can hardly wait for the next Big Catch, thanks for sharing! :)
THEDUDE - 6 years ago
Oh My God. I love you. Marry me.
Wyatt Siebert
Wyatt Siebert - 6 years ago
Where in Illinois was this at? North or south?
David Devine
David Devine - 6 years ago
You should be proud great start to the year...
Justin Hugh
Justin Hugh - 6 years ago
Cool stuff!! But, please, please be smart and get a dry suit or a wader with drytop.
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Justin Hugh smart! Water temp was pretty warm and max depth was only 4ft though! Lake is mostly 3 ft :)
Gus Michael
Gus Michael - 6 years ago
Congratulations on your new kayak and that beautiful fish! Best of luck to you! One question I have for you muskie anglers: whats with the figure 8 at the end  of your retrieve? I'm no muskie fisherman so I'm so curious! Thanks!
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Gus Michael buys time and helps you get them to eat!
Nattie Up North
Nattie Up North - 6 years ago
Gus Michael buys you time and helps get them to eat!
amorton94 - 6 years ago
Also, you've already caught more fish than I have from my kayak and I've had it for over a year lol
Midwest BigBaits
Midwest BigBaits - 6 years ago
Hey, awesome job!! I've fished there only once and just recently moved out of the state. Just subscribed to your channel
amorton94 - 6 years ago
The kayak fishing niche definitely needed another youtube creator! Can't wait to see this channel grow!
Michael Perez
Michael Perez - 6 years ago
Congrats on that musky, and from your kayak too, you go girl!! If you are interested, there are some groups on Facebook you should check out for when you have kayaking questions, first one being “Minnesota Kayak Fishing Association” a lot of good knowledgeable ppl there, another group is “Let ‘em run outdoors kayak fishing” another really good group of kayakers! lol forward to seeing you yank some more musky from the yak and congrats once again. Tight lines!

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