Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK
Kayak 6 years ago 61,630 views
On my very first day kayak fishing, I felt a little gutsy and went after muskies. Smart? Probably not. A little crazy? Yeah, Probably. But in any case, I was rewarded with a BIG FAT MUSKY. Watch as I hook, net, and release this beauty. Kayak musky fishing - I'm hooked. Kayak: Hobie Outback Location: Illinois Date: March 31, 2018 Species Muskellunge (Muskie) Partner: Solo trip! Find me on: Instagram: @nattieupnorth Blog:
10. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK
I wouldn't want to land that fish in a kayak...great catch!
20. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK
30. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK
50. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK
I ended up with a really bad backlash when I was learning how to cast with it. It was one that was impossible to get rid of. Even worse is when the braided line digs into itself when you pull on it too hard. I learned the hard way, so trust me on this one.
I avoid using braided line on my baitcasting reel, mainly because it digs into itself when a backlash occurs. I spooled my baitcasting reel with Zebco Omniflex 20 lb. fishing line.
Good job catching that musky. Any ideas on where these are found?
You stayed on the water with that wind
On top off going thru ya it was probably pushing you and the kayak around
Get a pick up it'll make your life easier and make ya that much more awesome
Subbed/Liked as well. Keep up the great work!
great channel..
great channel..
100. comment for Girl Catches BIG MUSKY alone from KAYAK
Will keep watching your fishing adventures.
More please.
Thanks for sharing your first maiden voyage as a proud owner of a kayak and your very first personal kayak muskie. Stay safe and enjoy your new kayak and your passion for that adrenaline rush. I can't swim and I know it's risky being alone on a kayak, but watching this video is the closest thing for me to fully appreciate your exuberance and thrill that cannot be described in words. "Tight Lines"
But hey, you're going to have to make peace with it, you ARE a nerd :)
Good Work, I think I would be shaking too.
Thanx in advance...and tightest of lines!
Congrats on a great catch! Hope to see tons more...
the view from your gopro covers up quite a bit with your legs and the pedal drive, I use one of these and they're awesome
And an ⚓
Good luck tight lines
Side question about the hobie, how do you handle those rudder looking things undernear the yak when you're close to shore? Do they fold sidways somehow?
As a fellow hobie kayak fisherman (pro-angler 2010) I have to say you are one tough fishergirl. Not cause of the fish but the cold and windy condition. I grew up in New Jersey and as a kid you really don't care about the cold but as an adult even in Miami when it is in the 50s or upper 40s and especially with winds of 30 to 40 MPH , well lets just say you are on tough chick.
That said you should start (if you haven't) thinking and planning / preparing for the when, not if you fall out of the yak or capsize and how to reboard your yak. If your near shore as it happened to me North Key Largo (warm waters) I swam along side the yak to shore. But if you are far away from shore and in very cold waters different story.
I have a one step rope ladder in my yak that will help me get my fat azz back up and a paddle float. P.S. also protecting (tying up your gear) so you won't loose it if you capsize.
Best of luck, I can see from your very honest smile that like me you love being alone in nature on your "boat" :) .