GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls

Rush Sturges takes an icy line down the 70ft Outlet Falls in Washington. Shot 100% on the HERO3+® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music Young Fathers "Amorphous" Link to buy:

GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls sentiment_very_dissatisfied 75

Kayak 10 years ago 839,262 views

Rush Sturges takes an icy line down the 70ft Outlet Falls in Washington. Shot 100% on the HERO3+® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music Young Fathers "Amorphous" Link to buy:

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls

Mank Demes
Mank Demes - 7 years ago
Robert it goes down
Elijah Addey
Elijah Addey - 7 years ago
Am i the only one that gets scared of medium sized waves whenever a ship passes by?
Panda Panda
Panda Panda - 8 years ago
ImProudtobeCanadian - 8 years ago
i love how he tossed his stick. badass
Matthew Freedberg
Matthew Freedberg - 8 years ago
He wasn't doing it to be cool he needed to use both of his arms to brace himself.
Freya Evershed
Freya Evershed - 8 years ago
wowwww this looks amazing!!
Cole Asbil
Cole Asbil - 9 years ago
I'll just stay here eating my pie thank you very much
exhh TV
exhh TV - 9 years ago
Omg Im loving the new sound when you like a comment!
exhh TV
exhh TV - 9 years ago
+Ben Song Totally
Ben Song
Ben Song - 9 years ago
+oZumiii (Zumiii) The downvote dislike sound sounds a lot better IMO.
Jazzy - 9 years ago
why did he throw away his oar???
Casey A88
Casey A88 - 8 years ago
It's not an ore it's a paddle. I do kayaking
Mister Chico
Mister Chico - 9 years ago
+Jungon Gil if you hold onto it, you're most likely going to have it smack your head / face when you hit the water
Spencer Han
Spencer Han - 9 years ago
cheating death ultimate thrill

10. comment for GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls

aaron veloso
aaron veloso - 9 years ago
this is scary... i wanna try it..
Baker Gurl11
Baker Gurl11 - 9 years ago
I thought at first he was going to die
Serpens _
Serpens _ - 8 years ago
At most it would injure them if they were unlucky
Serpens _
Serpens _ - 8 years ago
It's really unlikely somebody would die from something like that
Jacob Kenyon
Jacob Kenyon - 9 years ago
nice i want to do that
Danial Loganathan
Danial Loganathan - 9 years ago
..... and im here sitting on my computer.

life is great.

B Hew
B Hew - 8 years ago
+Danial Loganathan kayaks are cheap, buy one and go get some! xD
Valentine Rose
Valentine Rose - 9 years ago
+Danial Loganathan your sitting on ur computer.. awwhh poor compputer :c im jk lol
lilsquidlett - 9 years ago
+Danial Loganathan lol sameeeee LOL OA/ahahahgahhahahah lo,llolzolo
World Roamer
World Roamer - 9 years ago
same here mate... :(
Homemade Mummy
Homemade Mummy - 9 years ago
Anyone have any luck tracking this song down?? I can't find it anywhere. Anybody know the title of the song from Young Fathers?? thanks
Andrew Polak
Andrew Polak - 9 years ago
+b4tm4n420 Amorphous by Darude
Baby Llama
Baby Llama - 9 years ago
R.I.P Rush's paddle
Baby Llama
Baby Llama - 9 years ago
1:22 sick!!
Penguin .Empress
Penguin .Empress - 9 years ago
0:35  SWANDIVE! Into the best night of your life~
Andrew Priebe
Andrew Priebe - 9 years ago
I thought 50 feet was a crazy drop when i did it now i seem like a sissy
World Roamer
World Roamer - 9 years ago
you still did it bruh! proud of it!
SteepVisions - 9 years ago
video proof?
JUMP3RS06 - 9 years ago
Whate is the song please!?

20. comment for GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls

Youtuber - 9 years ago
6969SpAcE6969 - 9 years ago
I think I'd rather have seen it from another perspective.. Maybe it was just bad quality though : )
Atrix - 9 years ago
SVMI - 10 years ago
That was when he never found his paddle again ;(
GoproSuperhero - 10 years ago
Hey guys if you like Gopro videos and more like this one you should defiantly go subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much!!!
Hayden Voegtle
Hayden Voegtle - 10 years ago
so he just threw his paddle 
Sico Rampage
Sico Rampage - 10 years ago
This is more dangerous than parachuting
Eternal Winter
Eternal Winter - 10 years ago
Am I the only person screaming when watching these GoPro videos?
Селезень Иван ВУЛКАНОЛОГ с неба
Селезень Иван ВУЛКАНОЛОГ с неба - 10 years ago
oculus rift!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan Thomson
Dan Thomson - 10 years ago
Check out my kayaking  go pro edit on my channel and tell me what you think :) would mean a lot

30. comment for GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls

Isaac Schaefer
Isaac Schaefer - 10 years ago
Сергей Дмитриевич
Сергей Дмитриевич - 10 years ago
No cold?
Psychadelic_ Lion
Psychadelic_ Lion - 10 years ago
Wow! Is that Aspen!?
James Johnson
James Johnson - 10 years ago
cant find this song anywhere??? anybody got a link?
Alex Antonian
Alex Antonian - 10 years ago
This is fake tht only 10 ft
Luis C
Luis C - 10 years ago
O M G 
MrGuardianX - 10 years ago
And this water looks so cold
MrGuardianX - 10 years ago
Insane ;)
Mike Driscoll
Mike Driscoll - 10 years ago
hmmm... whenever i'm in the water with my gopro, there's always dots of water blurring the shhh out of the picture, though i could see a little in the corner, is it something special done to the lens to keep water off
Matt Jackson
Matt Jackson - 9 years ago
+Mike Driscoll rain-x too
Kate - 9 years ago
GoPro Hero4 Silver Edition Action Camera w/ 12MP Camera & Built-In Wi-Fi 25%OFF
Josue Garcia
Josue Garcia - 10 years ago
I would do it if i had a kayak and a waterfall....
goproslick - 10 years ago
Bigcheese7382 - 10 years ago
The amount of people here claiming to know something about kayaking and not actually knowing anything is too darn high...
Joe Wiggins
Joe Wiggins - 10 years ago
looks so fun
Pierre Pinto
Pierre Pinto - 10 years ago
Music ?
Jesus Christhole
Jesus Christhole - 10 years ago
Dat epic dramatic music
joshua holmes
joshua holmes - 10 years ago
Try 25 feet not 70
Herman Farquhar
Herman Farquhar - 10 years ago
I'm more impressed with how he handles the leadup than the actual drop.
Outdoor and Offroad
Outdoor and Offroad - 10 years ago
Good effort, nice. No gloves with snow too :)
Kevin Buns
Kevin Buns - 10 years ago
That "yes" at the end lol 
SHOORTYS - 10 years ago
Gnarly !

50. comment for GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls

Izviđač - 10 years ago
no helmet? is he mad?
Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams - 9 years ago
Lol he is wearing a helmet
Vasich lolcode
Vasich lolcode - 10 years ago
looks cold.
eXozGaming - 10 years ago
You never throw the paddle, unless a rope is attached to it
Peter Williams
Peter Williams - 10 years ago
Yes you do!!! it stops the paddle hitting you!
Aj Buchanan
Aj Buchanan - 10 years ago
that water looks so cold
Niilo Ventelä
Niilo Ventelä - 10 years ago
that is soooo cool, i would love to try
taxiuniversum - 10 years ago
Nowhere on earth 70 feet.
Limat69 - 10 years ago
Жесть!!! А весло потом как нашли?
Fronbondi Skegs
Fronbondi Skegs - 10 years ago
VJ JACOBS - 10 years ago
hey please take a look at my vids, thank you:)
n7hevn - 10 years ago
False advertising!!!!  This may have been 70 feet from the very top of where he started, but the 'fall' (waterfall) was FAR-FROM 70 Feet!  Unimpressed for sure, on the touting of this video, I've jumped off a cliff into a lake about twice that height of that little waterfall (about 55 Feet)... 
Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams - 9 years ago
Search the falls up on google. Gopro makes it look small
Steven Turner
Steven Turner - 10 years ago
Its the go pro wide angle lens. It makes everything shorter.
clehmanj - 10 years ago
Its not fals advertising. When you say outlet falls it is reffering to a series of falls and rapids not just one waterfall. If they were reffering to a single fall they would have just said 70 ft waterfall
Jesse Gallegos
Jesse Gallegos - 10 years ago
Looks Hella cold
Vladis Lavs
Vladis Lavs - 10 years ago
Jeanne Chamberlain
Jeanne Chamberlain - 10 years ago
0:36 I thought it was blood!
Robert Varney
Robert Varney - 10 years ago
any kayaker know why he threw his paddle? 
Cliff drop
Cliff drop - 7 years ago
Robert Varney For style bro..
Raging_H2O - 9 years ago
+AlexanderDudes if you are interested here is an example (on the exact same fall) were the paddle brakes, go to 4:32
Raging_H2O - 9 years ago
they are made for whitewater in general, there are no paddles specificly made for big stouts
Alexander Rayburn
Alexander Rayburn - 9 years ago
Right, and like I said. Those are made for extreme drops and aren't likely to break. He prolly just threw it to keep from hitting his face.
Raging_H2O - 9 years ago
+pyranha kayaks still the main reason is that you dont run the risk of getting it straight in the face or dislokate your shoulder
Raging_H2O - 9 years ago
+AlexanderDudes well hes using an Werner Sho-Gun straight shaft and thats 350$, Corbon or Ergo paddles are almost all around 300-450$, cheaper paddles like the Powerhouse made from Fiberglass cost 250 - 350 
Alexander Rayburn
Alexander Rayburn - 9 years ago
+pyranha kayaks Lol, no offense bro. But there are no kayak paddles for 400 dollars unless they are built for high falls like that. If he has a cheap one. He could've thrown it so it wouldn't break, but if it's an expensive $400 paddle... He prolly just threw to keep from hitting him self in the face when hitting the water.
Raging_H2O - 10 years ago
or just because paddles often break at that big waterfalls and the price is at about 400$, so throwing it away and let one of your mates waiting down thier getting it back for you is the cheaper option
Bigcheese7382 - 10 years ago
+mr steelcitydubber No, at 70 feet most kayakers are going to chuck their paddle. at around 45 feet and below it isnt necessary, but past that is pushing it. Also, breaking the paddle or hitting yourself in the face with it are concerns with holding the paddle.
Minh Quan Tieu
Minh Quan Tieu - 10 years ago
still not safe enough
mr steelcitydubber
mr steelcitydubber - 10 years ago
I thought this was strange too. If it was all about the impact why not just lean forward and tuck your head down with the paddles sideways along the kayak (like setting up for an eskimo roll?) i've seen hundreds of descents over way bigger waterfalls and this is the only one where he chucked his paddles, leaving him totally at the mercy of the rapids when he came back up. Maybe he just did it for show.
Bigcheese7382 - 10 years ago
Im a kayaker, if he held his paddle he would have dislocated his shoulders. that is also why he tucks his arms to his chest. the impact at that height is tremendous.
EvitalovesThings - 10 years ago
+Quan Tieu Also if he spread his arms it may have striked across a rock that's why he's holding them against his chest, also to flip over if he found himself upside down under water.
Robert Varney
Robert Varney - 10 years ago
+Quan Tieu makes sense
Minh Quan Tieu
Minh Quan Tieu - 10 years ago
i'm not a kayaker but i know he would break his arm holding the paddle
YokPui LAI
YokPui LAI - 10 years ago
Doesn't look like 70 feet. More like 30.
Daniel Princ
Daniel Princ - 10 years ago
+YokPui LAI well, I know how GoPro videos look like, since I have it. I also know how it distorts kayaking videos since I'm a kayaker. Anyway, google outlet falls and you will find many references to it's height.
YokPui LAI
YokPui LAI - 10 years ago
+Daniel Princ, don't think you know how wide lens works. Wide lens usually exaggerate the height. Try a wide lens on a person and that person will look taller and thinner.
Daniel Princ
Daniel Princ - 10 years ago
+n7hevn GoPro uses wide lenses, so it seems lower... It's easily 70, google for some pictures..
n7hevn - 10 years ago
+ffhefhewfehifeihefihefehefe And your skew of looking up at a waterfall, and then trees way behind it, is really poor!  Pause the camera footage at 0:51, scale out the length of one of their kayak's, to the height of the 'Falls'.  That 'Falls' is about 35 feet, maybe 40 at the absolute most, and that's being very-very generous!...
ffhefhewfehifeihefihefehefe - 10 years ago
Are you kidding? No way it's thirty feet, its as tall as the pine trees.
bailey traj
bailey traj - 10 years ago
so i know the song is "Young Fathers Amorphous" but can anyone actually find it like wtf go pro 
Wonder Asian
Wonder Asian - 10 years ago
whats this song?
Miriam Barrera
Miriam Barrera - 10 years ago
valiantnipple - 10 years ago
Fuzzy Green
Fuzzy Green - 10 years ago
70 feet my ass, more like 20 .. still badass tho 
Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams - 9 years ago
It's 70ft. Gopro makes everything look small
Bloodyfinlander - 10 years ago
That water looks cold!!
STAG162 - 10 years ago
Am I the only one who waited for this guy to crack a can of Solo when he got to the bottom?

Search "Solo man ad 1990"
a a r o n
a a r o n - 10 years ago
He must really like hard nipples
SpiderJ97 - 10 years ago
Cool :)
Amir Shabo
Amir Shabo - 10 years ago
At first I thought; wow what a nice view, then he went down the water fall and I was like HOLY SHIT
Kung Julio
Kung Julio - 10 years ago
Best vids ever
Just Thomas
Just Thomas - 10 years ago
dude , why doesn't his kayak sink with such large balls ?
Crims Crimz
Crims Crimz - 10 years ago
I would sooooo use a helmet
Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams - 9 years ago
He is
Jacob Hawn
Jacob Hawn - 10 years ago
Just looks so fun, I really want do do that
Ethan Levy
Ethan Levy - 10 years ago
I can see 0 reasons why any one would want to do that. Far too cold/scary/dangerous/cold
Alex Green
Alex Green - 10 years ago
How do they not freeze to death? I know they're wearing wetsuits and stuff but their hands and faces are exposed to the water
ASS MAN - 9 years ago
+tyson cunningham what if you're a woman
ASS MAN - 9 years ago
+tyson cunningham lol
tyson cunningham
tyson cunningham - 10 years ago
Dry suits and big nuts
Marc - 10 years ago
Canon rebel t5i or dji phantom??
SpiderJ97 - 10 years ago
+JackGermain13 :-)
Jack Ford
Jack Ford - 10 years ago
+SpiderJ97 Yeah man! for sure ill check them right now!
SpiderJ97 - 10 years ago
+JackGermain13 check mine if you have time :-)
Jack Ford
Jack Ford - 10 years ago
+SpiderJ97 Thanks man! means alot!!
SpiderJ97 - 10 years ago
+JackGermain13 yep its cool du de :-)
Jack Ford
Jack Ford - 10 years ago
+44freshdude +WwWWWwwwWwWwWwwwwww +SpiderJ97 Can you guys check out my most recent upload!?! its really cool!
Marc - 10 years ago
Yeah you prove a good point. DJI Phantom alone is like 500-600 then the gimbal... you end up spending as much as you would on a high quality dslr.
WwWWWwwwWwWwWwwwwww - 10 years ago
+44freshdude well considering the dji phantom is a quadcopter intended only for aerial photography (with a gopro), unless you want to fly go for the dslr. Plus the dji is excessively priced... If you want a quadcopter that can lift a gopro you don't need to spend more than $100-200
Marc - 10 years ago
I'm starting to get into photography and videos but i just think a dslr would come to more use than a DJI Phantom.
What do you think?
WwWWWwwwWwWwWwwwwww - 10 years ago
+44freshdude for what purpose? video? aerial photography? stills?
SpiderJ97 - 10 years ago
+44freshdude How old are you? 
Marc - 10 years ago
Well I'm meaning it as what is a better investment and would come to more use
WwWWWwwwWwWwWwwwwww - 10 years ago
dji phantom is a quad that uses a gopro on a gimbal, canon is a dslr. how can you compare those?
trevor dustin
trevor dustin - 10 years ago
no gloves what a stud
Coop J
Coop J - 10 years ago
thats living
GoPro Adventures
GoPro Adventures - 10 years ago
Check Out my GoPro Videos 
Rodrigo's HDTV [GoPro & Travels]
Rodrigo's HDTV [GoPro & Travels] - 10 years ago
great landscape, great images but so short video :)

check out my GoPro channel :)
Cody Hively
Cody Hively - 10 years ago
His hands must be frozen
Soalfurs legacy
Soalfurs legacy - 10 years ago
That looks so much fun! It looks better than cliff jumping
marvDE - 10 years ago
@MellorBrothers-GoPro It is a trained paddle... It comes back home, just like a pigeon.
lVENDETTAl - 10 years ago
What is the name of the song? I can't find it
immer welche
immer welche - 10 years ago
how can he not wear a helmet?
Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams - 9 years ago
He is
Brian Peppers
Brian Peppers - 10 years ago
now go over viagra falls
Brian Peppers
Brian Peppers - 10 years ago
Chris Graham
Chris Graham - 10 years ago
Viagra falls? That might have a bit of an unwanted side effect...
Yobb4 - 10 years ago
He lost her stick :(
Marcelo _
Marcelo _ - 10 years ago
More life 30ft
Allen KV Vidz
Allen KV Vidz - 10 years ago
if i was depressed i'd probably try to make a video like that but now i'm good
Logan Emerson
Logan Emerson - 10 years ago
Check out my drone and GoPro videos!
mr steelcitydubber
mr steelcitydubber - 9 years ago
Allen KV Vidz
Allen KV Vidz - 10 years ago
thumbs up if you love coffee 
Es - 10 years ago
Feels So COLD :/
Джип Бомба тюнинг 4х4 offroad 4x4 оффроад на мостах газ66 и арочные шины я170
Джип Бомба тюнинг 4х4 offroad 4x4 оффроад на мостах газ66 и арочные шины я170 - 10 years ago
Агент Смит из матрицы! :)
Agent Smith from matrix! :)
Trail's End
Trail's End - 10 years ago
god damn that looks cold.
SirBalageG - 9 years ago
+OffRoading Steve I've got no doubt, a tree cut my leg while I was biking in the woods, I only realized, that it was bleeding, when I came out of the forest and stopped
OffRoading Steve
OffRoading Steve - 10 years ago
 I don't know if you would even notice the cold with all the adrenalin....
SirBalageG - 10 years ago
perfect adjective is in this case: cool

100. comment for GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls

Человек Обыкновенный
Человек Обыкновенный - 10 years ago
Do more videos!
danmer414 - 10 years ago
SALTxTHExWOUND - 10 years ago
This makes me feel like I'm not using my Kayak to it's full potential XD
SALTxTHExWOUND - 10 years ago
yeah man I kayak as much as I can, I don't upload it to this channel though, I use vimeo for my kayak adventures
OffRoading Steve
OffRoading Steve - 10 years ago
Surprise to find another motorcycle rider here. Do a kayak vlog?!
Chase Kaplan
Chase Kaplan - 10 years ago
Unless you are suicidal, I'm sure you are using it just fine hahaha
Raging_H2O - 10 years ago
Jack Ford
Jack Ford - 10 years ago
+SALTxTHExWOUND +YoungClickClack Can you guys check out my most recent upload???
SALTxTHExWOUND - 10 years ago
I saw that one, it was awesome!
ClickClack99 - 10 years ago
Watch the one where they go down a draining ditch it pretty cool
AdamK - 10 years ago
Question for you guys, i've been following your tips, yet when I upload to youtube the quality isn't that great. It's good but nowhere near as crisp as i'm seeing in this video. I use adobe adter effects and I export via compressor using the recommended MPEG4 format using H.264 codec set to high quality wit as higher bitrate as I dare. I've even tried 30000kbps but it just dosen't look as crisp as your videos. Not sure what editing suite you use, but it looks good with the videos you produce. I get a lot of lossless compression noise, especially on actionshots POV like mountain biking etc. So just wondering if you've any advice for best formats for exporting video in preparation for uploading to youtube?
Check out my timelapse video too se how it's absolutely not as crisp as it is in this video even though you watch it in 1080p.
The problem is the upload to youtube, it makes the video have a much lower quality and crisp than the original MOV-fil stored in my computer.
Any help greatly appreciated! ;)
Dizz89R - 10 years ago
Is the name of music right? Just cant find it on iTunes
Eddie DePaolo
Eddie DePaolo - 10 years ago
I really want to find out which song it is.
Maxime Bourgeois
Maxime Bourgeois - 10 years ago
The song the video calls out is wrong, and so is the link to Itunes.
Allen KV Vidz
Allen KV Vidz - 10 years ago
+EricsEpicChannel it is, without a doubt
Eric's Channel
Eric's Channel - 10 years ago
It's actually Darude- Sandstorm
puzziuzzi - 10 years ago
That must be freezing
Watsonisawesome - 10 years ago
And after that, his balls of steel got frostbite and just fell off.
распаКУЙ - 10 years ago
Фиерично !)))
KUSH TyO - 10 years ago
Isnt it cold ?:D
Francesco Cernecca
Francesco Cernecca - 10 years ago
Tommy 20
Tommy 20 - 10 years ago
JFrames - 10 years ago
The music Omg
Cameron Carrasquilla
Cameron Carrasquilla - 10 years ago
Well, i guess this water isn't the warmest.
Mellor Brothers
Mellor Brothers - 10 years ago
How is he supposed to get his paddle back?
Mellor Brothers
Mellor Brothers - 10 years ago
+pyranha kayaks Thank you
Rhett Shull
Rhett Shull - 10 years ago
Yup…Just like that! Beautiful.
Raging_H2O - 10 years ago
+Mellor Brothers - GoPro like this 4:47
Mellor Brothers
Mellor Brothers - 10 years ago
+rshull07 I understand that he didn't want to get hit in the face, that much is obvious. all i wanted to know was how he would have held it had he not thrown it
Rhett Shull
Rhett Shull - 10 years ago
These paddles are designed to float, the reason he threw it is because he didn't want to get hit in the face when he took the hit at the bottom. And usually when paddlers are running drops this big they have a few friends at the bottom in their boats setting safety. So in this case it was easier for him to toss it than do a normal tuck and risk throwing himself off and landing wrong. 
Raging_H2O - 10 years ago
+Mellor Brothers - GoPro then you wouldnt go down there or take the risk of braking it when holding it sideways 
Mellor Brothers
Mellor Brothers - 10 years ago
+Clubbers I did, I was just wondering what someone would do if there wasn't another person to pick it up for them
Clubbers - 10 years ago
you didn't watch the video till the end did you?
Kielletty - 10 years ago
vasilek1115 - 10 years ago
охуеть не встать
Carioka GH
Carioka GH - 10 years ago
MultiTerpen - 10 years ago
DeathGamerNico - 10 years ago
Subscribes me. I am better than GoPro
Antoni TDK
Antoni TDK - 10 years ago
+Sam Traeger
Allen KV Vidz
Allen KV Vidz - 10 years ago
+Sam Traeger hahaha
Sam Traeger
Sam Traeger - 10 years ago
+Allen Gopro I don't know, taking a PS4 out of a box is pretty extreme, think of the paper cut danger!
Johinator12 - 10 years ago
+JFRAMES packst du hier die dicken Dinger aus? XD
Allen KV Vidz
Allen KV Vidz - 10 years ago
i'd strongly disagree with you
JFrames - 10 years ago
Du bist so ein Sack!
DMX820 - 10 years ago
Hicow - 10 years ago
Deming H
Deming H - 10 years ago
i thought this was rafting and not kayaking 
SteepVisions - 9 years ago
+Maria K and less fun.
Maria Kalhagen
Maria Kalhagen - 10 years ago
Rafting is in a big boat with a lot of other people :)
jurjukn - 10 years ago
I dont feel cold anymore lol
1219happy71 - 10 years ago
juli00pf - 10 years ago
6 comentario
R_A_A 98
R_A_A 98 - 10 years ago
Atroxx - 10 years ago
Paul - 10 years ago
Holy shit !!!

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Kayaker Ben Marr rockets down a concrete drainage ditch into Lions Bay, British Columbia at 34 miles per hour!...


Fools Overture : Composed and sung by Roger...

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Roger Hodgson 2018 Tour flag Jun 12 Kufstein, Austria On Sale flag Jun 14 Zurich, Switzerland On Sale flag...


Roger Hodgson / Don`t Leave Me Now / Kayaking...

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Roger Hodgson 2018 Tour flag Jun 12 Kufstein, Austria On Sale flag Jun 14 Zurich, Switzerland On Sale flag...


Kayaking the river in search for relics!

7,316 likes 2,004,008 views 10 years ago

Abby and I went kayaking in the river to search for long forgotten relics with our AT Pros. It was one hardcore relic...

About GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls

The "GoPro: Kayaking Over 70ft Outlet Falls" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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