GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz

GoPro Athlete Rafa Ortiz and Isaac Levinson tackle one of the most challenging big water runs on the planet, the Stikine. Join these two in remote British Columbia where they confront harsh wilderness and multiple days of class five whitewater. Shot 100% on the HERO3+® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music John Berry "Auroras" Link to buy: Young Fathers "Only Child" Link to buy:

GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz sentiment_very_dissatisfied 81

Kayak 10 years ago 339,647 views

GoPro Athlete Rafa Ortiz and Isaac Levinson tackle one of the most challenging big water runs on the planet, the Stikine. Join these two in remote British Columbia where they confront harsh wilderness and multiple days of class five whitewater. Shot 100% on the HERO3+® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music John Berry "Auroras" Link to buy: Young Fathers "Only Child" Link to buy:

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz

Luke Hoskovec
Luke Hoskovec - 7 years ago
Do they have a pre planned route picked out, or can they just read the river?
TheBrockOriginal - 7 years ago
no thanks
Luke Hoskovec
Luke Hoskovec - 7 years ago
jesus christ that's terrifying
Randell Schimdt
Randell Schimdt - 7 years ago
Coolest ride ever
mahones jones
mahones jones - 7 years ago
Rafa were does the stikine rank in dangerous rivers u ventured.??
Robert Heidersbach
Robert Heidersbach - 7 years ago
Wow this is breathtaking.
Adam Frederick
Adam Frederick - 7 years ago
dude this was really fun to watch, brought back memories of when i got tossed around in a Class lV hole rafting in West Virginia before resurfacing in a panic. Not fun down there, but glad everyone made it through
mountin kid kid
mountin kid kid - 7 years ago
i want to do this as a sport at 13 who else do ??
liu wenjie
liu wenjie - 7 years ago
I was never able to make it when up side down no matter how many times they taught me.

10. comment for GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz

liu wenjie
liu wenjie - 7 years ago
Awsome skill!
Alex Bunn
Alex Bunn - 8 years ago
I want to try this when I'm older it looks fun
john baines
john baines - 8 years ago
Carlo Gatti
Carlo Gatti - 8 years ago
i Hydrax
i Hydrax - 8 years ago
William Swaim
William Swaim - 8 years ago
What kind of kayak is this?
Boneless Dirt
Boneless Dirt - 8 years ago
dude Rafa you accidentally mystery moved when you peeled out that one time lol sick
Connor Coultas
Connor Coultas - 8 years ago
I've done way more accidental mystery moves in big water than I
ever have done on purpose ones playboating. lol
ScottBros - 8 years ago
Good Video. Iv'e got a GoPro Hero 4 Black, Check out my Kayaking Vid <3
Claudio Hibma
Claudio Hibma - 8 years ago
eeeeexcelleeeeeent vídeo!!!!
James Grzech
James Grzech - 8 years ago
I thank God none of these fine people died..

20. comment for GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz

michael blaylock
michael blaylock - 8 years ago
that man isaac is a savage for jumping in a crazy ass river like that
sonofcenarius28 - 8 years ago
what a shitty song to play at the end
Dave Watt
Dave Watt - 8 years ago
"Don't go left!!"

"Left? OK, I'm going left!"

RagnarokBlake - 8 years ago
Thanks for uploading !
Best Inflatable Kayaks For Sale
Best Inflatable Kayaks For Sale - 8 years ago
Awesome adventure!
Frederic Honorez
Frederic Honorez - 9 years ago
what is de make of this green paddle?
sqwid - 8 years ago
+Frederic Honorez flowtech lighting paddle
GreenBaretSemperFi - 9 years ago
I've kayaked class 4 rapids on the Arkansas river in Colorado. Watching this is scary lol
Oi Shirley
Oi Shirley - 9 years ago
I'm surprise those kayaks can stay afloat with two pairs of massive steel ball sacs.
Sander Duvillard
Sander Duvillard - 9 years ago
Can you use The Superview ??
Aarne Miettinen
Aarne Miettinen - 9 years ago
And that swim right there, my friends, is the reason you don´t sign the bad line. You only give signs for the lines one is supposed to take.
Connor Coultas
Connor Coultas - 8 years ago
WW Safety rule 101 right there.
James Grzech
James Grzech - 8 years ago
absolutely GD right

30. comment for GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz

john Johnson
john Johnson - 9 years ago
have you guys heard of the Noice Speaker? it's the first attachable, waterproof speaker that you can take anywhere because of a compartment that protects your phone. If anyone that finds out where to get one please let me know
Munasia Doris
Munasia Doris - 9 years ago
So cool. ..I hope to get there one day
Brian M
Brian M - 9 years ago
I always loved watching Rafa Ortiz in videos.
You can see that he was truly enjoying what he did.
Raku Yamasa 1.0
Raku Yamasa 1.0 - 9 years ago
it's really good =) I also do kayaking but not at this level ^o^
Ricardo Moliner
Ricardo Moliner - 10 years ago
Nice edit
Fazley Mapet
Fazley Mapet - 10 years ago
Megan Rose
Megan Rose - 10 years ago
After watching this I realized, I NEED TO DO SOMETHING FUN IN MY LIFE
Jam Y
Jam Y - 7 years ago
megan løves animals did you do something fun ?
Man of Water
Man of Water - 10 years ago
no joke
Rodrigo Heckel
Rodrigo Heckel - 10 years ago
crazy and awesome someday i will do that.
Michael Palmer
Michael Palmer - 10 years ago
Whitewater kayaking is one of the most terrifying yet exhilarating experiences you can have in life. Being upside down in class 5 rapids is not fun. Much respect to these guys.
BLUE_ DIZZY - 10 years ago
They are crazy
race logics
race logics - 10 years ago
sry but not cool
Florian Castilla
Florian Castilla - 10 years ago
etheain - 10 years ago
I would love for gopro to make an entire documentary using gopros :P
Emiliano Manojlovich
Emiliano Manojlovich - 10 years ago
literalmente yo me hubiera muerto 5 veces.
Kiranna Marie
Kiranna Marie - 10 years ago
How do I learn to do this? I've been kayaking but not in rapids and I really want to learn to.. Does anyone know anywhere in Canada I can sign up for lessons??
Connor Coultas
Connor Coultas - 8 years ago
I'm a year late and live far south in the states, but most of canada has really nice whitewater. There are also several schools on the ottawa and probably several other places too. Just look around
Harrison R
Harrison R - 10 years ago
Incredible....! One of GoPro's Best
Serg Kaizen
Serg Kaizen - 10 years ago
Not impressed
taxiuniversum - 10 years ago
That one guy lost hit kayak, didn´t he? How on earth did he get back?
By the way: Scary shit.
Yes I'm Vegan
Yes I'm Vegan - 10 years ago
That looks so cool!!! I want a GoPro so bad! They're amazing

50. comment for GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz

peter denney
peter denney - 10 years ago
Life's too short; buy a GoPro and film a life of adventure!
Dimitros - 10 years ago
4:38 holy shit you've got some large eyes
Mitchell Riley
Mitchell Riley - 10 years ago
Is the text from the video made in the go pro studio? If so, how is this done? Thanks
Ronnie Mendoza
Ronnie Mendoza - 10 years ago
it looks like it was done in after effects. there are good tools for text motion tracking
DigitalDyslexia - 10 years ago
I honestly doubt GoPro uses studio. It's not very good compared to some of the other programs, especially at the level of quality that GoPro's YouTube channel standarizes to. I'd say something like Premiere, Sony Vegas, After Effects (it actually makes for a great video editor!) and a few others I can't get off the top of my head.

Then again, I don't really use it myself. It seems like an iMovie equivalent. Something simple that the everyday person can use easily.
yakisueba - 10 years ago
jacob Johnson
jacob Johnson - 10 years ago
Words can not describe how much I want to do that
bokeflo - 10 years ago
Gotta Love Crazy White Water Kayakers! Gotta Love GoPro.
superhund14 - 10 years ago
Very intense.
trees - 10 years ago
That looks bloody hairy!
WorldOfWoodrow - 10 years ago
Just ordered a gopro hero 4 black! Can't wait to make videos!
NCD Fan - 10 years ago
Holy crap
FoodyLucious - 10 years ago
what an intense video, great footage
Kayaking in Alaska
Kayaking in Alaska - 10 years ago
Freaking awesome rafa
Great kayaking
Glad Isaac is ok
Liked video
Chance Keso
Chance Keso - 10 years ago
That's epic. Cool to see people kayaking the Stikine. One of the coolest places I've ever been!
SilverShadow8293 - 10 years ago
As long I have some Professional with me, I'm down.
Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams - 9 years ago
Lol u would die
valiantnipple - 10 years ago
Braden Fioresi
Braden Fioresi - 10 years ago
Awesome video, I hope my go pro videos will look this good one day!
moat meal
moat meal - 10 years ago
would it be more accurate to say it's the K2 of kayaking??
Clockworkk - 10 years ago
If you ain't doing things like this, you ain't living.
yeezytoldmeto - 10 years ago
Rafa! My friends had a great time on the Magpie River trip with you (Fcc)! 
Elaine Marie
Elaine Marie - 10 years ago
OMG, I nearly died from a heart attack, just from watching this. I'm an old lady now, but I've been a risk taker way too many times in my life. And I'm not even athletic, ever. Cliff climbing w/o ropes, rappelling down caverns, falling off a cliff, climbing a glacier in Alaska, firewalking, paddling Class 5 rapids my first time whitewater rafting, walking over the abyss on a log, encounter with Sasquatch when camping alone, driving my car into a river by accident, etc. Too old to remember them all. Still need to skydive.
Thank you for the thrill!
SomeoneElse - 7 years ago
Haha, any chance of starting a youtube channel where you tell stories?
Connor Coultas
Connor Coultas - 8 years ago
If you were on a guided raft trip, I can almost guarantee you didn't raft class V. A lot of guides exaggerate ratings to make their customers feel more scared and more accomplished at the end of the trip.
Zach W
Zach W - 8 years ago
You should try dirt biking
Fresh Prince of Persia
Fresh Prince of Persia - 10 years ago
I actually would like to hear details about this Sasquatch story, hahaha
schramschram - 10 years ago
lol encounter with Sasquatch good one.
MicBergsma - 10 years ago
Sam McAllister
Sam McAllister - 10 years ago
Mitch :D!
maddie monti
maddie monti - 10 years ago
defiantly one of the best gopro videos ive ever seen
Mo Voskamp
Mo Voskamp - 10 years ago
Balls of steel
HotSauceFan9 - 10 years ago
I've white water rafted all over the country but never kayaked.. Looks sketch haha
Guy Random
Guy Random - 10 years ago
Anybody else regret not doing anything with their lives? :\
Piggy - 7 years ago
WolfpAx 990 include commas
dukeimyourstepfather - 8 years ago
never too late.
WolfpAx 990
WolfpAx 990 - 8 years ago
No I'm a Boy Scout white warred raft kayak Conoe skateboard longboard ski mountain bike ya my life's pretty adventures
Ferg - 10 years ago
Why not do both?
CH1CK3NxSALAD - 10 years ago
Nope. I skydive. I skateboard. I am going to start freestyle downhill longboarding soon. So I live a pretty adventurous life. I dodge in and out of traffic. I almost got hit by 3 cars yesterday and I almost slammed into a truck today, because the bearings on my skateboard are super fast and idiot drivers don't see me coming.
Rodrigo Heckel
Rodrigo Heckel - 10 years ago
+crazywebkinz9 men, you are very boring and a loser if every person were like you we would not a have done a shit as a specie.
Mcoffins - 10 years ago
Im doing something. This summer i will go river rafting and skydiving
Mark Ryan
Mark Ryan - 10 years ago
+crazywebkinz9 "when was the last time someone experienced severe head trauma playing checkers?"
The next time you beat me.
Im gonna hit you so hard with the checker're gonna wish you jumped in the river.
Baba Ghanoush
Baba Ghanoush - 10 years ago
+Green Ranger  no need for name calling lord hater.  i'z was just saying I prefer safer activities, like say, checkers, or watching grass grow.  when was the last time someone experienced severe head trauma playing checkers?  hmmm? 
Mark Ryan
Mark Ryan - 10 years ago
Green Ranger
Green Ranger - 10 years ago
+crazywebkinz9 Youre not boring just a loser
Baba Ghanoush
Baba Ghanoush - 10 years ago
yeah, I regret not risking my life--getting my head crushed by a boulder and drowning to death.  call me boring...
Mark Ryan
Jeremy Heiman
Jeremy Heiman - 10 years ago
+Mark Ryan Like who?
Mark Ryan
Mark Ryan - 10 years ago
+Jeremy Heiman
Kayakers at their level die all the time.
The one guy in this very video said he was swimming blacked out.
Jeremy Heiman
Jeremy Heiman - 10 years ago
+Mark Ryan Kayakers at their level rarely die. They make a living off of this. They spend months, and sometimes years planning out runs.
Mark Ryan
Mark Ryan - 10 years ago
Some of these guys will be dead very, very soon.
superhund14 - 10 years ago
Don't judge yourself based on other peoples achievements, that's just a fail. You will lose at life if you do that. And all you get is one chance.
LIMO - 10 years ago
your life is not over bro :)
420apache657 - 10 years ago
why not do both?
Caminando el Mundo
Caminando el Mundo - 10 years ago
una pasada!!
Rodrigo's HDTV [GoPro & Travels]
Rodrigo's HDTV [GoPro & Travels] - 10 years ago
Shocking scary figthing with rapids!

Feel free to check my GoPro Channel ;)
Rodney Ricker
Rodney Ricker - 10 years ago
That's looks amazing... And incredibly dangerous
Egodphhhd - 10 years ago
Он утонул или нет
Nessim Debbaj
Nessim Debbaj - 10 years ago
Is he crazy to jump like that in the river with the power of the water ?!
Caesar Ong
Caesar Ong - 9 years ago
+Nessim Debbaj On the contrary, that's one of the only few options that doesn't involve climbing on slippery rocks or a helievac. If he jumped closer to the banks he could have been recirculated back into the eddy, which makes it way harder for him to get into the main flow to get downstream where he could get back into his boat. Not to mention swirly eddy with lots of aeration does not make swimming easy, and whirlpools and undercurrent could potentially pull him underwater into hidden undercuts or underwater sieve.
Thomas .VW
Thomas .VW - 10 years ago
Then they made him jump as far over the rapid part of the stream as possible and towed him to shore. If they didn't mul him over he would have had a long swim.
Thomas .VW
Thomas .VW - 10 years ago
He had to swim to not drown, they were able to pull his boat to the other side in a calmer eddy.
macaroo90 - 10 years ago
you're underestimating the power of water. moving water is way stronger than you think
Connor - 10 years ago
+Thomas .VW These holes will hold you under the water and drown you
Connor - 10 years ago
+Nessim Debbaj 2:13 he fell in the hole that the guys on the rock were talking about then he had to get out of his kayak 
Nessim Debbaj
Nessim Debbaj - 10 years ago
+Thomas .VW I don't get it : where was his boat et why wasn't he in it ?
Thomas .VW
Thomas .VW - 10 years ago
It was the only way to get to his boat on the other side.
Giles Perkins Films
Giles Perkins Films - 10 years ago
Does anyone know how they do their final part of each video? Like with the annotations for other videos. I'm curious what software they use. 
Giles Perkins Films
Giles Perkins Films - 10 years ago
Nico Strik
Nico Strik - 10 years ago
I use Sony vegas for that
Ale_B - 10 years ago
I think that they use after effects
Giles Perkins Films
Giles Perkins Films - 10 years ago
+phlipit up Thanks!
phlipit up
phlipit up - 10 years ago
Sony vegas or adobe Premiere i think
Jeremy Norton
Jeremy Norton - 10 years ago
OneGenericName - 10 years ago
OK, now I know I'll never try doing this
Mr. Clean
Mr. Clean - 10 years ago
I live in Seattle!!!!!!! And I went to the stikine river
BattleCryPrelude - 10 years ago
now i can't go pee alone tonight.
Jake Kim
Jake Kim - 10 years ago
21 comments lol
Isaiah Gamings
Isaiah Gamings - 10 years ago
I'm a chicken
mhtinla - 10 years ago
2 teletubbies kayaking
Devosaur - 10 years ago
That was so intense! The ringing noise kind of made it seem like I was there!
Prodigy GoPro
Prodigy GoPro - 10 years ago
Scary for that one dude! And BTW I post GoPro vids too :)
MrClearme - 10 years ago
Wth was that?
James Hennessy
James Hennessy - 10 years ago
LDS MovieMaking
LDS MovieMaking - 10 years ago
Guys i have great idea why you dont update software for hero3+ black so we can shoot night timelapses and night photos and some fps like 1080p120fps and 720p240fps. Thumb up who agree :)
Dave's Nature Productions
Dave's Nature Productions - 10 years ago
The GoPro codecs and fps settings are defined by the  Ambarella chip it uses since all the settings are stored on it and I don't think these can be changed by a firmware update. The Hero 3+ Black uses the Ambarella A7 chip which doesn't have 1080p at 120fps or 720p at 240fps codec settings on it. The best it can do is 1080p at 60fps. Only the A9 chip that The hero 4 has, allows those settings.

GoPro seem to limit a few of the Ambarella chips features upon release of their new camera, then release those later as a firmware update.
LDS MovieMaking
LDS MovieMaking - 10 years ago
I dont think so. Before about 5-6 months it's was a update for software so they puted 1080p60fps and 720p120fps. :) 
MallenCraft - 10 years ago
That's a hardware limitation.
EJCTV - 10 years ago
This was insane. I was scared for that guy
mr. batyxer
mr. batyxer - 10 years ago
drap movie present
drap movie present - 10 years ago
Безумцы !!!
Phixid - 10 years ago
This was a awesome video!
Mikenna DeBruin
Mikenna DeBruin - 10 years ago
Oh gosh, that is difficult with a multiple person raft, but kayaking is crazy.
Piln - 10 years ago
actually more of the river has been run in kayaks than rafts. Including recently "site Zed"
GOATMENTATOR - 10 years ago
Please upload videos ar 60 fps
Daniil Koliesnikov
Daniil Koliesnikov - 9 years ago
+TheSkilledKids ey b0ss!
NCD Fan - 10 years ago
+TheSkilledKids Can the Hero 4 do hi res at 60?
dxkp - 10 years ago
+Nicholas Myrsep 60fps is waayyyyyyy smoother video than the normal 30fps that youtube uses.
GOATMENTATOR - 10 years ago
+Peyton Urquhart I doubt that
Peyton Urquhart
Peyton Urquhart - 10 years ago
It may not have been shot in 60 fps for storage reasons
Riku - 10 years ago
Can i get also an biscuit? ._.

100. comment for GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz

Tommy 20
Tommy 20 - 10 years ago
Need biscuits?
Jasiek Iwaniszyn
Jasiek Iwaniszyn - 10 years ago
No, you are not
Christian Luu
Christian Luu - 10 years ago
Royce - 10 years ago

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About GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz

The "GoPro: Kayaking the Stikine with Rafa Ortiz" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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