Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory

So I hung out with these geese for like an hour until and they were as friendly as could be. Then, all the sudden, this thing attacks me and like a skilled MMA fighter takes my back to win the match and take me down - and take me down it did... www.jacksonkayak,com

Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory sentiment_very_dissatisfied 52

Kayak 15 years ago 844,801 views

So I hung out with these geese for like an hour until and they were as friendly as could be. Then, all the sudden, this thing attacks me and like a skilled MMA fighter takes my back to win the match and take me down - and take me down it did... www.jacksonkayak,com

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Most popular comments
for Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory

Jimmy Erazo
Jimmy Erazo - 7 years ago
geese are mean animals, I tell you, and they dont even taste that good
justalurkr - 7 years ago
Tks. Shouldna called the goose dumb.
Cash Crusher
Cash Crusher - 7 years ago
Wincow - 7 years ago
Guy: "What'd I do to yo-"
Tony Jones
Tony Jones - 7 years ago
Just be glad they weren't orioles, they are the meanest birds ever if you go any where near their nest. I've been attacked twice two different times, they're vicious guard birds. Memorable moments though, another story to tell.
Ted Style
Ted Style - 7 years ago
Oh man I'd be eating goose for lunch
StarRift - 7 years ago
Haha pwnt
LaShawn Flewellen
LaShawn Flewellen - 7 years ago
I never noticed that the geese were laughing at him! This is one of the funniest animal attacks I have ever seen :-)
NYCDrive - 7 years ago
Duck, duck, goose!

10. comment for Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory

Jas Pur
Jas Pur - 7 years ago
Poor guy stupid geese
Mr Durden
Mr Durden - 7 years ago
Ебучий тупой слабак, он бы еще утонул до кучи. ЧМО
Dily - 7 years ago
yeah! rules of nature!
Gray Cassidy
Gray Cassidy - 7 years ago
Just keep a sawed off 12 gauge in the boat
a wild Luna moth
a wild Luna moth - 8 years ago
lol the goos got mad cuz he calld it dumd
Bakgethi Remote
Bakgethi Remote - 8 years ago
LOL..what did I do to you?
Mikkel Sharwar
Mikkel Sharwar - 8 years ago
if a goose or a swan tries this with me, then im beating it's ass... I don't care if a swan can supposedly break human bones with it's wings, I don't believe that shit unless maybe it's like a 2 year old human's bones
BigBadBeef - 8 years ago
The geese have had enough of fish, they want blood!
shash wolf
shash wolf - 8 years ago
he's mad at you because you didn't give him the fish XD
StealthyMonk - 8 years ago
Maybe best to remove the word PRO from the title, no ? XD

20. comment for Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory

Ziaheart - 8 years ago
See, when he moved his oar and it made noise, that was Geese for "your momma".
anon12345 - 8 years ago
what a pussy--let a goose take him down
flickwtchr - 7 years ago
May a goose attack you when you sleep, tough guy.
kenneth 92
kenneth 92 - 8 years ago
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA OMGF fucking hilarious!!!
No9Large - 8 years ago
Doland please....
TheAweDude1 - 8 years ago
There are a few simple rules you need to keep in mind when dealing with geese. First, do not walk towards and move towards the goose in any way. This can be construed as an aggressive action.
Second, don't look at the goose's eyes. This can be construed as an aggressive action.
Don't turn your back on the good. This can be construed as an aggressive action.
Finally, don't exist around geese. Existence can be construed as an aggressive action.
Personoide - 8 years ago
cainster - 8 years ago
Bigdawg 1
Bigdawg 1 - 8 years ago
I guess drew should have a Native
AlsoMax - 8 years ago
I fucking hate geese I had one attack me but not that bad
Socal Fisher
Socal Fisher - 8 years ago
people who mess with animals deserve what they get

30. comment for Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory

Caleb Peter
Caleb Peter - 8 years ago
Daniel Rojas
Daniel Rojas - 8 years ago
jajajajajajajajaja la puta risa del ganso.
Paul Contreras
Paul Contreras - 8 years ago
dang geese
YB90Gaming - 8 years ago
One of Nature's assholes
KarasuXMX0 - 7 years ago
Alongside Hornets, and Wasp
ElectricPudding - 8 years ago
Lol. Completely random attack
Illegalquantity - 8 years ago
This friendly goose just wanted to look into the backpack :)
Eugene K. S. Machiavelli
Eugene K. S. Machiavelli - 8 years ago
well, you did call him/her dumb, lol
johannsebastienbach - 8 years ago
did ya get him and make it your dinner. such fat goose a lot of meat.
Connie Stuart
Connie Stuart - 8 years ago
Hey I was wondering where extremely on the river you were fishing for bass?? It looks bad ass
Virginia Loves Birds !
Virginia Loves Birds ! - 8 years ago
no the goose wanted to sit on his shoulders but the goose started to loose balance so it flapped its wings to get balance until the guy fell down
Virginia Loves Birds !
Virginia Loves Birds ! - 8 years ago
+Jack Jackharold And goose don't attack like that my mate.
Virginia Loves Birds !
Virginia Loves Birds ! - 8 years ago
+Jack Jackharold You just made me posses. Lol
Jack Jackharold
Jack Jackharold - 8 years ago
Goose don't sit on shoulders mate xD
L GCR - 8 years ago
clearly a professional hitman.
Fuad İsmayılzadə
Fuad İsmayılzadə - 8 years ago
take that goose for dinner
sam martin
sam martin - 9 years ago
wow that goose was an asshole.
zootedsuit - 9 years ago
This is one reason why you should always wear a life vest!
Truther 416
Truther 416 - 9 years ago
just wanted to hump
YAKMAN ONT - 9 years ago
Drew so sorry ..But that is so God lmol
Ortkuenstler - 9 years ago
omg i laugh my ass off seeing this. that was awesome!
Christoph meister
Christoph meister - 9 years ago
lol hahaha its a waterworrier with wings and an stick in its hand xD (looks like when the goose is exactly behind him opening the wings in slomo holding the paddle)
alexfad242 - 9 years ago
And then it was baked with apples.
Fishhunter2014 - 9 years ago
+alexfad242 mmmmmm
AnOrdinaryIdiot - 9 years ago
"Nigga where ma fish at bruh?"

50. comment for Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory

Kristy Asao
Kristy Asao - 9 years ago
Too funny. Hilarious goose play.
Daniel Weston
Daniel Weston - 9 years ago
The guy almost drowned because of a 10 pound goose. So sad. Grab the the thing by the throat.
MrDisgruntledGamer1 - 7 years ago
pshh how hard can a goose bite its not a crocodile
John V
John V - 9 years ago
I think there necks are floppy enough they can bite your arm
Ewwen Hills
Ewwen Hills - 9 years ago
This one was not trying to attack. He liked the guy and trust him. When he tryed to clim on him, like ducks and goose do. He falls and he thought the guy was attacking him, that's why the goose hisses at the guy, after a while you can see the goose stop hissing and comes again closer at the two guys without hissing and is calm.
RaBbIt LaDy
RaBbIt LaDy - 9 years ago
Frist place the Guy was fishing away to close those where don't. Kill the geese be cause trying to get that Guy away from his mate is all
RaBbIt LaDy
RaBbIt LaDy - 9 years ago
You don't kill geese just be you don't like they be long to some live by the river
RaBbIt LaDy
RaBbIt LaDy - 9 years ago
A male goose don't like others close females the male will bite if get to closev
Jaafar A
Jaafar A - 9 years ago
Thanks why I love to kill those geese there jerks!
shash wolf
shash wolf - 8 years ago
yeah right, killing a poor animals right? how about i skin you alive? fucking cunt
Connie Bonnie
Connie Bonnie - 9 years ago
I agree with some of the comments.  That goose took a frisky liking to you.
Adam Tran
Adam Tran - 9 years ago
It tried to mate with him................................
Joseph P
Joseph P - 9 years ago
I didn't see the goose open it mouth to bite...looked like it really wanted to sit on you.
Christoph meister
Christoph meister - 9 years ago
its a dominance thing^^ we also have geese at home and if you sit down in the grass the aggressive male will sneak from behind if he sees a chance then climb into your head/shoulders from your back^^
Lightshade393 - 10 years ago
What's hilarious is how the goose actually seems to be responding to the things he says. He's smarter than he looks, that's for sure.
jesus hernandez
jesus hernandez - 10 years ago
boss fight?
MightyVginy - 10 years ago
haha...great vid
TheOneTrueAJ - 10 years ago
I hate them. If I were you I'd have killed it.
KassPåAttHåva - 10 years ago
sharpuslf - 10 years ago
Watching the slomo, I think this goose was simply curious and wanted to ride on the back of the kayak.  Then it was PO cause it got bucked off, and dumped in the water.
Mark Funderburk
Mark Funderburk - 10 years ago
Wow this blows my goose attack out of the water.
ramprashad29 - 10 years ago
that goose never forgave the guy for letting that fish go
Horcsogg - 10 years ago
Yeah dude, what Felicity said, that goose actually tried to rape you :o
saywhatitsshae - 10 years ago
Omg im in tears from dying of laughter! Hahahaha thanks for making my night!
Colton Attrell
Colton Attrell - 10 years ago
Do ya pack a 12 now?
Vollystri MKII
Vollystri MKII - 10 years ago
Geese are vicious bastards, you should always respond with violence
Arex Gamming
Arex Gamming - 7 years ago
Vollystri MKII sequlls should be hired for the army
jquest43 - 7 years ago
+Vollystri MKII they are weak
the goose fucks them,haha ha har!
Vollystri MKII
Vollystri MKII - 8 years ago
+shash wolf Go fuck some animals you furry degenerate
shash wolf
shash wolf - 8 years ago
by beating up a poor bird? do the world a favor and kill your self
lorena Corsa
lorena Corsa - 10 years ago
Goose is definetly laughing at you :D
DingoVapes - 10 years ago
maybe the good thought he was a panzy because he need to pick a real sport instead of a "pro" kayak angler? whatever the fuck that is lol
himynameispuky - 10 years ago
Never trust those bastards.
Arex Gamming
Arex Gamming - 7 years ago
himynameispuky never trust. Any animals period not matter how cutest they are in the wild some can be much more aggresive then others
Josh Blackett
Josh Blackett - 10 years ago
I bet they would like the taste of some lead pellets hahaha
gear drop
gear drop - 10 years ago
geese are notorious rapists
newby218 - 10 years ago
Geese are very mean and very protected of their waters....I've seen them attack small children
steve y
steve y - 10 years ago
what rod/reed are those? nice they'd float...
dudeserpent77 - 10 years ago
Thats what you get for being a pro...kayak....angler...???
robNtay808 - 10 years ago
What a turkey! The goose was funny too!
Hugo Andrade
Hugo Andrade - 10 years ago
Just a goose being a goose. :D
Felicity Wright
Felicity Wright - 10 years ago
I suspect it thought that the fish you'd put back in the water was a courtship gift and it was actually trying to mate you. They grip the female by the back of the neck, beat their wings & tread vigorously. Looks like that to me :D
jquest43 - 7 years ago
+Extended NCS And More Music its true
Extended NCS And More Music
Extended NCS And More Music - 8 years ago
Felicity Wright yeahhhhhhh
Rebecca Ivy
Rebecca Ivy - 10 years ago
10 points for the gander!
Everlena Oliver
Everlena Oliver - 10 years ago
Just watched this on World's Dumbest. Still funny.
Starrfiveo - 10 years ago
funny video drew, my dad Ryan (native prostaff, you've met him ) showed me this
Joe Stanford
Joe Stanford - 10 years ago
It was just on tonite too.
John Doe
John Doe - 10 years ago
Hahaha If that was me, that goose would of gotten a face full of my paddle when i got back in the boat. Show that bird who is higher on the food chain!!!
Zeegoner - 10 years ago
"we're having fried goose tonight" 
bendyprissy - 10 years ago
I agree with you LighteningSamus, the goose says Kayakman sleeps with the fishes.
Evie Existor
Evie Existor - 10 years ago
kill it...niv vid
Laura Smith
Laura Smith - 10 years ago
That was funny
Desregaurd - 10 years ago
0:50 Kayaker: We're cool right goose?
Goose: Yeah, sure, we're cool...

Suyoung Cho
Suyoung Cho - 10 years ago
its fucking mad that you didnt put fish in it's mouth LOL
Kristoffer Kjellin
Kristoffer Kjellin - 10 years ago
I think it was the sound of the kayak that must have triggered something... :/
Sasaki - 10 years ago
shea pasamonte
shea pasamonte - 10 years ago
kill that geese
donut - 10 years ago
that goose "lol u mad bro?"
Terbin - 10 years ago
god geese are assholes.
Goose Gaargh
Goose Gaargh - 10 years ago

100. comment for Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory

Goose Gary
Goose Gary - 10 years ago
haha this is awesome
Zonia Flx
Zonia Flx - 10 years ago
Never try to feed geese they be assholes
Poop Poop
Poop Poop - 10 years ago
I would have beat it to death with the paddle
jquest43 - 7 years ago
+Poop Poop we will kill you
Poop Poop
Poop Poop - 8 years ago
shash wolf no you wouldn't
shash wolf
shash wolf - 8 years ago
and i will skin you alive if you did this in front of me
CHris Cybulski
CHris Cybulski - 10 years ago
By the looks of you, you couldn't beat your way out of a paper bag
Eleanor Thomas
Eleanor Thomas - 10 years ago
Pretty obvious that the geese had a nest nearby, and the kayak was getting closer and closer to it. No problem if the angler had figured this out and just moved away a bit.
Tape_City/MineCraft Transit Athority
Tape_City/MineCraft Transit Athority - 10 years ago
lol! this was on America's Funniest Home Videos last night.
Chris Mason
Chris Mason - 10 years ago
That show hasn't been good since Bob Saget left.
Tape_City/MineCraft Transit Athority
Tape_City/MineCraft Transit Athority - 10 years ago
yep every sunday night at 7pm on abc (unless a sporting event runs long) I even tape some episodes.
FuzedBox - 10 years ago
How is that show still around!?
Claudia Sotolongo
Claudia Sotolongo - 10 years ago
looks at goose crap  ahhhahaha i cant breath
Benz K.
Benz K. - 10 years ago
you hurt their fish friend.
LightningSamus - 10 years ago
Don't fuck with the Goose Mafia, that right there was Don Gooseleone himself.
Vito Jenkins
Vito Jenkins - 11 years ago
Toooooo funny.
XxBringBackThePastxX - 11 years ago
Time to kill that goose
donado xie
donado xie - 10 years ago
Kill the goose with a python.
Elias Palmengren
Elias Palmengren - 10 years ago
You vant kill that goose
The goose kills you bitch
Monstah Jones
Monstah Jones - 11 years ago
Goose =)
KillerJesse - 11 years ago
You deserved it, motherfucker.
AguaruchImba - 9 years ago
+zesaima123 rofl bro " you might want to go see a doctor, you seem to have cronic bitch syndrome! " hahahaha
chris dunkno
chris dunkno - 10 years ago
+Barkin Jheez
Barkin - 10 years ago
Stfu nerd, Talk shit and I'll fuck you up real good.
KillerJesse - 10 years ago
You might want to go look in a dictionary. It's "Chronic". You fucking dumb-shit. 
zesaima123 - 11 years ago
you might want to go see a doctor, you seem to have cronic bitch syndrome!
KillerJesse - 11 years ago
Shut the fuck up.
zesaima123 - 11 years ago
how? are you retared?
Ulysses Ly
Ulysses Ly - 11 years ago
It would be a lot funnier if an alligator attack you from below to...ahhhh, no that would be a tragedy. :)
Ulysses Ly
Ulysses Ly - 11 years ago
It would be a lot funnier if an alligator attack you from below to...ahhhh, no that would be a tragedy. :)
ouzomitsos - 11 years ago
Brian Pentecost
Brian Pentecost - 11 years ago
I think he was just
River churnet
River churnet - 11 years ago
That was goose lee
Ling ling, Herro?
Ling ling, Herro? - 11 years ago
I'm sorry for what I'm about to do...

M Huston
M Huston - 11 years ago
Watching this just makes me paranoid about all of the geese we see while out in our canoe. Oo XD
AtomicHombek - 11 years ago
That gander was trying to hump him.
Christian Berg
Christian Berg - 11 years ago
Haha, that was the gander, he probably thought you looked at his woman the wrong way.  I have a pet goose so I am not an expert but I am guessing that was only mild aggression.  He didn't try to bite you at all.  He thought you were cool but he wanted you out of that area so he did that.  If they want they can tear skin off with their bites and his hissing and chatter was more along the lines of dude wtf back off.  Not I want to hurt you. 
Christian Berg
Christian Berg - 10 years ago
Haha Upon Learning more about geese he was trying to mount you. He didn't bite or do their wing attack. Hate to say it but he was trying to make you his lover.
Tianna Ross
Tianna Ross - 11 years ago
Lol I can't stop laughing! And then he asks the goose "what did I do to you"? Lmbo and the goose hisses at him! Lol ohhh soo funny!
Tianna Ross
Tianna Ross - 11 years ago
Lol I can't stop laughing! And then he asks the goose "what did I do to you"? Lmbo and the goose hisses at him! Lol ohhh soo funny!
Stephanie Yarde
Stephanie Yarde - 11 years ago
jhanna - 11 years ago
Nah, he just called him dumb.
jhanna - 11 years ago
I think Goose was pissed that he threw the fish back lol.
jhanna - 11 years ago
Theo Lubbe
Theo Lubbe - 11 years ago
As far as I can tell, what this goose wanted was sexytiems.
Croopskate - 11 years ago
3:00 "Last thing I thought would happen to me today"
morphyne69 - 11 years ago
ANGRY BIRDS!!! HAHAHA Make a game outta this lmao
Arsonist13 - 11 years ago
i admire to kayak anglers behaviour.He didn't go for revenge.if i were him i would have killed that duck somehow
calistman222 - 11 years ago
2:00 Finish him!!
javiertrx4 - 11 years ago
I would´ve grab that motherfucker by the neck and just rip his head off fucking goose happened something very similar to me
stig5057 - 11 years ago
Joe King
Joe King - 11 years ago
that was greatness. to funny Drew
Vermin Ennans
Vermin Ennans - 11 years ago
Don't call a goose dumb, didn't your mother ever tell you that? Haha, actually, I don't think that was an attack, I think he was trying to just perch on you, and you scared him when you freaked out. There was no aggressive body language before he did that, which if he was trying to attack you, he'd have shown more body language.
Baltic 144 Productions
Baltic 144 Productions - 11 years ago
A lesson learned today is, never call a goose dumb.
muffin - 11 years ago
The goose didn't even bite him, it just jumped on his back lol
Hecket - 11 years ago
This is mah pond bitch!
Bebe Lor
Bebe Lor - 11 years ago
maybe you were near their nest
yanciv - 11 years ago
Goose 1 , mankind 0.. LOL..
BigBossIsBack - 11 years ago
Talk shit, get hit
MrDjdfymrf - 11 years ago
на жарёху за такие дела.
LBPFan65 - 11 years ago
Pussy you actually think you're a hard ass now??
Scott12345 - 11 years ago
That's embarrassing, the goose fucked your world up
Infinite Sky
Infinite Sky - 11 years ago
You may find this hard to believe, but there are actually people in this world who have this thing, you might have heard of it, it's called class!
Roman - 11 years ago
he realized that your were taking his dinner
Cheree' Peterson
Cheree' Peterson - 11 years ago
check out my channel to see my video of geese chasing me plus more videos!
el flesh
el flesh - 11 years ago
He even posts his right arm as he's falling into the water! Hilarious to see instinct take over like that!
Jollyollie92 - 11 years ago
this has to be one of funniest things ive ever seen.
chestateegold - 11 years ago
how did you not let an f bomb slip
Chantal Sellers
Chantal Sellers - 11 years ago
Never call a goose "dumb." Then the hissing at the "stupid" comment. Haha! Smart bird! I would have done the same had I been a bird.
RTTG - 11 years ago
ha what a dick goose
TheCondensedVersion - 11 years ago
That high-pitched ringing is the worst.
Sugastack/Daphne English
Sugastack/Daphne English - 11 years ago
Lmao the geese said "I'll show yo as@ who's the dumb one now bit@@"!!
mrdonleymd - 11 years ago
It mounted him!!! He may be expecting now.
bioroid09 - 11 years ago
how is the camera mounted to the kayak?
Khild565 - 11 years ago
slow motion bit ruins the vid
MyDonut101 - 11 years ago
now now dont scream at the goose that was a buff there pretty rare now not meany left on the watch and preserve list
SmIgorek - 11 years ago
Тут не удочку надо брать, а ружье...
Kranky Oscar
Kranky Oscar - 11 years ago
Oh my God, I'm laughing so hard at your misfortune...I feel like I should apologize...but its so bloody funny :p
tigrodim - 11 years ago
darienko66 - 11 years ago
Как ёбнул бы веслом по башке.
MrZurata - 11 years ago
You came to the wrong pond motherfucker
Grandfunkundergroundrailroad - 11 years ago
[goose laughing intensifies]
tigrodim - 11 years ago
Ахахахахахахаха ¡!!!
Momma5Duck - 11 years ago
OMG ... Goose hunting season would have just started for me!
JoshTheGreat 28
JoshTheGreat 28 - 11 years ago
I would of drowned that bitch
civicious - 11 years ago
My thoughts exactly
horseygurl143 - 11 years ago
Hilarious! Btw, they weren't hanging out with you, they were stalking you!
bennett323 - 11 years ago
Once the camera was turned off , I bet he gave it a good paddle flogging lmao
Iain Prentice
Iain Prentice - 11 years ago
Okay Damn
Okay Damn - 11 years ago
He definitely killed the fuck outta the goose after he stopped recording lol.
IlluminatiFeca - 11 years ago
mark smith
mark smith - 11 years ago
That shud teach ya!
Rudy hernandez
Rudy hernandez - 11 years ago
Ill tell you what you did wrong on what you did to him you freakin offered him a fish and the goose was like mutha fuker are you forreal??!!.i catch my own shyt!! So basically you disrespected him.. Thats like saying the goose catch his own.shyt
11yoyoyo11 - 11 years ago
I'll never go calm water kayaking again. This was just way too extreme.
Crystal Christensen
Crystal Christensen - 11 years ago
That really sucks.. however notice that this guy was wearing a life jacket?
xxxstephensxxx - 11 years ago
Had to watch it after hearing about it at the KBF Open captains meeting!!!!
martseagray - 11 years ago
LOL! This is a good idea for a sequel to Alfred Hitchcock´s "The Birds"....
Luca94 - 12 years ago
Possibly but the hissing is indicating dominance so he was probably trying to also dominate....
John Andrews
John Andrews - 12 years ago
Hmmmm .357 with birdshot might be an option.
KalaburTV - 12 years ago
So funny!!
Mobbingsocke - 12 years ago
That makes it even more hillarious, lol.
blissycrisi - 12 years ago
TexasTarheelYaker - 12 years ago
dude, you didn't tap out, if my opponent doesn't tap out or the ref doesn't pull me off, it's still on. there was no ref and i didn't see you tap out, so the goose just kept on kicking ass. HA! this is a very good tutorial on the dangers that are out there for us yakers. great job getting the footage
ZandWheet - 12 years ago
what the duck man
Izzoroth - 12 years ago
lol pwned!!
tclott316 - 12 years ago
what duck?
captainpegs07 - 12 years ago
How come most kayakers use the foam pdf's instead of the inflatables?
Kali Koshak
Kali Koshak - 12 years ago
Aww. They must've been captive or something. For the gander to be so comfortable around you is so odd. (: you must have a thing.
Oz Pariser
Oz Pariser - 12 years ago
lol "what'd I do to you?"
Texas Sports Outdoors
Texas Sports Outdoors - 12 years ago
What kind of Cologne were you wearing.
lishy402 - 12 years ago
Reminds me of paranormal activity
Kerze - 12 years ago
This is correct, if it were trying to attack, it would be hissing like crazy.
FireButtBreather - 12 years ago
how often do u fall in the water?
Darren Ward
Darren Ward - 12 years ago
Madrush - 12 years ago
Lets have a restful fish day today lol.
Mack Hardy
Mack Hardy - 12 years ago
i would have grabbed that thing by the throat and squeezed till the hissing stopped
voyrrr - 12 years ago
Yep, we have geese too.... and while hilarious, and probably unnerving for you, the goose liked you.... liked you alot. An attack hurts.... you know when you have been bitten by a goose.
Brayden M
Brayden M - 12 years ago
haha funny
Edward Wong
Edward Wong - 12 years ago
Get off my fish you b*tch!
briantotse3 - 12 years ago
Hatstack - 12 years ago
He still got attacked by a goose. Whether it was sexual or not should not matter.
Ира Беляева
Ира Беляева - 12 years ago
Martin Martinö
Martin Martinö - 12 years ago
Well I can see ... this goose is male and he did not attack the fisherman at all. The attack look different and this look like sexual harassment. Than plllz do not write and do not share confusing informations. Thanks . Kind Regards Martin
Gorlung - 12 years ago
geese simply do not like any kind of violence.. buy a geese-screening accessory for your Super Pro kayak in order to hide your catch from their eyes..
Pawoodsman - 12 years ago
Had a guy drown locally from that
Megan Stark
Megan Stark - 12 years ago
that goose was trying to hump you not kill you.
KiritoFan1 - 12 years ago
Mongoose mowdown o.o
Nik Brown
Nik Brown - 12 years ago
I was wondering about the goose-be-gone bottles in your other videos! Duck, Duck, Duck, GOOOSE!
lisa8220 - 12 years ago
Imagine a mother and five kids being attacked at a small park by at least nine geese. It was serious, getting the kids in car. They could have pecked little ones eyes out. It was hard and viscious, but I guess as the eldest child and fighting them off from the back of the old woodie stationwagon, the adreneline protected me. Out last winter picnic, for sure.
QuietReckoning - 12 years ago
Dude. A goose volunteered to be your dinner, and you got your fishing pole back out?
panathora - 12 years ago
That bird wouldn't have breathed anymore after that.
Ben - 12 years ago
LOL pulled a bird while he was fishing!
Kutdog - 12 years ago
Was this before the coosa? lol.
Ranch Biz
Ranch Biz - 12 years ago
i think they attacked him, because he insulted them. goose attacks when he said they were acting dumb. goose hisses and heads for another attack when he says geese are stupid.
Ranch Biz
Ranch Biz - 12 years ago
he got goosebumped
Lone Ryder
Lone Ryder - 12 years ago
2 weeks ago i went to the public playground to shoot some hoops and soooo many goose were there, more than 15....when i pulled up in my car, they all started walking away, when i took the first layup, they all started walking back towards me, i got the hell out of there loll
Gecko Moria
Gecko Moria - 12 years ago
mala heron
mala heron - 12 years ago
Ranch Biz
Ranch Biz - 12 years ago
he was goosenecked
abyucougar - 12 years ago
I would have been a lot more mad at that stupid bird.
Janusz Korwin Mikke
Janusz Korwin Mikke - 12 years ago
what a fag xD
vishesh20 - 12 years ago
with friends like geese....
Vladimir Chertok
Vladimir Chertok - 12 years ago
my co2 BB gun would be more then a match for those delicious ducks.
comaradella - 12 years ago
Never call a goose DUMB !!!!
Kutdog - 12 years ago
Bet you wish you had a coosa out that day huh?
bp968 - 12 years ago
looked like an excellent excuse to have roast goose to me ;)
Lauren Constant
Lauren Constant - 12 years ago
Drew hey!!! It's Jeff Consant's daughter. Just saying hey
crabjunkie2 - 12 years ago
Did you hear him coming. Now you have been goosed
MEpianist - 12 years ago
Silly goose.
natmcsplat - 12 years ago
PuckDaddy12 - 12 years ago
SOmeone please add a voice over to this... please
thesalvydude - 12 years ago
i would drowned that geese and saved it for thanksgiving :)
konman001 - 12 years ago
What if a goose attacks you? You can't kill it in self defense? You should let a crazy goose potentially gouge your eye out? Well, I still would kill the bastard goose and explain to anyone who might have a problem with this that it was self-defense. . . . or maybe wait till hunting season, come back with a shotgun and kill the bastard and his friends . . . and then eat them.
HaloofCurls - 12 years ago
It's illegal to kill wild geese, dummy. There are migratory bird laws that protect all migratory bird species, including geese (and little twittery songbirds, and hawks, and eagles). It's only legal to kill geese during hunting season and even then you need a permit. If it's hunting season and you have a permit, you can kill and eat a goose no problem.
konman001 - 12 years ago
It is illegal to eat a goose? I see too many posters here are vegitarians.
HaloofCurls - 12 years ago
You know that's illegal, right?
konman001 - 12 years ago
I would have whacked the goose with the oar and eaten some bird meat for dinner instead of fish.
Carmen Bernardo
Carmen Bernardo - 12 years ago
Sometimes, the inner Tyrannosaurus Rex comes out of these things. Usually that's when they decide that you're not welcome on their turf.
Richard Bentoski
Richard Bentoski - 12 years ago
id of grabbed the paddle and went medevil on that goose
gaura - 12 years ago
Taylor Williams
Taylor Williams - 12 years ago
1:45 Did anyone else die laughing at the stupid noise? XD
ohheckyeah17 - 12 years ago
2:01, look at the thing in the water near his arm... I was like WTF IS THAT
holobalobalo - 12 years ago
Geese bite and twist. been there done that lol
theboyyan - 12 years ago
jajaaj he is laughing
holobalobalo - 12 years ago
It didn't look like it attacked, I mean it didn't bite or anything. More like it was just trying to jump up on your shoulder or something and you panicked, ha.
jethrowomber - 12 years ago
sorry peta i would've bitch slaped it
jethrowomber - 12 years ago
Goose PAWNCH!!!
Trombone Kingdom
Trombone Kingdom - 12 years ago
Except the fact that Geese are assholes. :P Much like Dolphins.
antifolkhero - 12 years ago
When I see these videos, I wonder why people don't just grab the goose by its neck and shake it until it's dead.
John P. Budrow
John P. Budrow - 12 years ago
That is what you get for being a "professional angler"... douchebag. Baaaahahahahaha "These things might get hooked if they keep actin dumb." - why cause you catching fish on their pond is more important then them living their goose life?? - double douchebag.
Jess Martinez
Jess Martinez - 12 years ago
Ben Murray
Ben Murray - 12 years ago
@sleepycatz1972 he's wearing a Pfd, and his clothes? boardies an a tee shirt what's up with that? The real problem is this guy is apparently a professional yet can't even get back into his kayak on his own on a flat lake, that's 1 star skill level.
rustytrombone1027 - 12 years ago
Jeez dude, grow a pair. You look like a little girl. Who is afraid of a bird? I would have snapped that fuckers neck.
wiibart - 12 years ago
o, wrong text field, i wanted to search for swan attack, now you know. good video
wiibart - 12 years ago
swan attack
kwles - 12 years ago
CORRECTION: with the exception of predators such as Fox, wolves, and coyote swan would be a meal.
kwles - 12 years ago
Thankfully you were wearing protective life vest! Its been my experience to see swans attack humans from sideward and backward positions. We use to own Canadian geese for guarding the home. They would honk like crazy chasing away animals that were non threatening. Like a fox, wolf, coyote! Very intelligent, sneaky, and can be very aggressive!
thomaspeters1994 - 12 years ago
shot with shotgun next time!
BUCKrub91 - 12 years ago
"Their gonna get hooked if they keep actin dumb!" the geese where saying "this guys gonna get his ass kicked if he doesn't get away from me"
D-Gauss - 12 years ago
Today in the news. Swans attack and kill father of two. chicago [dot] cbslocal [dot] com /2012/04/15/officials-villa-park-man-drowns-in-pond-near-des-plaines/
DivinityBleu - 12 years ago
When wild foul attack, they don't mess around. A guy named Anthony Hensley just died under very similar circumstances, only it was a swan that attacked him and knocked him out of his kayak. Hard to believe someone who was a pro on the water could die that way, but indeed he did. Glad you're alright!
Ryan prague
Ryan prague - 12 years ago
that goose was trolling you for sure
Prohoprr - 12 years ago
That fuckin goose would've been dinner.
Pat - 12 years ago
I probably would have snapped it's neck... Yeah, I have anger issues ;D
adsfdsadfdf - 12 years ago
lol goose just owned u you learn next time before u call a goose dumb
Ray C
Ray C - 12 years ago
You need to reedit and add the deliverance music. That goose liked ya. Good thing your buddy was there to help you.
Vintage - 12 years ago
also greetings from imgur ^.^
Vintage - 12 years ago
I would have broken the gooses neck and edited it out for sure lol
mad7206 - 12 years ago
Oh i'd be comming back packing for that bad mother goose
Gizmodus - 12 years ago
Boom, headshot!
oltorious - 12 years ago
The goose didn´t attack. You mated...
James Scullion
James Scullion - 12 years ago
2:30 Guy: "What did I do to you?" Goose: "SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH!!!"
Noel Lealalegria
Noel Lealalegria - 12 years ago
American Buff that's what kinda goose it was.
karthadastim - 12 years ago
fuck the pogeese
gamacrit - 12 years ago
Geese are assholes.
Tarmack002 - 12 years ago
no, actually just a few reposts on reddit :P
GreyouTT - 12 years ago
Reminds me of the Sean in Hot Fuzz
SourceMinistries - 12 years ago
Over half a million views and still going strong! A random act or a divine appointment; you decide.
browjosd - 12 years ago
HAHAHA, ah man that is good. Hope I never have that problem, but you never know.
loborome - 12 years ago
Soon after, that goose was seen smoking a cigarette.
DENMONKEY - 12 years ago
carrying on a like a bit of a sissy aren't we ? Might also be worth trying a self rescue once or twice :) guessing you may have been near their nest. Had a swan once get real nasty with me. Want to hit me in the pecker right or wrong.
Andi Watt
Andi Watt - 12 years ago
The goose was trying to mate with you. You should be flattered. Geese, ducks and swans are notorious for rape and will also hump non-anatidae. Of course, bird mating is somewhat clumsy, as you can tell.
JonnieMexico - 12 years ago
The the little white goose was it's offspring. Most wild animals are unpredictable when they're with their youngins.
Captain Coco
Captain Coco - 12 years ago
You should have smashed that goose with your paddle and then strangled it infront of it's mate. They go crazy if you attack their other next time do that.
Mark. A. A
Mark. A. A - 12 years ago
it was trying to rape him lol
XxSnow Goon
XxSnow Goon - 12 years ago
Lol! He should have gotten Aflac instead of Major Medical!
slikdarelic - 12 years ago
JAGGERFIST - 12 years ago
Gooseman2k2 - 12 years ago
YOU HAVE JUST BEEN TROLLED! we geese are the worlds most notorious trolls! JUST WAIT till your an old man on a golf course!
Buddy Jenkins Fishing
Buddy Jenkins Fishing - 12 years ago
Well the tipping point on that yak is unreal in the slow motion part
JoeDavid Eason
JoeDavid Eason - 12 years ago
Hmmm.Let's turn the tables.Say she came into your living room and started throwing a spinner bait at the fridge in the kitchen then dragging it across the carpet.I'd say you'd jump on her back and throw her the hell out of your house.Ha!
rustlervxl97 - 13 years ago
thats y i shitched sports from hunting to fishing ... =p one attacked me when i was comeing back from a frusterating day of hunting and well... you know.
Uriel Reyes
Uriel Reyes - 13 years ago
Why are geese so aggressive? In the lake of a near park they are always attacking people just passing by, mostly kids.
Mike Farina
Mike Farina - 13 years ago
This is soooo funny!!!
407 Shroom crew
407 Shroom crew - 13 years ago
y did u just grab it and ring its neck
The Jopa G channel
The Jopa G channel - 13 years ago
Oh hell, I can't stop laughing my ass off, ha ha. Next time put a piece of fish on the edge of your boat and when that same goose comes back take that paddle and smack him so hard he'll never taste fish or human scalp the same way again.
OldeFreedom - 13 years ago
Two things: Holy hell, sorry but that was funny! At least it's not a Loon like my father caught while fishing. And second, Thank you tons for the life captions as I'm a deaf viewer. Very much appreciated.
Bowshooter321 - 13 years ago
Shoot that raggedy ass mo fucka next goose season
Maya C
Maya C - 13 years ago
I would went all gangsta up on that goose!
oklahomaisok - 13 years ago
I think animals even wild ones are smarter than we think. I talk to my pets and even wild animals if they can understand and have held wild birds in my hand.
Rebeca Lorenzana
Rebeca Lorenzana - 13 years ago
Man : what d I do to you? Goose: Fuck off ! LOL
john2555 - 13 years ago
what's happened when camera was turned off? :D
mike vang
mike vang - 13 years ago
lol he got his ass kicked by a goose .....
Thomas Hilborn
Thomas Hilborn - 13 years ago
New meaning to the term "Getting Goosed". LOL!
Aquariam Luver
Aquariam Luver - 13 years ago
I guess that goose said "NOT TODAY BITCHH !!" XD
basspig - 13 years ago
Methinks that goose was trying to mate with you, Mate! I've seen them do that to female geese at the zoo.
skelly2222 - 13 years ago
Frigging brilliant!
jdizzle451 - 13 years ago
@stylyroper That isn't true. The way geese can really hurt you is to beat you with their wings. In fact, the bigger the goose, the more damage they can do! If you're ever attacked or threatened, the easiest way to avoid getting severely hurt is to grab them by the beak, they can't hit you with their wings, or scratch you with their claws. Geese have been known to do massive amounts to damage to people who interfere with mating or nesting.
Maya C
Maya C - 13 years ago
Crap! Dam nature u scary!
Above In Shadow
Above In Shadow - 13 years ago
what'd i do to you? you are fishing my food in our lake..fool
KDKJ - 13 years ago
Najman już czeka na walkę
Devilock79 - 13 years ago
"Don't call me DUMB!!!" Didn't your dad ever tell you to never insult a goose? Well, I hope you learned your lesson.
Kudaan The Great
Kudaan The Great - 13 years ago
Daffy duck lol
Pandała - 13 years ago
you entered their area
Diego .Martinez Rojas
Diego .Martinez Rojas - 13 years ago
i never thought fishing would ever be extreme
Sycsa - 13 years ago
What a predator.
fitsyofwt - 13 years ago
lmao@ what did i do to you
redeyeguy - 13 years ago
Bird flu; I'd kill it before it infects me.
joey shapiro
joey shapiro - 13 years ago
LMAO!! Hehe that's awesome!
Keyoka - 13 years ago
Tessia - 13 years ago
your thinking about fighting a fish when all of a sudden you get a goose attack
Nathalie Driver
Nathalie Driver - 13 years ago
I love your beautiful video - but if it makes you feel any better, this goose is actually not attacking you. He's actually, um, how do I put this wooed him with your kindness! :) We have geese and have watched this behaviour many times - hope you'll keep being nice to the geese, they are lovely.
Melfchuah - 13 years ago
Paddle smack it :\
RagingKoala - 13 years ago
I know your pain lol
PaperCutStickFigure - 13 years ago
@JunDageki Geese are pretty fucking aggressive, I think he just didnt know
Osswmi - 13 years ago
that goose is laughing its ass off! lol
JunDageki - 13 years ago
I think that since he was being friendly with the goose the goose just wanted to hop in and be all friendly or something but the man just freaked out and things went out of control.
Joey_91 - 13 years ago
T4v33b - 13 years ago
This video needs a MILLION hits!! LMBO!!!
RockySmokeySushi - 13 years ago
bet you when that camera shut off he beat the shit out of that fucker.
squanto2 - 13 years ago
What's insane is that you didn't grab a baseball bat and bash the bastard goose.
niperaquestes - 13 years ago
jajajajajajaja puto pato
avvoltoio31 - 13 years ago
funny :)
Christopher73092 - 13 years ago
Single greatest fucking video ever.
Littlebirdsalone - 13 years ago
@Velvellatio That man had no fucking chance, shows him for going in the gooses territory, i mean fuck niggas gotta get shown whos boss sometimes
Velvellatio - 13 years ago
sup /v/
Jelley0 - 13 years ago
TelePhotoLens - 13 years ago
maybe you were cutting into their food supply? :-/
TelePhotoLens - 13 years ago
AHHAHAHAHA! not only did the goose attack you but you fell in the water! *dies laughing*
sparkeynews - 13 years ago
how funny
stokestoke - 13 years ago
Sexeh Fisherman!
Robert Hartz
Robert Hartz - 13 years ago
@ReadR00ster1 A third of all ducks you see are rape babies. Ducks really like to rape.
Froz3npho3nix - 13 years ago
peterpeterxxo - 13 years ago
yes the goose wanted to have sex with your head.
floopa - 13 years ago
i think it was trying to mate with you
Tyler A. Chase
Tyler A. Chase - 13 years ago
Goose didn't like you torturing the fish. Simple as that
Tyler A. Chase
Tyler A. Chase - 13 years ago
whats the matter? you afraid of a little birdie mr man?
Darkfire889 - 13 years ago
@gthbf1 I think catching them is the best part. Also freshwater fish are not as good eating as saltwater fish
Sterling Thompson
Sterling Thompson - 13 years ago
i would of hissed back and roared at it
JediDanD - 13 years ago
lol, that Goose is going to Hell for betrayal. And just when you thought Canada Geese (the brown ones with the black necks and white under chin) were bad.
gthbf1 - 13 years ago
Whats the point of catching fish if u just put them back in the water?
RainbowSprinkles - 13 years ago
the goose was mating at the guy
Kazimierz K
Kazimierz K - 13 years ago
And I like the fact that you didn't try to hurt that goose.
Chris Rooster
Chris Rooster - 13 years ago
@druso33 They are entitled to taste delicious in my mouth after being slow roasted with rosemary potatoes and gravy.
Chris Rooster
Chris Rooster - 13 years ago
reelgroceries - 13 years ago
Nice video and sound..and of course the near fatal goose attack. Dude you freaked out like it was a rabies infected german sheppard.
Kayak Man
Kayak Man - 13 years ago
Needs some Barry White for the slow motion bit
k5lta - 13 years ago
lanciadub - 13 years ago
@ john17972. You're watching too much south park.
kittyhumor - 13 years ago
rodstartube - 13 years ago
@FrankieJames7 hey all of you look i have gun and I kill a bird, wow admire me I'm a bad boy. Stupid clown.
FrankieJames7 - 13 years ago
@rodstartube yes another cod nerd who has never shot a real gun replys, and calling me a a nigga when the people in my town call me white boy, your fucking high
rodstartube - 13 years ago
@FrankieJames7 all those bitches saying "I would have killed it back" are punk niggas
rodstartube - 13 years ago
@john17972 no, that's not proportional, you can kill it only if it kills you
Night Refs
Night Refs - 13 years ago
The subtitles make this video!
FrankieJames7 - 13 years ago
if i seen geese that close i would shoot them with my 12 gauge no doubt
Alex Pyrgakis
Alex Pyrgakis - 13 years ago
next time 1 get a boat 2kill those kuak kuak
Steven King
Steven King - 13 years ago
My favorite part is when he asks "what did I do to you" and the goose hisses at him!!!!! Drew great sense of humor about it all, thanks for sharing!!!!
Steven King
Steven King - 13 years ago
My favorite part is when he asks "what did I do to you" and the goose hisses at him!!!!!
duckling21 - 13 years ago
Goose wins!!!!!
duckling21 - 13 years ago
Goose wins!!!!
tarapos - 13 years ago
Geese fish and are territorial, shouldnt have showed him the fish
kurtkeg - 13 years ago
obviously not a hunter. i would have rung that bitches neck. a full grown man afraid of a goose. better stick to fishin
P Water
P Water - 13 years ago
Haha, that's hilarious!
Dan Perez
Dan Perez - 13 years ago
I know what I'd be having for dinner!
BOOST MENTALITY - 13 years ago
beat that goose ass with that paddle or fishing pole!! lol
MHoffp57 - 13 years ago
That wasn't an attack. That was foreplay.
George Thomas
George Thomas - 13 years ago
The Goose got mad at drew for putting the fish up to his nose and then turning it lose. Note the goose putting his head in the water looking for the fish. Only after drew put the fish up to his nose did he start looking for it.
chee xiong
chee xiong - 13 years ago
i would have kill the Goose and eat it....
alex P
alex P - 13 years ago
nicd hes using a jackson ;)
matzpimp - 13 years ago
u can here him say o shit, lol
Captain Crunch
Captain Crunch - 13 years ago
when the oar rubbed against the kayak you challenged him to a duel
UCF Table Tennis
UCF Table Tennis - 13 years ago
Anyone know what type of kayak his buddy is in? the end of the video.
judahjames1964 - 13 years ago
I Guess They're Tired Of Being On The Dinner Table For About 4 Generations!! See How Oppression Works!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!
Guandy - 13 years ago
stars1861 - 13 years ago
Goose-1 The Mighty Sportsman-0
Savman1818 - 13 years ago
ChiWayEntJAW - 13 years ago
Please check your inbox.
ZeroX1803 - 13 years ago
he wante to be ur hat XD
justintemplin19821 - 13 years ago
poor goose liked you and just wanted to sit on your head, but you had to go throw him in the water and piss him off! lol too funny
justintemplin19821 - 13 years ago
poor goose liked you and just wanted to sit on your head, but you had to go throw him in the water and piss him off! lol too funny
DustOvisioN - 13 years ago
goose one human zero
agonefire - 13 years ago
you shoulda wacked that goose with the paddle as soon as you could, and maybe taught him a lesson.
anaheimdennis - 13 years ago
That goose should have been arrested and charged for cruelty to humans.
MostlyAnimalArt - 14 years ago
Guess that goes to show us that a stupid goose can make us look stupid if it want to. Sorry, but he was probably getting close to a nesting area or something?
Jim Gurney
Jim Gurney - 14 years ago
@willow2love You should check out the new kayak Drew helped to design...... the Jackson Kayak. I am not affiliated with them...just bought one. It has a two stage can either be sitting low or high, and you can even stand. Search youtube for Coosa Kayak!
Annie W. S.
Annie W. S. - 14 years ago
iluvme4never - 14 years ago
Geese are a bunch of territorial pricks. I'm not surprised at all that this happened.
cttime - 14 years ago
i would have broke that bitch ass gooses neck
Orbit101 - 14 years ago
Don't mess with the goose, young man. You'll get the beak.
Kahuna - 14 years ago
Bob Gyselinck
Bob Gyselinck - 14 years ago
Get off my pond, beotch
syri0 - 14 years ago
p0wned by a duck,
Roklam - 14 years ago
Like mini Velociraptors!
wieslawl59 - 14 years ago
He just wanted some casual sex.
wieslawl59 - 14 years ago
I don't think the gander had an attack on his mind. It looks like mating to me.
Michael C
Michael C - 14 years ago
It coulda just wanted to hang out with you but couldnt find proper footing, this has probably been said before lol
Daryl C
Daryl C - 14 years ago
I would knock that goose the fuck out
Dizzy Lizzie
Dizzy Lizzie - 14 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA This is one of best things I've ever seen!
Brenda Calvillo
Brenda Calvillo - 14 years ago
A pro killer is more like it. Leave the fish alone man.
Brenda Calvillo
Brenda Calvillo - 14 years ago
When Drew says "What did I do to you?" I have to ask Drew "What did the fish do to you?" The goose didn't kill you, but you kill fish.
Brian - 14 years ago
@littelG333 haha, I felt my life was in danger, besides its a air soft gun, only has like a 25 PSI shot, with a plastic BB, it hit em, and it just pissed em off even more, it was either I shoot him, or he bites me, and i have to go to the doctor, pay a bill to make sure i don't have rabies or some other "mad bird Disease" lol. I actually did feel bad after i shot him, but i think he wanted me out of his "nesting site" But than i thought about it, and made up my mind i was just defending myself.
NewEnglandGuy333 - 14 years ago
@s4il thats mean animal cruelty much? its just a damn goose not gunnu kill you lmao dude
NewEnglandGuy333 - 14 years ago
@NowLifeStarts lollllll
psychee1 - 14 years ago
Geese are fucking mental man :)
roguegirl29 - 14 years ago
@ZedBazinga I think that's the sound of the line being reeled in. But I can't be too sure.
Stephen Winter
Stephen Winter - 14 years ago
man I would of put that paddle to good use!
Ken R
Ken R - 14 years ago
Kudos to you for posting it!
Ken R
Ken R - 14 years ago
It's funny how he circled you on one side then on the other (smiling all the while) before he turned into Chucky!
mojomarshman77 - 14 years ago
Brian - 14 years ago
I had that happen to me in Illinois, fishing the fox river, lucky i had my Airsoft-gun with me, and i shot it in it's chest, it came out of the bushes on me, walking by on the rivers edge, it sent it flying back to the tall grass, all while doing these crazy head shakes, and quacking, it came at me AGAIN, this time in flight form, lol, i just go so far away that it stopped following me, after that i started keeping my kel-tech p11 on me.
TROPHY BASS HUNT With Brett Richardson
TROPHY BASS HUNT With Brett Richardson - 14 years ago
Time to go bass fishing for geese....LOL!
shlockg13 - 14 years ago
Damn im still laughing, just great. Keep on Rip-N-Lips and Fightin Geese:)
Falcony100 - 14 years ago
Well i think the goose was looking for a higher point of view without shaking the wings LOL...or maybe he found you very atractive.
hm008vaj - 14 years ago
ROFL! it was a Pok-e-man geese! should have gone hunting too while fishing. gotta catch em all!
Scoobieslacker - 14 years ago
It was just trying to Mate with you least you had your PFD on.
Jessica Kaufman
Jessica Kaufman - 14 years ago
butt head
butt head - 14 years ago
''i was attacked by a dang geese!'' LMFAO!!!!
Drbolla345 - 14 years ago
What a smart goose, if you want to attack something bigger than you that is invading your territory, you befriend it first so they will let you in close and then you strike them from behind.
MachoCheeze - 14 years ago
Looks like the goose is trying to mount him haha, thats one of the funniest kayak videos i've ever seen!
JPLOWMAN2 - 14 years ago
My sister got her finger bit by a goose at the zoo once, but this is way funnier. You should start a TV series - 'When Geese Attack!'
Mister Sarajevo
Mister Sarajevo - 14 years ago
I would have died laughing if I saw this happen to somebody I know.. hahahaha
elfishimp - 14 years ago
23 people are relatives of the goose.
elocrimonium - 14 years ago
Caron KayakFishing
Caron KayakFishing - 14 years ago
Absoloutly priceless. I Fish from my Ocean Kayak Big Game Prowler. I wonder if I would fall in with such a wide yak. I hope I never have to find out! check out my vids if you get a chance. TIGHT LINES!
picturefish40 - 14 years ago
fuking laughing, and laughing, and woke up my wife so she could watch, we laughed so hard we could not sleep so we went out to eat at dennys.
Jason Winn
Jason Winn - 14 years ago
"I had no idea that they (geese) could be so aggressive. I would've shot it."
bobareebop - 14 years ago
I love how the goose hisses at him after he's already in the water. That's one evil goose!
bobareebop - 14 years ago
There are trained killer attack geese in Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Dylan Price
Dylan Price - 14 years ago
dont call him dumb
sonigoku - 14 years ago
use it at america fun vid
Marty Boone
Marty Boone - 14 years ago
Goose wants smush smush.
Breizhfishing lures
Breizhfishing lures - 14 years ago
too funny, great video !!!
TheBassfanatics - 14 years ago
thats funny
rytmen - 14 years ago
Jason Tolmie
Jason Tolmie - 14 years ago
Fascinating video! A friend almost capsized in his kayak earlier this year when a Swan decided to mount him! There's never a dull day on the water, eh;)
Trevor - 14 years ago
He went through you like shit through a goose!
James Neil
James Neil - 14 years ago
Yep, I have chickens they do the same thing. He was totally trying to mount that guy. AWESOME FUNNY!!!
allan8233 - 14 years ago
can't stop laughing man,best kayaking video on youtube,how did your mate control his laughter
Robert Howells
Robert Howells - 14 years ago
I hate those things
Virgil077 - 14 years ago
I lold, but if that happened to me i woulda been pissed and hit that thing with the paddle.
gooselady - 14 years ago
He seriously wanted you. They take their mates by the neck biting them to hang on.....heehee.
JDragonStudios - 14 years ago
I saw that on Most Daring: Loonies in the Boonies (1 or 2 I think) on TruTV.
FoodOnCrack - 14 years ago
i would have SERIOUSLY killed that goose
Delaney Brooks
Delaney Brooks - 14 years ago
TenshiB - 14 years ago
LOL!! That was hilarious, man!
GooseGoddessS - 14 years ago
That goos liked him so much, he wanted to have a little nookie with him...LOL That's a goose mating gesture..LOL
Adam Harrigan
Adam Harrigan - 14 years ago
and goose goes for the takedown........AND HE GETS HIS BACK!....T.K.O BY GOOSE!!!!!!
gibmiser - 14 years ago
Well that will teach you to call a goose dumb. Seriously though, its crazy how as soon as you called it dumb it attacked. They Know.
Patrick Harris
Patrick Harris - 14 years ago
Brian Lovelace
Brian Lovelace - 14 years ago
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! IT DID HAPPEN.
jitskid831 - 14 years ago
Dam that's a cool story have..
spoochlove1 - 14 years ago
this guy is so cool. he really is. i bet some other douche would have pulled out a .45 and gone duck hunting
LifeTrekker - 14 years ago
Hey what kind of rod is that?
old16tattoo - 14 years ago
That goose must have a golden egg somewhere real close
Joshua R. M
Joshua R. M - 14 years ago
Why the heck did the goose attack him? Haha XD
Ashley Thompson
Ashley Thompson - 14 years ago
Just when you thought it was safe to fish, instead of Jaws you have BEAKS!!!!!!! 0_o LOL!
EmpressSilverSky - 14 years ago
I love the hissing! ^_^
TheMeetyMeet - 14 years ago
lol ill remember dis 4evr oh i cant hold my breathe from dat
funintegras - 14 years ago
He heard u call him dumb.
Brandon Robinson
Brandon Robinson - 14 years ago
give it a good smack with the paddle xD
Jacko-in-a-box - 14 years ago
hey drew how many did you catch
Marcus Cooper
Marcus Cooper - 14 years ago
That was hilarious:) Lovely to see you at one with nature. I think the goose was just trying to be friendly. Thanks for sharing.
sithproductions - 14 years ago
that was hilarious!
Hunter Ziegelmann
Hunter Ziegelmann - 14 years ago
I would have said screw the fish goose is my dinner now! jumps off for geese RAWRRR!
SuperCrazyboy123 - 14 years ago
At the begining, you should of but your fishing shadow. You should of put that goose attacking you from behind.
SuperCrazyboy123 - 14 years ago
lol now I'm seeing fishing ads on the vid.
SuperCrazyboy123 - 14 years ago
That goose would be good for a guard goose. I need to buy him! How much?
SuperCrazyboy123 - 14 years ago
Hey attacked him becuase he couldn't find that fish! LOL
Audiolaboratory - 14 years ago
Maybe I'm wrong, but honestly, it doesent look like it was attacking you. It looks like its actually just trying to hop up on your shoulders like a cat would, but just couldnt seem to get there.
travelsonic - 14 years ago
Talk about a context-less and overall poor analogy, IMO.
thasheik - 14 years ago
You gave him fish. He wasn't pecking at you. Looks like he wanted to make love to you.
banjobubby - 14 years ago
i know that goose was white.....but shit his soul is blacker than night XD haha hes standing up for his hood!1 rofl haha
assdoooouuutttt - 14 years ago
@shairaptor no, you!
Lewis Martyn
Lewis Martyn - 14 years ago
owned by a goose
assdoooouuutttt - 14 years ago
geese are assholes, but most people don't know that.
LegendaryFrost - 14 years ago
We have Geese at my park in town and I have seem them several times attack small children trying to feed them bread. 4-5 of them will hiss and jump on the smaller ones scaring the crap out of them. It is the most hilarious fucking thing I have ever seen.
staredownaloadedgun - 14 years ago
next time don't tell them they are acting dumb.
Sean Ryan
Sean Ryan - 14 years ago
That goose is crazy
lucferguson - 14 years ago
pro kayak angler hahahahahahaha!!!! Partner, you can't get back in your boat on flat stillwater, your scared of a hissing goose, maybe you can fish, but DON'T call yourself a kayaker or pro kayak angler ect... PLEASE your not fooling anybody.
darkwarvyen - 14 years ago
omg beat that goose down
anayad13 - 14 years ago
woww I think something was in that fish u put back.... LOL this is some hilarious shit man
Dave Bolt
Dave Bolt - 14 years ago
Awesomely funny - dude ! me and James my six year old laughed and laughed!
setoravenclaw - 14 years ago
Geese are douchebags, you're not supposed to be friendly with them, you're supposed to create a distance between you and them.
paperboy438 - 14 years ago
lmao i love the hissing 2:15 :DDDD
Jose Narvaez
Jose Narvaez - 14 years ago
Dolan Kang
Dolan Kang - 14 years ago
You told him "they keep acting dumb like this" it pissed him off and he attacked you. Next time don't bad mouth them, they understand English.
aznboy0789 - 14 years ago
roflmao let go of his meal =]...such a bipolar goose/geese..

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