HUGE Whale Surprises Guy on Kayak | The Dodo

Whales Surprise Guy on Kayak | This guy had the cutest reaction when whales surprised him up close. Love Animals? Subscribe: Credit: Eddy Willis via JukinVideo ( Love animals? Watch more videos from The Dodo: Follow The Dodo! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Watch us on Snapchat Discover: Love our Instagram: For the love of animals. Pass it on.

HUGE Whale Surprises Guy on Kayak | The Dodo sentiment_very_dissatisfied 208

Kayak 7 years ago 1,033,227 views

Whales Surprise Guy on Kayak | This guy had the cutest reaction when whales surprised him up close. Love Animals? Subscribe: Credit: Eddy Willis via JukinVideo ( Love animals? Watch more videos from The Dodo: Follow The Dodo! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Watch us on Snapchat Discover: Love our Instagram: For the love of animals. Pass it on.

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Most popular comments
for HUGE Whale Surprises Guy on Kayak | The Dodo

Nicholas Sway
Nicholas Sway - 6 years ago
White people...
miller time420
miller time420 - 6 years ago
Pretty cool.
Chris Coleman
Chris Coleman - 6 years ago
What bait was he using ffs
Ras Putin
Ras Putin - 6 years ago
Whale was eating, clearly you went there to disturb the whale and for what? Attention? Fucking prick
Diego Mine
Diego Mine - 6 years ago
Eso es estar cerca de dios
Wilt C.
Wilt C. - 6 years ago
How he get them big balls in that little boat?
iBFP - 6 years ago
Man you almost got killed and your happy?
Bunty Sonawane
Bunty Sonawane - 6 years ago
OMG that was scary as hell! That was enough for me to have a panic attack.
Osama Majed
Osama Majed - 6 years ago
This beautiful I wish you the next time white shark

10. comment for HUGE Whale Surprises Guy on Kayak | The Dodo

Kayla Williams
Kayla Williams - 6 years ago
I love whales but that would've been freakin terrifying lol. I'm just imagining being accidentally swallowed by it or being stuck in its mouth and drowning shudder
John Dean
John Dean - 6 years ago
They're eating food. When you see groups of birds like that plus the whales start at the bottom and zip up to the top, open their mouths and take it a ton of tiny fish to eat. Many videos on net....
aaroh dhotre
aaroh dhotre - 6 years ago
they was hum back whale?
Vin Jacob
Vin Jacob - 6 years ago
Legend has it his wife still doesn't believe him
Luvdrug - 6 years ago
This guy got swallowed whole after this but they cannot release that video
Rob Diane'
Rob Diane' - 6 years ago
Luvdrug lmao
Stuart smith
Stuart smith - 6 years ago
You mad bastard
read more
read more - 6 years ago
Those whales were fucking. Lol
Barb Menear
Barb Menear - 6 years ago
It's two whales.
Heraldo Medrano
Heraldo Medrano - 6 years ago
Free Willy
#FRA27F# - 6 years ago

20. comment for HUGE Whale Surprises Guy on Kayak | The Dodo

JESUS IS THE SAVIOR يسوع هو المنقذ
JESUS IS THE SAVIOR يسوع هو المنقذ - 6 years ago
very cool
xoxo person
xoxo person - 6 years ago
nice to meet you whales...
amanda lisa
amanda lisa - 6 years ago
I would have died
Just Curious
Just Curious - 6 years ago
Wow. How many whales was that. I thought I was seeing three
Nightbird - 6 years ago
You won't be so happy when your ass ends up in a whale's mouth! #DumbShitWhitePeopleDo
Orca Guy
Orca Guy - 7 years ago
W O W !
misanthrop1958 - 7 years ago
That suicidal old man makes me sick.
He is even bragging with his idiocy, screaming and gesturing.
How can we expect the youth to be normal, with "role models" like that?!
b1njjj95 - 7 years ago
DeuteriumLicious - 7 years ago
haha i love this guy
twes619 - 7 years ago
I love his excitement. haha nice.

30. comment for HUGE Whale Surprises Guy on Kayak | The Dodo

Christina Lomeli
Christina Lomeli - 7 years ago
Amazing :D
Following Excitement
Following Excitement - 7 years ago
Hmm, not quite the reaction I would have...
Renee Hope
Renee Hope - 7 years ago
The bible says to keep the 7th day sabbath (Saturday), and if you are worshipping on Sunday you are breaking the 4th commandment. Sunday laws are being lobbied and when they are ENFORCED (fines, jail, buy/sell revocation, death) many will choose man's law over God's law, thus taking the Mark of the Beast. Don't remain ignorant. Prophecyagain.
Johan van Heerden
Johan van Heerden - 7 years ago
What a moment it must have been!!
Becky Smeilus
Becky Smeilus - 7 years ago
Leonard Perkins
Leonard Perkins - 7 years ago
He was high!!!
Buzzdacoinzguy - 7 years ago
Close Call OMG!
I Burn For money
I Burn For money - 7 years ago
His reaction put the biggest smile on my face. Gods creation is a sensation!!
element74 - 7 years ago
what kind of whale?
Al Gee
Al Gee - 7 years ago
I didn't know Hulk Hogan owned a kayak!
Maco Breed
Maco Breed - 7 years ago
That man has a wheel Barrel to Carry his giant balls around.
thor ham
thor ham - 7 years ago
The guy had 20 orgasm all in 2 second when the whale made contact with his canoe
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon - 7 years ago
Nearly got eaten... Cheers
Mark Sapienza
Mark Sapienza - 7 years ago
Daniel Blackman
Daniel Blackman - 7 years ago
Cool reaction!
anurag verma
anurag verma - 7 years ago
Lucky guy
Cap One
Cap One - 7 years ago
That's a lot more scary than it is exciting.
Colemanbros Films
Colemanbros Films - 7 years ago
If anybody is Wondering What whales they are they are Humpbacks. I’m surprised they didn’t use their bubble net feeding way of catching fish. If they did that he probably would have rowed away cause he thought it was a volcano.
joaqo fort
joaqo fort - 7 years ago
Scratch that from the bucket list.
f. ahmed sunu
f. ahmed sunu - 7 years ago

50. comment for HUGE Whale Surprises Guy on Kayak | The Dodo

D Brown
D Brown - 7 years ago
amazing!!! I would've passed out fa sho tho.......
Adam Bro
Adam Bro - 7 years ago
Need to exterminate these beasts. Coming too close to human contact. Save our species!!!
Fabo Andolini
Fabo Andolini - 7 years ago
I would have had a heart attack
danceballetacro - 7 years ago
loooool that guy was happy??!
Mr. Doiya
Mr. Doiya - 7 years ago
DFS54 - 7 years ago
Jimmy Catalina
Jimmy Catalina - 7 years ago
Almost eaten
Tacoma M.
Tacoma M. - 7 years ago
Is that a standard kayak? Looks really fun and i need a new hobby.
LTD Davis
LTD Davis - 7 years ago
I bet he pissed in his pants. I know I would've
m. rude
m. rude - 7 years ago
Is it? Is that what you're "talkin' about"?
Yo Mayn
Yo Mayn - 7 years ago
Those are 2 whales not one
Ian Excalibur
Ian Excalibur - 7 years ago
Lucky bastard
Kaung Khant Hein
Kaung Khant Hein - 7 years ago
I love them. Very beautiful guys
CJ M - 7 years ago
Oh man... I would be so amazed but freaked out.
Rocco HH
Rocco HH - 7 years ago
I would have died by a heartattack...
Md Mudassir
Md Mudassir - 7 years ago
Konundrum - 7 years ago
For a second, I thought I was watching Final Destination 20 or whatever.
john duran
john duran - 7 years ago
I would have passed out!
Rebecca Vocal Athlete
Rebecca Vocal Athlete - 7 years ago
#1fan - 7 years ago
his face at the beginning of video
sasha wood
sasha wood - 7 years ago
MemezO - 7 years ago
NEARLY KILLED BY WHALES Continues to cheer
MrFriskyWhiskey - 7 years ago
And the whales be like; "Boo!" ROSFL - Rolls On Sea Floor Laughing!
Rocklessness - 7 years ago
whale my ass, thats a kraken !!
Rajan Singh
Rajan Singh - 7 years ago
Do watch nd share
Christopher Pool
Christopher Pool - 7 years ago
王瑞涵 - 7 years ago
Eat you !
Gabriel Orozco
Gabriel Orozco - 7 years ago
Why would people dislike this?
Madi Ami
Madi Ami - 7 years ago
Feed me seamor
rgerber - 7 years ago
for a moment it was Cthulhu spawning from the seas. As majestic whales are i would have nightmares for life...
squires lady refit
squires lady refit - 7 years ago
なさ - 7 years ago
datruth21 pena
datruth21 pena - 7 years ago
Damn i dont think i would be calm or happy at all in a small kayak near a beast
Luke Hammond
Luke Hammond - 7 years ago
God loves you all and sent his son to die for all of our sins!!!!! Have an amazing week y'all!!!!
JESUS IS THE SAVIOR يسوع هو المنقذ
JESUS IS THE SAVIOR يسوع هو المنقذ - 6 years ago
True dat
☊ M♡xx♪e ☊
☊ M♡xx♪e ☊ - 7 years ago
are those whales's kissing?
kUBi NanaNa
kUBi NanaNa - 7 years ago
Reynaldo Santero
Reynaldo Santero - 7 years ago
he said WOW! id say is it my ending?
Tardisius - 7 years ago
R U sure that was a HUGE whale?? It looked medium size 2 me =))
Che Daludado
Che Daludado - 7 years ago
Wow! That was sooo close!!!
CK_32 - 7 years ago
What a fucking idiot. That's like the dumb ass on the jet ski who went up to the container ship for a thrill and almost died. This guy could have been killed easily by that.
Beast _ Gago
Beast _ Gago - 7 years ago
Hump back whales are the best I saw one jump out of the water then make a huge splash when it went back in the water also when you are in a boat and see a pods of dolphins go as fast as possible they will start using the current you make
snaggletooth 70
snaggletooth 70 - 7 years ago
People get to close to the whales.NOT KOOL.check out ur local by laws are purposely invading there space.the people get hurt .the rescue crues have to come .n so on.
Van Ra
Van Ra - 7 years ago
kraven Liongod
kraven Liongod - 7 years ago
Wow thats gotta be the most awesome experience ever
LeftHand - 7 years ago
That's a beautiful sight
Furythegolddragon - 7 years ago
Whale#1: hey dude check it out see that human up there.

Whale#2: yeah why?

Whale#1: pops out the water Surprise motha fuka!
집사_ - 7 years ago
어휴 보는 제가 심장떨리네요. 자칫하다가 큰일날수도 있었네요
AGUS FITRIANTO - 7 years ago

100. comment for HUGE Whale Surprises Guy on Kayak | The Dodo

alonso96ification - 7 years ago
He was so happy at the end
Happybidr - 7 years ago
Sarah Brooks
Sarah Brooks - 7 years ago
He almost became Pinocchio lmao
Johnson Robins
Johnson Robins - 7 years ago
funny video man
Lone Angler
Lone Angler - 7 years ago
nearly found Pinocchio
Glaciar Soylent
Glaciar Soylent - 7 years ago
He was in serious danger there..
norby rivero
norby rivero - 7 years ago
wow!! i almost got chewed!!
Chris Lang
Chris Lang - 7 years ago
If that whale would’ve swallowed his ass tho...
Cademan Caden
Cademan Caden - 7 years ago
Nope... I'd wet myself
Mini Mechanic
Mini Mechanic - 7 years ago
he had a whale of a time
PAYTON HUNT - 7 years ago
you are brave
jehkjshrfk - 7 years ago
mark . m
mark . m - 7 years ago
I would have a totally opposite reaction if I was on that kayak.
God!!!! Help!!!!
not Woah :P
carshina clavier
carshina clavier - 7 years ago
Thanks to god you ok
CARP 1901
CARP 1901 - 7 years ago
soon we are gonna only see them in videos
we fucking up the world
Hylene Nieva
Hylene Nieva - 7 years ago
Chad Campbell
Chad Campbell - 7 years ago
Such an awesome experience thanks for letting me enjoy it as well
kudos m
kudos m - 7 years ago
this wasn't a surprise the guy clearly saw them beaching and he went up to where they were at. He may not of known exactly where they were but you're not supposed to be harassing the whales right on top of the area.
Raghavendra Prasanna
Raghavendra Prasanna - 7 years ago
This what called as the Blue whale challenge!!
retsel dezmu
retsel dezmu - 7 years ago
i want it too
AGC - 7 years ago
Guy on kayak surprises huge whale!
Bint el habib
Bint el habib - 7 years ago
OmG why he isn't affraid brave man
Jake the dog
Jake the dog - 7 years ago
I'm going to charge my phone while swimming in the ocean is it safe?
Vitalstatistix Stats
Vitalstatistix Stats - 7 years ago
Whale just greeted him casually.. "Sup bro how's your morning"
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
I would have jizzed
Rhys Peregrine
Rhys Peregrine - 7 years ago
Such a coincidence that that was what he had been talking about.
Lonnie and Becka Jones
Lonnie and Becka Jones - 7 years ago
Love... Wish this was meeee
Tiago Barbosa
Tiago Barbosa - 7 years ago
Whoa i almost got swallowed
Heikki Finland
Heikki Finland - 7 years ago
I love how his biggest concern at the moment was, is the camera aiming right?
Kiki The hamster
Kiki The hamster - 7 years ago
I would freak out and start crying if that happened to me ...
Jackfruit Ink
Jackfruit Ink - 7 years ago
Good to see someone with real balls.
Dark Kill
Dark Kill - 7 years ago
Its verry danger not good dont go many birds around possible theres a big whale u maybe swallo..
chad bruesehoff
chad bruesehoff - 7 years ago
Hey look a bath toy...
Tom Jones
Tom Jones - 7 years ago
where was this? near southeast Alaska?
José Javier Gramage Zapata
José Javier Gramage Zapata - 7 years ago
No se deberia molestar a las ballenas, solo por colgar un video.
sophie J
sophie J - 7 years ago
awesome~~^^ What a lovely Whale ~~~^ε^
sophie J
sophie J - 7 years ago
아... 이 아저씨 얼마나 심장이 쫄깃했을까 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 바로 뒤에 오는 벅찬 희열이라니. 정말 어마어마한 확률일텐데, 부럽부럽 ^^
scott FREE
scott FREE - 7 years ago
so, to really enjoy a skinny paddle boat, you need to almost become crushed by a large water creature? I don't get it.
Classic The Chihuahua
Classic The Chihuahua - 7 years ago
Wait The Dodo how did you record what happened to that dude?
Banzay27 - 7 years ago
Haha, that cartooney "wahoo", what a flesh and bone Sim. Bless the silly old man's heart, he's got an anchor for balls.
Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 7 years ago
That was 2 whales not one
Fart Smucker
Fart Smucker - 7 years ago
His pants are a healthy shade of brown now.
The Red Emerald
The Red Emerald - 7 years ago
I love his reaction
Sailing Harley Quinn
Sailing Harley Quinn - 7 years ago
I've got the same kayak, don't encounter much of the east uk coast though.
Chris Mason
Chris Mason - 7 years ago
Angela P.
Angela P. - 7 years ago
He's lucky he didn't tip over
ManicMan 2298
ManicMan 2298 - 7 years ago
Someone would have had to bring me out clean underwear immediately LOL! ( I hate it when I've written something someone else said already and don't notice it until after I posted my comment hahaha)
Auto herself (Arose927)
Auto herself (Arose927) - 7 years ago
I think I would have a similar reaction to him...

After about 5 mins of screaming loudly. Probably saying something along the lines of "Lord, I know I said I wanted to see whales up close, but it didn't have to be THAT close!"
Atlantis Portal2
Atlantis Portal2 - 7 years ago
O_O Wooah that was close! But awesooome! ^w^
Jim Burns, Jr.
Jim Burns, Jr. - 7 years ago
wow... nice xp...nice video.. thanks for posting
daltonrearick - 7 years ago
stony tina
stony tina - 7 years ago
That idiot could've done serious harm if he'd ended up in a whale's mouth.
Uchiha Hikaku
Uchiha Hikaku - 7 years ago
"Heya Bob!"
chris trotta
chris trotta - 7 years ago
popped a boner
Zeek Word
Zeek Word - 7 years ago
Melissa Ivy
Melissa Ivy - 7 years ago
Now that's cool!!!!
HairyBottom - 7 years ago
Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy - 7 years ago
At 0:04 its a whalearth
Eli Rafferty
Eli Rafferty - 7 years ago
marisol garcia
marisol garcia - 7 years ago
i would've frozen on the spot...this guy is not a whale expert. He does not know what this whale is going to do...I would of move as quick as possible...
silverhairdemon - 7 years ago
Until you get the tail on the head, then its not wow, but then its game over instead.
nukeren - 7 years ago
Jolly Peanut
Jolly Peanut - 7 years ago
elisabeth nerolk
elisabeth nerolk - 7 years ago
i would have coloured my pants with 28 shades of brown!!
caron - 7 years ago
Littleroot Games
Littleroot Games - 7 years ago
Imagine if he tipped over
3rd degree meme magician
3rd degree meme magician - 7 years ago
Kratos vs the world serpent
miniZergling - 7 years ago
He's awfully happy for almost being killed.
Doran Martell
Doran Martell - 7 years ago
The first thing he worries about is the camera recording. Not about watching it live.
Philip Quaglino
Philip Quaglino - 7 years ago
I would have shat...
ross - 7 years ago
that was two whales right?
Banana -
Banana - - 7 years ago
Seeing him so excited and cheerful makes me smile. I guess it really hit the right guy there :)
e greenie
e greenie - 7 years ago
What was that "WOW" at 11 seconds for??.... Whale Outta Water?? Now he can paddle back to shore and clean his pants out!
White Blue Man
White Blue Man - 7 years ago
Whale whale whale, what do we have here?
asshat - 7 years ago
thats a sweet setup on the kayak
Sapphirewingthefurrycritic - 7 years ago
I would have pissed my pants at that.
Jade McL
Jade McL - 7 years ago
I would absolutely SHIT MYSELF
Science Face
Science Face - 7 years ago
Jessica Eaves
Jessica Eaves - 7 years ago
I'd rather see the original, but I see you haven't credited that.
Ankit Talukdar
Ankit Talukdar - 7 years ago
This is what my nightmares are made of.
victoriafirefly - 7 years ago
Huge Whale?...more like WHALES..PLURAL..!!!
Tony Skywalker
Tony Skywalker - 7 years ago
ah i didn't thought about that.
Emily and coco
Emily and coco - 7 years ago
there were whales behing him too
Tony Skywalker
Tony Skywalker - 7 years ago
One whale. Thing closer to the guy is a pectoral fin, other two thing is whales opened mouth.
Emily and coco
Emily and coco - 7 years ago
Stacie Ball
Stacie Ball - 7 years ago
victoriafirefly That’s what I was thinking!
GodDamnitDavid - 7 years ago
his reaction is so pure
Outdated Meme
Outdated Meme - 7 years ago
Get the harpoon
Liam Sweeney
Liam Sweeney - 7 years ago
I don't see how this could be frightening just awesome
FullChicken44 - 7 years ago
Would be pretty silly if he had caught one with his fishing rod, or would the whale catch the human in that case? :o
Jean Bon
Jean Bon - 7 years ago
Any whale expert around : what if the whale accidently swallow a human? does it spit it ? does it choke on it?
lukasgaming82 - 7 years ago
Holy crap, if it was me that kayak would have been full of ... :)
The Archive
The Archive - 7 years ago
Is everyone blind? There are TWO whales there!
Spectrum - 7 years ago
I just shat a brick and I'm sitting watching this on a screen lol
QueenM - 7 years ago
can that man adopt me and take me to adventures with him!
ilove beaches
ilove beaches - 7 years ago
I would have shat a hole into the boat.
Johan Sjöö Ferm
Johan Sjöö Ferm - 7 years ago
I would've shouted "Don't eat me Charybdis!"
Jay Lae
Jay Lae - 7 years ago
Surprised the boat didn't sink from the weight of his balls.
Maxx Madd
Maxx Madd - 7 years ago
Teen Fan Club
Teen Fan Club - 7 years ago
Shinora - 7 years ago
Tom Sapp
Tom Sapp - 7 years ago
this is why i dont like open water...
Papa Riku
Papa Riku - 7 years ago
I would have had a mini heart attack.
Logan Mcmahon
Logan Mcmahon - 7 years ago
Who's here from Philly D?
Synystr7 - 7 years ago
Dude, I get scared when I'm boating around and Skellige and see a whale...
True Love
True Love - 7 years ago
this would make a good gif or jif
Zander - 7 years ago
15 second ad for a 38 second video. That's why I don't normally use the YouTube app :/
Jonathan Peel
Jonathan Peel - 7 years ago
How is that boat still floating with his huge balls of steel?
nerdnow - 7 years ago
Think that was a pair of Sei Whales
Kevin Eric Snell
Kevin Eric Snell - 7 years ago
Wish I could see the vid without all the distracting music and graphics
HunterFTP - 7 years ago
at first i didnt realize it was two whales and i was tlike. "THATS A FUCKING WATER GRABOID WTF?"
Rishab - 7 years ago
Philly D sent me here
Cammy Morris
Cammy Morris - 7 years ago
I can imagine it I would have had the same reaction they were beautiful
Breezie Newcomb
Breezie Newcomb - 7 years ago
I've seen whales before, but that thing is GIANT!
losconflictos HH
losconflictos HH - 7 years ago
It´s two whales comming up directly side by side. And there most likely have been at least two or three more a little deeper. They are hunting fish by diving under the swarm, then slowly spiraling up while releasing air. The air creates a "cage" of bubbles, which traps the swarm inside and two or three whales swim straight up in the center with their mouths wide open and have a big nom nom (which is what we see in the video).
Natteboss - 7 years ago
Philly D
Victor Coleiro
Victor Coleiro - 7 years ago
He's going to need a bigger boat
Michael Farník
Michael Farník - 7 years ago
Where my beautiful bastards at?
BrainsickBlaze - 7 years ago
Watch out Gepetto, Monstro swallows ships whole!
Sedated3 - 7 years ago
This seems like a job for Captain Disillusion.
Chicken Sandwich
Chicken Sandwich - 7 years ago
I would be so conflicted, but truthfully would most likely shit bricks.
Kenny Wu
Kenny Wu - 7 years ago
That guy is so fucking cool.
KleverKat - 7 years ago
I would've shat myself then and there.
wishnu j nayar
wishnu j nayar - 7 years ago
KleverKat .Mee too
Gage The Navigator
Gage The Navigator - 7 years ago
even though that was beautiful, it was probs super smelly
MORE MMA - 7 years ago
Phill D Franco brought me here.
Danne Smith
Danne Smith - 7 years ago
If it wasn't for the camera everyone would have just been like "Yeah, right. I'm sure that happened."
Eunice - 7 years ago
wow! Beautiful sight, but I would've been terrified. I wonder if the whales knew that he was there and thats why he didn't get tipped over. They were so close! Whales are supposed to be highly intelligent so I wouldn't put it past them :)
Hollis Deschner
Hollis Deschner - 7 years ago
If that was what I would scream holy shit what the fuck is that
The Abyss
The Abyss - 7 years ago
Whale that was amazing, beyond jealous he got to sea one that close up!
jeff dimirra
jeff dimirra - 6 years ago
why don't you clam up with the stupid ocean references
Private Information
Private Information - 6 years ago
I’ve been trying to come up with aweigh to respond to your comment!
Dillon Bult
Dillon Bult - 7 years ago
I sea what you did there
Anshuman Singh
Anshuman Singh - 7 years ago
The Abyss to
Holy Trash
Holy Trash - 7 years ago
so clever with your words
Charlie Grey
Charlie Grey - 7 years ago
I see what you did there...
Danni Caboodle
Danni Caboodle - 7 years ago
This made me tear up. Such a pure moment!
Abby One
Abby One - 7 years ago
I would have messed my pants.
Thomas Waghorne
Thomas Waghorne - 7 years ago
were there two whales there? or do i know nothing about whale anatomy lol
The Kleb
The Kleb - 7 years ago
Abigail Sesame Lead sent me!
Zotar - 7 years ago
During the time this guy spent cheering like a boss I would have been halfway back to the shore already xD
Χ Ξ Σ - 7 years ago
Impressive, very nice.
WayfarersEast - 7 years ago
pretty sure i soiled myself just watching. man has balls of steel.
Brad Powell
Brad Powell - 7 years ago
It is my dream to have this happen to me.
Denis Ramadanov
Denis Ramadanov - 7 years ago
who was brought here by phil?
Fre Di
Fre Di - 7 years ago
Who the foook is Phil?
JMan9191991 - 7 years ago
yo, right here. Awesome video though man.
Anvil Bound
Anvil Bound - 7 years ago
YouTubers Doing Stuff
YouTubers Doing Stuff - 7 years ago
Christopher Park
Christopher Park - 7 years ago
Probably far too many of us ;D
TemeryN - 7 years ago
nation  =)
garret barber
garret barber - 7 years ago
never disappoints
54frostwolf - 7 years ago
Brandon - 7 years ago
That Whale said "What's up"
BurnTheCows - 7 years ago
i would have probably shit my pants
Cassius K Kent
Cassius K Kent - 7 years ago
Sir, you almost died.
Monasster - 7 years ago
such a beautiful moment <3 gotta protect our oceans
NordicRainy - 7 years ago
That reaction is priceless and precious!
Thats Not Gaming
Thats Not Gaming - 7 years ago
Background music is way too damn loud, can barely hear the guys reaction.
Dough Daddy
Dough Daddy - 7 years ago
Thats Not Gaming erection*
OMGEpyonistaken - 7 years ago
What a badass.
brian appshole
brian appshole - 7 years ago
every thing in life should make people this happy ty for shareing!
vanilla salt
vanilla salt - 7 years ago
whos here from phil :DD
SILVERBRO13 - 7 years ago
Imagine making love to your wife and some old bald racoon walks in and bumps into her, and starts screaming happily afterward.
SILVERBRO13 - 7 years ago
I'd have shat myself
watthe deuce
watthe deuce - 7 years ago
Ahh the after shitting yourself rush.... memorable
NeATaNDtURdy - 7 years ago
he almost turned into noah
Land1776 - 7 years ago
Jason Williams
Jason Williams - 7 years ago
what a fucking dumbass
The nerdygrl
The nerdygrl - 7 years ago
It's good to know this isn't clickbait! It's 100% real.
Wanda Lotus
Wanda Lotus - 7 years ago
Isn’t that incredibly dangerous?????
Ladybug201 - 7 years ago
I would have died of a heart attack. LOOK AT HOW CLOSE THAT MOUTH WAS! O_o
Maou Takumi
Maou Takumi - 7 years ago
I said so didn't I? :P
Ali X
Ali X - 7 years ago
Ladybug201 whales can't swallow a human. They barely swallow a fish
Maou Takumi
Maou Takumi - 7 years ago
Well, I didn't say anything against that... Or did I? :P
Younes Haffadi
Younes Haffadi - 7 years ago
Maou Takumi They do have baleen plates thatare covered with layers of hair like filters, so that wouldn't do any damage. Though it is worth to note that even if they can't swallow you, they're liable to keep you inside their mouth by mistake.
ammsamdoij - 7 years ago
Maou Takumi, but it's mouth is still large enough too. It sure as hell could've tipped the boat at least!
Maou Takumi
Maou Takumi - 7 years ago
No, they couldn't. They can't swallow anything bigger than small fish... Only the sperm whale would be able to do this, and that has never happened as far as I know (hasn't been recorded atleast) :)
ammsamdoij - 7 years ago
I know... looking through the comments I was surprised I was the only one horrified by this. There is now hope!
Younes Haffadi
Younes Haffadi - 7 years ago
I'M IN CHARGE NOW They sure as hell could swallow him by mistake though
I have Special Needs
I have Special Needs - 7 years ago
Ladybug201 whales dont eat humans
mickey cos
mickey cos - 7 years ago
That whale would never hurt him ,.. enjoy that water on The FLAT Earth
Wendy Woodruff-Wezensky
Wendy Woodruff-Wezensky - 7 years ago
that was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
Max R
Max R - 7 years ago
" hey, im kayaking here. this isn't a playground. damn humpbacks. "
anindita chatterjee
anindita chatterjee - 7 years ago
O M G.....whst a luck..
LPS.Ophelia - 7 years ago
Aw he was so happy
lonemale mcphee
lonemale mcphee - 7 years ago
30 second ad, I cannot skip to see a 38 second clip
donnie darko
donnie darko - 7 years ago
what is he talking about? He said only woohoo.
Al B
Al B - 7 years ago
The man was almost eaten for lunch (by accident) and he smiles and cheers about it ?? I'd have to change my shorts after kidding ?What does a whale do anyway when he eats a man in a kayak ? Just spit it out ?
sile jbe
sile jbe - 7 years ago
Younes Haffadi ,you right
Younes Haffadi
Younes Haffadi - 7 years ago
Michael Coulter I'm pretty sure that they can still accidently kill you with their pectoral fins.
Michael Coulter
Michael Coulter - 7 years ago
Al B
Those whales don't eat large animals, they feed on krill and schools of small fish, that it eats by using its "whalebone" teeth called Baleen plates - the whale opens it's mouth, swims through a concentration of krill, or a school of small fish, closes it's mouth partway, and uses its tongue to force the water out through the Baleen plates, which filters the water, allowing it to escape, while the krill or fish are retained in the mouth, to be swallowed at leisure.

These whales are social animals, and were probably saying "hi" to the lucky kayaker - he was in no danger of being eaten, and only minimal danger of being capsized by accident.

I envy him this encounter!
DAN LAROCA - 7 years ago
I wonder if he's reaction would have been the same if it was a great white shark.
Sui Kiu Andy Wu
Sui Kiu Andy Wu - 7 years ago
Stupid......., it's very danger.
DesertWolf - 7 years ago
You could say they had a whale of a time.
Back Yard Files
Back Yard Files - 7 years ago
I could have never been that calm. Wow!
taylor padilla
taylor padilla - 7 years ago
Back Yard Files I know I love the ocean but I'm still terrified at the same time. That feeling of not knowing what's under me freaks me out
Vesper Martini
Vesper Martini - 7 years ago
I would have needed a change in underwear if it was me in that kayak.
Itor Lamop
Itor Lamop - 7 years ago
Not to ruin the mood,but why does people have to scream and get super excited insted of just calmely enjoying that beautifull moment?...Probably the fact that there is a camera and they want to look super cool i dont know
Mable Paige
Mable Paige - 7 years ago
Itor Lamop he was excited is that a crime
Dammit Boy
Dammit Boy - 7 years ago
Can you imagine the memory that dude will have the rest of his life. To be able to show his grandkids. Awesome just awesome.
lisa martin
lisa martin - 7 years ago
They look like pickles in the water to me. Wonderful experience to be a part of.
Roslyn Caruso
Roslyn Caruso - 7 years ago
That guy could've easily been a snack! just one gulp!
Jonah! didn't i tell you to stay out of the water!
toto toto
toto toto - 7 years ago
whales dont eat humanz, learn your planet, hun
Marlie - 7 years ago
oops I crapped my
Siphy - 7 years ago
"Wow...wooo..WOH! WAHOO!!!!"
So many ways of expressing excitement o:
Primal Rage
Primal Rage - 7 years ago
Especially when feeding on fish.
Primal Rage
Primal Rage - 7 years ago
The dodo Whales are surprising you never know if they might pop up.
Bill Bright
Bill Bright - 7 years ago
What a fish that got away story,,
sure you did rummy.
Sunny Dae
Sunny Dae - 7 years ago
Glowing Pterosauria
Glowing Pterosauria - 7 years ago
What was my friend's mom doing in the water?
goalie2998 - 7 years ago
the whales are like, why does ot always smell like shit when we visit the humans?
Scott Eb
Scott Eb - 7 years ago
I would have needed a new pair of shorts
Jamier King
Jamier King - 6 years ago
Scott Eb me TOO
Nothing Really Matters
Nothing Really Matters - 7 years ago
I would have needed new socks.
lisa martin
lisa martin - 7 years ago
Scott Eb , MUD CHECK.
1jazzyphae - 7 years ago
whales are so magnificent. it could have knocked him into the water easily
Jordan Bean
Jordan Bean - 7 years ago
Nidhi Sharma
Nidhi Sharma - 7 years ago
this man is saved by GOD, in this moment only GOD can help. I hope he is safe.
Nidhi Sharma
Nidhi Sharma - 7 years ago
Crash yes I do agree
Crash - 7 years ago
Whales aren't violent towards large animals. It likely viewed the boat as one large animal, and was probably just rising for air.
Nidhi Sharma
Nidhi Sharma - 7 years ago
Toni S I Do Agree with you
Toni S
Toni S - 7 years ago
Nidhi Sharma
We wouldn't have seen this video if anything happened to he was filming with a selfie stick.....
FrostyTanuki - 7 years ago
that was actually 2 whales
We should all be LIVING LIKE LARRY
We should all be LIVING LIKE LARRY - 7 years ago
That man is lucky to be alive.MY GOD. .
J A Jones-Ford
J A Jones-Ford - 7 years ago
Totally Awesome !
Maddy Corrasa
Maddy Corrasa - 7 years ago
Anne Blighton
Anne Blighton - 7 years ago
That is so amazing ! love the whales ! I use to watch them migrate up the west coast in april every year .
JESUS IS THE SAVIOR يسوع هو المنقذ
JESUS IS THE SAVIOR يسوع هو المنقذ - 6 years ago
I know
Wutangkilla1 - 7 years ago
Anne Blighton then what happened?
Butters The Bean
Butters The Bean - 7 years ago
So cool but freaky at the same time.
MIA purplefrog
MIA purplefrog - 7 years ago
Bloody hell!!!! best 39 seconds ever! WoW ;)
Alice Maple
Alice Maple - 7 years ago
Kasinda McDaniel
Kasinda McDaniel - 7 years ago
what a LIFESAVER GOD is going to BLESS THEM
EISENWALD Villanueva
EISENWALD Villanueva - 7 years ago
+shaylen sanders uh probably watching them from the heavens getting F
shaylen sanders
shaylen sanders - 7 years ago
Where is god while little girls are raped in the sex industry? Stfu.
EISENWALD Villanueva
EISENWALD Villanueva - 7 years ago
+Edmond Dantès lmfao
cool dood
cool dood - 7 years ago
Kasinda McDaniel god gives nice blow jobs
Alexia's Shado
Alexia's Shado - 7 years ago
Who saved who? Why is God going to bless the whales for breaching nearby a fisherman? This comment is so random and out of place, I think you saw a different video!
Edmond Dantès
Edmond Dantès - 7 years ago
God only blesses people who use proper punctuation.
VonHousin - 7 years ago
yea i dont get it either
Χ Ξ Σ - 7 years ago
Who is a lifesaver? God is going to bless whales? I don't get it.
VonHousin - 7 years ago
a period would have helped this comment out
Izzmonster - 7 years ago
Does he give out lifesavers?
Jacemachine Gaming
Jacemachine Gaming - 7 years ago
Anyone that sends a dollar bill to me is going to be blessed by LIFESAVER GOD x1000! Biblical TRUTH!
Raul Gutierrez
Raul Gutierrez - 7 years ago
San Diego is the best place to see whales
DeuPKay - 7 years ago
Only idiots pay to go on cruises...
Colleen White
Colleen White - 7 years ago
Konundrum whales are very intuitive & if they wanted to crush or knock that man out of his kayak they could have easy done it. They knew exactly where he was & were being careful not to cause injury to him. They are very curious creatures , just as we are of them, obviously much larger & yes able to injure & able to crush us in a single blow & smart enough to know it. These whales knew this man was no threat to them, they were in no danger & just came to see him up close to sneak a peek being very careful no to knock him over. I know it doesn't look like it from the video that Whales could be so accurate but the ocean is their home & believe me, they can see everything above & avoid it within inches if they want. This is an incredible experience & this man is obviously experienced with these type of interactions & knew not to panic & just enjoy the experience!
Alswearengen15 - 7 years ago
Where I live (Alaska) you can go out and see whales pretty much every day. Maybe you spend too much time in the drinking lounge nursing PBR
Colleen White
Colleen White - 7 years ago
D Heyes if you can get to Cape Cod Mass. You can go on Whale watching boat rides. We have been in many times & have seen some Awesome Whales up close with babies & sometimes they even come right up to the boat. Google " Whale watch trips out of Cape Cod Mass."
Konundrum - 7 years ago
Lucky he didn't get crushed!
Pimp Daddy
Pimp Daddy - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear that Heyes :)
RaizenLegendX RaizenLegendX
RaizenLegendX RaizenLegendX - 7 years ago
1jazzyphae I saw whale in Massachusetts while in a car going 65mph
1jazzyphae - 7 years ago
Jebidiah Springfield I bet that was such an amazing experience
Scott Henderson
Scott Henderson - 7 years ago
Was in Santa Barbara last week, took a whale watching boat about 5 miles out, Hundreds of dolphins, sea lions, a few blue and humpback whales, near the Channel Islands off the coast.
uriel005 - 7 years ago
take a small sailboat/rowboat. Go down to the gulf right by the outlet of the rio grande river and you'll get your dolphins. Don't take the cruises the big vessels spook them. Take a 14 footer out and they'll come right up along side the sailboat and go with it.
JustsBob - 7 years ago
Go to the Azores, I saw dozens there and they live there year round so garantied sightings with decent weather
MrBombastic799 - 7 years ago
Cruise liners are so ridiculously large/loud they've been known to scare dolphins, whales, etc. A yacht or sailboat would be much easier.
1jazzyphae - 7 years ago
D Heyes the sounds can sometimes scare them away. Alaska and Hawaii are the best places to see whales march is the perfect time to see humpbacks in hawaii
808steveA. - 7 years ago
Must be awesome to see a whale that close up. but also a bit frightening at the same time.
Jared bowman
Jared bowman - 7 years ago
Aloha 808steveA.
808steveA. - 7 years ago
J Co you and me both ,I would loved to have been there as well.
Media Stereotypes
Media Stereotypes - 7 years ago
I count 3 whales... that is a feeding behavior known as bubble net feeding. Baleen whales have no interest in harming people. I would be absolutely thrilled to have been there!
James Marshall
James Marshall - 7 years ago
that looks like two whales
L Arcturus
L Arcturus - 7 years ago
808steveA. - 7 years ago
crazy10bears you're probably right.
crazy10bears - 7 years ago
"a bit frightening"? More like pant shitting frightening.
The Abyss
The Abyss - 7 years ago
After the initial shock it would be amazing
ScreamingScallop - 7 years ago
"Hey Bob, watch this! I'm gonna give this human a poke!"
towerwarlock - 7 years ago
The whale did it to see what kind of funny noise the human would make.
Kim Wright
Kim Wright - 7 years ago
very cool

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